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Volume - I
S. N. WORD fgUnh esa vFkZ Meaning in English
1. Ambidextrous fuiq.k Equally skilful with each hand
2. Alimony fuokZg&O;; An allowance made to a wife by her husband when they are
legally separated
3. Anecdote fdLlk] thou dh >kadh A short but amusing story
4. Anteroom cM+k dejk A large entrance or reception room or area
5. Anodyne ihM+kuk'kd Medicine which lessens pain
6. Addicted vkfn gksuk One who has become dependent on something or drugs
7. Adamant ghjk] vVy Very hard native crystal of carbon
8. Amoral vuSfrd Lacking any sense of moral standards or principles
9. Archive ys[kkdkj ;k ,sfrgkfld vfHkys[k A building where government/public records are kept
10. Amphibian mHk;pj Operating or living on land and in water
11. Ambiguous vLi"V] vusdkFkhZ Capable of being understood in either of two or more possible
12. Aspirant vkdka{kh A person who has ambition for fame
13. Archaeology iqjkrRo foKku Study of ancient things like tombs, buried towns
14. Archer rhjankt A person who shoots with a bow and arrows
15. Architect f’kYidkj A person who designs buildings and also supervises their
16. Antitheist or Atheist ukfLrd One who does not believe in god’s existence
17. Antipathy ’k=qrk@oSeuL; Strong dislike between two persons.
18. Ardent mRlkgiw.kZ Full of zeal.
19. Archipelago }hi lewg Sea with a group of many islands.
20. Affirm iqf’V djuk Declare positively that something is true.
21. Amnesia foLej.k Partial or total loss of memory.
22. Arbitrator/mediator e/;LFk One appointed by two parties to settle disputes between
23. Assent fdlh izLrko ij vkSipkfjd lgefr Official agreement to a proposal.
24. Astronaut varfj{k ;k=h One who physically travels in space
25. Agnostic vKs;oknh One who believes that nothing can be said about god
26. Aquatic typj A plant that grows in water
27. Aviary i{kh x`g Place where birds are kept
28. Anarchist vjktdrkoknh One who plans to destroy all Governments
29. Adultery O;fHkpkj Woman who has extra marital relationship
30. Aseptic vkRe la;e Leading a life of self discipline
31. Antiquated iqjkuk O;fDr A person behind time
32. Arsenal 'kL=kxkj Public building where weapons are made and stored
33. Abrogate fujLr djuk To do away with a rule
34. Aesthetics lkSUn;Z’kkL= The study of the nature of beauty
35. Bigot /kekZU/k A person who holds an opinion or belief strongly in defiance
of reason of arguments
36. Brigand Mkdw] yqVsjk Member of a band of robbers
37. Belfry ?k.Vkxkj Part of a church in which bells are hung

38. Byre xks'kkyk Place where cows are sheltered

39. Ballad xkFkkxhr@izes xhr Poem narrating a popular story
40. Bohemian :f<oknh One who does not follow the usual rules of social life
41. Bankrupt/insolvent fnokfy;k A person who is unable to pay his debt.
42. Benign Hknz] n;kyw] lqgkuk Tumor which is not likely to spread, pleasant or beneficial
in nature or influence, harmless, innocent
43. Bilingual nqHkk"kh; People who speak two languages.
44. Bigamy/Polygamy f}iRuhdj.k The state of having two or more wives or husbands at a time.
45. Burglar lsa/k yxkus okyk pksj One who breaks out into a house to steal
46. Bureaucracy ukSdj’kkgh The rule of officials.
47. Biography vkRedFkk Life-history of a person written by another.
48. Biped nks ik;k tkuoj An animal with two feet.
49. Bovine xkS tSlk That which looks like a cow.
50. Boorish xaokj A person having rough and ill manner.
51. Biopsy ck;ksIlh A test in which cells from diseased organs are removed and
52. Bower fudaqt] yrke.Mi A shady place under trees
53. Brilliant izfrHkk'kkyh Of outstanding significance
54. Carnivorous ekalkgkjh One who eat flesh
55. Contemporary ledkyhu Belonging to the same period
56. Crematorium 'konkxzg] 'kelku A place where dead bodies are burns and reduce to ashes
57. Conscientious drZO;fu"V Govern by a scene of duty
58. Concubinage fcuk 'kknh ds ,d lkFk jguk Living together of a man and woman without being married
to each other
59. Connoisseur xq.kl[kh] ikj[kh An expert able to appreciate a field, especially in fine art
60. Credible fo’oluh;] vfo”oluh; That which can be believe
61. Credulous tks vklkuh ls fo’okl djs One who believes easily whatever said to him
62. Cavalier, jockey ?kqM+lokj Person who is skilled in horsemanship.
63. Cavalier ykijokg] vfHkekuh Given to haughty disregard of others
64. Consultant lykgdkj A person who gives expert advice in business.
65. Conscious /aware lko/kku@tkx#d Awake to what is going on.
66. Chronological dkyØekuqlkj According to sequence of time.
67. Chauffeur eksVj pkyd A person who is paid to drive a privately owned car.
68. Capitalism iw¡thokn Economic structure organized and controlled by capitalists.
69. Compensate {kfriwfrZ djuk Give something to make up somebody’s loss.
70. Carnage lkewfgd gR;k Killing of a large number of people especially in war.
71. Corselet dop A piece of armour covering the breast.
72. Craftsman f’kYih] f’kYidkj Skilled works man who practices a craft.
73. Cripple viax A person who is unable to walk or move properly.
74. Cosmopolitan loZns’kh; A man who is broad and international in outlook.
75. Census tux.kuk Official counting of the population.
76. Criminology vijk/k foKku Science of crimes and criminals.
77. Calligraphy lqUnj fy[kus dh dyk The art of science of beautiful handwriting
78. Congregation Hkätuksa dk leqnk; An assembly of worshippers.
79. Contract fldksM+uk Make or become smaller or shorter in length or size.

