Cell, Blood and Muscle Physiology

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MARS Institute of Health Sciences for Women

DPT (1st year)

for the Month of May, 2022
Time: 20 minutes Total Marks: 30
MCQ’s (20 X1.5=30)

1. Lysosomes are formed by:

(a) Agranular E.R
(b) Granular E.R
(c) Golgi complex
(d) Cell membrane
2. Which of the following would be expected to increase the permeability of cell membrane?
(a) Increased membrane thickness
(b) Increased number of protein channels
(c) Decreased lipid solubility
(d) Decreased temperature
3. The need for vitamin B12 and folic acid in the formation of red blood cells is related primarily to
their effects on
(a) Synthesis and release of erythropoietin
(b) Absorption of iron from the gut
(c) DNA synthesis
(d) Hemoglobin formation in RBC
4. A 28 years old lady with Rh negative blood group, deliver Rh positive baby. To prevent the Rh
incompatibility in subsequent pregnancy, the most appropriate measure is:
(a) Anticipation
(b) Agglutination
(c) Precipitation
(d) Complement fixation
5. Excitation contraction coupling in skeletal muscle involves all of the following except:
(a) Increase in permeability of muscle fiber to sodium
(b) Binding of calcium to calmodulin
(c) Depolarization of T tubule membrane
(d) ATP hydrolysis
6. The cross bridges of the sarcomere in skeletal muscle are components of:
(a) Actin
(b) Myosin
(c) Troponin
(d) Tropomyosin
7. The principal enzyme for replicating DNA is:
(a) DNA ligase
(b) DNA polymerase
(c) DNA helicase
(d) DNA transferase
8. Sodium potassium pump is inhibited by:
(a) Digitalis
(b) Thyrotoxicosis
(c) Increased cell volume
(d) Veratrine
9. Propagation of action potential is due to:
(a) Negative feedback
(b) Positive feedback to viscous cycle
(c) Feed forward control
(d) All of the above
10. Antibodies are produced by:
(a) Plasma
(b) Lymphocytes
(c) B cells
(d) T cells
11. Active transport across the cell membrane occurs through:
(a) Osmosis
(b) Carriers
(c) Diffusion
(d) Gradient difference
12. Which of the following is powerhouse of the cell?
(a) Golgi apparatus
(b) Mitochondria
(c) Lysosomes
(d) Nucleus
13. Which of the cell organelle contains abundance of enzymes catalase?
(a) Mitochondria
(b) Ribosomes
(c) Peroxisomes
(d) Lysosomes
14. Neutrophilia occurs in all of the following except acute bacterial infections except:
(a) Acute appendicitis
(b) Acute pharyngitis
(c) Enteric fever
(d) Acute sinusitis
15. A patient is on high altitude and is hypoxic resulting in an increased concentration of
hemoglobin. What is the mechanism?
(a) Increased packed cell volume
(b) Erythropoeitin action on CFU Erythropoeitin
(c) Increased platelet count
(d) Decreased WBC count
16. In term of weight, the lightest plasma protein is:
(a) Albumin
(b) Globulin
(c) Fibrinogen
(d) Transferrin
17. In Anemia, which of the following is always decreased?
(a) MCV
(b) MCHC
(c) Hb percentage
(d) MCH
18. The drug that blocks the gating action of acetylcholine by competing for the receptor sites is:
(a) Nicotine
(b) Atropine
(c) Curare
(d) Carbachol
19. The most efficient mechanism for stoppage of blood from an arteriole is:
(a) Fibrin activation
(b) Vasoconstriction
(c) Vasodilatation
(d) Platelet activation
20. The protein responsible for iron transport in plasma is:
(a) Ferritin
(b) Ceruloplasmin
(c) Transferrin
(d) Antitrypsin
MARS Institute of Health Sciences for Women
DPT (1st year)
for the Month of May 2022
Time: 2 hours 40 minutes Total Marks: 105

LEQ’S (3X15=45)
Attempt all three questions:
1: Define action potential. How it is generated in skeletal muscle, explain its steps in detail.
What are the important properties of action potential?
2: What are the different types of active transport of substances through membrane.
Discuss in detail with examples.
3: Discuss in detail how an impulse travels from a motor nerve fiber to a skeletal muscle
fiber. Also discuss what will happen to this transmission if a drug “Neostigmine” is given.

SEQ’S (10X6=60)

1. Rashid was started blood transfusion preoperatively to improve the hemoglobin level prior to
surgery. He began to feel irritability, chills and palpitations just within five minutes after the
start of transfusion. Later on, he developed fever, shock like state with fall in blood pressure and
urine output.
(a) What is the most possible cause of Rashid’s symptoms? (01)
(b) What steps you will take to prevent this situation? (02)
(c) Define delayed reaction allergy. (01)
(d) Classify various blood groups. (02)
2. An unidentified dead body was found in the street. The dead body was having rigidity.
(a) Why was the dead body having rigidity and what is this condition called? (02)
(b) Differentiate between slow and fast muscle fibers. (02)
(c) What is sarcomere. Enumerate histological changes that occur in it during contraction. (02)
3. Define:
(a) Resting Membrane Potential. (02)
(b) How resting membrane potential is developed in a skeletal muscle. (04)
4. Explain:
(a) 03 major categories of cellular functions which utilize ATP. (02)
(b) Functions of cell membrane. (03)
(c) Facilitated diffusion. (01)
5. Draw and label:
(a) Intrinsic pathway of clotting
(b) Flowchart of fate of RBC’s
6. Differentiate between:
(a) Leukemia and Leukocytosis (02)
(b) Lysosomes and Peroxisomes (02)
(c) RBC and WBC (02)
7. Define:
(a) Antibodies (01)
(b) Humoral immunity (02)
(c) Enumerate the types of antibodies. (02)
(d) Enumerate the direct actions of antibodies. (01)
8. A 34 year old lady sees her physician to report a muscle weakness in extra ocular muscles and
muscles of extremity. She states that she feels fine when she gives up in morning but the
weakness begins soon after she becomes active. The weakness is improved by rest. Sensations
are normal. She also gives history of thymus gland tumor.
(a) What is the most likely diagnosis? (02)
(b) What is pathophysiology of this disease? (02)
(c) How will you treat it? (02)
9. Explain the:
(a) Types of lymphocytes with their functions. (02)
(b) Types of RNA along with their functions. (02)
(c) Building blocks of DNA (02)
10. Define:
(a) Thrombocytopenia (01)
(b) Arneth count (01)
(c) Anemia (01)
(d) Polycythemia (01)
(e) Hemostasis (01)
(f) Landsteiner law. (01)

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