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Detailed Engineering TopsideFacilitySyslemsof Gas fo. Compression Platform DragonOilfield at



DISCLAIMER rn a@odance lvirhvSP pc cy we advlsethai neiLher P its srster VS companies a.y dnecbr or emptayee nor of VSPoflssistercompanes!ndenakesany.esponsibiltyinanywaywharscevertoa.ype6on,otnerrhanro PVGAS,in respecrotlh s d@uhent.


Approval Approval




o xdc NHAN Lr., i6 |




Detailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systems Gas ot Compression Platform Dragon at Oil{ield


.ccordancewithVSP polcy, we adviselhal neithrVSP,its sEle:conpanles nof aiy d reclcr o. edplcyee of P o. ts a.y respo.sibilty I any \!ay whalsoeve.loany person,olhsrlhan to GAS ii rcsDect olthis document.



*,"+i'"vii,il,i' @"-.,"..."^. !

Numberof pa,oes70 ( n c l u dn g l h i s p a g e )

VN DdQon OilF eld\lC.o,Engneern\l0 04- N\104.04 s P c 0 0 c c P . c c P . ) r . c 7 - s F - ! i D r,0 l . < r u m . " Rp Ga.sra So6cleton doc

XNLD'VietsovpetroPHoNG l ri^-

xAc r'rsA aqN ,. ;Z tri



**,-,!Fltd Detailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systems GasComprcssion of Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECTFICATION TABLE CONTENTS OF
1 TNTRODUC_r|ON PURPOSE. .... . ... . 21 22 23 24 25 Definitions.. .... AbbrevaUons.... Unlts N4easlre ol .. F a c i l i eL o c a l i o r l s l\,4ei6orological data. ........ 6 8 8

. . . . . _ . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . 8 .. . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 1 1 ... . ........ . ........ .. 11

2 . 6 D e s i gL i l e . . . . . . . . n 2.7 UtiltyAvailabe.. 2.8 CeanDeveiopment l,4echanism 2.9 Noiseorileria 2 . T 0 E m i s s i o nm i t s . . . Li GENERAL DESCRIPTION 31 n i e r n a t o n a d a n d i a n d a r.d.s . . . Co s S . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 1 2 .... .... .....12

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . _ 1 2 ._ ... ...12

..... ....... .. .. .... . ....t3 ...... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . t3

3 . 2 P r c j e c ip e c i f i o a t . . . . . . . . . . . . S cns c 3 . 3 P r o j e Dia l a s h e e t s . 34 Projecl Draw ngs .... .... . . . . .. . . .

..... ....18 . . . . . . . .j 8 . 18 ............ ....... ...l9 . ... .. 2Q

3.5 Order'of Precedenc SCOPE SUPPLY OF 41 42

ConditionsoIServ]ce.................................. .......................20 Vendor Exceptio.s.. .... .. .. .. .. ... . ZO

4.3 Vendor Slandard Equipmenl . ...... ........ GENEMLREQUIREI\4ENTS.,..., ,.,. 51 52 f,4alerlalsSelection&ConosonConlrol....... MalerialTcab tyandCartificalon............

..... . .. ......_....21 ..., . ,,,22 . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 2 2 ..... ..... . ... .......23 .. . .... . ... .... . ... 3 ...........23 23 .. 21
P a q e3 o i 7 0

5.3 Wejghl Conirol 54 55 T r a n s p o r t L oi a d at on Cedifying Auihorily..


-1 D G C P - G C P - 00 7 - S P - 0 0 1

ntlswovpetro" XN-LD B x r i c r u H A n A N' l c oRlGtNi,4![P H O N GL U A I '


Detailed Engineering TopsideFacilitySystems Gas Compression for ot Platform DragonOilfield at INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION


lng.ess Pmieci oir.

. .... ..24 ...... ...............25 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 2 6 .............................._26 .. ..... . ....._.....27 . .28 . ..2A .....................29 ... . ..... . 30 ....... . ......_..... 31 ... . . . . .... ..31 . . . ...... .......... ......... ..32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . 3 2 ...... ... ..32

6 . 4 C e b lE n t r i e s . . . . . . e 65 Cable Glands .. .. ...

6.6 CableluQs. 6.7 CableSupportand hstallaton [4atra|s........... 6 . 8 N . 4 L ratb l T r a n s i(tls 4 C T ) . . . . . , Cl e 6.9 CableTerrn nations. 6 10 Electrical ContacB 6 1i lnstrumnt Cable. 6 12 Tubins Filiings. and 613 lnstr!fient Pfocess Connections...... 6 14 Radio Frequncy htrference .......................... 6 15 Earthquake Loading r 6 1 6 P l a nE l e c k i l S u p p i.i.e s _ . . . . 617 Plant Earthing Systems Instrumentatron..... for 6'18 Hazafdous Requirements.--.-................... Area 6 19 Envircnmental Protection........ ...-... 6 20 Mateial Requ rements. ..... ._............... ... . ..... rNSrRUtvlENT OESTGN.

..... .. .. . ....... ..33 . . .. .... U ..... .... .. . .......34 .. .. .. .......36

7 . 1 S h l l d o w n V a l v e , B l o w d o w n V a l v e a n d l s o l a t o n V a l v e . . .. ..... . . . . ............ 3 6 7.2 Pressure Safety Val 7.3 ConlrolValve Pressure and RegulaleVave.... 7.4 Ruptrre sc or Eursl Disc. ..... D ng 7.5 Solenod Valve..... ... 7.0 Pressure nstftrment ...... .. . . .... .. ....... . .. ..36

..,......... .,... ..36 . ..... ._ 36 .. ... ........ 36 .. .. . . . 36

7.8 LvelInstfurnent... 7.9 F owlnstrumenl


oAru inc , ic
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g:i:::*.-FINSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION TopsldeFacllitySystemsof Gas Compression for Platformat DragonOiltield

D G C PG C P 0 1 { 7 , S P 0 0 1


x A c N H 4 NB A Nu { ) t '



Detailed Englneering Topside for Facility Systems GasCompression of Platform Dragon at Oilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
INARODUCTION The Drago. oilneldis locatedin lhe CJu Long Bas n. app.oxmateiy 120 km otrshore frornthe nrelrs Vungla! coasl ofVieinam at a waler depthoiapp.oximateiy 56 in by Dragonoilfleld was discovered 1984and developed V etsovptrcJolnt Venilre with the productionn 1994.The recerl, ol productions abolt 1 rnilLlon tones per yea.. llrst oi A! presenttme, in th Dragonoi ied lhere afe two fxd offshor oll productnn pLatforms (RP I and RP 3), and welread platfonnRCZ nstaled and producedcrlde oil. The thnd oil prodlction patform (namedRPz) s being hooked!p and w I be pul nlo prodlction in the mlddleof 2009. Besideof productonplailormsthere ate a lol ol well head p atfoms (ca led pipelines While Tiger RCs).There Ere connecling lorcrude olland Gaslift(100 batg) between oilfield ndDrason ilfield. a o plionfor gasliftwells is pfovded from Wh ie Trgeroi lield by 8 sub sea pipeL ne, Gas consum locaiedapproximalely 28.5 tm 10Norlhof Dmgonoi ile d. Al presentiime, all assocatedgas from the welLshas not been ulilizedand |s d rcctea to llare on RPI and RP3 to burn aid The Tortoise'shell fe d is locatedapproxmately20km in ihe SouthernD.agono ield. Th oi a Tortojse'she[neld was discovered 1999 and deveoped by Vietnam-RLrssn'Japan Joinl in Cor.pany (VRJ JOC), th iifsl oil wil be in 2009- Todos'shell oil fleld wili have Operat@n plaiforrn one (1)well head platformand willbe tied to Dragonproduction gas llared al oflshofeln lhe Dragon o fleld, Petrovieinam To recoverand ulllizeassociated plans to develop Oragon & Todoiseshe gas unlizalon projecl, whlch comprjsesof gas galhedng pipline system and D.ason Gas Comprcsslo. Paifom The Dgon Gas Compression Platfo.m(DGCP)!s inlndedto be buill ciose to producton platformRP3 and wellheadplatforri RC2 (see Figlre 1.1). y DGCP w lalso be lLnked RP3 ihrougha bridgewlihapproximate 60m lenglhand il w I be to PladormRP3. DGCP wlll be a dependenlprocesspialform a parl of the Cenlra Processing etc waler syslem,accommodation, with main uliiitiesprovldedby RP3 slch as produced gas at Ihe subjectof ths projectwill be designedto prccess0.85-0.9M[4SC[,iDassocialed the inlel battery limit. Platformdscharge gas (wlth pressure110barg)wil! be connecledto exlstng gaslltt p;cellnsyslem ior field gasllltconsumploni excess gas wir beexported to White lgef ield by lhe same ppeline. Processedcondensatewill be .ecovered.Noavy condensale (back condensale)vvill be deslgned 1o pump lo oil orocessng syslem rn productionplaiform RP3 Light condensate (whitecordensate)wlL be deslgnedto pump to P CenlralCompresslon atforminWhile TigerField The Dragon& se she I Gas Uti zailonProjectconsisisof fo!r (4) r.air packases . . . PackaqeNo1: Topsideof DGCP. PackageNo2: JacketA Structlrs of DGCP P a c k a g e o 3 :S u bs e a p i p e n e & R s e r N

D G C PG C p { 1 - 0 7 - S P - 0 0 1

P a g e6 o l 7 0



m-,:l,l*** !
Oetailed Engineering TopsideFacility for Systemsof cas Cornpression Platformat DragonOilfield


. Packag No4:Living quarlor ptariomlopsce wI divtd Package - Dragon No1 Conrpression into as lollowifgs Package NolA: TurbneCompress syslenrs (SL[4) on Package NolB:Topside factities syslms DGCp oi Package NolC Tops struclure Linking de & Bftdge The protect utilizalon associated andgastift of of gas fiom Dragon Tortois+she fitd and oit petrovietnam hasbeenplaned since l\,4arch 2008 Fotowng the ptan, SourhEasl projecl cas Management Board (PVSEG)rs nomnatedas an Invesiorfor ths projectand JV 'Vielsovpelro' as an EPC coni.aclor, who carries the Engneerng,procurement out and construction complete project. lo the

Figure DGCP RP3Layout 1,1: and

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i P H O N GL U + i


e x / i c N H A N A wc d c


Delailed Engineering TopsideFacilitySystems GasComDression for of Platform at Dragon Oilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
PURPOSE This docurnent aetineslhe rnifimurn.eq!remenls lor design, maierals fabrcatlon, paintng,pfeparation snLpment, documentation lhe supply inspeclion, t6sting, lor and for ol (DGcP). inslrumefts b instaled theDragon Compressionatform to at Gas P 2.1 Definitions


'V JointVentu re etsovpetro NornnatdThirdPa.iy InspctonAgency

Prolecl oala Sheets Governing technicaldocuments lhe spcifc iiem(s)f6r pufchase for Pfoiecl Oraw ngs
Reffenco drawngstorthe specificltem(s)for p!rchase JolntVentrJre "Vietsovpetrc' Vendor of Equipment includingSub-Vendors(s)appointdby lh Vendorto carryoul parlor all lhe \mrk

2.2 Abbreviations



AnalogOulpLrl Conro Sysleri HAZOP D rect Cufrent O gilal Inpul Pla$orm DlagonGas Compressor D gilalOutpul DoublePoleOo!ble Thrcw Procufment Construct Enqineerifg afd on Emer9ency Si!tdown syslem Fire and Gas AcceptanceTesl Factory




DGCP-GCP-0 1-07-SP-001

x NLE{fl9fPtsovpetro"

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oetailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systoms GasCompression of Platfo.m Dragon ai Oilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION

Hazard Operabiirty and S{udy

Heath Saiely, Envifonment and Healing,Venlllalion Aircondiiion and ng Installauon, operat and[r]6intenance on,


IS ITP [1AC Inspecuon TestPlan and ManualAlarm Callpoinl Alowab lvorking Pressu.e [4ax]mum e I'{TTR NDE NPS P&to PCB PLC PVC PO [4ean Timelo Rpair NonDestruclive Erminalion NominajPlpe S ze DiagEm P ping andlnstnrmenl Polychloro bipheny s Programmable Conlroller Logic


Assuance OlalityControL / Ouality

Type nt Ring Jo ntegrlty Level Saf61y Single DoLrbleThrow Pole Pans Spare andhlerchang i1y ab Rgcord Unntrruptib Supply Power VefdorDalaRequirenents List 'Vielsovpet.o Jont Veatu re

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ifiId--"vietsovPetro" Lu41er-rclnc

DetailedEngineering TopsideFacilitySystemsof Gas Compression for Platfofm at Dragon Oilfield


2.3 Llnits of Measure
The des gn shal be perlormed uslnglhe following Syslemof unils. S




(mrsq) weiCht Kg,tonne

oargauge Klograms,lonne

Vol!me (9ases) F ow(llquid)


Standard cubic nretres cLbicrniresper hour

F ow(sas)

SCMDsmr/dor Srnlh

slandardcubrc mekes per day or per S t a n d a . c o n d to n a 1I 0 1 3 b a r a , 1 5 o C d

SpecilicHeal KJ/K9JC Kilojo!les per Kilogram-per degree

KiloVy'atls cnlpoise m lliPascl-sec or HeatTranslr coffrcentKJ/m"ch

pr Kilojoules squar meire per degree metres rmilmelres o Densily Kg/m3 g/ml or per Kllogram cLb c metreor gram per nrililitre

m/sor Km/h

per pe. lMelres second Kliometrs or

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a x A c N H A N A NG o c


m:y1"..*. t
Detailed Engineering TopsideFacilltySyslemsof cas Compression for Platform DragonOitfiold at INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
2.4 FacilitiesLocation Thelocauon DGCP of ptatiormasfolows: is
DragonoLlfied Viehanl

Otrshorc, abo!1120Xm South- Eastof rhe portof Vung

Lalilude 9036N

Longttude Plafom Elevation ;""*;-Meteorologicaldata AmbientAkTemperature --

1o7o5o E sea i Aboulth above tevet,tevet tardeck) t(c

Rlalive Aif Humidity

Pre!ailing D rection Speed

Seasonalcoinds c haractericticat this are for

NE-SW 45.8m/s(average wilhinl0.ninutes intervat) jnrervat) 44.3m/s{average n 10 m nutes wilh



DesignLife Allifslruments besuitabte minimum du.ato. shall for Jife of20years

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p t r o H cr u i r eAN, ic xAc r'rpAri

X N L D" V r e i s o ' / P e t r o '

Nlr: oF:.'-'- E

"t Le'-

Detailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systems GasCompression of Platform Dragon at Oilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
2.7 Utility Available
830 550 Electrical KPag 65 .C al KPag 65 .C a(

400VAC, (nonUPS), 501-tz, phase 3 230VAC(fon UPS), Hz 1 phase 50 (UPS),50 1 phas 220VAC Hz, 24VDC(UPS)Ungrounded

VenCorshall atlulitityrequirenrenrs stale in 2.8 CleanDevelopment Mechanism The CleanOeleopment [.4echanisrn lnder th Kyoroprotoco {CDit) s an arfangemenr allowing lndustrlalised countfies with a grenhouse reducrion comnritment investrn las to prcjects reduca ltrat emissions devetoprng in countries an alternatlve rnoreexpns as lo ve emissron reductions thek own countrtes. cruciaieatureot an approved n A CDMcadon pfolectis thal it has eslabtished the pannedreductons lhat woutdnoi occlr without the addlUona incentive provided emrssion by reduclions credirs, concept |his project a for atso kfown additonaIty as Thenreling syslem componenls be desgned!nderCDMcofsderations. sha The Vendorshalttake a, necessary stepsto m nimjsefugiUve ernissions, teakageano envlronmenra dtscharges. TheVendor shaltadvtse estmated the composrlon qlaniLry ernssonsexpected and ot durins slarl-up, norma operaliof anyupsetcondttons. and 2.9 Noise Criteria A nstruments conlinuous under operalon have maxlmun t noise sha| a hrn tevetof dB(Al 85 SPLat 1 m ln alldkecUon unessnoted otheruise ihe project on DlaSheets 2.10 EmissionLimiis Vendor shal m ninrise fugrlve emissrons instrurnenl gn,constructon lnslalta|on. or des and

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xNLD.TietsovPetro" puorucrulr
6 xAc t:HAN AN 'c




Detailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systems GasColnpression of Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
3 GEI]ERAL DESCRIPTION InternationalCodes and Standards As s!pplmenled this specification, foLtowing by the codes, srandafds regLrtatjons and sha VietnameseGovernment Regulations The Prolecl be deveioped matntained comptiance tegislative government wlll and in with and requrrmentsViehan, includlng of lhefotlowing . . . . TheV etnarn Ptroleum Law TheVietnam Envkonmentat Reguatioos Oi andGasOperarions tor TheVetnanr Envircnmentat Law TheVeinamLabour Laws

VietnamesActs, Codes and Standards TCVN3254

TCVN3255 TCVN5738 TCVN5755 TCVNs760

Explosion salety-General Requnemenls F e Syslemand alarmslstems-TechnicalRe!uirements Fire detection and alam Systems-TechnicatReqLt rernenrs Fhe Exling!lshingSyslems,GreraJ Requiremen:s Destgn tnslaltalion fo.

