Level 7 2021 - 1663170161

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# Topics Page
1 Date, Time and Holidays 4
2 Daily Routine 6
3 Classroom Activities 8
4 Physical States and Emotions 10
5 Hobbies, Sports and Free Time Activities 12
6 Sports 16
7 Talking about Sports and Activities 18
8 Appearance and Character Traits 20
9 Clothes and Accessories 22
10 Family and Events 24
11 Describing People 28
12 Living in a Family 30
13 Cooking, Eating, Health Problems 34
14 Healthy Living 38
15 Healthy Living Consolidation 42
16 Talking about Weather and Climate 44
17 Land and Water Forms 50
18 Describing Countries 52
19 Living in Different Countries 54
20 City Places and Services 56
21 City Transport and Furniture 58
22 Entertainment Places in the City 62
23 Sport Events in the City 64
24 Leisure Places in the City 66
25 Shopping in the City 70
26 Eating Out 74
27 Planning Parties 78
28 Going to the Doctor 82
29 Mass Media: Films (Movies) 86
30 Mass Media: TV Shows 88
31 Books and Genres 90
32 Computers 96
33 Technological Devices 98
34 Inventions 100
35 Travelling and Transport 104
36 Travelling 108
37 Travelling in Space 110
38 Grammar 112

1. Date, Time and Holidays September
1. Review the vocabulary for telling dates and give the full date
for the dates from the calendar:
Mon. 16.09.2019 – Monday, the sixteenth of September, twenty nineteen. Monday Monday
Sun. 01.05.1621 – ______________________________________________________
Thur. 05.01 1904 - ____________________________________________________________________
Mon. 12.03. 1826 - ____________________________________________________________________
Fr. 22.08.1066 - _______________________________________________________________________
Tue. 28.12.2017 - ______________________________________________________________________
Sat. 31.09.1787 - _______________________________________________________________________
Wed. 03.10.2000 - _____________________________________________________________________
This year your birthday is on ______________________________________________________________
2. Telling time. Review Present, Past and Future of the verb to be. Answer the questions
about time. What time is it? What time will it be? What time was it?


3. Speaking about holidays. Guess what holiday it is and give more details about it. Insert
the right prepositions.
1. It is noted for red and green decorations and long holiday season - __________________. It is for honouring
_________________________. British people celebrate it _____ December 25, Ukrainians celebrate it _____
January 6, with ______________________________ (ways of celebration).
2. It is for honouring teachers - ________________________. People celebrate it _____ the beginning of the
school year, usually ______ first Sunday of October.
3. Its symbol is a heart - __________________. It is for _________________________. People celebrate it
____ February 14, with ______________________________ (ways of celebration).
4. It is for honouring women and celebrating the coming of spring -
______________________________________. People celebrate it ____________ the beginning of spring,
____________________ March 8, with ______________________________ (ways of celebration).
5. It is for honouring the birth of Jesus Christ and celebrating the coming of spring -___________________.
People celebrate it _____ spring, _____ April or May, with ______________________________ (ways of
6. It is noted for making fun of other people - __________________. People celebrate it _____ the first day of
April, with ______________________________ (ways of celebration).
7. It is for honouring the victory in World War II _________________________. The holiday started _____
1945. Now people celebrate it ______ May 9, with ______________________________ (ways of celebration).
8. This holiday originated in the USA and Canada, and has a noble idea to thank people around -
__________________. In the USA it is celebrated _______ a long weekend – it starts ______ the fourth
Thursday of November and lasts until Sunday. People can visit their relatives; so many families have big
gatherings and dinners.

9. This holiday exists in many countries, who fought for their independence. In Ukraine it is celebrated _____
the 24th of August - __________________________.
4. Modal verbs can/could and may/might
Modal verbs: “can” = «вмію, можу», we use it to tell about ability: I can play the piano.
Past Simple of “can” = could
“may” = «маю можливість», we use it to tell about possibility: I may play it in my room.
Past Simple of “may” = might
Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs for all pronouns. In speech “can” is often used instead of “may”
Positive sentence (+) Negative sentences (-) General question + answer Special question + answer
I can decorate a room ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
She could march along ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Jane may celebrate here ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Mark might come to us ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
5. Boris is telling about the celebration of the Independence Day in the USA during COVID-19
pandemic. Review Present Simple and Past Simple of regular verbs, read the text and fill in the
table below. Explain the use of modal verbs in red. Use the table tell about different celebration
of holidays from your experience.
Independence day in the USA is a great national holiday, it is celebrated on July 4,
and is very important for every American.
There are many traditions and activities associated with this holiday.
Firstly, every family decorates their homes. They place American flags all over and
wear clothes in traditional American colours – blue, white and red. Many people buy new
clothes for the whole families – to have a family look.
On this day every city or town has a parade. In this parade may take part the people and businesses,
that are important for the place. The column can march along the main street and everyone greets them.
After the parade Americans have the barbeque parties in their yards. They may gather many friends
and relatives and celebrate the holiday with traditional food – barbeque, potato salad, pie and hot dogs.
Very often neighbours can come to each other and bring their pies to treat.
In the evening many people gather for fireworks. Usually people may have fireworks on the central
square, so there gather big crowds of celebrators.
This year was very different because of the global COVID-19 pandemics. We celebrated the
Independence day on July,4 as usual, but it was a very different holiday.
We decorated our homes as usual – in traditional American colours. However, we did not buy new
clothes because we knew there might be no parade. All parades were cancelled because people could not
gather in crowds and stay close to each other.
There were no big parties as well – most people celebrated at home and just waved hi to their
neighbours. They also could not exchange food or pies because it was not safe.
The fireworks were also different – this time city councils made fireworks, but people did not gather
to see them. So many watched fireworks from their windows or balconies. Some people had small fireworks
in their yards.
Category Boris You
Usually That time Usually That time
Holiday Independence Day in the USA

2. Daily Routine
1. Modal Verbs for talking about your day. Complete the table and review modal verbs.
Modal verbs: “can” = ________________. Past Simple of “can” = ______________________
“may” = ________________________, Past Simple of “may” = might
“must” = «повинен, треба», we use it for to-do lists (actions): I must do my homework.
The equivalent of “must” = “have to”: I have to be at school on time.
“Must” is used in Present, “have to” may be used in Present, Past and Future.
Positive sentence (+) Negative sentences (-) General question + answer Special question + answer
Jane must get up at 7. ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Mike has to help his dad ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Marta had to train every ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Jacob will have to wear ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
a uniform.
2. Review the Map “My Day” and complete the table. Add time to tell about your working day using
the category, the action and time. Listen to your groupmates and report about their schedules.
Category Actions Time
as for … I must …………./I don’t have to……./ Imay……. at………..
sleep прокидатись вставати спати, дрімати лягати спати
_________ ________ ________ ________
hygiene приймати душ приймати чистити зуби флосити зуби
_______ ванну _____________ ____________
мити волосся розчісувати сушити волосся вкладати
______________ волосся __________ волосся
__________ __________
наносити крем наносити підрізати нігті лакувати нігті
____________ дезодорант ______________ _______________
одягатись роздягатись
__________________________ _________________________
робити зарядку мати урок тренування тренуватись
_____________ фізкультури ______________ ___________
снідати перекусити обідати вечеряти
______________ _____________ _____________ _____________
їхати машиною їхати їхати на іти ногами
_____________ автобусом велосипеді ____________
____________ ____________
іти до школи мати уроки виконувати мати гурткові
_______________ _________ домашнє заняття
завдання _____________
застеляти ліжко мити посуд чистити виносити
______________ ___________ _____________ сміття
ходити в магазин прати прасувати доглядати за …
_____________ ____________ ____________ ______________

3. How long does it take you? Study and explain the rule. Answer the questions.
It takes me 5 minutes to eat my It takes + time + to + V1
breakfast, as I am always in It takes 20 minutes to vacuum my room.
hurry in the morning It took + time + to + V1
It took 15 minutes to wash up.
1. How long does it take you to have breakfast? ___________________________________________
2. How long does it take you to do your homework? ________________________________________
3. How long does it take you to do your house chortes? - ____________________________________
4. How long does it tahe your parent to cook lunch? - _______________________________________
5. How long did it take you to learn basic English? - ________________________________________
6. How long did it take you to come here? - _______________________________________________
7. How long did it take you to dress in the morning? - _______________________________________
8. How long did it take you to go to school yesterday? - _____________________________________
4. Choose the right variant from the underlined and answer the questions.
1. Do you often sleep/ go to bed/ slept late? __________________________________________________
2. How long does it take you to have/do/had breakfast? ________________________________________
3. Who does/ makes/ did breakfast in your family? _____________________________________________
4. How many times a day do you brushing/ brush/ brushed teeth? ________________________________
5. How often do you training/ exercise/ trained ? _____________________________________________
6. Who usually washing up/ washed up/ wash up in your family? _________________________________
5. Paola is telling about how her daily actions during summer holidays differed from her life
during school. Read, fill in the table and compare your daily actions during school time and
holidays using the same model. Explain modal verbs in red.
Hi, my name is Paola and I love my school life! I love planning and schedules, as I have lots of
actrivities, so the quick pace of life during a school year suits me perfectly!
When I go to school, I usually get up at 6.30 because I must hurry up – do morning hygiene, have
breakfast and choose what to wear. On weekdays I have to be at school at 8.30. Summer holidays
were different – I got up around 9 a.m. because I did not have to hurry, then I checked social nets for a long time and
only after that I had my breakfast. It usually took me 20 minutes to eat because I often watched TV while eating.
During the day I was not in a hurry too . I could go out with friends a lot, read books and watch films. I
had a long list of books I had to read and films I had to watch, and I have almost finished it. It was very different
from my school time – usually I read very little and can’t go out very often because I have lots of classes and after
school activities.
I am also glad that I could help my mom during th summer holidays. She worked a lot and I had to help her
with such chores as washing up, bed manking, vacuuming and shopping. I did all this because I wanted to spend
more time with my mom after she came from work. During the school year we do chores together in the evening or
on the weekend, because this is the only time we have for chores.
But the biggest fun of this year was training our dog Pup. He is very young, and we bought him
just before the summer holidays started. I had to walk him five times a day, so we spent much time
together and he showed much progress in doing commands! He could even give a paw!
Category School year activities + Reasons Holiday time activities + Reasons
Leisure activities

True or False:
1. Paola enjoys fast pace of living. – T/F _________________________________________________
2. In summer her breakfast lasted longer than usual. – T/F ___________________________________
3. Paola reads a lot during the academic year. – T/F ________________________________________
4. Paola seldom helps her mom with chores during the academic year. – T/F _____________________
5. Paola had a new dog. – T/F _________________________________________________________
3. Classroom Activities
1. What are the subjects that Ukrainian students study at school? Fill in the gaps with the
words from the Word Bank and add the subjects that you’ll study this year:
Reading, Social Studies, Mathematics (Math), Music, Arts, Dancing,
Physical Education, Ukrainian, Nature Studies, Crafts, English, Writing
Students usually have to read at ______________, to write at ___________________________________,
to do math at _________________, to study nature at ___________________________ , to learn
Ukrainian at ______________________________, to learn English at ____________________________,
to study society at _________________________________________________ , to do physical
exercises at ______________________________, to draw, paint at_________________________, to do
crafts at _______________________, to sing at ______________, to dance at
Other subjects that you’ll study this year are ____________________________________
2.Lesson Stages. Study the table and the map “School and Studies” and make sentenses as in
the example.
The teacher… Lesson Stage The student….
lectures listens to the teacher
explains Presentation of makes notes
demonstrates material watches the demonstration
gives examples asks questions
asks questions answers questions
gives exercises Practice does exercises
gives hometask prepares hometasks
checks homework hands in homework
gives tests Production writes tests
assesses knowledge gets marks/ grades
Example: At the presentation stage the teacher explains the material and the students listen to
3.Read about Jason’s favourite lesson and tell about the lesson you like.
My favourite lesson is English. We have it three times a week, and every lesson is very
Usually our teacher Miss White starts with the presentation of material. She may
explain the rule and give examples and we have to listen to her. Then Miss White may ask questions to
see how well we understand the material.
At the practice stage we have to do lots of exercises. These exercises may be for classwork and for
homework. We have to practice the material that Miss White has explained to us.
The final stage is the production stage. At this stage the teacher has to access our knowledge – we
show what we can do. Here we often write tests and make our own presentations. This is my favourite
stage because I can show what I may do!

Lesson stages Jason You




4. Revision: Present Simple + Present Continuous. Review the rules and tell which are new for
Stative Verbs – do not use in

5. Complete the text about Jason by putting the verbs in brackets either in Present Simple
or Present Continuous forms. Name stative verbs.
This is Jason. He _______ (be) from Canada but at present he _____________(live) with his
parents in Toronto. He ________________(study) at school here. He also
_____________(enjoy) playing computer games. He usually ________________ (have) lots
of activities and he _________________(be) busy from morning till night. At the moment
___________(not study) and ________________(not play).
He __________________(surf) the net and __________________(chat) with the friend, who
_________________(be) Jason’s partner at computer games. They _______________(discuss)
how they ________________(go) to play this weekend. Jason and his friend
______________(participate) in the cyber sports tournament and they
_____________________(prepare) to play in a big strategy game.

6. Read the text and fill in the table below to tell what Jason does usually, at this period
and at this very moment. Tell what you do usually, at this period and at this very moment.
Jason is a usual 12-year-old boy, who is very fond of playing computer games. Every
day he spends more than three hours at playing games, he plays online strategy games
after school, or after doing his homework. He does not spend much time at doing his
home tasks, when his parents do not control him, and his marks at school are getting
worse and worse.
Jason’s parents are not happy, and they are trying to change Jason’s attitude to home work. They
control Jason’s screen time, and they encourage Jason to study more.
This week Jason is doing more math than usual. His mom is controlling Jason.
Now he is doing a difficult test. He is working really hard.
Jason’s mom is working in her room, she is doing calculations for her work.

Usually… At this period At this moment


Parents Do not control Jason


4. Physical States and Emotions
1. Revision: Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous: result
We use Present Perfect (to have + V3) to tell how much has been done:
I have read three books this month.
The Present Perfect Continuous (to have been + Ving)
tells about how long something has been happening.
I’ve been reading that book for a month already.
The Present Perfect (I’ve read) gives the idea of completion while the Present Perfect Continuous (I’ve
been reading) suggests that something is unfinished.
NOTE: We often use Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous to tell about our physical
states and emotions:
I am happy because I have finished my work.
I am tired because I have been working the whole day.
2. Physical States – review the vocabulary to do the tasks below:

3. Give the antonym:

1. Are you hungry? – No, I am full 2. Are you tired? – No, I am _________________
3. Are you sick? – No, I am __________________ 4. Are you cold? – No, I am _________________
4. Answer the questions:
1. Would you like to drink? – No, thank you, I am ___________________
2. Would you like to play? – No, thank you, I am ___________________
3. Would you like an ice-cream? – No, thank you, I am _______________
5. Present Perfect Continuous is often used to tell about the physical state. Study the
example and make your own sentences:
E.g. I have been doing my homework for the whole evening, so I am tired now.
1. She ___________________ (to do) physical exercises for 10 minutes, so she is ______________ now.
2. The teacher ___________________ (to check) students’ homework since 10. 15 a.m. so she is
__________________________ now.
3. The presenter _____________________________________ (to answer) the questions since she finished
the presentation, so she is ____________________ now.
4. We _____________________________ (to stay) in the cold room for two hours, so we are __________.

6. Present Perfect is often used to tell about the results which bring certain emotions.
Learn the emotions.

7. Give the antonym:

Happy - sad, worried - _______________________, bored - ___________________, calm -
____________________, pleased - _______________________, worried - ________________________,
excited - ________________________, satisfied - ______________________________.
8. Say the same using emotion adjectives:
1. It brings me joy, so I am joyful. 2. It depressed me, so I am ______________________.
3. It worries me, so I am _____________________. 4. It destroys me, so I am ____________________.
5. It satisfies me, so I am ________________________. 6. It pleases me, so I am ___________________.
9. Tell about your favourite lesson or lesson stage by using the Ving and V3 adjectives:
To interest: The lesson of Arts and Crafts is interesting. I am interested (V3), after I have drawn a picture.
To excite: The lesson of _________________ is _________________. I am __________________ (V3),
after I _________________________________________________________ (activity – Present Perfect).
To satisfy: The lesson of _______________ is ________________. I am __________________ (V3), after
I _________________________________________________________ (activity – Present Perfect).
To bore: The lesson of _________________ is ___________________. I am __________________ (V3),
after I _________________________________________________________ (activity – Present Perfect).
To depress: The lesson of ________________ is _________________. I am __________________ (V3),
after I _________________________________________________________ (activity – Present Perfect).
10. Read about Mark and Jason’s school days, complete the table and write about your day.
Today Mark had a very busy school day, now he is sitting on the bench and thinking about
it. Here are some results:
Firstly, Mark is tired, because he has been working hard all day – he had seven lessons, they
all were in different subjects. At the same time Mark is satisfied, because he has got good
marks in all subjects, and an excellent mark in History.
His friend Jason just texted Mark to tell about his day. Jason is hungry and thirstry, because Maths teacher
left him after classes and he has been working at the material that he could not understand well. Jason is
also depressed because he has got bad marks in Maths and now has to work more at it.
Mark Jason You
Physical state + Present
Perfect Continuous
Emotion + Present

5. Hobbies, Sports and Free Time Activities
1. Naming hobbies and talking about likes and dislikes. Expressing likes:
Review the expressions in the box, then transform  I am crazy about….
sentences to review Gerunds and Infinitives.  I love….
 I adore…
NOTE: Most expressions are better to use with Gerunds.  I like…
1.He likes knitting = He likes to knit.  I enjoy
2. Maria does not enjoy roller-skating = ______________________  I am keen on…
3. Jack hates to emrboider. = _______________________________ Expressing dislikes:
4. Granny can’t stand surfing Internet = _________________________  I don’t like…
 I dislike…
5. My Dad adores taking photos = _____________________________  I detest….
6. They dislike gardening = __________________________________  I can’t bear…
7. Anna loves going to the theatre = _____________________________  I can’t stand….
 I hate….
2. Give the greater degree of like or dislike as in the example
1. Jake loves hiking, Mike loves it more = Mike adores hiking.
2. Maria dislikes singing, Rita dislikes it even more = _________________________________________
3. Peter detests checkers, Ivan detests them even more = _______________________________________
4. I can’t bear crochet, my friend can’t bear it even more = _______________________________________
5. Your variant: ________________________________________________________________________
3. Give the category for the following hobbies:
1. Reading books, watching films and surfing Internet are learning hobbies.
2. Playing board games and computer games are ___________________________________________
3. Making models, drawing, sewing, painting, knitting are ____________________________________
4. Collecting stamps, coins, autographs are ________________________________________________
4. Hobbies popular with American and Canadian people – study the list and give the
Creating you family tree -genealogy
Long walks in the countryside - _____________
Making pots, cups and dishes of clay -
Creating quilts of fabric by sewing -
Creating pictures of scraps (scrap -
Working with wood - _____________________
5. What hobbies are they? Label and give the category.

Flying kites. ______________ . ______________ . ______________ . ______________ .

It is a ________ It is a __________ It is a __________ It is a __________ It is a ________
hobby hobby. hobby. hobby. hobby.
6. Tell about hobbies and activities by using the Ving and V3 adjectives:
To interest: The _________________ (hobby/ activity) is _________________. I am __________________ (V3),
after I ___________________________________ (Result – Present Perfect).
To excite: The _________________ (hobby/ activity) is _________________. I am __________________ (V3),
after I _________________________________________________ (Result – Present Perfect).
To satisfy: The _________________ (hobby/ activity) is _________________. I am __________________ (V3),
after I _________________________________________________ (Result – Present Perfect).
To bore: The _________________ (hobby/ activity) is _________________. I am __________________ (V3), after
I _________________________________________________ (Result – Present Perfect).
7. Playing Music – review musical instruments and complete the sentences below.

A. The main groups of musical instruments are:

__________________________________ they produce sound when people blow them/
_______________ (per = через, cuss = crush = ударять) instruments are played by banging or shaking.
_______________ have strings
_________________ have keys and boards.
We can blow such instruments as ____________________________________________________
We press the keys of such instruments as ____________________________________________
We shake ______________________________________________________________________
We beat ______________________________________________________________________
We pluck, strum, pick or bow strings of such instruments as ______________________________
B. What instruments do these musicians play?
1. Recordist plays ___________________, which belongs to ____________________ group.
2. Organist plays ___________________, which belongs to ____________________ group.
3. Trampetist plays ___________________, which belongs to ____________________ group.
4. Cymbalist plays ___________________, which belongs to ____________________ group.
5. Banjoist plays ___________________, which belongs to ____________________ group.
6. Cellist plays ___________________, which belongs to ____________________ group.
7. Xylophonist plays ___________________, which belongs to ____________________ group.
8. Anna is into playing the violin. Complete the table to tell about her hobby.
Name of activity ……………. adore(s)………………………
Kind + Type This activity belongs to ………………………………
It is mostly practiced …………………………………..
Place When people are into ………………………….., they usually
What this activity requires As for time ……………………………………………………….
As for energy ……………………………………………………
As for money ………………………………………………………
Periodicity She has to practice playing ………………………………………… …

People I think …………………………………………………..

Evaluation This hobby is …, because …

However, this hobby may be … because … .
As for me, I would/ wouldn’t try this activity because … .

9. The Arts.

Painting Materials
Artists usually work with paints that are different in solubility (to solve = растворять) and
time of dryness. They have pigments that give (texture/ colour).
Paints may be solved with oil or with water. They differ in time of dryness. (Oil/
water) paints dry quicker and (oil/ water) paints dry slower.
Oil paints are thicker, so painters can mix them on the palette
with a (brush/ pencil).
Water soluble paints are solved with water – they are in the
watercolor (jar/ box).
The artist may place his work on an easel. There may
different kinds of surfaces – paper, canvas (канва = полотно), cardboard (картон).
10. Study the scheme and complete the sentences:
Any work of art can be characterized

__________- different lines and colours;

__________ - they may be 2D or 3D;

__________- how the object feels;

__________ - the distance between the


A piece of art may be created with:

The combination of the printed pictures

and paints - collage

Different kinds of paints -


Prints -

Pencil or coal - _____________________

11.Mark in keen on various arts. Complete the table to tell about his hobby.
Name of activity ……………. adore(s)………………………
Kind + Type This activity belongs to ………………………………
It is mostly practiced …………………………………..
Place When people are into ………………………….., they usually
What this activity requires As for time ……………………………………………………….
As for energy ……………………………………………………
As for money ………………………………………………………
Periodicity She has to practice playing ………………………………………… …

People I think …………………………………………………..

Evaluation This hobby is …, because …

However, this hobby may be … because … .
As for me, I would/ wouldn’t try this activity because … .

6. Sports
Sport___________________is played/done with ____________on/at the _____________
футбол гандбол волейбол пляжний волейбол
____________ _____________ ____________ _________________ _____________
баскетбол бейсбол теніс настільний теніс
____________ _____________ ____________ _________________ _____________
боулінг гольф більярд хокей на траві
____________ _____________ ____________ _________________ _____________
регбі крикет софтбол Американський футбол ________
____________ _____________ ____________ _________________ _____________
бокс кік-боксинг боротьба дзюдо
____________ _____________ ____________ ______________ _____________ ________
карате самбо таеквондо фехтування
____________ _____________ ____________ ______________
cпортивна гімнастика художня гімнастика акробатика
___________________ _____________________ ______________ ________
біг на короткі відстані біг на довгі відстані біг з перешкодами
___________________ _____________________ ____________________
стрибки в потрійний стрибки в висоту стрибки з жердиною _____________

дожину стрибок ____________ _________________ ________

____________ _____________
метання диску метання ядра метання молота метання списа
____________ _____________ ____________ _________________ _____________
катання на фігурне шот трек катання на лижах ________
ковзанах катання (коротка дистанція) _________________ _____________
____________ _____________ ____________
біатлон швидкісний спуск слалом стрибки з трампліну _____________ ________
____________ _____________ ____________ _________________
фрістайл лижне двоборство сноуборд
_______________ _____________________ _________________
санний спорт скелетон боб-слей
_______________ _________________ _________________ _____________ ________
хокей бенді (хокей з м’ячем) керлінг
_______________ _________________ _________________
плавання синхронне плавання пірнання плавання з маскою ________
____________ ______________ ____________ _________________
плавання з водне поло тріатлон вітрильний спорт
аквалангом ______________ ____________ _________________ _____________ ________
каное гребля байдарка рафтинг, пліт _____________
____________ ______________ ____________ _________________
серфінг віндсерфінг водні лижі _____________ ________
_________________ ____________________ _________________
шосейні велотрек їзда на гірських BMX _____________
велогонки _____________ велосипедах ___________ ________
____________ ____________ _____________
скачки верхова їзда п’ятиборство поло
____________ _____________ ____________ ___________ _____________ ________
стрільба стрільба з лука важка атлетика бадмінтон
____________ _____________ ____________ ________________ _____________
Фрісбі дартс шахи шашки
____________ _____________ ____________ ________________
Comparing Sports and Activities
1. Characterizing sports and activities. Which of them are....?
Expensive - ____________________________________________________________
Cheap - _______________________________________________________________
Safe - ________________________________________________________________
Dangerous - ___________________________________________________________
2. Compare sports and activities:
1. Horse riding is dangerous, _____________ is more dangerous, _____________ is the most dangerous.
2. Football is popular, __________________, is less popular, ________________ is the least popular.
3. Chess are safe, __________________ is less safe, __________________ is the least safe.
4. Skiing is expensive, _______________ is more expensive, _______________ is the most expensive.
3. Which sports and hobbies are....?
Popular with teens - ___________________________________________________________________
Popular with seniour people - ____________________________________________________________
Popular with middle-aged people - ______________________________________________________
Grammar: as … as / not as … as
Конструкції as … as / not as … as вживаються для порівняння когось або щось:
Max is as tall as his older brother. – Макс такий же високий, як його старший брат.
She is not as good in cooking as her mother. – Вона не настільки добре готує, як її мати.
Також замість as … as / not as … as можна використовувати so … as / not so .. as:
It is not so expensive as I expected. – Це не настільки дорого, як я очікував.
4. Transform as in the examples
1. Your car is big, my car is big too. = My car is as big as yours.
2. My car is quick, but your car is quicker = My car is not as quick as your car.
3. Basketball is popular, but football is more popular = _________________________________________
4. Mounting skiing is expensive, horse riding is more expensive = _________________________________
5. Karate is athletic, chess are not very athletic = ______________________________________________
6. Freestyle is dangerous, snowboarding is less dangerous = _____________________________________
7. Water skiing is difficult, surfing is also difficult. = ___________________________________________
Your variant: __________________________________________________________________________
5. Compare the sports played by David and Peter and Mary and Tania

American football chess

Name of activity
Kind + Type
What this activity




7. Talking about Sports and Activities
1.Connecting topics – study the mind map. Tell what other topics you may think of when
talking about any activity you like.

