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Source Concepts to be lifted Part to include the picked concepts

1. From one point of view, the From one point of view, the recitation is a
l.php?u=https%3A%2F recitation is a recitation- recitation-period, a segment of the daily time period, a segment of the schedule. In this sense it is an administrative
%2Fscholar%3Fstart daily time schedule. In this unit, valuable in apportioning to each school
%3D10%26q%3Drecitation sense it is an administrative subject its part of the time devoted to the
%2520%26hl%3Den unit, valuable in curricu-lum. Thus, we speak of five
%26as_sdt apportioning to each school recitations in arith-metic, three in music, or
%3D0%252C5%26fbclid subject its part of the time two in drawing, having in mind merely the
%3DIwAR2oL- devoted to the curricu-lum number of times the class meets for
Y0Jp8afvjAccaWZDPkwdpo instruction in a particular school study. A
DKXmEOkqdgS93oJZSr7lU recitation here means no more than a class.
4ezAv5rscg%23d period, a more or less arbitrary device for
%3Dgs_qabs%26t controlling the teacher's and pupils'
%3D1663893725385%26u distribution of energy among the various
%3D%2523p subjects taught.
2. This research presents the This research presents the works related
l.php?u=https%3A%2F works related with the with the human emotional affected by Quran human emotional affected recitation. Recitation of the Holy Quran is
%2Fscholar%3Fstart by Quran recitation. governed by a variety of rules called"
%3D10%26q%3Drecitation Recitation of the Holy Tajweed rules". There are many factors that
%2520%26hl%3Den Quran is governed by a affect the human emotion like heart rate
%26as_sdt variety of rules called" variability and breathing behaviour, internal
%3D0%252C5%26fbclid Tajweed rules". There are and external to the human body. Quran
%3DIwAR0au_9WUlK9U4J many factors that affect the recitation produced a significant relaxation
hDr__3N1jDbHpGFf0wgJkl human emotion like heart which may be due to that Quran has specific
eAJ4LGd4SNf0qAnDIA2-Fg rate variability and effect on human heart which lead to effect
%23d%3Dgs_qabs%26t breathing behaviour, some hormone .anchemical are responsible
%3D1663893620332%26u internal and external to the for relaxation.
%3D%2523p human body.
3. Recent studies have Recent studies have indicated that college
l.php?u=https%3A%2F indicated that college undergraduates have retained little undergraduates have understanding of the information in the
%2Fscholar%3Fhl%3Den retained little understanding science courses they have taken when they
%26as_sdt of the information in the graduate. Science is taught as detailed,
%3D0%252C5%26q science courses they have factual content and most students are
%3Drecitation%2520%26oq taken when they graduate. evaluated by their ability to recall and
%3D%26fbclid Science is taught as summarize the information provided. As
%3DIwAR03sQiXTQ1vQi5 detailed, factual content and such, students concentrate their studies on
meXrKk6j5J4u24Q7NfjKP3 most students are evaluated terms and definitions, spending little time on
zHXGbvOvKdYEl4suo0zlec by their ability to recall and application and analysis. To correct the
%23d%3Dgs_qabs%26t summarize the information problem, instructors are encouraged to
%3D1663893016950%26u provide formulate more questions around the mid
%3D%2523p and upper levels ofBloom's taxonomy in the
%253DhNhgWZojoHwJ&h= examinations they prepare.
4. Over a two-year period, we Over a two-year period, we have studied
l.php?u=https%3A%2F have studied classrooms in classrooms in 22 school districts in the 22 school districts in the greater Chicago region (including the City
%2Fscholar%3Fhl%3Den greater Chicago region of Chicago). A total of 23 classes (13 in
%26as_sdt (including the City of mathematics and 10 in social studies) were
%3D0%252C5%26q Chicago). A total of 23 observed in year 1 (1978) and 35 classes (18
%3Drecitation%2520%26oq classes (13 in mathematics in mathematics and 17 in social studies)
%3D%26fbclid and 10 in social studies) were observed in year 2 (1979). The school
%3DIwAR0Wi1xCqXYor6A were observed in year 1 districts were selected to represent high-and
u31sb0r5Rhj1Zz2YTT0lsv5 (1978) and 35 classes (18 in low-expenditure school systems which
X-ZTHyFrOhJf2-g9l0xvo mathematics and 17 in served children of three levels of socio-
%23d%3Dgs_qabs%26t social studies) were economic status. Thus we have observed
%3D1663891236897%26u observed in year 2 (1979) schools attended by working-class children
%3D%2523p%253DM7UJ- which are in the upper third of state-level
1XgCbEJ&h=AT2lqlzclTeL expenditures on schools and in the lower
WoUP7Pr15FeKt6H5yEutsD third, etc. 2 For a number of purposes, the
_62SnNmMn9qK0yVVCAnl first year's data collection served as a pilot
X26kq7ATglmvEUq29JSzw study and, particularly with regard to
HIasrb21b_GLGYIpUGjdYj classroom observations, it was less extensive
GQBNY- than the second year's effort.
