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Marcos Highway, Cainta, Rizal
School Year 2022-2023


Christian Life and Values Education 6

NAME: Zhifriah Zyrine Ganza DATE: 09/07/22


Greetings my dear Benildeans! I hope you are doing and feeling fine. For this week's
challenge, we will recall the pertinent concepts, topics, and lessons about our lesson a
while ago. Can you remember them? Great! If not, you may want to check your notes, or
our lesson-PowerPoint found in our Subject teams.
Shall we begin?

Let's Recall!
Kindly identify and write what is asked in
the item below.

Indicate on the three boxes below the three characteristics of

Christian Faith. (2 pts. each)

1. Convictions – related to mind which refers to what can we know and believe
2. Committed Action – related to our hands and will which refer to what we do
3. Trust - related to our heart, entrusting and what we hope for

Deepening our knowledge of the Faith requires that we subscribe to three

sources of authority. Fill out the missing ones below. (1 pt. each)

Magisterium Sacred Tradition

Sacred Scripture
In the three boxes below, identify the three dimensions of
Christian Faith. Then, explain them in your own words according
to our discussion earlier, and connect how one
nourishes it in one's personal life.

Doctrine – It has something to do with the mind which means “Believing”. It is essential for us
humans to know what we believe especially in this modern society wherein lot of tensions
and temptations exist. Some of the sources of the things and beliefs that we know came
from the teachings from the Popes and Bishops (Magisterium), what we learned from the
holy bible (sacred scripture) and the seven sacraments (sacred tradition). This first
dimension includes recognizing the truth about Jesus Christ and His own teachings
to His people. It helps us to deepen our knowledge and understanding of Him and His
teachings to mankind. It is completely believing and trusting God and ALL OF His plans
for us.

Moral – It is related to the act of “Doing” or practicing what we know. After we learned all the things
that leads to our belief, we need to follow or obey God’s will for us. Faith is not only knowing
but it also means doing our mission which is to follow, love and serve God and our neighbors.
It refers to our actions that we uphold in our faith. It is our commitment to obey what God
has in store for us. We also need to commit ourselves to apply the values that we learned
into real life situations. Moral is related to distinction between right and wrong of what
should be done and what should not be done.

Worship – It comes from the heart which means “Entrusting”, trusting faith lives and grows through
prayer and worship. It means allowing and trusting God’s hands to take care of our lives.
It is a solid connection between God and individuals through prayers which involves
heartfelt conversation. It is our obligation as humans to worship God and give to Him
all the honor, praise, adoration and respect because He is the holy and divine creator
of mankind.

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Experiences Thoughts
Three Dimension of Organization of
Christian Faith Relevant Concepts and Life
All dimensions of faith One dimension of Two dimensions of All dimensions
are complete faith is incorrect faith are incorrect of faith are
Concepts in class Concepts in class and Concepts in class and
and personal personal experience are personal experience No concepts in class
experience are connected vaguely are connected nor personal
connected excellently experiences are
Ideas are articulated, Ideas are vaguely
Ideas are clearly connected
with fair reasoning articulated
articulated, with
Ideas are
sound reasoning
irrelevant and
I extend my warmest felicitations to you for accomplishing our quiz
for the 1stt qtr. Enjoy your present achievement, but prepare yourself
still for other drill-quizzes yet to arrive.
Cheers, bruv!



I learned a lot from this lesson and my take-away

would be it still depends on us as humans on what
we believe about God, how are we going to follow all
His teachings and to have trust on Him that
everything happens for a reason. If there will be
times that we may encounter problems or obstacles,
let’s keep our faith and belief in Him.
“Melius est illuminare
quam modo lucere”
-St. Thomas Aquinas

Prepared by
Sir KG

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