2. Adding grammar to talking about activities – review to speak about activities.

A. Using Infinitive or Gerund. Note that most expressions require Gerunds, but in some
both Gerund and Infinitive are possible:
Infinitive Gerund
She likes to play chess.
They detest riding horses.
I dislike to do gardening.
He hates collecting autographs.
B. Using tenses – review tenses and name them. Put the verbs in various tenses.
Fact in present = Present Simple I study English. My favourite activity is studying English.

Fact in past = I _______________(to begin) studying English when I was in the

first grade.
Period in present = So I ____________________(to study) language for 6 years
Result in present = By now I ______________________ (to learn) many topics and
how to use tenses.
Process in present - Now I __________________ (to work) at speaking about my
favourite activities in English.
Future plans = to be going to… I ___________________(to go) to improve my language during the
academic year.
C. Modal Verbs. Make sentences about your hobby.
Opportunity = may ______________________________________________

Ability = can I _______________(to begin) studying English when I was in the

first grade.
Obligation = must/ have to So I ____________________(to study) language for 6 years
С. Using opposites – tell about positive and negative sides.
Positive Negative
I enjoy learning new words, studying maps and However, I dislike doing grammar exercises and writing
speaking. long tests.
3. Talking about hobbies – read the text and fill in the table about Brian. Use the
information about Brian’s mom to tell about her hobby. Fill in the table and write/tell
about your hobby.
Hi, my name is Brian, I live in the USA.
My family has got an unusual hobby recently and we are very excited about it.
This new hobby is called geocaching and it combines our love to nature and the
modern world of cell phones and GPS navigators (geo means “earth”, and cache
means “hidden treasure”).
A geocache or ‘cache’ is a small waterproof treasure box hidden outdoors. Usually
there is a log book – when you find it, you have to write your name down there and put it
back. Geocachers may seek out these hidden goodies guided by a GPS enabled device which uses
coordinates, or ‘waypoints’ downloaded from the geocaching.com website or you can download a free
geocaching app for Android or iPhone.
We started geocaching a year ago, when we went to the outdoor holiday and did not know
what activities to do there. We started with the geocaching in the local park, and now we go
to bigger national parts. We started it with my Dad, mom joined us later.
As we have been geocaching for a year, we have already found a lot of caches – usually it is a log book
for you to leave a message, but very often people leave small treasures – pencils, accessories or even dry
plants! If you take a treasure out of the box, you should leave another gift in its place, so come prepared.
I love finding caches, however, it is sometimes difficult to prepare a small and cool cache in exchange.
At present we are preparing for a national geocaching tournament – we are going to find at least 8
caches there, so we are preparing tinkers for exchanging.
Brian Mom You
Naming the hobby to be into geocaching

Facts about the hobby:

Opportunity, ability,
Fact in present = to do with the family
Present Simple
Fact in past = to start 6 months ago
Past Simple
Period in present = to do for a half of the
Present Perfect year
Result in present = to find an unusual
Present Perfect treasure in brooklyn
park – a postcard from
Process in present = to prepare small caches
Present Continuous for a new adventure
Future plans – to be to participate in the
going to local competition
Opinion – positive + very engaging (+),
negative sometimes negative to
find (-)
4. True or False.
1. The free time activity of Brian’s family is not usual – T/F ____________________________________
2. All containers for geocaching are the same – T/F __________________________________________
3. It’s easy for Brian to prepare new treasures for geocaching. – T/F ______________________________

8. Appearance and Character Traits
1. Review the map “Appearance”, give the categories to the following words as in the
example. Continue the rows.
1. Hair: straight, wavy, ______________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________: baby, child, _________________________________________
3. _________________________: archy, _______________________________________________
4. _________________________: almond-shaped, ________________________________________
5. _________________________: heart-shaped, rectangular, ________________________________
6. _________________________: pointed, ______________________________________________
7. _________________________: curved, ______________________________________________
8. _________________________: fair, _________________________________________________
9. _________________________: missing, ______________________________________________
10. _________________________: beard, _______________________________________________
11. _________________________: dimples, _____________________________________________
12. _________________________: pursed, ______________________________________________

2. Grammar: Order of Adjectives. Study the scheme and translate the following examples:
1. Високий підліток з прямим коричневим волоссям_____________________________________________
2. Товста молода жінка з довгим кучерявим волоссям -____________________________________________
3. Коротка стрижка - ____________________лисий -________________________коса - _________________
4. Велике кругле обличчя з вузькими чорними бровами - _________________________________________
5. Тонкі червоні губи на обличчі з глибокими ямочками - _________________________________________
6. Довгі чорні вії та круглі блакитні очі _________________________________________________________
7. Прямий плоский трикутний ніс та червоні губки «бантиком»- __________________________________
8. Маленька дівчинка з довгим рожевим язиком _________________________________________________
9. Широке квадратне підборіддя та засмагла шкіра ______________________________________________
10. Худа дитина з мигдалеподібними чорними очима - ____________________________________________
11. Чорні вуса - _______________ довга борода- ________________ руді бакенбарди - __________________
12. Бліде обличчя з рудими веснянками - ________________________________________________________
13. Тонкі губи та жовті гнилі зуби - _____________________________________________________________
14. Повні губи та білі міцні зуби - ______________________________________________________________
15. Струнка жінка зі зморшками на обличчі - ____________________________________________________

3. Describe these people using the right order of adjectives.

Lee is a Chineese,
іhe is from ______________ (country)
Lee is a ______ _______________ (lifestage)
She has got _______, ___________, _________ hair.
She has got _______, __________ face.
She has got a __________ nose.
She has got ______ ____________ eyes.
She has got ______ ____________ lips

David is from Ethiopia, Rick is from Germany, he is _____________

he is ______________ (country) (origin)
David is a ____________ _______ (lifestage) Rick is a _________ ___________ (lifestage)
He has got ____________, ____________, He has got _________, ___________,
_________ hair. _________ hair.
He has got __________, __________ face. He has got _________, __________ face.
He has got a __________ nose. He has got a __________ nose.
He has got ______ ____________ eyes. He has got ______ ____________ eyes.
He has got ______ ____________ lips He has got ______ ____________ lips

4. Personality traits – Copy the words to learn. Explain how the antonyms are formed.
стрімкий вдумливий відкритий талановитий
quick-witted thoughtful open-minded talented
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
повільний бездумний вузьколобий безталанний
slow thoughtless narrow-minded untalented
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
корисний уважний добродушний чесний
helpful attentive kind-hearted honest
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
with other
безпорадний неуважний жорстокий нечесний
helpless inattentive hard-hearted dishonest
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
доброзичливий ввічливий довірливий оптимістичний
good-natured polite trusting optimistic
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
недоброзичливий неввічливий недовірливий песимістичний
bad-natured impolite untrusting pessimistic
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
працьовитий активний дисциплінований цілеспрямований
hard-working active disciplined purposeful
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
Working style
ледачий пасивний недисциплінований безцільний
lazy passive undisciplined purposeless
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

5. Creating adjectives – study the table and give the examples.

Opposite adjectives can be created by:
1. Using prefixes with opposite meaning – trusting – untrusting, _________________________________
2. Using suffixes with opposite meaning – helpful – helpless, ___________________________________
3. Using words with opposite meaning – quick-witted – slow-witted, ______________________________

6. Describe David, Lee and Richard from Task 3 by transforming the sentences.
David is a businessman, so he has developed may features that help him in his work. He has to make
decisions and answer quickly – he has quick wit, so he is_______________________, He shows honesty
in all his affairs – he is ________________________. He is never inattentive – he is
_________________________. He trusts people – he is ______________________________________.
Davis also has a purpose – he is _________________________________.
Lee is a yoga trainer – she gives classes to senior people five times a week. Lee works at the local
gym, and she also has volunteer classes on weekend. Lee has to be very kind and understanding to her
clients – she has a kind heart – she is ______________________. Lee is never passive, she is
________________________. Lee often makes jokes with her clients, she smiles and shows her good
nature – she is _______________________________________. Lee works eight hours a day, she is never
lazy – she is __________________________. Sometimes she has health problems, but she does not show
any pessimism – she is ____________________________.
Rick is a student of the middle school. He has lots of classes, after-class activities and he also jelps
his mom at home. Rick shows talent in Math – he is ___________________________________. He helps
his parents any time they ask him – he is ______________________. To be able to do this, he has to show
good discipline – he is ______________________.

9. Clothes and Accessories
1. Give the categories for the following clothing items; add more items to the list.
1. Sportswear – tracksuit, T-shirt, ______________________________________________________
2. ____________________ - vest, bra, ___________________________________________________
3. _______________________ - coat, jacket, __________________________________________
4. _____________________- pajamas, ___________________________________________________
5. ____________________- socks, ______________________________________________________
6. ______________________ - apron, ___________________________________________________
7. ______________________ - sneakers - ________________________________________________
8. ____________________- beret, turban, ________________________________________________

2. Accessories – fill in the table with the words from the vocabulary bank.
wallet, chain, hair-slide, headband, crown, earrings, necklace, scarf, kerchief, glasses, scrunchie,
beads, locket, belt, bag, gloves, tie, bracelet, brooch, mittens, purse, ring, bow-tie, watch

хустинка шарф намисто намисто краватка метелик

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
ланцюжок медальон сережки каблучка браслет брошка
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
заколка обруч для корона резинка для рукавиці, рукавиці
__________ волосся __________ волосся перчатки __________
__________ __________ __________
годинник ремінь окуляри сумка гаманець гаманець
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

3. Describing accessories – fill in the table using the map “Clothes”, come up with the
grammar rule for the order of adjectives. Give the names of accessories.
Determiner Opinion
– article or – style Colour Pattern Material Noun
pronoun or other
A stripped шовк - ____________
The вовна - ____________

These гума- ____________

This нейлон - ___________

That бавовна - __________
Those пластмаса -
____________ _______________
My шкіра - ____________
His хутро -
метал –
Grammr rule: When we describe things, we use adjectives in a special order:
1.______________, 2 ________________, 3. ________________, 4_________________ + NOUN
Determiners may be _________________, demonstrative ____________ or possessive ______________
Opinion adjectives are ________________________________________________
4. Articles with clothes. Review the use of articles and fill in the sentences with a, the or
no article.
1. I've got ____good trousers for you. 2. Give me ______ trainers, which are on the shelf, please.
3. Isn't his ______ sweater from China? 4. John showed me ______ expensive leather jacket.
5. I need _____ knitted hiking pants. 6. I am wearing _____ blue denim jeans. 7. What ____nice dress!
5. Clothing details – label the parts of clothes with the given words.
 Pocket
 Button
 Cuff
 Sleeve
 Brim
 Leg
 Collar
 Waist
6. Transform the sentences as in the examples.
1. This dress is long-sleeved. = This dress has long sleeves.
2. Her jeans are short legged.- = ____________________________________________
3. I want a pocketed shirt =________________________________________________
4. This is a narrow brimmed hat. = __________________________________________
5. Low or high waist trousers? - ____________________________________________
6. Cuffed or uncuffed shirt? = _____________________________________________
7. Describe these people using the right order of adjectives. Describe their clothing parts.

Clothes David Lee Richard Lola

Top Style: Style: Style: Style:
__________________ _________________ __________________ _________________
Colour: Colour: Colour: Colour:
__________________ _________________ __________________ _________________
Material: Material: Material: Material:
__________________ _______________ _______________ _________________
Item: Item: Item: Item(s):
__________________ __________________ __________________ _________________
Bottom Style: Style: Style: Style:
__________________ _________________ __________________ _________________
Colour: Colour: Colour: Colour:
__________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Material: Material: Material: Material:
__________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Item(s): Item(s): Item(s): Item(s):
____________________ _________________ ___________________ _________________

8. Who of them?
1. Has a sleeveless top. - ___________________, 2. Has a buttoned shirt -
___________________________ 3. Has a collarless top - _________________________, 4. Has long
legged trousers - ___________________ 5. Has a head band - _________________________, 5 Has short
sleeves - ____________________________

9. Describe your clothes using clothing details.

10. Family and Events
1. Review the vocabulary. Translate and copy the words
A nuclear Дружина - _____________ + Чоловік - ____________ = пара -
family ________________
син - ____________ + донька - _____________ = діти -
consists of….
брат - _____________ + сестра - _____________ = брати/сестри -
мачуха - _______________________, вітчим- ___________________________

An immediate бабуся - ______________ + дідусь – __________________ = бабуся та дідусь

family – grandparents - ______________________
онучка - ____________+онук - _______________= онуки -
consists of….
дядько - ___________________ тітка - ____________________
двоюрідний (кузен)- _________________________
племінник - _________________ племінниця - ________________
прабабуся - ________________, прадідусь - ________________, правнучка -
__________________, правнук - ______________________

An extended колишня дружина - ______________, колишній чоловік - ___________

family родичі дружини (чоловіка) - in-laws____________________
троюрідний брат/ сестра – second cousin - _____________________
consists of….
2. Complete the sentences:
My nuclear family consists of _____________________________________________________
People, who belong to my immediate family are ________________________________________
The members of the nuclear and immediate families are my close relatives.
The members of the extended family are my distant relatives. In my family they are _____________
3. Review the formation of plural forms and give the plural of the following words and
phrases. Mind the articles and pronouns.
1. This wife – these wives. 2. A father-in-law - ________________, 3. The brother-in-law -
______________, 4. The woman - _____________, 5. A mother-in-law - ____________________, 6. That
sister-in-law - _____________________, 7. A stepmother - _____________________, 8. The ex-wife -
____________, 9. A man ____________, 10. An Englishman - _________________, 11. The hero -
_______________________ 12. This second cousin - ______________________, 13. That child -
_______________, 14 A deer - _______________________, 15. A trout - _____________________

4. Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns –

review and transform as in the example:
1. This is my father – This is a father of mine.
2. These are his brothers-in-law. - _______________________
3. This is her ex-husband - _____________________________
4. This is their money. - _______________________________
5. These are your parents-in-law. - _______________________
6. These are our second cousins - _______________________

5. Review the use of articles and fill in with a/an, the or no article.
1. I have got _____ big family. ______ family includes ________ close and distant relatives.
2. _________ uncle of mine is ________close relative.
3. I have got ________ aunt and ______ two cousins. They are _________ close relatives.
4. _________Brown family includes __________step children and _________ step parents.
5. ______ brother of mine is ______ flight attendant.
6. John Brown divorced ______ wife. Now she is ________ ex-wife.
7. My in-laws are _______ doctors. _________ mother-in-law is ___ doctor, and ______ father-in-
law is _______ doctor too.
8. ________ great-grand parents of Mary live in China. They are far from _____ Mary, but they are
___________ close relatives.
9. ________ Queen of Britain is _______ mother of four children.
10. I have _________ brother-in-law and two sisters.

6. Possessive Case of Nouns – review and transform:

1. The relatives of Mary. – Mary’s relatives.
2. The mother-in-law of my cousin. - ____________________________________________________
3. The second cousin of the boys. - ______________________________________________________
4. The ex-husband of Ann Brown. - _____________________________________________________
5. The children of the President of Ukraine. - ______________________________________________
6. The extended family of the Browns - __________________________________________________
7. The distant relatives of Jack and John. - ________________________________________________
8. The nuclear family of my cousin. - ____________________________________________________
9. The immediate family of my step-brother. - _____________________________________________
10. The step-father of Mike and Jack. - ___________________________________________________

7. Language Detective – study the list of easily confused words and complete the sentences
to be like = to take after - - по характеристикам/ по
to look like = to have the same appearance - по
внешнему виду

1. The son of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie ___________________ his

- внешность
2. He behaves like his dad – he
__________________ after Brad.
3. Angeline Jolie and her son ________________________ each other.
4. Brad Pitt and his son ________________________ the same
appearance, but they have the same behavior.
5. Ava Elizabeth Phillippe _________________ her mother Reese
Witherspoon and has the same manners and habits.
6. Reese Witherspoon’s daughter is __________________ her mom – she
____________ the same appearance and _____________ after Reese Witherspoon.

8. Family statuses - fill and complete the sentences below:
a date
1. When a wife dies, her husband becomes a ___________________. in a relationship
2. When a husband dies, his wife becomes a ___________________. married
3. John has met a good girl and they started _________________. This girl is divorced
John’s ____________________.
4. John and Mary have been dating for a couple of months, they are in a
_______________________________. widower
5. He does not have a wife, he is ___________________________.
6. They had a huge wedding ceremony yesterday. Now they are ______________________
7. After many years of marriage Betty’s parents separated. Now they are ___________________.
9. Fill in with family celebrations.
1. Yesterday I celebrated my twelfth ____________________ graduation
2. All family gathered in our house for a _____________________ birthday
3. Last time we met when we celebrated my elder brother’s finishing of christening
the university -_________________________________.
4. When my friends married they had a huge _____________________
5. When a baby is baptized in the church, it is often called____________________________

10. Compare Past Simple to Present Perfect and complete the sentences below.
We have not seen each other for a week
I met my cousin a week ago.
Past Simple = facts in the past Present Perfect = result in present
Time words: _________________________ Time words: ______________________

1. Two days ago I ________________ (to come) to I __________________ (to spend) in her house two days
visit my granny. already.
2. I _______________ (to see) my sister-in-law last I _______________ (not to see) my sister-in-law since last
Easter at the holiday party. Easter.
3. We ____________ (to meet) in the café twenty We ______________ (to sit) in this café for twenty minutes
minutes ago. already.
4. My stepsister ______________ (to start) playing a She __________________ (to play) this computer game for
computer game an hour ago. an hour.
5. My extended family _____________ (to gather) last We __________________ (not to meet) since that time.
time five years ago at the wedding.
6. My nephew _____________ (to phone) three days I _______________ (not to her) from my nephew for two
ago. days.

11. Structural Transformations – transform as in the example:

1. This is my cousin – This is a cousin of mine.
He is the son of my aunt Mary. – He is my Aunt Mary’s son.
He has the same appearance as his mother. – He looks like his mother.
He behaves like his dad. – He takes after his dad.
He works hard. = He is hard-working.
I saw him last Christmas. – I haven’t seen him since last Christmas.
2. These are his parents-in-law. - ______________________________________.
They are the parents of John’s wife. - _________________________________.
They resemble each other - ___________________________
They met John yesterday at the wedding. – John ______________________________________
3. This is your ex-husband. - ______________________________________.
He is the second cousin of the Browns. - _________________________________.
He has the same appearance as his sister – ___________________________________
He behaves like his dad. – __________________________________
He came to us an hour ago and is still here.. –______________________________________
4. These are our relatives. - ______________________________________.
They are the grand parents of Mary and Peter. - _________________________________.
They do not resemble each other - _________________________________________.
They came to visit us a week ago and are still here. –
5. This is her stepmother. - ______________________________________.
She is the wife of her father. - _________________________________________________.
She looks like a famous actress - __________________________________
They started living together five years ago. – They____________________________________

12. Read about Bill, fill in the table. Use the table to tell about Mary and your relative.
Bill Jones is a teenager, he has got a big family with two siblings – his younger sister
Mary and brother David. and many of its members have much in common.
Bill looks like his father – they both have got dark straight hair, small pointed ears
and dark archy eyebrows. As his father, Bill likes sportive clothes, so you may often see
him in T-shirt, jeans and sneakers.
However, in his behavior Bill takes after his mom. He is very thoughtful – Bill likes to think over the
activities he is going to do and he spends much time planning his day. In his attitude to other people bill
is never inattentive – he is interested in what people say or think. Bill is always polite, but he may be
impolite with the people, who are rude or bully his friends.
Generally, Bill works hard, but it’s OK for him to be lazy on weekends, when he wants to rest and
recreate. Bill is into hockey. He started playing three years ago, and he is going to continue doing this
sport until he finishes school.
Bill Mary Your relative
Looks like… her granny – pale complexion
Clothing style romantic
Intelligence not slow
Communication likes to help
with other people
Nature does not like pessimism
Working style has purpose in life
Hobby + period artistic gymnastic – 6 months
Future plants participate in school competition
1. The relatives of Bill have many similar features. – T/F ____________________
2. Bill looks like his mother. – T/F ______________________________________
3. Bill’s mom and Bill have similarities in behavior. – T/F ____________________
4. Bill is thoughtless. – T/F ______________________________
5. Bill has been playing hockey for more than two years. – T/F _______________________________
11. Describing People
1.Connecting topics – study the mind map. Tell what other topics you may think of when
talking about people.

2. Adding grammar to talking about people - review.

A. Using Order of adjectives – review and put in the right order:
1. teenager/ well-built/ a/ handsome - _______________________________________
2. stocky/ a/ handsome / tall/ adult - _________________________________________
3. wavy/ black/ long hair - ________________________________________________
4. formal/jacket/ leather/ dark/ a - ___________________________________________
5. nylon/ stripped/ stylish/ stockings - ________________________________________
B. Possessives – review and transform using possessive nouns, adjectives and pronouns
and transform the sentences:
1. These are my sisters-in-law. - _______________________
2. This is Jacklyn’s ex-husband - _____________________________
3. This is the money of my second cousin. - _______________________________
4. These are Mark’s parents-in-law. - _______________________
5. These are their distant relatives. - _______________________.
C. Using Infinitive or Gerund. Note that most expressions require Gerunds, but in some
both Gerund and Infinitive are possible:
Infinitive Gerund
She likes to visit relatives.
They detest going to wedding parties.
I enjoy to meet my extended family.
D. Talking about activities and people, who do then – review and transform.
1. He teachers at school. = He is a school teacher.
2. She studies at the 7th grade. = _________________________________________
3. Mike writes detective stories = ________________________________________________
4. Jenna instructs in horse-riding. = ___________________________________________
5. David comments local news = ________________________________________

E. Using tenses – review tenses and name them. Put the verbs in various tenses.
Fact in present = Present Simple I like playing chess
Fact in past = I _______________(to begin) playing chess when I was in the first
Period in present = So I ____________________(to play) chess for 7 years already.

Result in present = By now I ______________________ (to learn) many variants of

chess play.
Process in present - Now I __________________ (to work) at a new variant called
Future plans = to be going to… I ___________________(to go) to improve this play by the end of
the year.

F. Using opposites to tell about positive and negative character traits of a person.
Positive Negative
Jason is kind-hearted and trusting. However, he can sometimes be lazy.

3. Talking about people – read the text and fill in the table about Brian. Use the
information about Meg to tell about her. Fill in the table and write/tell about yourself.
Jason and Meg are cousins. They also go to the same class at school. They are big friends and do many
activities together. However, they have both common and different features.
Jason is a tall skinny boy, he has got short dark hair and quite big ears.
Jason loves sportive style, so he often wears sweaters, jeans and sneakers.
Jason comes from a family of seven – he lives with his parents, two
siblings, a granny and granddad. They also have many distant relatives, who
come to visit for various family occasions such as birthdays and holiday parties.
Jason takes after his dad, who is thoughtful and active. Jason participates in
many class activities and his classmates often ask about his advice.
Jason is into martial arts, to be specific – kick-boxing. He started when he was in the second grade and
by this time he has already participated in several tournaments. He is training a lot now as he is going to
take part in the regional tournament soon.

