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B2 Student's Book David Spencer aa MACMILLAN Contents Vocabulary Grammar Presenttenses Intemational Cultural Knowledge: feand study at uni Past tenses: Do and make Present perf Gerunds and infiritives 1 1d jobs Job descriptions Past perfect Cross-curricular— Ec Learning English for wor The best jobin the world Past and present habits Cross-curricular Learning workplace jargon ions and sta English and immigration anguage: Gerunds and Infinitives 2 Phrasal verbs: Work English in the work Jargon oe Fate aciviesin MIEGUE: wel the past ture continuous he War ofthe Wor stoi Future perfect simpleand continuous Personality adjectives Nat makes a genius? Makin Cross-curticular— Science Noun suffixes Extaordinary facts about So™mPariszons Abeer Einstein Articles Cross-curicular— Philosophy hehobbit So/sich/too/enough Whats inteligence? Personality descriptions: g and selling ning a bank Modal verbs Cross-curricular af obligation, Q&Aby Vikas prohibition and Phrasal verbs: Moneyand Instructions: Howtousea advice suepping pie Speculation and deduction: Past present and future -y and banking Q&A by Vika: international Cultural Knowledge: Money q\ istening Writing Speaking Exam success/Study skills Vocabulary quiz Questions about Pair interviews and reports Vocabulary: Using a dictionary Introduction to gap years S*Perience Bapressing preferences Reading: Multiple matching Tips forexam revision’ _—_-~Project: Poster advertising ‘Speaking: Accuracy and fluency are a ‘iting, Transactional tasks Ae iting. Tra Expressing individual Faking nots in normal preferences : Reply 1 arequestinan email People describing ther Writing interview Describing jobs Vocabulary Studying phrasal verbs gas ee Talking about work plans Listening: Matching speakers and statements Wop eee etgary MAE Sh) Stimulus-based Speaking: Stimulus-based discussions Helicopter parents {An opinion essay 1 discussions | (eweee Pronunciation: Stress for emphasis Expressions in stimulus- based discussions Pronunciation: Word stress Predictions Discussing future Reading: Missing sentences The Warof the Worlisby Making a plan feiss Grammar: Learning from mistakes HG Wels Astory:Science fiction Sheeking future Listening: Prediction Dear Future Me radio : Writing: Stor Cae Stimulus based poaisrones discussions 2 Space research and ‘government spending Expressing and justifying opinions Multiple intelligences Project: Geniuses Preparing andaivinga Vocabulary: Keeping records Animal intelligence Asummary Pesan Use of Enalish: Word formation cloze Presentation on the value Adescription ofa hero. Speaking: Presentations of exams Writing: Checking Pronunciation: Silent Schoo! rulesfadvice Speculation and Reading: Skimming and scanning ies Deductions and deduction Listening: Completing notes quiz programme speculations Zaking about hotes: ——speskng Talking abou photos Thetisanyeteney Sata a Wing: Writing pan Comparing and contrasting photos Grammar Vocabulary Heelthy habits Conditionals (055-curfcular ~ Science/Nutrtion/PE Nutrition for teenagers Health Teenagers and nutrition Unless, as fong provided/pr Cross-curticular - Science/Popular cultur healthy r Idioms: Healt of technology on Third conditional Mixed conditional Boe) Musicand film How teenagers consume: Ri nternational Cultural Kn« Glastonbury Festival Media habits Popular culture: noua Woodstock Song: Woodstock by Joni Mitchel rl sastes, The pasive:Verbs Cross-curicular- Sch ional pases with sa 0 aes ee ON Popular culture Passive infnitves Disaster mor Giving aid in a disaster and gerunds Everyday technology Useful inventions ross-currcuar = Computer scence: world bs and phrasal verbs 4ybrids by David Thorpe hn a Technology and computers Teaver ticle: The use of mobi # david Tho} hones Z q Report The us chology at sch bape sections eadlin Inversion national Cultural Knowledge abloids and quality papers saperheadlines Newspaper st Participle clauses ndirect questions Comparing newspay Question tags Pronunctation: Intonation eee aclu a) » Wordlists 136 Leelee Ei Speaking Exam success/Study skills Recipe for egg fied rice Planning a meal Cooking habits Reading: Prediction My favourite sport Making notes Negotiating and Use of English: Sentence transformations obtain ‘Speaking: Keep talking ‘Was to bene Writing: For-and-against and opinion essays A for-and-against essay Pronunciation: Word stress Project: An information Media habits Reading: Deducing meaning jn compound nouns brochure questionnaire Listening; Gist and specific information Film . a Sa ‘Speaking: Discussions and negotiation iim habits mt Discussions 1 (presenting Witing: Reviews and articles, Presenting an argument: Emphasis and examples supe) Reports on natural An opinion essay 2 (using Talking about natural Reading: Multiple choice disasters linkers correctly) disasters Listening: Tiue/Falee/Not given Film reviews Inventing plotforafim 5. aking: Paraphrasing ‘Animals predicting natural Talking about statistics disasters (numbers proportions, ting: Editing trends) Fractions and percentages Instructions Instructions Talking about technology Reading: Reference in a text Radio programme: Taking notes Discussions 2 Use of English: Cloze tests Hackers Project: Designing a Clarving and checking Speaking: Sentence stress peers problems and computer safety poster understanding ‘Writing: Reports Areport Taking mobile phones into lass News stories Linkers: A review Presentations 2 Reading: True/False/Not given ‘The press in Britain Amagazine article Opposing points of view Vocabulary: Collacation Arabbery Listening: Multiple choice Apresentation: Forand Writing: Stages against eel ite tet aot » Writing bank 158 » Additional activities 166 Ca licyell lah -1a Samo iar» Present simple, past simple, present continuous, past continuous | » resent perfect simple, present perfect continuous =bGerunds ard inintines abulary » Studying al university» Life at university.» do ané make faking Giving personel information — preferences to an informal email Complete the sentences witha 1 Sireheomeaerr ua aayn thei contes They want study 2 Auras tsunalyenys | ra 3 When yu hamay hom hem. eu become more. 44 Studens who dertveat nome oftentve in allot 5: Hfyouhavertgotercugh money to cay bigasnBiryou can siers 6. Atunverty, here ae os of habs Satan 1. Work witha partner. How many school or university subjects can you think of? a wlan 7 Universities have gyms, laboratories 2 Match these words with the definitions 1-8. and lots of other student assignment course lecture notes research term tutor tutorial 5 abroad 1 aplece freer have de apf jours ene 2. lesson wherea smal up of students clicis something witha teacher te. | 3 dteson era ing sro ofpeo xen oan exper an outs) a ipoeee } 4 aperiod of ime that the school year is divided friends | ] 5 thestudy of something to discover new facts 9 facilities | } 6 ateacherat university =. 7a SPEAKNG) Complete the questions | thinset you wnt don ep yout eee withthe wordsa-gin6, | 5 ead the text and pay attention tothe wordsin bold Deideif each wordisa Te viele i noun or a verb and what you think the meaning country? 7 | i ‘Most students at university are undergraduates. They are studying to 2 Would you prefer tolive at home or get a degree, There is usually continuous assessment of the students’ | ina tal of ? | i ‘coursework and assignments. The tutor gives a grade or mark for each 3. Isiteasytogeta student | eee orwork Stucets ually haveto tke exams to, Before exch exam, aise students need to revise their notes. If you fail an exam, you normally resit ifyou don'thave enough money the exam another day Of couse, you tually al auoratcally (£900 pov cheat, When you pass your final exams, you graduate, | - “ 4 Doyou find t easy to make new 4 Now usea dictionary to check your ideas in 3. 5 Doyou do any extra-curricular When you look up words in a cctionary do not just look atthe ist meaning that 6 What special appears. Many English words have mare than one meaning and can have more forstudents ae therein your school? than one form (eg, they can be a noun anda verb}. Lookat the introduction to your 7. Doyou consider youself 0 be dictionary to find out how itgivesinfrration about types of word, and aso how it ordo you need shows the pronunciation of the word. STUDY SKILLS > page 145 aha pea ACR Bo tn EGO ‘7b Use the questions to interview your 5 Listenin @®1.07 Listen to the vocabulary quiz and answer the questions 1-8. - partner. ta Workin pate Tink of aneaersro these eens \What athe advantages and sadvantages of studying atthe unter nyour home town? What arte advantages ang clsadancages of rain mentee mana {6 Compare your ides, 2 Read the comments from an Internet forum. Match the people below to one of the | comune | 1 Kshener assy heme | 2 it's better to study in another place, ai 3. Itfantbetter or worse to study at hom lyat home A Topcat storm 7 = wy In teading activities where you match questions 28-0242 or statements with different texts, remember 19.27 that the words inthe question may not be Top cat exactly the samme as the wards in the text. EXAM SUCCESS > page 149 3. Read the comments again. For questions 1-10, ‘choose from the four people (A-D). The people ‘may be chosen more than once. Which person + thinks that Anita needs to consider more specific questions before she decides? = 1 + bases his/her opinion on his/her ‘experience? 2 + bases his/her opinion on someone close tohim/ner? 3 ‘+ bases his/her opinion on what he/she wants? 4 c + talks about problems with concentration? + thinks that the decision of staying at home or moving away’ not final? 6 + says that first you need to find out what your university has got? + ishappy for his/her family to help him/her? + doesn't feel his/her life has changed much? 9 + wants to experience new things? 10 28-03-12 1934 Lotus | | 7 | e032 8 | 194s | storm 4 Find words in the text with similar meanings to these words. 1. university (colloquial) (Anita) 2. thesameas (Top Ca) 3 the way that two or more people act or behave together (Lotus questions, ideas (Lotus) along time (Storm) moments (Storm) Jobs at home (Sa-Ra) ° 29-03-12 1018 SaRa Nous 5 SPEAKING What about you? 1. What do you want to do when you finish school? 2. Where do you think itis better to go to university ~ inyour home town or somewhere else? Why? StudentHelpline The best place fore wih urversty te feuerher Hone > rus Gael Uns cin Qilsit better to go to the uni in yourhome town and stay at home or to move away to somewhere different? Next year I want to go and study at uni, but lim not sure if it’s better to stay at home and study here or if | should go and live in another city. What do you think? “At the moment Im doing a microbiology course at ‘the uni in my home town. | decided to stay here because | wanted to be close to my family and friends. But in the end most of my good friends went away to work or study at other universities. Living at home with my parents is OK, but it's difficult to make new friends because most of the other students live in halls of residence and they spend all their time ‘together. Another problem is that | haven't become very independent because my mum and dad stil help me with everything. Sometimes | think I'm at school, not at university. Don't be like me! ‘What's better! It depends on you, Nobody can decide for you. It depends on the relationship you have with your parents, It depends on your student loan too because it's usually cheaper to stay at home. Above all, it depends on the course you ‘want to study. Find out which is the best university for your subject. Maybe they don't teach it in your home town, Find out details about the course, the tutors, assessment, etc and compare them with ‘other places. What facilities has the university got for undergraduates? Choosing the right university is really important decision. It can change your life. Don't make your decision without thinking about the really important issues, Tve also been thinking about this question for ages, but now I've made my decision. 