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By NATION REPORTER The lodge has been seized under a

law that allows forfeiture of property
is on property No LUS/38479 was seized
in terms of section 15 of the Prohibition
INVESTIGATIVE wings have seized suspected to be proceeds of crime. and Prevention of Money Laundering
what they believe to be former Repub- According to a notice of seizure Act No.14 of 2001 as there were reasona-
lican President Edgar Lungu’s lodge in served on the former President dated ble grounds for believing that they were
Lusaka’s Ibex Hill area. September 19, 2022, Crest Lodge which liable to seizure. (To page 2)

Vol. 8. Issue 3432 Price K10 Tuesday September 27, 2022 E-paper. dailynation.info/online


BY DALISTO MITI Security, Resilience and Skills for Sustainable in the year 2022. MTN MoMo celebrated their
Digital Transformation through innovation, achievements as they received two awards,
Zambia’s first International Information collaboration & inclusion”. Speaking at the one for the category “Best Financial Payment
and Communication Technology Expo and Expo, MTN Fintech Managing Director, Initiatives” and the second award for the
Fintech festival was hosted at Pamodzi Komba Malukutila presented a reflective and category “Industry Contributor of the Year”
Hotel in Lusaka between the 22nd and 23rd optimistic segment that spoke into “A decade which was presented to the MTN Fintech
of September. The highly anticipated event of Fintech in Zambia reflecting on progress Managing Director, Komba Malukutila.
attracted several innovators, regulators, key and potential”. Mr. Malukutila stated that,
industry players as well as industry leaders “the collaborative efforts and partnerships “The collaborative efforts
such as MTN FinTech Managing Director, between Fintechs and Banks are of the utmost and partnerships between
Mr. Komba Malukutila, Standard Chartered importance to drive the digital agenda and Fintechs and Banks are of
Bank CEO, Mr. Sonny Zulu, Bank of Zambia increase financial inclusion to all unserved the utmost importance to
Director of Payments Systems, Ms. Mirriam and remote areas of the country in order to drive the digital agenda
Kamuhuza and Guest of Honor, Ministry of ensure every Zambian can enjoy the benefits and increase financial inclusion
Technology and Science Minister, Honorable of a modern connected life”. to all unserved and remote areas
Felix Mutati to name a few. of the country in order to ensure
The two day festival closed with the inaugural every Zambian can enjoy the
Patrons from across the industry were all in Gala Dinner set to recognize individuals and benefits of a modern connected
attendance to engage in insightful discussions organisations who have made significant life”. - Mr Malukutila
around this year's theme “Enhancing Digital contributions to the ICT and Fintech sectors
2 HOME NEWS 27, September 2022


Kidney Foundation challenges
ZMMSA to address shortage
of renal consumables
From page 1 said this meant that investigations
By NOEL IYOMBWA doing their part by authorising may ultimately lead to the removal of
ZAMMSA so that they can go The seizure was carried out by an immunity for prosecution which was a
ALMOST all public facilities ahead with the procurement Investigative officer by the name of Mr well calculated move.
that offer dialysis to patients but the challenge has been Khondowe and was witnessed by Mr He added that the nullification of
have run out of consumables on the side of ZAMMSA in the Katete the Director of Crest Lodge. seats in Parliament was also meant to
and it is not clear when the sense that it has taken long for The notice indicated that the prop- secure suffiicient numbers in order for
restocking would be done, them to secure the drugs for erty located in Ibex Hill may be de- immunity removal to succeed “”They
says the Kidney Foundation our patients. Indeed we make clared to be forfeited to the State under do not have sufficient numbers to pass
of Zambia. this plea that ZAMMSA do section 17 of the Prohibition and Pre- a vote for immunity removal, hence the
It has called on the Zambia what they’re supposed to do vention of Money Laundering Act. plot for nullification of seats.”” he said.
Medicines and Medical Sup- on time. “If nothing happens And Zambia Republican Party Pres- Under the present law any claim
plies Agency (ZAMMSA) to we are likely to lose some of ident Wright Musoma said that the of impropriety must go to Parliament
quickly resolve the shortage of the patients who cannot afford property had been seized as being sus- where two thirds must vote for immu-
renal consumables in public to buy consumables from their pected proceed of crime and that they nity removal.
health facilities. pockets. As you may be aware were trying to find something to be He however said the UPND did not
KFZ secretary Augustine renal consumables are very used to remove Mr Lungu’s immunity. have two thirds hence the efforts to
Mukuka has reported that al- expensive,” Mr Mukupa said. Mr Musoma believes that the seizure nullify seats so that they get the num-
most all public facilities that Meanwhile, KFZ chairper- was the commencement of the long bers.
offer dialysis to patients have son Thomson Fungwa has awaited investigation, removal of im- He said President Hichilema needed
run out of consumables. commended the National munity and subsequent prosecution of to take a leaf from his Kenyan counter-
Mr Mukuka said that this Health Insurance Manage- the former President. part William Ruto who offered an olive
has posed a great danger to ment Authority for granting “”This is a well calculated plot de- branch to his predecessor who actually Mr Lungu
patients hence their appeal the covering of kidney trans- signed to remove immunity.”he said. supported his opponent.
to ZAMMSA that they work plants within the country.
around the clock to make sure Mr Fungwa announced that
that they provide consuma- after writing to NHIMA two
bles for the patients.
“We would like to express
our displeasure with ZAMMSA
months ago, the request was
granted to cover kidney trans-
plants within the country.
for not having renal consuma-
bles in public health facilities
that offer dialysis. Almost all
“Our request to NHIMA two
months ago to cover kidney
transplants within the coun-
try has been granted and we
ZAMBIA’S social protection tra-
The World Bank has since wel-
comed the leadership and hard
work which has demonstrated
Social Services, Permanent Sec-
retary, Angela Kawandami and
held discussion on Zambia’s so-
these public facilities have run
out of consumables, thereby
posing a danger to patients.
thank management and the
board of NHIMA for support-
ing our brothers and sister
jectory has impressed the World
The World Bank has also ap-
strong results in the delivery
of SCT and implementation of
many other social protection
cial protection sector.
Mr. Chase was happy with
the innovation on the rollout of choice
“We are however thankful
to the Ministry of Health for with this condition,” he said.
preciated the timely and predict-
able Social Cash Transfer (SCT) ment.…I’ll not
programmes under the govern-

This came to light when the

various social protection pro-
grammes with emphasis on the
Supporting Women Livelihoods.
payments resulting in the pro-
gramme scaling up to almost 30 contest
World Bank team led by Prac-
tice Manager of Social Protec-
And speaking earlier, Ms. Ka-
wandami reaffirmed Govern-
Allow self-regulation for percent of the population and 50
percent of the poor with a more
adequate transfer value the PF
tion and Jobs, Robert Chase paid
a courtesy call on Ministry of
Community Development and
ment’s commitment towards
quality delivery of social protec-
tion programmes.
aquaculture industry, govt told presidency
By BUUMBA CHIMBULU produce a first-ever Fisheries
and Aquaculture Policy in the
2 petition ConCourt to cancel suspended - GBM
THE aquaculture industry in
Zambia should be allowed to
“Government needs to sup-
port self-regulation by the aq-
Kabushi and Kwacha by-elections By NATION REPORTER
I HAVE decided not to contest
regulate itself as this will in-
crease the adoption of volun- uaculture industry in Zambia By KETRA KALUNGA Mwanza have told the Con- the Patriotic Front presidency
tary standards and avoid the to allow the private sector to Court that any holding of the but I’m willing to back whoev-
challenges that have crippled play a leading role in regulat- GREEN Party President Peter by-elections outside the 90 er the members will deem fit to
the fisheries subsector. ing the subsector to enhance Sinkamba and Governance days would be illegal as the lead the party, Geoffrey Bwalya
This will also allow the pri- regulatory capacity, to in- activist Isaac Mwanza have constitution has not provided Mwamba (GBM) has said.
vate sector to play a leading crease the adoption of volun- petitioned the Constitutional for extension of the time frame Mr Mwamba said he was sure
role in regulating the sub- tary standards and avoid the Court to order cancellation of by any person, state organ or the members would choose a
sector to enhance regulatory challenges that have crippled the suspended by-elections in state institutions. person who would be market-
capacity, according to the Aq- the capture fisheries subsec- Kabushi and Kwacha constitu- The petitioners contended able both in the party and to
uaculture Development As- tor,” Mr Mwale said. encies and call for fresh nomi- that if the period for holding Zambians at large for the PF to
sociation of Zambia (ADAZ), He also called on Govern- nations. the by-elections in Kabushi and remove the UPND from power.
Chairperson, Mr Fisho Mwale. ment to reverse the policy Kwacha constituencies expire, He said the PF had learnt its
The last day for holding a
Mr Mwale said this in the introduced in 2010 of ban- the implication is that there lesson and would not dare make
by-election in Ndola’s Kabushi
association’s submissions at ning the production of Nile would not be representation of the same mistake of allowing
Constituency is October 27,
the on-going consultative Tilapia hybrid bream in West- the people in Kabushi and Kwa- cadres to reign terror among cit-
2022 while the last day for the
meetings to develop a Fisher- ern, North-Western, Luapula, cha because the constitution izens.
Kwacha by-election in Kitwe is “We have learnt a lesson as
ies and Aquaculture Policy. Muchinga and Eastern prov- has not given any institution to
November 2, 2022 which is 30 a party and that is why we will
The Ministry of Fisheries inces as the local species of extend the 90 days.
days after the nullification of come out stronger because we
and Livestock is conduct- breams being allowed there Mr Sinkamba Mr. Sinkamba and Mr.
the two parliamentary seats. know what Zambians like and
ing a consultative process to are not commercially viable.
Mr. Sinkamba and Mr. Mwanza told the ConCourt
don’t,” said Mr Mwamba, who is
that the Electoral Commission PF national mobilisation chair-
of Zambia made an omission person.
by failing to cancel the election Mr Mwamba said that the
on September 14, 2022 after PF had a very high chance of
accepting resignations by can- bouncing back most especially
didates in the Kwacha and Ka- that the UPND were failing to
bushi by-elections. meet the people’s expectations.
The petitioners said the 90- He said this was time for the
day time frame for holding party to regroup and strategise
by-elections in Kwacha and by choosing a leader who could
Kabushi constituencies which unify and grow the party.
fell vacant was prescribed by “We have to capitalise on the
the constitution and cannot be UPND’s failure to give the peo-
enlarged by any person, State ple what they promised them by
organ or State institutions. choosing a leader that will make
They stated in a court filing the party formidable,” he said.
that the prescription of the Mr Mwamba said he still
90-day time frame for holding could offer a lot to the party
by-elections was meant to cure even if he was not president
prolonged uncertainty in which because there were other capa-
parliamentary seats remained ble and competent people who
vacant thereby depriving the could take over the mantle from
people of representation in the former Republican President
National Assembly. Edgar Lungu.
September 27, 2022 ADVERTISEMENT 3

September 27, 2022

within the
Tel: +260 211 243527
Plot No. 5251B Mukwa Road,
Heavy Industrial Area. P.O. Box 34553, Lusaka
law-mines ME FREE - KATAMBO
Email: dailynation@ymail.com
www.dailynation.info advised By GIDEON NYENDWA day be vindicated.
And ACC public relations
manager Timothy Moono

