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In the correct sense of the word, a defect is a rejectable discontinuity or a flaw of a rejectable nature. Certain flaws acceptable in one type of product need not be of acceptable nature in another product. A defect is definitely a discontinuity, but a discontinuity need not necessarily be a defect. Acceptance or rejection of a flaw is based on different factors and to mention a few are Stresses to which the parts will be subjected during service Type of material used The temperature and pressure to which the parts will be subjected to Its thickness The environment ( corrosive or non-corrosive) Safety Consequence of failure Cost and accessibility of repair etc. Acceptance standards dictate the type of inspection and testing a weld is subjected to before giving a judgement, the quality control in-charge shall analyse whether the flaw is critical, major or minor and whether the flaws are inherent to the process or due to processing or service conditions. It is very important to see that the base material used for fabrication shall be of good quality. Attested material are demanded in the manufacture of space vehicles, ships submarines, pressure vessels, power boiler components, heavy duty cranes, bridges, etc. wherein the failure of the weld will lead to loss of life, money and reputation. The weld defects can be broadly classified into two types Planar defects two dimensional defects Voluminar defects three dimensional defects Planar defects such as cracks, lack of fusion, and lack of penetration are critical in nature and are not tolerated to any extent. Voluminar defects such as slag inclusion, cavities, pores etc. are tolerated to some extent depending on the product class. Geometric defects such as undercuts, excess reinforcement, under flush, root concavity are also permitted to some extent. If they form sharp notches, they are smoothened out to reduce stress concentration. 2. General reasons for defects The importance of weld quality is increasingly felt as we go ahead with fabrication of sophisticate products using higher strength materials combined with critical design considerations. Defects are generally produced due to Lack of know-how and experience Welding process characteristics Base material composition Defective welding filler material Incorrect joint design Welding environment wind, humidity temperature etc.

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Type of defects and their significance

Defects in weldments in general can be classified as follows Defects involving inadequate bonding o Lack of fusion o Incomplete penetration Foreign inclusions o Slag o Oxide films o Tungsten inclusions Geometric defects o Undercut o Excess reinforcement o Burn through or excess penetration o Improper weld profile o Distortion Metallurgical defects o Cracks o Gas porosity o Stray arcs arc strikes o Embrittlement o Structural notches

3.1 Defects involving inadequate bonding 3.1.1 Lack of fusion

This involves lack of complete melting and fusion of some portion of weld metal in a joint. It can occur either between parent metal and weld metal or between two layers of weldmetal. This can occur in fusion welding and pressure welding processes. The following are the reasons for incomplete fusion Low welding current Very rapid arc advance ( travel speed, weaving ) Improper joint fit-up Incorrect position of electrode Improper manipulation of electrodes Inadequate cleaning of weld faces Poor housekeeping If lack of internal fusion is severe it is considered to be a serious defect. But incomplete fusion exposed to the surface is of much more serious consequence. As lack of fusion is not always revealed by radiography, ultrasonic examination is recommended as a supplementary test when lack of fusion is suspected

3.1.2 Incomplete penetration

This is incomplete penetration of the weld through the thickness of the joint. This usually occurs at the root of the weld or between welds made from both sides of the joint. In double

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welded joints lack of penetration may occur within the weld as a buried defect. Incomplete penetration at the root exposed to the surface is more severe.

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The reasons are Incorrect joint design Improper welding parameters particularly current Incorrect electrode size with reference to the groove Wrong polarity in DC welding Incomplete penetration is not tolerated to any extent in welds which are subjected to tension or bending stresses. It can initiate brittle fracture under static or dynamic loads. The unfused root causes stress concentration which could lead to crack initiation from the unfused root and could lead to failure of the weld. Lack of fusion and incomplete penetration are not permitted by pressure vessel codes. These types of defects are more easily detected by ultrasonic testing than radiography. In case of thin welds in ferrous materials, magnetic particle examination can be used