Jason Meg You


Casual style
Family of 3 – she and her
Family parents, many distant
Dancing – ballroom dancing –
Activity for 3 years – won 2
Character traits

4. True or False.
1. Jason and Meg are relatives – T/F _____________________________________
2. Jason has only seven relatives. – T/F ____________________________________________
3. Jason does not like to think various problems over. – T/F _______________________________

12. Living in a Family
1. Personal Hygiene. Review the map and give hygienic products that come from verbs.
Fill in the gaps:
To sanitize (hands) – sanitizer, to brush (___________, ____________) – a ___________________,
to clip (_______________) – a ______________, to deodorize (_______________) - _______________,
to polish (______________) - ___________________, to perfume (____________) - ______________, to wash
(mouth) - __________________, to floss (_____________) - _______________________, to foam (face) -
_____________________, to shadow (eyes) - ____________________, to dry (_____________) -
2. Review Present Perfect Continuous Tense and complete the sentences about personal
1. Jim has washed his hair. He has been washing it for 20 minutes. Now his hair is ___________ (V3).
He has used _____________________________________________________ (products)
2. Jim’s mom has trimmed his nails. She ____________________________ them for 10 minutes. Now
the nails are _____________________. Mom has used ________________________.
3. Jim brushed his teeth. He ____________________________ them since 1.05 p.m. Now his teeth are
___________ (V3). He has used _______________________________________________ (products)
4. Jim has taken a shower. He ____________________________ it for 20 minutes seconds. Now his body
is ___________ (V3). He has used _________________________________________________
5. Jim has deodorized his armpits. He ____________________________ them for 3 seconds. Now his
armpits are ___________ (V3). He has used
__________________________________________________ (products)
3. A. Use the Fact File to tell about Boris and Alex:
Boris and Alex are friends from kindergarten.
Age School Favourite Hobby Favourite hygiene Disliked hygiene
Boris 12 # 21 Math Football Take shower Take a bath
Alex 11 #22 PE Football Brush teeth Wash hands
4. Tell what happened to the boys and how they cleaned up.
Now boys __________________ (Pres.
They are clean because they
______________________(Present Perfect), they
_______________ for 20 minutes (Present Perfect Cont.)
They have washed their bodies, so ________________(V3),
Now boys ___________________ (place) they ______________ for 20 minutes (Present Perfect Cont.)
They ______________________ (Pres. Cont), They have cleaned their shoes, so _________________(V3),
They _____________________ (Pres. Perf. they _______________ for 5 minutes (Present Perfect Cont.)
Cont.) since early morning They have combed their hair, so _________________(V3),
They are dirty because ___________________ they _______________ for 2 minutes (Present Perfect Cont.)
_________________________(Present Perfect), They have rinsed their teeth, so ___________________(V3),
They need _________________________ they _______________ for 3 minutes (Present Perfect Cont.)
_______________________________(Gerund) They have deodorized their armpits, so _____________(V3),
they _______________ for 30 seconds (Present Perfect
5. Learn to transform. Transform the sentences.
1. He did not go to school = He stayed at home. 2. He was early. = ________________________.
3. He did not go to school. = ____________________________________________________________
4. He went to school. = ________________________________________________________________
5. She put a dress on = _________________________________________________________________
6. She rested all evening. = ______________________________________________________________
7. He did not work on Sunday. = _________________________________________________________
8. He did the work. – The work is done. 9. He combed his hair - __________________________________
6. Read the texts. True or False? Explain and find transformations in the text.
Tyler and Tara Bradford live in the USA, and they have got a very unusual family.
Tyler is Swedish, so he has got fair hair and blue eyes. His wife Tara is Asian, and her
appearance is very different from Tyler’s – she has got almond-shaped eyes and straight thick
black hair.
Her complexion is brown or tanned, her nose is button-shaped, and she differs a lot from
Tyler. They are a mixed raced family – they come from different races.
Tara was adopted by a white family when she was two; she originally comes from South Korea.
She always knew that she is different from the white people, so when she grew up, she decided to make
an international family.
1. Tara and Tyler are from the country in North America. – T/F ________________________________
2. Tyler’s skin is lighter then Tara’s. – T/F ________________________________________________
3. Tyler and Tara are of the same race. – T/F ______________________________________________
4. Tara grew up in a family of white people. - T/F__________________________________________
5. Tara and Tyler’s family contains some nations. – T/F _____________________________________
www.erinkayephotography.com /
Tyler and Tara Bradford (center) with their five children, left to
right: Mekerem, Worku, Zenash, Alex and Evan
Tara married Tyler in 2000, they have been married for 20 years
already. By now they have given birth to two boys, who have features of
both mother and father – their skin is lighter that Tara’s, they are as tall
as Tyler and they are very muscular too. They have short straight dark hair and Tara cuts their hair
every month. Also, Merekem started to shave his face, so now he shares shaving foam with Tyler.
However, Merekem does not like Tyler’s after-shave lotion, so he uses his own. He has been using it
for a year already.
1. Tara and Tyler have three biological kids. – T/F _________________________________________
2. They have a son and a daughter. – T/F _________________________________________________
3. Their kids have similar appearance. – T/F ______________________________________________
4. Merekem and Alex shave their faces. - T/F_____________________________________________
5. Merekem and Tyler use the same shaving lotion. – T/F ___________________________________
6. Merekem started using Tyler’s lotion a year ago. – T/F ___________________________________
When Merekem and Alex were teenagers, Tara and Tyler adopted tree other kids, all of them were
black. They are two girls – Worku and Eyan and a boy Zemash. They all come from Africa, and they
differ from Bradford’s’ family in the ways they take care of their hair.
Both girls have long curly hair, so they comb it, style it with gel and use various accessories. Tara
cannot cut the girls’ hair because it is very thick and long. Tara is proud of her daughters’ hair, so she
buys them special shampoos and conditioners. She has been buying these products for a long time.
1. Adopted children come from a hot country. – T/F ________________________________________
2. They have darker skin. – T/F ________________________________________________________
3. Their hair required special care. – T/F _________________________________________________
4. Tara can cut the girls’ hair herself. - T/F_______________________________________________
5. Tara spends extra money on hygienic products. – T/F ____________________________________
All kids are good friends and spend a lot of time together. They get up at almost the same time, so
while some of them do morning hygiene, the rest do morning exercises. Worku is the youngest girl,
and she tries to copy her older siblings, so she may use the deodorants and perfumes of other kids, and
she also likes to polish her nails often. Evan needs special make-up, so she chooses various colours of
eye-shadows and she may even use lipstick.
Tara is happy that now she has girls, with whom she may share her make-up and secrets.
1. Kids fight a lot with each other. – T/F __________________________________________________
2. They do not have enough space for morning hygiene. – T/F _________________________________
3. Black girls’ make up is different from Tara’s . – T/F ______________________________________
4. Tara enjoys have an international family. - T/F__________________________________________
7. House and House Chores. Describe the house in the picture using the map “Dwelling”.

This is a ________________________ (building), which has got such parts as

______________________________________________________________________(material + part).
Outside there is ___________________________________________________________
Inside there is living space with _________________ for coming in, ____________- for gathering,
_________________________ for eating in and cooking, ______________________ for relaxing,
__________________ for washing.
The kitchen has got such furniture: __________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________(material + furniture)
The living room has got such furniture: ________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________(material + furniture)
The bedroom has got such furniture: __________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________(material + furniture)
The bathroom has got such furniture: __________________________________________________ ____

8. House Chores – fill in the table. Who in your family does what and how often?
place/things in
Who? supplies

чистити гумові рукавиці

_______________________ ______________________
мити швабра, мопа
_______________________ ______________________
мити ганчірка
_______________________ ______________________
пилисосити пилосос
_______________________ ______________________
підмітати мітла
_______________________ ______________________
мити посуд посудомийна машина
_______________________ ______________________
витирати, сушити рушник
_______________________ ______________________
покласти кошик для білизни
_______________________ _____________________
прати пральна машина
_______________________ ______________________
прасувати праска
_______________________ ______________________
_______________________ ______________________

Зробити/ скласти (ліжко)
_______________________ ______________________
витирати склоочисник, контактна щітка
_______________________ _______________________
витирати пил ганчірка для витирання пилу,
_______________________ щітка для обмітання
натирати, полірувати поліроль
_______________________ ______________________
чистити засіб для чищення
_______________________ ______________________
чистити щітка-терка
_______________________ ______________ ____________
скребти скребок
_______________________ ______________________
виносити мішок для сміття
_______________________ ______________________
поливати рослини plants лійка
_______________________ ______________________
виправляти, фіксувати інструменти
_______________________ ______________________

9. Complete the sentences using house chores vocabulary:

1. On Saturday my sister sweeps ___________ with ______________. The floor ___________ (Pasive)
2. I have vacuumed __________________ with ______________. The carpets ____________ (Passive)
3. Normally, my granny mops floors with ___________________. The floors _____________ (Passive).
4. I have washed up and dried the dishes with ________________. They _________________ (Passive).
5. My mom has washed clothes in _______________________, so now they __________________ (Pas)
6. My sister has been wiping windows with a __________________ since 8.30 a.m. She has wiped three
windows already. Now they ______________________ (Passive).
7. I often take out garbage in ____________________. The garbage __________________ out (Passive)
8. My dad fixed the door with ______________. The door ________________________ (Passive).
9. My granny has watered plants with _____________________. They are ________________ (Passive).
10. My brother dusts furniture with __________________ and polishes it with __________________. In
out apartment the furniture is always ______________ and ___________________ (V3)

10. Complete with the reflexive pronouns. Tell what chores your family members do
1. My dad fixes the car __________________. 2. My mom walks the dog ____________________.
3. You must iron the clothes _______________. 4. My sisters take out garbage _________________.
5. I dust furniture __________________. 6. We make our beds ____________________________.
____________________________________________________________(material + furniture)

11. Fill in the table to tell what rooms and furniture you have got and who takes care of them
in your family.
Room Furniture People, who take How often Equipment
My family has got… There is/are… care

13. Cooking, Eating, Health Problems
1. Review the map “Food” and fill in the gaps with the vocabulary. Review the healthy
eating pyramid and give recommendations on consuming food.
Food it is very important for our health. Doctors often say: “You are what you eat”. If we eat good, healthy
food, we can have a healthy body.
All food is divided into food groups. They are:
Bread, cereal, rice and pasta group (carbohydrates) such as овес - __________, рис - __________,
пшениця - ______________, гречка - _______________, кукурудза - _______________, пшоно -
______________, жито - _______________, ячмінь - ______________. Cereals and grains contain
carbohydrates. Carbohydrates give slow energy, so we should eat them most. Cereals and grains also
contain fibre. Fibre helps to digest food, so we should eat them ________________________.
Vegetables and fruits such as ананас - ______________, слива - _____________, персик -
_________, полуниця - ________________, мандарин - __________________, агрус -
__________________, малина - ______________, ожина - _____________, часник - ___________,
цвітна капуста - _______________, патісон - ______________, баклажан - _____________, редиска -
____________, хрін - _____________, укроп - _____________, сельдерей - _____________, щавель -
___________, петрушка - ___________.
Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and _______________________. Vitamins and minerals
______________________________________, so we should eat them ____________________. Fruits
and vegetables also contain fibre. Fibre helps to ______________________ so we should eat them most.
Dairy products such as молоко - _________, вершки - _______________, сметана -
_____________, морозиво - ______________, йогурт - _______________, масло -
____________________, твердий сир - _______________, сир - ______________. Dairy contain
___________________________. Calcium ________________________________
______________________________, and we should eat them __________________________________.
Meat, eggs, fish and beans such as яловичина - ____________, бекон - _________________,
свинина - _______________, баранина - ______________, птиця - _______________, курятина -
_________________, качатина - _______________, індичатина - _________________, яйца -
_____________. Meat and fish contain ____________________________. Protein
________________________________, and we should eat them ____________________________.
Sweets contain _______________________________________. Sugar
__________________________, but we should eat them ______________________
2. Cooking food. Review the map and complete the table to review word building.
Verb Noun Gerund V1 V3
to peel a peeler it is for peeling we peel potatoes with it. carrots are peeled.
meat is chopped.
we slice bread with it.
it is for dicing.
potatoes are mashed.
we mince meat with it.
it is for blending.
to mix
a whipper
we squeeze lemons with
we boil water in it.
bread is toasted.
we freeze meat there.
3. Write a recipe for a burger by using the picture.

4.What nutrients has a hamburger? Is it a healthy or unhealthy food?

Proteins: _________________________________, carbohydrates: ___________________________,
fibre (vegetables): ______________________________, calcium: _______________________________,
fats: ___________________________________
5. Study the eat well plate and complete the sentences.
People need to eat all food groups for being healthy.
One third of your food have to be __________ ___________, they give
us ___________________ _________________. Another third of the
healthy plate is _________________________________, they give
The third part of the plate is divided between ________________, that
give us; ______________________, that provide
people with _______________________ and _______________ that give us
6. Maria has shared her food diary with us. Study the diary and complete
the table to tell if Maria had healthy or unhealthy meals. Answer the
questions below.
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast Buckwheat porridge with butter, Eggs and toast with cream Cereals with milk, yogurt
a sausage and orange juice cheese
Lunch Cheese sandwich, milk Pizza, soda Vegetable soup with rye bread
Dinner Pasta with turkey, ice-cream, tea Potato dumplings, sour Pork pie with salad
Snacks Cookies, sweets Potato chips, soda Fruits and cookies

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Cereals and grains
Fruits and Vegies
Meat and Fish
1. What should Maria eat less? Why?________________________________________________
2. What should Maria eat more? Why? ______________________________________________
3. Which day did Maria eat the unhealthiest food? _____________________________________
4. Which day did she eat more or less healthily? _______________________________________
7. Health Problems. Complete the table using the map “Body Problems”

have diagnosis so have got symptoms

Diagnosis Symptoms
простуда гарячка, жар закладений ніс
_________ __________ висока температура ______________
грип ________________
інфекція нежить кашель високий тиск
_____________ ________________ ___________
висип запаморочення сонячний опік
___________ ______________ ____________
нудота блювота коліки, cудоми
харчове отруєння
__________ _____________ _____________

перелом гуля зміщення

____________ _______________ _____________
синець під поріз подряпина
оком __________ ____________
синець скалка розтягнення
__________ зв'язок
_________________ ______________
опік жало укус
________ __________ ___________

8. Complete the table to tell about check-up and treatment.

After check-up prescribes
the doctor
огляд лікування - ліки ___________________

______________ 1. рецепт 2. укол, ін’єкція 3. пластир 4. шви
(призначення) ______________ ______________ ______________
здавати аналізи 5. пов’язка 6. милиці 7. гіпс 8. дієта
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
міряти тиск краплі таблетки мазь вітаміни
_________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
міряти температуру лікування – процедури ___________________
________________ масаж залишатися в ліжку пити рідини операція
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

9. House Chores and Injuries. Listen to the chant and put the verbs into the right tenses.
Compare the use of Past Simple and Past Continuous.
I twisted my ankle Ow! - What happened? - I ____________ (to lift – Past
Cont.) a heavy bag and I ______ (to hurt)my back!
Ow! - What happened? - I ______________ (to change)
a light bulb and I ___________ (to get) an electric shock!
Ow! - What happened? - I ______________ (to slice)
an onion and I _________(to cut) my finger!
Ow! - What happened? - I _______________ (to make)
some tea and I _________ (to burn) my hand!
Ow! - What happened? - I _______________ (to climb)
Jim Jane Peter Mary Robert a ladder and I __________ (to fall) off and broke my leg!

10. Review topics “Cooking”, “Free Time Activities” and “House Chores”. Think where
the sentences for Past Continuous were taken from. Fill in the table with the correct forms
of the verbs as in the example. Think of the degrees of pain.
Topic Process in the past Fact in the past Diagnisis Degree of pain
(Past Continuous) (Past Simple) (Fact in present)
Jack - fix furniture – two days Break arm Now he has a It is severe pain.
House ago fracture.
chores Two days ago Jack was fixing and broke his arm.
Mary – iron clothes –yesterday Burn hand

David – cut plants Get rash and itches

Your example:

Jenny – play tennis – in the sun – Burn – skin

________ the day before yesterday
________ Anna – play with her granny’s Rash and red eyes
dog an hour ago

Penny – boxing Got punch in the eye

Rick – ride a horse on Sunday Fall down - break leg.

Your example:

Petra – peel potatoes – in the Cut finger

________ Mary – grate carrots – last Graze fingers
________ evening
________ Lina - cook salad yesterday Try bad mayonaise cramps and

14. Healthy Living
1. Study the Healthy Living pyramids and complete the sentences.
Healthy Living consists of three important aspects – daily activities, hygiene and healthy eating.
1.Daily Activities Pyramid
If you want a healthy life, plan your daily
activities mindfully.
Most often you have to pay attention to (use
Gerunds): _________________ and
Every day you need to do ___________, play
__________, have physical _______________.
Avoid sedentary ________________
such as _________________________ ________
Distribute ________________________

2. Hygiene and Health Pyramid

If you want a healthy life, take care of your
hygiene and health every day.
Most often you have to pay attention to (use
Gerunds): ____________ teeth, keeping body
hygiene, ______________ of your back and
______________ food.
From time to time you have to visit such
doctors as ___________________________ for
Avoid __________________________
Mind ____________ safety.
Never use ________________________

3. Food Intake Pyramid.

If you want a healthy life, take care of your food
intake. Remember to ______________ for meals!
Avoid __________________________
Opt for healthy breakfast of dairy products and
Concentrate on lunch, which consists
of___________________________________ and
dinner, which consists of _______________
Eat most ________________________________
Eat more _______________________________
Eat moderately ___________________________
Avoid ___________________________________

2. Give antonym to the adjectives:
On time - ___________________, weak - ________________________, energetic -
__________________, unconcentrated - ____________________, clear-headed -
___________________, safe - ______________, sick - _______________________, with body odor -
_____________________, full - _________________, unhealthy - ______________________________,
3.Answer the questions:
1. When are people unhealthy? - __________________________________________________________
2. How can you be energetic? - ___________________________________________________________
3. What do people need to remember about? - _______________________________________________
4. What do people need to avoid? - ________________________________________________________
5. What happens if you concentrate on sedentary activities? ____________________________________
6. Your question - _____________________________________________________________________

4.Review sentences in Zero Conditional and complete the parts of the table.
Zero Conditional
Condition: Result
Present Simple Present Simple
If you want…… You need to…….
If you want to be on time, you need to distribute your time.
If you want to be active,
you need to opt for exercising.
If you want to be clear-headed,
you need to avoid accidents.
If you want to be strong,
you need to concentrate on hygiene.
If you want to be energetic,
you need to eat healthy meals.

5. Giving advice – Conditional 1. Complete the table and give your advice.
Situation Reasons Condition: Result :
Present Forms
Future Forms
Mary is passive. She opts for sedentary If she avoids sedentary She will be active.
activities. activities,
Jimmy is sick.
Mike is weak.
David is always late.
Peter has body odor.
Anna is always injured when
she does house chores.
Maria is overweight.
Max does badly at school
Jim is addicted to cigarettes.

6. Used to – read and do the task.
A few months ago Danny went to the doctor. The doctor told him to change his life or he would be very
Below are some pictures of Danny now, and a couple of years ago.
Read about Danny’s complaints to the doctor and guess what the doctor said as in the example:

The problem
is …….
If ………,
The doctor said:
Danny two years ago So now …..
Danny used to smoke 40 “Your problem is addition. Danny doesn't smoke anymore
cigarettes a day but he didn't use If you stop using tobacco, you’ll but sometimes, he still wants to.
to smoke a pipe. be clear-headed ”
Problem: Addiction Result: Danny is clear-headed.
Consequences: Danny was not

Danny used to watch TV for 6 Danny still watches TV but he

hours every day but he never only watches it for about an hour
used to listen to the radio. a day.
Problem: __________________ Result: ___________________

Danny use to eat pizza twice a Danny doesn't eat pizza anymore
day and he never used to eat but he does eat salad and, once
salad. in a while, he goes to a sushi bar.
Problem: __________________ Result: ___________________

Danny used to drink 2 litres of Danny doesn't drink beer

beer every night but he didn't use anymore but he still drinks wine
to drink beer during the day every now and again.
except on Sunday. Result: ___________________
Problem: __________________
Danny used to shower twice a Danny brushes his teeth 3 times
week and he didn't use to brush a day and he showers at least
his teeth after every meal. once a day.
Problem: __________________ Result: ___________________

Danny used to drive to work and Danny cycles to work and he
he didn't use to walk anywhere runs once a day for 20 minutes.
unless it was necessary. Result: ___________________
Problem: __________________
Danny used to eat meat 5 times a Danny doesn't eat meat anymore
week and he never used to eat and he eats fish at least twice a
fish. week.
Problem: __________________ Result: ___________________

Danny used to have bacon for Danny only eats porridge and
breakfast 6 days a week but he fruit for breakfast and he doesn't
didn't use to eat bacon on eat bacon anymore.
Sunday. Result: ___________________
Problem: __________________
Danny used to drink 3-4 cups of Now Danny drinks a lot of green
coffee every day. He sometimes tea every day and only
drank Coke. sometimes he drinks coffee.
Problem: __________________ Result: ___________________
Danny used to get up at 10 Danny gets up at 7am every day
o'clock every day and start to go running and swimming but
working at 11 a.m. but he didn't he still doesn't start work until
use to go to bed until 2am. 11 o'clock.
Problem: __________________ Result: ___________________
7. True or false?
1. Danny did not smoke a lot. – T/F _______________________________
2. Danny enjoyed sedentary activities. – T/F _______________________________
3. Now Danny only listens to radio. – T/F _________________________________
4. Danny got enough fibre, vitamins and minerals from his meals. – T/F
5. Danny drank beer every day. – T/F ___________________________________
6. Danny does not drink alcohol now. – T/F ______________________________
7. Danny used to concentrate on his hygiene. – T/F _____________________________
8. Now Danny takes shower more often than he used to. – T/F ________________________
9. Danny changed the vehicle for getting to work. – T/F ____________________________
10. Danny used to get proteins from meat only. – T/F ______________________________
11. Danny used to love pork. – T/F ____________________________________
12. His favourite drink was tea. – T/F _________________________________
13. Now Danny gets up earlier, but he starts working at the same time. – T/F ______________________
15. Healthy Living Consolidation
1.Connecting topics – study the mind map. Tell what other topics you may think of when
talking about healthy living. Complete the scheme.

2. Answer the questions using Conditionals 0,1

1. When do you feel fresh? - _________________________________________________________
2. When are people energized? - _____________________________________________________
3. Why do people feel tired? - _______________________________________________________
4. When will you fell passive? - ______________________________________________________
5. When will a person be strong? - ___________________________________________________
6. When will a person be sick? - ______________________________________________________
3. Adding grammar to talking about habits or repeated actions in the past which we don't
do in the present.
Before Now – used to…..
I smoked a lot but do not smoke now.

Jason did his homework until 12 p.m., but he

finishes doing it earlier now.
Mary did not go to the doctor when she was sick,
but she visits doctor now.
Bob did not exercise but he plays tennis now.

4. Talking about events in the past – Past Simple and Past Continues. Connect the
sentences using the tenses.
1. Jason play football/ fell down/. get a bruise - ___________________________________
2. Mary chop meat/ cut finger ________________________________________________
3. Boris iron clothes/ get a burn _______________________________________________
4. Jason play tennis/ sprain the ankle __________________________________________

5. Using tenses – review tenses and name them. Put the verbs in various tenses.
Fact in present = Present Simple I live healthily now.
Fact in past = I _______________(to begin) changing my habits last summer
Period in present = So I ____________________(to work) at my healthy living for
more than a year already.
Result in present = By now I ______________________ (to change) many habits.
Process in present - Now I __________________ (to try) to eat healthily and exercise
Future plans = to be going to… I ________________(to go) to change my diet by the end of the
6. Talking about people – read the text and fill in the table about Brian. Use the
information about Meg to tell about her. Mind linking words from the text.