HE truth will set me
free, I have been a said Mr Katambo was sum-
to be able to access finan-
public servant before
and if the Anti-Cor-
ruption Commission (ACC)
moned in connection with an
ongoing investigation.
Mr Moono said he could
has any question regarding not disclose any more in-
WITHOUT doubt, Zambians anxiously look for- cial investment and grow
my tenure of office they are formation because it was an
ward to the universal reach of internet country- the industry, the Zambia
free to do so, former Minister ongoing investigation and Mr
Chamber of Mines have
wide for many reasons. advised small scale min- of Agriculture Michael Kat- Katambo was likely to appear
Within the next six months, the country is ear- ambo has said. before the ACC again this Fri-
marked to have access to fast internet services to Mr Katambo who was yes- day.
President, Doctor God-
be provided by Starlink, a satellite internet con- terday summoned by the ACC Mr Katambo was accompa-
win Beene said the mining
said he was ready to avail nied by his lawyer, Mr Jonas
stellation operated by SpaceX, founded by the sector would only grow
Zimba and acting Patriotic Mr Katambo
and contribute to eco- himself when summoned as
world’s richest man, Elon Musk. he maintained he was an in- Front secretary general Nick-
Zambians are upbeat because the fast internet nomic develop through
nocent person who will one son Chilangwa.
service will revolutionarise many sectors, such as the creation of jobs if more
mines obtained mining li-
commerce and education. censes.
It is uncommon to receive text messages from Dr. Beene said in an bidding procedure.
financial institutions informing them that the sys-
tems are down.
This is a drawback because financial institu-
interview that all mining
companies whether arti-
sanal, small and medium
ZPPA defends cancellation Opposing the application,
Mr Mbewe urged the court
not to entertain the applica-
tions and its customers need reliable internet
connectivity to enhance customer satisfaction.
scale should ensure that
they obtain rights to op- of fertiliser tenders tion stating that the aggrieved
suppliers have an alternative
erate. avenue to challenge the de-
When the coronavirus disease broke out, edu- He said it would be eas- Stoutone Investments Limit-
By GRACE CHAILE cision which is arbitration in
cation services were shut down. Lecturers and ier for mines that oper- ed, Samar Agro Investments line with the Public Procure-
teachers had to resort to e-learning. ated legally to approach Limited and Conchak Invest- ment Act no.8 of 2020.
But this was a challenge for several reasons be- a financier whether it’s a GOVERNMENT terminated ments Limited have sought He stated that the two ap-
cause most pupils and students had no access to bank, an investor or the the tender for the supply of leave for judicial review con- peals were received from
the internet while for those who did, lack of speed government for funding. tending that the termination Bestmed Services Limited/Af-
259, 992.15 metric tonnes
was a serious impediment. “We urge every mining of the tender is illegal. rican Fertiliser Zambia Lim-
of Compound D and Urea
operator, artisanal, small The four contend that the ited joint venture (JV) and
Fast internet will also enhance e-governance and large scale explora-
fertiliser for the 2022/2023
decision by the appeals com-
and financial inclusion, among others. farming season awarded to Sealand Commodities Limit-
tion license to ensure that mittee of ZPPA directing the ed arising from the tender on
After a successful meeting with a Starlink del- Evergreen Fertiliser Limited procurement committee and
they operate within the September 1 and 2, 2022.
egation in New York last week, President Hakain- and three other companies the Ministry of Agriculture to
law by obtaining a mining Mr Mbewe contended that
because of irregularities in terminate the tender for the
de Hichilema said the company will soon offer right.
the tender process, says the the ZPPA commenced inves-
its services in Zambia in line with Government’s Dr. Beene said a lot of supply, delivery and ware- tigations into the appeals and
jobs would be employed appeals committee of the housing of 259, 992.15 metric
quest to embrace internet revolution. Zambia Public Procurement the entire procurement pro-
“We expect that in under six months, we will in the mining sector when tonnes of compound D and cess of the tender.
more mines obtain opera- (ZPPA). Urea fertiliser for the 2022/23
have universal internet in this country,” the Presi- He said that On September
tion licenses. According to an affidavit farming season is ultra- vires 9 and 14, a decision was made
dent said on arrival in Lusaka from New York. He said the country in opposition to notice for section 39 of the Public Pro- directing the procurement
Fast internet will facilitate efficient communica- has had a very old decent leave to apply for judicial re- curement Act, therefore ille- committee to terminate the
tion. It will also ensure cost effectiveness in cost. mining legislation which view filed in the Lusaka High gal by reason that they were tender.
Currently, internet users feel abused as bundles has received numerous Court, acting director - com- found to be the best evaluated “That the decision of the
runout faster than expected. reviews over decades and pliance monitoring, Mr Gil- bidders following a National first respondent directing the
mine operators should bert Mbewe contends that the Competitive Bidding Proce- second respondent to termi-
With fast internet, more users will come on appeals committee has not
take advantage of the reg- dure. nate the tender was not ille-
board and thus lngormation Technology literacy ulation to begin to operate received any notice of arbitra- They want an order of pro- gal, irrational or procedurally
levels will increase. within the law. tion challenging its decision. hibition not to proceed with improper,” he stated.
This will also enhance productivity which is Dr. Beene has also wel- “That the decision to ter- the procuring of supply, deliv- Mr Mbewe contended that
now being driven by the IT age. come government pro- minate the tender was based ery, warehousing and distrib- there was no merit in the ap-
eGovernment services include immigration in- nouncement to re-orga- on fundamental irregulari- uting of fertiliser. plication for judicial review
formation systems which will help curb cases of nize the artisanal, small ties observed in the procure- The suppliers also seek an as the aggrieved parties merit
human trafficking. and medium scale mining ment/tender process itself order of prohibition to re- because they have not dis-
Fast Internet connection will also aid telemed- saying the move would at- and not the bids submitted by strain the procurement com- closed an arguable case wor-
tract financial investment bidders,” he states. mittee and the Ministry of thy of further consideration at
icine, transport service management, fraud and and grow the economy. This is a matter in which Agriculture from proceeding a substantive judicial review
Internet abuse detection, among others. Evergreen Fertiliser Limited, with non- competitive open hearing.
The State will also benefit because fast inter-
net will mean enhancing e-Government services
which include immigration information systems
which will help curb cases of human trafficking.
Fast internet will facilitates a lot of services;
Police nab bishop for rape, defilement raped her as a way of removing
the cotton from the abdomen
She sustained bruises and
electronic commerce, remote site health services, laws of Zambia. When the parents took her abdominal pains.
agro input and commodity price monitoring, By NATION REPORTER Police spokesperson Rae there, on the agreed date, the Mr Haamonga said with re-
eGovernment services including tax and pen- Haamonga said the victim had bishop demanded that the vic- gards to the defilement case
POLICE in Mansa have brief facts were that the Bishop
sion management, banking and other financial charged Bishop John Mwelwa
persistent abdominal pains tim should go alone with him
and her parents took her to so that he could remove the was approached by a parent of
services including facilitating financial inclusion, aged 37 of Healing Cross Min- a female Juvenile aged 15 who
Bishop Mwelwa who prophe- cotton.
education especially during lockdown situations, istries Church for two offences sied that she had cotton in her He said on September 19, had a condition of having milk
domestic and foreign trade, news dissemination of rape contrary to Section 132 abdomen and gave her an ap- 2022 around 13:00 hours the coming out of her breast on an
even to very remote areas. of the Penal Code Act Chapter pointment to see him on Sep- victim went to the bishop, he unknown date on a Sunday in
In short, it will raise the speed at which electron- 87 and Defilement Contrary to tember18, 2022 around 10:00 took her to a lodge where the March, 2022 at Healing Cross
ic services are provided. Section 138 Chapter 87 of the hours. bishop is accused of having Ministries Church.
But even more important are the economic ben-
efits for the country as it strives to navigate its employees, Joseph Nthele,
way out of the debt trap.
Fast Internet connection should definitely be a Court adjourns Yamba and Mugemezulu case Joseph Phiri and Joseph Ngu-
game changer that should leave a smile on every When the matter came up
By LUCY PHIRI Higher Education Permanent under the Ministry of Higher for commencement of trial
Zambian’s face. Secretary Owen Mugemezulu Education. yesterday, magistrate Irene
THE Lusaka Magistrate’s court and four others are facing five Yamba is charged with Phiri adjourned the matter be-
has adjourned to October 28, charges of failure to comply Mugemezulu, former Ministry cause the magistrate handling
2022 the case in which former with laid down procedure. of Education Permanent Sec- it was not present.
Secretary to the Treasury Fred- The charges are in relation retary, Dr Patrick Nkanza, and All the defendants pleaded
son Yamba, former Ministry of to the FTJ Chiluba University, former ministry of Education not guilty to the charge.
27, September 2022
Home News | 5


AHF is a global nonprofit organization providing high-quality HIV care and services to those in need. We generate new, inno-
vative ways of treating and addressing barriers to care for our clients through a network of pharmacies, thrift stores, health
and wellness centers, affordable housing locations, and food-service programs. AHF Zambia invites applications from in-
terested, competent and eligible firms for prequalification for the under listed categories of goods, services and works for
the period 2022 - 2024.


SECTION A: SUPPLY OF GOODS 57 Provision of fumigation and pest control services
1 Supply of assorted pharmaceuticals 58 Provision of insurance brokerage services
2 Supply of non-pharmaceutical medical and surgical 59 Provision of insurance underwriters and staff pension
supplies services
3 Supply of laboratory equipment, test kits and reagents 60 Provision of hotel accommodation and conference
4 Supply of general office furniture and fixtures facilities
FILE PHOTO : “FRA started buying maize 5 Supply, installation and maintenance of radiology 61 Provision of advertising and media coverage services
late when farmers had already started equipment and consumables (X-ray, ultrasound) 62 Provision of photography and videography services
selling maize to briefcase buyers.” 6 Supply of specialty and customized furniture 63 Provision of events management services (decor
7 Supply, installation and maintenance of generators services, PA system/ DJ/sound, tents, tables, chairs and
other related party accessories)
8 Supply, installation and maintenance of solar equipment
64 Provision of marketing communications and public
9 Supply of electrical equipment and accessories
relations services
buyers and later closed buying in excess of 250,000 10 Supply, installation and maintenance of air conditioners
By NOEL IYOMBWA 65 Provision of property management services
meaning that farmers again metric tonnes of pro- 11 Supply, installation and maintenance of firefighting
66 Provision of wiring and electrical installation services
continued selling to these duce from the initial over equipment
IT’S pointless for govern- 67 Provision of asset tagging/coding services
ment through FRA to re- buyers, so it’s too late for FRA 170,000mt through FRA. 12 Supply and maintenance of computers, printers,
photocopiers and consumables 68 Provision of catering services
sume buying maize when even if they resume buying
where are they going to buy 13 Supply of computer software and licenses 69 Provision of goods transport services
farmers have sold to brief- “They started buy-
from ?,” he said. 14 Supply of petroleum products and lubricants 70 Provision of social media management and digital media
case buyers, Muchinka ward
councilor Syden Mwela has He notes that going for- ing late when farm- 15 Supply of motor vehicles, accessories and spare parts
strategy services

said. ward, government should ers had already 16 Supply of motorcycles, accessories and spare parts
71 Provision of research/survey or market study services
Speaking in an interview, give farmers a long period started selling to 17 Supply of plumbing materials, pipes and fittings
72 Provision of bulk SMS services
Mr Mwela said FRA start- of time for FRA to buy from briefcase buyers 18 Supply of cleaning equipment and materials
73 Provision of website maintenance services
ed buying maize late when farmers. Mr Mwela further and later closed 74 Provision of network infrastructure services, data
advised FRA to move de- 19 Supply of curtains, window blinds and carpets
farmers had already started meaning that farm- communication services, computer networks and
selling maize to briefcase pots closer to farmers. In re- ers again continued 20 Supply of security equipment and gadgets structured cabling
buyers. He said FRA bought sponse to the cry by farmers 21 Supply of general office stationery
with excess produce for sale,
selling to these 75 Provision of towing services
from farmers but after a buyers, so it’s too 22 Supply of printed stationery 76 Provision of car tracking services
short time they closed, dis- Government has reopened 23 Supply and design of promotional material and
advantaging many peasant Food Reserve Agency (FRA) late for FRA even if merchandise (umbrellas, t-shirts, bags, laundry bags,
satellite depots to buy more they resume buying 77 Provision of financial audit and advisory services
farmers. gift bags, hoodies etc.)
“They started buying late maize, soya beans and rice. where are they go- 24 Supply of customized rubber stamps and company seals
78 Provision of mechanical and electrical engineering
This is despite Govern- ing to buy from ?,” consultancy services
when farmers had already 25 Supply of fresh fruits, vegetables, tubers and herbs
started selling to briefcase ment meeting its target of he said. 26 Supply of bakery and confectionery products
79 Provision of structural and civil engineering consultancy
27 Supply of crockery, cutlery, glassware, traditional ovens 80 Provision of architectural consultancy services
81 Provision of quantity surveyor (QS) services

Patrice Lumumba challenges africa

28 Supply of bottled water and water dispensers
82 Provision of interior design services
29 Supply of general hardware materials and tools
83 Provision of IT consultancy services
30 Supply of electrical materials e.g. bulbs, cables, sockets
84 Provision of staff recruitment, training and other HR
related services

to find solutions to its porblems

31 Supply of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
32 Supply of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
emergency items
85 Provision of legal services
86 Provision of occupational health and safety services
87 Provision of fund management and accounting services
BY VITA BANDA 33 Supply of relief non-food items SECTION D: PROVISION OF WORKS
He says the western coun- 88 Provision of civil works and building construction
34 Supply of relief food items
AFRICA should find solu- tries will never help the con- services
tinent to become self-reliant. 35 Supply of high nutrition supplies
tions to the problems it is 89 Provision of minor construction services including
facing, Pan Africanist Patrice Speaking during the en- 36 Supply, installation and maintenance of refrigeration
renovations, office partitioning and general
trepreneurship conference equipment
Lumumba has charged. refurbishments
Professor Lumumba says in Lusaka, organised by the 37 Supply, installation and maintenance of CCTV, access
90 Provision of electrical and mechanical engineering works
the only way the continent Eden University, Prof Lu- control and intruder alarms
91 Provision of plumbing and drainage installation works
will succeed is when it unites mumba indicated that it is 38 Supply, installation and maintenance of audio-visual
time for Africa to believe that equipment including screens, projectors and related 92 Provision of borehole drilling services
and comes up with tangible
it can solve its own prob- equipment 93 Provision of construction services for prefabricated
lems. 39 Supply, installation and maintenance of electronic containers
Prof Lumumba says the
Prof Lumumba says if appliances and households (TV, cookers, microwaves
continent has been lagging Prof. Lumumba The supplier prequalification exercise will be conducted online
concept will be embraced, and other related equipment) via:
behind because it has been
looking for solutions else- Africa will not be the same. 40 Supply, installation and maintenance of power back-up
systems, UPS, and power stabilizers
41 Supply and servicing of radio communication equipment
including vehicle radio equipment

