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Unit 3 Test B Class ..........................................................................

3 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

Use of English: Grammar It is very difficult to imagine what the future will
be like. Some people earn a living by predicting
1 Complete the sentences with the correct the future but if they’re predicting something that
alternatives. they think will (1) __________ in a hundred years’
1 By the end of this game, I’ll have beaten/been time, there’s no one to prove them wrong, is there?
beating you six times. I think that must be a pretty good job. In a hundred
years’ time, when we’re all living on the moon, no
2 I am being/’ll be in my room if you need me one is going to say ‘Oh dear. Jack Martin got his
later. predictions wrong back in 2012, didn’t he?’ They
3 We’ll have gone/go off to the science museum (2) __________ really be able to ask for their
as soon as Dave arrives. money back! If we look back 50 years and study
4 In ten years’ time, everyone is/will be earning what people thought would happen then, they
less money than now. didn’t really do very well. They thought that
5 I was/am going to start walking but then I saw everyone would have personal helicopters and eat
your headlights, so I didn’t. tablets instead of meals. That hasn’t happened. So,
what about the next 50 years? I’m going to try to
/5 be a futurologist for a moment and make some
predictions for the year 2052. The weather is
definitely going to change for the worse, and we’ll
all probably (3) __________ living in much
2 Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences. smaller places. The population of the world will
There is one mistake in each sentence. (4) __________ increased dramatically, and a lot
1 This next flight will have been the final journey of animals will be extinct. Technology will
for this space shuttle. continue to develop and control our lives, and
everything will be even faster than it is today:
computers, transport, cooking and so on. Of course
2 On the 21st of April, Jen and Chris will have we’ll all be using robots to help us at work and at
been married for four years. Do you go to their home. The experts will have made a lot of
party? advances in medicine (5) __________ then, but
we’ll all be much poorer, so we won’t be able to
afford to go to hospital. I think society will be
3 I’m sure Davina will be getting a good grade in clearly divided into the people who ‘have’ money
her final exams. But I don’t think I will. and the people who ‘have not’. Unfortunately, I
think I’ll probably be one of the ‘have nots’ unless
I set up a business as a futurologist and get paid
4 The weather forecaster has said it rains for predictions that probably won’t happen!
tomorrow, but personally I think it will snow.
5 I’ve made some plans for the holiday and I’ll
stay in Spain with my friend. What are you
going to do?


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4 Complete the second sentence so it means the 6 Complete the sentences with these words.
same as the first, using the word given. Do not
change the word given. Use between two and five voyage gravity orbit trip mission
1 My dad’s going to Paris on a business
1 I’ve decided to revise more for my exams in the __________ this weekend.
future. 2 The shuttle crew’s __________ is to take
AM pictures of the surface of the planet from many
I ____________________________________ different angles.
for my exams in the future. 3 How does the __________ on the moon
2 Has Mandy accepted the invitation to dinner compare with that on earth?
tomorrow? 4 The old American satellite has been in
COMING __________ round the earth for ten years now.
_____________________ to dinner tomorrow? 5 It was a long and difficult __________ to
3 I think it will take until five o’clock to finish Africa because of severe storms.
this essay.
I think ________________________________
essay by five o’clock.
7 Complete the story extract with words formed
4 Lara promised to be here by now. Where is from the words given.
When Harry opened his eyes, everything was dark
both inside and outside the spacecraft. His head
Laura said ____________________________ was hurting badly, and his mouth felt dry. He
by now. Where is she? looked at his watch. He had been unconscious for
5 Leave the washing up to me. Just go. a long time. He (1) __________ (view) his
DO situation. He remembered attempting to re-enter
Golath’s orbit but he had miscalculated his speed,
I _____________________________. Just go.
and the spacecraft had (2) __________ (act) by
falling uncontrollably through the atmosphere.
/5 Harry had tried to disable the automatic controls,
but this had been (3) __________ (possible), and
the space craft had hit the ground (4) __________
Use of English: Vocabulary (heavy). Harry groaned. He knew it had been
irresponsible of him to take the craft in the first
5 Complete the definitions with the correct words. place. At this very moment, there was probably an
You are given the first letters. (5) __________ (national) search going on for
him, and he knew he shouldn’t underestimate the
1 A s__________ s__________ is a vehicle that anger of the leader of Agron.
regularly takes people into space and back
again. /5
2 A a__________ is a person who studies the
stars and planets.
3 A m__________ is a small object that comes
from space and falls to earth.
4 The a__________ is the gases that surround
and protect the earth.
5 The c__________ are the people who work on
a spacecraft.


