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Chemical Engineering Science, 1965, Vol. 20, pp. 247-254. Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford. Printed in Great Britain.

A Monte Carlo treatment for reacting and coalescing dispersed phase systems

Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago

(Received 20 January 1964; in revised form 29 April 1964)

Abstract-The Monte Carlo method of digital computer simulation is used to study the influence of
coalescence on the progress of reactions occurring in the dispersed phase of two-phase systems in
backmix reactors. Three different types of chemical reaction of both one and two reactants are
studied and performance charts are prepared and discussed. It is shown that depending on the sys-
tem, coalescence can either increase or decrease the extent of conversion of reactants. The Monte
Carlo method, because of its simplicity, is found to be especially suited to studying discrete systems
of this type since analytical solution is not yet possible and other numerical methods are very cum-
bersome. Possible extensions are discussed and the possibility of using the dispersed phase model
for studying mixing and reaction in homogeneous systems is pointed out.

CONSIJXRtwo fluids, a continuous and a dispersed tant by a numerical procedure using the finite
phase, flowing at a steady rate through a backmix difference form of equation (1).
(ideal stirred tank) reactor. Let reaction of one or An alternate approach to problems of this type,
two components occur in the dispersed phase and a Monte Carlo procedure, is presented here. This
let the continuous phase act either as carrier mate- method of numerically simulating the physical
rial, or provide reactant by mass transfer, or cata- situation is conceptually simple and bypasses com-
lyse the dispersed phase reaction. In such systems, pletely expressions such as equation (l), hence
the continual coalescence and breakup of dispersed avoids the troublesome mathematical convergence
phase droplets redistributes reactant material in and stability problems of the tinite difference pro-
these drops and thereby can influence the course of cedure. The Monte Carlo method is also adaptable
the reaction. to different reaction kinetics and to relaxation of
CURL [l] was the first to study this interrela- some of the assumptions of the model, and can be
tionship quantitatively. His model was extremely used to study the effect of coalescence on the ap-
simple, nevertheless, the expression found for the proach to steady state conditions.
distribution of concentration of reactant in the This Monte Carlo procedure is used here to
drops turned out to be the very special nonlinear prepare performance charts for the following three
integro-differential equation classes of reactions occurring in the dispersed
phase :
p aYe9
- 0 = 6(x - 1) - y(x, t) +
at (0 A single reactant disappearing in accordance
s x

y(x + ~1,t)y(x - a, t) da
with a zero order rate law

-r=k (2)

- Ry(x, t) + s & [x”y(x, t)] . . . (ii) A single reactant disappearing in accord-

ance with a second order rate law
. . . P, R, S constant (1) -r=kc2 (3)
for which no analytical solution is known. He then (iii) Two reactants A and B which enter in
solved this for zero order reaction of a single reac- identical fashion in separate dispersed phase


streams and disappearing in accordance of droplets in the reactor. Combining equations (5)
with a second order rate law and (6), the time between entering droplets is

-r, = -rB = kc,c, (4) Vf =

First order reactions are unaffected by the coa-
lescence rate [2] hence are not of concern here. For two reactants, the droplets are pictured as
entering in pairs, one droplet containing A and the
other containing B. The time T between entering
THE MONTE CARLO METHOD OF SIMULATING THE pairs of droplets is calculated in a manner similar
PHYSICAL SYSTEM to that used for a single reactant, thus
The physical model used is the same as CURL’S
and has the following assumptions:

(i) In the stirred tank reactor, the dispersed where Q is the total volumetric flow rate of both
phase consists of a very large number of dispersed phase streams to the reactor.
droplets, equal in size and constant in num- Computer calculations can now be based upon
ber. the time T. Computer arrays are set up, one cor-
(ii) These droplets coalesce two at a time and responding to each reactant. A particular subscript
redisperse instantly to form two identical of the array corresponds to a particular droplet
droplets. in the reactor. The number in each of the array
(iii) Droplets coalesce at a constant rate, how- locations corresponds to the dimensionless con-
ever, the probability of coalescing is the centration of reactant in the individual droplet.
same for all drops. The dimensionless concentration of a single reac-
(iv) The concentration is uniform throughout tant is defined as
each droplet and reaction occurs in the
droplets alone.
(v) The continuous phase is homogeneous and
is chemically inert. where cO is the initial reactant concentration in the
In the Monte Carlo simulation, droplets are dispersed phase inlet stream.
pictured as entering and leaving the reactor at a For two reactants entering in identical fashion,
steady rate and one at a time for the cases where a the dimensionless concentrations are given by
single reactant is disappearing in the dispersed
phase. The average time between entering droplets

where d is the number of droplets entering and where c,, and cBOare obtained by calculating the
leaving the reactor per unit time. From the assump- initial moles of each reactant per unit volume of
tion of equal droplet size the mean residence time combined feed.
of droplets in the reactor is Flow simulation

