Reflection For Social Science For The Week

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Reflection for Social Science for the week

I have learnt so much knowledge that I have never learnt or known from social
science class. Here are the new lessons that I have learnt;

 Society
 Human history
 What is “ Social” and what is “Science”
 Nutrition
 Food

First of all, I would like to tell about “Society”. In society, I have learnt that
society is made of people. People in society live within a particular space, such
as a country. They also share a similar culture. Some of the member of a
society have common in beliefs, values, and customs. But it can also consist of
people from different cultures. I have learnt, People in a society such as family
members, neighbor, work and school mates are connected through their
relationships to each other. Societies and people’s cultures have changed with
times. For example, people in societies found the technology and they use it to
produce food, physical items and to make their lives easier. Technology can
allow people better access to new information and ideas. I learnt that some
types of people in societies that have grown over the past 100,000 years of
human history.

I have learnt about different types of society and they are

 Hunter Gatherer Society,

 Horticulturalist/ pastoralist Society,
 Agrarian Society,
 Industrial Society and
 Post-industrial Society

I have learnt social science is the study of people and societies. In this part I
studied that the different between social and science. Social refers to
relationship between people in society and science is the organized and
systematic study of things and how they work. I understand social sciences try
to understand how society works by looking at how people society relate to
each other and to their environment. In this study, it can include individuals,
families, groups, organizations. Social science is different from natural science
like biology, chemistry; physics because in social science study people have
different ideas about society is or should be. Social science studies human
behavior and relationships and effects that they have on society. In addition to,
I have learnt that study of social science is valuable for personal, community,
work and education reasons. In social science study, we learn the skills that
are useful for many works.

I also learnt about food and food is fuel for our body, it provides the materials
for making and repairing the parts of body and provides the nutrients that
keep us healthy. We use to measure how much energy in food by using the
unit of measure calorie. I have learnt that people need 2000 calories in average
each day to have the energy. We will feel hungry when we had enough calories
in a day. Macronutrients and micronutrients also have in food. Proteins,
carbon hydrates, and fats are the example of macronutrients. Micronutrients
include minerals like iron and calcium and vitamins. I have learnt that each
nutrient has in its own benefit. Example, our body uses carbohydrates for
energy. We also need the other nutrients for our body, cells, tissues, immune
system, and nervous system.

In macronutrients, it includes-

 Protein
 Fat
 Carbohydrates
I learnt that our cells use micronutrients for growth and development. Food
has vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients in it. If our diet doesn’t give us
enough micronutrients, we can become very ill. However, we only need a few
amount of each micronutrients. Here is the table for daily requirements;

Calories 2000-3000
Protein 35-55g
Iron 10-13g
Calcium 100-1200 mg
Vitamin A 1000 g
Vitamin B1 thiamine 1.2 – 1.5 mg
Vitamin B3 niacin 16 mg
Vitamin C 50 mg
If our body doesn’t get enough micronutrients, we will feel tried because our
body is not working as well as it could. If we lack of micronutrients in the diet,
we can cause blindness, anemia, paralysis, beriberi, goiter and other disease.
Children who do not get enough micronutrients will be sick more often or as
strong or intelligent. Micronutrients include;

 Iodine
 Iron
 Vitamins A
 B vitamins
In summaries, I have learnt about food, society, social science and after the
lesson, I learnt how to eat a healthy diet. This is my reflection for what I have
learnt from social science for the week. It was a very fantastic lesson that I
have learnt. But at the moment I don’t need any clarification. I would like to
know how to measure the nutrients that contain in our diet or food.

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