American Gas Association {AGA)

OrinceN4elering Natura cas of Compressibiliiy Supercompressibtlily Nat!latGas and other and lor

AmerlcanNational (ANSt) Standards Institute

ANS B 1.20.1 ANS|B16.5 ANS 816.10 ANSj816.34 Pipethreads,cenera purpose(|NCH) S l e e P i p eF l a n g e sF l a n g V a l v e s n d F f i n g s , d a V a l y e F l a n g e dT h r e a d e d ,n dw e t d i n g n d . a E H y d r o s l a t b o d ya n d e a k t e s i i n g f i s o t ao n v s l v s c o t

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enN 1c xac r.ruAu



Oetailed Engineering TopsideFacilitySystemsof Gas Compression for Platform at Dragon Oilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
ANS|B16.37 ANS FCI 70.2 ANS 81.20.1 ANSI MC96 1 l-lydroslallc Testng ol Contro Vatves LeakTestingof conrfot vatves P l p eT h r e a d s , e n r aP u r p o s et n c h ) G l ( Temperatufe Lieasurern Thernr p enr ocoLr es

American Petroteum Institute (APl) API 6D

Specication Pipeline for Valves (sleergate, andcheck ptug vaves)


Recommended Praciicefor Analysis,Design, lnslalarion and Teslinq of piaoorms BasicSudaceSlstems on Offshoro Productron Cassification LocalonsJorElect c6llfstatlaltonsat pelroteunr of Facitflis Clss led as Class1 ZonEO,Zone 1 aN Zone 2 Sizln, Selection and InstalLation Press re-Reiiev of ! ng Dev ces in R e f n $ s , P a r l a n dP a r l l l Gu deiorPress!re Reliefand Dep.essuring Systenrs F angedSieelSaityRriel varves CommercialSe3l Tighinessof Safety Rettef valves v,, Metat to Metal rh Seats N4anual Instalarion RefineryInstruments on ol and ConirotSystems (O!toi'pr il) Processlvleasurement lnsh!mnlation

API RP 505


521 5?6 527

AP]RP552 APIRP55.1

Transnrission Systems ProcessInslrLrmenls Conlrol and


Valve nspedons and Tesl ng FireTesl of Sofl Seated1/4tum Valves

AP 21

N4anua o' Petroleum Measuement Standards, Chapter 2j l\.4easurement UslngElecaonic Metering Syslems


D G C PG C P , 0 1 - 0 7 P - 0 0 1 S

X N L D' V i e t s o v P e t r o "

/t (4Zz=-

Detailed Engineering TopsideFacility for Systemsof Gas Compression Platfqrmat DragonOilfield INSTRUIVIENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
ManLl3l Petro:eum lVeasufement of Slandards (MPMS)

AmericanSociety Mechanical (ASME) of Engineers AS[4EPTC19.3Psrforrnance Code Test Temperalure l\,,leasuren]enl American Society for Testing and Materlals(AST[.]) ASTI',4 ,q269 ASil\,{ 4276 Slainless SteeTube Siainless Stee Filtngs

British Standards 8S 5501

BS EN 60529 Electricl Appafalustor Potenlially Explosive Ainrospheres (lP) codes Specilcalionfor degreesof prolectiorprovided enclosures by

lnternational ElectrotechnicalCommission (lEC) IECSTO801 Parl3- El l andRFI immlrnit

IEC60092-373Shipboard fexiblecoariacabes IEC60092-359Spec fcatron nsulaUon shealh for and tEC 60221
Polyvntl chloride nsLriated cabes of raleovoltages to and includrng up 444t750V F i r o r o s i s l i nc h a r a c t e f l s t c s o l e l e c t r i c c a b l e s g T e s l s o n e l e c i r i c a b l e s n d e r f f e c o n d t o n sP a r t 1 : T e s l s o n a s t n g l e c l vei(lcalinsulaled wire or cabe Tests on lecldc cables lnder ire condtons Pad 2r Tesls on a singte smallverdcal insuatedcopperwneor cable (lP Degrees prolectonprovided enclosures Code) oi by FLrnctiona safely of elechcal/eectronic/programmab eleclronicsalety e

tEC60331 lEc 60332-1

lEc 60332-3

tEc 60529 tEc 61508

IEC 61000-4-2 Electromagnetic Compatb ly {E[4C)- Parl 4: Test ng and lvleasurement Technrqles" Seclron2. E eclrostalic Discharge lmrnunityTest EC 61000'4'3 (El'fC) - Part 4 Tesllng and l\,{easurement Electromagnetic Compatblrlly - Section 3: Radbled, Radlo Freqlefcy, Electromagnetic Techniques F i ea l m m u n i t y T e s l


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I 'iiir,l_Gtt -Ai-

Detailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systems GasCompression of Platform Dragon at Oilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
IEC61131-3 IEC60079 rEc331 tEC332 lEc 548 IEC751 Prog mabte m conlroefs- part 3rprogramrn tangu ng ages Eleck Appafatus Exposive Atmospheres cal for cas FireRessling CharacrersticsE ectrtc oi Cables Tesls EtectricCabt6s F re Conditons on under Inlernaliof thermocoupte al Rlerence Tabtes Induslf plalinum al resistance ther.forneter senSors

lhstituteof Electricaland Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

IEEE STD 472 Surge ithsrand W Capabi res IEEEC37.90.1 Standard Surgo V/trhsrafd Capabitty (SWC)Tesrstor proiective Retays andRetaySystems R |EEE515 Standard theTeslngDesgn,Instatation, t\,tatntenance fof and ot Heal iracrng Standard Software pans Revsionof IEEEStd730for Quatily Assufance 84 and Redesrgnalion tEEE 730.1-89itEEE Compller Sociely of Documeni Standard Software for Contiguration [{anagemcntp ans Gude to Software ConfigLrralion Managemenl EEE Compulr Society
Baseband/EthemetStandard B r c a d b a nT o k e n l s i n e s s L a n u a r o d B S

IEEE 730

IEEE 828 IEEE1042

IEEE 802 3 I E E E8 0 2 . 4

Instrumentation, Systems Automation and Society(lSA)

ISA5 1 ISA57 0 0'1 ISAS8401 1SA912.13 lnsirumsntaton Sy.rbols rdenl and ncalo. Oua ty Slandard InsrrrmentAtr tor Appticalon Satsiy of Insirumented Syslems thep.ocess fo. Iniuslries Parl1, pedomance ReqLrirements, Combustbte Delectors ti, pad cas Instaation, Opetonandti/anlen.fceol Combustibcas Detectols e Eivnonmenra Cond riois for pfocess trteasu.menl Controt and Syslems: Tempraiufe Humdity and

ISA571 01

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Detailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systems GasCompressjon of Platform Dragon at Oilfietd INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
ISAS7104 Envi.onmentat lions process Cond foi l,4asurenreni Contfot afd Systems: Airborne Contam nants Flow equaijons sizing for conrrot vatves ConlrolValveCapasjtyTestprocedurc Face FaceDimensons Ftansed lo for ctobeSt'4eCont.o/Vatves Face Face mesions FLange ConlrotValves to O ior ess

ISAS7501 01 lSA575.02 ISA575.03 ISAS7504

InternationalOrganisationtor Standardisation(lSO) ISO5167 lSO9000-3 ptales Measurem.t Ftuid of Ftowbyt\4eans Orifice oi QLraityManagmenl and euatity Ass!rance Slandards_ pat 3: Gudetines fortheApp catonof ISO9001 theDevetopmext, io Suppty and Maiftenance ofSoftware Edron Firct Qla ly Syslems Modefor OlalityAsslraice in Design. Developmenr, Pfocuclion, nsialblion SeNicing and Second on Edit Ola ity l,4anagement Quality and Sysrem Eements, part 1. cu detnes F rst Edltion Assessnrent Uncenainty Carbraiion LJse FtowMeasure.nent ot in a.d of Devces- parl 1:tinarCatibraUon alionships Re Measuremerl Furd Ftow- Estimation Lrncerrainiy a FrowRate or of ot Calculaton Caorilic oi Values, Densily, Retalive Densriy Wobb and lndex fiomComposiiof

tso 9001 lso 9004-1 tso 7066-1 tso 5168 lso 6976

NationalAssociation of Corrosion Engjneers(NACE) NACE MR0175 Sulnde srress cracking resistant mera mateiats oitietd |ic fo. eqLriomenl National Electrical ManufacturersAssociation {NEMA)
NEMA 250

Enclosues Elecvicat pment for Equ (1OOO Maximum) Votts

National Fire Protection Association (NFpA)

National Etectrical Code

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aAr.r xnc r.rnAr.r l;Cc


Detailed Engineering TopsideFacilitySystemsof cas Compression for Platform at Dragon Oiltield


NalionalF re AlarrnCod Sla'rdafds P!rged and pressurisea lor Enctosures EectricatEquipment ior ( N a l o m l F n eC o d e sv o t 7 ) ,

Other Bodies Report 170E.98 R & E Version.0 Atarm EE E 1 Managment idetrnes c! Enginee Equipmenl ng Maieriats Use|s Associatjon (EEMUA)
P u b l i c a t i oN o . 1 9 1 , n

Ararm Systems- Guide DesigrA,{anagemntand a ro fSE Dlsplay screen Equipment Regutations GuideneforInslrument Aased Safety Sysiems

EEC direclive9/3gi/EEC UKOOA

3.2 ProjectSpecif ications DGCP-GCP-o t -07-PH_001rnslrumenlalon Controt osophy pht and DGCP-GCP41,O7_SP-008 fcation ShUdown Spec fo. Vatve -o7,sP-009 Specifcation pressure DGCP,GCP-01 tor Safty ve V2 DGCP-GCP{1_07-SP_0iSpcilcat lor ControtVa 0 on ve DGCP-cCP-{3 01_RP-001 Basis Design of (BoD) DGCP-cCP{4_06-SP-015 Manual vesSpeciitcation Va DGCP,cCP{4-06_SP-0 Piping i6 Specifcation 3.3 Project Datasheets DGCP-cCP-04-O7,DS-001 L-e.l Data hsl sneer r ieo .-svJne-l(ro_Lj io. DGCP-GCP{4.07-DS.OO8 Insi.urnenl Shet Shutdown Dala ior Valv DGCP,GCP-04_07_DS_0og Inslrumenl Sheei ftessureSaietyVatve Dala for DGCP-cCP-04 07_DS_010Inst.ument Shet Colko Vatve Data for DGCP-cCP"04-09_DS_OOl rnsr!ment Dara Sheet F&GDetecror for (NOiD) 3.4 Project Drawings DGCP,GCP{1-07.J{21 Instrument UpDraw Hook ngs DGCP-cCP-Ol,o7,J{22 lnstrumeni Typtca I Insral ationDrawinSs


e.oru ic xAc rwnr.: oRlG!r$p"-

XNLD"VieisovPetro" L PHONG T'A-

Paqe 18 ol 70


DGCP-GCP{1{7-J{23 3.5 Order of Precdence Insvument Typtcat Earthing Detas

Detailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systems cas Gompression of Platform DragonOilfield at


ln lhe evnt of any coni c1 arising betweef this Specification and o l h e rd o c u i n n i ss l e d herein, refef comments to the purchaser for clariJicalionbefore desgn o. fabricaton commences,Theorder of precedenceihal app ies is as follows 1 Applicable Statuto.yCodesand Standard

3 PfojectData Sheets 4. This Spcifical on 5. ProjectDrawlngs 6. ProlectRefereice Doc!rients 7. CompanyDocuments 8- Internationat Codsand Standards

DGCP-GCP{ I -07-SP-001


P a g e 90 1 7 0 1



O*r:.*-* t
Detailed Englneering Topside tor Fa.ility Sysiems ofcas Compression Platformat Dragon Oillietd ]NSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
SCOPE SUPPLY OF Th Vendorshat be sponsibtefor ihe design,manuiacture, teslng and sLrpply of nsr!menrsrnaccofdance thjsSpeciftcation associated prolect wih and DaraSheets The Vendor further is respons e for rhestcUon, b sizing, catcutaiion, the instruments o: and ior thesupply appropriat of catcutalions documentaton spectiied and as The Vendor shaltensure thatwofkrnanship, ,nateia and quatiry s conjrclare to the highest standards alldetvered ior equjpmenr thalonty proven and lechniques design uUised. and ar The Vendor shaticonJirm theyare abtro fLry supporl tesling that the and servicing lhe of lnstruments 10offerspeciatjsi and assislance where approprate Eachinsrrument consisr a comptete sha oi tactory asssmbted the un 1shal b6 suitabte uni1. ior lhe duty es detaited the appropriate pfojecr on DataSheer fuly tesrdand readyfor EachLrnit shal be comptele butnol imited lhefo owing with, to equiprrrent reqlirements and . . . . . . . . Fullyassembl6d Instfunentwith accessor ss rsginS Packag andmalkngfor transpori ng Inspection Tesung and Documenlaton, drawings ce.tircation and Starlup Commjssonlng prds and Spare Protectve Coatifg SpecialTools

Conditions of Service The nstr!me.tshaltbe suitabte thedeflned for process condttrons for rse on iheofishore and pratiorm plafformmarine Dragon Compression envifonrnent ptatfomtocaled Dragon in Oll 4.2 Vendor Exceptions The Vendor shallbe responsibte subm rogerher the Tender, tist o: deviations to I wi:h a or exceplrons tlrisSpecijtcaiion theebsence anyexceplions,wi|]be conslrued to ln oi it lhatthe Vendor ycornples lhisSpecfrcarion. f! wjth

DGCP-GCP,01-07,001 SP

X N L D" Vi e t s o v P e t r o '

N Fnc r.ruA sANodc oRlGlhnl\L

( ,4--:'.-


Detailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systems GasCompression of Platformat DragonOillietd
4.3 Vendor Siandard Equipmnt The Vndormayofferslandard uiprn whch is suira for rhe spec desig eq ent ble fred n, service and environmnlal condilions, whereconmerciat technicabendts may b of suchcasesthe Vendof shatlprovide lser ltstdemonstrat slgnncanr, a n9 retiabte oosraino ej( lheeo!D"1er(o,fe.eo,-rdersnia-se^icaco.dlionc fo In.uenoo.sra alsi idenllfy excepiiofs thespecfication detajed Secion 4 2 all to as in

DGCP GCP-01,07-SP_001

X NLDRsWstgovpetro" P H O N GL U A T

P z g e2 1 o l 7 0

x ^ c N H A B A Nc d c N


,:). ('@,=

m:::l:*-* E
Detailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systems cas of Platformat DragonOitfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5.1 MatrialsSelection & Corrosion Control ATI maleriats shal be as detaiedin th]sSpecincaton project Data Sheets ard refenced speclflcations. Whenmaterits notspectfied Vndor are the mayofierlher sianda.d mater; sultablefor serviceard operalng/desrgn condttions a coastal martne safi tadr in t rs notthe inlention ofthisspeciticatronexclude sLlbstilutionothsrmaterials to the ol of equal or superior qualily. Hovlever Vendor the mustobtatn writen approvat from the plrchaser proceeding sLrbstitution /or fabncaron. belofe with and Careshallbe lakenin the se ection .natria usedwithin inslrument of s the a.d accessoies assmblies minimis to coffosion indlcedby process condirions enviro.mentat conditions andcombinatons dissmtarr,retals of All ilemson the instrument accessores and assembty ar exposed lhe environment thal to shallbe of a non,conod nrateiai. ng Type304 staintess steetand simiarnon rnoybdenum auslenitic sratntess steels (e.9.302, 303)afe notacceptable 10chtodde dle sensjlrurly. Ailmateria shat b newand s unused, cu.renr anufacturer ireefromdfect of m and Alunr niumsha norbe used anypanotrheequrpmenr maycomeInro tor nar contactwth the process flLrd The use of Atumintum any component in shatibe subject apprcvat !h to by Eolling shalibe ot likemateftat thequpmenl to supp ied. Ait botting materiats pressudsed ir servrc stra b in accordanc DGCp_Gcp_o4 wirh 06,Sp016,piping Specfrcaiio;, All.materials (inctuding gaskers and sealants) shal be free fforn the folowinghazardols

. . .

Chloroiiuorocarbons Polychlorob phnyts tsomels {pCB)andrheir Radioactvetrtateriats

Allhazarddus materats besuppted a matertat sta vrith safety sheet(n4SDS) data

D G C PG C P 0 1 - 0 7S P 0 0 1

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@-1-:*^ f,
Detailed Engineering Topside lor Facility Systems GasCompression of Platformat DragonOilfield
5.2 Matsrial Traceabilityand C6rtification All materials usedshai havefullchemical ysisandmechanica certfcatiofand ana iest shajl be idenlliiabl rneans cerlified by of markings retating th avaitabte to llhenticmate.ial certi'cates. Maleriatcerlification requrrements shat be in accodancewiih N4alriats in ,t\,leta products lvlanufactLj EN 10204, ard _ Types Inspect documents' c of on 3.1Ccertitcalion shal be suppled hydrocafbon otherhazardols in and sruces 3 jB in and olherservces wened prssu.e tor and retaining componnts. Al chel.nbal anaysessha be certfied by prodlcl checkanaysrswith th6 exception of Carbon Steel (Non-NACE) and Bronzefor whch tadt anatysislrjll be acceptabte. Cerlificaton bolUng for shattbe Standard to Designation onless 3.jB stated otheMse Whfe supplernentary rements impacttestrfgin excessof the product requ or specilication are specilid, Vendorsha p.ovidecerlilicaron rhe proving that bottingmeetsthe specified reqLrircmenls Vendor The sha keep alaiabtrnanuiacturefs reports for exam elc nation by the Purchaser theirfepresentative, a minimum o. for period nveyea,s.t\,4inor of componenr; for which the maieriats not specifica designated are y shatihave physic:tand chemtcal properlies corsislent tharofthe rnajor with components. [.laterials use in coidservice {or (0.C and betow), aloy steetmaleriats, mateiats mm and 6 thickor lessshallnot be hardstamped popma.kd. markings or A[ sha be by vibrc-erching or by Purchaser apprcved patnt Whereihe equiprnenl operales a corrostve in servic (e.S carbon dioxtde dissolved ,wet if nydrocarbon gas) all process weted materials shal be suitabte corosive service. io. Corosivecomponents the process in fluidand the requiremnr NACEcedt,icatJon, ror is ndicaled theProject or DalaSheets. 5.3 W6i9ht Control The Vendorshall erercse an acliveweghl conl.olslstenr throughcut the desgr and fabricalon oflh Equipmenl. Vendor The shal submilan Equipment We;ghi DalaSh;etwilh weighl centre and ofgraviry intomaton.

Transportation Loads lf qlired lhe Vendor sha provjde trafspodalion supports oadng an.j ranspoding for ihe assemb ard completed ed packages Vendof works eilherroadand/or from s by sea


Certifying Authority The Purchaser shal enslre lhal alt applicabte techncat documenta|on nspeclion or requrments specined the Cedifytng by Althoriry are inct!dedir rhts Specificalion or associald Prolect DataSheets


oVibtsovPetro" XNLD

Page23 ol 70

.a i A c N r HrAr A N ' ORIG'lI i.,'r'


DetailedEngineerinq for ToDsideFacility Systemsof cas Cornpression Platform at Dragon Oilfield



General rngenerat,irstr|rn,ent gnandseleclion des sha totow DGCp_ccp,o1-07-pH 00t ' nstr!mertatron phiosophy. andControt All field transmitrss sha be microprocessor basd,intrinscalty sale (tS) for equpment locatedinahazardousareaexceptsotenoidvatves,whchwitoeexptoso;p;ooitt,pJ.. ",.

roca, nd sha,o;",* ,n"*jiliii:iff'."JH roopcaror ,#::'il:ji;i i Hj,ji Two Mnd-hetd catibra|orrconfisurarjon b" *oot,"a !""ur" " unils sha ,"
confguration ctibration anypoint the or from in toop.