80. Cemetery dfczLrku A tract of land used for burial

81. Crematory “konkx`g A furnace where a corpse can be burned and reduce to ashes
82. Confiscate tCr djuk To officially take private property away to seize
83. Chapel fxjtk ?kj Small room for worship
84. Canine dqÙks ds tSlk That which looks like a dog
85. Condominium lg jkT; A country ruled by two countries
86. Continent egk}hi One of the large landmasses of the earth
87. Custodian ifjj{kd Care taker of a public building
88. Cuckold dqYVk&ifr Man whose wife has been unfaithful to him
89. Conservative :f<+oknh A person who is against to change
90. Cargo tgkt dk Hkkj The goods carried by a ship, plane or vehicle
91. Diplomacy dwVuhfr The art practiced b statesman or politics
92. Duffer fudEek Slow witted person
93. Dell ?kkVh A small valley
94. Demography tula[;k dk v/;;u Study of population.
95. Druggist vkS’kf/k foØsrk A person who is qualified to prepare and sell drugs
96. Drunkard i;DdM+ A person who is in the habit of drinking.
97. Domicile fuokl LFky Place where a person lives permanently.
98. Decree/verdict QSlyk Judgment of a law court.
99. Deteriorate cnrj gksuk To go from bad to worse.
100. Derelict cs?kj O;fDr A person without a home, job or property
101. Dynasty dqyhu] jktoa’k Succession of ruler belonging to one family
102. Dialogue laokn A conversation between two people/ the line spoken by the
Character in a play or drama
103. Devious Vs<k&es<k] pkykdh ls Indirect in departing from the accepted or proper way
104. Dubious lansgkLin Open to doubt or suspicion
105. Drought lw[kk ;k vdky Dry weather whereon rainfall
106. Dyke cka/k cukuk A wall built to prevent the sea or a river from flooding an area
107. Deploy QSykuk ;k rSukr djuk To spread troops for battle
108. Deport ns’k fudkyk djuk Send unwanted person out of the country, exile
109. Eccentric fofp=] ludh O;fDr A man of odd habits
110. Excursion lSj] Hkze.k Short journey made by a group of persons together
111. Elegy 'kksdxhr Poem written on the death of someone loved and lost
112. Effeminate tukuk Man having the qualities of woman
113. Euthanasia lq[ke`R;q Thing that bring gentle and painless death from incurable
114. Eloquence okdiVqrk Persuasive and fluent speech
115. Epistle /keZi=] A verse letter
116. Escapism iyk;uokn Tendency to escape from hard realities.
117. Entomology dhV foKku Study of insects
118. Err Hkwy djuk Liable to error
119. Epithet xkyh A defamatory or abusive word or phrase
120. Epigraph vkn’ZkokD;] f’kykys[k A quotation at the beginning of some piece of writing
121. Epitaph Lekjd] Le`fr A summary statement of commemoration for a dead person
122. Edict vkns’ki= A formal or authoritative proclamation

