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6. How is the term “populist” generally perceived to be?

7. Besides superior individuals or groups in society, what do populists appeal the masses
to attack on?
8. What is required in the process of the formulation and administration of public policy
in a democratic society?
9. Instead of using evidence and argument, what do populists revel in?
10. In what way can populism become a real menace to society?

Your answers
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 3. For questions 11-15, listen to a radio interview in which a choreographer, Alice
Reynolds, discusses a dance programme and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which
fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding
numbered boxes provided.

11. How is the programme designed to help youngsters?

A by getting them to talk about their feelings
B by encouraging them to loosen up
C by enabling them to convey their thoughts.
D by giving them a way to entertain themselves

12. When talking about the nature of communication, Alice reveals that
A teenagers are quick to react to a number of emotions.
B people who learn to show how they feel can articulate better.
C shy youngsters find the programme more useful than others.
D young people have a lot of pent up negative emotions.

13. What aspect of the programme encourages teenagers to face their troubles?
A the social side of dance
B the freedom of the movement
C the obligation to interact
D the release of feelings

14. Alice contrasts professional and amateur dancers in order to


A highlight the usefulness of the programme.

B emphasise the use of emotions in dance.
C illustrate the difference between teaching styles.
D explain the ability to recognise feelings.

15. What point does Alice make about the study into a person’s personality?
A It found that certain types of people dance better than others.
B Personality has a bearing on people’s willingness to participate.
C Who people are can be recognised through their movements.
D It revealed that most people try to hide their true nature.

Your answers
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Part 4. For questions 16-25, listen to a talk about how curry from India conquered
Britain and supply the blanks with the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN
FOUR WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the space provided.

Curry is the anglicized version of the Tamil word Kari, meaning a spiced sauce and was
commonly used to describe any 16.______________________ originating from the
Indian subcontinent.

Although the first 17.______________________ of curry was in 1598, it was not until
mid-18th century that the first known curry recipe was published in Britain.

The first Indian restaurant in Britain, albeit 18.______________________, served a wide

range of dishes.

Chicken curry, which used an elderly fowl, then entered the


At the early stage, the British curry stuck to Indian spices, blending meaty stews with a
variety of ingredients but, nonetheless, without 20.______________________.

In the 19th century, however, the British curry started to distance from the original recipe,
with mango being replaced by 21.______________________ and ready-made spice
mixed with 22.______________________.


Curry only boomed after the second World War when the 23.______________________
resulted in mass migration to Britain.

In the 1970s, the dish was both 24.______________________, and catered to the tastes
of British people.

In 2001, British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook 25.______________________ that

chicken tikka masala, an Indian dish, was a true British national dish.


WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the corresponding numbered
boxes provided.
6. Which technique is implemented by Sequoia to single out the top 100 best AI
7. According to the expert, what is the real definition of AI?
8. What is the prediction of optimum or correctness level mentioned to illustrate?
9. Which line of product does the company Nuro zero in on this year?
10. Besides customer satisfaction, what aspect of businesses would benefit from the
widely selected development scheme?

Your answers
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 3. For questions 11-15, listen to part of an interview with Miriam Baker, a
psychologist, about how social media has changed self-expression and choose the
answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers
in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.

11. According to Miriam, what is the main reason people feel the need to create
perfect images of their lives on social media?
A They are hoping to attract more friends.
B They want their lives to seem more exciting.
C They are in need of validation.
D They have very unhappy lives.

12. In Miriam's view, the average user of social media is

A driven and only interested in self-gratification.
B lonely and looking for meaningful connections.
C curious and concerned with their surroundings.
D volatile and confused about what they want.

13. When discussing her own experience with social media, Miriam reveals
A her unexpected pleasure at the response.
B her desire to engage with it more.
C her worry of becoming addicted.


D her anxiety of not being accepted.

14. Miriam compares media in the past with social media today to
A highlight the reduction in consumption.
B focus on the differing subject matter.
C explain the difference in the audience.
D illustrate the variety of content.

15. What advice does Miriam give about combating `Digital Narcissism'?
A Be true to who you really are.
B Try to post more meaningful content.
C Focus on others and not yourself.
D Do things that increase your self-esteem

Your answers
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Part 4. For questions 16-25, listen to a talk about déjà vu and supply the blanks with
the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS taken from the
recording for each answer in the space provided.

