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In this chapter it focused on different theory that relates with the chance or luck of a
things around us. It mentions different theory, different people but they are leading to the
same way on proving whether the theory of Laplace is wrong or right, most of their theory
explains different approach. While focusing on finding the answer they discovered Chaos.
Upon discovering Chaos, they expressed that Chaos is apparently complicated, and
apparently random behavior resulting from precise rules, and it is also a form of order,
then it undergoes with the dripping tap experiment, in where the rhythm, timing and how
big the next drop would be different from the previous one. That means that Laplace theory
about Analytic Theory of Probabilities is right, that we can only know or predict the next
thing that might happen when we measure and study it but, still no one can be certain
exactly what will happen next, that if it would be change or not.
After reading the text I come up with the idea that it is really like the dice play God,
because no matter how beautiful and peaceful God make this earth in just like a simple
role of the dice it can changed the God’s plan for the humanity. In this chapter it more
proves that all the things around us the lives of people and animals living longer is in a
matter of chance depending how the lucky you are in the next few seconds, minutes, hours,
days, weeks, months or years. There is no predictable answer that will tell you how long
you can stay here alive or when you will die, it is only all on probabilities/your maybes that
is not certainly sure if it will happen. Our life is in chaos there’s a lot of ups and downs and
we aren’t sure if we can still see the beautiful scenery of our tomorrow.

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