5. This paper examines the The persistence of the recitation James
l.php?u=https%3A%2F nature of student Hoetker, William P Ahlbrand Jr American engagement in the educational research journal 6 (2), 145-167,
%2Fscholar%3Fhl%3Den instructional activities of 1969 The classroom observational studies
%26as_sdt eighth-and ninth-grade reviewed here are those concerned primarily
%3D0%252C5%26q English classes and draws with describing instructional practices, as
%3Drecitation%2520%26oq general conclusions opposed to describing the psychological
%3D%26fbclid applicable to instruction at concomitants of different practices. Several
%3DIwAR30WlePoPcdEW all levels. It focuses on the of the studies reviewed—favorably
Vr2cjdGU40FK_nHIqVJRpg teacher's pivotal role, comparable to more recent research—
S- showing that certain apparently had been allowed to fade from
DnhQWzQFS5L3VPpmo5rJ discourse practices elicit the collective memory of the profession
w%23d%3Dgs_qabs%26t substantive (rather than before the recent flurry of interest in
%3D1663891171853%26u procedural) student observational research in the classroom, and
%3D%2523p%253DP4D- engagement, with teachers we take pleasure in helping to resurrect
COSt- taking students seriously, them. In 1966, the authors assisted Professor
TgJ&h=AT2lqlzclTeLWoUP and acknowledging and Bryce Hudgins in the collection of data,
7Pr15FeKt6H5yEutsD_62Sn building on what they say. including tape recordings of lessons, in the
NmMn9qK0yVVCAnlX26k classes of nine junior high school English
q7ATglmvEUq29JSzwHIasr teachers (Hudgins and Ahlbrand, 1967;
b21b_GLGYIpUGjdYjGQB Hoetker, 1967). Because of a special interest
NY- of one of the authors in the work of Arno
MdeVkpxAZrjeE_5ZSGJ- Bellack and his associates on the" rules of
w2oIgBLJOpG2fFP8tUl2jW the classroom language game"(Bellack, et.
rXFog al., 1966), forty-five hours of typescripts
made from the tape recordings were coded
according to selected parts of the category
system devised by Bellack (Hoetker, 1967).
The teachers in our sample, as may be seen
from the comparisons summarized in Table
1, behaved very precisely according to
Bellack's" rules/'and we raised three
questions about this finding. First, why did
the teachers behave as they did? Second,
what were the effects of this sort of teaching
upon the pupils? And, View at Cited by 617 Related
articles All 3 versions Student
engagement: When recitation becomes
conversation. Martin Nystrand, Adam
Gamoran This paper examines the nature of
student engagement in the instructional
activities of eighth-and ninth-grade English
classes and draws general conclusions
applicable to instruction at all levels. It
focuses on the teacher's pivotal role,
showing that certain discourse practices
elicit substantive (rather than procedural)
student engagement, with teachers taking
students seriously, and acknowledging and
building on what they say. These practices
involve:(1) asking authentic questions
(which open the floor to what students have
to say);(2) engaging in uptake (building on
what students have sale.); and (3) high-level
evaluation (which certifies new turns in the
discussion occasioned by student answers).
By contrast, the teacher-student interaction
called" recitation"(in which the teacher asks
a series of preplanned questions, initiates all
the topics, and rarely interacts with the
substance of students' answers except to
evaluate them) is rarely more than
procedurally engaging. Using examples
from a study of eighth-and ninth-grade
English, the paper examines substantively
engaging instruction, showing how students
become most profitably engaged and learn
most in classrooms characterized by
extensive interaction between students and
teacher. The paper is divided into the
following sections:" Procedural versus
Substantive Engagement";" Quality of
Instructional Discourse as an Indicator of
Student Engagement"(an e... amination and
discussion of three samples of c. Lassroom
talk);" Implications for Writing";" Student
Engagement and Literature Achievement";
and a conclusion. Twenty-four references
are attached.(SR)
6. Recitation of the Holy book Effect of Quran recitation on the level of
l.php?u=https%3A%2F of Muslims, The Holy anxiety in athletics ME Mottaghi, R Esmaili, Quran, is a regions duty and Z Rohani Quarterly of Quran & Medicine 1
%2Fscholar%3Fstart hence is done with utmost (1), 1-4, 2011 Aims: Anxiety is a kind of
%3D20%26q%3Drecitation care such that no mistakes agitation and apprehension which is caused
%2520%26hl%3Den are made while reading it. under the influence of the threat or danger
%26as_sdt These mistakes may feeling in individuals. Anxiety in athletes
%3D0%252C5%26fbclid include the wrong utterance can reduce the optimum performance.