Brian and Meg are married. They have been married for three years already, but only last year they
changed their life.
Both Brian and Meg were not hardworking, Brian was not active and Meg needed help in many house
chores. They were not careful and did not stick to safety rules. Once, when Brian was drying his hair, he
dropped the hairdryer into the water and got an electric shock.
However, now they try to live healthily. They started the experiment six months ago, so they have been
living healthily for half of a year already. Both Brian and Meg try to do more exercise, avoid junk food
and pay attention to hygiene and safety. As a result, by now Brian has lost 15 kilos and he has forgotten
about many health problems. Now Brian is trying a new kind of sport – he is into weightlifting. He is
going to develop his muscles and strengthen his bones. If he trains enough, he will take part in the local
weightlifting competition next year.
Brian Meg
Appearance – before and
Character Traits
What they used to do ignore doctors’ advice

What happened in the past walk out without a hat in cold weather
(Past Simple/ Cont) – got cold
Fact in present = Present have healthy lifestyle
Fact in past = start in June
Past Simple
Period in present = be into in for 6 months
Present Perfect Continuous
Result in present = Present lose 12 kilos – buy a new set of
Perfect clothes
Process in present = Present train for a half-marathon
Future plans – to be going to run it next summer

Conditional 1 train enough – run well

16. Talking about Weather and Climate
1. Copy and review the words.
чисте небо безхмарне частково хмарно
clear sky cloudless____________________ partly cloudy_________________
похмуро захмарений хмарно хмаритися
dull gloomy____________ cloudy_______________ overcast______________
легкий вітерець порив вітру шторм буря
types of
breeze__________gust of wind gale____________ windstorm__________
сильний вітер запеклий вітер колючий вітер їдкий вітер
adjectives strong wind fierce wind bitter wind biting wind
________________ _______________ _________________ ____________________
сухе повітря мряка імла туман
types of fog humid air mist haze fog
________________ _________________ ________________ _________________
щільний туман важкий туман сильний туман неоднорідний туман
adjectives dense fog heavy fog thick fog patchy fog
_______________ _________________ _______________ __________________
types of мряка дощ злива злива шторм
rain drizzle_____ rain_________ shower_______ downpour________ storm_________
дощик невеликий дощ сильний дощ рівномірний дощ уривчастий
fine rain light rain heavy rain steady rain дощ
___________ ____________ ____________ ________________ patchy rain
дощ зі снігом легкий сніг сильний сніг хуртовина
types of
sleet light snow heavy snow snowstorm
________________ _______________ ________________ _________________
сніжок густий сніг мокрий сніг глибокий сніг
adjectives fine snow thick snow wet snow deep snow
________________ ________________ _________________ ________________
теплова хвиля спекотний знемагаючий розпечений кипіння душний
heat wave baking hot sweltering scorching boiling sultry
_____________ ____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _________
м'який прохолода морозний холодний морозний крижаний
mild cool nippy cold frosty freezing
____________ ____________ ____________ ______________ ______________ __________

2. What is….? Decide and explain your answer.

1. stronger – a gust of wind or gale? _________________________________________________
2. More dangerous - a windstorm or a snowstorm? _____________________________________
3. worse for your skin – a strong wind or a biting wind? __________________________________
4. worse for driving vehicles – a dense fog? ___________________________________________
5. better for plants – a heavy rain or a steady rain? _______________________________________
6. better for skiing – fine snow or deep snow? __________________________________________
7. better for a day on the beach – cool weather or boiling hot? ______________________________
3. Odd Man Out
1.Frosty – freezing – sultry (grammar) 2.Sleet – shower - gale 3.Blizzard – nippy – baking hot
4.Patches of rain – patches of fog – patches of wind 5.Gloomy – clear - overcast

4. Weather and clothing. Review the order of Adjectives and tell what clothes are better for the
various types of weather. Fill in the first column to tell more about the weather.
Hot weather: Head: a white denim cap
Sky:______________ Torso: _______________, ___________________ ______________
Wind: ____________ Legs: ________________, ___________________ ______________
Temperature: ______ Feet: _______________, ____________________ _______________
Accesory: _____________, __________________ _______________
Cool weather Head: a white denim cap
Sky:______________ Torso: _______________, ___________________ ______________
Wind: ____________ Legs: ________________, ___________________ ______________
Fog: ______________ Feet: _______________, ____________________ _______________
Temperature: ______ Accesory: _____________, __________________ _______________

Rainy weather Head: ________________, ___________________ _______________

Sky:______________ Torso: _______________, ___________________ ______________
Wind: ____________ Legs: ________________, ___________________ ______________
Rain: _____________ Feet: _______________, ____________________ _______________
Temperature: ______ Accesory: _____________, __________________ _______________

Cold weather Head: _________________, ___________________ _____________

Sky:______________ Torso: _______________, ___________________ ______________
Wind: ____________ Legs: ________________, ___________________ ______________
Snow: _____________ Feet: _______________, ____________________ _______________
Temperature: ______ Accesory: _____________, __________________ _______________

5. Weather and activities. What is it better to do in various types of weather?

In a cool and snowy day people may _______________________________________________________
In a hot summer day people may __________________________________________________________
In a rainy day people may _______________________________________________________________
In a windy day people may ______________________________________________________________
6. Study the pictures and tell how weather aaffects the life of people

Weather Emotions Clothes Activities

When it is …….. People usually feel … People have to wear… They may……
sweltering hot
rainy with patchy fog
freezing cold with sleet
fine now with gust of

7. Natural Disasters: translate the words to review.
Geological disasters

землетрус лавина зсув карстова воронка,

виверження _____________ _____________ _____________ обвалення
_______________ ______________
Hydrological disasters
потоп__________________ цунамі _________________
Meteorological disasters

буря, циклон, ураган тайфун

шторм буря ____________ ________
wind ______________ _____________

аномальна засуха лісовий пожар

heat спека ________________ ________________

snow буран, град снігова буря

заметіль _______________ _________________

8. What natural disaster may be cause by the weather?

Complete the sentences. The words of result:
1. Scorching heat may cause a heat wave. To result in…
2. A srtong wind may be a part of _______________ and ________________ To cause…
3. When thick fog megres with smoke, it results in ___________________.
4. Long rainstorms may cause _____________, _____________, ____________,
5. A snowstorm may turn into ________________________.
9. Review the formation of the Passive Voice to transform the sentences.

We use V3 to form Passive Voice – to be + V3:

The face is frostbitten. The meat is frozen with.

1. The frost bites us. – We are frostbitten.

2. The sun burns and strikes people. – They are ______________ and ___________________.
3. The rain may soak people without umbrellas. - They are _____________________________.
4. If you stand near a tree in a rainstorm, the lightning may strike you. You will be
10. Health problems caused by weather.
In hot weather people if people drink little water, they get dehydrated, so they may suffer from
______________ (сонячний удар) with such symptoms as _______________________(високий тиск),
_________________ (нудота), _______________________ (блювота),__________________ (коліки),
__________________ (запаморочення), __________________ (висип).
In cold weather people may dress inappropriately and get _____________ (простуда), _______________
(грип), __________________(жар), __________________ (висока температура), __________________
(закладений ніс), ___________________ нежить___________________ (кашель).
In icy weather people may fall and get ________________ (перелом), _______________ (розтягнення),
________________________ (зміщення).
11. Fill in the table to speak about weather.
Weather in Ukraine
Weather Weather elements Disasters Dangers Clothing Activities

The weather is… There is….. …..may You may be It’s better to It’s a good day

cause…… …… have……on for…….

In winter

Lovely/ fabulous

Unbearable, bad

In spring

Lovely/ fabulous

Unbearable, bad

In summer

Lovely/ fabulous

Unbearable, bad

In autumn/ fall

Lovely/ fabulous

Unbearable, bad

12. Complete the sentences to talk about weather:

If you ask me about my favourite weather, I can say it is ________________________________
In such weather I can ____________________________________________________________
and I usually feel ___________________________________
But a bad day for me is when the weather is __________________________________________.
Such weather makes me feel _________________________. So, to raise my mood, I may
_____________ _______________________________________________________________.
13. Gladys is from Alaska (USA).
Ask her about the weather. ____________________________?
The wind from the north brings cold air.
___________________________________? _____________________________?
It is October now. High humidity will bring wet weather.
___________________________________? ___________________________?
It is -13 °C at night and -3 °C in the afternoon. We expect snowstorms and blizzards.
___________________________________? ______________________________?
I stay at home and read a book.
The weather is cool and nippy.
Now I have a warm black and white fur coat on.
It may cause frostbites.
____________________________? In summer I usually wear light white cotton T-
Low pressure causes overcast sky. shirts.
14. Countries and climate. Study the map and characterize each climate region. Complete
the table to tell what countries can be in the climate regions and what natural disasters
are possible there.

Climate Regions Biome Seasons/Climate Disasters Countries

….. belongs to…….. There is… The weather is…. It may cause…
Tropical wet Rainforest Always hot and rainy

Tropical wet and Savannah Long rainy season, shorter dry

dry season
Tropical dry Desert Long dry season, shorter rainy
(desert) season
Subtropical Subtropical Mild winters, hot summers,
Mediterranean grassland and medium rainfall

Subtropical wet Subtropical Mild winters, hot summers, much
grassland rainfall
Subtropical dry Desert Mild winters, hot summers, little
Humid Steppe Long summers, short mild winters,
Continental – Deciduous much rainfall
Cyclonic / Continental

long summer forest

Humid Deciduous and Medium summers, colder winters,
Continental – boreal forest rainfall well-distributed

short summer (taiga)

Dry continental Grassland Hot summers, cold winters, little
Marine Deciduous Always mild and moist: “Never
continental forest cold in winter, never hot in
(marine west summer”
Polar Marine Tundra Long, cold winters, short, chilly

Polar Ice Cap Cold desert Always cold winter, no summers

Mountains Temperature becomes colder the higher the altitude

gets. More rainfall than on the surrounding flat land.

15. Fill in with the types of climate. Long winters, short
chilly summers

Hot summers, cold

winters,, few rains

16. Complete the sentences.

1. A cold climate with no summers, it is found in ______________________________________.
As there is little rain, this biome is called _________________________________________.
2. This climate is very comfortable (“Never cold in winter, never hot in summer”), it called
________________________ and it is found in ________________________________________
3. Savannah biome is different from desert biome in climate – the climate of savannah is
__________________________, while the climate of desert is ____________________________.
4. Siberian tundra has _________________________ climate with _______________ winters and
_______ _______________________ summers.
5. Rainforest biome is found in _______________________________ climate in such places as
6. Mongolia and the Great Plains of the USA are famous for their grasslands that are also called
prairies or steppes. They have _____________________________ climate with
____________________ summers and ___________________________ winters.
7. These are two types of humid continental climate. Ukraine has __________________________
climate, while Baltic countries have ______________________________ climate.
8. Subtropical grassland and forest are famous for _____________________ winters and
____________ summers, because there is _________________________________ climate.
9. The main biome of subtropical wet climate is ________________________________, it is found
in _________________________________________________________________________.
10. The main biome of subtropical dry climate is _______________________________________,
it is found in __________________________________________________________________.

17. Land and Water Forms
1. Copy the words to learn them:
Mountain Forms
Mountain peak Dome – купол = дім Plateau – плато (plate – тарілка)

Mountain range (ранжир = ряд) Mesa – AmEng. столова гора (Lat.

Hill – пагорб (холм)
Mountain chain ______________ mesa - стіл (де місять тісто)
________________________ ________________________
Cliff - обрив, скеля Canyon – Butte – AmEng. пагорб з
(clip = обрізати) каньон крутими схилами (на рівнині)
____________________ _______________ – його вітри б’ють _______________

Mountain Features
Cave – печера, западина = Volcano – вулкан Waterfall – водоспад
ковырять ___________________ _________ ____________
Flat land
Valley – долина Plain (Lat. plan, flat) – Lowland – низина
_______________ рівнина ___________ _____________________
2. Complete the sentences or answer the questions:
1. A mountain that looks like a table – ______________________ . 2. A gap in the mountains that has cliffs
and a river - ________________________. 3. A flat place between the mountains –
____________________. 4. A flat top of a mountain, looks like a plate – _______________________. 5.
Three forms of mountain tops are: ________________________6. What is wider – a butte or a mesa?
_______________________7. What is wider – a valley or a plain? – __________________________ 8.
What is higher – a mountain or a hill? ___________________. 9. May a mesa have mountain peaks? –
___________________10. Mountain chain is ______________(different from/ the same as) mountain
3. Complete the sentences with both, either, neither.
1. ____________ a dome and a mesa have no mountain peaks. 2. _____________ a dome __________ a mesa
has no mountain peaks. 3. _____________ a dome __________ a mesa has mountain peaks. 4. _________ a
butte and a cliff have steep sides. 5. ____________ a butte or a cliff has flat sides.6. ___________ a cave and a
volcano are in the mountains. 7. Travellers may see in the mountains ___________ a cave _________ a volcano.
4. Articles with the names of mountains: study the rules in the Grammar Bank and fill in the gaps:
1. _________ Hoverla is the highest peak in __________ Carpathians in Ukraine.
2. _________Alps are famous for such mountains as _______
3. __________ Rocky Mountains are in _____ USA and ______ Canada.
5. Study the scheme and complete the sentences:

1. The Alps are in ________________ and Southern Alps are in ___________________

2. The biggest mountain range in South America is ____________________________
3. Mountain chain in Alaska is called _______________________________________
4. In Japan the mountain range is called ____________________________________
5. Two mountain chains in Africa are ______________________________________
6. The most mountainous continent is ________________________, the longest mountain chain
there is __________________________________________________
6. Water Forms. Copy the words to learn them:
Bodies of Water __________________

ставок pond озеро lake - (from

(from pound – leak – текти – вода море sea океан ocean
фунт, міра ваги) натікає) ______________ ______________
______________ __________________
Moving Water _____________________

струмочок струмок потік, ріка stream ріка river
brook – “break” creek=“crook, hook” _________________ ________________
_______________ _________________
Wetlands _________________________

болото, багно трясовина, болото болото

marsh (from “mare”- море) bog = “full of bugs” swamp = “spongy ground”
_______________________ ______________________ _______________________
7. Complete the sentences or answer the questions:
1. What is bigger – a pond or a lake? _______________
2. What is smaller – a sea or an ocean? _____________________
3. Varieties of moving water - generally, the difference is size: you can step over a _______________,
jump over a ________________, wade across a _______________, and swim across a _______________.
4. A vast wetland, like a sea – _________________.
5. A wetland full of insects – ________________
6. A wetland with a ground like sponge – ________________.
8. Articles with water names:
We use article the before names of large bodies of water (seas, oceans, gulfs, straits, groups of lakes,
etc.): Do not use the when a single lake uses Lake as part of its name: Lake Titicaca is in both Peru and
1. One of _________ California's borders is with ______________ Pacific Ocean.
2. How large is _________ South China Sea in __________ Asia?
3. _________ Pacific Ocean is not far from ___________ Rocky Mountains.
4. The Mississippi River is in _________ North America.
5. __________ Lake Baikal is the biggest fresh water lake in _________ Asia.
6. __________ Africa’s biggest river is ________ Nile.
7. __________ Congo River gave name to the country of _________ Congo.
9. Study the expressions of equality and inequality, review the degrees of comparison and
compare the bodies of water.
1. The pond may be ______ big ________ the lake. 2. The brook is ______ so big ______ the stream.
3. The swamp is _____________ (dangerous) than the marsh.
4. The Nile is _______________ (long) river in the world.
5. The Mississippi is almost ________ long ________ the Yangtze.
6. The Mackenzie is almost ________ long ________ the Niger.
7. The Niger is ____________ so long _________ the Congo.
8. The Huang is _____________ as short ________ the Amur.
10. Tell about the land and water forms in your country by using the plan:
1. The most famous land forms in your country.
2. Typical land forms in your area.
3. The most famous water forms in your country.
4. Typical water forms in your area.
18. Describing Countries
1. Review the use of articles with geographical names and fill in with the or no article:
______ North, _______South, _______ North Pole,_______ South Pole , _______Europe, _______North America,
_______ Netherlands, ____________ United States,__________France, __________ Ukraine, _________Vatican ,
______ Great Lakes, _______Lake Geneva, ________Lake Baikal , ____________British Isles,
____________Canary Islands (the Canaries), ____________ Rocky Mountains, __________ Mount Vesuvius,
_________mount Goverla, __________Persian Gulf, ____________Gulf of Mexico, _____________Hudson Bay,
___________San Francisco Bay
2. Use the map “Country” and translate the words to review. Make a dialogue about any
Hemisphere What hemisphere is it Західна півкуля - ______________________________
in? Східна півкуля - ________________________________
It is in ……… Північна півкуля - ______________________________
Південна півкуля - ______________________________
Continent What continent is it in? Європа - ________________, Африка - _______________,
It is in…….. Австралія - _______________, Азія - ________________,
Північна Америка - _____________________________
Південна Америка - _____________________________
Oceans and What seas or oceans is it Атлантичний океан - __________________________
seas washed by? Індійський океан - __________________________
It is washed by …… Північний Льодовитий океан - ____________________
Тихий океан - _________________________________
Південний океан - _____________________________
Climate What climate is there? тропічний - ____________________________,
There is …… субтропічний - ___________, циклонний - ____________,
помірний - _____________________________,
субарктичний - _________________________ ,
полярний - _____________________________,
арктичний - ____________________________
Biomes What biomes are there? тропічний ліс - ______________, савана - _____________,
There is/ are …… пустеля - _________________, листяний ліс - ___________
_______________, степ - _____________, хвойний ліс -
___________________________, тайга - _____________,
тундра - _________________
Flag What flag has it got? Горизонтальний - ___________________, вертикальний -
There is / are …… _____________________, лівий - ____________________,
правий - __________________, верх - ________________,
низ - ______________________, кут - ________________,
смуга - ________________, фон - ___________________
Nationality Who lives there? Study the map and give the nationalities:
In …….live………… 1. Egypt – Egyptian. 2. Finland - __________________ 3.
New Zealand - __________________.
4. Norway - ___________________ 5. Japan -
_________________6. Belgiyml - ____________________.
7. China - _____________ 8. India - _________________9.
Peru - ________________. 10. Korea - _______________
11. France - ____________ 12. Mexico - ______________,
13. Turkey - _________________ 14. Spain – Spaniard.
15. Australia - __________________.

3. Connecting maps – study the mind map and explain how much you can tell about a
country. What maps do you need to do this? What topics are new?

4. Geography, Climate, plants and Animals – study the map and name the animals and
plants on various continents. Complete the table below to describe countries.

Country + Geographical Climate and Plants and Flag

People, who live position weather, animals
there disasters

19. Living in Different Countries
1. Read the text, complete the sentences and decide if the
statements below are true or false.
Hi, my name is Baruti and I live in Botswana.
My country is situated in the
___________________ (direction) of
_______________ (continent) and it is called a
landlocked country – it means that my country
is not washed by a sea or ocean.
It is bordered by ______________ ____________ to the south and
east, by _________________ to the west and by
__________________________ to the east.
Botswana is famous for two geographical features – it has the
massive Kalahari Desert, which covers more than 70 percent of
Botswana, spans 900,000 square kilometers, and touches nine
African countries. The Kalahari isn't a true desert because it gets more rainfall each year than most
deserts receive. So the desert is circled by savannah, with the baobab
trees and some baobabs are 2,000 years old.
Another striking feature of Botswana is wetlands – they appeared
in the Okavango delta is one of the world’s most significant wetlands and
a World Heritage site. In this area you can find all types of moving water:
_____________________________________ and wetlands :
Botswana has a subtropical desert climate characterized by great differences in day and night
temperatures, and low humidity overall. It receives virtually no rainfall for six months of the year, with
the wettest months being December to March. Winter and summer is at opposite times of the year as
Europe and North America, and they correspond to the Dry and Wet season respectively.
Traditionally, natives of Botswana made their houses of mud and grass, which are
plenty in the area.
Botswana is proud of its developed tourist industry, when thousands of people come
for safari to see the largest in body size of all living elephants; they number more than
50,000. It’s also home for meerkats, cheetas, lions, giraffes, jackals, hyenas. Botswana is
also a destination for birdwatchers because many bird species stop at the wetlands as they
migrate and many others live in the national parks and many others live there all year round.
The greater and lesser flamingos are colorful residents of Botswana.
Botswanan traditional cuisine is based on various kinds of meat and fish, because Botswanans have
natural resources for that.

True or false?
1. Baruti’s country is “locked” inside the continent. – T/F. _____________________________
2. Kalahari Desert is situated in Botswana only. – T/F _______________________________
3. There are many swamps in Botswana – T/F ___________________________________
4. Temperatures during day and night are almost the same there – T/F ___________________
5. Traditional houses are made of the natural materials that can be found there – T/F ____________
6. Botswana’s animals weight more than animals in other countries. – T/F ___________________
7. There number of birds in Botswana grows during the migration season. – T/F _______________
8. People in Botswana hunt and fish a lot. – T/F _________________________________

2. Fill in the table with the information from the text. Use the phrases in bold from the
text and the information from the table to tell about Austria. Fill the table and tell about
Botswana Austria Ukraine
Oceans and seas

Land and water The Alps cover 62 percent of the

forms country's total area. Three major
Alpine ranges--the Northern Alps,
Central Alps, and Southern Alps--run
west to east through Austria. There
are numerous mountain rivers,
streams, brooks and waterfalls.
The Danube River It is the only major
European river that flows eastward
Climate There are three differentiating
climatic regions:
East: Pannonian climate with a
continental influence – low
Seasons precipitation, hot summers, but only
moderately cold winters.
Alpine Regions: Alpine climate -
high precipitation (except inner alpine
Weather valley regions such as the Upper
Inntal), short summers, long winters.
Remainder of the Country:
Transient climate influenced by the
Biomes Atlantic (in the West) and a
continental influence in the South-

appearance +
typical clothes

Food Sausages, dairy products

Dwelling Wooden houses
Activities Skiing, snowboarding

3. Explain how they are connected:

1. Country’s position + climate  native people’s appearance and clothes
2. Geographical features  typical food, dwelling, activities
20. City Places and Services
1. Locations and Directions
Location is the place where a building is located.
A. Translate the following prepositions of location to review them:
Opposite - _________________, next to - ____________________, beside - ______________,
in front of - ________________, behind - __________________, across - _________________, between
- __________________, on the left - _________________, on the right - ___________________,
Directions are the ways of how to get from one place to another:
B. Translate the following directions to review them:
Go straight ahead - _____________________, go up - ____________________, go down -
___________________, turn right - ________________________, turn left - ____________________,
cross - ___________________________, go past the……- ______________________________.
2.City places and locations – study the map and tell
A. what building is…..

1. To the left of the city hospital and news agent’s - _______________________

2. Opposite the city park across First Avenue - _________________________
3. Between the café and the restaurant - ______________________________
4. Behind the coffee shop if you are in the drug store - _________________________
5. Your variant - _______________________________________________________
B. how to get….
1. From the bowling club to the restaurant - ________________________________________________
2. From the gallery to the church - _______________________________________________________
3. From the flower shop to the bank - _____________________________________________________
4. From the dentistry to the hotel - _______________________________________________________
5. Your variant - _____________________________________________________________________
3. Grammar - Causative Passive: To have smth. done – study the examples and pictures
and elicit the grammar rule:
1. We didn't want to cook so we had a pizza delivered.' 2. 'I have my car washed at that
new place by the station.' 3. 'I am going to have / get my watch fixed'
Matilda has her hair styled in the
Jessica styles her hair every day.

4. Review topic “City” and tell where in the city you can get these services:
1. A ________________________is a place where you can have your computer fixed.
2. A ___________________ is a place where you can have your suit cleaned.
3. A _______________________ is a place where you can have flowers delivered.
4. A _____________________ is a place where you can have your hair cut.
5. A _________________ is a place where you can have your teeth checked.
6. An _____________________ is a place where you can have your eyes checked.
7. A __________________ is a place where you can have your car repaired.

5. A. Review the words in blue bubbles. Complete the sentences with city place, city people
and activities you can do in the city. Go back to the map in task 2 and tell where the places
are located.
B. Review modal verbs in the Grammar Bank. Explain the use of modal verbs.
Services and Healthcare
Міські жителі користуються послугами багатьох професій - _____________________________ papers
1. If you need to put money into the ________________ (банківський рахунок), you should account
go to the __________________ (place), and be helped by a ___________________(person). hair-do
The bank is located _______________________________________________ treatment
2. If you want to receive your _______________________ (пошта), you have to ask problems
a __________________ (person) at the ______________________ (place). It is located trip
__________________________________________________________________________ post
3. Your ___________________ (папери), may be translated at the __________________ (place) check-up
by a ________________(person). It is located _________________________________________ appliances
4. Holiday makers are able to plan their ________________(подорож) with a __________________ accidents
(person) at the ______________________ (place). It is located ____________________________ broken car
_______________________________________________________________________________ diagnosis
5. If you need a new ___________________ (зачіска), you should go to a ________________ (place),
and be helped by a ________________(person). It is located _________________________________
6. Sick people ought to visit a ________________________(place) or a _____________________ (place) for
________________________ (огляд) and ________________________(діагноз). It is located ________________
There they are helped by a ____________________ (person) and a _____________________ (person).
7. People with toothache must go to the ___________________(place). It is located
The ____________________ (person) will provide ____________________(лікування).
8. City businessmen may settle their _____________________________(проблеми) at the city hall, with a
_____________________ (person). It is located _____________________________________________________
9. Road __________________ (події) are to be reported to the ______________________ (people) at the
______________ (place). It is located _____________________________________________________________
10. If any of your home ________________ (прилади) is broken, you might take it to the ____________________
(person) at the ______________________ (place). It is located _________________________________________
11. A _____________________ (зламана машина) could be repaired by a _____________________ (person) at
the ___________________ (place). It is located _____________________________________________________

C. Name the city places where you can have something done
E.g. I can have my tooth filled in the dentistry.

21. City Transport and Furniture
1. Street Furniture – translate to review.
Вулиця - ___________________________, перехід - ______________________, підземний перехід -
___________________________, знаки для пішоходів - _____________________________, світлофор -
________________________, дорожні знаки - ________________________, бордюр - ____________________,
паркінг - _______________________, «лежачий поліцейський» - ____________________________, туалет -
2. City roads . Review and fill in the gaps:
1. It is used to regulate the movement of transport - ____________________.
2. Pedestrians to walk along the streets safely on the ________________________________
3. Pedestrians may cross the road on the ________________, through the ____________________.
4. Cyclists have to ride on the ________________ in order not to crash with the cars and pedestrians.
5. _________________is necessary for the drivers and pedestrians to locate zebra crossing.
6. Passengers may board public transport there - _______________________________
7. ____________________________ divides the road and the side walk.
Roads: A road where the cars move in a circle - _____________________, a place where roads cross -
__________________________, a road for bycycles - __________________, a road that is under a bridge
- ____________________, a road that leads nowhere - _________________________.
3. Review street types and fill in the table to tell about them:
Street type Roads Places for Furniture
On the ……… vehicles move on… Pedesrians can go Such street is
……. equipped with……….

4. City transport – review the map and complete the definitions.

Buses: A bus with two floors (decks) - ________________, a bus that moves on electricity with
trolleys - ____________________, a vehicle smaller than a bus but bigger than a car -
Service cars: a car that takes patients to hospitals - ___________________, a vehicle that sweeps roads
- _________________, a car for policemen - _____________, a vehicle equipped to fight fire -
_________________, a vehicle that delivers goods - _____________, truck that carries litter and
garbage to special places - ________________; a vehicle that plows (= плуг) snow _____________,
Construction cars: a truck that has a flat platform - _______________________, a truck that makes
tracks (= pulls) - __________________, ;a a truck that can dump (сваливать) its cargo (груз) -
___________________, a truck that doses (=gives a dose) like a bull - ______________, a truck that
makes holes or caves (ex + cave) - ________________.

