Lesson Plan ELTM Widya (2003050006)

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Mata Pelajaran Kelas/Semester Topik Alokasi Waktu

Bahasa Inggris X SMA/MTs Sederajat/Ganjil What are You Going to Do 2 x 45 menit
Kompetensi Standar Understanding the meaning of expressing Intentions, such as telling and asking about expressing intentions, according to
context by paying attention to social functions, text structure, and language features to improve speaking skills.
Kompetensi Dasar 3.3 Implement Social Functions, Text Structures, Language Features, and spoken transactional interaction texts that
involve the act of giving and asking for information related to the intention to perform an action/activity, according to the
context of its use. (Note the Language Feature be going to, would like to)
Indikator Students are skilled at using expressions of stating and asking about the intention to do something in an oral text
according to context by paying attention to social functions, text structure, and language features, which are correct and
show honesty, disciplined, confidence, and responsible behavior.
Materi: Expressing Intentions
Metode Pembelajaran: Pendekatan/Model Genre-Based Approach (Pendekatan berbasis teks)
Metode The fishbowl strategy

Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Tahap Kegiatan Pembelajaran Media/SumberBelajar
Pendahuluan Kegiatan Pendahuluan (15 menit) Sumber belajar:
1. The teacher opens the class with greetings, and pray to start learning. 1. Video:
- Assalamualaikum wr. wb good morning class, how are you today? Alright, before we start today's lesson, we https://youtu.be/q8KFMZ-
should pray first, please the class leader leads the prayer. ya3k
2. The teacher checks the attendance of students. 2. Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas
- Well today who is absent? I would check it one by one...... 10 SMA
3. The teacher asks questions that are in accordance with the material to be presented, such as:
- What are you going to do in your next lebaran holiday? Media
- Suppose you will have Lebaran holiday. What are you going to do ? 1. Proyektor and laptop
4. The teacher explains the learning objectives or basic competencies to be achieved.(Based on my questions,
Now, please guess! what topic are we going to discuss today?)
- Students can name expressions for intentions, Students can use the right grammar in the expression of intention
and students can speak to express meaning with the right pronunciation.
5. The teacher conveys the scope of the material about expressing intentions and explains the description of the
activities according to the syllabus.
6. The teacher asks the students, what are you going to do today? and each student answer the question about what
they did today.
7. The teacher explains the fishbowl strategy how are the procedure and the aim of its implementation. In order for
the students can understand about fishbowl strategy.
8. The teacher divides the students into several smalls groups.
Penyajian 1. Students in small groups look at pictures of vacation spots, then discuss why people visit these places and what
activities can be done.
2. The teacher gave the opportunity to the students to discuss and they sat in a cluster to make it easier for the
students to interact with their partners about the topic and be more active in the learning and teaching process the
teacher will be a Controller in the class.
3. All of the small groups are asked to share their opinion to answer the questions in front of the class with their
4. Students are asked to observe an example of dialogue on a video related to the intention to take an
action/activity, then identify the expressions of asking and expressing the intention of the dialogue.
5. The teacher asks students to make up short dialogues for the following situations about expressing intention and
each of the smalls group acts out the dialogs in front of the class.
6. Discussants are given the opportunity to talk for 5 minutes or so and the teacher gave instructions to all of the
students to listen carefully to their classmates while they engage in a small group discussion and take notes to
share afterward.
7. When all small group finishes expressing their opinion, the other students are asked to make comments on the
discussion they observed and or ask questions of the discussants.
8. Each smalls group is given the opportunity to question the meaning and social function in the expression of
giving and asking for information related to the intention to take an action/expression and discuss it.
9. The teacher should gather small group of volunteer discussants, and continue to the fishbowl process until all
students have had the opportunity to be inside the fishbowl or until all students express and speak their idea about
the topic being discussed.
Penutup 1. The teacher gives some homework to the students connecting with the materials given by the teacher.
-Alright, I will give you some homework to improve your understanding of our lesson previously today.
2. Before the class is finished, the teacher gives feedback by asking questions about what has been
learned before, asking and answering questions take place until the time of the lesson is up.
-Example: What is expressing Intention? give an example of the expression of intention that we have
3. Before the teacher leaves the class, the teacher says “good bye” to the students and the students reply
by saying “good bay and see you”.
Penilaian; terlampir
Guru Mata Pelajaran


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