%3DIwAR05TUOMh1NnoX of words, misreading According to the Islamic religious doctrines,
jyeySB_rYOE0lEUrQTYQa words, and punctuation and spiritual relationship with God comforts the
wdZH3QVjqplaM04_HOTjx pronunciation mistakes. hearts and prevent from the anxiety. The aim
VHI%23d%3Dgs_qabs%26t Believers of Islam are of this study was to investigate the effect of
%3D1663895789828%26u spread all over the world hearing the Holy Quran lilt on the athlete's
%3D%2523p and hence there also can be competitive anxiety. Methods: This research
%253DlFDj0hCWv1IJ&h=A a difference in accent. To was a quasi-experimental (randomized
T2lqlzclTeLWoUP7Pr15FeK avoid this, tajweed rules are cohort) study. Samples of the study were 80
t6H5yEutsD_62SnNmMn9q implemented to ensure that female … View at [PDF]
K0yVVCAnlX26kq7ATglm the utterance is done Cited by 75 Related
vEUq29JSzwHIasrb21b_GL according to some rules. articles All 3 versions E-
GYIpUGjdYjGQBNY- These rules ensure that hafiz: Intelligent system to help Muslims in
MdeVkpxAZrjeE_5ZSGJ- there is no variance in the recitation and memorization of Quran Aslam
w2oIgBLJOpG2fFP8tUl2jW recitation of the Holy book Muhammad, Zia ul Qayyum, Saad Tanveer,
rXFog for different reciters. A Martinez-Enriquez, Afraz Z Syed Life
Science Journal 9 (1), 534-541, 2012
Recitation of the Holy book of Muslims,
The Holy Quran, is a regions duty and hence
is done with utmost care such that no
mistakes are made while reading it. These
mistakes may include the wrong utterance of
words, misreading words, and punctuation
and pronunciation mistakes. Believers of
Islam are spread all over the world and
hence there also can be a difference in
accent. To avoid this, tajweed rules are
implemented to ensure that the utterance is
done according to some rules. These rules
ensure that there is no variance in the
recitation of the Holy book for different
reciters. For further improvements, the
people are encouraged to memorize the
whole book and the person who does that is
called a Hafiz. Having known the whole
book by heart down to every word with
Tajweed rules he/she can a guide to correct
other learners who intend to learn by
listening to learners and correcting their
recitation. But the availability of a Hafiz can
be a problem where Islam is not a dominant
religion. Furthermore the competency and
level of expertise are of epic importance. To
get around this problem we have designed
and developed a system E-Hafiz. It is based
on an idea that Tajweed rules are used to
train learners how to recite Quran. To
achieve this we used on Mel-Frequency
Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) technique. We
extract the features of recorded voices using
MFCC and compared with experts’ voices
stored in database. Any mismatch on word
level is pointed out and ask the user to
correct it.
