Script QCP LINK Rev Terbaru - Riki's Pages Revised

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Creating Microcontroller and Lab View Software-Base Facility and Application

of Flow Meter Calibration for the Ease of Flow Meter Calibration Work

Video Script

1. PKT owns numerous measurement tools for process fluid in different types and one of the
measurement tools which is crucial is called Corriolis Flow meter. It functions as the
measurement tool for the flow of ammonia product.

2. Corriolis flow meter must be calibrated periodically because the fluid measured is an
ammonia product.

3. The traceability of its calibration result is always be monitored to fulfil the audit of ISO-

4. In performing the program of company’s energy efficiency, Pupuk Kaltim has a calibration
laboratory of instrumentation measurement tools called Instrument Calibration Center (ICC)
which is already accredited by KAN/Komite Akreditasi Nasional (National Accreditation
Committee). However, ICC is not able to calibrate flow meter counters such as corriolis flow
meter and magnetic flow meter.

5. So when it is necessary to conduct Corriolis flow meter calibration which is usually done
during Plant Turn Around or when there is a problem with the tool, then it must be
calibrated in other calibration laboratory which has the facility of corriolis flow meter

6. Because the Corriolis flow meter owned by PKT has extremely high resolution and range of
calibration, it is only the Laboratory of Balai Meteorologi Bandung which can perform the

7. The calibration is done by measuring the flown liquid mass using scale calibrator and its
flowing time is counted by using a stopwatch.

8. At least there are minimally 3 units of Corriolis flow meter which must be calibrated every
time there is Plant Turn Around Program.
9. Due to the condition, we always send the units to Bandung with high shipping and
equipment calibration costs.
10. The time required for the calibration process is long because we use sea transportation
considering the heavy weight and number of parts of the units.
11. In total we need 222 hours for the calibration of 1 unit.
12. While actually this unit must be reinstalled before the plant is back to be operated.

13. Not to mention the risks due to the damage of the units and the change of calibration result
due to shocks that are possible to occur during the long journey.
14. Other than that there must be manpower required to witness the calibration activity which
means which reduces the number of manpower needed during the TA works at the plant.
15. After that the Team conducts a brainstorm to analyze the problems dealing with the length
of the calibration process and hazard potential of the units and the manpower. And several
dominant problems obtained are namely:
1. The calibration process is conducted out of the city

2. ICC does not have tools and facilities for calibration

3. The calibration activity uses the service from the third party.

14. From the existing problems, the team tries to apply several alternatives of solutions, namely:

creating application and facility for flow meter calibration.

15. The facility is in the form of water pipe installation which connects 2 units of corriolis flow
meter, 1 Unit which has higher accuracy functions the calibrator and the other one is the
unit which is calibrated.
16. The water pipe starts from a water pond which functions as reservoir tank. The water is
pump to the flow meter and is managed by a control valve inlet and kickback.
17. The control of the size of water flow is done in ICC room on the computer panel which also
functions as HMI or Human Machine Interface by creating programming application using
the software LabView (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) to run the
communication process between HMI and the units of equipment at the field by using
Microcontroller Arduino as I/O module.
18. So the result of calibration is able to be controlled and monitored in real time through the
calibration panel.

19. The result of calibration is then copied in the calibration work paper for evaluation and then
the calibration issuance.


1. With the facility that we already create, the calibration process can be performed by the
technicians from ICC. What is needed to be calibrated by the third party is calibrator.

2. The equipment is more accurate and safer because it doesn’t

experience shocks during shipment.

3. At the beginning there are 6 equipment and manpower hazard potentials. Now its only three
hazard potensials, based on the target of improvement.

4. One-time calibration process only requires twelve and a half hours while the previous
calibration process required two hundred and twenty two hours, which mean the
achievement is far beyond the improvement target. The company doesn’t need third party
services so we can save 78 million rupiahs for one-time calibration each Turn Around.

5. The Company is able to save the cost for flow meter calibration (in average three time
anually) equals to two hundred and twenty three million rupiahs in a year.

6. This innovation includes in the revenue optimization of Company’s Performance

Improvement Program which provides opportunity to generate flow meter calibration profit
from other parties as one billion rupiah each year.

7. HMI Real time data measurement in this Interface Application uses LabView Software and
Arduino Microcontroller as I/O modules is the first one to be developed in Indonesia.

8. This facility is similar to DCS system, with a very low development budget.

9. Not only for calibration purpose, but also for other equipment measuring and control system

10. That’s why its potentially generates company’s business core profit by developing and selling
this application. It’s also support the Company in implementing 4.0 Industry.

11. The Innovation patent of this calibration facility application has been registered to the
Intellectual Property Rights General Directorate of the Law and Human Rights Ministry of the
Republic of Indonesia. With this high resolution and high range direct comparison flow meter
calibrators, we can attract the interests from other companies to use the service of
calibration facility. PT Kaltim Nitrate Indonesia (KNI) and PT Pertamina Gas are already use
flow meter calibration service from PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur.



1. Fill the water reservoir with water fully. Install the Unit Under Test or UUT of flow meter in
the water pipe provided by using Chain Block above the UUT and ring wrench according to
the size of flange bolt as the supporting tools. Connect the cables and activate all parts of
calibration facility both in flow meter calibration room and in HMI Panel in ICC room.

2. Make sure that Arduino Microcontroller in I/O modules is in active condition after the HMI
computer is active.

3. Open the Cal-SKID Application and connect it with Arduino Microcontroller.

4. Open “Signal Conditioning” menu, type the calibrator and UUT range score along with their

5. Activate the water pump. After the pump runs, make sure that there is no leakage in the
pump to flange to flange of UUT flow meter.

6. Open the menu of “Flow meter Calibration”, click “Start Measurement” to display the data
of flow meter score of the two units of equipment in real-time in the graph curve. Click “Stop
Measurement” for a while for data collecting.

7. Set the flow rate by adjusting the opening of the control valve inlet and control valve
kickback in “Graphic Interface” menu.

8. Then collect the calibration data and copy the data to the Calibration Work Sheet according
to the needs.



1. The Company really appreciates PKM Link for the innovation in creating the facility and flow
meter calibration application.

2. With this innovation, the Company does not need to calibrate the Corriolis Flow meter units
to the third party.

3. In addition to that, the Company also receives revenue from the flow meter calibration
service requested by external parties.

4. This innovation is also the form of Industry 4.0 implementation.

Bravo innovation!



1. Good morning. We’d like to thank Link Team from PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur with the
innovation of flow meter calibration facility.
2. With this innovation, we are able to perform the calibration of flow meter in of PT Pertamina
Gas in Kalimantan area with standardized, efficient and quick process, and safe in delivery
process. We hope continuous success for Link Team of PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur.

We are present in the spirit of pioneers,

We are strong forged by challenges
We move forward with quality works.


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