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Salinity: It’s the limited factors that many

plants have the competition for as many plants
can’t live without these conditions.
2. Flooding: Twice in a day the roots of the
mangrove are completely submerged under
water and can’t take in oxygen.
3. Temprature: extreme in tempratures limit
important plant processes and can cause death
to some part of the plant or the whole plant.
4. Light: Either too much or not enough light
For: -fish -crabs -molluscs interferes with plant processes and causes
temperature fluctuations
5. Nutrients: Mangroves take up nitrogen and
phosphorus and use these building blocks to
build roots, stems, and leaves.

Flamingos have developed its anatomy over time

to fit its diet. With competition against jabirus,
they have developed long, flexible necks to hunt
fish in the water better.

Mangrove trees are specialized to survive in the

extreme conditions of estuaries. The main two key
adaptations they have are the ability to survive in
waterlogged , anoxic (no oxygen) soil, and the ability
to tolerate brackish waters.


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