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Statement of intent

Product 1

My magazine will be targeted at an extremely specific audience. This will be aspirational 16–25-year
Olds which is a group of people who are very motivated and whose focus in life is to succeed in what
they do. My magazine is going to be in importance and all the many benefits that come with being in
good physical shape. I will have a male on the front of my magazine who will be in great shape who is
hard working, motivated and enjoying life. I have chosen this model as I will be making them look
powerful and focused, which are characteristics that are crucial to be able to succeed. This image will
make other males that are reading the magazine want to be and look like the model. My model will
inform the Stuart Hall representation theory as in the media men are presented as strong characters
and my model will be presented like this. The photos are going to be taken on a hot day where my
model is working hard, and we will catch him in action, the photo will be taken outside. The typography
will be sans serif as this will give a more modern look to my magazine which is key as I will be using
modern research to support my points. I will be using white and bright color's which are being used to
represent The Positivity behind exercise and bright colors represent happiness and that is what comes
with exercise. My intentions are to open my audience's mind and make them really realize the
importance of health, hoping to really get my message across to them and make an impact causing them
to change their ways. Barthes semiology theory applies as the image on the front will be giving a sign to
the audience and making them think a certain way. My other magazine will feature a female model sat
down with a pen a book looking engaged in the work that they are doing. I will make my model look
intelligent and powerful by shooting the photo from below looking up at the model. My model will
challenge the van Zoonen ideas on the media industry and will be using my model to challenge common
views in the media industry. Having an aspirational audience, we must make them believe no matter
their gender, ethnic background, disability and other underrepresented groups that all these factors are
irrelevant and will not be holding them back from succeeding and thriving in the things they do. I am
using different fonts for the different titles of my magazines to represent the mood of that specific

When making my website I will ensure that my website is mobile friendly as in this modern day and age
this is the most preferred device. On my website will be links to all my different social media platform
like Instagram and TikTok; we live in a society run on social media especially for my target audience 16–
25-year Olds and these apps are designed for younger people mainly so it is very important for me to
share my content on these platforms. All these platforms have extremely high user numbers, so it is a
great way to expand and raise awareness of the magazine. The icons on my website for all the social
media links will be very visible so the user is more likely to view my social media accounts. The
intentions with my website will be to give some light information about the topic I will cover in my
magazine, to inform them of the sort of content my magazine is about and just to give them a brief
preview. On my website there will be a little description of our purposes as a magazine. There will
also be an option to sign up for emails.

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