123. Egoist vgaoknh A self centered person with little regards for others
124. Epilogue milagkj A short speech address directly to the audience by an actor at
the end of play
125. Embankment rVca/kuk A long artificial mound of stone to hold back water or to
support a road as protection
126. Explicable O;k[;k djuk] Li"V djuk Capable of being explicated
127. Eradicate mUewyu To root out an evil or a bad practice etc.
128. Epicurean Loknyksyqi A person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment (specially
good food or drink)
129. Extempore fcuk rS;kjh dk Hkk’k.k Speech made without preparation.
130. Ethnology ekuo tkfr foKku Science of the races of mankind and their relation.
131. Ecology ifjfLFkfr foKku A scientific study of the relationship between plants and their
132. Explore [kkst djuk Travel into a country for the purpose of learning about it.
133. Extricate dfBukb;ksa ls ijs Free from difficulties
134. Emigrant izoklh One who leaves one’s country in order to settle permanently in
135. Empiric iz;ksx esa fo’okl j[kus okyk A person who relies on experiment or observation
136. Ethics uhfr’kkL= The study of moral values
137. Foster child /kk; ikfyr larku A child brought up by person who are not his parents
138. Fortnight i[kokM+k A period of fourteen days
139. Fable uhfrdFkk] dgkuh An animal story with a moral
140. Famine vdky A dreadful shortage of food.
141. Felony egkiki@egkijk/k Serious crime like murder.
142. Fatalist HkkX;oknh One who believes in fate
143. Fraud /kks[kCkkth Act of deceiving somebody in order to make money
144. Feasible laHko] lk/; Capable of being done with means at hand and circumstance as
they are
145. Felicitate c/kkbZ nsuk Congratulate somebody in formal manner
146. Forgery tkylkth Dealing of counterfeit things
147. Garrulous cgqr cksyus okyk A person who talks too much.
148. Genocide tkfrlagkj The deliberate murder of a whole community or race.
149. Gangster Mkdw The member of a gang of armed criminals.
150. Gratis fu%’kqYd@lsar&esar Without payment or free of cost.
151. Genetics vkuqoaf’kdh foKku The study of heredity.
152. Glossary ’kCnlaxzg List of explanation of words
153. Groan djkguk A deep sound made by someone in pain.
154. Genius izfrHkkoku A child of unusual or remarkable talent
155. Glade ouiFk Open space in a forest
156. Gaviour eqfänkrk Person who rescues somebody from sins.
157. Gullible lh/kk&lk/kk A person who is easily befooled
158. Herbivorous ’kkdkgkjh One who vegetarian
159. Hostess A woman who entertains guests.
160. Hype cgqr izfl)h] izpkj dkjuk Excessive publicity, To advertize
161. Hedonist lq[koknh One who believes that gaining pleasure is the most important
thing in life

162. Henpecked tks: dk xqyke A man who dances to the tunes of his wife
163. Honorary lEekulwpd An office for which no salary is paid
164. Holocaust iw.kkZgqfr@vfXudk.M Large scale destruction by fire
165. Heath catj A flat waste land
166. Hymn Hktu A religious song
167. Hermaphrodite mHk;fyaxh Creature having both male and female organs
168. Harangue nsuk Loud talk or speech
yEck pkSMk ;k mxz Hkk"k.k
169. Harem tuku[kkuk Place where women dwelled (Ancient time)
170. Howdah gkFkh ds ihB dh lokjh Seat on elephant’s back
171. Hygienist vkjksX;’kkL=h A person who is very careful about his health
172. Ignition Toyu Mechanism for starting combustion in cylinder of motor
173. Innovator ubZ jhfr pykaus okyk A person who introduce new things/chances
174. Irritable tYnh ukjkt gksus okyk Easily made angry
175. Invulnerable vHks+|] vts; Immune to attack; impregnable
176. Interlude varjky@e/;karj Interval between two events
177. Inn ljk;]/keZ’kkyk Place which provides both board and lodging
178. Incomprehensible u le>us ;ksX; Statement which cannot be understood
179. Invoice fcy esa fy[kuk List of goods with their price
180. Innocuous vgkfudj Not injurious to physical or mental health
181. Instigate izsfjr djuk] mdlkuk To urge a man to do some evil
182. Infantry iSny lsuk Soldiers who fight on foot
183. Internment utjcUnh] LFkkucU/ku Detaining and confining someone
184. Incarnation vorkj] vorkj.k Changing of magic spells
185. Imbroglio vO;oLFkk A confused, complicated or embarrassing situation
186. Inheritance iSf=d laifRRk Property handed down after the death of a person, heritage
187. Iconoclast fjokt rksM+usokyk One who break the establishment of tradition and image
188. Inaugural speech mn~?kkVu] Hkk"k.k The lecture of a function for introduction
189. Incredulous vfo’ouh; Not disposed or willing to believe, unbelieving
190. Incredible vfo’ouh;] vrqY;uh; Beyond belief or understanding
191. Inundation ck< A rising of a body of water
192. Invocation vkgoku] izkFkZuk A prayer asking god’s help as a part of religious Service
193. Involution dke dks ckWVuk Reduction in size of an organ / the act of sharing in the
194. Immortal vu’oj] vej A person of enduring fame / not subject to death
195. Impurity v’kq) Without risk of punishment
196. Infallible xyrh u djus okyk Incapable of failure or error
197. Isthmus la;ksx Hkwfe A relatively narrow strip of land (with water both side)
Connecting two larger areas
198. Intangible vLi"V] vewrZ Incapable of being touched or seen
199. Inevitable vfuok;Z Incapable of being avoided or presented
200. Intelligentsia cqf)thoh oxZ Intelligent and educated class of society.
201. Ineradicable ftls lekIr u fd;k tk lds That which cannot be rooted out.
202. Itinerary ;k=k o`rkar A film or illustrative lecture on travelling
203. Instigate mdlkuk To urge a man to do some evil
204. Imperialism lkezkT;okn Policy of extending a countries and influence