Al lransmi|ers shal haveintegraj LCDindica


Sealsand purgesshallbe usedas necssan / to nsure'e iable'nskument perfomance, subiect the purchasr's to approvar.

carrort rh ec w equipmeir ;; ;l;:,fi i::1:,".1':i?iff i,i:I:;-lu; ";";il ;; Depfovided eachinstrumenl kansnilter. for and Funclionat ;ecks
logged siteprior inslaltaton. on lo Intrihsically Safe Circuit "n,

Arllransmilrers instr!ments and sha be catibft

* O"n",r* r"O


Forinlrlnsicajly {tS)jnslr!rnent safe circus, galvafic rypeisotators shaltbeused. lsoa(ngbaraers I be of the pluq_in sha tvDe_ o L n , ! da . a t o d l a - b a c ^ o a n e r e . n , l a f o n

area rheceriirication shar;r;;;";;;;;;ffiln"i'j,"n]:non

Ingress Protection

The lS solators shal be cenrtied connection for

" ""n*




All.equipmenr tocated outside inctuding nlres and btankhgptugsslra be dlst tishtand p,""ll" rninimum or rp65 yl;", accodfs tEc60s2e. to rnsrr;e",. " ro shaI be subjecl pu.chaseis "",;;il.,;;; approvat. - -nn6 molfled n qLripment Instr!r rooms without air conditlo.ef haverpt mey ""i*6"" Inslrumenttion be abteto withsland sha fot or envr.nme,.racondirions, b,t aso thepefiod resrins c ofinu o",,n" o, r,," no"'luf:rJ;:ted


XNLD "Vietsovpetro"

Page2. ol70



ropside svstems Compression Faciritv of Gas :lBE"jISror


Cable Entries

caeable ofpreventing transport prccess the of meoE ntomfduitsorlunction boxes Instr!menlation nkies encosures cabte for sha be %, NpT femateas m nimum 6.5 Cableclands

bush,.s 0"",""" E ecrrca 0,11":: ;::'J:j """""","0," :l:::::ni;J:,ilT1,ff;:f

Cable entries instfliments tbe Z" N to she

h generat, cabtegrands shaitgeneraUy of the mechancacompression be ly?eand sharl inctud inregrat faciltes fo. securin!and bonding armourng lhe oi the fr," orrno manuhcllrershatspecifv nominaled a grand tvpeano.o", *-*** a "rUL. rn,r i"i* "".i cabl grands shat be of a typwhichs lurrynspectaore wilholt the needto disrurb cabre 1e.m/nations eafihconUnuityarmour amptng orlhe ot c andearthjng. Cabgtands shalt maintain least s at lhe lfotecrionasainsli.sss or drsr andmoisrure rheequrpm"", as ,ff;:r"::i:ror """ "",," Cable glands teminalion equipment haza.dous for at in areas shalthave component approval by a recognised cedfyngaujhorly. Cabe glandsshaltbe madeof nickel-cadrniun ptaledbrass,:raveNpT lhreads and the length oithreadshal be thatat teast (5) five are n tneuquipm"nt entry ensure cedificationnxain{atned to "ngag"O the is "ncro";ro Ar grandsshat be suppred with wsathrproofshfolds of thermosetling fubbermalerial suitable ihe envlfonmen!, retardanl, for {tanre hatogen aid lowsmoke f,ee e;ission. Adaptors reduceG cabte and for gtands shal be made lhesarne of maierial theglaod. as Where adaptors reducers used,or tr or are

shar componenr,,,."" hav6 ;;;;;ili::J":"ffi11'ffi:llJ:'"":f,ff:il,:iT: equipmenl

Ali,cableglands shaiibe providd with neoprene sea Ing wash.sbetweenrhe gtandand the outertace ofrhe equipmenl orgtand pate. Al Cable gla.ds shal be pfovidedwirh earth lags sea ing washer and locknuls.Eanh tags a.d rocknutsshal be of brass Serrated washersha be providedto dampef v,U"t,"" oiii" cabtegtand/equipment ssembty which may toosen cabtegland. the Cab e glandsfor lse u,ithannoured/bided cabtewit be d!al_ce.tified Exd and Exe Gtands so cenitiedrnaybe used n combinaljo.wiih apparaius havinganv other iorm oi ceiirication rmposilionof this req!irenrenrensuresihar

conrusior seem ;,;;;;",;i ;";,*;:H"J:,[:ji:T be,ween n,v


*,*, t

Cb e glandsior lse v/ithnon_armoured e wrri cab oe specr ed for lp raiing a.d considerar on shal be grvenlo th6 !se of plastictypes

D G C PG C P O I O 7 . S P O 1 O

"Vietsovpetro" XNLD

Page25 ot 70



Delailed Engineering TopsideFacility for Systems cas Compression of Platform at Dragon Oilfield


cabieglandslor electr e! u pmenlir nonhazardoLs cat areaswilbe slandard ndoortype.

Cablelugs Crmping typecabletugsot approprare shoutd fo. the co. cross,secrion power sze sirit of andContralcabtes. Necessaryeviigshalt provided thetugs s be over ConductoG I be fttedwithapproved sha prcrnsulaled pins crimpd for connecUon ctamp tnlo lypelemlnalsorf ledwithcdmptlgs for stud termnas. Llgs shate therbe pre_insLrlated or heaishrink sh.ouds sha b fjtted un-insLrtated to rugs. Allcbe lugsandcrimps I be of rheproprily sha manufacr!re of the i^sutaled afd a.d type lne core nsulalion sha rot be cLrt backso ta. ihatbarecoppe.s exposea whenttrelugor Cl mp pinsandlugssha subiecred COMpANy tbe ro approva CableSupportand lnstallation Materials

6 7.1

Cable traysuppori accessories and ent parts of the suppori Al systemand ts accessories shal be free from bufs and sharp prorfusrons prevenl ro damage cables to duringinstaation. Wherecut at ste, raw edges shallbe property repaireC pfotected a suilabepa nt. and with A cable supportsyslernshal be provtded suppoi cabing, ifstatjed to pa et or pependicular strLrctlrat lo nrembrs. When onlyoneor twotowvottage conirot or cables are lo be runon a padicr]tar lhen(Jntslrut nnel ftalbarmaybe used route cha or Standafti sgctions componeirts be lsed The rad]ls shaitb lray and sha[ compatibte with themrnimum bendi.g usot thesupporteo rad caDe. Al hardware whichwi b usedto fix the cabretraysor tadders (nuts,bolts,elc ) shailbe stanless steet Cabe tadder suppod naleriat shallbe c:rbonsteelo AST[4 or equva 436

6 1.2

Cable Tag and [,4arker Cable markerc shal be of srai.tesssreetsheet 316 grade on wh]ch the cabte nunrberhas been p nled by rneansof etedcpher punches.Alt cable markersshall be red jo lhe cabe usrngnyton coated stainlesssleet cabie tes. Cab e be identjfied each eno al a n da t b o i f s i d e s f a r y l f a n s i tp e n e t r a t r o n d a l b o t ht e r mf a t i o n o an ooinls. Tlre cabisarjd co.e identify lerru es shaltbe supplied approved ng of make and quatity.The fertulesshall be c rcltar alphanumeric tlpe. Adhesive wmp aroundlypes a.e nor accpiabte. Cab cores sha[ be idenlified w]th permanentmarkrs The feru ing detats sha| include C a b l en u L ' r b e fC o r en u m b e/r T r m i n a tu m b e r . / n


"V XNLD ietsovPetro"

PHONGLUAT 26 of 70

N xAc NHA eAilr'ic


oy-.*- !
Detai,ed Engineering ToDside for Facility Systems cas Compression of Platform at Dragon Oilfield


673 CableTe Al cabte sha| be siainless tes steel316 grade wilhnyton coated. The cab{eties,wtr:ng rnark accessories be of pafdutt, / ng shalt BAND{T Thomass Be,. I Hetlermann Tlon or app.oved equal 6.7.4 CabteLadders/Tray

The cabtetadde.s traysshaltbe uitra,violet and resistant suitabte nslaationin an end tor of{shor environment. tifespan The shallberntnrmum ye3rs Z0 The cabietadders traysshat be m; and

rhey be of ; il];;;i::TH:i,j: sha made stai ::#l.rui::ii5:::l'"",tT

Stainless Steel: Slraighl sec|onandfittin 'li.* mde Arst of rvp 316 srainlass r,""""","" :il sraer. (t'nn") o' corlgaled:til' " shalloe welded boltoms lo ""'"0",1t::::^':t the srderaitswrthrype 3,6 .a ,etwelding wire Hardware sha be AtStType316 ",",n""" starnress steet. LadderCabteTraysshallconsisl two ongitldinal oJ members {sideraiis)witn transverse members {rungs)weided lhe sde ra s. Rungs to shat be space;300rrn'"; ;;"n spacing radiused in ltttrngs be ifdush sha| "";,;r.

cabte kay wjiha safty faclo.of 1.SwhensLrpponed a simpte as spanandtested NEMA per VE 1 5.2 Straight sectjorsshal be suppiedin slandard 3000mm tengths. Cabtetray/ladder widths shattbe shown dra\eings MOT on at 6.8 Multi-Cable Transits (|VCT) L4ulli-cable lransits shat atrvaj,s used be where caotes haveto pass: , Through s, roors:nd floorsor wa

w Each .,'' ;"**". d,h tuns

;:i::il:.:::,::"1i1: "i;;;.",1ilJ::,J::":T,","'i""i

,azaroous **,,.", areas

lange typetns frames sn",,no,o" u."ol"t "n'"

m mum ne . , n or smde mar :[iil", ililH:T';l l;"J ; materiat is to be frxed il inio.A ","" fran trans I",,,ilfff::";: oe suilable weldlng place for inlo

. Through " btast walts ofnrew6ls,or tnrcugh sorddecks l,iulli-cabte tfansitsare lo be e]thera ft

J5:lT;:","**''"" " *"i:fi

o''ooms open to


Cablernsenbtocks to be manutacturd halogen are irom free,nonfammabte, nturnescenl erasrcrnerpoymer.Theyarero be nrade c avaitabte modute zesfrom15 m" a ,ZO|n", tn s and lo be abe lo sat cabtes from 3 mm lo 100 mm in dianretar withoutadditjonat modflcatiof instalalon on Eachsize of blockis to toterate seat 3 mm variailon and in cabte size.Theindivtdua btocl narves to b c eadycotour are codd lhe mint.nurn maxrnum wilh and cable diar",", *f,,J,, DGCP-GCP,01 07_SP_001

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X A C N H A N E ] A NI ' ) C

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Detailed Engineering TopsideFacility for Systemsof Gas Compression Platform at Dragon Oilfietd


s desrgned sea clearly to ident{ied bolhexterfa surfaces ensLrre on io correcrnslalation Eachpar of blockhatves io be manltactured is tncorpo.ating ng grooves sea atongthe inlerna iaces to enabledisptacernent spar rnaierataroundthe cabie when undef of compress to ensure tightandwater on gas tighlseating. Stawlatesare lo b manufactured brssor sbinlessslee and inserted from benveen horzonla .owsoi able nsertbtocks within stee fiameltself. lhe WherepressLtrc excss in of 3.5 bar is expected, slayplats which havebenslirabtytested, to be usedrogerher are withan addUona mm packing fof ncroased 5 strip compress ofr. The compfession system lo cornprise a compression and end_packer. threeis of ptale The paat endpacker is to be tnstaled unlt ffomore sld,afd onlyorce an exlernal compression too has corecUycompressed transr.The side etements lhe end packerare ro the oi incofporale pinslo evenly ste pressure lhe compression distribLrie to pLat. Al componenls lhe transit of system ro be tubricated a sr conetujrtcant ensure are with to easoi installaiion posstbte and t!luredemo!nling cablea eraIons for Where electromagnelic compal btity is requtred, the tfanstt sysrem is io meet the rqLrrrcmenls oi89/336/EEC E!ropean Oirective l,4ullicabe tlansils sha havethefoltowiig cerliJication rcments: fequ ' Tesled approvd C assmarine snd A apptications deiined the l\4OandSOLAS as by 74 regulatons regafding cabtepefirations such penolrahors are sholtd b capabeof restricling effecrs fre to the sameiegfee as the deckor butkhead the of lhrough whih theypassandshatibe tesled accordingty_ . Approvd for'H Ctass Hydrocarbon (.let appticatjons FjreTest) ' Aocepled approvd Lloyds, and by DNV ABSafd BV. . ConshJcted tesled DtN4102-9 tEC60092-390 and to and

CableTerminations All trmiGionsshallbe screv/ clamptypeterminals 2 5 mm, conductors for nrinimum (no flyngleads)and correctty cerliited where necessary. lfsutaled rnptugsshal be used tl cr for cable coreconnections, orlyoneconductor teftninai with pr side Allcabe cores pairs, / incllding spares belermrnared. sha Eleclrical g eadsshallbe term'nated a suilab appovei tuncr n bot flyin . y o

6.10 ElecVical Contacts Allrelalsandswitches shallbehermetcalysated, those and u|tlsed n 24 VDCcontro|ogic circuits shal havegoldptared contacts rated Ampat 24 VOC Thoseiniedacing tield 0.5 w|r equipmentshaiibs 2 Amp24VDC rated

D G C P - G C P1 0 7 - S P 0 1 0 0

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X N L D" V i e t s o v p e l r o "


,4'4 '

m:t:** f,
Detailed Engineering Topside tor Facility Systems GasCompression of Platform DragonOilfield at INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
All switch contacts shailbeSpDt minmurn 6.11 lnstrument Cable fypes andsizes sha be as fo ows:


l n d i v l d u a l s c e n , 1m r n z .5 conduclors. SinaleDan

] I n dv d u a l a n dO v e r a ls c r e e n ,

0 75 m0'? condlctors. [/ultioairs Overa lscreen, mm, 1.5

Individua screen, mm? 1.5 DO & 24 VDC

N o s c r e e n2 . 5 m m ' ? c o f d u c t o r s , No screan, nrm'conductorc, , Z 2.5

krger s zes shal be lsed whererequned keep cabtevoltagedrcp betow lo 2./oof the suppty voltage. Cablecorcs shaltbe cooured as to o!rs: 24VDCDgilatCircuits: posilve_WhiteNegatve,Biack Posillve- While, Negalive- Back

Cable outer sheaths tbe cooured io ows: sha as

Intr isically Salei Non-lSCblesl LghtBlue Alack marchedand

Tho conduciorof Ihermocoupte exrenson pahs snati be soljd alloy wire that is

Cables shallboffshore comlying tEC60092 type wth Cabes shallbe categorized iolows: as Category - FireRetardantType 1 Cables thistypeshatlbe usedfor all circutts covered Caregory ,nd shal of nor by 2 compty wilhlhe reqLrtrmenrs 60332-3 or rEC (care_cory C)
Calegory2 - Fire Resistant Type Cab es of lhis type shai be used rof atcrcLrts rhar have a safety related iu.crion, or are req!fed ro remain operarional under emerceicy conditions Ths inct!des alr parts of F&G

DGCP,GCP-01,07 001 SP

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eiN ixAc r'rHAr.r . ic C)RlGEiri-*,,



Detailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systems GasCompresslon of Platform DragonOilfield at INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
systenis,ESD syslems,waming beacans, contro slstems, and power supp ies to those lrc systems.Thess cables shail complywi:h the requiremenls tEC 6C331and tEC 60332,3 of (cetegory C)or better

6.12 Tubing andFittings

AlLtubngandftiingssha lmprtal (OD), be sizsexpressed nominat in oltsdediameter andarlthreads shal be NPT. Processlo-instrun"6nl (downskeam iitter/rcgLrlalo.s) lmpulse lines pneumatic supples oi and pneumaticgnallinesshaLl rui n seamless s be 316sslubjng ASTM4269(uNSs31600). to lmpulse lines shaLbe 1/2 O0, DneLrrnalLc shaI be 3/8' OO untss Itres soecific aoolcations reauire useofothersizes tire Stainless steel tubingsize and wal thicknesses sha be as detaled betow.Maximum pressures alsodeta for each allowab working e led are sizeandwallthickness % ODx 0.035' % oD x 0.065' 3/8 OD x 0.035" 3/8'OD 0.065 x Z' ODx 0.065' wa thickness gauge 31.5 NlPa 63 MPagause 19.6 Mpagauge 39 MPagauge 29.a MPasauge

lNote 3r8 and 1r'tub,ng a'e tre prefered srTes N,letic size and 0.048 wa1 thickness tubingshaLi be lsed not Threadedconnections shall be NPT ior all components and piping and tubin stsrems for processand ulilitrs connec|ons TFE ihreadsealaft shallbe used on al threeded connecUons. Tape shall not be used. Iubjng and fillings sha bo 31655 unless specfted otietuis. Tube ftrings shatbo twin ferrulecompression lype.Al iittingssha be lhe sane approvedbrand Tubing s hal be supporldand protcted sbin ess steelangle/channeor taddedtrayalong by the complete length of each run and shatt be fastendw(h staintesssleel saddtesat a maximumof 1rn intervals slraightftlns. on Channelor lray supportfor tublngruns shal be sizdfor a rninimum capaoty of 30% greater AILpneumatc exha'rsl pods and b.eathersshall be filled with bug screens,insb[ed facing

D G C PG C P . O l0 7 S P { o 1

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XNLD "VietsovPetro"

c xAc NHAN eAi'; ic OR!GIFi"-.

Dotailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systems GasCompression of Platfo.m Dragon at Oilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
6,13 Instrument ProcessConnections All instrument conneclions pioeworksha|be 3/4,NpT,except to thernro wejts whicn shal be 1-112'ANS ttange. RF Inslrument conneclions vessels lo shallbe minimized preference ven to placement tvith g in prpes. vesse connections shaltbe iotows: as

OrliceDP Flow VesslStandpipe

Leve Gauge Exteror LevelSwLtch


Z'NPT 2"

2'Flange 2 Flang 2'Flange

2'Flange 4 Fiange 1'Flange 1-112'F)at\ge

2 FJanEe %' NPT

1 "F l a n g e 2"Flange

Exterlor Level Displacer



Leve DF Pressure lnstrumenl. (Vesset)

PfessLreinsk!ment (P p ns) A n a v s e r( P . o i n o l

%, NPT

1-1t2 )1

%' NPT


Thermo (Vessel) well

Thenno wll(Piplis)

"ul t-1|t2" ange F

1-112 arye F

%" NPT

rnstrument brdles shal be constructed 3 p]pe wrh 2" ANst RF Ranged of vessel connecions, fited with 1/2, NpT vnt and drcingatevaves top and bolrom. Bridte drain valves shal be onnecled thectosd ns system to dra . Leveirnstruments, es andstandptps be providea isola(on brid shall with valves thesane of s ze andrating thevessettapping. as Flanges shal be in accordance ANS 816.5withgasketfac \Mth sudace roughness ted tim to a naximum oI6.3m crcn 6-14 Radio Frequency Interterence Equpment shallbe unafiected radolransmrss by ons Bandpass and/or bandslop fitters sha[beitted,as necessa.] Transmissrofs ihe rcdro from communicatons syslenw I rakeptacen lhe lotowing bands. where anticipatd oftransmjlted the power as indicaled order ts

D G C PG C P , 0 1 - 0 7 - S P - 0 0 1

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"Vietsovpetro" XNLD
X A C N H AN R A N '

Detailed Engineering TopsideFacilitySystemsof Gas Compressioh fo. Platformat DragonOilfield


1.6'28 NfHz 118-T40 MHz 150-163 f.4Hz 22s,600 KHz 450-470 MHz A 5 watt R[.4S ha.d,he.d transmitier the50 2OO 400,460 MHzbands, in and positoned wirr the m d po ntsof i5 aerat no morelhan300mm frome ecrronic.s modutes (withpan doors open), shatlnot impairor degrade prformance modute the oflhat 6.15 Earthquake Loading As all of the Purchaser,s arc subjecl sesmicactvity a instumenreleciricat sites to trames paners and rackssha be securety fixedin position TheVendoas Str!ct!ratEngineers shatl be conslr cn al proposed ted iixing detaisandforrnats. 6-16 Plant Electrical Supplies Thefolowngvolllessuppties be useo] shal rrslrumnt, ConlrolLogc Sotnoid y, and Supp InstrumentAC es S!pp Local Instr!ment !minailon li
2 4 VD C . 1 0 % / + 1 5 % o mU p S fr

400w 25'W 25W 100 w

220VAC 15% 50 Hztuom UpS 230V 15% 50 Nz AC

Arleq!ipment sha b suitable opemtion fo. betueei theabovelirnts of the retevanl suppty voLtage shalloperate and co.reclty h n thefo|owing ppty w s! vaiations : . Vo tagdepressiof 80%of syslem 10 volagelor up to 10secofdsdurng motor sra.Ung . System freqLrency totence j1% co ncdentw th theabove votlage of AC vartation.

6_17 Plant Earthing Systemsfor Instrumentation

Three separate eafihing syslerns be provided: shat . Elect cal Salety Earth Bonded llre sireadhgridandui isedfof e ectricat to satety oi melaencosures chass onatinstruments e echcatccm and s ponents and ' lnstrument Clean Eadh- Ins!aledfromthe silesrrlcrlfe andothermetat wo utitisa for inslrufient cablescreens bonded the mainelecirca eadhngsystem a and to at

DGCP-GCP,o1-07 001 SP

"V xNLD ietsovpelro"

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aAt: ic xac ruuAru _o_[ l{:: i F$;rr 1

P H O N GL U A ]

my::-* t

ropside Facilitv svstems Gas of compression


Intrinsicatty ea(h_ sate tnsLrtated rhes te strlcture othermetatwork, and !rrtised tor termnatonof S galvanic baner eadhconneclors, and bofdedto the marn ejectrtca ea.mrng sysrem s nge point ata

6.18 Hazardous Area Requirements The hazdous ara ctassificrion be ii accordance shal wilh ihe rcquirements Api of RPsO5 At quipment usedtn hazadous reasshal be cenifedby appfoved bodies suchas IEC PTB,CENELEC, BASEEFA, UL.CSA, FM,
The nrajorilyof lhe fetd molntsd inslrumenlaionwii be moLrntedrn Cass 1 Zone 2 nazaroousareas, with some in Zone 1 dassinedareas and sonre n .on,hazardous areas For the pupose of standardizaton, fietdtnstrLrrnents at sha| be cediiled for use in Cass 1 Zone 1, croLrp llA, tempelurc rating T3 cl?ssted areas This includes all instruments

molnred ion-hazardols in areas o!tside rooms

For reasors of standardization, fitd mounted elecl.icat equipment alt used for inslrumentalion circ!ilsshaIulitize fielhods protclonllsted betow,and b cerUlsdfof the of . . . . . . . . - intrins Transmitlerc calty safeEx i Varve positonswitchesintinsica safExI y Conlrolvalve t oners intrinsitysafe pos Ex Soenoid valves Exposion proof/fameproof c Ex Eleciric hand-switches ntrtnscaltysa{e Ex Signalling lamps Exposion prcofl{lajnprootd Ex Juncton boxes Intrins tor _ catySafe CircuilsWealherproof non-sparking cedified e Ex Junclonboxes Non-tnirinstc lor y SaieC rculs_Exptosion proor;Ftame proof d. Ex

lf speca rnstrurnentaton not be paovded the abovenrethods protcton, can with of ihe. allernaive methods suttabte the ctassifed for areaand cenified an acceptabe by Authoriiy may be proposd. The Vendorsha srbrnita technicat reportjlsU{ying the inskument selecl forthe Purchaseds on consderatoir. The Vendorshali provde a dossierot a[ nazardous area eq!]pment containing al informatoo pertinent the hazardous work.The dossr sM[ inctude lo ara ur cerliicatesdrawings catcutat cata ons, ogle inforrn on dataandsoecificalion ""*"""ry at sheets etc. li addilion, eq!ipment pfoleclive a and systems mlsr be marked tgtbly ndetibiy a1d with thetollowiog minimum padculals:

DGCP-GCP-01-07,sP 001

Xruf 'V-ie-iswper.i O

P a q e3 3 o l 7 0

x riCrvrA i t g 4 ^ A c N H rJ:.T^l




Detailed Ehgiheering TopsideFacility for Systemsof Gas Compression Plattorm at Dragon Oilfietd


. . . . . NamandAddress the]\4anufactuer ol Desgnation ofSeries orType SeriatNumber yea. of Construction Allinlomaton essftiatto saie thei: use

proteciion 6,19 Envirohmental All equipmenl pfolecting and enctosures be desigoed insiaited be iiffor_purpose sha| and to iof the locatconditon. Outdoof equipment I hale a weatherproof sha raiingIo tEC60529ot lP65 minimum Wherh gherdegrees protection requ as palt of the cerlrficaton remeni of are fed requ fu, expLosron protected apparatus htgher the vatue shal be used paift ng shaI be apptedto inst.urnentation Painting Protective and Coating equipment and malerials lhal wtt corode in the envronmertaconditions which lhey are instaed. n Appiication shallbe fifforpuDoseandcotours sha be appropriate codes lo and standards ard to Purcnasefs preference 6.20 MaterialRequirements 6.20.1 ComponenlMaledats Malerials shat be serected th regard thefo lowtng i6ria: w to c| . Suilariity thespecifed ior prccess condilions, 31655tnernn rnum useoutside r,/ith ior fuly enctosd rooflts. . ' Suitabiity rhecorfosjve ior effecrs theatmosohere of Galvanic cornpatib[ity belween dissim]laraterrats n with sota|ng ptares, bushes, Lrsed where necessary prevent to cor.osion to gatvan action due c Purchaser apprcvat sha| b obtained lhe use ol atlminumfor any inskument for cornponent. Allrntnlr. mayonly Used no oihr be if sujlab maleria e savaiabefrom the manutact!.er, shallnot be used anycomponent conlacl and for in wlh ihe process fluio ti allmtfumis used anyhoirsng conrponentshallbe slr aby coated for of it and cerlified copperfree tessthan 4%copperby as i.e 0 mass. ' Matera for atl Ex e lunclon boxes afC Inslrumeni electron and lerminatioh cs holsings be31655. sha



x 411H4 n a; r,.- _-

XNLo "vietsovpiiiF pHc-rNc r uAr

Revso0 n

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Detailed Engineering Topside for Facllity Systems GasCompression of Platform DragonOilfield at INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
. proposed AIJ plastic components be non-tox andirreresstantUVstabilised, shal c and compatrbwithlhe environm onditions. e entst . Allsplndes, bushings botitng sdews shatbe manuiaclured a suijab grade etc, trom e ot slainless steet,
All brackets, fidingserc shat be fabr caledfrom 31655. All maieralfo. inslrumentation, contactwlh processiluid conraining ifl CO, In excess ol 1S6KPa partia prcssure, shat be as fotows:

Fluid Temo < 7 1' C > 7 1' C 6 20.2 l,4ou Polysier ded Conoonents

Materialto used be ASrNl 4182-F316 (31655) ASTI\4 4182-Fsl(2205 dupexstee)

polyestl panssha be anti,slatic hazardous tocat lvloulded for area ons,andjn geferatbe constructed Uv-stabiJised .e nforced yester. iiom gtass po Surface stance res sha be tess than OHMS. 109 lmpact sla.ce be-25% S0.14). (EN res lo

D G C PG C p 0 1 , 0 7 - S P - 0 0 1


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aAr! c,'ic O R I G (c\ii"a.,


ropsdeFaci svs m ot GasCompression i Iitv te s 3;11i:*:i3':"r"i:"3ror

sPEctFtcArroN !!!IEqu!xI eENERAL
7 7.1

INSTRUMENT DESIGN Shutdown Valve, Blowdown Vajve and tsotation Valve

Reierlo Document DGCP_GCP_01 p_008.speciiicalion No. ,0Z_S 7.2 Pressure Safety Vslve Refer DocurellNo.DGco.ccp0.-07so 009 'Soecificrlion pressure Io for Sately Vatue, Control Valve and pressure RegulateVatve - -0 Rpre- Documelr DCCp-cCp-0 /-sp.o. 'Specilicatjon to No U ForConirot Vatve' 7.4 Rupture Disc or Bursting Disc
Rupluredisc of bLrrsting disc type pressure retef devicessha nol be used as prtmEry retief oevrces!nress approvedbythe purchaser. For delail specificalion, refer to Doc!ment No DGCp,cCp-C107 Sp,O09 Specificauon for PressureSatetyVatve'

Solenoid Vatve
Solenoidvatvecoiis shaltbe tow power 24VDC Sotenoid valves sha be direcr-acUng lype. Allsolenold vakes shall be exptosiofproofand certifed for use in Class I Zon", Cr*O,iA,

shar be epory encapsu ratea, mourded, and tropilrazrieislarrow

T3,hazardous andwealherproofed area, rominimum rn" tooyunC ,",",," ti"ii trOS 0,. soenoid valves shalt 31633 andconnection shal be be pods f.rpi. Solenoldvatles shl be setected thal orificeI "rn,"t,.r']r "iy.; so coffecl valve
slrokinglinres coirs

Solenord. valv_s shati come cornptete wiih inlgral exposron prool 31655 tefrninalion box equippedv/jthfixed wiringterminats and a iree_wheeling diode. Manlal resets shatl be providedfo. sotenod vatves on specifiedshutdown or btowdowf


Materials process for wettedpads of tnstrumer

p,ojc, speciriio,''.J.; ** ;il:":iJ,il:'j:::ff ;fi p,p ns ;,;

-* ." ".l"ff]l

In addiron to the pfocess soraronvarv pressureinstrlments shar be providedwirh crose coupledmanlloldsprovd i.q racilities iso a|on of for e *r, i. prr"" ,*, .q, a,.a." ii*A rn

oGcPGCP01 07-SP_001

XNLD"VietsovD r-..," ei
PHONG LiJl.. X A C N H AN 8 A \



Detailed Engineering ToDside fof Facility Systems GasCompression of Platform at Dragon Oilfield


%.venrdrarf confectron godv and weneo pairs mateial sha| b 316 SS ior E manifolds Manifold tl shallbe protded as pe;data sheet rquirodrnent Inslruments shaltbe mounted abovethe tapprng rorgas

provw,h* ded u "",""n"0" ":n ;'I fl[*1 :il:']::ff Tl":l1l"l" ""0, l'4aniiolds shat be with % NPTF processconneclron and

and testing Op gaugesand switchs be pr-ovrded wth 5 valve manifoldsoP ffansmrners (excpting ,"u", rr"n"o,:n:l Dp

nd betowfor liq! ds. Pressureinstrurnents shallbe mountedsrrch lhat ihey may be easiv 'emoved and adjusled wrrnolr deronifg impulse tines A| ofessurenstrumentsshal be d fecied 'noJnleo or rrotrled so as 1omrn rnize the length of impulselines. oveFrang prorectors sha' nol be appri.dwithoLtthe wrrtren perrnission rhe purchaser of PfocessftuidsshaI not be piped]ntoany Conrrot Room/BuIding 7.4.2 Pressureand Differentiat pressLrre Gauges All pressufegaugsshal be directmou,rl and sha have4 inch dia s with scatrn Kpa. Gauges shalt withstand150 o/ of the mar m anlictpatod pressurewithout afieclng their car:bralion

,lrliHT Acclracybe 15 sauses. sha wrlhin% r ::""":::.i:::J:,ff 840 1 ",:i:t::#lfr

sea,cero.00KpdIhe,.",,,." up ::: i'ilif"'i;':'"i,,,i:"i #: coefiicient be prcperry ""#,: srress ievedfo. minmumhysteresis. and flexed, irealeo heal ano re

oe.shatefp'oof grsss or acrvlicplastc and shsrr r,""" ,u"r n",.'ng" on u *,.rt" -;;; backagrolnd. Btowout proroctjan shalr be provjdedon al gauses ;."";;" conncted direcljy thepressure to " sourceV t"o"ec blowoui ptugssharr instarjed be on rnerower sjdeor thecase,or,o"u,,orn,"runun

;:.".::;,T,nT" ;$fJ:*lJff; !t"".".,1.y,*,,y.,1^"",,",.il;##i;

as recprocatns purnp and 31655 construclon,wiih a "",,,"""",",":ij"':::::$'jll"J::[:1;:lll:,i':fi;,J,1 screweC retainil

P!lsation dampeners sn!bbe.s shatibe I or

Gaugeconneclonsshal be Za NpTM bollol exceptior receiver gauges wh ch nravhavez" NprM back connection Bourdo. tubes shn ' n s e r e m er { o - ' a n e e se ' e a r e . , a r j J ' ( p a B e r o w se . F r F * o"' ^::_j:",:"::"n",,

Arl galges shali be s!itabtefor ofishorrnine enyironrnentat condttionAlt t","r""t"-r"a exlernatparts becorrosion stant chotce sha res by oi mater s. Pressure gauges shaI be liquid f]lied slnoara, as usrng fluids tsled as

D G C PG C P - 0 1 - 0 7 _ S P 1 00


P a g e3 / o t 7 0

__-!rHoNG Liji:

Detailed Engineering TopsideFaciljtySystems for of Gas Platforh at DragonOilfield


S r a r s 6 0 k P aM . n i T U n Srrcone -

up lrtarnurn kPa


- -_-:,.A

. _45'to 65"c

Gaugerangessha be setecled irom thosetis that lhe norrnaorerains pressuwil feadberween ,,, ,no'?Lo,r','ilast'ch "00,"",.",",, 100](P,160Kpa,2S0Kpa 4OOKpa,600Kpa 1000Kpa 1600 Kp,2500 Kpa,4OO0 Kpa, 6000 Kpa,10,000 Kpa,16,000 25,000Kpa. Kpa, 7 6.3 Pressure D fferen pres and riat sureSwicnes s\a oe dapt_rasr r_j-iercd, seddsirqte ::":*,:'",.^l:(SpDT)mic.o-switch o.prsro.r)oewrrh po.e doubte ihrow rared 1 applied ulllilyseruice. on Pressure swiiches shalt havetamper_prootset adlusl;ent-, potrt Pressure switchdeadbandsha b tessthanlhe differcnce betvveen normal the operat ng pressure setpornl and

,a,,e ,sora, ap,ocess**,*o, "*" lliill"Y?'"ilff; ::":ij':Ii;I::;T"

Sel pointshal noi be lessthanSO% the of shallbe adiusiable wthoulvolali'g the nameproor Inlegrity rhe of ). A separaro covershat giveset po nt adjLrsLnent "*,"n "." ""r,.t:9::an o without..ross o*"","",url"n'"lilt""i'i.'.l'"-:J or *'o*."" H":1::J;i,#H:::: conrecrron be botronr sharl entrv,316ss threaded NprF andeeclrca % """""",,"" "i., The sur'rlch elemenlshafiwthstand

Pressure swiiches sha| haveprovsion slriacemornling bodytLgs tor by o. nangepressu.e sv/rtcrres shati be suilabte ofishoremartfeenvtronmentai for *_,L". O, ,""Or".n exrerna parts shallbecoftoston resistant choice materats by ""0 of 7.44 Pressure Dttferenta pressu Trafs rllers ard re rn Al Diflerenlia pressure transmitiers JseCoptanar sha pfocess connections. rransmiilrs Al shallbe supptied Inlegret wtth t\.raniJo d assembly. Transmi'e6sha, inctude;ni;; ;;;;.;". scaledin engrnenng untts,afd shal be

e,emenr pe.,* where access ,J::[l1i ;,1T"T,",;i:T*l:T[: feadtyvisibtea separaleroop-powred calor "**^",Til,lffbe provided tnd shat
T r a n s m l t l efr i u r e m o d e a n d . e t a b i t i i y h a l tb e a s i n c l c i e dt n t h e o v e r a i S I L a n a t y s ifs r l h e l o ESD and Fire and Gas syslem.Transmtterr

rraismrrlers shalt b \rt ,sma(, communicaiods capabitily and *n, *"*O"Oi"-0, commlnrcatron lsing HARTprotocor. AnarogJe siln:r oulputshairbe 4 20 nrA,Iwowkes. Oulput shal be inear.Reference ccuracy shat be eqLrai belier,*" +i_;.;t;;; or cahbralion span. Iransmitter body studs shaltbe high renstestatnless steel,or othr corosion_res start mieri. for higher shesstr,e presslrekansrn s ltersshallhave 50%overnn" Oro,"","n DGCP GCP01 07-sP-001 Lu '. v lersovpetroil
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to body,arins oe nuousys::liffil""i:lff rhe span cont sra iilln,i""jj[:"ff":#:

