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MAT114 Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations L T P C

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Version No. : 1.01
Course Prerequisites : 10+2 level Mathematics / Basic Mathematics (MAT001)
This Mathematics course provides requisite and relevant background necessary to understand the
other important engineering mathematics courses offered for Engineers and Scientists. Three
important topics of applied mathematics, namely the Multiple integrals, Vector calculus, Laplace
transforms which require knowledge of integration are introduced.
Expected Outcome:
At the end of this course the students are expected to learn
(i) how to evaluate multiple integrals in Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical geometries.
(ii) the powerful language of Vector calculus with physical understanding to deal with
subjects such as Fluid Dynamics and Electromagnetic fields.
(iii) to solve ordinary differential equations directly and also use transform methods where its
Unit 1 Multivariable Calculus 9L+4P hours
Functions of two variables-limits and continuity-partial derivatives –total differential–Taylor’s
expansion for two variables–maxima and minima–constrained maxima and minima-Lagrange’s
multiplier method- Jacobians.
Unit 2 Multiple Integrals 9L+4P hours
Evaluation of double integrals–change of order of integration– change of variables between
cartesian and polar co-ordinates- evaluation of triple integrals-change of variables between
cartesian and cylindrical and spherical polar co-ordinates-beta and gamma functions–
interrelation-evaluation of multiple integrals using gamma and beta functions-error function-
Unit 3 Vector Calculus 9L+4P hours
Scalar and vector valued functions - gradient–physical interpretation-total derivative–directional
derivative-divergence and curl –physical interpretations-Statement of vector identities - scalar
and vector potentials-line, surface and volume integrals- Statement of Green’s, Stoke’s and
Gauss divergence theorems -verification and evaluation of vector integrals using them.
Unit 4 Ordinary Differential Equations 9L+ 4P hours
Linear higher order ordinary differential equation with constant coefficients– solutions of
homogenous and non homogenous equations- method of undetermined coefficients –method of
variation of parameters – equations reducible to linear equations with constant coefficients.
Unit 5 Laplace Transforms 9L+4P hours
Definition-Laplace transforms of functions-properties of Laplace transforms-initial and final
values theorems-inverse transforms-transforms of periodic functions-convolution theorem–step
functions, impulse functions–the solution of differential equations.
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. (2013).

Reference Books:
1. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 42nd Edition. Khanna Publications, (2013).
2. G.B.Thomas and R.L.Finney, Calculus and analytical geometry, 11th Edition, Pearson Education,
5th Indian Reprint (2006).
3. Peter V. O’ Neil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 5th Edition, Thomson, Book/Cole (2007).

Proceedings of the 34th Academic Council [23.12.14] 80

MAT114 Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations

Lab Experiments

Exp. Aim
1. Introduction to MATLAB To know about the MATLAB working procedures
such as saving files and basic commands and symbolic

2. Plotting and curves and Draw the curve for the given function f(x)
surfaces Draw the surface for the given function.

3. Partial Derivatives To write Matlab codes to find Partial derivative of a

given function f(x,y) at a given point (x1,y1) and also
visualize it.

4. Maxima & Minima To find the Maximum and Minimum values(Extreme

values) for the given function f(x,y) using MATLAB.

5. Multiple integrals To write Matlab codes to evaluate double integrals

To visualize the volume under the surface z=f(x,y) and
above and below the plane z=0.
To evaluate triple integrals and visualize their domain

6. Triple integral for finding To visualize a volume of a solid region

volume of a solid region

7. Vector field and Gradient To write Matlab codes to visualize the vector field of
2-Dimension as well as 3-Dimension.
To find the gradient vector and visualize it with
contour curves.
To find the Directional derivative of a given function
F(x,y) in the direction of a vector V, at the point
P(x1,y1) and visualize it with contour curves.

8. Line Integrals To write the MATLAB codes to find the work done
by the force 𝑭and visualize the force field with the

9. Solution for Second order To solve and visualize solutions of the second order
differential equations with differential equations using i) by using “dsolve”
constant coefficients function ii) by using “Variation of Parameters”

10. Laplace transform To solve and visualize solutions of the second order
differential equations using Laplace transform.

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