Vf N A droplet is selected at random from the droplets

-=- (6) in the reactor (a random subscript is generated)
==Q d
and replaced by a fresh droplet having initial con-
where Vf is the volume of dispersed phase fluid, centration of the particular reactant entering (the
Q is the volumetric flow rate of dispersed phase in dimensionless concentration in the entering droplets
and out of the reactor, and N is the total number is substituted in the subscripted location of the

A Monte Carlo treatment for reacting and coalescing dispersed phase systems

array designating the entering reactant and a “zero”

is placed in the same subscripted location of the
array designating the other reactant if there is more
than one reactant).

Simulation of dispersed phase coalescence.

(c),,, = 0 [S 2 mt]

Two droplets are selected at random (two differ- For second order decomposition of a single reac-
ent random subscripts are generated) and are tant,
allowed to coalesce and redisperse, forming two
new droplets having equal concentrations of each (C)t+= = (O (15)
reactant (the numbers in the two subscripted loca- 1+ $%C)*
tions of the respective arrays are averaged and the
average replaces each of the two original numbers). For second order decomposition of two reactants A
Define a dimensionless coalescence parameter I and B,
such that on the average each droplet coalesces I
times during its stay in the reactor. Then (CAL, T - (CA),

= (GA+ T - CC,), (16)

(11) (cAM_(cAIt - GM
= (c,), _ (c,), eZI(C~)t-(CA)tlCkc~o~/NI - (‘h
where u is the number of coalescences occurring in
the reactor per unit time. Combining equations (7) Calculation of the chemical conversion
and (11) for a single reactant, the number of
The mean dimensionless concentration of reac-
coalescences occurring in the time interval T be-
tant in the system at any instant is given by
tween entering droplets is
I C=*j$
apUZ=_ (12) (17)
N 2
where the average is taken over all the droplets in
Combining equations (8) and (11) for two reactants,
the system.
the number of coalescences occurring during the
The procedures for stimulating flow, coalescence
time interval T between entering pairs of droplets
and reaction are consecutively repeated until the
value of i5 is observed to reach a steady value indi-
cating approach to steady state. Actually, the value
of C is seen to fluctuate with the addition of drop-
lets, even at steady state. Thus a time average
Equations (12) and (13) showthat Z/2corresponds to
concentration is needed and is given by
the number of coalescences occurring in the reactor
in the time interval between entering droplets.
F=F; (18)
Because of this I/2 is used as the counting para-
meter in the Monte Carlo procedure even though
Z is chosen as the basic coalescence parameter. where Nt is the number of values of c averaged with
time at steady state.
Simulation of dispersed phase chemical reaction For a single reactant the conversion is
The concentration of reactant in each of the N X=1-‘c (19)
drops changes during the time interval T. This is
For two reactants A and B entering the reactor at
evaluated according to the integrated dimension-
equal rates and concentrations,
less forms of equations (2), (3) and (4). For zero
order decomposition of a single reactant, x = 1 - _t(FA + FB) (20)