205. Inflammable vklkuh ls vkx idM+us okyk A thing which catches fire easily
206. Illiterate fuj{kj@vui<+ A person who cannot read or write
207. Insoluble vlek/ks; A problem which cannot be solved
208. Irrelevant vuxZy Not be the point
209. Illegal xSj dkuwuh Forbidden or prohibited by law
210. Inexcusable v{kE; Incapable of being justified or excused
211. Incorrigible vlq/kk;Z One who cannot be corrected
212. Immortal vej] vu’oj One who cannot die
213. Ideology fopkj/kkjk@fl)karokn Manner of thinking of a person
214. Indispensable vfuok;Z That cannot be done without
215. Inexplicable/Unaccountable vo.kZuh; That cannot be explained or accounted for
216. Inaudible vJO; That cannot be heard.
217. Impracticable vO;kogkfjd That cannot be put into practice
218. Illegible vikB~; A writing that cannot be read
219. Innocent fujijk/k@vgkfudkj Not guilty of a crime or sin
220. Jargon fo’ks"kcksyh Language difficult to understand
221. Kindergarten ckyfogkj School for infants and children age of 4 to 6 to prepare
them for primary school
222. Licentious yEiV] dkeqd Lacking moral discipline; especially sexually unrestrained
223. Lavatory iz{kkyu ik=] ’kkSp?kj Room with toilet facilities
224. Legitimate oS/k (dkuwuh) Responsible according to law
225. Legacy iSf=d laifRr Property given by father / a gift of personal property
226. Lear dkeqd] Hkjh fuxkgksa ls ns[kuk A sly look that is lustful
227. Legible iBuh; Handwriting that can be easily read
228. Legend ikSjkf.kd ikjaifjd dFkk An old story handed down from the past
229. Monarch jktra= The rule of a queen/king
230. Materialistic HkkSfrd oknh A person with whom money or gain is the most important
231. Monument Lekjd A building etc. made in memory of some person or to
Commemorate a historical event
232. Malnutrition vi;kZIr iks"k.k Condition caused by not getting enough food of the right
233. Manifesto ?kks"k.kki= Policy of political party
234. Mammal Lruik;h Animals which nourished with milk
235. Memento ;knxkj Something kept as a reminder
236. Massacre ujlagkj Cruel and indiscriminate killing of a large number of human
237. Manual funsZ’kksa dh ,d iqLrd A book of instructions.
238. Misanthropist ekuo}s"kh One who hates mankind
239. Misogynist ukjh }s"kh One who hates women
240. Misogymist ukjh }s"kh One who hates marriage
241. Maiden/Spinster vfookfgrk vf/kd mez vkSjr Young and unmarried girl/woman
242. Museum laxzgky; Building in which historical things are kept.
243. Misoneist iqjkruoknh A person who hates new things.
244. Mortuary eqnkZ?kj A place where dead bodies are kept