'm moving away. I've lived in my hame town all my life. Now I'd rather study in another city, maybe abroad, and see the world. | want to become independent. ‘You can always go home for the helidays and for special occasions. Remember, at university the summer holidays are really long. And when you finish university, you can decide to go back ifyou don't lke living away from home. But you always make more new friends when you live away from home. You have more time for extra-curricular activities, | love my mum and dad but it's ood to be able to come and go when you like without anybody asking where you're going and what time to expect you back. Last year my brother went away to study. He was living in a hall of residence at first, but then he found house with four friends, He was having a great time but then he started failing his exams. He sees that he needs to study more but i's impossible in the house. His friends are always having parties, making noise and doing everything except studying! He thinks I should study in my home town and live at hone because at home it's quiet and you can study. And he says you have more time because you don't have to do chores like the shopping or the washing. | think staying in my home town has lots of advantages. But I don't know if my parents agree! Grammar in context Ee Present simple, past simple, present continuous and past continuous Ja Look at the verbs in these sentences and name the tenses. 1 Atthe moment fm studying in my home town 2 Lastyear my brother went away t study. 3 Hewas having a greattime 4. His frends are alvays having partes and making noise. 5) You always make more new friends when you live away from home. 6 Hesees thathe needs to study more ‘Tb Which tense do we use when we want to talk about {a present routines and habits? actions that are happening now? ‘temporary actions in the present? changing situations in the present? finished actions or situations in the past? things that are always or generally true? activities in progress at a moment in the past? present states? actions that happen very often and are annoying and imitating? 2 Choose the correct alternative, 1. Thanks to yous | understandéam understanding now. 2 The moon goes/s going round the earth. 3. Listen! Somebody comes/s coming 4 Temperatures getlae getting higher each year. 5 | owefam loving watching fims. We alwoys gofareatways gaing othe cinema atthe weekend 6 Mybrother ual aik/isusualy walking to univers, but this week he goes/s gong by bus 7 Not again! My sister always takes/s alos taking my clothes. 8 Deyouwearlére you wearing a uniform at your school? 9 | don't agree/ am not agreeing that it’s better to study at home. 10 That course sounds/s sounding really interesting, 3. Explain the difference between these pairs of sentences. Ja The students stood up when the tutor came in ‘Tb The students were standing up when the tutor came in, 2a Ar quarter past ten we finished our tutorial 2b At quarter past ten we were finishing our tutorial 3a They were having lunch when we arrived, ‘3b They had lunch when we arrived. ‘4a She was making a film about a group of students, 4b She made a film about a group of students. 4 Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs given. 1 What you (0) on your last holiday? 2 What ae YOU (do) atthis, time yesterday? BO What an YOU SUEY er) after schoo? 4 enenee anne YOU (ike) doing sport? 5 What you (do) atthe moment? 6 HOW ee YOU {Come} t0 schodl? 7 What ane YOU (do) atten lack ast right? 8 Whattime YOU oe (GO) 10 bed last night? ‘SPEAKING Use the questions in 4 to interview your partner. PRs Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous 6a Match sentences 1-4 with the explanation of their uses a-d. 1. Ive lived here for ages. 2. Ive visited lots of different cities. 3 Ive ust made a decision. My brother has gone away to university. ras An action that happened at an unspecified moment in the past, bAnaction which started in the past and continues in the present © A past action which has a result in the present, d_Anaction finished very recently. 6b Look at these sentences. Which use the present perfect simple and which use the present perfect continuous? How do we form these two tenses? 1. lve been trying to decide but | cant. 2 'vemade my decision, 3. vebeen thinking about this question for ages, 4 vewritten to four diferent universities. 6c Which tense, the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous, gives more importance to 1. the completion and result of an action? 2. the process and duration of an action? 3 how many times an action happens? 4 the fact that an action is temporary, incomplete or has finished very recently? (GRAMMAR REFERENCE > pace 16) 7 2 10 ‘Work with a partner. These words often go with the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. How and why do we use the words? for since ever never just yet already For goes with periods of time ike three hours, ten minutes, a long time. Itgoes just before the time period. Rewrite the sentences using the correct tense and the words in 7,if necessary. 1. That artist has been painting more than a hundred paintings, 2. tve lived here for 2005, 3. We've been to that city in 2008, 4 Ive done this assignment for two weeks but | havent finished yet. 5 My friend has been having an accident. 6 Ive waited here fora bus for twenty minutes, 7 She's been faling si exams 8 They've been revising for that exam since five hours. 9 Oho! My keys and my wallet! lost them, 10 haven't been doing this exercise yet Complete these questions with the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. 1 Howllong have you .? Haw long have you been .? Have you ever .? How many times have you .2 What have you been .? ‘SPEAKING. Interview your partner with the completed questions in 9, Tell the class one interesting thing you found out about your partner. Peete kG do and make 1. Lookat these words. Do they usually go with do or ‘make? Write two lists. anassignment adecision well thedinner anexam the shopping the washing anolse chores _ friends acake course homework 2 Complete the rules with do or make. 1 Weusually use with work at school or university 2 We usually use with work around the house. 3 We usually use with things we produce, create or construct. 4 We usually use when we talk about activities in general 5 Weuse ‘with these words: ‘amistake, a decision, a noise, friends, an appointment, {an effort an excuse, money, progres, a phone call plan, a promise, an offer, asuggestion. 6 Weuse with these words: your best, a favour, busines, sport, your hair. 3 Complete the text with the correct form of do or make. Last year a good university (a) my brother an offer to study computer science there. He o) the decision to accept their offer He has 10 (¢) 2 loc of work, but his tutors say that he (d) very ‘well at the moment and that he (e) alot of progress. He has to (f) alot of theoretical exercises but he also has to @ practical assignments, Right now, for example, they (h) a simple computer from old parts. The only problem is that my brother is becoming unhealtiy because hhe never has time to () sports and he always eats out because he doesn't have time to () the shopping or co lunch or dinner. My murn says he needs o () an effort to (m) those simple chores, but | understand that it’s hard. There isnt time to ™ everything! 4a Choose three expressions with do and three with ‘make. Use the expressions to write questions to ask other people in your class. What do you think isthe best way to make money? How do you feel when you make mistakes speakir ps eae igpoaling What course would you like to deat university? 4b Use your questions to interview as many people as possible. ‘4c Tell the class something you found out about the other students. S International cultural knowledge Gap years S 1. Work with a partner. Lookat the pictures and describe what you can see. Would you like todo either of these activities? Why2/Why not? 2 stewie @1L02 Listen toa radio programme about gap years and answer the questions. 1 Whatisa gap year? 2 Who 3. When do people usually take a gap year 3 @ Listen again, Are these statements true) or false (F)? 1 People dit normaly haveagapyearinthe past, UF 2. People often decide to have 2 gp year because are ted of studying 3 People who tl ap years usually have alot of money, VE 4 Aap year hat course to study at uni ie 5 People normaly prefer travelling short distances during thelr gap year, u 6 Youneed to pay for everything yourself when you do 7 One way of spending a gap year Is teaching languages. 7 Universities always prefer taking students who have jone a gap year. 4 SPEAKING What about you? 1. What are the main advantage: ap year! 2 Would you ike to have a Whyzahy now and disadvantages of having a gap year when you finish sc Gap years Lookat these titles for texts about how five different people spent their gap years. Work with a partner. Predict what the people did A trip to remember for the rest. ¢ of my life j Sun + snow = relaxation ‘A long way trom home, helping people without a home © Boring but necessary ‘Opening my eyes to an t amazing new world Read this newspaper article about how the five students spent their gap years. Match the titles in 5 withthe texts ACE Read the texts again. Which student(s) planned hisher gap year fora long time? didnt make any plans? worked frst and then traveled? didn’t work during his/her gap year? Jeamt two languages? enjoyed being says that the gap year has helped him/her to be more postive when things go wrong? 8 thinks his/her gap year encouraged him/her to work hard at university? or seeing unusual animals? red living in bad conditions? 10 says that his/her gap year is going to influence his/her ice of acaree? look forward to stand on your feet the best or most excitn feel excited about something that is going to happen relating to the natural world andthe ‘effect that human activity has on environmental dive fare highlights do things for yourself without asking people to help you swim underwater money you pay for using types of public transport A Jason Scott | needed money to help me to pay for university | decided to take a job in my home town. I's ‘quite a smal town and the only work I could find was atthe local supermarket. | did't enjoy it at all but in some ways that was a good thing. made me realize that | never wanted to do ajob like that again. It motivated me to study hard to be able to get an interesting, creative job. One day while | was working a he supermarket | was feeling really bored ‘and depressed. That was wien | had the idea to use some ofthe ‘money | was making to pay fora week-iong holiday in New York when | finished my jo atthe supermarket, It gave me something to look forward to in the bad moments, B Gwen Laurie | did't plan my gap year at al. First | worked in a fast-food restaurant to mal money. | did't really know where | was going to go, but ke | wanted t travel. When | had enough ‘money | decided ta go sking in France. | found ‘job working in a bar there and spent six ‘months just skiing, learning French and making friends, After al that snow | wanted to see the sun $0 went to Spain, | eam basic Spanish and travelled all the way down the east coast, sometimes working but sometimas just spending my time on the beach. learnt how to become independent and stand on my own two feet, When my gap year finshed | was relaxed, full of energy and ready to study again C Sophie Jones For my gap year | wanted to experience something totaly new. I contacted a voluntary organization that works in India, helping poor hildren wha ve on the streets, It was really hard work at first because the problems that these children had were so sad. The conditions we lived in were not good. But the cildren we were helping lived in really terible conditions, sso how could we complain? Now, when Im studying at university and | have a problem, those children anc remember how lucky Iam. In my gap year | saw that the work | wes doing realy made 2 difference. | decided then that when [finish uni | want to do ajob where |can help others re as he FN just think about i) INSIDE INFORMATION 8 ERIM What about you? PEED Pe eas React Ss ‘9b Prepare a poster to advertise your gap year. Vote on the best. ‘My gap year had two very different parts, For the | fist stots woreda satan 0 Jake some mone, Then |cked for work nan exotic cour, On te wb I eur an organization J) that oes envrnmera research in Masagascar | contacted thm andthe took me on. The wel | experience wes jit amazing. We wer ing a cy te nose ta wes fl of range sects, but vet art howto ch. aught Els othe chien inthe vila were we were Tig, spe plants and arial that Jou ist ca’ se rye ee nthe wold wre wh people froma iret counties and ads. Tat ip waste start of ei for me E Sam Evans | knew exactly what | was going to doin my gap year. 