P H C T GL U A i


Dotai16d Engineering TopsideFacilily for Systems GasCompressioh of Platform at Dragon Oilfietd


afd Eotrngshal be 31655with% NPTFprocess cornectron %" ee.tricatconnector,. and Encroslre housins sh be rowcopper umrnrum epoxy a wrn coaring nd 3 1b ce(ifcaionlo a EN 10204shaltbe provided a[ pressure for reta]n padswith rh tnsrrLrnrent ng Material certifrcates, pressure reports test and catbration cediticates shat be provtded. Testreport eqlivatntof a 22 cei(ificate EN 10204and certficate 10 of comptiance Er,r1OZO4. ro Hazardous cedificalion area provided lhetrafsmttters. shaltbe for 765 [.4ount ng ^ , 4 o u n tss h a lb e 3 1 6 5 5 b r a c k e e s u i t a b e f o r m o u n t n g o n a 2 , p i p e s t a n d a n d / o r n a t ng yp steel plate Nurs,botrs and washers sha| be 31655 or better Whereswitches other and devrces grouped are and mounted a gaugebard,or inslrument on stand zdi{rsrment or re.n ova of eachinstrurn sha' be posstble ent witho t the nedto d scon Lr nect,d;snr or anl remove other any inslrumenls ofequipment deform or anyt!bing 7 6.6 Process Seats searsystems sha[ b usedlo ]sorare pressLrr instrumerrs process ffom fruids encounrered in thefol owing servicei
. Steam,wateror olhernuidswherefrcezingmay occur

Process lquidsthalvaporize operaUng pressure lemperal!re at and Wl gas\ahLch maycondense imputse in Ines. High iemperaturef uids. Sealing rnayb accomptshd wrhsea polsfi ed wtrhar imrn scibte ituid by purgtng a with sLritabnLrid e iroma retabte source, byiiled diaphragm o. seats Sealpolsshallbelabicared tested accordance the reevant p ng ctassjliton. and tn wth p TheVendor shalls!bnltcatculalions docurnented and setection crilerafor draph.agm seats.
7.7 7T1

Thermov/ells Temperalrreeernentsjnstaledon process]ires or vesselsshalibe Instajlei n thermoweis. Thermowe s shal have 1 1/2 ANSI RF flangeprocessconneciionsSensor connectons to lhemo wells shal be %' NpTF. Slatness slee thefmowe Itang6ssha| be raledon piping class hjgher that the ppe to which it s connecled(eg. ANS| 300 flange to be used for connectron an ANSIt 50 raiedp pe). to Therrnowe I pressure/temperature .atrngssha be in acco.dafcewith ANSt 810.5-198j

DGCP GCP-01 07,SP-001

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lrac r.rHqN BAi,



@w",."".*Detailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systems Gas Compression of Platform DragonOilfield at INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
Thermo,/r'elt mate.iasha be suitable the process lor medja generay 3j6SS. or olher material requred by the prolecl p,rg specdlcation thermoweshal be as p and I stampd wth lhe material. aominal U dtmefsiontag numbr, manufacture,s name or Trademark llanufactures rnodet/Type nurnber t\,4anufacture numbr_ and s seriat Thermo wellsshattbe fabricled ffonrdr ed bar stock, with minimum wa thickness 4I oi rnmj6.35mmbores ze afd 6 mmfor Ip tficknessBoreshal be concenkic lhe vvlh ollsioo d ameter w thin10 % oi wa| thtckness. to Tbermo w6llsshattb6 desgnedto wilhsland vtbration stresses ctrused sirean velocity by Wake hequency rnaximurn veLocily at iow shall be less than 80 percent h natural oi irequency the ihemowd The Vendor of pedomance shal provide ca]cltalions AS[,4E to TestCode19.3, Part3 Instruments Apparatus and Ternperature Measurement. TherEro wllsshall project inroth cnhethirdof pipedamete..Whe.e a thermowel is requredjn inesizes3, o. ess a ne sechon enlarged 4, sha be provrded. to Thermo s we sha not be instatted etbows. ln Lagging exlensions be provided nsualedpipng and sha of insulated vessels Thermowellsfor as testwelts us sha be provided a staintess with sreejotuoandciain |.7.2 Temperaiurecauges Temperctu.e cauge shat be bimetatic,non-reserable, hermeticaty seated heavyd!lr, everyange wLth zerc catibralion adjlstmenls. Tmpemtur gaugestem nornrnat outstoe diameter i be 6 mm andth stern sha tenglh shaltbe as req{rired th maiing by thrmowe... ThestemshallhaveZ NPTconnection Temperature carion I be provided gauges .nd srra by with100mm diaTs shaltbewithbtack end markjng white on background. 316S5conslrucrion The rangeshallbe selected that I is normlty manufactlrer so a srandard rangeand the nomal operaling lemperatue shat be in the middte rd of the range Ranges th fumishBd in data sheetsare indtcative ofty. Btddef ofief ther standard to rangesmeelng the above criteda. Where useoirgid stern the gaLrges tmperature woltd hamper reading lhe scale, ot tmole-mounted gauges wlh oap laryextenston be used.caug accuracy may shat be +t 'lol"FSDin accordance withASME840.3Grade A[ gauges A. shaiibe suitabte offshor ior marine environmenlal 1on.Attintrnats exrernatparls b coroson resistant cond and shalt l,y choice rnater Tempraiure of als. gauges I be calibrateC codifted supptier. sha and by Fllled llary nslruments b fulty cap shatt compensated ambent temperat!re sha[ nor for and be lsed for masurmerts above 420'C.Captttary amoLrr be statnless ani shalL steeJ. Class rrvaporsystems preieredi are mercury I nol be !sed TernperarLrre scale sha gauge sha be in "C only. 7 7.3 Temperature Senso.s Tfansmiiers and For temperalures to 350oC, up measurement sha be by rneansoi ptatinum rcsislance temperature deteclors, ohmat 0.C and shal bs n acoordanc tEC 701.aloha= 100 with 0 00185Ac('!<-al oero tEC/5. C a)s A or oer:e. RID eel -irs s-r. oe l v!f" a-o lyp RTDshallhave31635shealt^ maieiatwrh MSOnsualior Temperaure transmiflers

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XNLD "\,ryAE6i;AIO"
P HO \ ] G L U A ' : .

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xAc nr-rA* aA[r t ORIG!Frr.,


m":::.*^ !
Detailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systems GasCompression ot Plattorm DragonOilfield at INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATTON
slrallbe with'smart ccmmLrnEations capabitity shaI be capabte and ofconrmuncatjon Lrsjng protocol. HART Analogue sigra output sha b 4-20nA for 0-1OO pB.cenicahbrared range, twow res Re{erence accuracy beequaor better shatt lhan+/ O 1o/o catibrauon ol spa.. Temperature Trsminersshoutd head-mounred unlessolheMisespeci!dn rhe be lype dalashels TheT.afsm outpltsignashaI be linear itrer wirhthe measufed perat! An lem re. Te.nperature Transmitters havegalvafrc sha sepa:a|on DeMeen sensor the eternent and t.e oLrtput amplifier. Tlansmitiers inctude LCDindicator ed in engi.eerng shat an sca lnits, andshallbe mounted integraty the heado{ th deieclngetenrent in whereaccess permits, otherwrse remolely mounted. Where transmiter the indicator notreadity is visjbte separar a rootrpowered indicator be pfovidd shat {or Hazardous certifcarion be provd6d rhet.afsmitrers. ar sha Thermocoup.os onty shal Deusedabove350"C, when t cnbe sho\rnthatlhe mechanicat or consauction an item of doesnolpermit filling an RTD. lhe of Surface metallempelatl]|es bemeasurcd shall bythermocouptes secured thesurface to Thrfiocouples shttnormatly the minerat-insutatd be rnetatshealhed type,isotated fiom earih CharacteristicsmV versus of teriperature shat coniorm tEC584.Thernrocouples to shall be Type K (Chrome-Aurnet) the iempetuferange 2O"C to 10a0.C For for lemprar!res _ above (ptalin!m/13y0 1000"C, Ttle R Rhodiunr ptatnum) shal be used 7,8 7.8 1 LevelInstrument General Common Reouiremenls possbLe, Where vessebrd es with2 ANSI Uanges be used mulrpteievelinsrtumem shal tcf Insta:atrons Procss convoandESDinslrumenls be mountsd separate shat an brjdjes Ventanddralnconnecions shallbe provdedVenlconnec|ons shat be pluggedd.ainand tstconnoclions b valved piped lh6 drains shall and to system Alternatve evelinstruments as cpacitive, such nucleontc ulrasonic, shaltnot be used etc. wilhartthe P!rchasefs approval. All evelinstruments be provided piping sharl wlh isotation vatves. The prnrarytype of ivel nstrumenl remoielransmssion for shallba the dispecerlype Otherlypes ol inslrur:lent be proposeC the PlrchasersconsLderation may for whe.ethe d splacer is notsulable type Fot evelmeasuremenlgreat. ndometers than andfxed SG. a dfisrentiat typepressure lransmlller shallbe used Conside.ation be gven to the use of wet tegsin:his shalt aPP cation. Theprmary typeof leve instrlm for teveL enr sy/ilchesha be thef oatlype. s

D G C PG C P0 r - 0 7 - S P - 0 0 1


xNtLD:VjeG;G;j;; pHo,rtc iual

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m::t:"*"* !
Detailed Engineering TopsideFacility for Systems GasCompression of Platformat DragonOilfietd


Leveldisplacer floatjnsirurnsnts be externat and shafi chamber type.Sotiddisplacrs are prereredto ho,owdispracers, especiarv hishpressure n servicesr"""o, shaI be usedlor soliddisplacers "0""i,"i# Thecorapse pressure horow of cisplacers iroars afd slraribe efteredon lrreinstrJmeni dala sneet, marked theinstrument and on nameplale Al fiangeson the level nstrument pressure rtainng parissha b of the samelyp6and rarng as he process fangs, shatbernaccordance thevesser and wth tr nr specificar on, Thedrainvalve iromal tevetinskuments be connecreo the platform shal to d.ains system ExierfaiCaoeTvpe ** evet insrrLrments hale pressure sha rarnss equarlo or srearer ihan th ?:"lin fe evantp pirg ctass fcafon requnemenls forfangeo varves Cagematerashall compalible lhevesset b lvith rnarera, shall and becarbon sleej asa Connection externa for cages shalbe nriairnum 2,ANSIftanged Flange materia shatlbe ca.bon sleetas minimLrm a A positive satshaltbe usedin transferlng ftoavd spi:cer.notion tne externa/ to mecharjsrn where lloator dispraceremeft s emproyed. etremar a e Al ges shari finedrvrhvenrand be dran andtestonneci nomalty % NPTF ons of Allextemalcage instruments be dsigned permit shati to folaiionof the head,ro.que lube andransnitieror swttch casein rcJation thecage^velt to portion. Thesta.dard contig!lion externat for cages shal be sidea.d side. Disolacement Tvoe D sp acement tevet type instrumenls beof theexrerna.ry shalt moLrted type. PrefereC ranges are: 356mm 813mm 1219rnrn

ln casesv/here theseslepsare loo targeinternrediate of 5S9mm and 1O1Smm rages may be specined. rnnges For over1219 differential rrm press!re instruments preiered. afe Dspacer chambers exlemal for disptacers havemnmurn2,ANSI 300 RF ftarged sha
Sideand botiom'connecuons shar be !sed wilh R F F a n g eo . s i n r t t ac o n r e c r i o n ss i d e a n d . I o p c o n n e c i o n ss h a l b e u s e d o n r y i n c a s e s vr'herthis v7olld avoid a pocker in rh

connect p ping(onsrna ns ivessets)

Desrgns usingar ffs or iorque lube extensions shattbe specfed tor htgh and tow lemperzture services


X frLDR.wgiovpctrii

Page 42 ol 70

x nc nsAru i ii air


Detailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systems GasCompression ot Platform OragonOilfield at INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
Dlsplacer materlashat be compatbl lhe vessespecjtcationsSpciaatlenron wth shall be paid to cofiectwed ng and heattreatrnent services, inslruments coldservcs Fof on materials feq!ke impact nray lestngbefore nrnufa.jtlrrjng stress and ret;ev after. ng Tofque tubeshallbe Inconet t one minrnurn. ny.lon or with bush type bearings. other ng A wefied parlsshallbe 31655or as approved purchasef. by Connecron internar ior dptacer shaltbe 4"ANSlilanged unless otheMise specifed apprcved thep!rchaser and by BallFIoatlvpe BdL, sha'tand sra be3l655","a.lin.m. Lr.r pressure Diaohraom Differential TWe Bodynangs bolts and shatbs 31655 a mjntnrum as slandad Trm maierialshal be 3i6SS as a minir.Lrm srandardVenydrain connections shalt be prcvidedr bodyflanges. ireclnr D ng ount ftangg typedifferentiat p.essu.e nsmitershal tra haveaminmurnl"ANSRFilalrge pots Useof condensate sha be minmzed byuseor difect iianges chemicaly or seated tmpu I nest.ansmttters se 7 A2 Leve! Gauges Cornmon remeits reou Tlbular gaugeglasses shal not be rsed Lve gauges sha| be nslatedon all vesses. Conlnruous level vsblily shall be proyideC rhe nomat operal oi at tevel for ng transmillers levlaarrnswtches. and Levetgauges be 9au9e may glassor magnetc fo|owef liltingflag lype. cauge gtass prcssurrarjng shal be based on manufaciurer s prssure/temperatur charc. The minirnum ratingJoriransparenl gaugegassesshaLt be 1 35 M P a @ 4 0 ' C . Galgesshallbe suppledcomplete carbon wilh sreet oflsettypegaugecocks and 1/2 Npl drainand vent connectron. Gauge cockssha be provided with 31655 ballcheckptunger, sealandstem,andrenewabte seats. Slandard vetocity checks shallbe ryovrded. Stemsha, havehandwhes lf hrvo(2) or more g3uge glass assmbttes lsed, the vtsiategtass shal overtap are approximately mm minlmum. block 25 A vaLve ba inslatld shatt between gauge rho vatve ano source ofiluidlo permit removalofthe gauge giass. The maximum :ngth oi a snge gauge glass shai be 1.5 meters belween conneciions Visible rargeof leve indicators cover fLrll sh3lL the oprating rangeof process tevandalarnr or shuldowo leve switch locations. Covefaqe nteruenjng ol spacbetur'een coitrotedtevel alarm or shutdown polnt may be omiiledwhereslch covege wolrldserveno usefpurpos. vlssle engthof 9au9 lasses The y shallbe approximate3OO and muttiptes mh S thereoi wth toDand boltom s de-sdeconnectons. maximum iour sectrons o. A of sha[ be usedJora s ngle!auge colunn.

D G C P - G C P -- 0 7 - S P - 0 0 1 01


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Jx'rictrvx;n:i;i lQ fi





Detailed Engineering TopsideFacilitySystems tor Platformat OragonOitfield


Hvd.ocafbon Servce Levet indicalorsin hyorocarbof seruicesshalt be transparenl type gauge glass coumrs nragneticio orvsr tingjtag typeor purchase.approvea equat. Each gauge shat be ftied wilh a p uggedvernano a vetveddrarn connectjon. Processconnectonssha be side and s de 2. ANSI RF Ftange Non,Hvdf ocarbonService Reflex lype g:uge glass cotLrmns shat be speciiiedfor at seNices xcept the following where transprenl(1hro Jgh-vis on)shat be speciied r Liqlids contantngg!m, sedimentor othersotid maieials which njay coat the itutesoi a rcllex glass. . Liquidsth:l woutdeich gtasssuch as condens water,ior which m ca shietds, f9 shat be

Whefe back iilumination kansparenlgauge gtassts required, oi tightsmade tor ihal purpose oy lne gauge manufacturershaii be used n accordance with lhe manLtfactureas r e c o m m e n d a t i o n sd s h a l c o n f o r m l o l h e e t c i r c a t e q u r e m e n i s f af r o the arealzonel m i n i m u m ) T h e p o w e r f o r t h ei g h s h a l b e 2 3 0V A C5 0 N z . t t 7.8.3 LevelSv/ltches Level switchsha I be the float type Levei switchessha I have hermelic ty sealed proxrmity, swllches. Level switch housing shal be suitabe for area cassificalon indcated rr dara sheels Unrssothe|wlsespecified,lhe enctosureshal be crtifed to foltowing standards Weatherproofhousing tp65 as per tEC 60529 Dual magnelic systofis sha be usecj for a[ levet srtches which use magnetic switch


Level Tfansmitters Contro and te.s

Transmilterc shallbe ttted wilh LCD ollput ndicators, scated _100% Whe:ethjs s rol 0 possible desilabl, separale powered cator or a toop nd shatbe t,rstaed 7.9 Flow Instrument


T h e V c n d o r s h a l ls e l c rt o v / m c t c r s b e s t s l t e d r o t h e s e N c e c o n s i d e r n g p e r a t o r a , o rnainlenance and cosl issus,generaity procssfow meter sha be orifice type Fo: c!rodv gas rnelenngskid referto Specircauon cas meteringpackage for DGCp.ccp,Oj_ 07'SP'002.The Vendorsha sLrbmla ftow nrereirg tecrnicatrepoftp.ovdingjLrstfca:ion fo, seleclon of tow instru.nents the purchaseis approval for beforeinst.umenis ar oLlrchased

-07-SP-001 oGcP-GCP-01

LD "Vietsovpetro,' pt-toi..lcLlli r

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x A cN H A a a r u , . ; i N oRIGin:.e,"L
/ _1,]3

Detailed Englneering TopsideFacility tor Systemsof Gas Coirpression Platformat DragonOilfietd


Fows eementsshallbe mounted betwee. btock vatves and provrded a drainvatve wth on lhe downstream sde, and sha b mou i/r hofrzontal seltdraining piplng Fowhelers sharr instared be according t"n."nuf,n'"d to

,."a.eFlow meterssha hav a Sox2smm31635 tag affixed,engravedynrhthe tag nunber in 6mm characte.s,and the iow meterservicein 3mm cnaracters. The Vendorsha provde sizingcatcutarions to.a tnow mere.s. 7.9 2 Oit ce p ates llansmilter rangand oriice s zing shailbe .

specicar ons rro*".ur"," nJf";i:lj nuu" ::l;":#i Hjr?:L i:ff P ' v'Jl; * .n."r",, A N S 8 . 6 5 r i r f s o i . a , s . o o"r,urir , . " , o r l - " s s ," , 1or r:a;;.;,;;,

equipped af LCDmeter catibrated engifeeriin with in *n". W** f]"* o rol reac:r! 4o-r access.brp g-aoe, rnorcato,s rrani-,,",. .",,, be lemote _ ":.]: , ","_""it*U"" aro mounled 10r e3sv access.cabte runs berween "hall "-;:^,^: v *,"1i 1io 1'"*'u""lransmitters and shall be as shod as praclicbte prorctea and ag",n"td"."g"."'t^"nt" itateras and constructon itow elenr of

upsrream ;;;ili'fij l;il,?Til"ff::,:-i :i:lT: j;*iA f:dto ". .;;;";

aranged slch that normatyl The difierenliatpressrre at maxinunr flow rate is 25 kpa. ti ctrclnrslancesdictate olherwrse, differeniialpressure the shal be a s]mptemutUpte orifaction of25 kpa

. .

