Soal Semester Genap 2022

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Complete these dialogs with the suitable words

1. Sonya : I forgot to bring my English book

Miccel : Don’t worry, Sonya, If you don’t bring your English book, Mr Anwar .... lend you
2. Sandy : I hope my son will get the first place tomorrow.
Lita : yes, I will be very happy if he get the first winner
Sandy : If He ....., He will donate the prize to the orphanages.

Complete this text with the right word from the box

Meet, found, hide, live, spend, comfort

Rabbits are furry herbivorous mammals who have four legs, long ears, short tail and a divided upper lip. They can
only be (3) ...... in several parts of the world and most of them ( 4)........ in underground burrows. The common
size of a rabbit is 20 to 50 cm with the average body weight of 2 kg. They (5)....... most of their time sleeping in

their dens for about 8 hours a day. Most of them can live up to 3 years in the wild.

Read this text carefully then answer the questions

Bung Hatta is one of “The Proclamators” of Indonesia Independence. Born with full name Mohammad Hatta on 12
August 1902 at Fort de Kock, West Sumatra, Dutch East Indies, and Bung Hatta played important roles in Indonesian
strive for Independence. He is well-educated person that strive not with physical power but used intelligent instead.
After the independence day of Indonesia, Mohammad Hatta became the first vice president of the country and became
prime minister later on. He continued to build the country with his efforts and thoughts.
Bung Hatta died at the age 77 on 14 March 1980 at Jakarta, Indonesia. He was buried at Tanah Kusir public cemetery at
Jakarta. To honor his name and Soekarno as the independence proclamators, Indonesia’s biggest airport at Cengkareng
is named Soekarno-Hatta
6. what does paragraph 1 tell you?
7. write the achievements that Bung hatta got a long his life.
Read the text carefully then answer the question below.
I live a healthier lifestyle loving the earth. I never use plastic again. Even if I have to use plastic, I will recycle used plastic
into works of art.
I love the earth more because the earth is getting old. Natural ecosystems are also disrupted due to the accumulation of
plastic waste that is difficult to decompose.
So my family and I decided to use recycled goods so that the earth remains prosperous and not a lot of plastic waste
8. how does the writer love the earth?
9. according to the writer, why are the natural ecosystems also disrupted ( terganggu)
10. Do you agree to the writer’s opinion?

Key Answer
1. Will
2. Wins
3. Found
4. Live
5. Spend
6. About M. Hatta intoduction
7. The first vice president of Indonesia, Prime minister
8. By never use the plastic and by always use recycled goods
9. The accumulation of plastic waste
10. Yes I agree. No I don’t agree
Kisaran, 19 Mei 2022
Guru mata pelajaran

Lince Samosir

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