've loved traveling since | was itl, so | decided years aga that whe finished schoo! | ‘was going to travel raund the world, | bought a ‘round-the-world’ ticket, which cost £1,800 and included all the clfferent fights and train and bus fares. The route was from London to Los Angeles, from LA to Fj and then the Cook Istands, from there to New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and then back to London, There were so many highlights! Riding an nt Thailand, swimming with dolphins in Australia, doing lure sports in New Zealand! | went to places that everybody wants to visit one day, but they start university and then work and they | ever find the time, ‘ince Willam and Pine Harry both tookap years when they fished chook ey wo helped orphaned chicrenin Lesctho don ofr in Aust ‘9 There are las of wetites thet help stud o plan gap years und the-world recur a SPEAKING Work with a partner. Read these statements made by students about revising for exams. Which ones do you think are a good idea? 1. ‘Reading your notes again and agains useful 2. ‘Wwsqood to revise with other studen 3 ‘Lalways go tothe library to revise: 4 ‘Irevise by reading my notes and then asking somebody to test me: 5. ‘icant stand revising so| leave all my revision to the last week before the exams: 6 ‘Ife tired and stressed when | revise so | go running or swimming to help me to lax 7 'My revision stat really Involves drinking lots of coffee and going to bed B ‘Lalways need 10 take a break after 45 0 inutes of study 9 "Thelast thing | do before the rea 10 ‘lavoid revising alot of subjects the points and hope they come up in the exam: fam Is to do a practice exam: ore the exam. | ust revise some of think reeding your notes again and again isa good idea. Idon't agree. | think its better to read your notes and then get somebody to ask you questions, lke in 4 LsTENING @ 1.03 Listen to two teenagers talking about revision, Which three ideas in 1 does the boy mention? Has he prepared well forthe exam? @ Listen again and choose the best answer (A, Bor C). 1 Last night the boy A cise atall. B didn't sleep much slept badly t us 2. The students found out about the exam four weeks ago, CC fourdays ago. 3. On Fiidays the bo A. goes ou B does spor € revise 4 Theboy A. doesntund inthe exam all the top B_ doesnt lke some of the topics in the exam, hasnt got information forall the topics in the exam, 5. The boy thinks he isn't going to pass the exam because A he needs to answer all the question: B_ he'sstudied the: pes Che's studied last year's exam, 6 The boy can't study during lunch because ‘A he goes home for lunch, B_ he doesn'thave enough time, Che hasn't got any books at school to study from, 4 SPEAKING What about you? 1. How-do you usually prepare for exams? 2 Doyou think your strategie re good? it 1 > Grammar in context Cnn Gerunds and infinitives 1 1. Match the statements 1-10 in Listening with these rules. Use one rule twice We use gerunds a asthe subject/object ofa sentence. 7 with goto tal about physical activites, after prepositions. after verbs of liking or disk (except when the verb after certain verbs tke We use infinitives £ toexplain why somebody something. immediately ater adjectives ertain verbs lke agree, 2a Choose the correct alternative. Efficient revision It’ incredible (a) thinking/o think that we do hundreds of exams at school and university, but many students never pay much attention to how they revise. Here ae just some ideas to help you (b) rewsingco.sexsecfficenty. Some peaple think that (¢) revising/to revises a question of (d) sitting/te.sit down for hours and hours with their notes. Itisnt It's essential) takingéto tae frequent (but short!) breaks. This way our mind stays alert and active. Just (f) reading and readingdtaead. and sead is not very sensible either. After a while we think we know everything and we no longer pay attention to what we are reading. Instead of (@) daing/to da this read and then stop and answer questions. Why? (h) Seeing/To see if you have really understood what you have read That's one reason wiy it can be a really good idea to work with other students. Same people dont mind (O evising/toreyse alone but some people hat it. The good news for those people is that () discussing’ {adlsguss past exam questions with other students can really help (k) checking/tacheck hat you know what youte doing, And when you don't understand something, don't be too frightened (I) askingéta.ask other people for help. Lastly, don't forget (m) keepingéto keer healthy. Eat good food. Find enough time (n) sleeping and takina/ to.sleep.and take exercise, When your brain stops functioning, do sport, go (0) celinavo cycle, move your body, You know what the Romans said ~a healthy mind ina healthy body! 2b What do you think of the ideas in this text? {tsa good idea to toke lots ofshort breaks. can only concentrate for about an hour, then I need to stop revising. ‘can't revise n a group. get distracted. prefer to study alone. Exercise is really important to me. Ian study better after I've done some sport or gone for arun. 3a Complete the sentences with the gerund or infinitive form of the verbs given. 1 Plan your time atthe start to make sure that you have enough time (nish) the exam 2 (Start) the exam before you have read allthe questions can be a bad idea 3 Wesuggest exam, 4 Dorit write too fast or carelessly. You risk impression. 5 Think about (leave) yourself ME ne none (check) your work before you hand iti. 6 Avoid (wrte) our opinion unless the question specially asks fort 7 When a question involves... parts, make sure you answer them a 8 Check that you know how many questions you need (complete) because sometimes not all questions are obligatory. 9 Atternpt ‘answe)allthe questions that ae obligatory. (take) more than one pen or pencil into the (create) abad {answer) two or more different ‘3b Work with a partner. Think of more good advice for taking exams. 4 Find eight mistakes with gerunds or infinitives in this text. Five years ago we were doing a chemistry exam at school when the teacher found a boy who was looking at his notes during the exam. The bay, whose name ‘was Oliver, admitted to cheat. Naturally, the teacher forced him to rest the exam the week after. Nobody expected Oliver passing, | was good at chemistry and | liked Oliver so | decided to help him by study with him. We spent the next week studying really hard, Oliver didn't feel very canfident about passing, | suggested to study together the day before the exam and we agreed meeting in the evening, ‘Then we also arranged to meet on the morning befare the exam. While we were walking to school | asked him questions. By this time he knew al the answers and was feeling good. The exam began at nine clock and Oliver appeared finding the exam easy. In fact, he was one of the first to finish. He managed passing the ‘exam with 903%, He was really grateful and asked me ifthere was anything he could give me as a present. | ust asked him to promise not cheating again. fm really proud of Oliver because now he's at university studying chemistry! 5 Complete the sentences with a verb in the gerund or infinitive form. Make the sentences true for you. 1 Icantt stand 5 relax at the weekend by 2. don't mind 6 mreally interested in 3. sometimes go. 7 Fora realy good holiday, | suggest 4 | think its good. 8 Next year | realy want. 6 SPEAKING Work in groups. Compare your sentences in 5. Are any of your sentences the same? 7a SPEAKING Work with a partner. Complete the questions with a verb in the ‘gerund or infinitive form. Do you enioy.. in the evening? When you sleep, do you ever dream of Have you ever thought of Do you find it cfficult Have you ever considered Do you think that you are brave enough ‘Would you like to be the frst person 8B Doyouavoid at parties? ‘7b Use your questions to interview other students and make anote of any interesting or funny answers. 7¢ Tell the class some of the things you discovered. > Developing speaking Giving personal information — preferences 1. Read questions 1-6 and match them with one of the categories AD. 1. What do you like about the place where you live? 2 What would youlike todo when you finish studying at school? 3 Are you happier studying alone corwith other people? 4 What things do you enjoy doing with your fiends? 5 Doyau like going to parties? Are you happier doing mental (or physical work? your home and family your interests your stucies/work your plans for the future gne> 2 \srewino @ 1.08 Listen tosixstudents answering the questions in 1. Match each student to one ofthe questions. Student A Student B Student ¢ Student D Student € Student F 3 @ Listen again. Make a note of the students’ ‘answers and any reasons or personal details they give. Do you thinkall the students answer the questions well? Why2/Why not? 4 SPEAKING Work with a partner. Take it in turns to ask and answer the questions in 1. Remember to give reasons and personal details. 5 Study different ways of expressing preferences in the Speaking Bank, then do exercise 6. eens rus Express prefer + Ipreferrevsing alone. + Ipreferstudying alone to studying with other people, 1g preferences would prefer +d prefer to bea translator (than a musician) + [prefer notto study music + My parents would prefer me ta do more exercise would rather + fdratherliveinabigcty + fa rather not vein a smal own + (arather study than work + They'd rather studled music ‘+ Myparents would rather Idan‘ stuay alone 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given. 1 I prefer (play) football to {do} homework. 2 Idrather (go) by bus than (walk) 3. Shed prefer 4 Idratheryou 5. She'd prefer us, individually. She prefers 7. Hed rather we email (not stay) in at the weekend, (not use) my computer (do) our homework write) essays by hand, (send) him our hornework by Practice makes perfect Ta SPEAKING Work n pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Give reasons and personal details and use expressions from the Speaking Bank. ‘Student A: Ask these questions. 1 Which subject’) do you prefer studying? 2. Would you rather study at home ain alitvary? 3. Would you like to have a gap year between school and Lniversity/work, or would you prefer to stat straight away? ‘Student B; Ask these questions. 1 Would you prefer to study in your country or abroad? 2 Doyouprefer studying with books or using a computer? 