PSZ aids orphanage SECTION B: NON-CONSULTANCY SERVICES Tendersure™ platform is secure, transparent and provides
an efficient prequalification process. Interested suppliers
42 Provision of ambulance and emergency evacuation may access and register on www.tendersure.co.ke under the
services “Available Jobs” tab. Access to the prequalification will be
43 Repair and servicing of motor vehicles granted upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of ZMK 500.00
44 Repair and servicing of motorcycles per category. All payments will be made via an online payment
By NAMO PHIRI among others lack of access to health provi- platform during the application process. Available payment
45 Repair and servicing of clinical laboratory equipment
sions, enough food and clothing. methods include MTN, Airtel, Zamtel, Visa Card, MasterCard,
The Association president also assured the 46 Provision of air ticketing and travel agency services amongst others. The online prequalification exercise closes on
(must be registered with IATA) 28 t h Oct ober 2022 at 10pm CAT.
PHARMACEUTICAL Society of Zambia (PSZ) orphanage that PSZ would continue visiting
them monthly to support them with certain 47 Provision of printing, photocopying, binding and
has donated goods worth over K83, 000 to secretarial services In case of any inquiry kindly contact us at ahfzambia@
Home of Happiness Children’s Orphanage necessities and pledged to offer educational tendersure.co.ke or WhatsApp Number +254114892485.
support to the orphaned children at the facil- 48 Provision of courier services
ahead of the commemoration of the World
Pharmacist Day. ity. 49 Provision of clearing and forwarding services All exist ing suppliers are required t o part icipat e alongside
PSZ President Kennedy Saini said during And Home of Happiness Coordinator Ber- 50 Provision of security guarding services prospect ive suppliers in order t o be evaluat ed and
the donation that the Association would con- nadette Mindeo who expressed gratitude to 51 Provision of car hire, lease and taxi services considered.
tinue to render help to the orphanage. PSZ for the donation said it was inspiring to 52 Provision of engraving and embroidery services
see such a kind gestures towards the children All participants who duly complete the prequalification
Mr Saini said PSZ had seen the need to 53 Provision of garbage collection services process online will be notified of the outcome.
render help to the Orphanage and would also as management alone cannot manage to look
54 Provision of hazardous and biomedical waste
partner with other associations and stake- after the children. Only prequalified firms will be requested to provide
management services
holders in rendering help. Ms. Mindeo appealed to other stakehold- compet it ive quot at ions f or goods/services list ed above
ers to come on board and offer medical ser- 55 Provision of cleaning, sanitary services and sanitary bins as and when needed. AHF Zambia reserves t he right t o
He said PSZ would endeavor to find a long
vices to the children which was a major chal- 56 Provision of laundry services accept or reject any bid in whole or part at it s discret ion.
lasting solution to some of the challenges be-
ing faced by the Orphanage which include lenge.
6 HOME NEWS September 27 2022


By KETRA KALUNGA that they monitor the imple-
mentation of the IMF bail- By NATION REPORTER try that the country planned iconductor manufacturing er, and it continuously lever-
ZAMBIANS through the out package to the benefits to set up with the Democratic plant in the next two years and ages its expertise in software
various stakeholders espe- of the citizenry. VEDANTA has set its eyes on Republic of Congo. replicating it in Zambia will and hardware to integrate its
cially the Civil Society Or- “As CSOs, we cannot af- Zambia with the prospect of Dr. Banda said the planned boost the country’s mineral unique manufacturing sys-
ganisations (CSOs) should ford to fold our arms and investing in the electric car partnership between Zambia value chain. tems with emerging technolo-
monitor the implementa- let the government run with battery manufacturing sec- and the Democratic Republic With the partnership be- gies,” Dr Banda said.
tion of the IMF bailout pro- the IMF the way they want tor. of Congo to jointly embark on tween Zambia and the DRC, He said in Zambia, Vedanta
gramme from the word go to run with it, I think that According to Vedanta Coun- the production of electric ve- Vedanta is poised to work with was represented by Vedanta
to ensure it benefits the cit- will be doing a very huge try Director Dr. Moses Banda, hicle batteries and other elec- both countries and connect Resources Holdings Limited
izens, says Operation Young disservice to the country if this follows the recent signing tronic accessories to create them to the industry players and the Zambian subsidi-
Vote. we did that,” he said. of a memorandum of under- a firm position in the global in India. ary Konkola Copper Mines
Executive director, Guess Mr. Nyirenda said no one standing between Vedanta supply chain was critical and Dr. Banda stated that Ve- (KCM), the country’s largest
Nyirenda said CSOs would should be a bully over the and the state of Gujurat of In- timely. danta shares the government’s integrated copper producer,
be doing a very huge dis- bailout implementation dia to set up a semiconductor He noted that Vedanta, one interest in ensuring value ad- with an entire production val-
service to the country if programme because it was fabrication plant commonly of the largest players in the dition in the mining indus- ue chain comprising open pit
they stayed back and let the borrowed by the govern- referred to as a fab unit, a dis- Southern African mining sec- try, which will help to create and underground mines, con-
government implement the ment for and on behalf of play fab unit, and a semicon- tor was ready to partner with a robust sector, crucial to the centrators, a state-of-the-art
IMF bailout programme the Zambians. ductor assembling and testing the government to ensure the country’s overall develop- smelter, tailings leach plant,
alone because it might not He said CSOs and oth- unit in Ahmedabad in western creation of viable ventures ment. and a refinery.
be done to the expectations er stakeholders would be India. that would spur employment “Vedanta will hold 60 per- Dr Banda said Vedanta had
of the people. shooting themselves in the Mr Banda said Vedanta was and other economic opportu- cent of the equity in the successfully operated KCM
Mr. Nyirenda said in an foot if they sat back and considering engaging the nities to ensure mutual bene- JV while Foxconn will own from 2004 to 2019 and invest-
interview that Zambians watched the government Zambian government to con- fit. 40 percent. Foxconn is the ed US$3 billion which includ-
through the CSOs must be from the terraces imple- sider the possibilities of par- The joint venture recent- world’s leading and largest ed US$1.3 billion in sustaining
on top of things by ensuring menting the programme. ticipating in the electric car ly embarked on in India was electronics manufacturer and CAPEX and US$1.7 billion into
battery manufacturing indus- looking at setting up a sem- technology solution provid- project Capex.

Witness testifies in Lusambo land trial

By LUCY PHIRI same place within Ndola and I liked the piece
of land, we had made negotiations with Lu-
sambo over the piece of land, we agreed on
I BOUGHT land from former Lusaka Province K880,000,’’ he said.
Minister, Bowman Lusambo which the Ndo- Mr Soni said after one week payments were
Mr Nyirenda la City council confirmed, owner and CEO of made and it was in cash deposit payment using
Zam Imports Limited has testified in court. the FNB Ndola branch.
In this matter, Lusambo and his wife Nan- “I sent my accountant Mr Godfrey Chomba
cy Manase Lusambo pleaded not guilty to 10 to deposit the money into Mr Lusambo’s ac-
counts of corrupt acquisition of public prop- count. He came back with a copy of a deposit
Mwense Council chairperson interred erty, possession of property suspected of being
proceeds of crime, tax evasion and conspiracy
slip and to my surprise the names were in Silvia
Mutale,’’ he said.
Mr Syakalima

By VITA BANDA to defraud. He said he called Mr Lusambo to confirm if

FORMER Mwense District Council Chairperson Hum-

The couple appeared yesterday before Lusa-
ka magistrate Faides Hamaundu, who is one of
he had received the moneywhich he did.
“I went ahead and gave the surveyor to check
Grade 9 External
phrey Kapapula has been put to rest.
Mr Kapapula died last week after being murdered by un-
the magistrates handling Economic and Finan-
cial Crimes.
on the land but he came back to tell me that it
was an encroachment,’’ he said
Results: Syakalima
known people.
Former Republican President Edgar Lungu was among
Lusambo is facing all the 10 charges, while
his wife is facing four.
Mr Soni said he then communicated with
Lusambo to confirm, but Mr Lusambo was
warns teachers
the mourners who attended the requiem service for Mr Ka- Mr Jignesh Soni, a witness said after he had also surprised because he was not aware of en- OVER 13, 000 candidates out
papula at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Lusaka. made payments to buy the land which Lusam- croachment. of 132, 508 who sat for Grade
Local Government and Rural Development Minister bo was selling, he discovered that the land was In cross-examination, the defence lawyers 9 external exams have ob-
Garry Nkombo said the death of Mr Kapapula is painful be- an encroachment. being represented by Francis Daka asked Mr tained certificates.
cause of the way he died. He said in February 2021, he was approached Soni if he deposited the K880, 000 into Frontier And only 20, 980 candi-
Mr Nkombo said it was sad that Mr Kapapula could die in by an agent and informed that there was some Management Limited, he said he did not know dates from 143, 351 who sat
such a painful manner. land which was available in Ndola which be- the company’s name. for GCE exams obtained
He said the death of Mr Kapapula is regrettable. longed to Lusambo. Mr Daka further asked if the K880, 000 was school certificates.
And Patriotic Front acting President Given Lubinda said “Mr Lusambo called me if I was interested, deposited in Lusambo’s account, he said No, it Education Minister Doug-
Mr Kapapula will be remembered for being firm on action was not in Lusambo’s account. las Syakalima, who an-
I said I was interested and I took a drive to the
against injustice. nounced the results in Lusaka
Mr Lubinda indicated that Mr Kapapula ensured that yesterday also disclosed that
justice prevailed. 385 suspected individuals

Fight against illicit and 69 centre examination

malpractices where reported

Clean up constitution,
during the 2022 General Cer-
tificate Examinations.
financial flows launched Mr Syakalima also dis-
closed that 45 suspected
individual examination

says NAREP of constitutional reform

THE 2022 annual continental conference aimed at fighting illicit
financial flows and taxation in Africa has been launched by the
malpractices were recorded
during the Grade 9 external
exams and one centre exam
during the same period.
By MUKWIMA CHILALA TaxJustice Network Africa (TJNA) with support from the Centre He said the cases were in
through the infamous Bill for Trade Policy and Development. form of smuggling unauthor-
GOVERNMENT should pri- 10 because the PF govern- The conference will help to provide an opportunity for African ised materials such as mobile
oritise clearing the lacunas ment took it with the ap- parliamentarians to strategise and build capacity in tackling illicit phones, impersonation, cop-
in the constitution as sug- proach of looking at things financial flows and tax injustice on the continent. ying and exam assistance.
gested by the Zambia Cen- that would favour them at Speaking during the launch, African Parliamentary Network on Mr Syakalima warned
tre for Interparty Dialogue, that time and its process illicit Financial Flows and Taxation chairperson Chanda Katotob- teachers to desist from aiding
National Restoration Party was not consultative. we, said rampant illegalities need to be addressed immediately as pupils during exams as doing
deputy secretary general Mr Mulenga said things Africa is losing a lot of revenue. so is a crime.
Martin Mulenga has said. should be done differently Mr Katotobwe said it was high time legislators in Africa, came up Meanwhile, Examination
Mr. Mulenga has stressed this time around and lead- with necessary measures to stop illicit activities. Council of Zambia Direc-
the need for constitutional ers need to work together He said ending Illicit financial flows need a political will by en- tor Michael Chilala warned
reforms stating that many in ensuring Zambians have acting laws aimed at protecting resources for the future genera- that practicing licences for
clauses in the constitution a constitution that will ben- tions. teachers who will be found
require clarity. efit everyone and not a po- Mr Mosioma Meanwhile, TJNA Executive Director Alvin Mosioma said illic- involved in aiding pupils
He said Zambia squan- litical party or a few selected it activities have been preventing Africa from earning reasonable during exams will be with-
dered the opportunity individuals. revenue. drawn.- ZNBC.
September 27, 2022 ADVERTISEMENT 7