5. Angelina from Lima (Peru) was asked to describe her city using the given questions.
Read her description. Tell what questions she did not answer. Tell about your city.

Angelina is Peruvian, she lives in the big city of Lima. Here what she tells about her city:
Lima is the capital city (where the government works),
and is considered the most important and largest city of Peru.
75% of the Peruvian economy is handled in Lima. Lima is the
industrial and financial center of Peru, and one of the most
important financial centers in Latin America. It’s a huge city with the
population over 9 million people.
Lima is situated on the Peruvian coastal plain, within the valleys of the
Chillón, Rímac and Lurín rivers. The city slopes gently from the shores of
the Pacific Ocean into valleys and mountain slopes located as high as 1,550
meters above sea level. Within the city are isolated hills that are not
connected to the surrounding hill chains.
It is an important city of South America and the entrance to Peru.
Lima is city in constant urban growth, so here you can see various buildings
– from old brick churches to modern sky scrapers. The buildings are placed on various streets – squares,
avenues and boulevards. City transport includes numerous buses and the Metropolitan Transport System
- a new, integrated system, consisting of a network of buses that run in exclusive corridors under the Bus
Rapid Transit system (BST)
Lima is home to one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in the New World. The National
University of San Marcos, founded on 12 May 1551, during the Spanish colonial empire, is the first
officially established and the oldest continuously functioning university in the Americas.
Lima has developed an important tourism industry, characterized by its historic center,
archeological sites, nightlife, museums, art galleries, festivals, popular traditions, and gastronomy. Lima
is considered Americas’ gastronomical capital.
True or false:
1. Lima is larger than any other cities in Peru. – T/F _____________________
2. Lima’s landforms slope into the Pacific Ocean – T/F ________________
3. Lima has a variety of buildings – T/F _______________________________
4. Lima has a unique system of public transport – T/F ___________________________

6. Describe the city streets by answering the questions.

1. What types of streets are there? ________________________________________________

2. Which street is the widest? - ____________________, the narrowest? -
_________________, has trees in the middle? - __________________________________
3. How does street furniture help drivers and pedestrians?
a. Street signs - _________________________________________________
b. Parking sign - ________________________________________________
c. Street clock - ________________________________________________
d. Pedestrian crossing - _________________________________________
e. Traffic lights - _____________________________________________
f. Traffic signs - ______________________________________________
4. What types of cars can you see? - ______________________________________________
5. What city dwellers are there? - ________________________________________________
6. What time is it? - ___________________________________________________________

7. Describe what city dwellers are doing by using constructions with Participle I
E.g. I see a man. He is selling toys = I see a man selling toys.
1. There is a garbage truck with workers. They are collecting garbage = __________________
2. I see many people. They are crossing streets = ____________________________________
3. Taxi/ park/ parking lot - _____________________________________________________
4. A woman/ sell press/ newsstand - ______________________________________________
5. Firefighters/ get ready to go - _________________________________________________
6. Policeman/ control traffic/ on the road - _________________________________________
7. ________________________________________________________________________
8. ________________________________________________________________________

8. Grammar – Past tenses. Compare Past Simple to Past Continuous, Past Perfect and
Past Perfect Continuous by filling the table. Describe the activities of city dwellers by
using the information from the table.

Past Simple = Past Continuous = Past Perfect = Past Perfect

facts in the past process in the past result in the past Continuous = period
in the past
Time words:______ Time words:________ Time words:_______ Time words:_______
_______________ __________________ _________________ ___________________
1. Yesterday Anna She ________________ (to She _______________ (to By that time she
___________ (to spend) the sell) a magazine when the sell) almost all ______________________
whole day selling newspapers garbage truck came. newspapers and five __ (to sell) press for seven
in the news stand. magazines by 6.30 p.m.. hours.

2.Policeman Brown/ be tired/ He/ control traffic and He/ to prevent / several He/ to control traffic/ since
at 6.30 pedestrians road accidents 8 a.m.
_________________________ _______________________ _____________________ _____________________
_________________________ _______________________ _____________________ ______________________

3. Mike/ to work with his dad. He/ to help/ to collect They/ to collect/ 15 They/ to collect garbage/
_________________________ garbage garbage bins for 3 hours.
_________________________ _______________________ _____________________ _____________________
_______________________ _____________________ ______________________

4.Mary Smith/ to hurry/ home She/ to cross the street / at He/ to finish/ her work She/ to work/ since early
_________________________ 6.30 p.m. _____________________ morning.
_________________________ _______________________ _____________________ _____________________
_______________________ ______________________
5.Roy Jackson/ to go back He/ to leave office. He/ to complete / day He/ to do all work from 9
home. _______________________ work/ a.m.
_________________________ _______________________ _____________________ _____________________
_________________________ _____________________ ______________________

6.Firefighters/ to get ready They/ to prepare/ for the They/ to clean/ the cars They/ to prepare cars/ from
_________________________ night. _____________________ 4 p.m.
_________________________ _______________________ _____________________ _____________________
_______________________ ______________________

9. Tell what happened to you at and by certain time in the past.

22. Entertainment Places in the City
1.Review the map “Entertainment Places” and complete the table:
Place Shows Performers Place Audience
At the …….. visitors can watch that is performed on the ……… Spectators can…..
…….. by ….


Opera house

Concert hall



2. Give verbs to the nouns to make phrases:

1. to watch a show. 2. __________________ to the cinema. 3.
________________________ in the show. 4. ___________________ tickets. 5.
________________________ coats in the cloakroom. 6. __________________ pictures in
the foyer. 7. __________________ snacks and drinks. 8. __________________ for
3. Transform active into passive
1. Visitors saw the ad at the entrance. - __________________________________________________
2. My brother has bought tickets at the box office. - _______________________________________
3. We’ll leave coats and bags at the cloak room. - _________________________________________
4. Visitors are looking at the pictures in the foyer. - ________________________________________
5. They were buying brinks at the buffet. - ________________________________________________
6. We had bought souvenirs at the shop - _________________________________________________
7. Visitors use toilet at WC. - ___________________________________________________________
4. Review the use of articles with city places and fill in the blanks with the, a/an or no article:
1. James visited ________ Hermitage, _______famous museum in ______St. Petersburg.
2. Are you going to celebrate ___ Halloween at ________ Trafalgar Square this year?
3. __________ Wal-Mart is _______ biggest shop in ______ USA.
4. ____ Queen of______ UK often shops at _____ Harrods, which is the most famous shop in ______
5. _______ Odeon is a popular name for cinemas in _____Anglo-speaking countries.
6. I arrived in _____ Liverpool by ______ British Airlines ______ week ago.
7. _______ British Museum is _______ home for ______ famous collection of paintings.
8. _______ Mona Lisa is _____ most famous picture in ______ Louvre.
9. ______ William Shakespeare created _____ Globe - _____ first English theater.

5. Tell the story using Past Simple, Past Continuous Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous.
Fact + Result:
One day Liza and Mike ___________________ (to decide) to
go to the circus because they ____________________ (to see)
the advertisement.
Fact + Fact + Process:
When they _______________ (to come) to the circus, they
__________________ (to see) a clown, who
_______________________________ (to invite) visitors.
The clown _______________ (to hold) hot air balloons and
_____________________ (to smile).
Result + Fact
After Liza and Mike ___________________ (to buy) tickets,
the performance ________________________ (to start).
Process + Process:
The spectators _____________________ (to watch) the
performance and the clown ____________________ (to
entertain) them.
Period + Fact: The audience ________________(to watch) the
show for 20 minutes and ___________(to be) very excited.
Fact + Result:
But the clown _______________ (to be) not happy because his
partner _____________________ (to fall) ill.
Result + Fact
After Liza ___________________ (to see) the problem, she
________________ (to decide) to help.
Fact + Fact:
She _______________ (to take) the bike and _____________
(to begin) riding it.
Process + Process: The spectators _______________ (to
watch) how Liza __________________(to help) the clown.
Fact + Result: Liza _______________ (to be) satisfied because
she _____________________ (to help) the clown.
Period + Fact: The clown ________________(to perform)
well during the show and he ___________(to be) proud of it.

6. Review Present Tenses to tell more about Liza and Mike’s hobbies.
Name Fact in present = Fact in past = Period in present Result in Present =
Pres. Simple _________ =
to be into cycling start 3 years ago cycle for 3 years participate in seven
______________ ______________ ______________ competitions _________
Liza _______________ _______________ _______________ ____________________
to be into painting start last year pain for a year participate in school
______________ ______________ ______________ exhibition __________
Mike _______________ _______________ _______________ ____________________

23. Sport Events in the City
1. Sports collocations. Complete with do, go or play.

2. Players do different actions with a ball. They

бити кидати-ловити тримати в повітрі пропускати

hit a ball throw – catch a ball volley a ball miss a ball
in________________ in_____________________ in________________ in______________
_________________ _______________________ __________________ ________________

передати (пас) бити ногою набивати вести м’яч ззакинути подати

pass a ball kick a balll bounce a ball dribble a ball shoot a ball serve a ball
in_______________________ in________________________ in________________________
_________________________ __________________________ __________________________

to dive in to climb in to ride in

__________________ ________________ __________________

to lift in ___________________ to score in _________________ to tackle in _________________

3. Sport actions. Connect the sports to the actions. Tell more about these sports.
…………………….requires………………………..in/on/at…………………. (place)
Tennis Riding a bike ________________________________________

Swimming Hitting a puck with a stick _________________________

Rugby Using your body to move ______________________________

Cycling Hitting a shuttlecock with a racket _____________________

Gymnastics Hitting a ball with a bat ________________________________

Badminton Bouncing a ball with your hands _______________________

Baseball Hitting a ball with a racket on the tennis court___________

Ice Hockey Moving through water _________________________________

Basketball Tackling opponents ________________________________

4. Sport Events. Read the poster to the event and answer the questions about it.
What is the name of the event?
In what dates will it take place?
How long will it last?
What is the price of the tickets?
How many people can be there?
Can the spectators buy food there?
What souvenirs can they buy?
5. Read the text and answer the questions about the event:
The Victory of the Vulcan What happened? __________
The Vulcan team won the final match of ___________________________
the Starling Cup after scoring 3-1 Where did it happen? ______
against their opponents, the Blackjack. ___________________________
The football match which took place at How many people were there?
the Bay Metro stadium ended on __________________________
Monday with 5000 people crowding the stadium to give support to the teams
during the final. The match started at 8.00 p.m. For the first half an hour of When did the match start? ____
the match, Vulcan did not score any goals while Blackjack scored one straight ___________________________
away. After several attempts, many passes and serves, the team managed to Who scored the first goal?
score their first goal at exactly 9.00 p.m. and they continued to score goals __________________________
until the end of the game. When did Vulcan won the last
This was the first time Vulcan had won the cup since 1996 where they scored time? ______________________
1-0 over the All Red team. In 2006, they made it to the final but lost to What did people think about the
Blackjack. The victory was considered as an acknowledgement of the team’s victory? - _______________
determination to make their district proud. “It was worth the time and money What did their supporter say? -
I spent on every match, each team really stepped up their game” said one of ___________________________
the Vulcan strong supporters, Brian Thomas. Who welcomed them?
The Vulcan was welcomed with huge crowds and loud cheers from the ___________________________
residents of Hillbay when they returned home.
6. Write about the sport event you visited using past tenses:
Facts Name of the event:_____________________________________________
Date and time: _________________________________________________
Visitors: _____________________________________________________
Facts in the past: ____________________________________________________
Process: While: _________________________________________________________________
When: ________________________________________________________________

Result By: ___________________________________________________________________

Emotions: ______________________________________________________________
Period + Since/ For: _____________________________________________________________
24. Leisure Places in the City
1.Review the map “Entertainment Places” and complete the table:
Place Displays Animals/ objects People (Workers)
At the …….. visitors can …….. with ………. ………works there and ….


Botanical garden




Aqua park

2. Practice Conditional 1 by answering the following questions:

Where will you go if…
…you want to see living exotic animals? – If I want to see animals I will go to the zoo.
…you want to visit an art exhibition? – ______________________________________________
…you want to touch an exotic plant? – _______________________________________________
…you want to know how a shark looks like? – _________________________________________
…you want to learn more about history? – ____________________________________________
…you want to see pre-historic animals? – ____________________________________________
…you want to see a statues and fountains? – __________________________________________
…you wanted to see a football game? – ______________________________________________
3. Fill in the table to compare entertainment and leisure places.
Entertainment places Both Leisure places
Names of places

Visitors come for

Possible activities


Places you visit most

Places you have not
visited yet

4. Review Present Tenses to tell more about Grade 7
of Lincoln Middle School (Utah, USA).

Fact in present = Fact in past = Period in present = Result in Present =

Pres. Simple _________
to like doing bus trips to start in grade 5 to do bus trips for 2 to visit museum, art gallery,
______________ ______________ years botanical garden and animal
_______________ _______________ ______________ reserve _____________
_______________ ________________________

5. Tell about their trips by using past tenses.

Visiting the Antique Museum

Fact + Result:
Firstly they __________________ (to decide) to go to the antique museum because they
____________________ (to learn) about Ancient Greece and Rome at the lessons.
Process + Process:
While they _______________ (to listen) to the guide, they __________________ (to review) many
important facts.
Period + Fact:
By the end of the excursion they ___________ (to listen) to the guide for more than 3 hours, so many
students _______________(to be) tired.
Fact + Result:
However, they _________(to be) satisfied because they _________________(to learn) many new facts.
Visiting the Botanical Garden
Fact + Result:
Then they __________________ (to visit) the botanical garden because they ____________________
(to study) plants of the region at the Nature Studies lessons.
Process + Process:
While the gardener _______________ (to tell) about plants and insects, kids __________________ (to
touch) all trees, flowers and bushes.
Period + Fact:
By the end of the tour they ___________ (to learn) about the world of plants for 4 hours, so many
students _______________(to be) tired.
Fact + Result:
However, most kids _________(to be) excited because they _________________(to learn) about the
world around them..

6. Tell about your last trip to a leisure place using present and past tenses.

7. Read the text and fill in the table with past tenses.
A Visit to the Zoo
Author: Sarah Koivula
Mrs. Penelope Fumbletop is both kind and gentle. Penelope likes the colour red and always wears her
yellow hat; she says it brings her luck. She has nine adopted children who she loves with all her heart. One
Saturday she woke up early in the morning and shouted, “Get up everybody! We are all going somewhere special
today!” Almost all of her children thought they were going to the park as they usually do on the weekend. But
this time, they guessed incorrectly.
Annie and Pablo were excited; they knew where they were going because they had heard their mother
booking ten tickets a few days ago. “One adult and nine children, that’s right”, she had said on the phone. Annie
and Pablo jumped out of bed and shouted “Ben, Bailey, William, Angela, Taylor, Toby and Lola – GET UP!
We’re all going to the ZOO!” They were all washed, dressed and eating breakfast Penelope could hardly believe
The Fumbletop family was the first to enter the Zoo. William wanted to visit the giraffes because he
liked their long necks, “almost like the diplodocus’ neck!” he said happily. Giraffe’s and balloons fascinated
William. He wanted to take a giraffe home. Penelope said they did not have space to keep a pet giraffe at home,
“and besides, it would miss its friends, don’t you think William?”. William agreed, he didn’t want the giraffe to
be sad.
Ben and Toby were both excited to see the crocodiles, especially their big teeth. “Look over here
William!” Ben said, he pointed to the still crocodile lying in the sun, “See, now that’s a real dinosaur!” he said
proudly. This cheered William up a bit. Beside the enclosure, the zoo had a sign saying ‘20-MINUTE HOT-
AIR BALLOON RIDE WITH A NEW CROCODILE FRIEND – ONLY $10!’ Ben and Toby both begged their
mother to please let them have a ride. The crocodile handler smiled and said, “it is quite safe Miss, the crocs
have already had their breakfast”. “Alright Ben you can go… but Toby, I am sorry, you are too small to ride
with the crocs – next time dear, I promise”. Toby was upset. “Toby, I can get you a crocodile outfit from the
souvenir shop instead, ok?” Penelope said. “Yes! Ok! ok! ok!” Toby shouted excitedly. Ben was lifted into the
hot-air balloon together with a crocodile named Larry and they set off over the Zoo. “I’ll see you in 20 minutes
honey, have fun!” Penelope said. With one hand Ben was waving goodbye to his mother and siblings, with his
other hand he was petting his new crocodile friend, Larry.
After waving goodbye to their brother, Angela and Taylor took their siblings toward the hippopotamus
enclosure. Taylor wanted to see the “little fat water-elephant”, as she called it. Angela had seen a documentary
on TV that said that the hippo was one of the most dangerous animals. She wanted to see its big teeth. The
enclosure was dirty and smelled bad. Taylor said, “they do look quite funny”. “Look funny!? - They stink!” said
Angela. “Well honey, in the wild they wouldn’t live like this” Penelope responded. “So, in the wild they
wouldn’t smell so bad?” Angel asked. “No, I don’t think so” Penelope replied. “Maybe it’s their bath-time soon”
William said. “Yeah, maybe” Penelope responded, laughing a little.
Pablo had been asking his mother for a pet cat for a long time. Pablo was obsessed with cats, all types
of cats! House-cats, lions, panthers, jaguars, cheetahs, leopards, cougars and TIGERS! Pablo had never been to
a zoo before, but as he loved animals he thought he would like the daytrip. But Pablo did think the sizes of the
enclosures were too small. Maybe giraffes and crocodiles don’t need all that much free space, but a tiger – yes,
a tiger needs lots of space, he thought to himself. He felt bad for the cats and started to cry.
“Goodness darling! What is wrong, don’t you like seeing real tigers?” asked Penelope. By this time baby
Lola had started crying as well. She always started crying if she saw or heard someone else crying. Penelope
was panicking because she knew this situation was not good. Often, if one sibling was unhappy, soon they all
would be. The idea of having eight children crying outside the tiger enclosure was not a good one. And she
didn’t like seeing them sad.
What happened next surprised her very much. A small tiger had climbed out of the enclosure and jumped
up right behind Pablo. Penelope panicked, thinking the ferocious animal was about to pounce and eat her beloved
Pablo – when it said, “Miiaoooow” and stroked itself on Pablo’s side. Penelope realized it was a tiger cub. Pablo
turned around and smiled when he saw the cat. He picked it up the big kitten with some difficulty and said,
“Please mummy can we keep the kitty? Please, PLEASE”. Penelope’s face looked down at the ground and was
quiet for a moment. She looked up and said “Well, I suppose we have enough space for a nice little kitty in the

8. Use the facts from the text and the fact
file to tell about the Fumbletop family
People in the family: 10
Mom: ____________________________
Mom’s age: 45
Job: home maker
Activity: fifteen years ago she adopted 9 children

9. Read the text and describe each kid

using the info from the text:
Basic facts: name, age, etc. Activities before and while visiting the zoo
Annie ______________________________








Lola ______________________________

10. Complete the sentences with Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.
1. Annie and Pablo were excited; they knew where they were going because __________________
2. Taylor wanted to see the “little fat water-elephant” because _____________________________
3. Pablo wanted to see lions and panthers because ______________________________________
4. A small tiger jumped up to Pablo because ___________________________________________
11. Review Character Traits and describe Mrs. Penelope Fumbletop basing on the facts from the

25. Shopping in the City
1. What shop will you go to if you want to buy…
1. A beret, a kerchief and a scarf may be bought at ____________________________(shop). It’s a
_________________ (kind) shop. There works ___________________________________ (seller).
2. Toys, games and puzzles may be bought at ________________(shop). It’s a _______________ (kind) shop.
3. Pens, pencils, copybooks may be bought at ________________ (shop). It’s a _______________ (kind) shop
4. Tools for fixing may be bought at ____________________ (shop). It’s a _________________ (kind) shop
5. Lamps and light bulbs may be bought at _________________ (shop). It’s a ________________ (kind) shop
6. Food for animals may be bought at ____________________ (shop). It’s a _________________ (kind) shop
7. Rings, earrings, bracelets, brooches may be bought at _________________ (shop). It’s a
_________________ (kind) shop
8. Gloves, bags, belts, purses may be bought at _______________ (shop). It’s a _______________ (kind) shop
9. Shoes and sandals may be bought at __________________ (shop). It’s a _________________ (kind) shop
10. A bed may be bought at ____________________ (shop). It’s a _________________ (kind) shop
11. A skirt may be bought at ____________________ (shop). It’s a _________________ (kind) shop
12. A man’s suit may be bought at ____________________ (shop). It’s a _________________ (kind) shop
13. Eye drops may be bought at ____________________ (shop). It’s a _________________ (kind) shop
14. Flowers may be bought at ____________________ (shop). It’s a _________________ (kind) shop
15. Glasses or contact lenses may be bought at _______________ (shop). It’s a _______________ (kind) shop
16. A TV set may be bought at ____________________ (shop). It’s a _________________ (kind) shop
17. A sports suit may be bought at ____________________ (shop). It’s a _________________ (kind) shop
18. Bed linen and towels may be bought at _________________ (shop). It’s a ________________ (kind) shop
19. Perfumes and toiletries may be bought at ________________ (shop). It’s a _______________ (kind) shop
20. Books and postcards may be bought at _________________ (shop). It’s a ________________ (kind) shop
21. Musical instruments may be bought at _________________ (shop). It’s a _________________ (kind) shop
22. Computers may be bought at ____________________ (shop). It’s a _________________ (kind) shop
2. Give verbs to the nouns to make phrases:
1. to take a shopping basket. 2. ___________________ the aisle. 3. __________________ good
from shelves. 4. ______________________ for special offers. 5. _____________________ for
sale price. 6. _______________________ price on a price tag. 7. ____________________ food.
8. _____________________ apples. 9. ___________ an iron. 10. _____________________
purchase. 11. ______________ at the cash desk. 12. ________________ a receipt. 13.
________________ an eco-bag.
3. Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns. Review and do the tasks.
1. Fill in “much” or “many”.
a) How ……………………… wine? e) How ……………………. water?
b) How …………..……… children? f) How …………………… glasses?
c) How ……………….…….. shops? g) How …………………… bread?
d) How …………………... pencils? h) How …………………… tea?
2. Fill in with “few” (countable nouns) or “little” (uncountable nouns).
a. There’s ……………………. bread.
b. There are ………………………. grapes.
c. There are …………………….. pears.
d. There’s ………………………… money.
e. There are …………………… biscuits.
3. Fill in “some” or “any”.

Stephanie is packing her suitcase. She needs …… …….…… shoes. She doesn’t need to take ……………
boots. She needs ……………. dresses and ………… blouses. She doesn’t need ……………..… jumpers
or gloves. She doesn’t need …….……. warm clothes at all. She needs ……………. jeans and she needs
…………… money of course.
4. Food containers
A _____ of bread 2. A ______ of cheese 3. A _____ of butter 4. A _______ of beer 5. A _________ of
eggs 6. A _____ of water 7. A ______ of soup 8. A _______ of milk 9. A _______ of potato chips 10. A
______ of wine 11. A _________ of sugar 12. A ______of toothpaste 12.. A ________ of crackers 13. A
_______ of mayonnaise.
4. A. Look at the scheme of a supermarket. Describe its departments, what you may buy
there and in what packages.

1. In the grocery department you can buy flour is bags, ___________________________________

2.In the dairy department you can buy ________________________________________________
3. In the meat department you can buy ________________________________________________
4. In the perfumery you can buy ____________________________________________________
5. In the house goods department you can buy __________________________________________
B. Supermarket Psychology Tricks – what supermarkets do to make us buy more. Study the scheme and say
what trick it is:
1. Supermarkets keep most important items – meat, dairy, vegetables on the perimeter. As 90% of people are right
handed they go counterclockwise and this puts them closer to the shelves. -_5_
2. Fruit, vegetables and flowers are often placed at the entrance. The fresh smells and bright colours make shoppers
feel positive – _______
3. Most important foods such as dairy are placed at the distant end of the supermarket, so that the shoppers could
see and buy more items on their way. – _______
4. They use red signs with discounts and often put red tags on the goods that are not on sale – ___
5. Expensive goods and the goods the shop wants to sell first are positioned on the eye level – ___
6. The lines to the cashier are often lined with the chocolates, so that you may impulsively take them as you wait
for the cashier – ______________.

Reported Speech and Reporting Verbs
1. Commands / Requests / Suggestions – study the rules, translate reporting verbs and
transform the sentences into reported speech. Use he and me as in the example.
Positive: Infinitive Negative: not + Infinitive
He said to Jane: “Come in ” He said to Jane: “Don’t come in ”.
He asked Jane to come in. He asked Jane not to come in.
Reporting verbs – translate and study the examples:
Requests: ask - ________________: “Please, come in”, = He asked me to come in.
tell - _________________.
Commands: order - _______________: “Do it! ” _______________________________
“Don’t do it!” ___________________________________________________
advise - ____________: “You should do it”______________________________
“You shouldn’t do it!” ________________________________________________
Suggestions: offer - ____________: “Jane, would you like a cup of tea?”
suggest - _______________: “Let’s go to the cinema together!”
“Let’s not watch this film”____________________________________________________
Reactions: agree - _____________: “Yes”, ___________________________________
disagree - ____________: “No, I don’t think so”, ____________________________
refuse - ______________ “I am not going with you”, _________________________
apologize _______________ “Sorry, I have no time”
Promise: promise - _____________: “I’ll do it for you”,

2. Report the words of people:

Sorry, I have no time

Mary, let’s go shopping
Rita ………………………………………… …………………………………………………..