T h e d / D r a d i as h a b e n t h er a n g f 0 Z 1 0 o 0.2S.

rower va,!e, ranse toprov." r,r:lT:T,:T:":;::H'::::" ",,"

The lppr |ange value of lhe fow in

-" * "

l,4ultiple differential pressurelransrnitters si in service wherea srns o r'|ce e prate is ,equ,rd conunlo!sry."- *er ro ","";1;:j::d OrlfEeplalesshaltbe square odge,constructed 31655anChavean identiicalion from -'-" tab exrornatro process, lhetotov,,ing lhe with rnformatiof slamped theupstream on sill

Orificebore size (specitied catculated) or o {oorecorrected 20"C) to Line Srz

Orificeplates,fanges and sha be faofrcaied rn accordance wrth AGA , Gzs ireasurement Committee, Repoi No 3 {AGA3) The ptare rinish shal be 15 20 m cro-inch roughness. Vendor Th shaltprovide rneasuremenr a reponshowlngthat the oriiiceplatets

D G C P . G C P . O l7 S P . O O l 0

'Vie-iwpetro XNLD
_PHONG LUA; xAc NHAN ;n, r; B : ORIGI'


3i-111:1::l,l1"]lngJor Platforrh DragonOilfietd at

Topside Facitiry systems cascompression of


wthin the toterance ot lhe AGA 3 The measurer.enl limir must be lraceabte a kn()M to prinaryreference slandard suchas NtST. srn'pex or Junror, eqLrivarent orifice or type, cariefs sha be preferedovr.onvntonal oritice carrerson ttvehydrocarbon service Orifcecffiers 8,,or tes".n" i *"" of " """*n

specrslpositonrngsetscrews Theseshat be permanenlty Insta|edalin" so lhatimpinges n the ptate aifer on a .four o c e d g e s J i xn g t s p o s i o x .""., e " J""0,""",* , Th i"r"*|| hav a lop st screw lhar prevents ftflfs fiom lhe beingfrrV *aud off rnre""'rhl iJ,ri-u| r" fully setedand cnlefsd

:""ff f ::ln"Tiff":il,:Ji,iffi :::"1U1'["j;:.i: J::"";,il" t?f"rff j':: Xfii

2 and ppedjack i;"::: '";:[i'"jii, iii "lJillilll,i equ wth *'"*" :# il ensuremaiingflangesare a ignedcorecflV "lj
where possibe, orlficeassembies shat I

Where conve ntionat ce cniersare alowed by the purchaser,laey orjf sha be in acijordane _. w t i l , h e p i n g a s s . , i c 1 ,to a , e a m i n r n L m t , / n n c , " ; " . " n n o i . . ^ ^ . * , . ' p c r ^

Addi, rrnc,ta , o,o o, . ?"lli:'Ji,:5::i; ",l:Lf ona nry" ., i,"j; " ":,""Tj:t:,1[ rha,norf the ce,ansenss. ;:j,"HliT:il:iffil ;il,:i::fi-."J:,."1i:i rapp *" st.aiglrlening vanesar not
rcqukedand gas meterruns are setfdrainino upstram lbows n rnofe than on pane shalt be avoided to m nimjzevodcity piping and eqLrprnenl shatl be aranged so that fashing does not occur at or upsrream oi ortice piates. For mllliphase iow measlrement such s wetstream flows, ihe preierred melhod or measufement by means oi sqlare,edge eccntricbore orfice p rs ate Othrflow etemenrs rnay also be consideredfor this applicaUon g venluri e tubes or vo ex rneters Eccenkrc, segrnentar quadrantedged orifces may be usd fof specal servces or such as s!ny, wet gas or hightyviscous servrce. 7I3 Variabte Area [,4eters Varable area ltow ind cators sha be used fof nline fluid measLrremenl fo. toca tndcatro,l only a nd shal have pfecisionbore meterng rubewilh setf gu ided f]oats rowraresha be nc cated by the verijca posiUon th floa1ormagne|ca y ccupledponter of No conneciions sha b rna.iein eiher i|l

oovvnsrrearn tappings shat be orienrared ro each olher Differentiat 90. p;essurc,ow transmitlerc shatibe fi(ed witha 3-va nanifod,mounted ve dkecNy lhe r"""il", to ;". rnanifold sha be ixed to the mounting arrangemeni,owinghe transmitler be f.eety a to rom.vdwthoLri disrr.bingf.purserines. whe possibre transminer the shourd clse be coupledto lhe process keep lubtngtength10 a mnnrLrm ro Cenerarty, non 'scar ior measuremenr straighl the tengths uostream downslfeam wofkrun for of and pipe an o fi installat,on be 15Dand BOrespectjvely and 5D minimum) shatt (10O ro custoAy mnVer application, upstfeam downstreal the and

jn:t: 1/2 and45. Npr be abov" n",-","iiifri1o.1[X:11 f'ji"T"* ::: ""

DGCP-GCP,0 J-07-SP_001

Revision 0

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XNLD "VietsofrElJa
Pt-lOlrC iUAr xACt\Hp ^, it,tt ie



Detailed Engineering TopsideFacility fof Systems GasCompression of Platform at Dragon Oitfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
lvetrlpals n (o-tacl w.r lnsprocess s1dt.e a minimumof 31655 Gtass f -.a iiJbemeters sr'e, .or be usec A-rou.eonete-s sra 1"v. a r n e t a r u b e w t t h m a g n e t c a l yc o l j p e d t rnleg.alirdicalor. hd cators shathave readabieiow a range from10%ro 100% rre maximum ratewith or flow lhe flormalflow behaeen to 100'/. 50 oflhe spaf range.
L9.4 ReskiciionOrtficeptales The Vendor sha[ provideca]cualionsIor stzins, for slress clcutation vatidateplete to 0rEkness

7.10 Fire and Gas Detectors 7.101 cenera Ihe seteclion FEc rnslrlmenl of inctudjrg inslaaton sha provide ,etiabte faitsafe operaliof withemphass simpciiyot insration, on maintenance testig and onryFaG instruments having proven estabiishedsioryof sLccessful a and h nsta'ation and operalion theoffshore in mainenvironmentsha supp tbe ied. F&GinstrLiments shalibe suppred b-ted in accordance the purchasers ca with datasheets. Thesetedton insirumenls of sha]lake )ccotini n: surraunding conditons no compromjse wth on accu.acyor psrtormance Whefean alerntives proposed Vendor lhe shaltprovdedocumentatjon suppod lo the atternalive equiprnentand proven history thnetd. n The Vendorshaltprovide compere oi caibration a set and tsl accessoris a[ FEc with AIF&G instrlmerts shat interfac direcfly the purchase/s to F&Gsystem, whichw l be a pLC Iaulitolerant All F&c nslrumenls shaltprovide to.rgtermstabtityand highresistance vibrarion lo anC TheVendorshattprovdep.e-nsta|ed nd of tinemoniroing devcesand/or zn6fdiode, where reqLrked Deleclof components b constructd 3j6 SS to m ntmise shall frorn coroson {rorna rnarine ptaslc, envtronment. sutable the rnarne for envifonrnent, salso acceptabe shall but be fesislenl prolonged temperl!res UVradiationom djrect to high and t sunlight exposure 7.102 E ectricat haraciertstics C Al F8c lnslrumenrs be energised 24VDCofly sha| al Gasdeteclor Enatogue oLrtputs be used F&Ginskuments as gasdetectors shal tor such and fame deictors. Other F&c insrruments usernon oredconlact sha olrtours
-07-SP-001 DGCP-GCP-01

x nc rvl.i r.rJAi a
-=ircOUC r ur.-'"

Pag47 ot 70

Detailed Engiheering Topside for Facility Systems GasCompression of Platform Dragon at Oilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
AnalogLre outputs shattbe oop powered ranged to 20 mADC,where4 10 20 mA and 0 conveys operating tf fange(e.9 d/.LELLEL.m, ppn) and O lo 4 nA spanconveys th instrument andstatLrs. fautt The Vendofshalt provdedocumenta|on supporl reliabrtty the faul io the of and status ird caton (0 to 4 nrA)feature, define outpLrl lhe signa tevettessihan 4 nrAfor eachfautt/ statLrs provdediaisof tests ensuethatthdvic6 notfai in theaarmcondilion afd lo can F&G nstrlmnts ng digta o!tpL.j1 haveb! t in provisions endof iine hav shalt for monrtorino conoo.elts. lh rrct-s o.lfe,e coroo']elts on m-srnorinva. aa.e c centict ani de! on sha be suppledby rheVendor Restslor vaiues sha be advised purchaser slit the by lo selected F&Gsvsten 7.10.3 Poinl Flammabte Derector cas The basisof measurenenl hydrccarbon oncentration of gas shal be by infrared (tR) Theponliammablegasdetectof shal beof ihe mu]t spectruri rypeto detecthydrccarbons. Mosthydrocafbons absorb thtsfreqlency theoutput at and frcmlhe detector reatedto the s amountor gas present The rctationshtp between hydrocrbon the absorplon and the detector ortpul rs inhereniy nontina and therefore pointilammabte detctors gas shan Incorporate tinearisalion a crcuitto compensate thisand produce tinear for a fesponse a ro broad band gases ol lR deleclo. source sha prcvide lermstabiltty hrgh tong and rsistance libtioi andshock. ro The po nt flammabte deteclor gas shatJ have means seticompensare automalical a to and , correctfor smalt changes theopticat tn corjrponenls rrnovingaiydrfi. Thedelecto. shatihavea prcwarning teajure ideniifies needfor mainte.ance thar the whitsr remaining lLrnctional filll TheVendor shal advise tongte.rn the stabtityfor zeroandspan ThelR gasdetector I intedace sha directy thepLlrchasefs system sha havethe to F&c and following outputs: . . 0lo 4 mAfallt andca ibraiion status level 4 to 20 rnApropo.tional the010100% ca ibrated methane to LEL to

Supplier shalladvse othr on avaitabe optjons, RS,485 FART. .g and Gasdelectofs shallnotbefitted,,!ith flamearrestors. Gasceteclors sha befttdMthweathr shjetds, where requi.ed. The.esponse lime shal be befter lhanS seconds 90%of ina response to folowng a step chargein concenlratjon. Where lR po:nt deteclors utitisemffors they shathave CesignferLrres prevenl that condensat on thopricatsuriaces o:r

DGCP-GCP--07-SP-001 01

x ric r.rHnru iiii

xNLD:Via;o;t;i pgoruc u.i. L -l

Page 8 of70 4



Detailed Engineering TopsideFacilitySystemsof cas Compression for Platform at Dragon Oilfield


Warningol windcwcontamnationsha I be provtded an ,opticsrequirecteanng" by outputbut remalniully functonat. Gas concenkations sha be in o/"LEL lhe specifedcomposrjon. of Deteclorswttt be instied on 3.16SS sudace molnted ftttings n point ocations process n n?zardous areasand atvntilation and combustonair ftakes. The dtoctorshat .ma n fu y fwcliona with a slpp y of cower between18 VDC to 30 VD(j and have a stalt up I r,reof no morethan 30 seconds. Detectorsmay b installedtn difficulllo access locations. The Vendor shaLtp.ovde the facilityiof remole catbron, inc !ding approprate gassingheads,r!bing and quick connecr couplngs 7.10.4 Open Path Flamnabe Gas Deteclor

The basis of measlr.nenl ot hydrocarbongas cofcntration sha be by infrared (tRl lR open path gas deictorsshattcompriseseparatekansmiller and .ceiverunirsalowins gas concentralion wthin a specified dislanceto be m6as!redw thoutthe use of reftsctors Responselirne shallbe bellerthan 3 secondsfotowinga stepchang;f concntraljon Blockedbeam shallra se an atarmonty(<4 mA) afteran adjLrslabte deiay. lime Deleclorssha be calibrated melhanewith a rangeof0 io 5 LEL m. 1o The detectorshallremain ty functionat fu wiih a powersuppy bet^reen18 to 30 VDC The Vendor shal providedeiaits that demonslralethe immunity io direcl and reftecliv sunlighland vibralion. Transmilterand receiverpairs will be nstattedif |nc of sight tocaUons coveringprocss hazardous areas, The Vendo.shallprovide allnecssaryaignnrent. catbra|on 1oos and sofhrare The Vendorshallprovide detailsof unllsspeca ised lo mon,torHVAC nlakes. It shoud be notedlhai someopen palh gas deteciortocations potenla iy tineofstght with are theflafe. The Vefdor shall:dvise on deteclorsuiiabi ty and inriiations this lype of sryice. oi 7 10 5 Po nt Toxic Gas Delector The basic masLrrement loxtc gas conceftralionsha be etecirochemjcat.The Vendor for may proposeallenatvs w(h eq!alor bellerperlo.rnance characterisl cs M e a s ! d n g a . g eo f i h e d e r e c t os h a l b e a s a m i n m u m , 0 t o l 0 0 p p n r H ? S w i l h a r s o t u t i o n o l r r 1ppm. Deteclors w I be instaled al poinl locations N process hazardolrsaas that have the potential leak hydrccarbon to gasesconlainng hydfogen phideconcenkairons. su

DGCP-GCP01 07-SP 001

XtlrD "VltslBbvperro

xAc NHA eir,rcBi N gRtGtf$AL (,.=r--

proruc ruA'r'

Detailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systems GasCompression of Platform Dragon at Oillleld INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
fhe slabiliiy ofthe dtscior shaU suchthat. b . Repeatab lity zero<= rloo/o measureo or varLre sensitiv <= !0 05PPm tY
. Effectsof Humidily

zero<= 10.001ppm retalive /% humtd iy sensitiv <= 10.0170 ty ofmeasured vaLue% retaitve / <=10.005ppm zero / month <= sensitivily 15%ot measured val!e/ year

Responselime shall be bellerthan20 seconds 90%of fina response to ioltowing slep a changein concenkaiion The sensor sha operatenormaty (rot be damaged)vr'herexposedio gas coicntrations less than 10 t mes lhe lange maxtmurn a perod of t hour for The deteclcr shal reman luttyfunclionat with a power s!ppty rangrngbellveen10 VDC to 30 VDC The sensorshal havea guaranteed expectarcyof 3 years iite Replacementof the sefso. shatl be inrerchangeabein the {ietd and shat not invotve subsequent r-catbrationotthe un t. Deleciors rnay be lnsla ed in diJfcui jo access toca:ons The Vendor shal providethe facilityfor remote catibration, icluding appropralegassingheads, lubin! and qutckconnecr

7 . 1 0 . 6 F l a m eD e t e c t o f Flame delectorsshal be kip infiared13lR)rnulti-spctrum type for deleclirg hyd.ocarbon fires The detectorlnit shattbe rnmuneto conrnuous cr pu sating radiationsourcesother t h a n h y d r o c a r b oin e s . T h e V n d o rs h a t p r o l d e d e t a s o f f l a m e d e t e c r o r e s p o n s s o f t differentfue lypes. Flame detclorsha I havea 0 to 20rnAanatogue outpur,whrethe 4 to 20 mA rangedenoles normal/ flf condjtions and sub 4 mA denotesdetectorstatusand fu t cond Uons. The Vendor shall providoa methodof fedlc rg the effectsoi o m st or satt waler f tm buitd up which have the poteitia to reducethe detectorsensitivity and demonst.alabrtity cope to wrthra I or waler sprayo.lenses Deteclorsshal have laclilyfor checking optrca ntegfityand provdefautr aann outpuiwhen the oplics becornes dirly Deiecto.s shall be soar btind. protsctivedsvioesanc or sofhvareshal bs tncorporaied ta eiminale the posslbility arms bernggeneratedfrcrn lranslenl stte condtions slch as oi lghting, lightn gorweding n

DGCP,GCP-01-07 -001 SP

Detailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systems GasCompression of Platform DragohOilfield at INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
The responselime stu]] be equatto or btterthan 3 seconds to respondro a 01m, gasotine pan iie at a minimum distanceof 45 m. The Vefdor shal provide detats ol;ebcto, response gas jet fires 10 Detectorconevisionshat b grealerlfan or equatto 90 dgfees Delectorsshattbe insta ed in proess hazadous areas, equipmenipackages Flamedetectorshal remajnfuty functionat with a powersupptybetweer T8V DC to 30V DC Flam6 delectorlocaUons some cases sha I przcticalybe in if line of s ght wjlh the site na.c. The Vendorsha tadvise on delectorsunabitty and tmitalions n this typ;oi se.vice. 7.10 7 Smok Oeteclor ronsationtype smokedetecrorssha r nol be usd as they contan a radioactive source afd rq! irc specialdjsposat @nsideral ons The photoopticatsrnokedetectorshaltbe oi the tightscalterprincrple containing pLr a sing tR ernittrngdiode which can not be ,,saen,by lh photo dlode assemsty moL,ntej *itni labyrinthchamber.Srnoke enleflng lhe chambe, ,,!rt scattr " infrarediight putses anC be delectedbya phoiodtodeassembty. P l . o t o p t i c l s m o kd e t e c t o rs h a t o n i yb e s ! p p r : e o . o e s Smoke detectorssh6 | alarm beiore obscuratontevelsare greerer than 12.5% / metre, but nolbefo.ethey exced2% / rnetr Deleclofssha I be designed accommodale to end of line rnonttor components,End of line ng monnofrng components sha noi invaUdat cedificaiton the ofihe deiectof. Deteclorsshatt b providedwith mounUng facitiltstor cetng, sunrace and duct molnt nc Fo, ducl -lounredoelecro.s rne Jr is st d oe suootied conDterp,.h saro.a s'Eler. P o w e r s ! p p l y h a t t b e 4 VD C . s 2 ConvenlionaTvo I Once the detector]s activatedthe ufir shal seti tatch nd be reset onty by the femovatot powe.. The Cetector sha be fittedwilh a red tED to indicate[ ]s in atafm Deleclolsshallbe coffgufed in a m!lipoint paralelckcu I configulatron. S! polier shaI providpre,insiaL end oi line monito. fg devicesaid zene. ed diodes where Oeteclors shail nteriacedirec|y tollre purchasersFAG systemwth due regardlo . Qulescent current/ Resstance . Alarmclrrent/ Resistance

The delectorsyslemshal beranged accordingy, Vendorshaltadvise. Ducl [4oL]rted SmokeDetectors

DGCP GCP-01 07-sP 001

L &dyVibtso pe lro v

Page of 70 51

xAc NHA eA[, ;i N


ropside svstems Facrritv or cas ffi?lij,:ifl'fiillsror

Wheredetoction srnoken HVACdlcl of builtdrct alr samprer Lrnits siar be ut isedwhichperr,, ,n" ,purpose "r,",,r,,:]"^i:::''ud'

rromtheductsha,bes!m;;;,;;;;:;1"":J"-iT:,::,:::1:":"",ji:X1J" ",
snroke detectors ducr for nrornlng shatalarm pdorto an obscurario. everof6 650/0mer / 7.10.8 Heat Detecior coneral Heatdetectorc shatJbe used appticaUofs for where snokedetectors notpracica. a.e As perSOLAS requnemnts, heatdelector. ed roope,.tebetweef range the or 54'c and78'C onty whenrn" r".o",r,rr" i-"lll^l",ierrif range s ra|sed lhis ro at a ralet6srer lhan1.Cper rnnLrle Power suppty shajtbe DC. 24V Rateof RtsHealDetectors

coffosion and proored oraoo,"on.*l" ""Jij.ii""j"':1tt'il;","

Dlcl samp ng Lrntts exlernatducis for s

.onsrrocrsu on, tabrv

'fil,i,$fi:: rse su ror rype. rabre no,rn*, ;;";;,ff'Jil: il:,',lff ::: :?i"",i dvicein a nrui! po/nlcirculconfiguralion
Detectors shattbe ollhe ptLrg baseiype. tn Rate oi rise heal deteclorc strall have no moving pads and shall operate on the twn therrnistorprincipteo. simitar so|d slat ctrcLrtry The vendor shall provide delalls oJ aovanrages and disadvaniages each. of Sensilivityof the devce shat femain subs lantrar unaffecledwhen supplied v th vollage y tangrngtrom 18 to 3! vDc. l4ounling bases shal be supptied as s!rface mounled and semi recessed types as appropriate l4ounl]ngbasessha be supp ed comptete with terfiiiratsproteciion afd c rcuitcontinuiiyresr p i u gi n ! n i t s . Rale Comoensaled Heat Oeteclof Poinl typ rate compnsalsd, self feslorable, hear iiecrors si_a be ot the ftrarinelype and cor.prise a grade 316 SS ba.ret containi.