7. The classroom Effect of Recitation Method to the Students'
l.php?u=https%3A%2F observational studies Interest and Learning Results Dwi Cahyadi reviewed here are those Wibowo, Friana Friana, Emilia Dewiwati
%2Fscholar%3Fhl%3Den concerned primarily with Pelipa Jurnal Studi Guru dan Pembelajaran 1
%26as_sdt describing instructional (1), 16-20, 2018 The purpose of this study is
%3D0%252C5%26q practices, as opposed to to determine whether there is influence of
%3Drecitation%2520method describing the learning methods of recitation on interests
%26oq%3Drecitation psychological concomitants and student learning outcomes on equation
%2520%26fbclid of different practices. of status of citizenship. The research method
%3DIwAR30WlePoPcdEW Several of the studies used is quantitative method. The form of
Vr2cjdGU40FK_nHIqVJRpg reviewed—favorably research is quasi experiment with non-
S- comparable to more recent equivalent control group design. The
DnhQWzQFS5L3VPpmo5rJ research—apparently had population in this study are 46 tenth grade
w%23d%3Dgs_qabs%26t been allowed to fade from students of Multimedia A and B at SMK
%3D1663896248366%26u the collective memory of Negeri 1 Kelam Permai in 2016/2017
%3D%2523p the profession before the academic year. Data collection tools are test
%253D4vxlf9pFaqUJ&h=A recent flurry of interest in and questionnaire. Final measurements after
T2lqlzclTeLWoUP7Pr15FeK observational research in treatment shows significant differences in
t6H5yEutsD_62SnNmMn9q the classroom, and we take student learning outcomes on equality of
K0yVVCAnlX26kq7ATglm pleasure in helping to citizenship between experimental class and
vEUq29JSzwHIasrb21b_GL resurrect them. In 1966, the control class, based on hypothesis test using
GYIpUGjdYjGQBNY- authors assisted Professor T test (t count˃ t table is 5.71˃ 2.02).
MdeVkpxAZrjeE_5ZSGJ- Bryce Hudgins in the MANOVA test shows that F count˃ F table
w2oIgBLJOpG2fFP8tUl2jW collection of data, including that is 27.00˃ 19.00 which mean there is
rXFog tape recordings of lessons, significant influence of student's interest and
in the classes of nine junior result of study using recitation method. It
high school English can be concluded that the recitation method
teachers (Hudgins and is effective in improving students' interest
Ahlbrand, 1967; Hoetker, and learning outcomes on equality of
1967). citizenship. View at [PDF] Cited by 11 Related articles
All 4 versions The persistence of the
recitation James Hoetker, William P
Ahlbrand Jr American educational research
journal 6 (2), 145-167, 1969 The classroom
observational studies reviewed here are
those concerned primarily with describing
instructional practices, as opposed to
describing the psychological concomitants
of different practices. Several of the studies
reviewed—favorably comparable to more
recent research—apparently had been
allowed to fade from the collective memory
of the profession before the recent flurry of
interest in observational research in the
classroom, and we take pleasure in helping
to resurrect them. In 1966, the authors
assisted Professor Bryce Hudgins in the
collection of data, including tape recordings
of lessons, in the classes of nine junior high
school English teachers (Hudgins and
Ahlbrand, 1967; Hoetker, 1967). Because of
a special interest of one of the authors in the
work of Arno Bellack and his associates on
the" rules of the classroom language
game"(Bellack, et. al., 1966), forty-five
hours of typescripts made from the tape
recordings were coded according to selected
parts of the category system devised by
Bellack (Hoetker, 1967). The teachers in our
sample, as may be seen from the
comparisons summarized in Table 1,
behaved very precisely according to
Bellack's" rules/'and we raised three
questions about this finding. First, why did
the teachers behave as they did? Second,
what were the effects of this sort of teaching
upon the pupils?
8. The purpose of this The purpose of this research is to improve
l.php?u=https%3A%2F research is to improve the the skill of the student start-up after the skill of the student start-up following learning by using the recitation
%2Fscholar%3Fhl%3Den after the following learning method in Elementary School. This research
%26as_sdt by using the recitation was conducted at SDN Karang Asih 12
%3D0%252C5%26q method in Elementary District of North Cikarang Bekasi Regency.
%3Drecitation%2520method School. This research was The subjects of this study are the students of
%26oq%3Drecitation conducted at SDN Karang class II, amounting to 30 students. This
%2520%26fbclid Asih 12 District of North research was conducted using the classroom
%3DIwAR0jH4XZJK39w- Cikarang Bekasi Regency. action research method by Kemmis and Mc.
9bLJvb2uWMGfMkiQ2exVf The subjects of this study Taggart is done using the cycle method. The
2Z2pLLN1bcm8i9d8OzVQp are the students of class II, results showed that the percentage obtained
WL0%23d%3Dgs_qabs%26t amounting to 30 students. from the pre-cycle students get a complete
%3D1663896410652%26u This research was value of 50 that is equal to 50%, at the end
%3D%2523p conducted using the of the cycle I the value of students who
%253DCj7TfzmNTUEJ&h= classroom action research completed 20 students obtained at 67% and
AT2lqlzclTeLWoUP7Pr15Fe method by Kemmis and at the end of the cycle II students complete
Kt6H5yEutsD_62SnNmMn9 Mc. Taggart is done using 28 students 93%. The result of the initial
qK0yVVCAnlX26kq7ATgl the cycle method writing skill in cycle II has exceeded the
mvEUq29JSzwHIasrb21b_G target. Thus the implications of using this
LGYIpUGjdYjGQBNY- recitation method can enable students in the
MdeVkpxAZrjeE_5ZSGJ- initial writing skills in Indonesian language
w2oIgBLJOpG2fFP8tUl2jW lessons as well as achieving the desired
rXFog goals in the classroom.
