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Cabambangan, Bacolor 2001, Pampanga, Philippines COLLEGE OF EDUCATION

Tel. No. (6345) 458 0021; Fax (6345) 458 0021 Local 211 PHYSICAL EDUCATION AREA
URL: Center of Development for Teacher Education
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Name: Ma. Louise M. Pangilinan Program, Year and Section: BPEd 4-B
Topic: Hip-Hop Dance (Dance Styles, Elements and Basic Steps)

Faculty Observer: Mr. Roe Vincent Ovejas Date: May 04, 2022 Time 8:00-9:00 AM

Despite being extremely nervous throughout, my final demonstration was a success. Sir
Roe, my observer, was very kind and comforting; he really did observe me attentively as he said
so many things about my entire demonstration. It's our first virtual meeting, but he knows how
to put me at ease. What I was worried about the entire time was the internet connection because
I had just borrowed a location for my demonstration, which had no WiFi and a weak data
connection. Because I am a dancer, I chose Hip-Hop Dance as my topic. I was confident that I
could ace it and teach it to students in a way that they could easily absorb. Aside from being
knowledgeable about the topic, I would say that my strength is being enthusiastic and
entertaining. My observer told me that I had an excellent demonstration, with my jokes and
energy while teaching; he said that he enjoyed my demonstration and that he could tell that I love
what I do. When a teacher is enthusiastic and makes the lesson enjoyable, students are more
likely to learn and maximize their learning. My only weakness is a lack of creativity with my
visual aids, despite the fact that I was told that day that I had visually appealing visual aids. I just
feel like I lack creativity and need to work on that.

To play videos, I used a combination of traditional visual aids and a laptop. To activate
their higher order thinking skills, I made sure that all of my students had an equal opportunity to
answer questions and share their own thoughts and ideas. I also shared some of my own
experiences to make the lesson more relevant and inspiring. Because I was having so much fun
in class, I didn't even realize I had finished my final demonstration in exactly one hour. I
demonstrated the fundamental steps of each dance style I discussed to students. Everything went
as planned, according to my observer; the only issue was a slightly unstable internet connection,
which had no bearing on my grade. Overall, everyone in my class, including myself, enjoyed and
felt relieved, despite some difficulties, such as the visual aids gradually being removed from the
wall, which I fixed by having the students watch some videos while I silently and secretly pinned
my materials back on the wall. I am delighted and grateful to be one step closer to my goal.

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