3 Would you ratherhave a school uniform or wear what you lke? ‘7b Change partners and repeat. ‘To speak English well we need a balance between accuracy and fluency. Accuracy means how correct our use of grammar is when we speak. Fluency means whether we can speak continuously in English without stopping frequently to think about what we want 0 say next, STUDY SKILLS > page 145 See siee awaits 1 Read this email from an English boy called Paul to a friend who lives in another country. Underline the four main pieces of information that Paul wants from his friend. anastasia NEE ait itieenensiascitiaaemmeata: > Re mS Hil Sorry | haven't written for a long time but Ive been doing ry final exams. | think I've done OK. | hope I've passed them alll What about you? What have you been doing recently? | think mentioned in my last email that next year my idea is | tohave a gap year. | want to travel to lots of different places, and | thought itd be great to come and visit you. When is the best time of year to visit your country? It'd be great to start learning your language while Im there, 00. What do you think is a good way for me to do that? Maybe after 've spent some time there with you, youd like to come back with me and visit my family in England. Ifo, tell me what type of things you'd like to do here. ‘Anyway, 'm going out with my friends now 10 celebrate the end of our exams. Write back soon! Best wishes, Paul | 2. Think about the style of the email in 1. What things in the 4 Work with a partner. Imagine that you have received Paul's text are typical of informal emails? email. Make notes about the information that he wants exclamation marks What have you heen doing recentiv? — assignments at school, went away with family last weekend, started 3. Lookat the expressions in the Writing Bank. What do we going running use each group of expressions for? Can you add any other es cech rear yousdd any 5. Youare going to wrtea reply to Paul. With your partner, make a paragraph plan. Decide what information to include in each paragraph. Paragraph 1 ~ Thank Paul for his email. Tell him what I've eis rud Useful words and expressions in informal emails beer doing + HL. Dear + Thanks for your last email Practice makes perfect It was great to hear from you, Sorry [haven't written for along time. lim writing to tell you about © Write your reply to Paul. Use your notes and paragraph plan to help you. Write between 120 and 150 words. + Howareyou? — Howare things? Aire you doing exams/on holiday at the moment? Inthis type of writing exercise, follow the instructions carefully + Bytheway, — Anyway, You lose marks if your reply does not include all the necessary + Wiliebecksdon. Thats ornon =e fee part Information or fits notin the correct style Best wishes, All the best, EXAM SUCCESS » page 149 Language reference and revision [Refers lme seus Present perfect simple We use the present perfect simple to tak about: 1 ghoxperience in someone's lifetime, without saying the 3_actions or sitations that began inthe past but continue inthe texact time when the event occured, What significant present isthe actual experience, not when it happened. ‘Mark’ lved here for ten years. (~Matk started tolive hee ten Tee seen Coldplay in concert. yeats ago and he stilives ere nove) 2 recent events which havea resultin the present. 4. actions that finshed very recent “She's lst her bag. She stil hasn't found it) They've just had an accident. Present perfect continuous “The present perfect continuous has basicaly the same meaning as the present perfect simple, However, we use the continuous when we want to emphasize the process and duration ofan action. Tre been studying in tis school for more than five months. For that reason fan action is very short, we cant use the continuous form, Hee beer breaking the wird. We also use the continuous to emphasize thet an action finished very recently ors incomplete Tee heen washing the ashes an my hands are wet because lonly finished a second ago. tfve want to emphasize the competion and result ofan action, or how many tes an action happens, we must use the present perfect simple Tie painted my bedroom. (1s finished) ('ve seen that fibm three tomes. Gerunds and infinitives 1 We use the gerund: We use the infinitive: as the subject of a sentence. +0 explain why somebody does something Stusying is hard but interesting Why dhe go to university? languages after prepostions immediately after adjectives Tin interested in studying history 185 good to revise with ther peeple. after verbs of liking or disiking, eg. lite, love, enjoy, can't stand, don't after too, enough, the fst, the as. mind, hae 15 too cold togo out. Lenjoy watching TV. after certain verbs, such as want, lear, agree, decide, expect, hope, seer, with goto talk about physical activities. ‘ry, would ike, appear, arange, sk atte, encourage, force, manage, pp rennin, swimming, cling shopping, fishing hep, nee, promise Iusant to work for a newspaper ‘after certain verbs like admit avoid, consider, nwotve, risk, suggest. 1 suggest staying this book Perel Telco 1 Studying at university 3 doand make assignment cheat course _continuousassessment dot an assignment, an exam, a course, homework, the degree fell grade/mark graduate lecture shopping, the washing, chores, wel your best, a favour, rrotes pass research resit’ revise term — tutor business sport, your hair tutorial undergraduate make: the dinner, cake, a decision, a noise friends, ¢ mistake, i i an appointment, an effort, an excuse, money, progress, a phone 2 Life at university call, aplan,a promise, an offer, suggestion become independent extra-curricular activities hhall of residence makenew friends student facilities 4 Other words and phrases page 136 studentloan study abroad Present simple, past simple, present continuous and past continuous 1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given. Normally (a)... (not study) n the summer, but this summer I (b) (a0) to special musiclessons because | () Guitar. Two or three weeks ago |). when my mum)... (come) into my bedroom and (*) electric guitar! Thats why right now I(g) homework, not school homework! WORKBOOK > page + Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous 2 Choose the correct alternative. 1. Have you switched/been switching off the TV? 2. My feet are tired. ve stoad/been standing here for hours 3. We love this film! We've seen/been seeing It five times, 4. This is my American friend, She's stayed/been staying at my house but she (goes back to the USA tomorrow. Your eyes are wet. Why have you gried/been crying? 6 That's it! ve fnished/been finishing my assignment. WORKBOOK > page 4 Studying at university 1. Complete the sentences: these words. 2 Life at university Write words to complete the sentences. Gerunds and infinitives 1 3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use (want) to lear to play the between two and five words. (Study) foran exam one evening 1 Don't do that because theresa chance you'l fll RISK. (Give) mean Don't do that because you (do) my homework — guitar 2 He loves to ride his bike atthe weekend, GO He loves... at the weekend 3. Ithink ts terrible ro get up early, STAND Wau ty 4. thinkit’s essential to have a valid passport. PASSPORT Ithink_____ is essential 5 Please think about joining our club. CONSIDER Please .__..ourclub. 6 Nobody finished the exam before Sarah, FIRST Sarah was... the exam. 7 Itwould be great to see him in concert next week Love | cui in concert next week, WORKBOOK > page 7 C 7p aint ‘There are two extra words. tutorial lecture fail pass notes tutor undergraduate degree marks 1. Thope! don't... }don't want to rest the exam, next month. 2. Igotan At and a B for my last two pieces of work What.....__ did you get? 3. Can borrow the. you took in yesterday's history class? | couldnt come because | was. 4 I need to speak to my... because Im having some problems with my studies at the moment. 5 Mybrother graduated last year. His. isin economics. 6 Thiscourse is only for....__ students ~ people studying at university for the frst time. 7 The professor gave a really interesting were 200 people there. WORKBOOK > page2 There 1 Some people study 2. Ineed to ask for a student pay for my studies. 3. This university has got great The science laboratories, for example, are amongst the best in the country. 4 It’sgood tobe [ive with other students in a 6 activities can help to take your mind off your studies. instead of studying in thelr own country. because | don’t have enough money to and to do things for yourself of residence. WORKBOOK > page2 do and make 3. Put these words in the correct columns. afavour a suggestion a decision the lunch, aplan the shopping progress a Sa WORKBOOK > page 5 17 Work conditions Work with a partner. Try to think of one job for each letter of the alphabet. A architect, B builder worker Read these job descriptions. What are the jobs? — Yount really need spacial qualifications to do my job, excopt for adeving licence. Ideal with the pubic lm responsible for gecting they want togo.| think Ihave quite a stressful job because of the traffic and because my passengers are of hurry | work outdoors, but because mnie my’ carl workin qu 4004 conditions. |i sel-emplayed, not anemployeeinacorpany don'teamnavery good salary, f chem whe oi 1 Lofien workin very dangerous conditions. One day 1d jut like to work indoors in a office an do paperwork, or nuayhe even } | | manual work. in not very well paid, considering the problems Lave to deal with 1s a filled job because you need special training todo For example, you need to learn fw to use dhiferent weapons or fow ta control a big erowd of people. But really is experience ht eps you earn to deal Look again at the expressions in bold. Check that you understand what they mean. Use a dictionary if necessary. Listenin @1105 Usten to four people describing ther jobs. Match each person to one of these jobs. bankmanager farmer firefighter miner nurse personal assistant (PA) pilot school caretaker software designer teacher 1 3 2 4 ‘SPEAKING. Work with a partner. Describe a job using the expressions in bold in 2. Can your partner guess the job? ‘Grammar Norking » Past perfect simple and continuous » Past and present he » Gerunds and infnitves 2 Mocabutary »Work and jobs conditions, stages, phasal verbs, etc Speaking » Stimulus-based discussions 1 » An opinion essay 1 6 Match these expressions with the definitions 1-5. There are two extra expressions. Check that you understand what these mean. beonflexitime do shiftwork work from nine tofive work full-time worklonghours workovertime work part-time 1 you have flexible working hours 2. sometimes you work during the day and sometimes during the night 3. you work extra hours 4 you spenda long time 5 you don't workall day forking Work with a partner. In which jobs or situations do you thinkit is common to 1 work overtime? 2. doshift work? 3. work long hours? 4 fork from nine ta five? ges of a job a Put these different stages in a logical order. apply for ajob be offereda job become unemployed befired get promotion look fora job Listenine @ 1.06 Usten and check. Match the expressions 1-4 with their meanings a-d. Usea dictionary if necessary. 1. bemade redundant 2. be sacked/ired/dismissed 3. retire 4 resign state formally that you are leaving a job permanently stop working, usually because you are officaly too old to ¢ lose your job, usually for doing something wrong lose your job because your Job is no longer necessary ork SPEAKING. Work with a partner. Talk about your work plans. Ui like to find a job as a software designer, designing games. fd prefer to work from nine to five. fer a few years Id like to get promotion «and be responsible for designing my own game. Ba 1 ‘SPEAKING Work with a partner. Read the title of the article and look at the photo. Can you guess the man’s job? Read the article, Match paragraphs A-E with these summaries. 1 what Ben did when he had this job why Ben was a oreat candidate forthe job ‘what the job consisted of how they selected the best person forthe job Ben's ife after the best job in the world The best job in the werld In May 2009 a34-year-old British man called Ben Southall was ‘offered the best job in the world. The job was as caretaker of a tropical island in Queenslancl Australia. The job was full-time but only lasted six months. involved looking after the sland but also doing every activity that tourism offers in Queensland wawn surfing, sailing lyingand diving to name just afew Then Ben hhad to write about it ina blog. The main idea of the job was to promte tourismin this beautiful part of the world. As the name tthe best joh in the world suggests, the job canse with a great salary and hrilliant conditions, How would you feel about living Inathree bedroom luxury villa with a private swimming pool Fight next to the beach? Or having your own golf bugey todrive around andexplore the island where you lived? 