3.2 Foreign inclusions 3.2.1 Slag inclusions

This is caused due to entrapment of slag within the weld or between weld metal and base metal. Due to their lower specific gravity, slag normally floats over the molten metal, unless trapped from floating to the surface. Due to the stirring action of the slag, the slag may be forced down below the molten metal, and rapid solidification of weld metal or its high viscosity can prevent the slag from floating to the surface. Undercuts or deep gouges on the weld faces and convex profile of previous bead can trap slag inclusion usually appear as a linear continuous or interrupted band. A minor slag inclusion within a weld has rarely resulted in any service failures, unless they occur on the surface or over a large section to the weld to significantly reduce the effective thickness of the weld. Preventive methods are Proper preparation of the groove before depositing further layers, Sufficient heat input to control the rate of solidification and release of slag from molten metal, Avoiding using larger size of electrode for the root pass, thus preventing slag flowing down into the root opening.

3.2.2 Oxide films in fusion weld

Due to inadequate shielding, sometimes encountered in MIG welding, a thin film of oxide forms in the droplets of weld metal. The presence of such film can impair the ductility of the weld metal. While welding non ferrous materials the tenacious oxide layers on the surface could lead to inclusions in the weld. Sometimes these oxide layers cause lack fusion between deposited metal and parent metal.

3.2.3 Tungsten inclusions

These are particles of tungsten deposited in the weld metal from the tungsten electrode in TIG process. In radiographic film they appear as white spots due to the higher density of tungsten compared to the weld metal. Tungsten inclusions are not generally considered harmful unless their size and number of inclusions becomes excessive.

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The causes are Occasional touching of the electrode to the molten metal Touch starting not using high frequency to start the arc Improper profile of the tip Excess current Wrong polarity

3.3 Geometric defects 3.3.1 Undercut

Undercut represent a depression in the base metal adjacent to the toe of the weld and if it forms a notch, it is a stress raiser and potential cause for failure of the weld. A small amount of undercut under cyclic stress often is the starting point of fatigue cracks. When fatigue testing welding joints under pulsating tensile stress, cracks very often start from slight undercutting at the edge of weld and propagate through the base material. High tensile steels with a high yield strength / tensile strength ratio are much more sensitive to notches than unalloyed steels as regard to fatigue strength. Fatigue tests on notched base material test pieces have shown that unalloyed C steels with a tensile strength of about 50 kg/cm2 sustain some 3 or 4 times the number of cycles than low alloyed steels with double the static strength. It must be understood that the high tensile strength of the high tensile steels can only be utilized in welded construction subjected to dynamic loads, if the weld reinforcement and undercutting are removed. Correct choice of welding current range and good manipulation of the electrode during welding will avoid undercut. Undercuts are to be dressed smooth without loss of thickness. Visual examination is best method to identify undercuts. Proper lighting, magnifying glass are aids used. A boroscope is usually suitable for observation of undercut at the root of a tube or pipe welds.

3.3.2 Excess reinforcement

Excess reinforcement is the weld metal on the face of the weld in excess of what is necessary to fill the grove. Reinforcement to some extent is permitted. The height, width and the radius of the bead profile are important in a weld joint. The reinforcement angle at the weld toe is a primary factor affecting the fatigue strength. Fatigue tests have shown that the flush ground weld has better fatigue strength than one with reinforcement. All care must be taken during the finish run to give the proper reinforcement bed profile for the weld. The dressing of the weld at the toes is also recommended.

3.3.3 Burn through or excess penetration.

It is the icicles or grapes found at the root of the weld. His is considered as a serious defect in tubular welds. It affects the effective bore available for flow and cause turbulence. It is also favourable locations for corrosion to start. Fatigue strength is also affected by this. Correct fit up without excess root gap and avoiding large size electrodes and excess current for the root pass can avoid this. Use of consumable inserts can restrict the excess penetration. Normally ball test and radiography can be used to ascertain their presence.

