1st Semester Project P. Schedule 27.09.2022

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CHANAKYA NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, PATNA EXAMINATION NOTICE 1 SEMESTER (SESSION-2022-2027) PROJECT PRESENTATION SCHEDULE Letter No-CNLU/Univ.Exam.Notice/261/2022-_} 0 9-) Dated: 27.09.2022 DATE ROLL NOS. SUBIECT VENUE TIME 11.10.2022 | 2701-2712/2849-2858 | V#6*! Methods and Research | 1 cuuce HallNo.07 | 09:00 PM to 05:30 PM. Methodology Law of Torts, Consumer 11.10.2022 ) 2713-2724 2839-2818 | Protection Laws and Motor | Lecture HallNo.06 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM Vehicles Act si10202| 2795-0738 General Principles of Sociology | Lecture Hall No.08 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM aiso2072 | 2829-2838 Fundamentals of Management | Lecture Hall No. 09 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM satoa02 | —_ 2740-2754 Indian History Lecture Hall No. 05 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM 11.40.2022 2819-2828 Human Resource Management | tare Hall No.03 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM and Organisational Behaviour sito202| 2788-2767 Political Science-t Lecture HallNo.11 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM s1o202| 2810-2818 Principles of Accountingand | ccture Hall No.10 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM Tegal Language and : : 11.10.2022 | 2766-2760 2801-2809 Eater eet Lecture Hall No.04 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM DATE ROLLNOS. SUBECT VENUE TNE raao2022| 2713-2724 /2899-2818 | 1°88! Methods and Research | stare Halt No.07 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM Methodology Taw of Torts, Consumer 12.10.2022 | 2725-0736 2829-2838 | Protection Laws and Motor} Lecture Hall No.0 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM. Vehicles Act wa0202| 2740-2758 General Principles of Sociology | Lecture Hall No.08 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM. r2s0202| 2819-2828 Fundamentals of Management | Lecture Hall No.09 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM yasoama| 2755-2767 Indian History Lecture Hall No.05 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM 12.10.2022 2610-2818 Human Resource Management | j ctare Hall No.03 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM. and Organisational Behaviour x2102m2| 2768-2780 Political Science-1 Lecture Hall No.11 | 03:00 PM to 05:50 PM 12.10.2022 2801-2809 Principles of Accounting and | ecture Hall No.10 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM. 12.10.2022 | 2701-2712 /2849-2858 Legal Language and Lecture Hall No.0 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM Communication Skill DATE ROLLNOS. SURECT VENUE TIME 13.10.2022 | 2725-2738/2829.0898 | ‘*BtlMethods and Research | suse Hall No.07 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM. Methodology Taw of Torts, Consumer 13.10.2022 | 2740-2754/2819.2808 | Protection Laws and Motor | Lecture Hall No.06 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM Vehicles Act 13.10.2022 | 2785.2767 General Principles of Sociology | Lecture Hall No. 08 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM 130202 | 28102818, Fundamentals of Management | Lecture Hall No.09 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM. CHANAKYA NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, PATNA EXAMINATION NOTICE 1 SEMESTER (SESSION-2022-2027) PROJECT PRESENTATION SCHEDULE Letter No-CNLU/Univ.Exam Notice/261/2022- [0 2) Dated: 27.09.2022 13.10.2022 2766-2780 Indian History Lecture Hall No.05 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM Human Resource Management . 13.10.2022 2801-2809 vad Organisational Belewieos | Ute Hall No.03 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM 13.40.2022 2701-2712 Political Seience-I Lecture HallNo.i1 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM. 1940:2022 2849-2858, Principles of Acsountingand | ecture Hall No.10 | 03:00PM to 05:30 PM : Tegal Language and as ; 10.2022 | 2713-2724 /2839-2848 eee Lecture Hall No.0 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM DATE ROLL NOS. SUBECT VENUE TIME 14.10.2022 | 2740-2784 19-2528 | LeBel Methods and Research | 1 suse Halt No.07 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM Methodology Law of Torts, Consumer 14.10.2022 | 2755-2767/2810-2818 | Protection Laws and Motor | Lecture Hall No.06 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM Vehicles Act 140.2022 2768-2780 General Principles of Sociology | Lecture Hall No. 08 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM 14.10.2022 2801-2809 Fundamentals of Management | Lecture HallNo.09 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM 14.10.2022 271-2712 Indian History Lecture HallNo.05 | 03:00PM to 05:30 PM qaao202| 2849-2858 Human Resource Management and | 1 stare Hai No.03. | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM Organisational Behaviour 14102022 | __-2713-2724 Political Science-t Lecture Hall No.1 | 08:00 PM to 05:50 PM 14.10.2022 2899-2848 | Principles of Accounting and Audit| Lecture Hall No.10 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM 14.10.2022 | 2725-2798 229.2838 coca eee Lecture Hall No.04 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM DATE ROLLNOS. SUBJECT VENUE TIME 15.10.2022 | 2755-2767 /2s10-.2s18 | '8*! Methods and Research | | suce Hall No.07 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM Methodology Taw of Torts, Consumer 15.10.2022 | 2768-2780 2801-2809 | Protection Laws and Motor | Lecture HallNo.05 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM Vehicles Act 15.10.2022 a7ov2ri2 General Principles of Sociology | Lecture Hall No.08 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM 15.10.2022 2849-2858, Fundamentals of Management | Lecture Hall No.09 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM 15.10.2022 2713-2728 Indian History Lecture Hall No.05 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM 15.10.2022 2839-2848 Human Resousce Management and) Lecture Hall No.03 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM Organisational Behaviour 15.102022| 2725-2736 Political Seience-t Lecture Hall No.11_| _05:00 PM to 05:30 PM 15.10.2022 | 229.2838 | Principles of Accounting and Audit] Lecture Hall No.10 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM 15.10.2022 | 2740-2754 /2819.2828 Eee Taneusee ane Lecture Hall No.0¢ | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM Communication Skill “os CHANAKYA NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, PATNA EXAMINATION NOTICE 1 SEMESTER (SESSION-2022-2027) PROJECT PRESENTATION SCHEDULE Letter No-CNLU/Univ.Exam.Notice/261/2022-_ [0 2} Dated: 27.09.2022 DATE ROLL NOs. SUBJECT VENUE TIME Legal Methods and Research | ture Hall No.07 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM 17.10.2022 | 2768-2780 /2801-2809 Methodology Law of Torts, Consumer 17.10.2022 | 2701-2712 /2849-2858 | Protection Laws and Motor | Lecture Hall No.06 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM Vehicles Act 17.10.2022 2713-2728 General Principles of Sociology | Lecture Hall No.08 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM. 17.40.2022 2839-2848, Fundamentals of Management | Lecture Hall No.09 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM 17.10.2022 2725-2738 Indian History Lecture Hall No.05 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM Human Resource Management and 17.40.2022 2829-2838 Oagintaiatal elaine Lecture Hall No.03 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM. 17.10.2022 2740-2754 Political Science-1 Lecture Hall No.11 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM. 17.10.2022 2819-2828 Principles of Accounting and Audit| Lecture Hall No.10 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM. Legal Language and Lecture Hall No.04 | 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM 17.10.2022 | 2755-2767 /2810-2818 Ci crmini nti Suc ‘Note: All students of the allotted group must be present during presentation. There should not be individual prsentation. There will be no presentation after the due date. In case of delayed presentation, if allowed, 0.25 marks will be deducted per day. * All Detained and Backlog students are directed to present their project on 15.10.2022 & 17.10.2022. der Prof. Dr. Ajay Kumar Controller of Examinations

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