LOAN NO. : 2000200000602

1. Background i. Prepare comprehensive a report. The report should Interested Consultants with the required profile must send
The Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock has received present a cogent analysis on findings and causes as their Expressions of Interest, which must consist of the
financing from the African Development Bank towards the related to the predetermined compliance audit scope following documents:
cost of the Zambia Aquaculture Enterprise Development and criteria. It should present a logical (qualitative
Project (ZAEDP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds and quantitative) examination of the effectiveness of • Letter of Application
of the loan to payments for the contract for the provision mitigation measures, residual risks, environment-health • Curriculum Vitae (CV); and
of consultancy services to undertake an Environmental and safety (EHS) issues, etc. The report should also • Copies of diplomas or certificates of academic
and Social Compliance Audit for the Zambia Aquaculture include a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) summarizing qualifications
Enterprise Development Project. the concrete recommendations for follow-up actions • Proof of registration in a professional body
on findings and remedial measures including clearly
2. Objective of the assignment estimated costs, specific roles and responsibilities. 5. The duration of the assignment is expected to be
The objective of the Environmental and Social compliance j. Organize a closing meeting with the auditee's as follows:
audit is to assess the level of compliance of the project management and those responsible for the functions
with the applicable E&S requirements. The audit will focus audited. The purpose of this meeting is to present audit The maximum duration of the Assignment is three (03)
specifically on assessing theb extent of compliance with findings to ensure that they are clearly understood months.
the financial agreements provisions, including national and acknowledged by the auditee. Any outstanding The Consultant will submit the following reports within the
legislations, regulations and procedures, the Bank’s diverging opinion between the audit team and the three (03) months:
environmental and social requirements and international auditee should be discussed and recorded.
industrial best practices (IIBP) of the project’s sector. The (a) Phase I – Submission of Inception Report – 2 calendar
audit will identify non-compliance, good practices and 4. Required Qualifications, Experience and Technical weeks from commencement;
deficiencies, and recommend corrective actions. Competencies (b) Phase II – Submission of Draft Report – 2 calendar
months from commencement; and
3. Scope of the Audit The candidate shall have the following minimum (c) Phase III – Submission of Final Report – 3 calendar
The consultant is expected to undertake the following tasks: qualifications, experience and technical competencies which months from commencement
a. Review the Bank’s environmental and social policies’ will constitute the selection criteria:
requirements, including climate change and gender. 6. Potential applicants may obtain further information
b. Review the applicable national legislations, regulations, Qualifications (20 points): including detailed Terms of Reference at the address
norms, standards and procedures, including national • At least a master’s degree in environmental and social below during the official hours from 08.00 to 17.00 hours
legal Authorization, Permits and Certificates required management disciplines. (Monday to Friday).
prior to actions. • To be formally registered with ZEMA as an
c. Review available reports on the project including the Environmental Auditor 7. The Expressions of Interest clearly marked as
project appraisal report, the Loan/grant agreements, “Expressions of Interest for Provision of Consultancy
the project periodic implementation 5 reports, any Experience (50 points) Services to undertake an Environmental and Social
relevant documentation and records available and • A minimum of eight (8) years of relevant professional Compliance Audit of the Zambia Aquaculture
necessary for the assessment of the project E&S experience in environment and social auditing. Enterprise Development Project (ZAEDP)”, must be
performance. Experience in the broad areas of environmental and deposited in the Tender Box at the address below or sent
d. Organize an opening meeting with the auditee’s social assessment and, in environment management by email to: Clement.Mukuka@mfl.gov.zm with copy to
management, and where applicable, representatives and monitoring, is an advantage konda.miti@gmail.com not later than Friday, 14 October
of the project’s Implementing Agency, Contractor, etc. • At least three (03) traceable references of past 2022 at 10:00 hours, local time.
e. Determine and agree on the scope, methodology and environmental and social compliance audit assignments
specific set of criteria for the compliance audit with the 8. LATE SUBMISSIONS SHALL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Project Implementation Unit (PIU). Technical Competencies (30 points)
f. Evaluate the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, • Experience in preparing and/or managing the 9. The address(es) referred to above are:
Project Implementing Unit’s actual capacity for implementation of ESIAs, ESMPs, RAPs of projects
managing and monitoring implementation of agreed financed by AfDB or other Development Financing For Clarifications and Submission
mitigation measures and related E&S documents Institutions. Mr. Clement Mukuka
applicable to the project. • Experience in the project host country would be an
g. Hold consultation(s) with the relevant regulatory added advantage. Head - Procurement and Supplies Unit
agencies and stakeholders (including but not limited to 3rd Floor, Room 310
Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Independence Avenue,
the PIU, local beneficiaries, project affected persons, Note: The individual consultant may engage other team
P.O. Box 50060, Ridgeway
civil society, government ministries, and contractors), members to attain a skill mix but this should be within his Lusaka
on the status of the project with respect to identified or her fee
E&S risks and impacts as well as planned and E-mail: Clement.Mukuka@mfl.gov.zm
implemented mitigation measures and legal permits. The selection procedure, eligibility criteria and establishment Harriet.Mwala@mfl.gov.zm
h. Carry out project site inspections to assess project of the short-list, shall be in accordance with the African Konda.miti@gmail.com
implementation activities including management of Development Bank’s Procurement Policy for Bank Group
contractors and related environmental and social risks Funded Operations, October 2015, which is available on the Permanent Secretary
and impacts. Bank’s website at http://www.afdb.org. MINISTRY OF FISHERIES AND LIVESTOCK
Tuesday September 27, 2022 8

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Comrade Tukuta,
enrol in studies
instead of samba
dancing club
Dear Editor,

NEWLY appointed Press

Secretary at the Zambian
Mission in Brazil, Mr Chel-
lah Tukuta held a farewell
party on September 22, 2022
in Lusaka for his network of
socialites, divas and prom-
inent musicians including
Macky 2.
Looking at the list of invit-
ed guests, I got the picture of
the changing character of the
staff in Zambian Missions. I will however strongly
The party had few speech- advise him to consider the
es. Brief interesting com- university education option
ments were made by Tukuta because the returns are high-
himself when he reaffirmed er than the samba dancing
his loyalty as a cadre to Presi- option.
dent Hakainde Hichilema. The Zambian Diplomatic
Brazil is diverse and is the Service is highly politicised
biggest economy in Latin and has high staff turnover.
America and therefore pro- There are some diplomatic
vides Tukuta with prospects staff members who were re-
that would meet his person- called recently after spend-
ality needs. If wants to use ing hardly one year at their
his time productively and missions.
become an effective cadre, he Some have reintegrated


should consider enrolling in smoothly while others are
one of the popular and acces- now Socialist Party cadres.
sible universities in the state They provide valuable les-
of Saulo Paulo. sons on the vulnerability of
But if wants to remain a so- working in the Zambian Dip-

cialite, he may engage in sam- lomatic Service. Comrade
ba dancing school and come Tukuta, learn from them and
introduce one back home at go well.
the end of his mission. MIKE CHUNGU.

THE Zambian Roads & High-

way Safety Group (ZRHSG) Probe alleged sexual abuse of
would like to know which
government office is going
to be held responsible for the
the Copper Queens players
deaths of 11 Zambians on Dear Editor, The Minister of Youth,
the great East Road and the Sport and Arts. Mr Elvis Nk-
deaths of 22 UCZ members in THE recent revelations andu is equally dismayed
Northern Province. through social media that about the alleged reports of
The group wants to know some members of the Cop- sexual abuse. Mr Nkandu
whose job it is to ensure that per Queens have been sexu- said the Copper Queens play-
our roads and highways are ally abused by the technical ers are government trophies
kept accident-free. bench is sad. who should be protected
It wants to know which de- Social media was last week from sexual abuse.
partment is tasked with ensur- awash with reports that the The Copper Queens re-
ing congestion on our roads is Copper Queens players have cently made the country
dealt with and traffic allowed been sexually abused by proud by emerging third at
to flow? Another place waiting for an accident is the entrance to Levy Hospital and Chainama College.
some members of the techni- the 2022 Morocco Women’s
The group wants to know cal bench. Africa Cup of Nations (WAF-
which officer is paid to ensure The allegations as regards CON) football tournament
that our roads are well main- roads with no visible corre- for students who feel they have the proven methods of keeping the sexual abuse of the play- and subsequently qualified
tained and obstacles on our sponding action by the gov- a right of way. the traffic flowing and remov- ers is a serious matter which for the 2023 FIFA World Cup
roads removed. ernment agencies in charge of Another place waiting for ing all obstacles on our roads requires thorough investiga- to be co-hosted by Australia
The group wants to know fixing our roads and keeping an accident is the entrance to such as humps, right hand tions. This is because it has and New Zealand.
which agency signs off the our roads safe and usable. Levy Hospital and Chainama turns and pedestrian cross- irked soccer fans in the coun- It is however, sad that
poor and non-reflective road The recent accidents point College. These places require ings where there are no traffic try. some members of the tech-
markings paint which are not to a road sector that is badly a new lane of their own or a lights. The alleged sexual abuse nical bench were alleged to
visible at night and why our designed and badly main- roundabout to be built to allow Let our narrow roads be of the players can only be have sexually abused the
road signage are not up to tained for safe passage and for traffic to turn without stop- widened and overtaking lanes resolved if people with in- players in exchange for places
international standards and safe usage. ping other traffic. built in areas known to be con- formation can come forward in the team.
cannot be easily read by road The UNZA accident for ex- Let the Government agen- gested or known to be black and provide evidence. This If the allegations of sexual
users? ample point to a busy entrance cies like the RDA, RTSA and spots. will help the investigative abuse are proved right, the
These and many questions into a university that is placed NRFA responsible for looking MTHONISWA BANDA, wings to ensure that the per- perpetrators should face the
bother us whenever we see at a dangerous depression with after our roads become proac- Group Admin – Zambia Roads petrators are brought to book full wrath of the law.
the increasing number of ac- a zebra crossing that forces fast tive and minimise the chances & Highway Safety Group, to face the full wrath of the ELEMIYA PHIRI,
cidents and fatalities on our moving highway traffic to stop of accidents occurring through (0977 405086). law. Lusaka.
September 27, 2022 FEATURES 9

The ASS.
It is the ASS programme.
Noises of disagreement and an-
noyance were rising in the crowd
Government that such marginal-
ised, vulnerable and stigmatised
napenya nekha ni maso (today
I have seen it with my own eyes,
as the mentioned left the meeting. special minorities must receive never taste poison).
This is because whereas previous- priority attention for their care “As I conclude, I want to state
ly it had over one million benefi- Everyone fidgeted. and protection by the State. here that all Tongas should see
ciaries, this is a surgically targeted So if there are any prostitutes me after this meeting. My depu-

ACES gaunt, lips cracked, progranme, for reasons of fiscal One, as he left, his fists angrily hit- and homosexuals here, please ty needs to whisper something to
clothes ragged and filthy, discipline and improved efficien- ting the air, shouted: stay. You are the people we want. you which cannot be said at this
they badly smelt of poverty. cy. Iyi boma niyopusa! Government has a passionate meeting because of time.
These were the Zambi- Through the ASS, Zambia is go- Mwanya! desire for your satisfaction. We are Kaondes, Luvales and Lundas,
ans. Through farming, they were ing to have an agrarian revolution. Muzachiwona! happy to have you. because of their backwardness,
eager to improve their wretched This one is both methodical and The DAO again: You deserve to be handled with tendency for violence and the pe-
condition. meticulous. “All coloureds must also leave care. rennial disagreements amongst
All had gathered to register for It is the best government initia- as the Internal Security and Home The world is watching. It is be- them as well as having well-man-
the new FISP (Farmer Inputs Sup- tive since Zambia’s independence. Affairs Ministry is still trying to lieved at the UN that you can tell nered beautiful women are al-
port Programme). They were in As you might not know, Zambia establish whether these are truly good governance by how a coun- ready on the register. They need
their hundreds. The District Agri- is now a food-surplus, food-secure Zambians or not. try treats such people.” not worry.
culture Officer (DAO) was speak- country. So there is no need to However, prostitutes and ho- Another dissatisfied attendee This New Dawn government is
ing. have this many farmers, too many mosexuals must stay. shouted. very big on affirmative action.
“As you are all aware, we have receiving support for inputs. It is the policy of the New Dawn Koma logo sa alaba zoona. Lelo For example, the New Dawn
a new government in place. This Just like Bembas, civil servants Government wants women on top.
is a New Dawn Government. New also don’t qualify. So let them also Women in his country have been
Dawn. politely leave. beneath men for way too long.
“As is normal practice the world Further, all those gathered here This position must now change.
over, when you have a new govern- who are overweight, those whose Be rest assured that we are us-
ment in place, everything changes, BMI is above normal, must also ing the already tried and tested In-
everything becomes new. immediately leave. ternational Money Formula (IMF)
See? Already the weather has These are already eating well. to arrive at the numbers for this
changed. A new peace has come. Therefore there is no need for register.
Just like we will have a new reg- them to receive additional govern- It is a fair formula. This formula
ister for FISP, we should also be ment support. is the best. Many countries use it.
ready for new problems. It has also been decided that, Even the previous government
From the outset, you must be since they are dying anyway, all re- tried to use it, but because of dull-
told that asking questions is not tirees will no longer be on the FISP ness, they failed.
allowed under this government. register. Just give it time and you will
Let me be clear, if you make fun of All retirees will instead be see the results and you will regret
me, the leader of this programme, placed on the Social Cash Trans- for not having voted for this New
calling me names like wabufi, you fer programmr so that this quick Dawn Government earlier.”
won’t be on the register. money helps them prepare their That is how everyone left.
Is that clear?’ wills and other funeral require- All their faces were down as
An uncomfortable murmur went ments in readiness for their burial they walked away, despondent.
through the crowd. The DAO went ceremonies. The DAO remained all alone. What
on. Working with traditional lead- leadership is this? Bewildered,
“All Bembas must leave imme- ers, the government has already some farmers were heard mutter-
diately. They don’t qualify. Bem- found suitable land for new cem- ing amongst themselves.
bas, it has been scientifically prov- eteries for their dignified send-offs New problems indeed.
en, have other talents and farming As a required subsidy, noting “Fyakuifwaila,” one of them
is not one of them. that we are a Christian nation, shouted. His speech was over. And
The new programme is called the government will provide free FILEPHOTO: Farmer reciving farming inputs with that, his power play.
the Abbreviated Support System solemn music at these burial cer- Dawn anew.
(ASS). emonies.” Nothing changed.