Poirl typercreof rishe3tderectors t sr:

vrs,on besuppried, **r* shar u"*"

bowassembrvsuriace mounrrns

Tnetetector sha| be suilabe for norrnalyopen rwo wire operalo., sLperyisedby an end of r i n e e v i c en a m ! t i p o i n r k c u i c o n f q u r a t o r l d i c t The vendor shat provde pre_rnstard end or n monrrorng devrces,rnstaied within a l u n . ! o n o o xw h e r e . e q r t i e d


DGCP GCP{t-07_sP,001

iHillmtr -8dW'i.


Detalled Engineering Topside for Facility Systems GasCompression of Platform DragonOilfield at INSTRUMENT GENERAL S?ECIFICATION
Detectors shallbe ava abe wttha rangeof operai ternperature points ng set For areas where highambinttemperatrres e)(pected faiilrg are ihe sha be 27 i 'C above ambient iire Eachdeleclor shaltbe suppt,ed ready filledto a mefat lunctiofbar incoroorat twocabe ng entries addition tharrequired mounling tesninarion the in ro for and of detector. T;e detector andj!nctionboxshal provjde comb rating tF6S a m nimlm a ned of as Trmlnaton compartmenl shal be supptied relaining ids wrih shps. To faclitaie lesiing deiector lhe fternatwidng thelunclion termnas shatbe va a ptug to box andsocket arrangement. Fransible Bulbs WetptoeSvstems for Frangible bulbsar fixedlempemture devices breakat a spectied that lemperailro.These are usedto dirclly activale sprinkers a fixedwaterextingutshing in system,ndepefdenl of lhe iacirily F&Gsystem.
Ffangiblebulbsha i be ratedro ope.ateat 68.C. Intheareas wherehighceiting temperatures are expctedlhe frangibe butosha be,ated at a m iimum of 30'C abovehighesi ambienr

lernperalure antictpated

Sprnkle.heads sho!ldbe ol the Lr ght franglblebutbtypeand atrachto pipeworkvra pr

The spdnklrhead sha be cornparible coppe.nicketp pelvork with 7 . 1 0 . 9 M a n l a t A a r mC a t p o n t s

a NpT

circut fa!lts

Manua alarm points catt (MACS) becontrnuousty tored wirngopen shon sha mon far and

MACSlocatedir the processareas shaLbe constructed trom 316 SS. Fr|e.esistantheav duty GRP is acceptable !s wrhin rhe accommodation for ptatforrn. MACSshal b red in cotour. MACSshall have an etectrca rat ng ot 24 VDC and havc facititiesfor ar east iwo %. cab e MACSshall havefacitities the nstaflarior seres afii end ot tjne moniroring tor ot conrponents. Conventional Tvpe N4ACS the conventonaltypeshal be ofthe tifl i].p pressblrlon lalchingi}? of 7 1 0 . 1 0 G a sB e a c o . s S l r o b e s / Beaconssha I b of the fash fg xenontypewith 60 flashesper minule Gas beacons strobesshaitbe ratedat 24 VDC < Mans. /

DGCP GCP-O1{7,SP-001

LOnev;atsovpe frA

Page53 ot 70

i"19g;,41_ur* f)R!Gtr{-

Dtailod Engineering Topside for Facility Systems cas Compression of Platform DragonO fjeld at INSTRUMENI GENERAL SPECIFICATION
Construcrion be 3i6 SS or heavy sha dutyGRp w(h s redpoxy nlinish p? Gasbeaconsstrcbes shalL red I co our. / lens be 710.Ti Audible Warn (Sounders) ngs Audible lrarnings beas a mtnlmLrm 110 shatt j oLrlplt dB(A)al meter sounde.s shailbe.ated al24vDc,< 2 !vars. Conslruction be 316SSor heavy shatt d!ty cRp wtth redepoxy ntfinish. a pa 7.11 Annunciator Sold stateannunciaio.s hat be provtded visual s for andaudib ind e rcauon criticaatams, of incudjng acUvation maiiuncton ESDiF&G or of systems and activa|on maintenance ot or s1art,!p bypasses Lamp andatarm tesl acknowtedge buitons push sha be provided each for ann'rncialo. syslem 20% spare spaceshat be provided each annunciaror on system. Spafes shallbe pfovtdd compelewiihun-ngraved wirdows and ogiccards. Preferfed windowsize nominatTsrnm by 50n,m is wide high. Annuncalor lamps shatbe LED 7.12 Instrumnt JunctionBoxes 7121 Gene'al lnstrumeft junctonboxes shattbs cerliried l]se in lhe h:zardoLrs for area n whcirlheyare nstaled.Fof intrins calty saiecircutts boxes f ed Inc cen feased Sarety e shal be used Ex For noninlrnsically circuils, safe boxes ce.litedExposion,proof/Fbmeproof,d sha be Ex used. Boxes shaltprovde m.imum tp65 protecion ingress 7 T2.2 Construclon Increased Safety Junction box construction be 15 mn 3161SS Boxesshal be bolrom shalt enlrywith a removable plate. gtand 31655gland ptaie The sha be dr ledandtapped; 6mmthcktor tapered threads 3mmthick paralt and {or ihreads. ptalesha be boted10the boxwitf The 31655bolts, sealed a neoprene wilh gasket ftited and withan 8 nrmeethtngstud. cabes At shall enlerfrom bottom. lhe Boxes shallhaveiourexternal mounting lugs,twotop andbottom, ed with10 firmfixtng dr A f! s ze removable staiiless gearp atesha[b filtednsde achbox Teminas sha stet be Ex e raii,mounted lLnnet-1ype, oi rnelamin. made Wirrg ductssha|]be coouredbtue. Boxes sha havedoo.s hnged artwopontswtha neop.ene fi(edairolrnd. Hrnges seat sha be the llftofi pintle lyp,conslrucled slaintss of p sieet; anoh ngesare notacceprabte

-07-SP-001 DGCP,GCP-01

X N L D" V i e t s o v p r e t r p
xn c NHAN enru ,. lir.

Page 54 of 70




Detailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systems GasComp.ession of Platform DragonOilfield at
A restraining mchanrsm shat preveniopeningnrorethan j60.. ScfewdrivFoperated door latchessha lbe fittedatthe top and bottom. In addition to the rnarufactureis ceirication tabet each junctjon box sfal have an ldenlficaUonlabel attached ro the box wilh 3i6SS screws in a manner wtrich wi nor invalidatethe hazardousarea cedficalon The abet shal b constrlcled ot wh]1e_btack_ wtutlaminatedptasUc.The tabetshal inctude engraved an Tag No. An adcitonal lag stalifi! " lntdnsic Safe Crrcuitsshal be inslated. Th s sha] be btue_s,tr ly le_btueaminared plastic. Exoosion Prooi Exposion proofju.ction boxesshallbe constflcleCfrom EDoxycoatdcopperfreeatuminunr or d uc1 st6eL, le casl iron shaLnot be used. Boxes shall h av al lasttour sxternalmountlng lugs, driliedwith 10 mm fixfg holes,afd an 8 mm exlernatearih iLrg. futLsize removabb A stainlesssteelgea. p ate sha bfilted insrceeacnDox. Cables shall enter from the bottom and 2C%spare entriesshal be prov.ded.Cablesenrries shall be driiled and tappd tosuitrhe requiredgtands and fi ed wirh cerlfied brass ptugs Junclionbox Liis shallhavs cast hingestntegra to the box wilh staintess stee pins. Eachj! nciionbox shal havea n idnl fication a bel, in addirionthe manufacl,ier s certification label,aliached with 310SS screwsin a mannerwhich lvitl nol invatidate hazardous lhe area certiiication. The labelshal be construcled oiwhite-btack-white aminatedp asUc. Terminalsshall b rail mounted tunne-type,rnadof me arnine. 7.13 Equipment Panels 7.13.1 Consklclion Panels for indoor use wil be conslrucled lron mnmLrrn thickness 2mm mitd sleeL. D m e n s o n ss h a l lb e a s p e r c o n s t r u c l i o n E w n g s u l t h e p f e i e r e d i s n o m i n a l y 0 o m m^ dr b 6 6 0 0 m m 2 m , s u t a b l e f o . 1 9 r a c km o u f t e d q L l p r n e n t x e The panel shall be of toLded box ffarnecons(uctionwith a joints fultywetdedand ground or S!fficienl cross bracingand panel stifienerssha|| be praviddto p.vnt blckttng durins hand ng, shipping and nomal service.The cross bfaci^g and sliffenersshall nol hnde. accsslo infemalequipment. Rernovable Pad eyes sha L be pfovidedto alow lhe cabinetto be fted withoulcausingany bendng or deformaton Any slLrds requred for attaching nor comgonenls nr shall be eilher weLded the backoi the lo paner pate o. supporledfrom the lnternalffaming No evidenceof these suppodingsllrds p s h a l l b ev i s i b l e n i h e p a n e l l a c e a c e . o All pafels shall be s!pplied with a channellron plnrh and removebe gtand p ate. Sufficient b o l t h o l ss h a l lb e p r o v l d e d e l b o l l o m b c e s 1 0$ e c u f e s s e m b e dP a n e l s l E n c o s L r r o s l a e

DGCP-GCP-01-07-SP 001


P;ge 55 of 70

xAc NHAN sAu r:5-c i oE!GEf.,{4"L


Detailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systensof cas Compression Platform DragonOilfield at INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
The Vendof shallensufe system tire design suchthai no oveFheating anycomponent is of occurs withno extra cooltng medium Cabinets shatthave eitherrciterof tockabte of{ doofsof a slfcient |tl nurnber alow to Installation, modification mantenance oll equiprnenl and lo withtn pane.Oesgn the shal consroor rernovat eqL'liprnerl lne of without necessry .emove the ro olhereq!ipmenr $in ta 7.13 2 Finish All exposed stetsudaces lhat are nor 31655,or are aready prctected af approved in mannershaI be panledin accordance th approvd w]th project specificalion protect"" ror ccrrosiof aad . A fve ltre conra of eachtype/co of painlshal b supptied the rer or wlh systern sitelse fo. Color Fjnish xterof As advised bythepufchasf Interior Framelpinlh 7.13.3 PaoelCarnponents lnternal Parelcomponents except necessary nalions, lerm shaltnol be rnounted than tess 250 mm fromfloorof panet_ componenls jnctuding All lamps, pLrsh_b!ttons, retaysterminal bocks,swtches at m scelaneous and electricai devices sha] be heavy dutyindustria lypin accordance aI specfred uire.n with ,eq ents nc]Lrding retevant Srandards All controls, t.unking. tubing, ng etc sha[b suitabty v/j and Controts and relatdequipment sha be easty accessibte ma ntenance, ior adjuslment, rrnovat or All eeclricatcomponertsshall be rnounled and wired usingl.rethodsand materjaE confomingto lhe reevantstandards the a.ea c assifcalion for and type of protecrion empoyd. Alinsuating nrateialshaltbe flamefelardant, non{oxicand have o\d futogen conlent a minirnum as 7.T3.4 CablnetNamplaies Engraved .ampttes I be req!ired the ide.UfcaUon eachcabinet, boththeiiont sha far of on and r:r facias. The rumepatessha noi be iastenej to lh tifl off lype dooG of th cabinets. Nameplales be fasrened eachcabinel shalr lo wrtaa minnum of twosetf_tapping slainless steel screws Namep atessha be while/btacb\rhile tlaffottie, a teltrhelghtof4 mtninrum. wlh mm Nameplates be provded tdenlity shali lo ternrinat ockrowsafd a I itemsof equipment b lhat afe notbutkmaloriat s, th s shal inctude llern cabt berstocated n |re cabinet de of the nulr o s associaledandptate. g White Btack


P H O N Gt i r . r

Page56 of 70

x ric rvHAN eAru. f"



u ":,:r-*"" !
Detailed Engineering forTopsideFacilitySystemsof Gas Compression Platform at Dragon Oilfield


713 5 ElectricalRqLriremenr

The cabinetshai be tinedwithl . . A door switchopera|ngan tntema fluorescenr ,amp. A dolb e 230 VAC 13 Amp swrchedpowersocket.

The cabinetsha beequpped wjth aitnecessary ectricalfLrses e and cifc!t breakefsto alow sate operation oiequipmentpowe.ed from the cabinet. Glandino Gland plals shatthave bo {ixingswjth txed f!1s or studs. Gtafd ptates sha be suitaby marked 10 fac tate coiiecl tine,upwjth cabtes and ft)(ings Cabe shalt be te|minaredinlo enclosuresusiig mechanicatlype compressiongtands, as approved by the purchase, Glanding1osate area enclosurs sha I b carrledout us n9 stufitngg ards, hav ng out, sar All glands shatt b mad 31655 and soft seatingwashers sha be Lrseclo mainlajnthe rnlegrly ol the encoslre. A cable giands shajt be providedwith eadhrng lags. Where requiredal bondng berween ands sha be canted out internalty e inside lhe enctoslrel g (i by means ofeadh tag washeGor bodrng ptales

Thecabinel shatt havethree separare earth ousesi .

Chassis adhfor theerrthing ofeq!ipmenr outer casea.d cabte molring

lnstrlment earlh, rsoated lrom lhe cabinel,for the rerrnLnaton cabte screensand of

Intrinscaly saie eadh

Each will be separatey connectedlo lhe pani eadhing sysiem The cabifel wil aso have ea(h studson lhe gtandptale,door and pafe chassistor connectLof ihe ptantearth to

Vnted fame rtardantwfe waysshatt inslaed to support internat be a wirirg.These shtl be s zedio give40%sp:.e capacity Separaied re waysshaI be p.ovtded AC and DC w fo. voltages, for intrnscatly and safeandnon-intfinsicajy safe. r ng vr'irhtn panet W lhe sha be sizedso thal the vot-dropbelween suppty the rerminat the tnternat and eqlipment and/of outgo Iemi.alsatckc!tfuttoadcondition notexceed ng sha 2%arthnomifa vottage, minimum 100mm' size Wk fg shaI be flanre retardant teminalton and shal beviains!lated crimpp ns Termrnals

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Detailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systems GasCompression of Platform DragonOilfield at

Termnalsshallcomply thefo owirgfequi.mems with . Teminal bocks sha' be mi rnourted, screwctamptype sLrjtabte a 25 mmr for conduclor minimum, spare be provided 25% lo forfutLrre expans on. . A separale termrnal shal be paovided eachconductor. for Whfe:hesystemrtegr:y requires cores oie ter..nal (eg ing cjcuts) thesestatbe cjinpedjnloa lwo in cor.mon connector . A separate terminal shallbe provided atrncomtng for a.d oLtgoing co.estncluding spares, VDCcircu shat beiesrdisconnect lype. 24 ts knife Terminal bLocks shallbe instalted an accessible in positonsutabe for rhe proposed inconring outgoing or cablelocaton.Anchorifgpointssha be prcvidec preveni to slress ifdividuElwires lerminals. on and . A minimum 50 mrnon bolhsldes lermtnatons of of shalL prcvtded space be for Paraielterminal blocks shal ba minimum 100mmapart. oi Sufticient cablein lhe formof a nealloopmList leftal eachwireend to a olvfof one be f|rrther connection be made to VYir icingis notaccptabte. sp Al Wring shal be deniified unlque wiih numbered sleeve typeferrutes each ai wrre end andshown wiring agrams. on d
Colo!r Codlna Color codingofwiring withinlhe panelshallbein accordance with the iollowlngsched! e 220 VAC Ac|ve Nerrlral Eaflh Red Black Yellow/Green


. .

24VDCPowef Supples

24 VDCD g tal Circuirs

Ngalive B ack

pa Analogue (i,Usled r) Tra.smssion

Ngalve B ack

The iollowingshalllso havean outershealhor dentifying bards n ihe fo:owng colours int.insica Saie ly Ligtt A ue



Page oi 70 58


A eA,"* c6b ]xAcrrrnr'r I ORtGtfvA.E_

@ l:::t:""". f
Detailed Engineering Topsjde for Faciljty Systems GasCom o, Prarrorm Dragon at Oilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
Seofeaalion Segregation WLrig Components be carefu considered of shal y at ihe des]gn srageand provrsron madeto srsfyrherequiremenls. folowing The $rringsha be run separatjy from olher wirin-a havectearly and idnlifled segregared and termjnai secuons: . 220VACS ppties . . . . . 24 VDCIntrtnscaty Slgn Safe s 24 VDCNon_ls Signas Themocoupte wiri.g(wired dkect insrrumeni viaintedace to not ternrjnats) Res stance wrng Bulb [4iscelaneors signats such6s frequency/pulse/anarysrs elc.