8 Its probably no surprise that more than 34,000 people fram allover the world applied for the job. To apply; people made o-second videos to show why they were the ideal person for the job. Tourism Queensland, the organization offering the Job, chose their favourite50, and then just 1, Those 16 people included students, journalists, TV presenters, photographers, receptionist, radio Dds. teachers and actors. They travelled to Queensland to take part in different activities such as swimmingand blogging, Onthe these tasksand tests, Tourism Queensland decided to give the}ob to Ben. Om his video application, Ben had impressed everyone by viding, an ostrich, kissing.a giraffe and trekking through Africa, In fact, the year before, Ben drave all around Africa to raise money for charity. For 22months, he had been organizing and taking part insportsevents such asclimbing mountains and running Read the article again. Are these statements true (1), false (F) ors the information not given (NG)? When the answer is true or false, write the number of the line(s) where you found the answer. 1 The “best job in the world’ involved simply doing what a normal tourist does all daylong, 2 The ob came with accommodation. 3 Tourism Queensland knew that the job would attract all sorts of people from lots of different countries 4 Tourism Queensland only met sixteen candidetes in person, 5 Ben's main reasons for going to Africa were allsporis-based 6 Ben's previous experience was not very relevant to the job in Australia, 7 Ben got very tired of communicating with the media every day. 8 Ben created a great impression on his bosses. ‘marathons. Hen has a degree in science, but that wasn't the as a tour guide. written newspaper and magazine articles, given Interviews andl kept a video blog to share his experiences in Arica with others. D Ben loved the job but he certainly worked longhours.tedidnt | tse to have much time for just siting back and relaxing. He would work up to 19 hours a day, seven days a week. Each day he would do a number of promotional events and press conferences. When the six month job finished, Ben had visited 90 wore than different locations, made47 video diaries and gives 250 interviews. The worst part for him was thatat the endl of ‘each day he used to have to sit up late blo pictures. And although the conditions were great, there was {ngand uploading ‘one dangerous incident. In the last week ofthe job, Ben jumped fut ofa boat into the seaand an trukand)iellyfish stung him «6 People have died from these stings, but luckily alocal doctor immediately knew what to doand after six uncomfortable hours Ben was fine again, E Amodk Tourism Queensland immediately offered him a new job. They #9 gave himan i&month contract, thistime to travel allaround the ‘world promoting Queensland as a tourist location. Could that be the second-best job in the world? o| employee, when Ben's ob on Hamilton Island finished, [ 4 Match the underlined words in the text with these definitions. 1. attract people's attention to something collect give or tell «big African bird with along neck that can run but cannot fly ‘good example soft, round, transparent sea animal making @ long and dificut journey on foot expensive and of very good quality a small car used for travelling over dificult ground using something totake a decision 1 ‘5a Work with a partner. Imagine that you are going to meet Ben Southall. Write five questions to ask him. ‘Sb SPEAKING Change partners. Take it in turns to ask and answer the questions. 6 What about you? 1. Doyou think ths really isthe best job in the world? Why?/ Why no 2. What is more important to you in a job ~ the salary or the conditions? Why? ramm PEs Past perfect simple and past perfect continuous ‘1a Read the sentence and decide which action happened first. ‘When the sit-month job finished, Ben had visited 90 different locations. 1. The job finished. 2. Ben visited 90 different locations. ‘Th Choose the correct alternative. ‘We use the past perfect simple to tak about actions that happened aftewbefore another action in the past. 2 Complete the sentences using the past simple or past perfect simple form of the verbs given. 1. The teacher didn't let her do the exam because when she attived, the exam (start. 2. When she (write) her letter of application, she sentit. 3. He unlocked the door and (step) inside 4. Before today’s conversation | (not speak) to the boss 5) When the wind (blow), the leaves on the trees shook. 6 They didn't want to see the film again because they non (S00) twice already. 7 They weren't hungry because they (eat) 3 Choose the best alternative. 1 We had waited/been wating for an hour when finally the director artved. 2 They were tired because they have/had been running for more than an hour. 3. By the time we got there, they had eaten/been eating all the food. 4 He had written/peen uniting three novels by the time he was twenty-five 5 She couldn't open the door because she had lost/been losing the key. 6 When I saw her face, knew she had cried/agen coving fora long time. 7 The two students couldn't do the exercise because they had talked/oeen talking non-stop throughout the sixty-minute lesson. 4a Invent endings for these sentences. Use verbs in the past perfect simple or past perfect continuous. 1. Thelitle boy was crying because... somebody had stolen his sweets. His parents were angry with him because ‘When they got home they were soaking wet because She elt really sleepy because Wie di really welln the exam because My hands were dirty because The teacher was very happy with the class because My arms were ted because eVounUN ‘Te Read these two sentences. Which sentence gives more importance to the duration of the action? Which gives ‘more importance to the completion of the action? 1. For 12 months, he had been organizing and taking part in sports events 2. He had already worked as a tour guide ‘1d Which sentence in 1c uses the past perfect continuous? How do we form the past perfect continuous? (GRAMMAR REFERENCE > pace 28 ) 4b SPEAKING Compare your sentences with a partner. Are any the same? Cees Past habits Sa Read these sentences and answer the questions. ‘Atthe end of each day, he used to have to sit up late blogging and uploading pictures. He didn’t use to have much time for just sitting backand relaxing He would work up to 19 hours a day, seven days aweek jellyfish stung him. Which activities in a~d are things that happened regularly? ‘What happened just once? Sb Read rules 1-5 and complete rules 1 and 2 with used to, would or the past simple. Weuse and total about past habits. Weuse events inthe past \We use vould with past actions but not pas states. He would arrive late. NOT te wonts betate. zs used to ike his job. NOT te vrvet teks We do not usually use wouldnt to talk about past habits He didn't use to go to bed earl. NOT He woulds't gto beat earl. When we give a period of time, we use the past simple, not used to. He used to live on an island. He lived on the eae fries months. NOT tensed to tive or (GRAMMAR REFERENCE > page 28 talk about single [pew rete 6a How was life different 200 years ago? Complete the sentences with used to or didn’t use to and these verbs. be eat have learn play throw travel walk 1 People by horse, 2 They computers, 3. They from ane place to another more than they donow. 4. Generally they. healthy food 5. Simpleilinesses very dangerous, 6 People ‘musical instruments, not CDs. 7 Most people: ‘away so much rubbish as they do now. Latin. Educated people 6b In which sentences in 6a can you replace used to with would? 7 Complete the text with used to and would with the verbs given, or the past simple form of the verbs given. Sometimes there is ‘more than one possible answer. When both used to or would are possible, use would. My grandfather i 8, but when he was ayoung man he ta) (work) asa postman. He (b) (ike) hisjob: He) (get up) eariy every morning and collect all the letters. those days, people d) thot have) computers, the intemet or email so they (@) ite) leters quite often. The only problems my grandfather had were with dogs. When he was a postman, he () thate) them! (Not now ~ now he has three dogs in his housed) One day, this enormous dog (g) Gump) out. (bite) him really badly and my grandfather i) {need} t0.g0 to hospital. But in general | remember that he (). {ft complain) about his job, Complete these sentences so they are true for you. Copy your finished sentences onto a piece of paper. 1 Lused to at the weekends, but now I don't, 2. I didn't use to at the weekends, but now Ido, 3. used to in the evenings, I dirt use to {at school, but now Ido, 4 5 When | was at primary school, | would 6 Once when | was at primary school, Sb SPEAKING Your teacher is going to read out some of the sentences. Who do you think wrote them? ee 1 Phrasal verbs connected with work ‘Match the phrasal verbs in bold in sentences 1-7 with their meanings a- 1 Ifyou want to get ahead, you need to work hard, 2. He applied for a job in an intemational company bout they turned him down, 3. She took over the projectlast year. k'shers now, 4 They're going toset up anew office in Tokyo. 5 6 This new jobs hard but 'm going to keep at it. We're working on 3 new product to get it just right. 7 Toapply for the job, you must fill in this form, spend time producing or improving something start (3 business, organization, etc) ‘continue working at something even if you want to stop progress faster than other people 2 write information such as your name and address an adacument f not accept an offer, request or application 9. take control of something consist ofa verb and one or two. Particles (prepositions or adverbs), The meaning of Phrasal verbs is not always easy to guess from the vverb or particles. Use a dictionary but be careful because the same phrasal verb can have different ‘meanings, STUDY SKILLS » page 145 Phrasal ve" Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in 1. 1. Donttstop trying! it 2. Imambitious.I want to and get to the top of the company, 3. Don't forget to this section of the questionnaire with your address. 4. They offered me promotion but 1 it because | didn't want any mare responsibility 5. Youneed a lotof money and original ideas to anew business. 6 Lets this project first and when we finish we can lookat something els. 7 We used to bean independent company, but a big Japanese company. us lest year Complete the questions with the correct particle. Then ask and answer the questions in pairs. 1 Areyou working school at the momen? 2 When something is cfficult, do you usually ke itor not? i; 3. Have you everflled an official form? Why? 4) What qualities do you think you possess to get ina job? 5 What business would you like to set_....? any assignments at —— el The language Cross-curricular — Economics Learning English for work 1. Look at the football players in the photos and answerthe eres Pesan Past ere) Beene Pee eos Read the article, then look atthe tite. Do you: Peer ee Cea An Non-EU football stars j have to take English test lees and managers Firs san English test in the UK under new immigration Football stars from outside che European Union ate considered skilled workers, They need to have demonstrate th basic knowledge of English before they receive work visas lasting up t0 three yeats, However, thei wives and girlfriends do not need to pass @ language test Liam Byrne, he immigration minister, said the Goverment ed about rot including South American though ‘long and k and African stars i the rules, but decided thar would be ‘un-Brits He added, ‘Most of them will be ‘well-off enough to afford a decent Top English teams have taken many non-EU players. The Argentine Carlos’Tevez was said co have had problems with the language when he joined his first English club. Thi Brazilians Alfonso Alves and Elano also appear to be less than fluent in English Meanwhile, the Government has calmed fears chat new rules could affece foreign musicians and actors They will receive short visas 10 cover the period of their vist. This isa also applies to sports stars in competitions such as the Oly The restrictions on skilled workers, including teachers, nurses and engineers, form part of the Government's poins-based immigration system. They follow new rules already announced for ly-slled’ migrants such as jgeons, computer specialists and As well as using she English tests, companies now need to show they could not find British workers to Ado the job by advertising in Job nttes They also have to show hat the employees they take on re qualified and earn more than 4,000 a yea Some people think thar the ne points system will be good because i will give British job-seekers the fist to apply for jobs and only the However, others warn Britain must not shut its borders to those people who can help the country’s economy diversify and grovt They say that Britain needs to look for top global ralen, not give jobs to British people just because they are British How the points system works Tier one: Highly skilled ‘Wealthy sled professionals considered automaticaly 1 have enough points to work in Britain, whether they have ajob offer oF no. eee They need to have ajob offerand enough points on skils and qualifications. They need to speak English and their ob has to be advertised fist inthe UK ener! Includes obs in foad processing and agriculture ‘The Government thinks these vacancies can be filed from the European Union, ‘Only for recognized courses and institutions oaieicu eee Covers snort stars and musicians coming infor single events. INSIDE INFORMATION. Read the article again and complete the sentences. Useno SPEAKING What about you? eee st oces errinie article Tovrea ans Wh ‘What do you think of the Idea of doing a language test to 1 Non-furopean footballers have to have a live and work in a new country? Explain your opinion. of English in order to get a work visa 2 Liam Byrne thinks that the majority of foreign players are to pay for language lessons. 