and reduce embarrassing

ADOLESCENTS COUNSEL ELDERS reports such as unintended

pregnancies and abortions.
The discussion with
young people in Solwezi was
a privilege and an indication
feel not respected and un- during weekends endeavour tive questions. nity leaders, young people of their confidence that the
comfortable discussing sen- to ask their children about “Words stay, good or bad, urged Community leaders Ministry of Health would
sitive topics with young peo- school, friendships etc. and so parents should speak to support them with eco- utilize the information not
ple. Misunderstanding and counsel them on life issues good words and give advice nomic empowerment and, only to improve the ado-
estrangement are therefore so that they are not found to their children.” They said. “work with young people to lescent Health programme,
common occurrences be- on the other side of the law”, Adolescents advised that add their voice during dis- but, to share their concerns
tween the two generations. said one adolescent boy. parents should encourage cussions on developmental with parents and commu-
In my quest to obtain They also said that, “If their children to participate issues instead of assuming
By DELEEN CHISANGA nity leaders to create a pro-
CHASAYA necessary evidence to un- parents are not open to ex- in activities such as stud- matters for them”. tective and supportive en-
derstand factors outside the plain issues, young people ies, sport, church activities, Adolescents expressed vironment for good health
health sector that affect Ado- end up experimenting based clubs like debate and HIV/ concern about the fact that outcomes.
lescent Health programmes, on information they gather AIDs and peer education at young people in rural areas At this point, you should
Hello readers, I interacted with young peo- from their friends.” health centres. were more schooled in tradi- be itching to comment
ple in Solwezi district and Adolescents have a lot of “Some parents deny tional practices than health about this topic but not to
OWING to cultural barri- asked them to indicate the questions regarding puber- us access to social ameni- matters and wanted tradi- worry, next week, we will lis-
ers in our setting, there are support they desired from tal changes they undergo, ties; They should find out tional leaders to support ac- ten to what parents had to
limited intergeneration- parents and community rumors from friends and what these activities are all tivities aimed at enhancing say.
al dialogues which lead to leaders to attain their full to understand the world about.” health literacy among ado- Remember to stay safe
misunderstanding between potential, especially with re- around them, hence, expect To parents who felt de- lescents. They also advised always.
adolescents and gatekeep- gard to their health. honest answers from people feated despite doing their religious leaders to craft _________________________
ers. Adolescents’ appeal to they trust, especially par- best, young people suggest- their preaching messages in
On one hand, adoles- parents was that parents ents. Young people said that ed that, “Parents, whose a holistic manner and teach The author is a Senior Health
cents express concern that should spend time with their some parents compared children don’t obey them, young people in church Promotion Officer
they are not accorded a plat- children as a sign of love and their children with others, should seek help from out- about the facts of life, in ad- Ministry of Health-Headquarters
form to present their issues not downplay their chil- gave up on their children side e.g. involve good friends dition to messages on ho- Dept: Health Promotion,
as equal partners in deci- dren’s problems. when they did something of their children, teachers Environment and Social
liness to promote delayed Determinants
sion-making processes. On “Parents who work wrong and shouted at them and church workers.” sexual debut, assertiveness, Unit: Health Promotion
the other hand, grownups should take some time off or whenever they asked sensi- With respect to commu- informed decision making Phone No.: +260 953 268090
Govt calls for responsive
insurance products and
BY BUUMBA CHIMBULU vention to alleviate the finan-
cial burden of households and
AS the insurance sector offi- businesses. The situation is ag-
Tuesday cially launches its 10th insur- gravated by the fact that SMEs
10 27 September, 2022 ance week, all industry players
have been challenged to relook
face higher exposure to threats
and disasters, while operating
at the products being offered with limited funds for emer-
and ensure that they are re- gencies,” Mr Mubanga said.
Pensions and Insurance Au-


sponsive to the risk manage-
ment requirements, especially thority (PIA) acting Registrar
for Small and Medium Enter- Namakau Ntini said the value
prises (SMEs). of insurance as a risk mitigat-
All players in the industry ing tool in helping to cushion
need to step up and provide financial losses and unforeseen

state investor has demonstrated value addition when SMEs ex- misfortune could not be over
its seriousness in investing in perience calamities as this is emphasised.
Zambia. one of the sure ways to have Ms Ntini observed that the
He outlined just how much positive response and increase continued efforts of stakehold-
Zambia has benefitted from the uptake of the insurance ers in resonating this positive
By BENEDICT TEMBO important. The Forum will dis- Albert Muchanga says the up- Chinese companies investments sector. message could be seen in the
cuss and review existing trade coming Zambia - China Trade in the country. Currently, there This is according to the SME growth of the growth of the in-
THE upcoming Zambia - China ties and plot the way forward,” Forum is timely. are 600 Chinese companies in Development Minister, Mr surance industry over the years.
Forum scheduled for Lusaka Mr Mwaanga, a career diplomat He said with this training, Zambia with investments of over Elias Mubanga at the launch She indicated that this year’s
has created excitement among and former minister of Foreign Zambia and other African US$3 billion. of the 10th annual insurance theme captured the whole es-
stakeholders who see it as an Affairs said. countries will be able to meet The companies have contrib- week officially launched in Lu- sence of insurance and was a
opportunity to reinvigorate bi- He noted that China is one quality and safety standards uted US$1bn to taxes and cre- saka yesterday under the theme call to action to take a proactive
lateral cooperation and attract the largest consumers of Zam- required to export into the Chi- ated about 50, 000 jobs for the “insurance-solutions for a bet- approach in taking up insur-
more investors to Zambia. bian copper. Ngosa Chisupa, nese market. locals. Chinese Ambassador to ter tomorrow.” ance in all aspects of life.
Zambeef Products Plc Chief who lectures Development “Zambia needs to increase Zambia Du Xiaohui said over the Mr Mubanga stressed that “The PIA believes insurance
Executive Officer Faith Mukutu Studies at the University of Lu- non-traditional products ex- first half of this year, total bilat- SMEs such as traders were is a key solution to building fi-
says the forum is critical in that saka said China is Zambia’s top ports in order to expand jobs eral value of trade was US$376bn ready to take insurance prod- nancial resilience and promot-
Zambia needs to rebuild its re- trading partner both in terms of through manufacturing, agro representing more than 40 per- ucts and services if the industry ing a thriving economy not just
lationship with China. exports and imports. processing and trade in servic- cent increase compared to with players responded appropri- for the present but for future
“They (China) have been “China is a global trading es,” Mr Muchanga said. the same period last year while ately. generations to come.
instrumental in helping build power. The forum will explore He said if the forum is com- Zambia enjoyed a trade surplus He said this in a speech read And Insurance Association
Zambia and we have a lot of various avenues on enhancing plemented with exhibitions of US$2.92bn. for him by the ministry’s acting of Zambia vice president Ireen
opportunity to export to China trade cooperation and removal and bilateral business to busi- The forum, which starts to- Permanent Secretary, Mr Man- Muyenga said insurance can
with all the different challenges of trading barriers and encum- ness meetings, import and morrow and ends on Thursday, do Pasi. help people prevent or reduce
in the world economy,” Ms Mu- brances that presently may be export transactions could be is expected to attract more than “SMEs are vulnerable to the impact of financial shocks.
kutu said. hindering trade ie corruption concluded and the agreed deals 200 Chinese investors. many shocks that often results Ms Muyenga urged business-
Veteran politician Vernon and bureaucracy,” Mr Chisupa could be signed before the fo- “I have no reason to doubt the in loss of income and savings, es when coming up with a busi-
Mwaanga notes that China is an said. rum ends. Business executive ambassador and figures don’t in addition to the various busi- ness plan to include insurance.
all-weather friend of Zambia. African Union Commission- Maxwell Sichula says the forum lie. They speak billion of the sig- ness related risks the enterprise She also said for more people
“The forthcoming Zambia - er for Economic Development, is very significant because Chi- nificance of Chinese investment faces. “This has sometimes to take up insurance there is
China Trade Forum is extremely Trade, Industry and Mining na more than any other foreign to our country,” Mr Sichula said. resulted in Government inter- need for continuous education.

Average Exchange rates:

Buying Selling
Fuel reserves worrying - Energy expert
By TRACY LWANDO es of fuel on the international
USD 15.7260 15.7760 market.
IT is risky for the country's He said in case of any oth-
fuel reserve to stand at a er external factors that may
GBP 17.3883 17.4499 sustenance level of five to 10 push further the price of oil
days, an energy expert, Bon- the commodity is likely to in-
EUR 15.3518 15.4069 iface Zulu has warned Gov- crease going forward.
ernment. Eng. Zulu said currently,
Energy Minister Peter the price of fuel is already
ZAR 0.8819 0.8849 Kapala last week in Parlia- high and affecting small and
ment said as of February 28, medium businesses that de-
2022, the country's fuel re- pend on the commodity for
serve stood at five to 10 days operations.
Per Tonne FEATURED LME PRICES against the recommended He has however com-
international standard which mended the government “The price of fuel is already high
US$: Per Tonne is 60 to 90 days of fuel reserve. for its efforts in establishing and affecting small and medium
And Engineer Zulu said provincial fuel reserve depots businesses that depend on the
with the current reserve, the such as the Mansa fuel de-
commodity for operations.”
Aluminium 2, 040.00 country is not in a position to pots which has a capacity of
shield itself against high pric- 6.5 million litres.
Copper 5, 823.00


2, 435.50

12, 475.00
NATSAVE pays K600m to farmers for crop supply
an interview in Lusaka. season saying “we target to ing of restructuring FISP.
“As you are aware, have a larger chunk among “So we are looking forward
Lead 2, 086.00 THE National Savings and NATSAVE is an active partic- the commercial banks out of to that and as NATSAVE, we
Credit Bank (NATSAVE) has ipant in the farming sector, which is available.” are well placed to support
remained an active partic- we do support farmers quite He also indicated that over Government in its support
Tin 18, 750.00 actively so it will interest you K50 million had been collect- to farmers, leveraging on our
ipant in the country’s agri-
culture sector as it pays out to know that in the last farm- ed on behalf of Government wide network, we are present
Aluminium Alloy 1, 515.00 about K600 million to the ing season, we did pay out on under the Farmers Input Sup- in all provinces,” Mr Chaba-
farmers for the crop they behalf of FRA, K600m to the port Programme (FISP). la said. On the clients’ base,
supplied to the Food Reserve farmers out there for the crop These funds, Mr Chabala Mr Chabala said it had been
NASAAC 1, 610.00 they supplied to FRA,” Mr explained, were remitted to growing quite aggressively
Agency (FRA) in the last
farming season. Chabala said. the Ministry of Agriculture. over the last few years.
Cobalt 64, 500.00 NATSAVE is therefore tar- Mr Chabala stated that “So you can see that we ”At the moment we are sit-
geting to pay out more than NATSAVE had already signed are an active player when it ting at over 3, 000 accounts so
K600m in the next farming up with FRA for the upcom- comes to the farming sector, we know that by the close of
Gold 1, 193.50 ing farming season to pay the so we are hoping that we will the year that figure is going
season as it intends to get a
larger chunk of the FRA pro- farmers. NATSAVE, he stated, do much more in this new to grow significantly. We are
Steel Scrap 316.00 * gramme. was looking forward to that farming season. We know confident because we have
This is according to the and was targeting to do more that Government is looking to rolled out a number of prod-
Steel Rebar 516.00 * NATSAVE Chief Executive Of- than the K600m that was paid scale up the support it gives ucts to make us more attrac-
ficer, Mr Malcom Chabala in out in the previous farming to farmers as they are think- tive,” he said.
Tenders &
11 Tuesday

