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The Story of the Witch and the Fairy

Once upon a time, there were a witch and a fairy lived in a forest far far
The witch lived on the right and the fairy lived on the other side of the
forest. They lived happily and peacefully together. Every day, the witch
came to the fairy’s house to have biscuit and tea and in return, the fairy
came to the witch’s house to have brownies and hot chocolate. They had
such strange names: The witch’s name was the fairy and the fairy’s
name was the witch. One day, they decided to buy pets for their houses.
The witch chose a dog and named it the cat. On the other hand, the fairy
got a cat and named it the dog.
Day by day, everything was normal. Suddenly, something was wrong.
The witch found out her cat was bitten. Angrily, she came to the fairy’s
house and blamed the dog for biting the cat. The story got worse when
the cat went missing and no one could find it. With all disappointment,
they headed back to their house and thought that the cat had gone away
forever. The next day, when the dog went out for a walk, it found the cat
lying on the tree above. The cat could not move because of the big belly
for eating too many fruits. The dog rescued the cat then brought it back
home. Everybody was relieved and lived happily together forever.

The question is: Which pet is bitten?

HW: Write a short paragraph to express your answer for this story. You
should write:
Draw a small picture of a scene in this story (you can draw a witch, a
fairy, a cat, a dog and the forest, put color if you want)
How a Baby Owl Flies
In a far forest there is a baby owl who is learning how to fly. His name is
Sparrow and his mother forces him to learn how to fly himself. The baby
owl is very eager for the first fly, the next morning, he heads toward the
tallest tree to start his lesson.
He climbs up to the first branch of the tree and starts to fly. With his
mother’s words, he flaps his wings fast in the air and jumps out of the
branch. However, it is not easy for a baby owl, so Sparrow falls down.
Cannot give up for only one try, Sparrow climbs higher. At this branch,
Sparrow meets a stork name Pigeon. Pigeon teaches Sparrow to fly in
storks’ way, but Sparrow still fails himself. Try harder, Sparrow
continues to climbs up one more branch and there he sees an eagle name
Hummingbird. Sparrow tells Hummingbird his story and Hummingbird
gives him advice and the techniques how to fly. Sparrow follows
Hummingbird’s advice but it still does not work. Patiently, Sparrow
climbs one more branch to try harder. When he reach the higher branch,
he meet another bird: a hawk name Crow. After listening to Sparrow’s
story, Crow decides to fly along Sparrow to fix the skill and technique.
However, it still does not work because Sparrow cannot fly any meters
at all. Suddenly, a woodpecker shows up and tell Sparrow to take a deep
breath before starting to fly, then flap the wings fast. His name is Owl
and thanks to Owl, Sparrow can fly easily. Sparrow is very eager to tell
his mother about this and she will be so proud of her son.

The question is: Who is Hummingbird?

HW: Choose a bird in the story, find the information about it and
describe the bird (Name, color, habit, your opinion about its

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