By using various N values from 20 to 2000 it DANCKWERTS[5] has shown that the outlet con-
was found for values of 500 and larger that no centration for second order decomposition of a
significant difference existed in the outlet conversion single reactant with no coalescence is given by
throughout all regions of the parameters used in
the charts. Thus, a value of 500 was used in pre- Z=&exp(-&---e(k) n=2 (23
paration of the charts even though for low conver-
sions smaller values could safely be used. For
details see [3]. Curves of constant dimensionless reaction para-
Calculations were done on the IBM 7090/1401 meter are also shown on the charts. For further
digital computer system of the Illinois Institute of details of the preparation of the performance
Technology Research Institute. Computation times charts see SPIELMAN[3].
vary with values of the parameters and increase as
the value of N is increased. Estimates of the aver-
age calculation time per point are 1.2 min for the DISCUSSIONOF PERFORMANCE
zero order programme, 1.6 min for the single
Zero order reaction in the dispersed phase
reactant second order programme and 5.3 min for
the two reactant second order programme. The results for zero order reaction show that
About thirty points were used for each of the chemical conversion increases as coalescence rate
three performance charts. increases, all other conditions being kept constant.
CURL [l] obtained curves for this case by solving
the finite difference form of equation (1). Where
the same values of the coalescence parameter I
FIGS 1, 2 and 3 compare the performance of a were chosen, his curves are in substantial agreement
reactor with a finite coalescence rate to that of one with those of FIG. 1. The curves of FIG. 1 are more
with an infinite coalescence rate. The comparison complete than those of CURL [l] in that they include
is made by determining the reactor volume ratio a wider range of reaction rate group and coalescence
necessary to effect the same specified conversion in parameter.
each reactor, all other conditions of operation CURL [l] also points out that this system repre-
being the same. These charts show that this sents reaction in the dispersed phase between con-
volume ratio is dependent on the type of reacting tinuous and dispersed phase reactants in which
system, the reaction rate group, the conversion mass transfer of reactant into the droplets is the
level and the coalescence rate group I. relatively slow and rate controlling step of the
The behaviour for the extremes of coalescence process.
can be found analytically. Thus at infinite coa- For zero order reaction, FIG. 1 shows that the size
lescence rate all the droplets are identical in com- ratio V/V, approaches the dimensionless reaction
position and the system corresponds to a micro- parameter kz/c, at high conversion. This is because
fluid, an ordinary homogeneous fluid, in a backmix the value of kT,/cO (for infinite coalescence rate)
reactor. The performance of this system is calcu- increases to approach unity as conversion rises.
lated readily by the usual material balances. For further details see CURL [l J and SPIELMAN[3].
For no coalescence the dispersed phase acts as
a macrofluid in which case the conversion depends Second order decomposition of a single reactant in
on the reaction kinetics and the residence time the dispersed phase
distribution of droplets in the backmix reactor.
RIETEMA[4] has shown that the outlet concentration The results for second order decomposition of a
for zero order reaction with no coalescence is single reactant, FIG. 2, show that chemical conver-
sion decreases as the coalescence rate increases.
kz kz Thus coalescence plays opposing roles in this and
=C= 1 -z+-exp n=O (21)
CO the other systems studied in this paper.

A Monte Carlo treatment for reacting and coalescing dispersed phase systems

Second order decomposition of two reactants in the No comparison with the literature for second
dispersed phase order reaction of a single reactant or two reactants
was possible because these situations have not been
FIGURE 3 represents two reactants entering the’ studied previously except for the extremes of zero
reactor with equal flow rates and concentrations and infinite coalescence rate [2].
and reacting in accordance with a second order The use of the performance charts for quanti-
rate expression. In systems of this kind the follow- tative predictions depends on empirical determi-
ing limiting conditions may be recognized. First, nation of coalescence rates in real systems. Experi-
no reaction can occur unless some coalescence mental work dealing with this subject has been
occurs. Secondly, the coalescence rate is the limit- done by MADDEN and DAMERELL[5] and by
ing factor in determining the maximum extent of MILLER et al. [7].
conversion possible in any reactor. This is shown
in FIG. 3 by the approach of the I = constant lines
to the vertical, thus representing ultimate conver-
sion at infinite reaction rate. These limiting con- With the analytical approach, a different type of
versions for infinite reaction rate are also shown in equation has to be derived and solved for each
FIG. 4. system studied. Since with the very simplest of

Fraction unconverted : I-X

FIG. 1. Performance of a backmix reactor with some coalescence as compared with one with an infinite coalescence
rate for a zero order reaction occurring in the dispersed phase.


Fraction unconverted: I-X

FIG. 2. Performance of a backmix reactor with some coalescence as compared with one with an infinite coalescence
rate for a second order reaction of a single reactant in the dispersed phase.


Fraction of A or B unconverted: I-X

FIG. 3. Performance of a backmix reactor with some coalescence- as compared with one with an infinite coalescence
rate for a second order reaction in the dispersed phase between two reactants entering in identical fashion in separate
dispersed phase streams.