September 27, 2022

Tender for Supply and Delivery of a 60-70 Procurement Technique: Invitation To Bid (ITB) Bid Security Type: Bid Securing Declaration Required
Seater Bus to the University of Zambia Number of Stages: 1 Contract Awarded in No
Evaluation Mechanism: Least Cost Selection (LCS)
Bid submission deadline in 43/16 Deadline for Bid 27/10/2022 10:00:00
CEEC Preference Type: Company Ownership Preference
(days/hours): Submission:
Framework Agreement No
Name of Procuring Entity: The University of Zambia End of Clarification 21/10/2022 12:00:00
APP Reference Number: 1008/28896/UNZA/PSU Postqualification: No
Bid Opening Date: 27/10/2022 10:30:00
Tender Unique ID: 28896/2/30/2022 UNSPSC Codes: 72131700-Infrastructure construction
Date of Publication/ 25/09/2022 23:56:55
Tender for Supply and Delivery of a Payment Type: Participation Fee Required Invitation:
Title: 60-70 Seater Bus to the University
of Zambia Payment Amount (ZMW): 500 Contract Notice Date: 25/09/2022 23:56:58
Procurement Method Open Bidding National Method: AFTER DOWNLOADING THE
Award Criteria Details: Least Cost Bid Security Type: Bid Securing Declaration Required
Submission Method Details: Online Contract Awarded in No
Procurement Type: Goods Lots:
Procedure: Open Bidding National Deadline for Bid 27/10/2022 10:00:00 Bid submission deadline in 30/16
Submission: (days/hours):
Commencement Type: Advertisement of Notice
End of Clarification 21/10/2022 12:00:00 Name of Procuring Entity: Ndola City Council
Threshold: Below
Period: APP Reference Number: 1008/1213/30
Procurement Technique: Invitation To Bid (ITB)
Bid Opening Date: 27/10/2022 10:30:00 Tender Unique ID: 1213/1/95/2022
Number of Stages: 1
Date of Publication/ 26/09/2022 01:10:03 NCC/DES/PSU/CDF/W/KB/
Evaluation Mechanism: Least Cost Selection (LCS) Invitation: ROADS/06/22-09: TENDER TO
CEEC Preference Type: No Preference Contract Notice Date: 26/09/2022 01:10:11 CONSTRUCT AND RE-GRAVEL
Procurement of Infrastructure
UNSPSC Codes: 25100000-Motor vehicles BLOCK AT MASALA PRIMARY SCHOOL Description:
Development (CDF)
Payment Type: Participation Fee Required Bid submission deadline 30/16 TO ENABLE WIDER
Payment Amount (ZMW): 1,000 in (days/hours): Procurement Method PARTICIAPTION BY KABUSHI
Payment Terms and Method: Online -ZPPA account Name of Procuring Ndola City Council Rationale: CONSTITUENCY RESIDENTS
Bid Security Type: Bid Securing Declaration Required
APP Reference Number: 1008/1213/30 TO BE AWARDED TO
Contract Awarded in Lots: No THE MOST RESPONSIVE
Tender Unique ID: 1213/1/97/2022 Award Criteria Details:
Deadline for Bid Submission: 09/11/2022 10:00:00 TECHNICALLY AND
End of Clarification Period: 07/10/2022 10:00:00
Bid Opening Date: 09/11/2022 10:30:00 Title: CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE A 1X3 DOWNLOADING THE DEPOSIT
Date of Publication/Invitation: 26/09/2022 14:18:55 CLASSROOM BLOCK AT MASALA Submission Method Details: SLIP FROM THE EGP SYSTEM
Contract Notice Date: 26/09/2022 14:18:57
Procurement of Infrastructure BILL MUSTER
Development (CDF) Procurement Type: Works
Procurement Method Procedure: Open Bidding National
Rationale: Commencement Type: Advertisement of Notice
Bid submission deadline 30/16 Award Criteria Details:
in (days/hours): RESPONSIVE BIDDER Procurement Technique: Invitation To Bid (ITB)
Name of Procuring Ndola City Council Submission Method ONLINE Number of Stages: 1
Entity: Details:
Evaluation Mechanism: Least Cost Selection (LCS)
APP Reference Number: 1008/1213/30 Procurement Type: Works
CEEC Preference Type: Company Ownership Preference
Tender Unique ID: 1213/1/98/2022 Procedure: Open Bidding National
Framework Agreement No
NCC/DES/PSU/CDF/W/ Commencement Type: Advertisement of Notice Establishment:
KB/1X3 CRB/DAMBO/11/22-09: Threshold: Below Postqualification: No
Title: Procurement Technique: Invitation To Bid (ITB) 72131700-Infrastructure
PRIMARY SCHOOL IN KABUSHI Number of Stages: 1 construction
CONSTITUENCY Evaluation Mechanism: Least Cost Selection (LCS) Payment Type: Participation Fee Required
Procurement of Infrastructure CEEC Preference Type: Company Ownership Preference Payment Amount (ZMW): 500
Development (CDF)
Framework Agreement No CASH OR BANK, ZANACO BILL
Procurement Method TO ACHIEVE WIDER PARTICIPATION Payment Terms and Method:
Establishment: MUSTER
Postqualification: No Bid Security Type:
Bid Securing Declaration
Award Criteria Details: UNSPSC Codes: 72131700-Infrastructure construction
Contract Awarded in Lots: No
Submission Method ONLINE Payment Type: Participation Fee Required
Details: Deadline for Bid Submission: 27/10/2022 10:00:00
Payment Amount (ZMW): 500
Procurement Type: Works End of Clarification Period: 25/10/2022 12:00:00
Procedure: Open Bidding National CHEQUE THROUGH ZANACO BILL Bid Opening Date: 27/10/2022 10:30:00
Payment Terms and
MUSTER AFTER DOWNLOADING Date of Publication/Invitation: 25/09/2022 21:22:32
Commencement Type: Advertisement of Notice Method:
Threshold: Below PORTAL Contract Notice Date: 25/09/2022 21:22:35
12 Kopala/ Mosi/N-West News 27, September 2022

Enact laws that will

manage the country’s mineral SOLWEZI COUNCIL TO UNLEASH
resources diligently

THE New Dawn govern-

ment must enact better laws
laws better laws and poli-
cies to manage the country’s
mineral resources diligently
and ensure that the country
By JACKSON MAPAPAYI bringing the total to K6,
348, 375.
tled outstanding dues,”
said Mr Mutakela.
and policies to manage the and its people benefit from SOLWEZI Municipal Solwezi Town Clerk He said the Rating Act
country’s mineral resources them,’’ Mr Kafimbwa said Council has said it is Kabombo Mutakela has No 21 of 2018 gives pow-
and ensure that the country Mr Kafimbwa said the contemplating to en- disclosed in a statement ers to the local authority
and its people benefit from most worrisome thing in the gage Court Bailiffs for that the local authority is to issue a warrant to the
them or else there will be no mining industry of Zambia it to recover money it is concerned that property sheriff to seize prop-
better Zambia if the mineral was that the tax which the being owed by property owners are not respond- erty to the value of the
resources are not managed country was getting from the owners in the district. ing positively. amount.
diligently,,’’ Emerald Pro- minerals was almost zero Currently, the local “And because of that He however indicated
duction Watch of Zambia “Mining is a business, authority is owed K4, we are engaging the that the action will not
(EPWZ) President Musa Kaf- when you say mining, you 257, 718 in residen- Court Bailiffs to collect affect individuals who Mr Mutakela
imbwa has said mean depleting of the same tial and K2, 090, 657 in property rates from cli- have signed a payment
Mr Kafimbwa said the minerals being mined. It commercial properties ents that have not set- plan with the council.
country has failed to man- may not mean just deplet-
age its mineral resources ing the minerals, but also the
process of mining, may also

Media network action on climate Issuance of

diligently, let alone, benefit
its people because of poor affect the environment in the
policies and so it was im- community within the min-
ing area

change marks world rivers day grants under

portant that the New Dawn
administration enact laws “So, as the minerals get
and policies that will help to depleted, the environment
get damaged due to mining
manage the mineral resourc-
es diligently
In an interview in Kitwe
activities, the citizens of the
country must benefit from
the mining activities instead
By ANDREW MUKOMA in sanding mining from the river bed and are
reluctant to stop the practice claiming it is
CDF worries
yesterday, Mr Kafimbwa said
the New Dawn administra-
tion must enact laws and
policies to manage resources
of leaving them not only pov-
erty stricken, but also with
serious diseases. This is why
AS the world commemorates World Rivers
Day, the Media Network Action on Climate
Change (MENACC) has noted with concern
their only source of income unless if author-
ities provide them with alternative sources to
support their families.
Chief Musaka
we are talking about man- the damage to the Magoye River in Southern Mr Phiri therefore has urged other stake- BY JACKSON MAPAPAYI
diligently, give room to some
investors to invest in vari- aging mineral resources dil- Province caused by human activities and ef- holders to join efforts aimed at enhancing
fects of climate change. sensitisation and awareness of the local com- A TRADITIONAL leader in
ous mining areas of the sec- igently ,’’ he said
MENACC is disheartened to note that Ma- munities to appreciate the need to utilise the Mushindamo has observed
tor, repossess licenses of the Last month, Mr Kafimbwa
goye River which was a perennial flowing riv- river and other natural resources sustainably that the allocation of some
dormant mines regardless urged government to put in
er but due to increased human activities has for present and future generations. funds under the Constituen-
of who owned the dormant place an independent com-
dried up soon after each rain season, leaving He said that MENACC was delighted though cy Development Fund (CDF)
mine mittee to probe the opera-
only isolated pools of water collected in select- to have learnt that Solidard and People’s Ac- towards grants for cooper-
He said if the mineral re- tions at the Black Mountain
ed low lying areas. tion Forum have an ongoing programme to re- ative’s wont yield tangible
sources were managed dili- before few individual con-
The river course has been altered and dis- store the river. “The work of the two organisa- results.
gently, there will be no need tinue to get richer at the ex-
turbed by activities which include but not tions fits well with this year’s World Rivers Day Chief Musaka said this is
to get loans to help address pense of the majority pover-
limited to sand mining, damming and cut- theme which is, “The Importance of Rivers to because the funds will only
the economic challenges be- ty stricken people who were
ting down of trees along the banks of the river, biodiversity,” which essentially means without benefit a few individuals who
cause the country will real- expected to benefit from the
threatening the lives of over 7, 000 residents, rivers there is no biodiversity,” he said. are members of the benefit-
ise enough revenue from its proceeds of the Black Moun-
thousands of domestic animals and the entire “It cannot be overemphasised that World ting cooperatives.
various mining companies tain
biodiversity of the area that depend on the wa- Rivers Day which falls on the fourth Sunday Chief Musaka said despite
for various economic pro- Mr Kafimbwa said before
ter body. of September each year, is celebrated with the initiative being good, it
grammes the Black Mountain com-
MENACC executive director Kennedy Phiri the aim to increase public awareness about won’t have a positive impact
“Why are we failing to pletely diminishes, govern-
has charged that what was worse is that some the values of rivers and work together towards in communities.
manage our mineral resourc- ment must put in place an
local residents including women are involved their protection,” Mr Phiri added. “If we keep giving grants,
es diligently? We are failing Independent committee to
I’m afraid there won’t be any
to manage our mineral re- establish how the operations
project to point a finger at
sources diligently because were being conducted and
because this issue of grants
our policies are very poor.
We should be careful and en-
sure that we enact laws and
how many benefited from it
Mr Kafimbwa said it was
sad that some people were
Lundazi MP’s decision to stand as PF president hailed has been tried before,” said
the traditional leader in an
By ANDREW MUKOMA vours to eliminate discrim- Ms Siyanga said that there interview.
policies that will manage our misleading or lying to Pres-
ination and achieve gender is still low participation of He has proposed that dur-
mineral resources diligently ident Hakainde Hichilema
FORMER Livingstone Cham- equality. women in decision-making ing the next allocation, the
“There is no way we can how the operations were
ber of Commerce and In- She said that it cannot be as observed in all previous funds should be divided
have a better Zambia if we being conducted and that a
dustry president Namakau disputed that their participa- elections. according to chiefdoms so
don’t manage our mineral re- number of people had bene-
Siyanga has hailed Lundazi tion as women in the political She has urged women, to each chiefdom could at least
sources diligently. It is for this fited when in actual fact only
Patriotic Front Member of space is a fundamental pre- rise up and support one an- look at something bigger that
reason that the New Dawn a few individuals were bene-
Parliament Brenda Nyiren- requisite for gender equality other to narrow the gap and would benefit everybody
administration must enact fiting
da’s decision to contest for and genuine democracy. also not to allow anyone to Chief Musaka cited mini
the party’s presidency in the “l would therefore like to influence propaganda to tar- hospitals and other health fa-
upcoming elective general encourage women to fill the nish other people’s reputa- cilities, staff houses for teach-

‘Mental health services conference.