Don’t come close to the Yes, sure!

counter, boy!
The man The boy ………………………………….
I’ll buy you new
Thank you!

Mom The girls ……………………………………..

Can you show me your
passport, please? No, I won’t do it!
The policeman The man
………………………………… …………………………………………………

Let’s read the text! Yes, let’s read.

The teacher The student

…………………………….. …………………………………………………..

Could you do me a
favour, Jane? Sorry, I have no time

You should practice your Sorry, I don’t have a computer!
listening skill every day.

Teacher……………………………….. Student…………………………………………

3. Report the conversation at the shop:

Sales assistant: Hi.
The sails assistant ____________________________________________________________________
Customer: Hello. Can I you help me to choose a new sofa?
The customer: ________________________________________________________________
Sales assistant: Certainly, here is the catalogue.
The sails assistant ____________________________________________________________________
Customer: Thank you. Let me look it through.
The customer ____________________________________________________________________
Sales assistant: Ok.
The sails assistant ___________________________________________________________________
Customer: Please, advise me on the big sofas for a living room.
The customer ____________________________________________________________________
Sales assistant: Would you like modern or classic style?
The sails assistant ____________________________________________________________________
Customer: Classic style, please.
The customer ___________________________________________________________________
Sales assistant: Would you like bright or dim colours?
The sails assistant ______________________________________________________________________
Customer: Dark blue.
The customer: __________________________________________________________________
Sales assistant: Here is a good sample.
The sails assistant ____________________________________________________________________
Customer: Thank you! I like it, but I need to talk to my wife.
The customer __________________________________________________________________
Sales assistant: Goodbye.
The sails assistant ____________________________________________________________________

26. Eating Out
1. Places for eating out – match the words with the pictures and tell what food you may get there.
1. Coffee bar with coffee, tea and cakes.
2. Café with ___________________________________
3. Sandwich bar with _____________________________
4. Fast Food Restaurant with _______________________
5. Pub with _____________________________________
6. Sushi-bar with ________________________________
7. Pizza Parlor with ______________________________
8. Snack - bar with _______________________________
9. Students’ canteen with __________________________
10. Restaurant with _______________________________
2. Compare the places for eating out by using the table.
Restaurants, Self-service places, Fast-food restaurants,
for example : __________ for example : _________ for example : __________
_____________________ ______________________ ______________________
Empasis on Uniqueness Variety of dishes and Speed
Dishes Exclusive dishes made by Various casual dishes Fast cooked dishes
a chef
Courses All courses All courses Limited number of courses
Guests are A waiter Themselves, a cleaner mat Themselves, they have to
helped by clean the table after them clean the table after
Prices High Affordable Low
1. A restaurant is more exclusive than a self-service place. 2. ________________ is quicker than
___________________. 3. __________________ is the quickest of all. 4. _____________________ is
more expensive than _____________. 5. _________________ is less expensive than
___________________. 6. _______________ is the least expensive of alll. 7. __________________ has
fewer courses than ________________________. 8. ______________ has the smallest number courses
of all. 9 ____________________ has no helpers. 9. ____________________ has almost the same variety
of dishes as _________________. 10. ____________________is almost as expensive as
______________________________. 11. ________________ is not as expensive as
__________________. 12. _______________ and ____________ both require self-service.
3. Food and Dishes. Do the tasks.
A :Get Started : Label the following pictures :
Drink / Main Course(s) / Starter / Dessert

………………..  ………………..  ……………….  ………………..

B : Grammar – talking about habits. Review the tenses, read and fill in with the right verb
Every year I _______________ (to invite) my friends for the birthday party to the Italian restaurant. It
________ (to be) very famous in our town and by now we _______________ (to visit) it five times. It means that we
____________________ (to visit) it for five years already.
This year I ______________ (to book) the table much before the event. I _______________(to invite) some
friends and ______________ (to order) a big birthday cake.
Right now we ________________ (to sit) at the restaurant. We have already _____________________ (to
make) the order. We _________________ (to choose) a spring salad and a spanish omelette as a starter ; roasted
chiken, spaghetti and pizza as the main course. Now we __________________ (to wait) for the meal and

_________________ (to discuss) the latest news. My friends ____________ already ________________ (to give)
me the presents and I liked all of them !
When we finsh dinner, we _______________ (to have) frozen dessert, ice-cream for dessert and the waitress
brought my birthdaycake. We finally _____________ (to have) soda, orange juice and fruit juice as a drink.
Finally I ________________ (to pay) the bill and we ________________ (to go) home.
If I like the food and service, I _______________(to give) tips to the waiter.
Next year I ________________ (to go) to visit the same place for my birthday again !
C: Fill in the blanks with words from the text
Starters …………………… ……………… …………
 French Onion Soup  …………………….  Chocolates and candies  ………………..
 …………………….  Couscous  Cakes and Cookies  Water
 …………………….  ……………………  Hot dessert  Orange Juice
 Potato Croquettes  Beefsteak  ………………………..  ………………….
 Tomato Soup  Rice  Ice cream  Limonade
D: Find words meaning :
a/ ……………………… : a person who works at a restaurant attending customers — supplying them
with food and drink as requested
b/ ……………………… : to ask the waiter to bring food or drink.
c/ ……………………… : a statement of money owed for goods or services supplied.
E: Report the conversation at the restaurant:
Waitperson: Hi.
The waiter ____________________________________________________________________
Customer: Hello. Can I see a menu, please?
The customer: ________________________________________________________________
Waitperson: Certainly, here you are.
The waiter ____________________________________________________________________
Customer: Thank you. Give me a minute please.
The customer ____________________________________________________________________
Waitperson: Ok.
The waiter ______________________________________________________________________
Customer: Let’s start.
The customer ____________________________________________________________________
Customer: Please, bring me a salad and a beefsteak for the main course and ice-cream for dessert.
The customer _________________________________________________________________
Waitperson: Would you like our lemon tea for a drink?
The waiter ____________________________________________________________________
Customer: No, thank you.
The customer ___________________________________________________________________
Waitperson: Would you like anything else?
The waiter ______________________________________________________________________
Customer: No thanks. I'd like the check, please.
The customer: __________________________________________________________________
Waitperson: Here you are.
The waiter ____________________________________________________________________
Customer: Thank you! Have a good day!
The customer __________________________________________________________________
Waitperson: Goodbye.
The waiter ____________________________________________________________________
5. Read and fill in the gaps with right verb forms. Describe your last visit to a restaurant.
Last Friday, I (go)_________out for dinner with Claire and Helen. Helen’s got a new job so we went
out to celebrate. Before Claire (book)_________ a table for 7.30pm at her favourite Italian restaurant in
When we (arrive)___________, the waiter showed us to our table, (give)_________us some menus
and took our drinks order. We_(to be)________ really hungry so we (decide)________to have a starter
and a main. We (place)_________ our order and while we were waiting we (chat)________ for a while.
Our garlic bread soon arrived. We were hungry, so it (disappear)_________ very quickly! Next, the
waiter(bring)________ our mains. He said, “Buon Appetito!”, which is Italian for ‘Enjoy your meal!’.
Claire and Helen (choose)__________ pasta and I had pizza. The food was delicious, but I couldn’t
(eat)__________a dessert!
Claire and Helen had some ice cream, but I just had a coffee. I was very full because I (eat)
____________ a lot. But I was very happy because we (to spend) ______________ great time together.

6. Reported Speech + Tenses . Make a story using prompts from column 1.

Transform reported speech.

General facts: Peter, 26

Occasional restaurant goer – once a month
Previous time – five weeks ago ______________________________________________
Since that time – plan a new visit to a ______________________________________________
restaurant ______________________________________________
Friend – Mark, 26 ______________________________________________
Invite Peter to the restaurant - a week ago.

Fact in Past + Result: Friends – go to the

restaurant yesterday/ Mark – invite – Peter ______________________________________________
Mark: “Let’s go to the restaurant on ______________________________________________
weekend.” ______________________________________________
Peter: “OK, let’s go.”

Facts in Past: They – come/ restaurant –
Waiter: “Would you like a table next to the _____________________________________________
aisle?” ______________________________________________
Friends: “No, please, give us another ______________________________________________
table.” ______________________________________________
Waiter: “I’ll do it for you.”

Fact in Past + Period: They – get a table/

after – they – wait – for 10 minutes. ______________________________________________
They – start ordering. ______________________________________________
Friends: “Waiter, please, recommend a ______________________________________________
good appetizer and entree”. ______________________________________________
Waiter: “You should try our sea food – it ______________________________________________
is very delicious”. ______________________________________________
Friends: “OK, we’ll order shrimp ______________________________________________
Waiter: “Would you like our tuna salad?”
Friends: “No, thank you”

Process in Past + Process: Friends – eat

and talk/ waiter – serve them.
Result: Friends – complete their meal – by ______________________________________________
9 p.m. ______________________________________________
Friends to waiter: “Bring us the bill, ______________________________________________
please” ______________________________________________
Waiter: “Here you are” ______________________________________________
Mark: “Let’s split the bill” ______________________________________________
Peter: “OK”
Fact in Past + Period: They – leave the
restaurant/ after – they – eat and talk – ______________________________________________
three hours ______________________________________________
Fact in Past + Result: Friends – full and ______________________________________________
happy – have a good meal and a good talk. ______________________________________________

27. Planning Parties
1. Study the notes to review forms of expressing future.

The party starts at 8.30 p.m. tomorrow. – Schedule/ Timetable

-Tomorrow at 8.30 My friends are coming to the party. – Arrangements
-Guests: Nina,
Larissa, Peter, Jim
We are going to play games. – General planning
-Food: sandwiches
and drinks, fruit
- Entertainment: I will tell the guests about my new job. – On-the-spot decision
board games, dances
At 10 p.m. we will be dancing. – An action that will be in progress

By 9.30 we will have finished eating. – Result in the future

By midnight we will have been dancing for an hour. – Period in the future

2. Read the text and explain forms in red.

A Surprise Party
Jim loves his birthday so much! By now his family has
celebrated five birthday parties already.
Next month they are planning to celebrate Jim’s sixths
birthday. His mom will organize a surprise party. The
party is on June, 26. She will have invited Jim’s best
friends much before the day of the party, but she is not
going to tell Jim about it. She also is going to make a big birthday cake.
On that day Jim’s friends will have come to their house before Jim arrives. They will be preparing
from 4 to 5 p.m. – they will be blowing the balloons and will be decorating the room. Then they will disguise
presents in the room and will put on birthday hats.
When Jim comes in, they all will have been waiting for some time and will start singing “Happy
Birthday”. Mom will put a king hat on his head and everybody will be having fun the whole evening.
3. Complete the text with verb forms.
A Pajama Party
Maria, Carla and Melina ___________ (to be) friends for
4 years already. They _________ (to enjoy) making
pajama parties.
Next Saturday Melina ____________________ (to
organize) a pajama party at her home. She
___________________ (to invite) her friends two days
before the party, so they _______________ (to prepare)
for the day:
- Melina ______________ (to choose) a good film to watch;
- Carla ________________ (to prepare) some games to play;
- Maria _________________ (to cook) a tasty cake.
On that day the friends ______________ (to come) to Melina’s house at 6 p.m. They ___________ (to
have) dinner and _____________ (to start) playing games. Then they ____________ (to begin) watching
the film. While they ______________ (to watch) it, they ____________________ (to eat) cake.
They __________________ (to go) to bed at 10 p.m.

4. Complete the table and compare two parties. Tell about any party using past tenses.
A Surprise Party A Pajama Party
Reason to






5. Read the invitation letter, answer the questions and write your own invitation.
Salutation or Greetings

Time and Location


Your signature

6. Describe the party you will have in the future and write an invitation using the template.
Ways of Expressing Future
Will - Future To be going to Present Continuous Present Simple
am/is/are + Ving V / Vs(es)
1. Predictions and forecasts. 1. Intensions. 1. Arrangements and plans. 1. Timetables (buses, trains,
I think they will move to I am going to have a talk with We are getting married on flights, movies etc.).
Florida. Sue. July, 15th. The train leaves at 9:30 p.m.
The weather will be fine 2. Previously made decisions. I am seeing my dentist on 2. Scheduled / repeated
tomorrow. We are going to get married Wednesday. events.
2. Spontaneous decisions. but we haven’t fixed the date We are having coffee with our It is Christmas next week!
- Do you know John is in yet. boss tomorrow. I have Maths classes on
hospital? 3. Something that is likely to Monday.
- Oh, I will visit him. happen.
3. Offers, promises, asking for Watch out! You are going to
help. fall down!
I will help you to pass the Look at those dark clouds. It is
exam. going to rain.
Will you repeat it, please?

1. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form. 2. Open the brackets using the correct tense form.
1. The train __________________ at 11.45 (to leave). 1. The match _________ (to start) at 7 o’clock
2. We ______________________ dinner at a nice restaurant on tomorrow.
Saturday. (to have) 2. We ____________________ (to paint) our bedroom
3. It _______________________ in the mountains tomorrow tomorrow.
evening. (to snow) 3. The bus __________ (to arrive) from Liverpool at
4. On Saturday at 8 o’clock I ____________________ my friend. (to 8:30.
meet) 4. – I’m hungry.
5. They ___________________ to London on Friday evening. (to fly) – Oh, I ___________ (to make) you a sandwich.
6. Wait! I ____________________ you to the station. (to drive) 5. Jack ______________ (to meet) Kim tomorrow
7. The English lesson _______________________ at 8.45. (to start) afternoon.
8. I ______________________ my sister in April. (to see) 6. The flight _______ (to leave) at 6 p.m.
9. Look at the clouds. It ______________________ in a few 7. My sister ______________ (to come) to see us in the
minutes. (to rain) evening.
10. Listen! There is someone at the door. I ____________________ 8. Sam has won the lottery. He ______________ (to
the door for you. (to open) buy) a new house.
11. Lisa has sold her car. She __________________________ a bike. 9. _________________ (you/help) to clean the room?
(to buy) 10. The shop _______ (to open) at 8 a.m.
12. The museum _______________________ at 10 a.m. daily. (to 11. I ___________ (to fly) to Rome tomorrow morning.
open) 12. Tomorrow it _____________ (to be) hot and sunny.

3. Choose the correct form. 4. Find the mistakes in using future tense
1. The movie __________________ (to start) at 8 o’clock tomorrow. forms. Correct the mistakes where necessary.
A) starts; C) will start; 1. Look! The child will fall!
B) is going to start; D) are starting. ___________________________________
2. We ____________________ (to sell) our old house this summer. 2. People go to Mars in the next decades.
A) sell; C) will sell;
B) are going to sell; D) are selling.
3. The bus ________________ (to arrive) in Belfast at 9:40. 3. It’s raining. Maybe I will stay in.
A) arrives; C) will arrive; __________________________________
B) are going to arrive; D) are arriving. 4. I think he will be very successful.
4. – I’m thirsty. – Oh, I ____________________ (to bring) you a drink. ___________________________________
A) bring C) will bring; 5. There are clouds in the sky. It will rain.
B) am going to bring; D) are bringing. __________________________________
5. Mr. Brown __________________(to see) his accountant tomorrow.
6. What are they going to do in London next
A) sees; C) will see;
B) is going to see; D) is seeing. weekends?
6. The plane ______________________ (to get off) at 8 p.m. __________________________________
A) gets off; C) will get off; 7. Helen is changing her hairstyle.
B) is going to get off; D) is getting off. __________________________________
7. In 3000 the Earth _____________ (to be) uninhabitable. 8. I can’t get this rule. Will you help me?
A) is; C) will be; __________________________________
B) is going to be; D) is being.
9. The shop is going to open at 8 a.m.
8. Steve _________________ (to travel) around the world next year.
A) travels; C) will travel; __________________________________
B) is going to travel; D) is travelling. 80
28. Going to the Doctor
1. PAIN, PAINFUL, ACHE, HURT or SORE? Fill in the blanks choosing the best word:
1. He is suffering from chronic _________________________ .
2. He completed the marathon and his body _________________________ all over.
3. I made an appointment with the dentist because I couldn’t put up with my ___________________ any
4. A bee sting can be very____________________________.
5. He was badly ___________________________ in the accident.
6. Gardening and biking causes my back____________________________.
7. That spot is very __________________________, doctor. Don’t press it.
8. After I took the analgesic, the _______________________ wore off.
9. I can’t walk. My ankle __________________________.
10. Old people usually suffer from a lot of _______________________ and ____________________.
11. He is ________________________ because of all that exercise.
12. Despite all the massages, my back still __________________________ me.
2. Common illnesses. Complete the sentences to tell about them.
1. He is sunburnt. He has _________________ (pain) and needs ____________________ (treatment.)
2. Jessica has got flu with ______________________ (symptoms). She has
________________________ (pain). She needs ___________________________________(treatment).
3. Alex has got cold with _________________________ (symptoms). She has
________________________ (pain). She needs ___________________________________(treatment).
4. Peter has got food poisoning with ________________________ (symptoms). She has
__________________ (pain). She needs ____________________________________(treatment).
5. Rose was bitten by a dog . She has ____________________________ (pain). She needs
6. Alexey has got allergy with ______________________________ (symptoms). She has
________________________ (pain). She needs __________________________________(treatment).
3. Types of health establishments – study the table and compare.
Hospital Emergency Polyclinics Dentistry
= The first aid station
Working time 24/7 24/7 From 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. From 8 a.m. to 8 p.m
Departments All department Dealing with emergency All diagnostic department Treatment. surgery
cases and orthodontic
Staff Doctors and nurses
1. Both a hospital and an emergency work 24/7/. 2. ________________ works longer than
______________________. 3. ____________________________ has more departments than
_________________. 4. ____________________ opens earlier than _____________________________. 5.
____________________ works longer than ___________________________. 6. __________________ has the
fewest departments of all.
4. At the dentist. Describing teeth. Using the right product:
You want but You have so You need
white yellow whitening
strong sensitive teeth desensitizing toothpaste
healthy decayed anti-decay
5. Correct the sentences:
1. If you have strong teeth, you do not need to brush them. ______________________________
2. Mouth wash is used to whiten teeth. ______________________________________________
3. If you floss teeth, they become white. _____________________________________________
4. If you have decayed teeth, they are white and strong. ________________________________
5. My teeth are sensitive, so I use anti-decay toothpaste. ________________________________
6. You should change your toothbrush every year. ____________________________________
6. Make a dialogue: Doctor: I’m sorry, but two of your teeth are decayed. How often do you brush
your teeth?
Jim: Once a day, in the morning.
D: Oh, that’s wrong, you need to brush teeth _____________________with
Jim: And my teeth are yellow.
D: I recommend _____________________________
Jim: Sometimes I do not feel well when I eat cold ice-cream or drink hot tea.
D: It means that your teeth are sensitive, so from time to time try to use

7. Read the text and compare the health establishments

The problem of health always worried people. It has been in the centre of attention of the scientists since
ancient times. Perhaps, of all unpleasant things people hate diseases most of all.
In theory we know well what we should do to be healthy, but in practice there is hardly a man who has no
problems with his health. Sometimes people, who are very busy, aren’t thoughtful enough about their health.
Of course, much has been done to put an end to a great number of diseases and epidemics. The scientists
have already found cures for many diseases, afflicting people. But still we are suffering from many of them.
If we caught cold, have a splitting headache, have a clogged nose, cough, are running high temperature, we
must go to the policlinic. First we come to the registry. The registry clerk on a duty asks our name, address, age
and occupation. He writes out some slips because several specialists will examine us. Some of them will listen
to our heart and lungs, some will check up our kidneys, liver, stomach, eyesight, and hearing. The others will
make our blood analysis, take our blood pressure and x-ray us.
Our district doctor sees his patients in consulting room 4. A nurse gives us a thermometer to take our
temperature. We must keep it under an armpit. Last time my temperature was 37,9. The doctor asked what my trouble
was. He offered to sit down in a chair and to strip to the waist. He felt my pulse. It was faint and accelerated. Then I
lay on the examination couch and the doctor palpated my abdomen. He asked me from what disease I suffered in my
childhood. I suffered from scarlet fever. Now I felt dizzy and was damp with sweat. The doctor filled in my card and
diagnosed the case as the flu.
Then he wrote out a prescription for some medicines: pills, powder, drops, and mixture. He also advised me
to take a scalding footbath, to put a hot water bottle to my feet, to have hot tea with raspberry jam. That would
keep my fever down. The result of my X-ray examination and blood analysis was normal. I had the prescription
made at the chemist’s. I followed the prescribed treatment to avoid complications. Every day I took a tablespoonful
of mixture 3 times a day and some pills. In two days I was better and in a week I recovered from my illness. I
began to take care of myself. Now I go in for sports because sports make me strong, healthy and cheerful. Every
day I do my morning exercises and have a cold rubdown to prevent myself from catching cold. There is a good
proverb: ‘An apple a day keeps doctor away.’ That’s why I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.
In case of sudden and severe illness or an accident calls are made to the first aid station. There the doctors are
on duty all day long. There are many ambulances there. The ambulances are equipped with everything necessary
to give the first aid. The patient is transported to hospital. There he is taken to the reception ward first. After
questioning and examination the doctor fills in the patient’s case history. Then a patient is given special clothes
and is put to some ward for treatment. The doctors make their daily round there. They examine patients and
prescribe different medicines and treatments.
When a patient is completely cured, he is discharged from the hospital. There are different departments in the
hospital. They are: a surgical department, therapy, and the department of infectious diseases.

At the Polyclinics At the First Aid station At the Hospital

We get here when… We can get here if… We can get here if…
First…/Then… Firstly…/Then… Firstly…/Then…
After all/Finally… In the end… In the end…

8.Review the ways of expressing future and complete the table.
Previously made decisions. Predictions and forecasts. Timetables. Intensions. Spontaneous decisions.
Arrangements and plans.
Will - Future To be going to Present Continuous Present Simple V /
am/is/are + Ving Vs(es)
1. __________________ 1. _________________ 1. _______________ 1. _______________
_______ ________________ ____ ___________ ___________ (buses,
I think they will move to I am going to have a talk I am seeing my dentist trains, flights, movies
Florida. with Sue. on Wednesday. etc.).
2.___________________ 2. _______________ We are having coffee The train leaves at
_______ ___________ with our boss 9:30 p.m.
- Do you know John is in We are going to get tomorrow.
hospital? married but we haven’t
- Oh, I will visit him. fixed the date yet.

9. Jane and Marta are talking about the visit to the doctor. Insert the right forms to express
- Jane, what ___________________________________(you - do) tomorrow?
- I __________________________ (go) to the doctor.
- When ________________________________ (the appointment - start)?
- It _______________________ (start) at 8.30/
- Why are you so sad?
- I’m afraid to go. _________________________________ (you - go) with me?
- Sure, I ________________. Are you going on foot?
- No, _____________________ (I - go) by taxi. ___________________ (you - go) with me?
- No, ____________________ (I - ride) my bike to the hospital. What
______________________ (you - discuss) with the doctor.
- ___________________________ (I - tell) him about my frequent headaches. Also,
_________________ ______________________(I - ask) the doctor to make the annual
- I see. At 10 a.m. tomorrow _________________________________ (I – have coffee) with
my cousin. ____________________________________ (I – be free) by that time?
- I am sure you _____________________.
10. Symptoms and prevention of coronavirus. Write numbers in the correct boxes.