3 People fiom other countries who are touring Britain will get Scr isiay Match the words and definitions. to be abe to enter the county 1 immigration a visting one place ater another 4 The changesin the immigration system affect 2. afford people who are looking fora job workers 3. touring ¢_official lines separating countries 5. Bitsh companies can only take on foreign workers after engender the job to British people. Grane something 6 cet PET PERRIS ss 6 jobeskers @ develop new products or atvties See 10B8 ee alveys ol 7 borders doctorwho does operations Hin ieed Weeds needs a 8 diversify people who travel toa diferent 7. Highly skilled workers do not need a t v. country to stay there bbe able to enter the UK. 8 The government expects foreign people who work in farming 3 and agriculture in the UK to be from the 9) Non-European students have to study at colleges or academies. the process where people enter a country to live there Sisk S — Cross-curricular — Language Learning workplace jargon 5 Lookat these words and expressions. They are all ‘examples of ‘workplace jargon’. Work with a partner. Can you guess the meaning of the words and ‘expressions? 1 deskfast 5 knife-ande-forkit aad, 2. aldesko 6 think outside the box 3 alacar 7 blue sky thinking 4 eat reality sandwiches 8 win-win olution 6 stews @ 107 Ustentoa profesor oflingustcs explaining what the words and expressions in 5 mean. Make notes about what he says = 7 @ Usten again and complete the sentences. F Use no more than four words in each space. 1 Afdesto is based onan phrase which means eating 2. Ala carte means choosing what you want to eat from 3. Some people don't ike workplace jargon because it makes Blue sky thinking sometimes has a meaning. 5 The example of a win-win solution is when you a product in a supermarket and 8 SPEAKING What about you? 1. Doyou use any language that only teenagers use? 2 Doyou thinkjargon is a good or bad thing? » unit2 23 RS hia ‘1 SPEAKING: Work with a partner. Read this extract from a newspaper article. Do you think ‘helicopter parents’ are a.good thing or a bad thing? Why? BR sasit alot of reoplhave sare alkngabout “helicopter parents’. These parents pay very close attention to their children and try to solve all their problems, even when they are at university and ‘when they start work. They insist on helping their children, whether their children need them or not. Lookat the next task Before you listen, i's good idea to read the questions and underline any important information. When you listen, remember that you are listening forthe ideas, not ust the words that exoress them. EXAM SUCCESS > page 149 2 usTeNIne @ 1.08 Youare going to hear five people talking about helicopter parents. Choose from the list (A-F) the opinion each speaker expresses. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter. ‘A. |tumed somebody down because oftheir helicopter parent. BI think a parent's job is to help their children when they ean CC 1know probably make mistakes, but Ineed to be independent D_ don't thinkyou can make decisions fr your children E I think everybody needs a helicopter parent. F Tye started o seea change in the way people behave where work Speaker | Speaker 2 ‘Speaker 3 Spealer4 Spealer 5 3a Lookat the sentences. Which alternative do you think the speakers used in the interviews? I stopped a child when | left school ‘One student forgot ro.came/coming for an exam, tke to make/inaking fe easy for my kids. | was doing something important but I stopped to.prep preparing myself for an interview with a twenty-three year-old science graduate, 3b @ Listen again and choose the correct alternative. 4 ‘SPEAKING What about you? Do you think your parents are ‘helicopter parents?” Why2/ Why nor? Unit 2 I can't remember to set/seeing so many parents as this year, > Grammar in context Penna Gerunds and infinitives 2 ‘Ja Read the pairs of sentences. In which pair do the two sentences have different meanings? Whats the difference? Ja I started working, tb | started to work. 2a | stopped working 2b | stopped to work, ‘Tb Match the verbs + gerund/infinitive with the correct meaning. 1 stop todo 2. stop doing {2 youstop one activity because you want or need to do another activity bb youre doing something and then you stop 3 remember todo 4 remember doing {2 youdo something and then you remember it later you remember you need to do something and then you do it 5 forget odo 6 forget doing {2 youdor't do something that you intended to do b_youdid something but now you don't remember it 7 liketo do 8 tke doing 2 youdo something because you enjoy doing it bb youdo something because you think sa ood idea GRAMMAR REFERENCE > pave 28 2. Choose the correct alternative. 1 remember fo,ay/olaying inthe sand when | was young, 2. The teacher's angry because | forgot to,da/doing my homework 3. ike zo ga/g0ing to the dentist twice a year. We stopped toeat/eating because we were hungry 5 Didyou forget to bring/bringing a pen? Don't worry, Ive gota spare one. 6 Can you remember 1 guediting this to Danny when you see him tomorrow? 7 You look really healthy now that you've stopped fesmokey smoking. 8 My dad ikes a gevoetting up early because that means he can finish work early too, CEs Present habits 7a Read these sentences. They all talk about present habits. Which three different tenses are used in the sentences? 3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar ‘meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between two and five words. 1. didn't send that letter yesterday because | didn't remember, FORGOT I yesterday. 2. He thinks i's important to wear a te for interviews, LIKES He for interviews. 3. You always call me when I'm at work. Please don't STOP Please when tim at work! 4 Don't worry. Yesterday | sent that emall | didn’t forget REMEMBERED Don't worry Yesterday. that email 5 | think watching footbal is really good fun, UKE Tenuta fall 6 My mum stopped work and had a coffee. HAVE, Mymum stopped work... acoffee, 7 saw that group in concert. il never forget. REMEMBER H that group in concert. 8 Make the dinner tonight. Please don't forget! REMEMBER PleaSe nnn the dinner tonight, 4 Write complete sentences about these things. 1. something unusual you remember doing when you were at, primary school 2 something that you remembered to do last week 3. something important that you once forgot to do 4 something that you enjoy doing 5 something that you don't realy enjoy doing but you thinks a good idea 6 something that you did when you were younger but that you stopped 5 SPEAKING Work with a partner. Compare your sentences. Ask your partner follow-up questions. remember breaking my arm when | was at primary school. How did you do it? was playing with my friends in the playground and | fell. 6a LISTENING @1.09 Listen to the sentences and mark the word which the speaker emphasizes most. 1. They're constantly atving late You'e always saying that She will nterrupt me He's forever talking about football They will leave the lights on. 6b Practise saying the sentences. Stress the appropriate word in each sentence. | always get up early ‘My mum is constantly calling me. She will tell me what to do all the time. They'll often come to tak about their son's exams. ‘My parents are always giving me presents. 7b Read these explanations of the way we use these tenses and match them with the sentences in 7a. a The common way of talking about present habits with the present simple. b_ Weuse the present continuous with alvays, constantly, forever, continually for habits that areiritating or annoying € We can aso use the present continuous with always, constantly forever, continually for habits that are in some way unusual We can use will for repeated or habitual behaviour. We put stress on will when we are annoyed or irritate. (GRAMMAR REFERENCE > page 28 ) 8a Complete the mini-dialogues using the correct form of these words. Use will or the present continuous and always, constantly, forever or continually. borrow leave play say What's the matter? It's my brother, He his music really loud. 2. A: AreyouOK? No. | haven't got anything ta wear. My sister my clothes! 3. Az You'e angry with me, aren't you? Yes, lam. You your dirty plates on the table. 4A: Why don't you like this TV presenter? B: He the same things. ‘Bb SPEAKING Work with a partner. Practise sayit dialogues with the correct stress. ig the 9 SPEAKING Talk about things that people do that annoy you. ‘My brother is always taking ‘my CDs and losing them, ing Stimul gy Percentage of UK adults who are long-term unemployed 20 — Aged 16-24 — Aged 25 to retirement SERTPERREREERER Source: Labour Force Survey, ONS, UK I's clear that educational qualifications affect your chances of ‘finding a job, and of finding a job with a good salary Joe Smith, Sociologist Number of young people out of work rises again because of economic recession o Young women who are badly paid (less than £7 an hour: 26% Young men who are badly paid (less than £7 an hourk 11386 1. Find the following elements on this page and write the letters next to their descriptions. 1 aheadtine 2 aquote 3. astatistic 4 aline graph _ 2 Label the pictures with these words. alinegraph abargraph apie chart 1 2 3} ‘3 SPEAKING Work with a partner. What topic connectsall the different elements? 4 usTeninc @ 1.10 In what order does the speaker mention the different elements? Listen and write the letters A-D in the order you hear them. First... Second... Third Fourth 5 @ Listen again and tick the expressions you hear in the Speaking Bank. Aura Useful expressions in stimulus-based discussions + Themain dea of the materials. + Allofthe materials to do with +The material hee is linked to the topic of + Thenewspaper headline states that. + The headline suggests that + Thegraph shows tht.. + Inthe photo, ican see. + Thepphoto illustrates + There's an interesting quote fom .« + Thequote suggests that . + Wecan see from the statistics that. +The statistics show that. + Tosumup.. 6 SPEAKING Work witha partner. Take itin turns to talk about the different elements on this page. Use expressions from the Speaking Bank. Practice makes perfect 7a SPEAKING Look at the material on page 166. Decide what the general topicis and what each different element is about. ‘7b Work with a partner. Take it in turns to talk about the topic. In this type of tas, ist look at al the stimuli and decide what the general topicis. Then check that Yyou understand the content of ech cifferent Stimulus. Make notes about your ideas but dont simply read them aloud in the exam. Use them as a framework for your talk to remind you what to say next. | EXAM SUCCESS > page 149 Unit 2 aceite aa Developing writing An o 11 Workin pairs. Read this writing task. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Why? Write notes about your ideas. ‘It's a bad idea for teenagers to do part-time work While they are still studying at school or university. . What is your opinion? 