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8 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the

I’ve enjoyed looking at the stars since I was a child 9 Read the article about a TV series. Decide if the
and used my dad’s telescope to examine the night statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned
sky. In those days, most of the big constellations (NM).
were (1) ___, and it was amazing to see the shapes
the stars made in the sky. I think my favourite was The Time Traveller who has Survived the
Orion’s Belt because it was usually quite clear. I Test of Time
also loved listening to my dad’s stories (2) ___ the People have always been intrigued by the
constellations and what the stars represented. They possibilities of time travel, so it is not surprising
filled my imagination almost more than the that one of the most popular science-fiction TV
bedtime stories my mother used to read to me at series in the world is about that very subject.
night. In later years, my interest in stars decided Doctor Who, produced by the BBC in the UK, is
what (3) ___ direction I should go in, and I have also said to be the longest running sci-fi series
now been an astronomer for ten years, studying the ever, having started in November 1963 and, after a
stars. They still fascinate me. However, what I find break of about 15 years from 1989 to 2005, still
very sad is the fact that young children today do continues today. There have been 770 episodes of
not have the same opportunities as I did to watch the series! It is certainly a widely-loved and much
the stars. With pollution, worsening weather and respected series which has won awards all over the
the (4) ___ of street lights, it is far more difficult to world and is still appreciated today by people in
see the stars with the naked eye any more. To see over 50 countries.
clear skies you have to go outside built up areas So, why has Doctor Who survived the test of
and into (5) ___ parts of the country where it is time? One answer is because of the very clever
still possible to see and marvel at the wonder of writing involved in creating and continuing the
the night sky in all its glory. series. Doctor Who is unique in that the central
1 A seen B visible C obvious D possible character, the Doctor, a Time Lord who travels
2 A for B with C on D about backwards and forwards through time helping
people and challenging evil, has had ten
3 A world B work C career D life
reincarnations. This ability of the Doctor to
4 A results B effects C bright D disturbance regenerate himself in another body when death
5 A populated B uninhabited C free D vacant approaches has been built into the plot to enable
different actors to take over the part and allow the
/5 character of the Doctor to survive as long as we
wish him to. So far, there have been 11 Doctors,
the most recent being Matt Smith, who took over
from the talented David Tennant in 2010.

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Doctor Who was originally created for family 1 Doctor Who is believed to have been T/F/NM
viewing and has nearly always been shown at on TV screens for more years than
prime time on television, most often on Saturday any other science-fiction series.
evenings. However, it quickly earned the
reputation for being very frightening, and in the 2 The series has remained popular T/F/NM
early days there were complaints that Doctor Who partly because several actors have
was too scary for children. It was giving children played the central role over the years.
all over the country nightmares! It is true that this
side of Doctor Who has also been one of its 3 Doctor Who is more frightening today T/F/NM
attractions. As well as the most outrageously than it was in the early years.
monstrous monsters from other planets, with
4 The series has stopped focusing on T/F/NM
numerous eyes, legs, teeth, etc, the writers also
educational topics in recent years.
managed to create terrifying villains from the most
ordinary sources. There were the policemen with 5 According to the writer, Doctor Who T/F/NM
blank faces, the stone statues in a churchyard and may not last for many more years
the models in a shop window. These stories because of its topicality.
captured the horror of the familiar becoming
sinister. And, of course, no one could ever forget
the Doctor’s personal enemies: the Daleks,
machine-like robots with scary mechanical voices,
threatening to ‘exterminate’ everyone they met.
The series has terrified generation after generation
of British children who traditionally watched the
Doctor from ‘behind the sofa’.
Surprisingly, Doctor Who was initially intended
to be an educational programme as well as an
entertaining one. The Doctor travels both back and
forward in time, on our planet earth as well as in
outer space. This gave the series scope to set
adventures in different time periods and different
areas, informing children about history, geography
and science. In the early days, a historical
adventure alternated every second week with a
future-based one. The Doctor has been seen at
important wars, in the Jurassic period and with
great figures from history: Victoria, Churchill and
so on. Even in recent times he has returned to the
French revolution and had adventures with Charles
Dickens, Agatha Christie and Vincent Van Gogh.
Doctor Who is so much a part of British culture
that nearly everyone you ask will be able to hum
the theme tune (the first purely electronic theme
music to be made), name the time machine (the
Tardis), describe and imitate a Dalek and say
which actor played Doctor when he or she was a
child. Although absent for a few years, the Doctor
returned with a vengeance in 2005 and now has a
whole new following. The creativity of the
programme’s writers and the status of the Doctor
as a national hero will ensure that he remains on
our screens and in our hearts for a long time to

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Listening Writing
11 Write a story for a school magazine. Your story
10 Listen to the extracts and choose the correct
must begin with these words:
alternatives to answer the questions.
1 You hear two people talking about a weekend My friend was driving us home after a party
activity. Why didn’t the boy go to the when suddenly the car stopped and the lights went
exhibition? off.
A It was closed.
Write 180–250 words.
B He preferred to go for a walk by the river.
C He didn’t have enough time.
2 You hear two people talking about a film
review. What does the review say? _____________________________________
A The film is too frightening for young _____________________________________
children. _____________________________________
B There are some funny parts in the film. _____________________________________
C The acting isn’t very good. _____________________________________
3 You hear an announcement at an airport. What _____________________________________
is the problem in the airport lounge? _____________________________________
A Some passengers are getting angry because _____________________________________
of delayed flights.
B The restaurants have closed, and the
passengers can’t get a meal.
C Some passengers have to stand up because
it’s very crowded. _____________________________________
4 You hear two women talking about a student. _____________________________________
Whose daughter is at university? _____________________________________
A Jane’s _____________________________________
B Penny’s _____________________________________
C Jenny’s _____________________________________
5 You hear part of a news broadcast. What were _____________________________________
the results of the accident?
A Some people have suffered from breathing in /10
escaped gas.
B Some people are missing.
C There has been some damage to the structure
of some houses.


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