C rcJitProlection Circuilprotection devices shaltbe of coftect ratrng protecl to wift.g/tnsirumertation to and providediscriminalion between marnand sLb,circuirs The foilowngdevicesshal be
, . . Doube PoteMiniature CtrcuilBfeakerc shaltbe provided at .natnssupptycircuits. on DoublePole lso atingSwitches and s! tabletusessha b6 providedon atis!b-crcLrits Eachoutgoing nconr circuitpowered or nO from the cabinetshaltbe individuay iLrsed

Povr'er slpply w ngshat be caffied out so th6t orty one main connecrion torhe panet is required each suppty unlessspscli6d otnerwse in th Data Shet for

D G C PG C P - o 1 7 - S P - O O i o

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Detailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systems GasCompression of Platform 0ragonOilfield at INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFTCATION

The VenCo. shalldemonslrate they oprate quatity that a syslem n accord:nce wlh an internationally recognized standard slch as tSO 9001 The effectiveness the qLratity oI system lhe Vendors and comp iance i1shalt subject monilcrifg purclaser ,n with be to by anO addition, b6 audited my fotiow an agreed ng perodor notice. TheVendor shallsubrnil quatily a program purch:ser controt tor feview the I meof Tender ar The Vendorshal proide lacititres and cooperare p!rchaserand Inspecrorc for with ci!.ing manltactur assembly lestng. ng, and The Vendofshatt aso cor0pty the purchaser, Mth HeahhSiety Environnrentat qlali1y and requkemntsdetaied Section8.2.9 as n 2 and2.10.

8.2 Inspection
The Vendorshall be respons for rhe ptanntng bte and executionof a l tnspectonsand tesrs bLrl the P!fchasers representative stra have the righi to witness any or ait of ih rnanufacturng activlies,j.spectionsor rests. T h e V e n d o r h a l l s u b m ia n t . s p e c t i o a n dT e s i p a n ( t T p ) f o rp u r c h a s erre v i w n dm a r k _ u p s t n a follow ng purchaseorder p acement. The tTp sha|] tist all inspectonsand tesrs p.opos.d for lhe equ prnentby the Vendor,betleen ihe date ot o.defingand the dale oJdelvery. T h e P u r c h a s ea n d t h e V n d o .s h a s i g n o f f t h e f n a l v e r s i o n t t h e l T p , w h r c h l l r e r c a f t r , r o , sha form part of the conrract docurnents. The word Hotd Potnt ind cated n the tTp means that a writtenrequestsha be issued10the Purchaserand the Pu.chaserapponted rpresentalive, and work shalt not pfoceedwrhour lhe Purchaser'sof lhe Plfchasef appointedrepresentalive attendancLrnless witten s a waiver is givenby the Purchaser. The Vendo. shall p.ovide 14 catenCar days wrilten nolificaton to the purchasef ot every 'Witness point identiied on the tTp. Fldhermore, the Vendor sha providea 5 or'Hold calendarday confirmation noticeihar the plannedactvity,,!i proceed Vendor shall b nolfed oi Purctraseis Companys afd aepresentatrveIntenttowitnssth inspection s activity p L r r c h a s e ra p p on i e d

lnspectionby the Purchaser shallnor reteve the V.dor of any guartees, responsb ti|es or oblgations to furnish eqLr pment/ marerias to this specifica|onand rhe apprcprat projecl Dala Sheets. Any de ays calsed by late notficationor ale cance alion and subsequeft re-teslng sha be lo the Vendor'saccounl

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Ac rur-rAa ; *-l r.;

Detailed Engineering TopsideFacility for Systemsof Gas Cornpression Platform at Dragon Oilfield


8.3 Testing The componenets and rhe assemblyshat receiveiests as required I their specrfcatrons.As m nrr:urn,stanoardcommerciat lsts ana rhe Iestsrecessaryro demonstrare operation the of srslm sharibe provtded vendo.. by The Vendor sha/ dsvise and execlte a I

gamme dlnfg alslages fabrrcation. of Resurrs ofsuch iesting sharioe aocumeistlJ turry
A I stages iesiingmaybe subjeci wtness approvat tha purchaser oi to and by and/ or a ih ro parry verinef identified lhe purchaserVeifer i. the inspectiof as by / andles(ptan The Vendorsha prcvide purchaser at leasr14 calendar ihe with daysadvance rolce tc w tness testsperformed ejlher Vendofs rn tie shopof hissub-Vendor,s shops Thepurchaser / or veiiie. shaltfeview recoftJs c.titcuon and test and priorlo rteas lhe ng Alltesling shalt cariedoulat lheVendors be testfactty TesteqLripment be slpp iedby theVendor shal b ca ibrald shatt and within months sx of the test dale AIlest equipment usedshal havecurrent ce.tificalion accuracy ol :rom an approved author tesl iy
Al lest equ pme rt shattbe catibrated used in accordance and v/ilh rhe Vend 06 The Vendor shall rnaintajn up,lo-dale documentalion at a tmes reflecting lhe

inspectio.L/testing of theeqLripment status

Cerlificates Test sha[ be provido each (em of eqLripmenl prov il has of tor io bn sutislactorily tesredto meet aI fequiremenrs rs approp ate manufactwingslandards, of whether not,,1/tnessedih purchasef or by Where appropdate certijtcares statevatues at lest resuts. Testsfo. whtch test sha for tho res! ]s are ndlcaled passor iai sha be qLra by iherelevant as tifid acceptafce crileda ThesLrbmittabie documenlation shatnotbergarded thetotaLrsqunmenl pLrrchasr s The maywsh to inspecl retained documentalon as internateslresuls,eq!ipmenl such ogsand faulUcorrection fecords. 6,4 Correclions, Errors and Defcts lr the coreclions any erro,or defeclrnvove of serio!sallerations ri.g reptacernent requ or pads or majorremova,andrepacement wetds, approvaot the pL'chaser of lhe shaltbe obtalned proceedrng suchconections so, ii thecorrec|on theenorrequnes before wilh A oI wlnessing the Inspectr a change ce.tificaies by or in 6suedby the nspeclor, corfechofl the shallbe madein the presenc ofthe Inspector rheafiected and cerlificares be proped, sha coffected s gned. and pment EqLr o. thereoi, including maleriats constrLcUon whch arefoundfteparabte of on oI injurio!s defecisrm prcper iabricat n xcessve o repaifs rhalare ict in accordance or wt,,
DGCP,cCP 1,07-SP 01 0 0

P H o N GL U A T


_ v rersovpelroir

m*-::*-* !
Detailed Engineering Topside for Facility Systemsof Gas Compression Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
the req!irernenb thedrawtng Specrfrcation be subjecl rejeclion of or shaI to at th dscretiof of the Purchaser' equipmenr arsobe sub]ected reject The shal to on il suchcondirions are ' d scovred affer release fromtheVendor's works. if any partof the equtpme s dama,ied nt aftertestshavebencom plred, retesting th of parts nrandatory. method rcpair affected is The of shai be appfoved thep!r"n"""r-pr,o,to by wofkberng sta(don it. Weldrepai.s perm ibte caslngsanly. are ss for Wdd nS s to be in accofdance tn ASM tX w E 8.5 Rejection Shoud anyinst.umenl founddamaged detivery, in anyway not in be on or cornp iancewiih the termsof thlsSpeci{icalion, shal be rejectedTheVendofsha immed rhey atetvreptace themireeol charg sound wilh inskumeft comptying lhe pufchase wrth Order. Shouldany defects the inslrument rcveated tn be durng fabricar instaltaion, wh|st on, or l]noernormatestconcilions, jnstruFent ihe shaltbe reiected. Vendor The sha inmediatety replace freeof charge a solnd instumencom it with ptying the puchas Oder. wilh e

Commissioning and Startup The Vendorln theirtnder, shaltidentity specar requremfrs recomme.darions any o, for Ve.dor support during offshore commtssioning slad up of the equLpheft and supptied. Th Purchaseis accephnc the qujpmeni be subject a performafce fina ot wilt to testoncethe equipnent ben has inslaledandcomm oned ss offshors

E.7 Site Support The Vendor in their tende.,shal provde detaits their afrer saes supporlcapablity. oi Vendors shalladvise nearesl theh service representalive nearesl and servcefacitly

-07,SP-001 DGCP-GCP,01


P:ge 62 oi 70



Deta,iled Engineering TopsideFacility for Systemsof Gas Compression Platform at Dfagon Oilfiotd


NAMEPLATE EQUIREMENTS R All inskumenlassemblis shattb s!ppliedtaggdin ccordance with jhe datasheets All jnslrumentsshall b sLrpp|edtagged in accordaice wtih the dalasheersdeta ing as a Tag Dates shail be manufacuredfrom 3j6 slaintessstset. Texl and numberingshai be clearlyengraved,painl{illdand a mi.imum of6mm nigh. Tag platesfor accessories shall be securedusingstajnlesssteel screws,siajnlesssteelwrre or stanlessstee chain E a c h n s t a r m e na s s e m b ys h a t b e f i t i e dw 1 h a s t a t n t e ss t e e ln a m e p a t ep r c v i d n g , s a l a minimum,lhe following lntormalion

. . .

lanufaclufersNameorTrademark rvlodelNumber SerlalNumber

Olhe. info.rnation be requred dependupontypeoi insrrumenr witt A l l i n f o r m a U od l s p l a y e d n n a m e p t a t e s a t b e n l h e E n g s h L a n g u a g e n S i l n s a r C n o sh approvedby lhe Purchasef


p H o w GL u r l r

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Detailed Engineering TopsideFacility for Systems GasCompression of Platform at Dragon Oilfield


1O PROTECIIVE COATINGS All equjpment shat be suitablefor opera(onrf rhe envron.fent referenced in this Corrosion resistant maledats as SS316L slch shafi be painledui esscovered no! bythermat Insutaton,which in cas6 narerialsha paintC the be Painlprocedlres mav be prcposed the vendor,blt shar be sLJbjecr the pLrchasers by to app.ovat.Refer to DGCp_cCp-o1,07,sp Technicat 00i, speciricaiicc o" at*i i_ tor parnng requ.em.r. F! lechnicat dataof lhe proposed paintmanufacture|s,producls b provided the is to by Vendor hisTender. with

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Detailed Englneerlng TopsideFacility for Systemsof Gas Compressign rratto.m at Dragon Oilfield


11 PREPARATION SHIPMENT FOR TheVndorsha be fesponsibte prepararon fo. ior shipmenl inctudingi packtngprotection pservalron tabetngandrnarking ilems. ofa[ A[ portsandopenings shal beseared. Threaded connections be prcrected melariic shal w]th or moutded ptaslic capsor ptugs. L ne c0nneclions be covered woo( shall wlh r''icr or rrerar on o Jss (ao'o'ra-,ses ,oe\.Loa.o.e,e1 narera,,o-,," renstturenrandtofrrryp'olectl_efacesof ' a 1 g e s ' r c - d a n a g e o J i r n " n o ",",,".'^l"j-l':::: .*","'"o s-ulaces v,hch rnaybe exposed the armosphere ro in lransirand subsequenr Y::hjnel storge srra b protecld an easily with r

vendor, not rnspec1on. but unrir irrequired il]ff

Wherelemporary blocktng devices us are

::l j:::::'"'*

coatins edbvthe appr

"";;;;;;; p"."nt, i"t ro",ron "r, ioithe Purchaser i: plovided ""* ;in:':ffi:::,H:il,':il","l'lTl
Eq!ipment shaJt shippedc!nrpletey assernoreo. bo A l ' F q l i p m e n ts n a . r a J e o e e r t u r . y e s t e d t a . | d . n s p e c l ep r , o r . o o d c k d g . g N o p a . k a o i n o d ",epLrc.rase.,,,Jr,:";;,i:::"1: notifed of ihe dates of packaging wirh sufiic

inspecrion ierr'';": and re,ease ;il.;;,;"Ti"l"lfi:il1:l,1[:ff J:::"'**' " ff

O . e c o p yo f l h e t O M m a n u a t s hla e s h i p p e d t r h b w e a c he q ! p m e n y p e i n c u d e i i n a n ofder.

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Detailed Engineering ToDsids for Facility Systemsof Gas Compression Platform at Dfagon Oilfield


12 SPARE PARTS ANOSPECIAI TOOLS '12.1 Spares TheVendor shal identify folorving the spares . . Pre-comm ssjoning, commlssionng stan-up and spares Recommended spars |slfor twoyears operarron

Spzres shat be lemised pfced\4irh render. and the 12.2 Special Tools identiry necessafy a[ specrai too]s(jnctud sofrwafe ns roos) required ]::^-u:il": "r' maintennce lo penorm roune andanyo1hr recornmeided for spcia prcce;ures. loots ised Speciattoos sha be ilemised prices theTendr. and wirh ThPurchasef agree Specla shaI the Too]s oe tnctuded lh ro ln Order

DGCP-GCP-01 -07-sP-001


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xnc ruHa sANZii" ru ORLGB\:,.qE_-

Detailed Enginering Topside for Facility Systems cas Compression of Platform Dragon at Oilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
13 DOCUMENTATION 13-1 General As a nr nlmum, Vendors responsible provddocumenlatron the equjprn6nt the lo for iterns as defined rhepO whtch in sha inctude a minrmurn, documentalon as the listed betow.The Ven dor s rsponsibte a[ docu for mentatio]n skictccordance I h the req rements lh s n w u of SpecifrcaUon. Further detaits documentation on fequiremenls, tnclud a f!lt Vendor ng Dara Req'rirements (VDRL), List shal be provided thepO. in FabrcaUon notcommnce shall unllthepurchaser approves calculalion;, the dWngs, ano anyother design documenrationp.ocedures or All documentation befoMarded thep!rchasers sha[ to nominated addfess 13.2 Oocument Details 13.21 EqLripment DocLrmenration TheEqupmentdossier inctude, shai bltnolbetimited the niormation lo, istedbtow . . Complete parlstists showag materialspecificaitonsstockor drawing and nlmbers atl for parts,ncludtng grawings parts altnecessary cross-seciional for identification. Opetalion mainlenance and nslructions

13.2.2 lnslfumeit Sheels Dala The Instrumenr Dalasheel tnctude notbe imited ihe infofmation shal bur to, lsredbeowl

lVode N4echanical Delails [4atorials Electrical Delaits ProcessData(whererequred) Setl ngs Range Eazardols afea classilication ceftiijcate and details(typeoi prolection,1!moer ce.lityng aulhorily)

DGCP-GCP 01,07-sP 001

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Detailed Engineering TopsideFacility for Systems GasCompression of Platform at Dragon Oilfield


When a nurnberof iteorsare identicai. rher requirementsthese can be coveredby a s ngte specilcationsheer,provd ng a tlag n!mberc are ceafly lsred Where a numberof lems are sirnitar, and tt can be tdentified that these lernscan be sourced ffonr a singtvendor(e.g contro, vatves), thnthese tems can be coveredas separate ttens of a s ngle specilicatron shet. A dala sheet coverng each item, Lst ihe ndividlat item ng detatts slatec above,sha be compitedtor as each itern The Vendorshat submiths pfoposed data shetfor purchasrapprova. Datasheetsshattbe Senerated ng [,ticrasofi us Excet. 13.2.3 Inslr!mentDfawings Orawlngssha I be preFrd oo a CAD baseo syremand submrted lo lhe pirchaser fo. The drawin!s shatt ndicatelhe fevisioi Commentsmade to a drawtngby the p!rchaser wrti b e a d d e dp . o r r o l h e r e e a s eo f l l e - e x r . e vs , o n . The Vendo. shatlproducethefolowifg drawings covereach instrumenl, lo as a minrmum . . . ' 132.4 Electrcatandmechanicalconnecliondiagrams E ectricatschematics Eteclrcaoopdiagrams [,]eohanicahook up dtagra s/insta m taliof oerans lnstiumenl acLr tons C a

The Vendorsha I providecerl ited at.utations inslrumnts, frrr inctudng lhosetistedbetow: . Conto va ve sizing . . . . . . . . . . . Regu aror s zng Reliefva ve and rLrpture siztng disc Sh'rldownvalve slfokingtime F o w e t e m e ns t z i n g t Resiriclionoriilces zing and slressafatys s ellwake reqLrency w f DP eveltransmitier ranging Inlnislcally Sale loopca cLrtations, udingcb e, isolalora.d fietddeviceparameterc inc Cabte vottagedrop Diaph.asnrseatstection Anaiysrfasl looplin e



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Detailed Engineering Topside tor Facility Systems GasCompression of Platformat Dragon O;lfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
13.3 TnderDocumentation Tender doc!rnenkuon include fo owrng sha the . . . . . . . . . . . . A, docJTenlal as speci,teo VDF._ r oSupplief Doclrnent lsl Produciion schedute rterature Producitechnica hstrument catculations preiminarydala and shets(as icabe by typeoi ifskunenil apc Technical perfor"Tance as requesled and dala within specitication. rhts Equipmentdoss el Instru I drawinss appicab by rype ifslrurnenl) men (as e of D fiefs onatdrawings (prelimina.y)inslftrment ot assembty Prelimtnary weight data procedurs. Paint ConfirmationMaterial of Cerliliction offered a pressure being ior coftaining pzdsand process welted materiats

The VendorshaI sparately detaitachproposed deviaUon irom the specfcation data of sheets, submit thepurchasertor and to approval. 13.4 Purchase OrderDocumentalion Plrchase order documentation inctude fot]ow tor apprcvaras m sha[ rhe ng a . . . . . . . . . . . Vendor documentalion tisl Produclion schedute Inspecton teslpan and nslfumenl calcutalions(as app|cabte typeof instruorent) by Vendor datasheets udlng ode num iic m bersandmateria s Inslrumenr ngs(asapplibe by lypeoi instrurnent) draw Dimenstonat ngs draw ipment Eqir dossrer Localion ofexternal supporl vibration speciaimourt requkeme.l lor of ng !!rghldataoi theconptelety assembieq trrsrumenr Mairial Cedf cation

DGCP-GCP 0l-07sP 001

Revision 0

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XNLD ietsovpetro" "V

P H o N G L l - 'Ji X A C N H A N g A r ' l,


Detailed Engineering Topside for Facilrty Systems GasCompression of Platform Dragon at Oilfietd INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
. . Hazardous equtpment area cetrfcate TeslProcedurgs

. '

Hydrautic certif test cate CalibmlionCerliticaies

DGCP GCP01-07_sP 001

Revision 0

ybisovpetA i xNLD
PHOI"JG UAT ] L i;- a c -:-:. - --;x

trgAr.r /1"-r t G; !e A N . --{ ; hl,4.


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