Ms Siyanga, who also lost
as PF parliamentary candi-
vacuum and be part of leg-
islation, as per the SADC
protocol that calls for wom-
tions. “Here we are, having a
woman who is aspiring to be
party President and therefore
ers and health personnel and
water and sanitation as some
of the projects CDF guide-

and HIV testing awareness date for Livingstone constitu-

ency last year has noted that
Ms Nyirenda’s decision shows
en to participate and equal
the numbers in parliament,
which is still an issue of con-
let us embrace her as she ex-
ercises her democratic right
to participate in the election,”
lines would have put in place.
“For example my chiefdom
has no hospital and people

campaign launched the policies of the party ende- cern in Zambia,” she said. she said. are suffering because they
have to go to the neighbour-
ing Democratic Republic of

Man, 50, stabs ex-wife, commits suicide

Congo whenever they are
By ANDREW MUKOMA sick, and they are losing a lot
of money.
THE Commuter Magazine, a nonprofit making organisation “So now why not use the
championing matters of mental health and HIV services has A 50-YEAR-OLD man of Kalenga village in He explained that Mr Mulembeta followed
money which has been given
launched an awareness campaign aimed at sensitising the Kanyama Chiefdom, Mwinilunga has killed his former wife, Ms Sharon Munjunga at her
in form of grants to the coop-
public on the dangers of mental health and its effects. himself after stabbing his former wife with a house where he accused her of having an af-
eratives to build even a mini
The organisation operating in four districts - Lusaka, Liv- knife. fair with another man and threatened to kill
hospital so that it benefits
ingstone, Choma and Mongu - will this weekend hold a foot- North-Western Province Police chief Rob- her first before killing himself.
everyone in the chiefdom?
ball tournament in the tourist capital with the aim of reaching son Moonga confirmed the incident in a press Mr. Moonga said Mr Mulembeta then took
said Chief Musaka.
out to the l public. statement and named the assailant as Mr Rob- out a knife from his pocket and stabbed his
He has also observed that
Team leader and also founder Mwanalushi Liswaniso said ert Mulembeta. former wife on the breast and the sternum.
the formation of coopera-
in Livingstone that mental health has now proved to be a pub- “Police received a report of suicide that He said after Ms Munjunga was rushed to
tives for people in rural areas
lic health concern not only in Zambia but globally. Robert Mulembeta aged 50 of Kalenga village the hospital by some well-wishers, her former
is very challenging and that
Mr Liswaniso said it was against that background that TCM in Chief Kanyama’s area in Mwinilunga com- husband decided to take his own life by hang-
only a few elite ones knows
has launched a year-long awareness campaign on mental mitted suicide by hanging himself on a tree,” ing himself to a tree, thinking that she had
how to go about the process.
health and HIV among citizens. Mr Moonga said. died.
“But if you built a hospital
He explained that his organisation is a community media He said the incident happened between Mr. Moonga said the victim, who survived
or school, everyone will be a
entity that is promoting local tourism plus creating more de- 23:00 hours on September 22, 2022 and 06:00 the attack, is admitted to Mwinilunga Dis-
beneficiary and they will ap-
mand for mental health services and HIV testing at bus sta- hours on September 23, 2022 at Kamongenu trict Hospital and her condition has been de-
preciate,” Chief Musaka said,
tions, taxi ranks and markets in Zambia. village in Katuyola area. scribed as stable. – ZANA.
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14 PUZZLE 27, September 2022

DAILY Daily Soduku


1 2 3 4 4 4 5 6
1. Exchange (4) 6 9 7 3 4
7 4. Locates (5)
7. Fix (6)
8. Resound (4) 3 1
8 9 9
9. Concluded (5)
10 12 10. Glass container (6) 6 9 2 3
11. Unadulterated (4)
11 12 13 13 14 13. Evil supernatural being (5) 7 1 3 4
16. Haste (3)
12 16 15 17 14 17. Vapour (5) 2 4 7 5
18. Zambia’s 6th President abbr: (3)
8 7
20. Courageous (5)
16 17 18 22. Difficult (4)
24. Instrument for sewing (6)
18 19 19 22 23 25. An antelope (5) 7 4 6 3 5
27. Brim (4)
20 21 21 23 22 23 28. Simpler (6) 1 8 4 2
29. Impede (5)
27 24 30. Droops (4)
1sudoku.com n° 13324 - Level Easy


25 26 27
28 3 6 8 7 4 1 2 5 9 1 9 8 6 2 4 3 7 5
1. Farm animal (5)
29 30 5 7 4 8 2. Investigated
9 2 (6) 6 3 1 5 4 6 7 3 9 1 8 2
3. Dots (5)
2 9 1 5 4. Liberty
6 (7)3 4 7 8 3 2 7 5 1 8 4 6 9
5. Agree (3)
YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION 4 3 9 6 6. African
2 country
5 (5) 8 1 7 9 6 2 4 7 5 8 3 1
12. Below (5)
ACROSS: 1. Orange, 7. Winter, DOWN: 1. Onion,72. Annul,
5 3.6 1 14. Film
3 award8 (5)9 2 4 7 8 3 9 6 1 2 5 4
15. Marry (3)
8. Ignite, 10. Isolate, 13. Nelson, Ewe, 4. Ends, 5. Cell, 6. Date,
16. Ogre, 18. Etches, 20. Origin, 9. Too, 11. Over,112. Trains,
8 2 9 17. Thin
7 (7)4 3
19. Applauds (6)
6 5 4 1 5 2 8 3 7 9 6
21. Beat, 22. Sparse, 26. 14. Thrice, 15. Nose, 17. Rot,
9 1 5 3 20. Mix
8 (5) 6 7 4 2 2 7 4 3 9 6 5 1 8
Hearses, 29. Swines, 30. 19. Ebbs, 23. Pew, 24. Rents, 21. Confess (5)
Palace, 21. Aussie. 6 27.
25. Ensue, 26. Hard, 4 Road,7 2 23. Attire
1 (5)9 5 8 3 8 3 9 1 5 2 6 4 7
28. Exam, 29. Sea. 26. Deed (3)
8 2 3 4 5 7 1 9 6 6 5 1 8 4 7 9 2 3
1sudoku.com n° 118363 - Level Easy 1sudoku.com n° 116862 - Level Easy

Aries to adopt now and for the rest of the Libra season: and wisdom required to show up nonetheless and to feel all that there is to feel as you become a ves- to you so you can act from a space of awareness
There comes a point in forward and onwards. Oh, and if you’ve been embrace the winds of change. The good news is, sel for the divine to express itself. Something tells and make decisions that serve your highest and
every seeker’s journey thinking about scaling up or expanding your team, your ancestors and spirit guides are holding space us redirecting your energy towards your artistic greatest good. When it comes to your interpersonal
where they have to consider this as your green flag! The universal for you at this moment. pursuits will heal you in more ways than you can relationships, you’re being reminded that not is
make a choice. A choice forces are propelling your career in the right imagine. Single Plutonians are being reminded of *not* the time to slide things under the carpet.
between holding onto direction. Virgos the power of vulnerability. The power of showing up Start a dialogue about the things that matter, even
the bitterness or turning We get it, Virgo. Mercury with a brave heart despite their past experiences. if the idea of approaching certain topics stirs up
it into a sweet elixir that
facilitates their growth
Cancer 5
But, you don’t have
2 3 6 1 9
and a bunch of other 7
planets are engaging in a
8 3 6 7
With the Goddesses of Love plotting and planning
in your favour, anything is possible!
8 1 5
discomfort within. 9 2 4
to hit the accelerator backward dance, which in Aquarius
6 9 7 5 8 2 3 4 1 2 5 8 3 4 9 1 6 7
and evolution. Remember, your soul chose these
experiences so you could master certain karmic button. You don’t turn is throwing you off. Sagittarius We are not just the
lessons and emerge as the most embodied version have to try to check Become aware of how the Take a moment, creators of our reality,

3 8 1 9 4 7 2 5 6 4 1 9 6 2 7 3 8 5
of yourself. It’s time to address the victim complex certain boxes or get to cosmic climate is affecting Sagittarius. Take a Aquarius. We’re also
that’s been holding you back. a certain destination. you at the moment. If your mind is feeling clouded, moment to observe playing the role of ‘the
Breathe and allow try not to make major decisions. At the same time, the inner landscape. destroyer’ while we’re

5 1
things to unfold as
they must. Getting to know them on an informal 8 6 9 4 7
be mindful of how you communicate with others.
Learning to respond rather than react will prevent 3 9 8
Take a moment
to observe the1 2 7 3 4 5 6
here in the earthly realm.
They’re both parts of
What if we said that you do level first will help you build a strong foundation. you from getting into sticky situations. fluctuations of your the same puzzle, and are
*not* have to engage in a 7
Crabs who recently entered into a commitment are6
being asked to acknowledge their fears. It’s true
9 1 2 3
5 8 4 6 3 4
mind and the many
thoughts through
9 5 8 7 1 2
integral to our growth and development. This week
you’re being reminded of the power of endings.
game of tug of war? What

2 4 3 8 7 5 1 6 9 7 2 5 4 6 1 8 3 9
if we said that what you are that things didn’t work out as per your expectations Here’s the thing, Libra: your head right now. This will help you become The power of uprooting yourself for the sake of
seeking is already yours? in the past. But, there is no reason circumstances you possess the super- aware of the truth that you are not your insecuri- laying down a brand new foundation. The portal
Breathe and move into will not align for your highest and greatest good power to understand ties and that you are not your fears. What you are of the unknown can be a frightening place to walk
9 2 5 4 3 6 8 1 7 8 4 3 5 9 2 6 7 1
space of allowance, Taurus. now. Breathe, return to the present moment and that there are two sides is love, joy, bliss, passion, and creativity in human through. The good thing is, you are fully supported
Let yourself become receptive to the miracles know that it’s safe for you to open your heart. to every story. You do form. Know that whatever you are going through by your ancestors and spirit guides.
that are transpiring, within and without. You have your best to exercise right now is temporary and that there is a rainbow
already done your bit. It’s now time to sit back,
relax and let the Universe pull some major strings
But, there are no
4 2 1 9 6
compassion and put
yourself in the shoes of
5 1 9 2
that awaits you on the other side of this storm.
7 3 6
We get it, Pisces. You
4 8
on your behalf. definite answers the other person. But, Capricorn feel like your patience
at the moment 3 6 7 5 8 4
could your empathy be the reason you have been 9 2 5
The energy of 7 6 1 8 4 2
is being tested. That 9 3
Gemini and nothing is set diminishing your own needs? Something to think the new moon is you’ve been waiting
Now is *not* the time in1sudoku.com
stone. So, get n° 13324 - Level Easy
about as you sip on your morning tea, beautiful. 1sudoku.comlikely to bring many ann°eternity
- Level
to fret about what isn’t comfortable with The energy of the new moon is bringing with itself revelations with to work out in the
working out or sweat the uncomfortable, the reminder that it’s time to put yourself first. it, some of which way that you’ve been
the small stuff. It’s the Leo. Know that may be pleasant praying for them to.
time to observe your by embracing Scorpio and some of which Could it be that the Universe isn’t keeping you from
circumstances from a the uncertainty, you will allow for the process of The new moon has may not. The your share of blessings? It’s simply preparing you
higher perspective and metamorphosis to take place. But, A that
small gesture for the environment:
doesn’t you save paper
feeling all kinds ofby finding solutions online or onthing
important your
to mobile.
to receive what has always been yours? It’s time to
redirect your energy mean your fears will not kick in or that you will sensitive, and that’s remember is that open your heart as you move into a space of allow-
towards the big stuff. The grand vision is calling always know how to navigate the challenges that lie okay. That’s okay, the given information is being revealed to you for ance, beautiful. It’s time to trust the law of divine
for your attention, Gemini. The mantra you want ahead. It simply means that you have the courage Scorpio. Allow yourself a reason. The given information is being revealed timing and receive what has always been yours.
September 27, 2022 WORLD NEWS 15

Kenya hunts cattle
rustlers after 11
people killed
NAIROBI - Kenya has
launched an operation to ar-
rest cattle rustlers who killed
11 people - eight officers, two
civilians and a local chief - in
an ambush on Saturday.
…Angry Tunisians protest against
Kenya's police say the op-
eration aims to arrest the per-
petrators, recover the stolen
animals and firearms and re-
turn normalcy in the Turkana
poverty, high prices and food shortages
county. – BBC. UNIS - Hundreds of shelves in supermarkets and
Tunisians protested bakeries, adding to popular
on Sunday night in discontent at high prices of
the capital against many Tunisians who spend
CAR militia leader poverty, high prices and the
shortage of some foodstuff,
hours searching for sugar,
milk, butter, cooking oil and
pleads not guilty escalating pressure on the rice.
government of President Videos on social media
at ICC Kais Saied, as the country showed on Sunday dozens of
suffers an economic and po- customers scrambling to win
THE HAGUE - A suspected litical crisis. a kilogram of sugar in market.
senior member of the “Sele- Tunisia is struggling to re- Tunisia, which is suffer-
ka” militia groups in the vive its public finances as dis- ing its worst financial crisis,
Central African Republic, content grows over inflation is seeking to secure an Inter-
Mahamat Said Abdel Kani, running at nearly nine per- national Monetary Fund loan
yesterday pleaded not guilty cent and a shortage of many File photo: Demonstrators carry banners and flags during a protest against Tunisian President to save public finances from
to charges of war crimes and food items in stores because Kais Saied in Tunis, Tunisia on May 15, 2022 Reuters collapse.
crimes against humanity at the country cannot afford to The government raised
the opening of his trial before pay for some imports. district in the capital, some says hanged himself, after slogans against the police this month the price of cook-
the International Criminal The country is also in the protesters lifted loaves of municipal police harassed and threw stones. ing gas cylinders by 14 per-
Court. midst of a severe political bread in the air. Other chant- him and seized a weighing In Douar Hicher, protest- cent for the first time in 12
The mostly Muslim “Sele- crisis since Saied seized con- ed, "Where is Kais Saied?" machine when he was selling ers chanted "Jobs, freedom years. It also raised fuel prices
ka” militia groups seized trol of the executive power Angry youths burned tires. fruit in the street without per- and national dignity," and for the fourth time this year
power in 2013-2014 as part of last year and dissolved par- In the Mornag suburb, mission. "We can't support crazy price as part of a plan to reduce
the Central African Republic’s liament in a move his oppo- young men blocked roads, Riot police fired tear gas hikes", "Where is sugar?" energy subsidies, a policy
long-running civil war, oust- nents called a coup. protesting the suicide of a to disperse the protesters in Food shortages are wors- change sought by the IMF. –
ing then-President Francois In the poor Douar Hicher young man who his family Mornag. Protesters raised ening in Tunisia with empty REUTERS.
Bozize. – REUTERS.