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3.3.4 Distortion
Distortion is the deviation from the desired form or shape and is due to unequal heating and cooling of weld and adjacent base metal leading to unequal expansion and contraction. During welding the rate of heat input by the energy source causes melting of the metal at one point and results in steep temperature gradient along with variation in mechanical properties. The resistance created by the surrounding cold metal to the expansion and contraction of the weld metal is the cause of residual stresses and distortion. Distortion depends on The magnitude of stress developed The distribution of residual stresses on weldment The strength of the metal when it acts The overall resistance of the assembly The effect of distortion is mainly dimensional. This can affect the assembly and the performance during service. Distortion can be controlled by Design Assembly procedures Welding sequence Welding procedure External restraints added by fixtureing.

3.3.5 Improper weld profile

This is more common to fillet welds. Excess convex profile of the weld bead causes sharp grooves between adjacent layers or sharp geometry change at the toes. They are caused mainly due to improper welding parameters, wrong electrode size, improper weaving, unfavourable welding position. Visual examination is enough to identify these defects.

3.4 Metallurgical defects 3.4.1 Cracks

Cracks are linear ruptures of the weld or HAZ. Sometimes they appear as large separations but more often they are narrow separations. The major classifications of cracks are Hot crack Cold crack Micro fissuring Base metal crack Crater crack Hot crack

Hot crack occurs at elevated temperature during cooling and solidifying from the molten metal stage. The main causes are the restraint on the joint and presence of low melting constituents. It is assisted by segregation within the weld metal due to the bead shape. Hot cracks are intergranular. To avoid hot cracks, it is essential to keep these joints with least restraint and keep the heat input to the least. The cracks on the crater of weld bead are examples of hot cracking. MPI or LPI is used to detect surface cracks while ultrasonic testing is suitable for internal cracks.

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Cold cracking in steel refers to cracking which occurs even after a few days of completing the weld. In general, cold cracking starts in the heat affected zone of the weld metal. It is primarily associated with combined effects of hydrogen, restraint and formation of hard and brittle phases like martensite. Increasing carbon content in the base metal and higher manganese content in the weld metal also prompts cold cracking. To minimise cold cracking, it is essential to use low hydrogen electrodes and preheating. Usually MPI is used for ferrous materials and LPI for non-ferrous materials to detect these cracks. Micro fissuring

They are very small fissures detectable only at high magnifications. They may be caused by cold or hot cracking. Base metal cracking

Cracking in the adjoining base metal along the weld fusion zone especially in the high carbon or alloy steels are usually hardening cracks. These are the results of too high a cooling rate, leading to martensite formation in the HAZ. They are also called underbead cracking. Since ductility usually decreases with increasing hardness, base metal cracking is associated with lack of ductility in the HAZ. MPI or LPI are best suited to detect these types of cracks. Inclusions and laminations present in the base metal are usual reasons for base metal cracking. The factors increasing cracking tendency are Increasing wall thickness Increasing restraint High strength of base metal or filler metal Easy hardenability of base metal or filler metal Crater cracks

Cracks formed from a circular surface with a depression either in the weld or at the end of a weld. It is caused by a volume contraction of molten metal during solidification, usually the result of abrupt interruption of the welding arc in the root run. Crater cracks are avoided by proper crater filling technique before stopping the weld. Cracking of any nature are not allowed in weld metal for almost any application

3.4.2 Gas porosity

Porosity is the presence of gas pockets of voids caused by the entrapment of gas evolved, during weld metal solidification. Porosity is caused due to Damp electrodes, Improper shielding, Rust and other contamination on the weld face, Too much gas generation in the weld pool, Sudden cooling of slag etc. Sometimes elongated gas pockets are formed and they are called worm holes or piping porosity. It is established by testing and service experiences that uniformly distributed porosities which reduce the weld cross sectional area unto 5% have no significant effect on the welds performance. But when porosity is present near the surface or when they are aligned they could lead to failure on bend test. Porosity is considered to be the least harmful

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when compared to most other weld defects. Pores in mild steel welds are therefore normally regarded as harmless to the reliability of the welded joint provided the weld is not working under corrosive conditions or thinner weld metal at the pores can cause leaks after a short time in service. Porosity in the welds in high tensile steels is a warning of hydrogen cracks in the weld metal and heat affected zone. Pores are often linked together by a hydrogen crack. In static test, porosity will affect fillet welds more adversely than butt welds. Different types of porosity are Random porosity Linear or aligned porosity Pinhole porosity Blowholes ( size more than 1.5 mm) Wormholes, piping porosity Starting porosity formed at starting points with fresh electrode. Micro porosity seen under higher magnification Porosity is easily detected by radiography. Surface porosities are detected by LPI.