11. Read about Mark and fill in the table.

Mark is a student of the 8th form and now he is studying online because of the coronavirus pandemics.
The pandemics started in 2020 and the virus is still dangerous. The whole school has been studying via
Zoom and Google Classroom since March and many people have already fallen ill.
Three days ago Mark felt unwell, he got cough and had difficulty breathing. Mark’s mom called the
doctor and the doctor visited them the next day at 3 p.m. While the doctor was making the examination,
Mark was telling him about the symptoms and pain. By 3.20 the doctor had examined Mark’s throat, lungs
and temperature. The doctor prescribed the treatment after he had completed the examination. By that time
he had been examining Mark for 20 minutes. Mark’s mom was worried, but the doctor was sure that Mark
would recover quickly.
He said: “You’ll start taking pills today. During the next three days you’ll be staying in bed. You’ll
have recovered by next Monday, I hope. By this time you’ll have been staying at home for two weeks. After
that you can meet your friends.”
Present situation
Fact in present
Fact in past
Process in present
Period in present
Result in present
Past events
Facts in the past
Processes in the past
Result in the past
Period in the past
Fact in the future
Process in the future
Result in the future
Period in the future
5. Then the doctor visited Mark’s neighbour – Maria. Use the table to tell about doctor’s
recommendations to Maria.
Fact in the future Start taking shots and drops twice a day – You’ll start taking….
Process in the Keep diet for a month -
Result in the future Recover by the end of spring –

Period in the future Take medicines for four weeks –

29. Mass Media: Films (Movies)
1. Translate the vocabulary to review.
короткометражний фільм - ________________________, повнометражний - __________________________,
серіал - _________________, документальний фільм - _____________________________, художній фільм -
_______________________________________, анімаційний фільм -
2Д формат - ___________________________, 3Д формат - _________________________________________ ,
чорно-білий - ______________________________, кольоровий - __________________________________,
німий фільм - _________________________, оригінальний звук - ___________________________________,
дубльований фільм - _____________________________________.
2. Review Past Perfect vs. Past Perfect Continuous and give the right verb forms. Name
the genre.
1. After the criminals ____________________(to commit) the crime, the detective _____________ (to solve) it in
_______________ (film. genre).
2. Cowboys were tired after they ______________________ (to fight) with Indians in
3. In this film soldiers were destroyed after they _____________ (to loose) the battle in ________________ (genre)
4. The explorers __________________ (to look) for the treasure for many months, when they were caught by
pirates. _________________ (genre).
5. A crazy professor ___________________ (to try) to create a super robot for almost a year, when he was stopped
by the aliens in his lab - ______________________ (genre)
6. Wizards _________________ (to make) the alience with dwarfs before they were attacked by the monsters in
___________________________ (genre)
7. Before the vampire was caught, he _____________(to terrorize) many city dwellers
8. The funny events ended with the marriage of the couple, who __________________________ (to date) for seven
years before in ______________________________ (genre)

3. Ways of watching. Translate into your native language and answer the questions below
to watch = ___________________ rewatch = _________________________.
to reverse/ rewind = __________________ to forward = __________________________ to sit/ lie
to start a film = _________________. to snooze
to stop a film = _________________to pause a film__________________________________ to fall asleep
to go to a movie = ______________. to leave a movie = ____________________________________
to be distracted
1. What films have you rewatched? - __________________________________________________
to multitask
2. When you watch a film at home, do you like to rewind? Why? _________________________
to eat/drink
___________________________________________________________________________ smth.
3. How often do you go to the movies? - _____________________________________________ to talk
4. Have you ever left a movie? Why? - ______________________________________________
5. Do you like when the film is paused for the advertisement? - ___________________________
4. Language detective. – Ways of saying you dislike or like it.
to love - _________to like _____________
to dislike - ______________ to hate ____________
to be keen on - ___________________
can’t stand _________
to be fond of - _______________
can’t stand - __________________________
1. What film genres you can’t stand? Why? -____________________________________________
2. What genres you are neutral about? _________________________________________________
3. What films do you like? - _________________________________________________________
4. What films are you keen on? - _____________________________________________________

5. Types of film watchers. Study the table and tell what film watcher you are.
Film watchers

Not interested in Average movie
films watcher Genre fan A film buff
Watching frequency Very seldom sometimes often often
S/he watches….
Ways of watching Everything, to learn Only the films To find out weak To find out strong
S/he watches…. more about films s/he has chosen. points of the film points of the film
6. Read about Jerry’s from Switzerland watching habits and ask him questions.
Switzerland Fact file:
Country: Switzerland/ a federal republic

Position: between the Alps, the Swiss Plateau and
the Jura Mountains
Land and water forms: 208 mountains over
3,000m high, platoes, lakes.

What type of a watcher are you? I consider myself a genre fan because I watch such genres as actions and
horror films very often

__________________________ I learn about the films of these genres from various websites and watch all the
movies I can get.

__________________________ I prefer feature length colour films shot in 2D or 3D format .

__________________________ My favourite genre is action, it is about chases, fighting and battles.

There appear such characters as fighters and martial artists.
Such films may be set anywhere and are noted for such supporting detail as
non-stop motion.
__________________________ My favourite action film is “Commando” with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
It was shot in 1985, but it is still popular.
Event in the past
___________________________ Last time I watched this film on Sunday, because before we had agreed to
watch it with my friends .
___________________________ Firstly we took some snacks, came to my house and started the film.

___________________________ While my friend Peter and I were watching, the rest were talking as they
disliked the film.
___________________________ When we were watching the film, one of my friends even fell asleep!

___________________________ The film had ended by 9.20 p.m.

By that time we had been watching it for 80 minutes.
___________________________ By that time my friend Peter and I were fresh because we had been watching it
with pleasure.
However, my friends were sleepy because they had been doing other things to
fill time.
___________________________ Nevertheless we all were happy because we had had good time together.

7. Write about your watching habits.

30. Mass Media: TV Shows
1. Words Easily Confused. Explain the difference.

2. Read about TV then and now. Translate vocabulary to review and choose the right
option to fill in the gaps.

My grandmother told me that she _______________(saw/watched) the first TV show when

she was 5 years old. At that time all TV shows were black and white. She said she only
____________ (looked at/ watched) them in the evening. There were only three channels.
Each channel had ____________(новини) on it and sometimes they showed ____________
(фільм) or ___________________________ (документальний фільм). There were no
_______________________ (реклама) and _________________ (прогноз погоди) was boring. They
used to have only one TV set per family.
Nowadays we can get hundreds of channels on TV. We have got channels with only old movies, and
channels with _______________(телемагазин), or
______________(подорожі), or ____________________ (зроби сам) . It's
amazing! There is a channel for everything. There have developed all kinds of
TV shows – from ______________ (ігрове шоу) to ____________(талант
шоу) or ________________ (тварини). In my family we like
_________________________ (гумористичне шоу), ________________ (спорт), ______________
(музичне шоу) or _________________ (розмовне шоу). My granny is fond of _______________
(мильна опера) but my granddad can’t stand them, he likes _____________ (сітком).
Anyway, we have 2 TVsets in our family, so everyone may ______________(watch/see) what they like.

Categories Early TV Modern TV

……used to ……. Now…………..

Time of watching


TV shows

Shapes of TVsets

Numbers of TVsets per


3. TV Shows. In what shows can we find these people?
1. Newsreaders and news reporters work for _________________, they inform about _______________
2. Actors are seen in __________________________ they ___________________________________
3. Performers try to impress the audience in _________________ they __________________________
4. Hosts are a part of such shows as _____________________ they ____________________________
5. Interviewers work with people in ____________________ they _____________________________
6. The anchor is seen in __________________________, s/he _________________________________
7. A commentator is a part of ___________________________, s/he ___________________________
8. A weather person is in ____________________________, s/he _____________________________
9. An analyst is a part of ____________________________, s/he _____________________________
4. Grammar -Passive Voice. Study all forms and transform Active into Passive Voice.
1. The newsreader presents the facts - ___________________________________________________
2. The weather man informed about the forecast - ___________________________________________
3. The anchor informed the readers - ____________________________________________________
4. The analytic will comment on the last events - ___________________________________________
5. The interviewer is asking questions ____________________________________________________
6. The performers are showing the talents - _________________________________________________
7. The anchor was leaning the discussion - _________________________________________________
8. The host has conducted the talk - ______________________________________________________
9. The performers had told the story - ____________________________________________________
10. The participants will have made the presentation - _______________________________________
11. The channel will have shown the soap opera - __________________________________________
5. Types of TV viewers. Fill in the gaps with the words from the word bank.
The multiscreen tasker, Mindful viewers , TV Snoozers, Couch potatoes, A zapper,
The TV Marathoner, Hateful viewers

People love watching TV, bit they watch it differently. Here are the most popular types of TV
__________________________– this people love to zap – to jump from channel to channel. They
may zap the whole evening, without stopping at one show. Often it may say about problems with nerves.
_____________________- this people keep watching the multiple episodes of a soap opera and find
it difficult to 'wait to find out what happens next.'
________________________: a viewer, who own a smartphone, tablet or computer use one of these
devices while watching television. They use the second screen to look up information online, monitor
social media activity, and text friends.
__________________________: Many viewers fall asleep while watching TV.
____________________________: these viewers watch everything, they spend most of their free
time watching TV.
_________________________: they watch mindfully, only interesting or necessary programs.
___________________: they hate TV and think it is the worst thing in modern life.

6. Describe your viewing habits using the Speaking Card.

31. Books and Genres
1. Study the scheme and fill in the gaps in the sentences and the table.

Genres: All literary genres are divided into ______________ groups. They are:
writing that is true ____________________ (документальна література),
imaginative or made up writing_______________________(художня література),
stories once passed down orally _______________________ (фольклор),
a play or script ______________________ (драма)
writing concerned with the beauty of language_____________________(поезія)
NOTE: prefix sub – means “under” or “below”: Subway = _________________,
submarine = _________________, subtract = ______________________
Fiction Subgenres: - fill in with missed words
Subgenre Theme Characters Setting Special detail(s)
……is about…… ….is set……
Realistic Real life People that could Anywhere Could be
fiction ______________ _ __________ ____________, but
it is not
Historical ___________ from People from the _________ places Historical
fiction the past ________ _______________

Science Meeting ___________, Distant places, _______________

fiction _____________ robots _______________
(Sci-Fi) forces
Fantasy ________________ Monsters, ______________ Magic
forces ______________, worlds ________________
fantastic creatures

2. True or false? Give the right variant.

1. Sci-fi must be set in distant planets only. __________________________________________
2. Real life events and people, who could exist are peculiar to realistic fiction. _______________
3. In historical fiction the events of the past play an important role. _______________________
4. Monsters and wizards with superpowers are peculiar to science fiction. __________________
A humorous play with funny characters and events - ___________________________________
A play about human sufferings, disasters and misfortunes - ______________________________
A short form of poetry, with few lines - ______________________________________________
A long form of poetry, consists of many verses - _____________________________________
Folklore Subgenres: - fill in with missed words

Subgenre Theme Characters Setting Special detail(s)
……is about…… ….is set……
Fairy tale Good against Magic ________ anywhere Magic
______ ______ Beginning with
characters ______________
Myth Natural Supernatural, anywhere _____
_______________ extraordinary
Legend A real ________ Real and anywhere ________________
or a place ____________ exaggeration
Tall tale Helping the People with
___________ exaggerated ______________ _______________
skills, size or exaggeration
Fable A story with a Animals that act Anywhere,
____________ like ______________ ____________
3. True or false?
1. In fairy tales magic characters are always good and royal characters are always bad. _____________
2. In fables humans act like animals. ____________________________________________________
3. In tall tales people’s skills, size or strength are humorously exaggerated. _____________________
4. Myth is created to explain natural phenomena. ____________________________________________
5. A legend is a story with humorous exaggeration. __________________________________________
Non-Fiction Subgenres: describe
Subgenre Characteristics
Bio = life
Graphy = to write

4. True or false?
1. Informational writing is only for informed people. ______________
2. Persuasive writing is created to persuade a reader. ______________
3. “Auto” means “some” ____________________________________
4. Biographies tell about historical events. ______________________
5. Cookery books belong to persuasive writing. __________________

5. Describe each genre.
Realistic fiction is a subgenre of _________________
It is about ____________________
There are such characters as ______________________
It is set _________________________
It could be true, but ______________________

Fairy tale is a subgenre of _________________

It is about ____________________
Fairy Tale There are such characters as
It is set _________________________
It is noted for such special details as

Science fiction is a subgenre of _________________

It is about ____________________
There are such characters as ______________________
It is set _________________________
The special detail of Sci-Fi is ____________________

Informational writing is a subgenre of

It is about ____________________
There are no characters.
It is set _________________________

Historical fiction is a subgenre of _________________

It is about ____________________
There are such characters as
It is set _________________________
It is noted for ________________________

Fantasy is a subgenre of _________________

It is about ____________________
There are such characters as ______________________
It is set _________________________
It is noted for ____________________

Poetry is divided into a verse __________________

and a poem - ____________________

Biography is a subgenre of _________________

It is about ____________________
There are such characters as ______________________
It is set _________________________
It is true, so it contains many real-life details.

Writers and Readers
1. Writers – we can characterize them by the content and popularity of their books.
Paraphrase the sentences to get proper adjectives:
1. This writer writes modernly. – S/he is a _________________ writer.
2. Taras Shevchenko wrote classic works. – He is a ________________ writer.
3. Joanne Rowling’s books have got popularity. - She is a ______________ writer.
4. Some classical writers never got popularity. They are _________________ writers.
2. Ways of reading. Review prepositions and guess the meaning of the following phrasal verbs:
On = _________________. To read on something = _________________________.
Up = to make better, to improve. To read up on something/ somebody = ______________________
For = _________________. To read for something = _____________________________________
Off = _________________. To read something off = ______________________________________
Through = ______________. To read through = ____________________________________________
3. Types of Readers. Complete the table with the types of readers.
a bookworm, a reluctant reader, a hate reader, an avid reader


Reading frequency very seldom/rarely sometimes often always

S/he reads….
Reasons For exams and For classes, exams For learning and Because s/he loves
S/he reads…. tests and tests pleasure it.
Way of reading S/he reads only on S/he quickly reads S/he reads all Loves all ways of
the topic. through. books off. reading: ………

4. What reader could say this? Guess, translate and explain the forms in red.
1. I have never read a book quickly. It always takes me many days. Last time I had been reading the book
for two months before I finished it ______________________________ My favourite genre is
____________________ (художня література) - ________________________(художня проза),
______________________ (історична проза), _______________________ (наукова фантастика),
______________________ (фентезі).
2. My son is always reading – he is even reading when he is eating or watching TV! This week he has
read three books! - ______________________________. He likes all subgenres of folklore:
_______________ (чарівні казки), __________________________ (легенди),
_____________________ (високі казки), ______________________ (міфи).
3. Jessica learned to read when she was 6 and since that time she has developed love for reading. She
reads often and with pleasure, but if she has a more interesting thing to do, she’ll put the book off.
___________________________ Most often she reads _____________________(поезія),
____________ (вірші) and _______________________ (фольклор).
4. Mary is a quick reader – she reads sometimes, and she has never picked a book herself – she is told by
the teacher what to read. - ___________________________________ However, she is keen on
______________________ (драма).

5. Build wordfamilies out of the following nouns. Insert them in sentences and explain
forms in red:
Interest – to interest - __________________ (Ving) - _________________________(V3)
1. It is hard for both a hate and a reluctant reader to be _______________________ in a book.
2. For a bookworm all books are either ________________________or catching.
Intrigue – to intrigue- __________________ (Ving) - _________________________(V3)
1. The plot of this historical book is so_______________________ that you’ll read it off.
2. I was neither interested nor ______________________ when I read about robots among us.
Fascination – to fascinate - __________________ (Ving) - _________________________(V3)
1. Modern writers are ________________________ with both technology and human relations..
2. Animals are so ____________________ that they appear in many books.
Development – to develop - __________________ (Ving) - _________________________(V3)
1. Avid readers are better ___________________ in childhood than reluctant readers.
2. Modern books are both fascinating and ________________________
Teaching – to teach - __________________ (Ving) - _________________________(V3)
1. Students are ___________________ how to read for exams both at school and at home.
2. Joanne Rowling’s popular books are very _________________________.
Education – to educate - __________________ (Ving) - _________________________(V3)
1. Encyclopedias are very _______________________ , so you read them up.
2. Both a bookworm and an ________________ student may read the book off very quickly.
Boredom – to bore - __________________ (Ving) - _________________________(V3)
1. A bookworm is never ________________with classical literature.
2. Even the most popular writers seem ____________________ for hate readers.
Annoyance – to annoy - __________________ (Ving) - _________________________(V3)
1. Your wish to play computer games all the time is neither developing nor teaching, in fact, it is very
2. Jenny was very _________________________ with the idea to read on Shakespeare. She likes
neither Shakespeare nor Shevchenko.
Shock – to shock - __________________ (Ving) - _________________________(V3)
1. A picky watcher may be ___________________ with a poorly made film.
2. Modern thrillers are both fascinating and ________________________
Depression – to depress- __________________ (Ving) - _________________________(V3)
1. Vampires, monsters and serial killers are __________________________ for some people.
2. My granny is always _________________________ with sad moments in her favourite melodrama.
Entertainment – to entertain - ________________ (Ving) - ________________________(V3)
1. TV marathoners are _________________________ with the events in long soap operas.
2. For a TV snoozer nothing is really ____________________________.
Comfort – to comfort - __________________ (Ving) - _________________________(V3)
1. The contestants of the talent show were _________________________ by the host.
2. The words of the host were ___________________________________
A spoiler – to spoil - __________________ (Ving) - _________________________(V3)
1. TV viewers today are ______________________ with visual effects in TV shows.
2. Visual effects may be ________________________ for TV viewers.

6. Salid is from Algeria. Read his story, explain grammar forms and put questions to the
underlined words.
In my family reading has always been the most popular 1.
hobby (1). However, I have been a reluctant reader since
childhood (2). 2.
I am always sleepy after I have been reading for a while
and I have never chosen a book to read myself – my mom 3.
(3) always does it for me 
My sister, in contrast, is always energized after she has
been reading for the whole day (4) and is sad when she
has finished reading a book, because she wants more (5).
Last weekend the weather was rainy, with patches of 6.
wind, so we spent the whole day reading. My mom had
chosen a gripping detective story (6), and while she was 7.
reading it aloud, the whole family was listening (7).
After she had been reading it for a while, I fell asleep, 8.
and they all laughed at me (8)!
7. The Future of Books. Read the text and do the tasks.

32. Computers
1. Input and Output devices – review the vocabulary and guess what device it is:

1. It has keys for typing the info in. - _______________________

2. It is used to draw pictures on the computer with - ____________________
3. You may voice the information with it - __________________
4. If helps to scan the information - ________________________
5. It reads barcodes on the goods in the shop - _________________________
6. Information is stored there and may be transferred to other comps - _____________________
7. The icons are displayed on it, they may be touched, not clicked - _______________________
8. It combines headphones for putting the information out and microphones for putting the information
in ____________________
9. It receives and gives out the Wi-Fi signals - ______________________
10. It projects the information - __________________________.

2. Label the boxes. Speak about the types of computer users.

3. Types of Computer users – transform Active into Passive.
A computer worker uses computer for work. – Computers are used for work.
My friend Susan is a computer worker. She works at the office. She has been working
there since 2017. She has already created many documents and files.
Yesterday she created a Power Point Presentation. - ____________________________
She typed the important information. - _____________________________________________________
She copied pictures and diagrams. - _______________________________________________________.
She cropped some pictures.- ____________________________________________________________.
She deleted unnecessary slides. - ________________________________________________________.
She saved the changes. - _______________________________________________________________.
A social networker lives using social nets.
Peter is a social networker. He uses many social nets. He has been using them since
2010. He has already friended many people. Today he is using Facebook.
He opens his account. - __________________________________________________
He writes a post. - _____________________________________________________
He uploads pictures. - ___________________________________________________
He writes comments. - _________________________________________________________________
He adds new friends. - __________________________________________________
Basil is a gamer. He plays various games. He has been playing them since 2012. He has
already gone though many games. Tomorrow he is going to play an action game.
He will choose the character. - ____________________________________________
He will set difficulty. - _________________________________________________________________
He will develop tactics. - _______________________________________________________________
He will save the progress. - ______________________________________________________________
He will walk through the game. - _________________________________________________________
Jake is a computer nerd. He programs computers He has been programming them since
2016. He has already written many codes. He is writing a code now.
He chose the language. - _______________________________________________
He writes the code. - __________________________________________________
He will test the code. - _______________________________________________________________
He will find the bugs. - ________________________________________________________________
He will run the programme. - ____________________________________________________________
4. Jake is telling about using computers. Ask him questions.
What type of a user are you? I consider myself a computer nerd.
___________________________ I need the computer for writing programmes.
__________________________ I usually spend seven hours a day at my computer.
___________________________ I write computer programmes
__________________________ For this I chose the language, write the code and test it.
__________________________ I think it is tiring. I am usually tired after I have been
working for the whole day.
__________________________ However, I may also play computer games.
__________________________ For this I chose the character, set the difficulty, develop
tactics and walk through the game.
___________________________ I think it is fun because I feel refreshed after I have
won the game.

33. Technological Devices

Mp3 player for

listening to music

Reading: Computers Then and Now
1. Transform Active into Passive:
First Computers:
1. American scientists developed computer Whirlwind I in 1948.
2. This computer occupied the biggest room in the University.
3. This computer used magnetic core memory. - _____________________________________________________
4. It calculated digits in real time. - _________________________________________________________________
5. Engineers operated it with special screens and a lever (рычаг). - ___________________________________
Modern Day Computers:
1. Now we use computers at home and at work. - ________________________
2. Producers developed computers of various sizes. – ____________________
3. We operate computers with hands and voice. - _______________________
4. Users type the information on a keyboard. - _______________________________________________________
5. Computers combine input and output devices. - ____________________________________________________
Computers of the Future:
1. Producers will install computers into all home appliances. - ________________
2. By 2050’s we’ll find Internet in all objects around us. - ____________________
3. The objects will send messages. - ________________________________________________________
4. Scientists will program human bodies. - ___________________________________________________
5. Humans will use their bodies for computing. - ______________________________________________
6. Machines will understand human emotions. - _______________________________________________
7. We’ll combine virtual reality and the real world. - ___________________________________________
8. People will use hand gestures to operate computers. - _________________________________________
2. Fill in the table to compare computers
Early Computer Modern-day Computers of the
Computers Future
Way of

Special features

34. Inventions
1. Read the text and add your inferences.
Throughout all human history people were inventing tools and naming them.
There are five stages of human development:
In the first stage humans used the energy of their own muscles. They could
_________________________________________________________ (movements and actions).
Then they domesticated animals such as
_________________________________________________________ and
used their energy. To carry things they used _______________
_________________________________, to produce food they used
Food from domestic animals is ____________________________ ________________________
In the third stage humans began to use the energy
of plants. It is called the agricultural revolution.
Humans invented a plough (плуг) and were able to
grow wheat and barley. Today for simple gardening we
use much elaborated tools such as
____________________ _______________________________________.
After the agricultural revolution many regions grew their food staples – rice
in warm and wet climates, wheat and potatoes in continental zones
In the fourth stage humans leant to use the energy of natural resources: coal, oil, gas.
In the fifth stage humans learn how to use nuclear power.
However, coal, oil, gas and nuclear power are __________________________________ energy –
these sources will come to an end one day. So today humans have to use renewable energy such as

When humans invented tools, they also invented names for them. We name tools by:
- The action they perform – a vehicle that glides in the air = _____________________;
- How it looks – a bus with trolleys = _____________________, a ship for the air =
_______________________, a car where you sit = ___________________;
- What it contains – a vehicle that has a tank - ___________________ , a boat with sails =
- Where we can use it – a bike that is good for mountains = _________________________;
a truck that collects garbage = _____________________________

2. Passive Voice. Study the table of all Passive tenses and transform active into passive.
1. Humans use the energy of their muscles - ______________________________________________
2. They are performing the dance - _____________________________________________________
3. I was using the renewable energy - ___________________________________________________
4. They have used the mountain bike - ___________________________________________________
5. She had grown wheat - _____________________________________________________________
6. They will have cleaned the garden - ___________________________________________________

3. Study the scheme and complete the gaps to explain how most things are invented. Tell
the tenses of the passive forms.

The act of inventing is called ______________________. An inventor is a person, who

There are two main types of inventions defined by how innovative they are:
If a new sphere of knowledge is discovered, it is called _____________________, and a person, who
made it is called a __________________________. Discoveries happen not very frequently, more often
people assemble together the components that have been already invented – such inventions are called
______________________________, because the components are recombined.
There are many inventions that happen by accident = ________________________. The most well-
known case is the microwave oven – microwaves were discovered accidentally by Percy
Spencer – the expert in radar tube design. One day, while Spencer was working on building
magnetrons for radar sets, he was standing in front of an active radar set when he noticed the
candy bar he had in his pocket melted. He and some other colleagues then began trying to heat
other food objects - at first they heated popcorn kernels, which became the world’s first
microwaved popcorn. Later this discovery was beeing used in the microwave oven.
More often scientists or engineers will keep trying until they get the necessary result. Such approach
is called ______________________________. Thomas Edison, an American inventor, was known for the
thousands of tries he had made before he invented a thing. In his honour this approach is called “Edisonian”.
And even more products will be a result of continuous enhancements – by _____________________.
Many things, such as cars, cooking equipment, etc. are being enhanced continuously.
When an invention is made by one person – it is _________________________, if it involved many
people, it may be ________________________________.
4. Accidental discovery – transform Active into Passive
People discovered potato chips incidentally. - _____________________________________.
George Crum had made fried potatoes before, but they were thick - _______________
One day he was slicing the potatoes. - ____________________________________________
He was using a very sharp knife - _______________________________________________
He had cut paper thin slices before frying them. - ___________________________________
Then he deep-fried the slices. - _________________________________________________
People did not eat the chips with the fork. - ________________________________________
Soon they will be eating chips with various sauces. - ________________________________
By the next year people will have eaten more chips than ever. - _______________________

5. Assessing Inventions. Adjectives to describe inventions. Translate the adjectives and fill
in the first column with the proper categories from the box
Time, money, safety, ecology, usability, usefulness, innovation

Category Positive Negative

Innovative/ creative/ pionnering Out-of-date
Useful, important for… Stupid/ crazy
Economical Expensive/ Wasteful
Time-saving Time-wasting
Safe Unsafe/ dangerous
Ecological Non-ecological
User-friendly User-unfriendly / Difficult to use
6. Complete the sentences:
1. The antonym to “wasteful” is _____________________________
2. If the invention is good, it saves your time, if it is bad, it ___________________ your time.
3. If the invention is harmful for ecology, it is ___________________________________.
4. An easy and understandable web-site is called _______________________________
5. Some invention are not useful, they are ________________________________.
6. Often the things that were invented many years ago are still in use, though they have become
7. Why do people invent new things? Study the table and complete the sentences below
with the words from Task 2.
Before the 20th century inventions Nowadays inventions are also aimed at:
aimed at:
- making work quicker and easier, they were - creating something unusual, that shows
noted for ___________________________ ___________________________
- using cheaper materials, they were noted for - using more ecological materials, that is important
_____________________________________ for _____________________________________
- making the device longer lasting , they were - making the device easy to operate, on other
______________________________________ words______________________________________

8. Use Speaking Card “Inventions”

to talk about these inventions:
The Mechanic Hand
For anyone. It can be attached to any part
of the body. It imitates the person’s hand
movement. It can be used for easy actions
as holding a cup, a phone. It can also be
used by professional surgeons, engineers
and others. It gets signals from the human
brain and moves according to a person’s

9. Read about old inventions and answer the questions.

10. What did we use to do?

1. Now people use Viber to send messages. Before we used to send them with ________________
2. Now people use computers to type and printers to print the documents out. Before we used to type
on ___________________________________________________
3. Now we use flash drives and clouds to store the information. Before we used to store it ___________
4. Now we use MP3 players to listen to music, before we used to hear it from ____________________
5. Now we use smart phones to make videos, before people used to film with ____________________
35. Travelling and Transport
1. Characterizing transport – give words to the following categories.