More than 20
countries agree
3 killed, scores hurt as building collapses Nigeria
NAIROBI - Three people died
to boost low-
emission hydrogen
and scores were injured af-
ter a six-storey building col-
lapsed in Kiambu, central
output by 2030 Kenya.
Rescue efforts started im-
TOKYO - More than 20 coun-
tries, led by Japan, have
agreed to boost output of
mediately and emergency
workers managed to pull a
child from the rubble.
low-emission hydrogen to at
least 90 million tonnes a year
by 2030 from one million
Several others were also
rescued but "sadly, some are
feared to have succumbed
tonnes now, the Japanese to their injuries", Kiambu ABUJA - Police in Nigeria have
Industry Ministry said yes- county Governor Kimani Wa- arrested a suspected noto-
terday. matangi said. rious kidnapper known for
The agreement between Building collapses in flaunting his wealth on social
countries including the Unit- Kenya have in the past been media.
ed States, Australia and Ger- blamed on poor structural de- Rescue workers carry one of the survivors from the rubble of the collapsed building. Many knew John Lyon as a
many came at the Hydrogen sign or sloppy construction. banker whose posts always ad-
Energy Ministerial Meeting in The cause of this collapse is building. It is not known how tal, national broadcaster KBC well as local volunteers were vised people to work hard and
Tokyo. – REUTERS. unclear but the building was many people are still under reported. all at the scene in Kiambu to stay safe, local media report.
under construction when it the debris. Soldiers, workers from the town, which is about 20km A spokesperson for the po-
came down. Eyewitnesses The child who was rescued Kenya Red Cross and Nation- north of the capital, Nairobi. lice in the southern Bayelsa
said it fell on to an adjacent is now being treated in hospi- al Youth Service personnel as – BBC. state said Lyon was in their
Italy election custody.
The suspect was transferred
victors aim for to the state after being arrested

rare political Swastika-wearing gunman kills 13 at Russian school in the capital, Abuja, said Asi-
mi Butswat.
"When they get the money
stability MOSCOW - At least 13 peo- were injured. Russia's last major school dent dressed in black tactical they go to Abuja to live lavish-
ple are dead, including sev- According to investigators, shooting was in April, when clothing and helmet armed ly," Butswat said in interview.
ROME - The right-wing alli- en children, after a gunman the gunman "was wearing a an armed man opened fire with a hunting rifle swept At least ten kidnappings for
ance that won Italy’s nation- opened fire in a school in black top with Nazi symbols in a kindergarten in the cen- through Perm State Universi- ransom in Bayelsa state had
al election will usher in a rare the central Russian city of and a balaclava" and was not tral Ulyanovsk region, leaving ty buildings killing six people, been traced to his gang, the au-
era of political stability to Izhevsk, investigators said carrying any ID. a teacher and two children mostly women, and injuring thorities say. But he is not the
tackle an array of problems yesterday. Russia's Interior Ministry dead. two dozen others. group's leader.
besieging the euro zone’s The attack was the latest also said there were about 20 The shooter, described as Many Nigerians have ex-
It was the second such at-
third largest economy, one in a series of school shootings people injured in the attack. "mentally ill," was later found pressed dismay over the de-
of its senior figures said yes- tack that year, after a 19-year-
that have shaken Russia in re- The region's governor Al- dead, with officials saying he velopment with some describ-
terday. old former student shot dead
cent years and came with the exander Brechalov confirmed had shot himself. ing the suspect as a generous
“I expect that for at least nine people at his old school
country on edge over efforts there were "casualties and Mass shootings at schools person who was fond of giving
five years we will press ahead to mobilise tens of thousands wounded among children," and universities in Russia in the Kazan in May. gifts.
without any changes, with- of men to fight in Ukraine. speaking in a video state- were rare until 2021, when Authorities have blamed Lyon has not yet comment-
out any twists, prioritizing "Thirteen people, includ- ment outside school No88 in the country was rocked by foreign influence for previ- ed publicly.
the things we need to do,” ing six adults and seven mi- Izhevsk. two separate killing sprees in ous school shootings, saying But a video reportedly of
said Matteo Salvini, leader of nors, were killed because of The attack came just hours the central Russian cities of young Russians have been him while in police custody
the League party that is one this crime," Russia's Inves- after a man opened fire and Kazan and Perm that spurred exposed online and on tele- has surfaced on social media.
of the main allies of Giorgia tigative Committee said in severely wounded a recruit- lawmakers to tighten laws vision to similar attacks in the In the short clip, the detained
Meloni’s Brothers of Italy. – a statement, adding that 14 ment officer at an enlistment regulating access to guns. United States and elsewhere. man is seen asking for forgive-
REUTERS. children and seven adults centre in Siberia. In September 2021, a stu- – AFP. ness after his arrest. – BBC.


ready to bring glory to Zambia.

AN 11-member Zambian
delegation has arrived in
Zambian men's golf team in Egypt He also said there is also tal-
ent identification happening
and possible scholarships for
Hurghanda, Egypt for the All Sunday after an 11-hour jour- resort city on the Red Sea. the best performers during the
dent of the Zambia Golf Union uluma Golf Club), and Domi- Stroke play team champion-
Africa Golf Championship Christopher Mulenga, his gen- ney via Dubai and Cairo. Apart from Mulambo of nic Musonda from Nkana Golf
which tees off tomorrow. "We have now arrived, we Kabwe Golf Club, other mem- ship which ends on October 2.
eral secretary Edward Phiri, Club. The last edition of the com-
The delegation, which two journalists and two gov- had two connection flights," bers of the team are Lusaka Mulambo said the team,
comprises four players, coach team captain Denmark Mu- Golf Club's Musamba Kapo- petition was held in 2019 be-
ernment officials arrived in which had a feel of the golf fore the outbreak of the coro-
Mwango Mukuka, the presi- Hurghanda after midday on lambo said from Hurghanda, a ma, Bweembya Chanda (Chib- course yesterday, is excited and navirus disease.

Black Tiger to face
MET TARGETS’ (CHAN) and the Africa Cup of
FAZ president Andrew Ka-
manga said the Croatian did
ment of the next round of AF-
CON qualifiers in March next
“A lot of the matters around
“While it was our desire to
have everyone that travelled
to participate, we had to rely
on the recommendation of the

South Africa’s not meet the targets as he spent

most of his time in his home-
land instead of being available,
this separation are still sub-
ject of a dispute that is being
worked out in the background
medical experts who guided on
the situation. We can only wish
our afflicted players a quick re-

Katikati at EFC 99 Asanovic

and overseeing his full-time re-
sponsibilities in Zambia.
“We had hoped when the
and constrains us from delving
into details,” Kamanga said.
Meanwhile, Kamanga said
covery,” Kamanga said.
On the Copper Queens who
have stepped up preparations
By MICHAEL MIYOBA journey began that Asanovic the FIFA International window for the Australia/New Zealand
could have been more avail- matches against Mali offered FIFA Women’s World Cup with
ZAMBIA's professional mixed martial arts (MMA) By MICHAEL MIYOBA able, overseeing his full-time the Chipolopolo good prepara- a monumental international
fighter, Robert "The Black Tiger" Simbowe will responsibilities in Zambia and tions for the AFCON qualifiers. friendly match against the Or-

fight South Africa’s Tapiwa Katikati at the EFC 99 HE Football Association not from his homeland,” Ka- Kamanga hailed the Malian ange Lionesses of Netherlands,
scheduled for November 3 at EFC Performance In- of Zambia (FAZ) says manga said. Football Federation for hav- Kamanga said; “We expect that
stitute in South Africa. coach Aljosa Asanovic “We are also cognisant that ing agreed to play Zambia and the Copper Queens will get
With all of his victories inside the Hexagon being who on Sunday resigned as his contract came with key per- fielded a star-studded cast rep- more international games be-
first-round finishes over top opponents including national soccer team coach formance indicators that were resenting the cream of Mali to fore heading to the FIFA World
a knockout of Anicet Kanyeba and two impressive did not meet the targets which plainly spelt out that he did not give Zambia a good test. Cup next year as part of our
heel hooks of both Stefan Pretorius and Given Ma- were given to him when he was meet.” He noted that it was unfortu- commitment to give them qual-
juba, Simbowe is excited about his latest fight which first engaged as Chipolopolo Kamanga said FAZ is in nate that some key players such ity friendly matches.”
may present a turning point for his fighting career. coach. consultation with government as captain Enock Mwepu and Zambia will play Nether-
Simbowe who happens to be a former street kid Asanovic was handed a and other stakeholders on the Patson Daka of Brighton and lands in Breda on October 6 in a
will hope that a victory over Katikati will put him in four-year contract with a task next steps that will be taken to Leicester City could not take game that will provide a strong
line for a shot at the 155lb belt as he aims to become to qualify Zambia for the Afri- ensure that the right coach is part in the two friendly games test for the Bruce Mwape-
Zambia’s first EFC African Champion. can Nations Championships found before the commence- due to medical reasons. drilled side.
“Right now I just have to push my work and wait
for November. I am just excited for this fight, it’s

Senior players coercing juniors to change sexual orientation

about time for Zambia to hold a lightweight title in
EFC,” Simbowe said in an interview.
“After winning this fight next year I will be fight-
ing for the EFC championship which will be for the
lightweight belt,” he added. leged that the Football Association in the junior team but were also
By MUKWIMA CHILALA of Zambia (FAZ) is complicit to rife in the senior team where some
Meanwhile, EFC Featherweight Champion Igeu
Kabesa will defend his Featherweight strap at EFC US based Sports Journalist Augus- sexual abuse cases in the Zambia coaches and senior players make
99 on the November 3 against the undefeated Brad- tine Mukoka has revealed ram- women national soccer team de- appointments based on sexual fa-
ley Swanepoel. pant cases of lesbian activities spite rampant reports before it. vours .
The three-time champion secured the 145lb belt in the Zambia Women National Mukoka says he will soon be He alleged that some senior
in July this year in a dominant display over Nerik Si- Soccer Team where senior players engaging World soccer governing players have in the Copper Queens
moes in a performance that demonstrated why he are said to be influencing junior body FIFA ethics committee over have been sexually coercing young
remains one of the most exciting fighters compet- players into changing their sexual the rampant cases which have not players into changing their sexual
ing on the African continent today. orientation. been given attention locally. orientations to becoming lesbians
Other fights on the EFC 99 fight card includes And Mukoka has alleged that the Mukoka said the women na- or bisexuals in exchange for team
Takunda “Task” Gorimbo’s fight with Nathanial current under 17 women national tional team has for a long time selection favours .
Komana while PFA’s rising star, Tumelo Manyamala team had in 2013 allegedly impreg- been rocked by cases of sexual He said it was sad that some
will fight Salahuddin Plaatjies. nated one of the junior players. abuse with the aAssociation being of the players who are sent to the
Sizwe Mnikathi, coming off an impressive finish Speaking when he featured on complicit to the matter. team by their parents end up re- Mukoka
at EFC 95, looks to continue building momentum Bola Review program on Millen- Mukoka claimed that sexual turning as lesbians or bisexuals
against Brothers in Arms’ Prince Lolia. nium Radio yesterday Mukoka al- abuse cases were not only rampant against their will.

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