3.4.3 Arc strikes

They represent any localised heat affected zones caused by stray arcing. Arc strikes rend to produce severe hardening more particularly in high carbon and low alloy steels. Examination of such spots under microscope shows without exception, the occurrence of untempered martensite with high hardness often with presence of micro cracks. At sudden stresses, at low temperature, these arc strike spots can easily serve as initiation points for brittle fracture. By proper training and instructions to the welder and by good house keeping, arc strikes can be avoided. By dressing followed by MPI or LPI, the ill effects can be removed.

3.4.4 Embrittlement
For use, at high strength, coupled with good notch toughness the weld structure shall be tempered low carbon martensite. Carbon and alloy steels containing more than 0.18% carbon tends to form brittle martensite structure in the weld HAZ. This can be minimized by controlled cooling rates. Embrittlement is measured by notch toughness values.

3.4.5 Structural notches.

In the case of solid solution strengthened alloys and age hardenable steels, the variation in heat input during welding may cause localized grain coarsening and over aging. This leads to localized difference in strength properties causing structural notches. Microscopic examination is necessary to detect the presence of such structural notches.

3. Significance of defects
The significance of different types of defects depends on the quality requirements of the final products in service. They can be influenced by various factors like Size and location of the defect Type of stresses where the defect is located Strength and notch sensitivity of the weld metal and HAZ Notch sensitivity and strength of base metal in comparison with weld metal Working temperature Working environment corrosive or non corrosive

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It is experimentally proved that increasing use of high tensile welds have caused factors reducing the acceptance standards for weld defects. The effect of notch is more in high tensile steel than in mild steel. The presence of excess weld reinforcements along with undercuts seriously affects the service of a critical weld. This can be more than the effect of an embedded slag or porosity. Incomplete penetration can influence brittle fracture under static or dynamic loads. This becomes more serious when the weld is subjected to sub zero temperatures. The effect of lack of fusion is almost same as incomplete penetration. Arc strike is another serious defect to which sufficient attention is rarely given. Arc strike area consists of untempered martensite and possibly contains number of micro cracks. These small fissures can later lead to brittle fracture. Any type of crack is normally not tolerated. Porosity is proved to be the least dangerous defect, but often made to rework by less knowledgeable inspectors. But porosity can be an indication of poor workmanship standards and undesirable practices. Slag inclusions can affect the effective cross section thickness and can be tolerated to some extent. Defects which are not serious when present alone can have a different effect when they are present along with some other defects

4. Judgement of defects
Judgement of a defect is an important factor in controlling the quality of the product on economical levels. Sometimes for want of a proper decision, projects are held up and delayed for considerable period leading to major financial loss. During such occasions the manufacturer may agree as a compromise to remove inconsequential defects. There is no guarantee that a repair weld produces a more sound weld than the original weld. The significance of each defect should influence the judgement. An inspector shall be knowledgeable of distinguishing the type of defect correctly. Sometimes it is essential to have reference blocks, reference radiographs, and workmanship standard specimens to judge the defects correctly. It is essential to have a good metallurgical background and practical experience in fabrication to give a correct judgement about the acceptance of inconsequential defects. It is the experience of fabricators that there is a difference in the opinion between inspectors and inspecting agencies. To improve the judgement of the inspector, it is essential to have training and education, along with experience. It is not only that they should have training on testing equipment and methods but also on interpretation of defects. An inspector should have the end use of the product in mind while taking a decision to reject or rework a weld.

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