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Q. Highlight the notion of “Stereotype” based on the gender, class and poverty.

Meaning of Stereotype
A stereotype is a generalized belief about a particular category of people. It
is an expectation that people might have about every person of a particular
group. The type of expectation can vary; it can be, for example, an
expectation about the group's personality, preferences, appearance or ability.
Stereotypes are sometimes overgeneralized, inaccurate, and resistant to new
information, but can sometimes be accurate.

Stereotypes can be positive or negative, but they rarely communicate accurate

information about others.

Stereotype can be based on gender, racial, caste or class even for poverty.

Gender Stereotypes
Gender stereotypes are simplistic generalizations about the gender attributes,
differences, and roles of individuals and/or groups.

Traditionally, the female stereotypic role is to marry and have children. She is
also to put her family's welfare before her own; be loving, compassionate,
caring, nurturing, and sympathetic;

The male stereotypic role is to be the financial provider. He is also to be

assertive, competitive, independent, courageous, and career‐focused; hold his
emotions in check

These sorts of stereotypes can prove harmful; they can stifle

individual expression and creativity, as well as hinder personal and professional

There are four basic example of gender Stereotypes:-

1. Personality Traits
2. Domestic Behaviors
3. Occupations
4. Physical Appearance

 Personality Traits :- Women are supposed to be shy , passive and

submissive. Men are expected to be tough, aggressive, dominant and Self-
 Domestic Behaviors:-women are supposed to cook and do housework.
Women are better at raising Children. On other hand , Men are better at
household repairs . Men always tell their Wives what to do. Men Cannot cook,
sew or care for their Children as like women.

 Occupations:- Women are supposed to have “clean” jobs such as teachers,

Nurses, Secretaries and Librarians. Men are supposed to have jobs like
Mechanics, Construction Workers, Plumbers and Engineering.

 Physical Appearance:- Generally Speaking Women are delicate While Men

are supposed to be tall with broad shoulders . However, Physical Appearance
gender stereotyping Varies from Culture to Culture.

Impact Of Gender Stereotyping

1. Gender Stereotyping Leads to Wage discrimination at work place.

2. Gender Stereotyping also leads to Resulting Discrimination in Employer

hiring, firing and Promotional Practices.

3. Gender Stereotyping also leads to sexual harassment at Work Place .

4. Even with Progress in the legislature and in the courts, Gender Stereotyping
and its Resulting discrimination is still a significant road block to Women‟s
success in the Workplace.

Class Stereotype
A „Social Class‟ is a group of People of similar Status, Commonly Sharing
Comparable levels of Power and wealth.

Class System is associated with class consciousness. It is a sentiment that

Characteristics the relations of men towards the member of their own and other

Our society is divided into two main class:-

1. Upper Class
2. Lower Class
There are many stereotypes regarding the class, people in general characterized
job career on the basis of their class.
 Upper class- This Class represents institutional leadership, Head of
Multinational Corporation, Foundations, Universities.
 UPPER-MIDDLE CLASS:- Owner of lands, stock and bonds,
Engineers, Accountants, Lawyers, Architects, University Faculty,
Managers and Directors of Public and Private organizations.

 UPPER-LOWER CLASS:- Clerical Workers, Small-Businessmen

and Teachers.
 LOWER-MIDDLE CLASS:- Clerical-Administrative, Engage in
data collection, Skilled Workers.

 LOWER-LOWER CLASS:- Craft Workers, Laborers in Factories,

Restaurant Workers, Nursing Home Staff, Repairs shops, Garages,
Delivery Services.

Stereotypes regarding Poverty

Stereotypes with association to poverty are as follows:-
 Poor parents do not want to be bothered with their child’s education
and learning.
On the contrary, parents in these situations want to support their children.
Some barriers block parents from assisting their children and come in
different forms. There are language barriers that stop some parents in
poverty from supporting their children at home. Another barrier includes the
level of education the parent has may be far below the education the child is
receiving. However, one of the biggest obstacles is access to school and its
resources. While the child can attend school, parents are not always able to
physically be present in school due to their work schedule limitations. Low-
income families would like to be more involved; however, there are limiting

 Poor students are lazy because their parents are lazy.

This stigma is associated with poor communities in regards to education. The
truth is that the work ethic in low-income families is similar to other
socioeconomic groups. Wealth is not an indicator of work ethic. Many low-
income families work very hard because they see the value in education as a
means for social mobility.
 Poor children have “bad parents.”
Parents living in poverty lack parenting skills are the misconception of
poverty. People think that poor parents could not provide the best lifestyle to
their children but in reality all parents tries to give the best to their children.

 Poor Children are more likely to abuse substances, just like their
After many different studies and thorough research, this stereotype has been
debunked. Poor children and parents are less likely to abuse substances.
Irrespective of their class, children belonging to rich family also engage in
anti-social activities such substance abuse. Therefore this stereotype is not
true that only children who are belonging to lower class tend to substance

Therefore, we can summarize that stereotype is the misconception regarding
any societal factors. This misconception can have a very negative impact
such inequality in various domains of the society as well as in there is a great
negative implication in the minds of the coming generations too. Hence we
can say that such stereotypes need to be break to eliminate its impact
towards the society.

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