2. With your partner, complete this plan with your ideas. Pa ts Introduction. General statement on the topic sand state your opinion Paragraph 2: First and most important reason for your opiion. Paragraph 3: One or two other reasons for your epinion OR het peoples anaes again yur pation aed why you dori bagree with them Paragraph 4: Summary and conclusion. Restate your opinion. ‘When you have thought of the basic ideas that you are going to include in your essay, stop and organize them into logical paragraphs. You should do this before you start to write, not while you are writing. STUDY SKILLS » page 145 3. Read this essay, ignoring the gaps. Does it follow the paragraph plan in 27s the opinion of the writer similar to your opinion? In some countries, the USA for instance, many } teenagers work while they are stil studying at school or at university. (a this is really bad idea b , studying at school or university is a full-time occupation. Students need time to take notes, revise, clo assignments and research topics. In my opinion, students who work in the evenings or at the weekends do not have time to do these things properly (¢ | young people offen work in bad conditions or late at | Aight. This means that after work they find it difficult 10 pay attention and concentrate. | @) . some people say that work | experience can help to make yout more independent and responsible, e) up to a point However, there is time for students to gain this } ‘experience when they finish their studies f « Lbelieve that a student's real responsibility isto learn as much as possible. They Gan only do this hey tidy fulltime, with no other | 4 Complete the essay with these phrases. Tosum up agree with this Ontheotherhand — To begin with Furthermore As far astm concerned. 5. Write the words and expressions in 4 in the correct place in the Writing Bank. Paras Useful words and expressions in opinion essays Expressing opinions + Personally, | think: + Inmyopinion, + Ibeieve that ‘Adding opinions and putting them in order + Fist, + Secondly, + Inaddition, + What is more, + Finally, + Lastly, Explaining and justifying your opinions + Thisis because... + The reason is + Forinstance, Contrasting opinions + However, + Nevertheless, Concluding + Inconclusion, + Allthings considered, 6 Workin pairs. Look at this task. Write notes about your ideas and then complete the plan in 2 for this topic. “School does not prepare students for the world of work.’ Do you agree? Practice makes perfect 7. Use the plan in 6 and words and expressions from the Writing Bank to write your essay. Language reference and revision Me rrettaae tm ciKctaes Past perfect simple and continuous + Weuse the past perfect simple to talk about actions thathappened before another action or actions inthe past It gives importance to the completion of an activity. When the interview had finished, | eft. + Weuse the past perfect continuous to talk about actions that happened before another action or actions inthe past Itgives importance tothe duration of an activity. / was tired because I had been studying all night + Tomake the past perfect continuous, we use had + been + verb ina, Past and present habits + Weuuse used to and would to talk about past habits, things we did regulary in the past but don't do now. \We cannot use used toand would tak about single events inthe past, n ths case, we use the past simple. We use would with past actions but not past states, He would come and visit us on Sustdays. NOT te wordt hare bie. Wedo not usualy use wouldnt to talkabout past habits. He didn’t use to give us presents, NOT tewoomtin't give ms presents: When we give a period oftime, we use the past simple, not used ‘She used to work in a factory. She worked there for five years. NOT The common way of talking about present habitsis with the present simole. /ften listen to music. We use the present continuous with always, constantly, forever, continually for habits that are irritating or annoying. When we speak, we stiess always constant forever continually toemphasize his. My brother and sister are always fighting. ‘We also use the present continuous with alvys, constant, ferever, continual for habits that arein some way unusual. She has a very dificult ife but she’s always smiling. Wie can use wil fr repeated or habitual behaviour. We put stesso He will interrupt me when (in speaking. i when we are annoyed ot itated. They'Ulst there for hours: Gerunds and intinitives 2 «Some verbs can go before the gerund or the stop todo You stop one activity because you want or ned todo another infitive with no ference in meaning activity ‘She started ta work therein 2009. stop doing: youre doing something anc then you stop = She started working there in 2004 remember todo: you temiember you need todo something and then youdo k (Other vers ke ths: bean cantbear cant 1:do something and then you remember later hat love prefer remember d forgetiode. you don’t do something that you intended to do + With other verbs before the gerund or infinitive, there isan important difference mn meaning. eg forget dong: you did Something but now you don't remember it Ike odo: you do something because you think i'sa good idea Ike doing: you do something because you enjoy doing it ae 11 Work conditions, responsibilities and hours 2. Stages of a job beonflexitime be responsible for deal with applyfora job _bemade redundant be offered ajob doshift work eam employee experience be sacked/fied/dismissed become unemployed get promotion from nine tofive fulltime lookforajob resign retire good/badidangerous conditions indoors manual longhours outdoors overtime Phrasal verbs connected with work paperwork part-time qualifcations salary filin getahead keepat set up takeover seltemployed skilled stressful taining well-paid tundown — work on Other words and phrases > page 137 28 Unit 2 Past perfect simple and past perfect continuous 1. Is the underlined part of the sentence correct? If not, rewrite it. 1 have been waiting for an hour when the film finally started 2. Hewas tied because he had painted all day 3° She had been writing seven emails, WORKBOOK > page 12 Gerunds and infinitives 2 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given. 1 Canyou remember... (Switch) off the light when youleave? 2. She really kes... (dance), 'sher favourite hobby, 3 We stopped __. (write when the exam finished, 4 Don'tforget....... (go) to the meeting tomorrow. 5. I know Harry was at school yesterday because | remember, {see} him. 6 like... (do} my homework on Friday evening so that Im fee at the weekend, 7 Themusicians stopped been playing for two hours (play) because they'd already WORKBOOK > page 15 77 points, Work conditions, responsibilities and hours 1 Complete the sentences with these words. There are three extra words. dealing ean employee flexl-time for manual overtime qualifications self-employed shift skilled Iim responsible... looking after the customers 1 2. Myresponsiiltes include... with all the paperwork, 3. Thiscompany Isn't mine. fm Just an 4 I ccoouQulte a goad salary. 5 Thisisa._. job. Youneed a lat of training t 6 Ido... work. This week Im working nights. 7. Yesterday he arrived home late because he worked 8 Have you got any.......? Auniversity degree? doit. WORKBOOK » page 10 "Stages of a job 2 Complete the text with the correct words. When Rose finished her degree she started to (a) for a job. She found an interesting postin a multinational company and so she (b) forit. She got the job, but ;00n after, the company had big problems. The company yecame much smaller and they told Rose that they didn't need her anymore. She was made (¢) 4 Everything was white because it had been snowing al night. \When they ate their dinner, they washed the dishes. 6 They heard a loud noise and thought that somebody had been falling over, 76 points) Present and past habits 3 Choose the correct alternative. 1 When he was small, he used to/mould have a bike. 2. My brother realy gets on my nerves. He wil/would change channels while 'm in the middle of watching something on TY, My friend forever ifs forever sending me text messages, Last year | haa/used to havea big party for my birthday. Did you use/used to have a pet? Young children are.making/nll ake. lot of noise when they're excited 7 They didn't use o/wauldn' go out on Friday evenings, but now they do, /7Z point WORKBOOK } page 12/15 ‘and became (@) company contacted her soan afterwards. An employee at the Luckily, nother company had just been (@ because he was always late and his work wasn't good enough. Rose went for an interview. They eally liked her and she wes © the job. She accepted, of course! Phrasal verbs connected with work WORKBOOK > page 10 3. Draw lines to match the parts of the phrasal verbs with their meanings. Verb Particle | Meaning 1 set [a_ahead | notaccept an offer request or application 2 get |b on _| start anewbusiness office tc 3 wm —[e up __| progressfasterthan other people 4 wok [a in add information to a document 5 fil [e over _ | spend time working or mprovng something 6 take | Fdown _| take control of someth WORKBOOK > page 13, > Gateway to exams Units 1-2 » Reading ioe ases In multiple matching activities, remember Read the text quickly to get a general understanding, Then read the questions and work out what piece(s) of information you need tofind, Are there any special words that help you to find the part of the text which contains the information? EXAM SUCCESS > page 149 1. Read the first paragraph of the text below. What is the Erasmus programme? What are the advantages of doing an Erasmus exchange? 2 Read the text and answer the questions. 4 Do the students mention any of the advantages that you thought of in 1? 2. What subject does each student study? Studying around Europe he Erasmus programme sa popular student exchan anime involving universes across the European Union, Students spendat least three months studying abroad in one of over 30 countries valve Wher I went to Germany'to continue my engineering course thought Tbe pending all my time with German students did meet alot of native Germans. cluding che tutors of course hut asan Erasmus, stuulent yout tend to spend most of your time with other people ike you. people whe are studyingabroad. Apart from anything, youre often all together tn special language classes which theuniversityaffersto help you follow classes more easily and those startlaefore the beginningof term: B_ Nelly Samuels. the Netherlands The decision to study abroad has change my if so many ways Academically, | immediately fellin love with the style ofthe lessons we received. Before. | wouldrit express my opinions mucin tutorials Bucthanks to thestimulating. open atmosphere Ihecame much mare confident about constructing my olvn arguments ar defending them, Ichelped that all my classmates, mostly Dutch, felt very passionate about modern history. my area of study Socially things eoukin have been better either. tone time I would have found itlifFcul to makennew friends but inthis situation Lust fele so happy and relaxed boing with allche Dutch students that | gotto know C_sohn Vaughan, Poland ‘before But, being a business student 1 »nadlvantage later inthe world of work Ing you probal he language Tad never really studied languag knew languages would give me Iewasso frustrating at first kno 3 For questions 1-12 choose from the five students (A-E). The students may be chosen more than once. Which person says + he/she feels better about what he/she does in lessons thanks to his/her Erasmus. experience? 1 + the Erasmus experience wasn't like he/she had imagined? 2 + he/she took a while to get over linguistic difficulties? 3 + other Erasmus students are usually the first people you meet at university? 4. + his/her Erasmus experience took him/her backwards before going forwards? + the Erasmus experience will be a practical help when he/she travels around Europe? 6 + he/she didn’t use to socialize much? + he/she managed to fulfil an old ambition? + he/she wants to repeat histher Erasmus x experience? + the Erasmus experience made a difference to the way helshe sees himself/herself? 