A Monte Carlo treatment for reacting and coalescingdispersedphase systems

study product distribution from multiple reactions

(consecutive and parallel).
The Monte Carlo method can be used to study
flow patterns other than backmix flow, say dispersed
phase systems with small deviations from plug flow.
This could be accomplished by moving droplets in
file through a computer array with local interaction
of the droplets.
Since the Monte Carlo method is a computer
simulation of the physical system, each calculation,
in effect, shows the change with time of the system
in its approach to steady state. This may be useful
in dynamic studies. The unsteady state results for
the reacting systems studied here have not been
published but are available in the form of the origi-
nal computer output [3].
From the above discussion, we conclude that the
Monte Carlo method, because of its generality,
I I I11111
flexibility and simplicity, is especially suited for
‘0.0’ 2 1 . 56ll)90,, .? 3 . 567119,
studies of mixing and reaction in discrete systems.
Fraction of A or B unconverted: I-X
Finally, it should also be pointed out that these
FIG. 4. Maximum possible extent of conversion dispersed phase mixing models studied by the
as a function of coalescence rate for an infinitely
fast second order reaction in the dispersed phase Monte Carlo method may have interesting possi-
between two reactants entering in identical fashion bilities in related areas, to study solids mixing or
in separate dispersed phase streams. to provide a simple representation for the mixing
cases (one reactant) analytical solution is not yet of homogeneous systems. The latter possibility
possible [l], finite difference methods must be used, was mentioned by CURL [l] and would be an
and as a consequence one must expect to encounter extension of the work of DANCKWERTS [5] and
different convergence and stability problems for ZWETERING [8].
each and every flow model and reaction kinetics
studied. The extension of this procedure to more
than one reactant is much more difficult and time NOTATION
consuming. As opposed to this, the Monte Carlo
Concentration of reactant in droplet
method simulates the physical system directly, hence, d Dimensionless concentration of reactant in drop-
extensions to different kinetics of flow models let
involve only minor modifications of the basic c Mean concentration of reactant in the dispersed
phase at any instant
computer programme. E Time-average concentration of reactant in the
The Monte Carlo method has many possibilities dispersed phase
in the study of dispersed phase reacting systems. (0 Dimensionless reactant concentration in a droplet
at time t
For example, with minor modification it can be d Number of droplets entering reactor per unit time
used to study extensions of the simple physical f Fraction of total volume consisting of dispersed
model used for stirred tank reactors, e.g. non- phase
I Average number of coalescences experienced by
instantaneous breakup of drops, unequal droplet a drop in passing through the reactor. (I/Z is
sizes, or non-random coalescences of the different- the number of coalescences occurring in the
sized drops. Of course only experiment can tell reactor in the time interval between entering
what extensions should be used to represent real k Reaction rate constant
systems. Extensions can also be made to account kr Dimensionsless reaction rate parameter for zero
for different types of reactions, in particular, to co order decomposition of a single reactant

E 253

. kcv Dimensionless reactionrate parameter for second unit time for two reactant systems
order decomposition of a single reactant V Total reactor volume (total volume of both con-
(kcAo7) Dimensionsless reactionrateparameterforsecond tinuous and dispersed phases)
order decomposition of two reactants X Fractional conversion of limiting reactant
Reaction order
1E: Total number of droplets in reactor
Number of values of C used to obtain time-
Nt A Refers to reactant A
average reactant concentration at steady state B Refers to reactant B
Q Volumetric flow rate of dispersed phase passing 0 Refers to amount of reactant per unit volume of
through reactor dispersed phase in total feed
-r Rate of disappearance of reactant per unit VOW- 00 Refers to infinite coalescence rate
ume of dispersed phase
t Time
Mean residence time of dispersed phase Functions
; Average time between entering droplets (or pairs 6(x - 1) Dirac delta function (pulse at x = 1)
of droplets for two reactant systems) ei(x) Exponential integral function
II Number of coalescences occurring in reactor per exp(x) Exponential function

CURL R. L., Amer. Inst. Gem. Engrs J. 1963 9 175.

LEVENSPIEL O., Chemical Reaction Engineering, Chap 10. Wiley, New York 1962
SPIELMANL. A., Monte Carlo Methods for Coalescence of Reacting Dispersed Phase Fluids. M.S. thesis, Illinois Institute
of Technology, 1963.
RlETEMA K., Chem. Z&gng Sci. 1958 8 103.
DANCKWERTS P. V., Chem. Engng Sci. 1958 8 93.
MADDENA. J. and DAMERELL G. L., Amer. Inst. Chem. Engrs J. 1962 8 233.
MILLERR. S., RALPHJ. L., CURLR. L. and TOWELLG. D., Amer. Inst. Chem. Engrs J. 1963 9 196.
Z~IETERINOT. N., Chem. Engng Sci. 1959 11 1.

Zusamme&amng-Mit Hilfe der Monte Carlo-Methode wird der Einfluss der Koaleszenz auf den
Reaktionsablauf in dispersen Phasen in einem Reaktor mit Rilckmischung untersucht. Verschiedene
A&en von Reaktionen werden studiert und es wurde gefunden, dass das Zusammenfliessen den
Umsatz erhijhen oder herabsetzen kann. Die Monte Carlo-Methode ist wegen ihrer Einfachheit
speziell zur Untersuchung dieser Probleme peignet, fiir welche ncch keine analytischen Losungen
bekannt sind. Die Mijglichkeit der Anwendung zur Untersuchungdes Mischeffektes und desReaktions-
ablaufes in homogenen Systemen wird diskutiert.


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