Grammar: Opposites:
Some opposites are two different words: good – bad, quick – slow, tall - short
Others are formed with the help of affixes: economical – non-economical:

2. Characteristics of transport – fill in the table with opposites:

Characteristics Adjective(s) Opposite(s)
price cheap affordable
speed slow
distance short distance
cost economical
carrying capacity heavy bulky cargoes
sensitivity to weather affected by …..
accessibility limited
convenience inconvenient
safety safe
comfort comfortable
installation of routes complicated

3. Read the texts and characterize the modes of transport.
Unique Modes of Transportation around the World
Chicken Bus (Guatemala, Central America)
This vehicle is used not only to transport people but also livestock, hence the
name. These second-hand U.S. school buses are colorfully painted and decorated.
They travel quite long distances and help carrying people and their animals from
village to village for affordable price. The speed they go with would be illegal in
many countries. This transport is
Human Powered Rickshaws (Kyoto, Japan)
While urbanization across Asia has mostly done away with this traditional form of
transportation, you can still find them used in certain areas where cars are not
accessible in Kyoto, Japan, and people are immobile because of this.
This transport is _________________________________________________
Habal Habal (Philippines, Asia)
The Habal Habal is a unique motorcycle that can seat many people. The
simpler versions seat 4-5 people, with a seat that extends over the back wheel,
while the more complex type of Habal Habal can seat up to thirteen people. If
you are incapable of taking your luggage, a driver may add wooden planks
acting as benches. This transport is __________________________________
Tuktuk (India)
These motorized three-wheelers are used all over Asia – originally from
Thailand, they then spread to Laos, Cambodia, Pakistan and India. If you are
looking for good food in Bangalore or going shopping in New Delhi, hop on for
some fun. A tuktuk can usually accommodate two persons and a suitcase. It is
good in chaotic road conditions with impolite drivers and pedestrians.
This transport is _________________________________________________
4. Which vehicles would you recommend for these people:
Person Vehicle Reasons
Mr. Johnson is a pensioner, he has problems with
heat and wants to buy a dacha (summer house).
Mrs. Reed is a house wife with teenage children.
She plans to start her own business – selling
Jimmy plans a bank robbery.
Mr. Spencer has got a big jeep and now wants
something to drive in a busy city.
James has just retired and wants to do some sea
sailing and fishing.
Rosa plans to be a circus actress and wants to
develop a performance with a vehicle.
Little Mike (5 years old) wants a cool toy car to
play with sand and mud.
5. Describe any mode of transport of your choice.

Reading: The Australian Icon
1. Australia – study the fact file and tell about the country.

Australia Fact file:

Country: ____________________________
Position: in the Southern Hemisphere, washed by
Land forms: desert occupies the central part of the
continent, it is fringed by bush land and
The coastline contains many landforms such as

2. Study the pictures and complete the table to tell about Australian transport then and
Jet plane, trucks, tractors. sailed ship, modern bike, Buggy car, horses, climbing axe, modern car,
penny-farthing bike, horse-driven carriages, funicular

To come to Australia people used Now they take ………

to take _____________

To move around people used Now they use……


To climb mountains people used Now they may also use……


For planning farms Australian Now they work on

settlers used to work on ____________________
For riding people used Now they ride ___________
_______________________ ______________________

For transporting goods Now people transport

people used goods in
_______________________ ____________________
3. Build sentences using Passive
1. In the 19th century ships were taken (to take) to move to Australia.
Now jet planes are taken to move to Australia.
2. In the 19th century Buggy cars __________________________ (to drive) around.
Now _____________________________________________________________
3. At the beginning of the 20th century axes _________________________ (to use) for climbing.
Now ____________________________________________________________________
4. Horses ______________________________ (to take) for farming.
Now ________________________________________________
5. Penny –farthing bikes ______________________ (to ride).
Now ________________________________________
6. The goods ________________________ (to transported) in horse-driven carriages.
Now __________________________________________________________________

The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS)
The Royal Flying Doctor Service was created to help people in rural and remote
regions. There live many aboriginal people (24% of the population) and
people, who have farms. At the beginning of the XX century these places had
no road and were cut off the rest of the
Since the Royal Flying Doctor Service was
established in 1928, they have made several
important innovations:
The medical chest with the most useful
medications. All medicines in the chest are
The body chart – an anatomical representation of a human body with the
numbered areas.
Telehealth – 24 hours per day, 7 days per week telephone and radio medical consultation services.
Primary health care clinics – the transportation of a GP - general practitioner (педиатр, семейный
доктор) for regular clinical visits to remote areas.
Also, the roads were built across Australia, so today RFDS also uses cars to transport patients.

The Fate of Jimmy Darcy

This story happened in 1915, before the establishment of RFDS. Read the story and retell it for today.
1915 Now
Jimmy Darcy was a stockman in a remote cattle station in Western Australia. One day he felt severe pain in
his stomach and the pills he had taken did not help.
His friends took him to the nearest town Halls Creek. It
was 50 km away from the station. They had been
travelling for 12 hours before they arrived to the place.
In Halls Creek there was one man trained as first aid, but he could not help.
He had to contact doctors from Perth by telegraph. They
used the Morse code.
As Darcy could not explain where it hurt, they kept
asking him questions.
They had been asking for two hours when the doctor
from Perth finally diagnosed appendicitis and
recommended an operation.
As there were no anesthetics Darcy was made
insensible by whisky. He was operated on with a pen
knife on the post office counter.
The doctor from Perth travelled to Halls Creek for 10
days on a boat, a horse-drawn carriage and even on
foot. When he came, he found out that Darcy had died
the day before.

36. Travelling
1. Travel collocations – add verbs:
To buy/ to book, to show, to give away, to take back a ticket, to _________________ schedule,
_________________ , _______________, ___________________, _________________ luggage.
___________________, ________________. ____________________, ___________________ a seat,
________________________ a security check, __________________, ___________________ a train.
2. Travelling Words – give the meaning:
To depart – відправлятись, departure - ___________ To arrive - _________, arrival - ____________
to take off _______ - a takeoff - ________________ to land - ____________, landing - _____________
to fly - _____________, flight - ______________ to board - __________, boarding - ______________
3. Easily Confused Words – explain the difference:
Travel - ________________, trip - _________________, journey - _______________, voyage -
________________, flight - __________________________
4. Guess, who they are:1. She attends a flight - _____________ 2. He operates a plane -
_________________3. He operates a ship. ________________ 4. He drives a bus - _______________5.
She checks the tickets - ________________ 6. He rides a bicycle - _______________________
5. Correct the underlined mistakes in each question and answer the questions.
1. Have you ever gone to school on bike? - __________________________________________________
2. Do you like driving a bicycle in cities? Why/ Why not? ______________________________________
3. Have you ever gone in train without a ticket? - ____________________________________________
4. When did you last ride a taxi? - _________________________________________________________
5. Have you ever got out of a moving train or bus? - __________________________________________
6. Have you ever lost a train? - ___________________________________________________________
6. Guess, in what way of travelling it may happen:
To be air-sick - _________________ to give a ticket to a conductor and then take it back -
__________________, to sink - ___________________, to get a boarding pass - ______________, to
have a road accident - ________________, to arrive late at the station - _________________.
7. Put in chronological order
________ Passengers board the train. ________________________________?
__________ Passengers store their luggage. I am a businessman.
__________ The train departs. ______________________________________?
_________ Travellers plan the trip. I have been travelling since 2000.
__________ Travellers show tickets to a conductor. ______________________________________?
I travel by air, by, water and by land.
_________ Travellers take their seats.
__________ The train arrives.
I have had more than 100 flights by this time.
_________ They buy tickets. _______________________________________?
_________ The conductor checks the tickets. I have never had any problems.
8. Jeremy Brown tells about his travels, ___________________________________?
I have never missed a plane.
ask him questions. _______________________________________?
. Sometimes I may be air-sick.
My last flight was a week ago.
I flew to Bangkok.
The plane arrived at the airport just on time.
I had been aboard for five hours.

9. Give the right forms to express future.

The trip ________ (to start) at 9.30 p.m. tomorrow. – Schedule/ Timetable
My Plane Trip to Madrid:
I ______ (to arrive) at the airport an hour before. – Arrangements
Departure: 9.30p.m.
Arrival: 11.30 p.m.
-Take with you: a book to I _______(to be going) to play games. – General planning
read, my laptop
-Food: served on the board I ________ (to call) my mom from the plane. – On-the-spot decision

By 10.30 I ____________ (to finish) eating. – Result in the future

At 11.00 p.m. I _______________(to sleep). – An action that will be in progress

By the landing time I __________________(to sleep) for an hour. – Period in the future

10. Complete the sentences with the vocabulary from the picture, explain the use of
present forms.
1. If you sit close to the window, you have ___________________.
2. Flight attendants and passengers move thorough the
______________, so seats close to it are ___________
3. Passengers have to fasten the belts and put up a seat ________,
when the plane is taking off or landing.
4. The flight attendant has already shown the passengers what to do
in case of emergency, and how to leave the plane by
5. If the sun is too bright, a passenger will shut down ____________________________.
6. When passengers are given a meal, they will eat it from _________________________.

11. Complete the story with the past tenses:

That morning, we ____________ (to leave) the house nice and early. We
____________ (to arrive) at the train station with plenty of time. Then we
__________ (to check) the departures and arrivals board to see which platform our
train ____________ (to leave) from. We _______________ (not to worry)out the
tickets because we _______________ (to buy) them before.
But when we arrived at our platform, we _________ (to see) a goods train –
that couldn’t be right! Where ______ (to be) our train?
Then we ____________ (to see) a man, who ____________ (to give)
consultations to the passengers. He told us that that day our train _______________ (to depart) from
platform 8. We __________ (to run) as fast as we _____________ (can) through the train station. When
we got to platform 8, the train driver ______________ (to get) ready to leave. We ______________ (to
board) the first carriage but our seats were at the other end of the train – in second class. For getting to
them, we had to lug our suitcases through the whole train, including the restaurant car where passengers
______ already___________ (to order) breakfast. They ___________ (to wait) for the breakfast since the
train departed.

37. Travelling in Space
1. Fill in the gaps:
Stars, universe, galaxy, planets
___________ _____________ ____________ =
- huge balls of rocks - huge balls of gas, groups of stars, ____________
or gas, e.g. Earth, e.g. the Sun is e.g. our galaxy is Everything that
Mercury, Venus and composed of make exists, appeared
called the Milky
Mars are rocky hydrogen and helium Way after the Big Bang
planets part of
Go around/ orbit

2. Our Solar System – label the planets and tell more about each planet.
__________________________________ ________
__________________________________ ________
_____. ________
__________________________________ ________
__________________________________ ________
_____. ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ _.
Sun is the ________ ________
star of our ________ ________ ________
Solar ________ ________ ________
System. ________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________ ________
_. ________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________
________ ________ _.
_. ________
_. _________________
3. Match the parts of the table . _________________
Name Year legth Interesting facts
Venus 88 days
Earth 225 days
Neptune 365 days
Uranus 687 days
Saturn 12 years
Mercury 29 years
Jupiter 84 years
Mars 165 years

4. Do tasks about the planets of Our Solar System.

5. Explain how a space ship should look like.

_1 _______carrying capacity - _big luggage place
________climate/ weather - ______________________________________________________
________speed - ____________________________________________________________
________ distance - __________________________________________________________
________ accesibility - _______________________________________________________
________ cost/ price - _______________________________________________________

6. Grammar: Conditional Sentences – review Conditionals 1 and ask questions.

Elon Musk is a famous American entrepreneur, who is planning to make a settlement
on Mars and travel there on the board of Space X.
He is interviewing the future participants. Help Ilon to ask questions in Conditional 1.
Elon: ___________________________________________________________?
Jason: If I can, I will take my family with me.
Elon: ___________________________________________________________________?
Ross: If I go to mars, I will pack smartly.
Elon: ___________________________________________________________________?
Jackie: If there is space in the luggage I will take my favourite books.
Elon: ___________________________________________________________________?
Liana: If we have space in the spacecraft, we’ll plant a small vegetable garden.
Elon: ___________________________________________________________________?
Jason: If I have a chance, I will play board games with astronauts.
Elon: ___________________________________________________________________?
Jason: If we have equipment, I will conduct experiments.
Tess: If there are older people, I will help them.
Rick: When I become a space engineer I will give more useful advice.

38. Grammar
Plural Nouns
Regular Plurals Irregular Plurals
Додаванням закінчення –s до іменника в однині: Деякі іменники мають форму множини, ідентичну
boy – boys (хлопчик – хлопчики) формі однини:: sheep, swine, deer, trout
girl girls (дівчинка – дівчатка).
Додаванням закінчення –es[ iz ], якщо іменник в Деякі іменники зберегли старі форми утворення
однині закінчується на –s, -ss, -sh, -ch, o, або –x: множини: man – men, woman – women, tooth –teeth
buses, classes, bushes, lunches, watches, boxes. foot – feet, goose – geeseб mouse – mice, louse – lice
child – children, ox – oxen
Проте в наступних іменників, що закінчуються на Деякі іменники в англійській мові мають тільки
–f або –fe, множина утворюється шляхом заміни f форму множини:
на v, та додаванням закінчення –es: scissors (ножиці), tongs (щипці)
thief –thieves, wolf – wolves,elf- elves, spectacles (окуляри), trousers (штани)
half – halves, wife – wives. drawers (кальсони). jeans-джинси)
Исключения: chiefs, handkerchiefs, roofs, safes. breeches (бриджі). tights (трико)
Якщо іменник в однині закінчується на shorts (шорти), spectacles, clothes, tongs, scales,
приголосну, після якої слід y, y замінюється на i, і savings, goods, stairs, arms.
додається закінчення –es: story – stories.
Якщо іменник в однині закінчується на голосну, Деякі іменники в англійській мові мають тільки
після якої слідує y, то додається закінчення –s форму однини:
(однак дане правило не відноситься до слів, що money, hair, twilight, advice, knowledge, news,
закінчуються на –quy: essay – essays , monkey – furniture, chaos, traffic.
Однак: soliloquy – soliloquies (монолог – монологи)
До іменників, які закінчуються на на –o додається Іменники латинського і грецького походження
закінчення –es: potato – potatoes, tomato – tomatoes, зберегли свою форму множини:
hero – heroes analysis – analyses (аналіз – аналізи)
Исключения: kangaroos, radios, zoos, kilos, photos, focus – foci, focuses (фокус – фокуси)
pianos. basis – bases (основа – основи)
crisis – crises (криза – кризи)
curriculum – curricula (навчальний план –
datum – data (факт – факти)
syllabus – syllabi, syllabuses (програма – програми),
thesis – theses (теза – тези)

Деякі іменники в англійській мові хоч і закінчуються –s, але, тим не менш, мають форму однини:
mathematics (математика), physics(фізика) electronics (електроніка) news (новини) measles (кір)
mumps (свинка) rickets (рахіт) billiards (більярд)

Множина складених іменників

В складених іменниках множинну форму приймає головне слово:
commander-in-chief – commanders-in-chief (головнокомандувач – головнокомандувачі)
father-in-law – fathers-in-law (тесть – тести), mother-in-law – mothers-in-law (теща – тещі)
brother-in-law – brothers-in-law (шурин – шурины), sister-in-law – sisters-in-law (зовиця – зовиці)
passer-by – passers-by (перехожий – перехожі), looker-on – lookers-on (глядач – глядачі)
Якщо ж у складеному іменнику жодне з слів, що входять до його складу, не є іменником,
закінчення множини додається до останнього слова:
merry-go-round – merry-go-rounds (карусель – каруселі)
forget-me-not – forget-me-nots (незабудка – незабудки)
grown-up – grown-ups (дорослий – дорослі)

Possessive Case
Posessive Case Закінчення -’s або ж апостроф «’» у іменника вказує на приналежність, відношення чогось до
даного слова або їх родинні зв'язки.
Закінчення -’s додається до іменників в однині, а також до власних назв та імен.
 I ate my mum’s pie. – Я з'їв пиріг моєї мами.
Закінчення -’s також можна додавати до іменників, що мають неправильні форми множини Irregular
Plural Nouns (що не утворюють форму множини за допомогою -s / -es).
 Don’t step on children’s toys. – Не наступай на дитячі іграшки.
У випадку, якщо у реченні є перелік іменників, до яких відноситься один предмет, до закінчення -
’s приєднується до останнього слова з цього переліку.
 Kelly and Richard’s house was sold last week. – Дім Келлі та Річарда був проданий на минулому тижні.
Якщо ж до перелічених іменників відносяться різні предмети, то закінчення -’s додається до кожного з
 I like Shakespeare’s and Moliere’s plays. – Мені подобаються п'єси Шекспіра та Мольєра.
Закінчення -’s може вживатись декілька разів при передачі родинних зв'язків між декількома особами та
іменниками, що їх позначають.
 My brother’s friend’s father will come soon. – Батько друга мого брата скоро прийде.
Закінчення -’s приєднується до останнього слова у словосполученні, якщо предмет (або слово, що його
позначає) відноситься до цього словосполучення, яке виражає одне ціле поняття.
 The President of the USA’s speech was persuasive. – Промова президента Сполучених Штатів Америки
була переконливою.

Pronouns Глаголы, после которых обычно НЕ
используются возвратные
to wash - мыть
to shave — брить
to (un)dress - (раз) одевать
to afford — позволять
to complain — жаловать(ся)
to meet — встречать
to rest — отдыхать
to relax — расслаблять(ся)
to stand up — вставать
to get up — поднимать(ся)
to sit down — садить(ся)
to wake up — просыпать(ся)
Indefinite Pronouns: Some, any, every, no
Every (+,-,?) Some (+) Any (-,?) No (-)
Each/ All/ Most/Some/No (None)
Pronoun Change of meaning with of…. Pronoun + of + objective pronoun
Each student - Each of the students – a definite group of people Each of them
All teachers All of the teachers All of us
Most readers Most of the readers Most of you
Some speakers Some of the speakers Some of them
No players None of the players None of us
• John and Mary love each other.
• Peter and David hate each other.
• The gangsters were fighting one
Both, either, neither

I can speak both English and I can speak either English or I can speak neither English nor
Ukrainian. Ukrainian. Ukrainian.
Both of them are ready. Either of them is not ready (-). Neither of them is ready (-).
I do not speak Chinese (-). – I don’t I don’t speak Chinese (-). – Neither
speak it either. do I. /Me neither.
Note: I speak English – I speak it too (+).

Articles with City Places
Определенный артикль отсутствует:
 в названиях улиц, площадей, парков:
Blackrock Road, Fifth Avenue, , Trafalgar Square, Hyde Park, , Broadway, Piccadilly Circus
Исключение: the Strand, the Mall, the High Street
 в названиях коммерческих учреждений, фирм, сетей магазинов, авиакомпаний:
Xerox, Collins, Samsung, LG, British Airlines
 в названиях исторических зданий, церквей и соборов: St. Basil's Cathedral, St.
Paul's Cathedral,
Определенный артикль употребляется:
 в названиях шоссе и автострад: the M1, the A1, the E95
 в названиях кинотеатров: the Odeon
 в названиях гостиниц: the Ritz, the Hilton, the Savoy
 в названиях дворцов, ресторанов, клубов, кафе и баров: the Winter Palace, the
Bombay Restaurant, the Red Lion (pub), the Black Swan
 в названиях музеев и галерей: the British Museum, the Louvre,
 в названиях театров: the Globe, the Covent Garden
 в названиях исторических зданий: the Tower, the White House

Артикли с географическими названиями
Артикль the Без артикля
Стороны света
The North, the South, the East, the West
Europe, North America, South America,
Australia, Africa
The North Pole, the South Pole
А также:
South Africa, South-East Asia
The Far East, the north of Canada, the Middle East
Страны с названиями в единственном
Страны с названиями во множественном числе числе
The Philippines, the Netherlands, the United States, the France, Poland, Ukraine, Russia
Baltic States Исключение: the Vatican Штаты,
Страны, названия которых включают слова: провинции
republic, union, kingdom, federation California, Florida, Texas, Quebec
The United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, the People’s Города
Republic of China, the Russian Federation Paris, London, Moscow, Kyiv
Исключение: the Hague
Океаны, моря, реки
The Atlantic Ocean, The Red Sea, the Thames
Группы озер Отдельные озера
The Great Lakes Lake Geneva, Lake Baikal
Группы островов
Отдельные острова
The Virgin Islands, the British Isles, the Canary Islands
Greenland, Java, Cyprus, Madagascar, Sakhalin
(the Canaries), the Kuril Islands (the Kurils), the
Исключение: the Isle of Man
Bahamas Islands (the Bahamas)
Горные массивы
Отдельные горы
The Rocky Mountains, the Andes, the Caucasus
Mount Vesuvius, mount Goverla, mount Elbrus
Равнины, долины, пустыни
The Great Plains, the Mississippi Valley, the Sahara
Исключение: Death Valley, Silicon Valley
Заливы (bays)
Заливы (gulfs)
Hudson Bay, San Francisco Bay
The Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf of Aden,
the Gulf of Finland
The Bay of Bengal

В складних та складнопідрядних реченнях
інформація, виражена в одному простому реченні,
доповнює інформацію в іншому простому реченні.

Compound sentence (складносурядне

речення) – складне речення, що складається з двох
або більше граматичних основ (простих речень).

Compound sentence (складнопідрядне

речення складається з одного головного простого
речення (main clause) та одного або декількох
залежних підрядних речень (subordinate clauses).
Загальні питання
General question (загальне питання) – питання, на яке можна відповісти «так» або ж «ні». Вибір допоміжного дієслова
залежить від граматичного часу в реченні.
 Do you play the piano? – Ти граєш на роялі? (Present Simple)
 Are Kate and Jack working now? – Кейт та Джек працюють зараз? (Present Continuous)
Загальні питання можуть бути в заперечній формі, коли частка not ставиться одразу ж після допоміжного дієслова.
Такі питання виражають сумнів або подив.
 Don’t you know this rule? – Чи ти не знаєш це правило?
Спеціальні питання
Special question (спеціальне питання) – вид питання, який використовується для отримання додаткової конкретної
інформації, з'ясування певного факту або обставини. На спеціальні питання не можна дати відповідь тільки «так»
або «ні».Спеціальні питання завжди починаються з певного питального слова, що вказує на те, яка саме інформація
необхідна. Після питального слова вживається такий самий порядок слів, що й в загальному питанні.
 Where has Janice been? – Де була Дженіс? What are we doing tonight? – Що ми робимо сьогодні ввечері?
Однак якщо питальне слово є підметом в реченні або ж означенням до підмета, то в таких питаннях використовується
тільки прямий порядок слів (так як питальне слово завжди стоїть на першому місці).
 What is in your hand? – Що у тебе в руці? Who told you such a joke? – Хто тобі розповів такий жарт?
Якщо питання відноситься до прийменникового додатку або обставини з прийменником, то часто прийменник
виноситься в кінець речення.
 What are you talking about? – Про що ти говориш? Who are you chatting with? – З ким ти розмовляєш?
Альтернативні питання
Alternative question (альтернативне питання) – питання, яке дає вибір між декількома варіантами. Частини
альтернативного питання з'єднуються сполучником or (або, чи), перша частина питання вимовляється з висхідною
інтонацією, а друга - з низхідною. В таких питаннях використовується непрямий порядок слів, як і в загальному
 Do you want some coffee, tea or just water? – Ти хочеш каву, чай чи просто воду?
 Do Mark and Daniel live in New York or in Washington? – Марк та Деніел живуть в Нью-Йорку чи Вашингтоні?
 Will you buy this little black dress or those blue jeans? – Ти купиш цю маленьку чорну сукню чи ті сині джинси?
Розділові питання
Disjunctive question (розділове питання) – особливий вид питань, що складається з розповідного речення
(стверджувального або ж заперечного) та короткого загального питання. В питальній частині використовується те ж
допоміжне або модальне дієслово, що й в розповідній частині, або ж те, що необхідно використовувати для утворення
питання для головної частини. Такі питання потребують відповіді «так» або ж «ні».
Якщо розділове питання починається зі стверджувальної частини, то питальна частина буде обов'язково в заперечній
 Claus can swim, can’t he? – Клаус вміє плавати, чи не так?
Якщо розділове питання починається з розповідної частини в заперечній формі, то питальна частина буде стояти
обов'язково в стверджувальній формі.
 Kate isn’t sad, is she? – Кейт не сумна, чи не так?
В питальній частині такого питання в якості підмета завжди використовуються займенники, що дублюють підмет
головної розповідної частини.
 Mum is mad, isn’t she? – Мама розлючена, так?
 They will do this job, won’t they? – Вони виконають цю роботу, чи не так?
 Your dog doesn’t want to play, does it? – Твій собака не хоче грати, чи не так?
Note the tags for the following questions: I am 29 years old, aren’t I?
There are twenty chairs in the assembly hall, aren’t there?
This is Greg’s brother, isn’t it?
Let’s change the kitchen design, shall we?
Let Molly explain her position, will you?
Lend me some money, will you?
Don’t shout at me, will you?


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