The feeling of living through the present situation once before is described as
Besides youngsters and movie fans, 17.______________________ are more likely to
experience déjà vu than others.
For a long time, this occurrence had been attributed to 18.______________________
disturbances before a 19.______________________ coined the French word déjà vu,
literally meaning “already seen”.
The first possible explanation for this illusion is 20.______________________ where a
person experiences the current sensory twice successively.
Another theory on the cause of déjà vu, dual processing, mentions a
21.______________________ when two cognitive processes are uncoupled.
There are also some speculations that déjà vu results from errors around a major
component of the brain called 22.______________________. However, this is refuted by

further research which claims that déjà vu involves the 23.______________________ of

the brain.
One suggested method of studying déjà vu is examining those suffering from
Another approach is looking at 25.______________________ as the origin of déjà vu
could lie in the mysterious universe.


Part 1. For questions 1-5, listen to a report on how European countries are dealing
with the coronavirus pandemic and decide whether these statements are True (T) or
False (F). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.

1. Under the full lockdown in Italy, all grocery stores must be shut down.
2. There is a ban on entry for people from Austria into Italy.
3. Angela Merkel warned that Coronavirus could infect up to 17% of Germany's
4. Public gatherings still take place in the UK.
5. According to the professor, although the UK is taking more drastic measures than
Italy, its effectiveness is open to question.

Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 2. For questions 6-10, listen to a talk about how to prevent a food crisis and
answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS taken from the
recording for each answer in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.

6. Which group of nations have auspiciously implemented feasible measures in the fight
against the pandemic?
7. What have Peruvian and Brazilian governments increased in their cash-transfer
8. According to the ODI’s research, which aspects of life have been improved among
cash-grant recipients?
9. What is the name of the method applied by corporations to grant financial aids for
reduced working hours?
10. In addition to providing tax relief and access to retirement accounts, which step has
also been taken to alleviate economic burden?

Your answers
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Part 3. For questions 11-15, listen to a discussion between Belinda Phipps and Kate
Andrews about Prime Minister David Cameron's pledge to close the gender pay gap by
making large businesses publish their pay gap figures, and choose the answer (A, B, C
or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided.

11. Belinda Phipps suggests that the Equal Pay Act

A. should be repealed by the government.
B. allows equal pay claims to be brought.
C. requires businesses to publish their pay gap figures.
D. is too outdated to exert any effect on the gender wage gap.

12. Why does Kate Andrews mention the data from the Office for National Statistics
A. To encourage women to opt out of the workforce
B. To highlight overall imbalance in favour of women
C. To make a point against the proposed legislation
D. To demonstrate as evidence of gender discrimination in the workplace

13. What puts female workers at a disadvantage compared with their male counterparts?
A. Inability to achieve a work-life balance
B. Unwillingness to stay focused on one career path
C. Mental strength to catch up after falling behind
D. Ineptitude to deal with the harsh realities of working life

14. Belinda Phipps and Kate Andrews agree that

A. whether to work overtime or not is of one’s own accord.
B. gender pay gap is the result of social beliefs rather than employer discrimination.
C. some women tend to be deprived of the right to make free choices related to their
D. forcing businesses to publish their pay gap figures cannot solve the issue of income
inequality by gender.

15. When the host cites possibilities about the promising future of women at work,
Belinda Phipps
A. implies that these have insignificant impact on whether gender pay gap will continue
to exist or not.

B. asserts that more rigorous action need to be taken to turn these possibilities into
C. claims that such brighter prospects for women would be a turning point in the labor
D. contends that such possibilities are baseless and unreliable.

Your answers
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Part 4. Listen to five short extracts in which people are talking about films and do the
tasks below.

For questions 16-20, choose from the list (A-H) what unexpected aspect each speaker
encountered while watching the film.
A the versatility of the cast
B the seamlessness of the images
C the authenticity of the scenes
D the film’s sense of humour
E the feeling elicited
F the scarcity of roles
G the impact of the soundtrack
H the intensity of the special effects

Speaker 1 16 __________
Speaker 2 17 __________
Speaker 3 18 __________
Speaker 4 19 __________
Speaker 5 20 __________

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