10 + his/her attitude to the teaching method changed completely? n + helshe thinks the Erasmus experience has taught him/her an important message that is relevant to the course he/she is studying? 12_ ‘worse than a five year old, but my Polish classmates were very patient with meand aftera month or twot'd made suffilent progressto be able to follow the tutors explanations Ishared a house with students From fwve differen countries. Often we could only get messages across using sign language. What really opened my eyes during my'six months abroad was the shack of seeing. my subject froma totally different ‘cuktural perspective. That really aelded something tomy vision when went hack tothe UK. And ow, 2 months later ima fhvent speaker of Polish D sa “The uni whore studied wasreally small but that had advantages. After abouta month almost half ofthe students there were my friends ‘and they all helped me-to learn thelanguage fast. Naw [reckon Icoull travel to about twenty different countries where! k has invited’ me ca stay with them, And many contacts made ‘ay-toxday life on campus really stimulacing too. Far example. gat the ‘chance to become a radio D, ding programme n English playing ny favourice music someching that fdalways wanted ta dofand with hhoconnection atall to my natural scence degree course). n terms. ‘of studying tttook me abit longer co get used to different style of twachingand learning Eventually Icame to prefer Finnish waysbut that was graklial ancl sometimes painful process. Collins, Finland E_keith Johnson, stovaki The thingthat affected me the most curing my time studying abroad was realizmg that, at che end, | didnt consider myself British. [was now European. | suppose that feelings nacuralafter spendling every day with young people from so many diferent European countries, Despite all ‘ur differences we all had so much in commen. As a student of polities. I chink this was so important. helped me tosee tat, even when people have different opxnions andl backgrounds, we can work together ‘constructively if we realy wan to Now knot that. when I inish my ‘degree. want to study fora Master's degree. but only an the condition tac leando atleast part of t abroad > Writing In transactional tasks, remember Do not simply reply to questions in the email orletter with ‘Yes’ ‘Not Add extra information, context and questions, EXAM SUCCESS + page 149 4 You have received this email from a friend. Underline the information that you should include in your reply to the emall. -) > Bw mo From: Hi How are you? It was great to see you on Friday. | really enjoyed going to that new pizza place. We should go again soon, When | saw you, | forgot to tall you that my fiend Rachel is coming back on Wednesday. Do you remember that she's been away an a scheal exchange in Germany? | thought | might arrange @ special welcome home party for her on Thursday ‘evening, What da you think? | don't mind having the party at my house, but Ill need help preparing the food and stuff. Could you come and give me @ hand getting things ready on Thursday afternoon? ‘Apart from the food, is there anything that you can, think of that would make the party really spacial? You know that Rachel is my best friend go I'd really like to make the party memorable for her. Write bact Bye for now, wr 's00n so that I can start organizing things. 5 Make a plan of your reply to the email, Decide how many paragraphs to use and what to include in each one. © Write your reply. include alll the necessary information. Write between 120 and 150 words. > Listening Dene in matching activities, remember Read the opinions before you listen. This can help you to know what the people may say and helps you to concentrate more while you listen. But don't forget that the speakers may ‘express the same opinion using different words or expressions. EXAM SUCCESS » page 149 7 Work with a partner. Talk about what you can see in the pictures and why people sometimes carry these objects. LusteNa @ 1.11 Listen to five people talking about lucky charms. Match the speakers 1-5 to the opinions A-F. Use the letters only once, There is one extra letter. Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker5 ‘A change in my diet is part of my special exam preparation. My ‘lucky charm’ almost got me into trouble. I don't think my lucky charm has helped me much. | don't have an exam lucky charm but | have lucky clothes. E | fee! like | have my family’s support when I have my lucky charm with me. F My ‘lucky charms’ improve the quality of my exam results. >paaens ooo Work with a partner. Tell them if you have an exam lucky charm, or if there's anything special you do to bring you luck. Then compare answers with the rest of the class. Speaking 10 In stimulus-based discussions, remember Give your opinion or interpretation of the There is not usually aright or wrong answ wants to hear you speak English. EXAM SUCCESS + page 149 pic and stimuli The examiner Look at the material on page 166. Decide what the general topic is and what each different stimulus is, about. Make notes about your ideas. Work with a partner. Take it in turns to talk about the topic. a1 Work with a partner. Look at the photo. Which of these words can you use to talk about it? asteroid astronaut astronomer atmosphere cosmos crew gravity landing(n.) land(v) launch (n,,v)_ man-made satellite meteorite mmission natural satellite orbit(n,,v)re-enter(v)_ re-entry (n) space shuttle space station spacecraft telescope universe Do the quiz groups. Tyree rd Ample T3b Bure? -e spunk? Fs one bee eve) eer Maple yb spur (0 Vasa (D Payee ac kece a na Re a eee Seed ‘a Buzz Aldrin b Buzz Lightyear c John Glenn Pee ee eee 'a Washington_b California ¢ Columbia 7 What happens to the temperature of a spacecraft when it re-enters the ee nesses ’a Itincreases slightly. _b It falls dramatically. Itrises dramatically Pe en oe eter tng tiene uc nt ‘a Kennedy b Bush _¢ Roosevelt Pe ‘a an asteroid b ameteorite_c a satellite 10 What is ‘Hubble’ the name of? aan astronaut b a telescope in space_c an American space station SED uisrewine @ 1.12 Listen and check your answers to the quiz. Underline the stress in the words in 1. @128 Listen and check. Then practise saying the words with the correct stress. Grammar Future forms» Future activities in th » Future continuous, future perfect, future perfect continuous Mocabulary »Spave and spacetrael > Tavel/tnp Speaking» Stimulus-based discussions 2 Writing —»Asiory past Hioumesfvoyage » Pre: Choose the correct alternative. Use the dictionary entries to help you. 1 Last year we went on as to Cambridgs 2 twas. long and dificult f 3 s great for teaching you ‘bout the wor 4 Pol 5 rents have to go aw 6 One day spacecraft will go on incredible twill take years and year z nda lot of money on foreign @ The to my village lasts just journey own an occasion when you travel from one place to another ly when there is a long the places: We distan: bad a long journey abead of us. erwee travel nour the activity of travelling: Foret ly appealed 10 bi until be retired. Our agency deals mosily with business travel. trip now an occasion when you go somewhere and come back again: a fising/campingy sightseeing trip voyage rou a long journey especially by boat or into space: the long voyage home SPEAKING Work with a partner. Take it in turns toask and answer the questions. 1 How-corn n is foreign travel in yo count 2. Whatare pula destinat How important i travel fr 4 Where isa got 5 Doyoulite going on sightseeing tr yiyWhy not 6 What type of transport do you prefer for 7 Whats the longest journey you've bee 8 Would you be interested in going Seer] 1. Work with a partner. What do you think this picture shows? 2. Read the article quickly. Then think of a title for the article, o He also accidentally dropped one of his gloves. This event may seem trivial but it was one f the first examples of a problem which scientists ‘say is going to become one of the biggest for out planet In the future. The problem? Space Junk ore cpeactionsl aft. The remaining 94 per cent are space ebris, that is, objects which no longer serve any purpose. About 50 per cent of the objects from explosions and breakups of elites or spacecratt.n adsition, there are it around our pianet. Orbital velocities of up 56,000 km/h mean that centimetre-sized debris jously damage or disable an operational ly crashed into a passenger plane over the Pacific. On 10" February 2009, for the first time ever, two communications satellites collided, 790 km above Siberia. One day, when a small piece of space debris hits a manned spacecraft, the consequences will be catastrophic. there have already been some close encounters. On 12" March 2009, the three-man crew of the International space station needed to leave the craft because of a possible collision. The mission controllers knew that a piece of junk of about 13 cm in diameter and probably part of an Old satellite motor was going to pass just a few kilometres from the station. Pe ae Read the text again and choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap. There is one extra sentence which you do notneed to use. Since 1957, more than 4,800 space launches have become responsible for leaving approximately 13,200 objects larger than 10 cm orbiting the earth today. ‘So what can we do about this problem? In June 1965 Ed White became the fist astronaut to take 3 space walk, Back here on earth, so far there has only been one person hit by space debris Top space scientist Dr Marshall Kaplan is a world expert on space junk. All the evidence suggests that the situation is going to get much worse. Recent incidents have made it clear that scientists will need to pay urgent attention to the problem of space debris. In tasks where sentences are missing ftom a text, read the ext carefully, looking at the information before and after each ap. Then read the sentences and look for words and phrases nich connect with information in the text, When you finish, ‘the text again to check your answers. EXAM SUCCESS » page 150 (W)....... For example, some experts ca one day a tragic and unstoppable chal will begin. The rubbish will crash into othe These pieces will then crash into. This could continue until the earth is cover “The clouds of debris pose a serious dar earth-tracking and communications satel fAnd that, of coutse, could mean a future without mobile phones, GPS and weather forecasts. (5) __ One essential thing is to reconsider so many launches and stop adding to the rubbish, But the twenty governments that have access to space aren't going to do that because they don't want to give away any information about their spy satellites. Meanwhile, who will pay to clean up space? Experts know that we need a solution now, but governments are in no hurry. only one thing will stop them from underestimating the problem - another catastrophic collision between satellites like in 2009. (6)......., ON 22" January 1997, Lottie Williams of Tulsa, Oklahoma, was taking her early morning walk. She had no idea that a piece of metal was about to fall from the sky and hit her on the shoulder. It was a fragment from the fuel tank of a spacecraft. She was lucky not to suffer any serious injuries. Experts from around the world ere meeting at a conference next month to discuss ways of making sure that space debris does not cause any fatal accidents. Let's hope it’s not too Find words or expressions in the text that mear ‘not very important (paragraph 1) rubbish, junk (paragraph 2) small pieces of an object that is broken (paragraph 2) crashed into each other (paragraph 3) operated or controlled by people (paragraph 3) a series of events with each event causing the next one (paragraph 4) 7 not wanting to do something quickly (paragraph 5) 8 causing someone to die (paragraph 6) Work with a partner. Read the text again and make a list of ‘the ways in which space junk can be dangerous. 6 SPEAKING What about you? 11 How dangerous does space junk seem to you? Why? 2 What do you think will he the mast important problems for our planet in the next twenty years?

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