9. Purpose of the Thesis This The Unit Technique Versus the Recitation
l.php?u=https%3A%2F study was initiated with the Technique in the Teaching of Chemistry desire to determine whether James Clyde Chapel The University of
%2Fscholar%3Fhl%3Den the unit technique in the Chicago, 1930 CHAPTER I
%26as_sdt hands of a regular high INTRODUCTION Purpose of the Thesis
%3D0%252C5%26q school teacher would This study was initiated with the desire to
%3Drecitation produce better results than determine whether the unit technique in the
%2520technique%26oq the conventional recitation hands of a regular high school teacher would
%3Drecitation%26fbclid teohnique. The criticism produce better results than the conventional
%3DIwAR2FkltN1C73tS6Y has often been made that recitation teohnique. The criticism has often
2T3vQ5bACTgKs5fNAzme many of the studies on the. been made that many of the studies on the.
mNiRK4eUkDqqEIL2Msnhk results of methods in results of methods in teaching have been
FI%23d%3Dgs_qabs%26t teaching have been conducted by experts in laboratory schools
%3D1663897369294%26u conducted by experts in with selected pupils. The question has arisen
%3D%2523p laboratory schools with whether some of the methods of-teaching
%253DFtlh_68UXrcJ&h=A selected pupils. The which have proved so successful in the
T2lqlzclTeLWoUP7Pr15FeK question has arisen whether laboratory schools would prove as
t6H5yEutsD_62SnNmMn9q some of the methods of- successful in the'hands of an ordinary
K0yVVCAnlX26kq7ATglm teaching which have proved teacher working under the conditions foUnd
vEUq29JSzwHIasrb21b_GL so successful in the in the average high schpfel in regard to
GYIpUGjdYjGQBNY- laboratory schools would course of study, class schedules, and
MdeVkpxAZrjeE_5ZSGJ- prove as successful in equipment* Requirements of a teaching
w2oIgBLJOpG2fFP8tUl2jW the'hands of an ordinary technique.-A good teaching technique
rXFog teacher working under the provides for the development of the pupil as
conditions foUnd in the well as the completion of the subject. This
average high schpfel in study is made in order to determine whether
regard to course of study, the unit technique offers an opportunity for
class schedules, and the successful completion of the subject and
equipment* at the same time offers splendid opportunity
for the improvement of the pupils study
habits, The older, and no doubt some of the
younger teachers, feel that the reoitation
technique offerB the best opportunity for
obtaining teaohing results. This study
proposes to submit the two techniques to a
scientific comparative
10. In this extraordinary work In this extraordinary work of scholarship,
l.php?u=https%3A%2F of scholarship, Victor Mair Victor Mair traces the global development traces the global over a thousand years of a genre of popular
%2Fscholar%3Fhl%3Den development over a Buddhist folk literature from China known
%26as_sdt thousand years of a genre as pien-wen, pointing out its origins in India
%3D0%252C5%26q of popular Buddhist folk as a form of oral storytelling using painting
%3Drecitation literature from China as an aid, and showing how that form has
%2520performance%26oq known as pien-wen, influenced performance and literary
%3Drecitation pointing out its origins in traditions in India, Indonesia, Japan, Central
%2520%26fbclid India as a form of oral Asia, the near East, Italy, France, and
%3DIwAR1lV9h3nbJrh3- storytelling using painting Germany. Professor Mair's research has
YFc4Bp5NL1huj3KemdM3 as an aid, and showing how important implications for students and
AstE_Zl32n0tgJkz_iUyKUM that form has influenced scholars of literature, folklore, painting,
c%23d%3Dgs_qabs%26t performance and literary religion, history, art, and theater and the
%3D1663897503739%26u traditions in India, performing arts, not to mention Chinese
%3D%2523p Indonesia, Japan, Central popular culture and Indian civilization.
%253D7Qb6Gce1cNEJ&h= Asia, the near East, Italy,
AT2lqlzclTeLWoUP7Pr15Fe France, and Germany.

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