245. Monastery eB A building of circular shape.

246. Maiden speech izFke Hkk"k.k The first public speech delivered by a person
247. Mores jhfr] fjokt Customs and habits of a particular group
248. Monologue Lokxr Hkk"k.k Speech makes itself / a long boring speech.
249. Moral uSfrd] lh[k The significance of a story or event
250. Mortal u’oj Capable of causing death
251. Masque ukVdh; :i A dramatic performance
252. Matins lqcg dh izkFkZuk Morning prayer
253. Manuscript gLrfyfi Paper written in one’s own handwriting
254. Malapropism gkL;kin 'kCn iz;ksx Ridiculous use of words
255. Nepotism HkkbZ& Hkrhtkokn Favouring own kith and kin
256. Nemesis izfr'kks/k Just punishment for wrong doing
257. Nostalgia vrhr dh >yd Longing for something
258. Noose Qank Loop of rope is called
259. Neology u;k ’kCn iz;ksx] Using of new words
260. Nefarious nq"V] cnuke Extremely wicked, villainous
261. Narcissist vkReizseh Someone in love with themselves
262. Numismatist eqnzk’kkL= One who collects coins
263. Nomenclature ukenkrk] ukekoyh A system of naming things
264. Noxious vfu"Vdkjh The thing which is harmful and poisonous.
265. Notorious dq[;kr A person who has an evil reputation.
266. Oasis e:|ku A small fertile or green area in a desert region.
267. Obituary e`R;q lwpuk Notice of the death of a person.
268. Omniscient loZKkrk One who claims to know everything
269. Omnipotent loZ’kfDreku One who has total power
270. Omnipresent loZO;kih One who present everywhere
271. Opaque vikjn’khZ Not allowing light to pass through.
272. Optimist vk’kkoknh One who looks at the bright side of things
273. Orphan vukFk A child whose parents are dead.
274. Ostelogy gfM~M;ksa dk v/;;u The study of the bones.
275. Orthography ’kq) mPpkj.k dk v/;;u Science of correct pronunciation.
276. Obsolete vizpfyr No longer in use
277. Octogenarian 80 lky dh mez dk O;fDr A person of eighty years of age
278. Ocean logy egklkxj dk v/;;u Study of ocean and ocean phenomena
279. Ornithologist if{kfoKkuh Someone who scientifically studies the birds
280. Omnivorous lokZgkjh One who eats everything
281. Orthodox /keZijk;.k A person holding conventional beliefs specially in matters of
282. Polytheism vusd nsorkvksa esa fo’okl Belief in many Gods
283. Photosynthesis izdk’k la’kys"k.k Process by which green plants make food from organic
compounds from water and carbon dioxide in the presence
of light
284. Philosophy n’kZu ’kkL= The study of truth and knowledge
285. Patron laj{kd A person who helps others by giving them monetary help
and encouragement
286. Prologue izLrkouk An introduction lecture such as a play

287. Primitive vkfne] izkphu A person who belongs to early age of civilization
288. Probable laHkork Having a high chance to be true or real
289. Pacifist 'kkafrfiz; A person who believes in the total abolition of war
290. Philatelist fVfdV laxzgh One who collects postage stamps
291. Pensive fopkjeXu Deep in thoughts
292. Philistine vckSf)d O;fDr One indifferent to art or literature .
293. Profile :ijs[kk General view of a person’s character
294. Philanthropist ekuoizseh One who love human kind
295. Pandemonium dksykgy Wild and noisy disorder
296. Pioneer iFkizn’kZd One who leads in any field
297. Prompt fcuk nsj ls djuk Done without delay
298. Phrenology ukd dk v/;;u A branch of medical science that deal with nose and it’s
299. Paleontology thok'e dk v/;;u Study of fossils
300. Perquisite vuqykHk A emolument over and above fixed income or salary
301. Parasite ijthoh One who lives/survive on other/others lives
302. Psychopathology efLr"d jksxksa dk v/;;u The study of mental disease.
303. Pathology jksx funku The study of the disease.
304. Pedantic iafMrkÅ A style in which a writer display off his knowledge.
305. Propensity #>ku Having natural tendency to something.
306. Posthumous ej.kksijkar Child born after the death of its father.
307. Palpable Li’kZuh; Thing that can be felt or touched.
308. Plagiarism lkfgfR;d pksjh Stealing from the writings of others.
309. Pedestrian pyus okyk] iSny One who walks
310. Pessimist fujk’kkoknh One who looks at the dark side of things
311. Perspicacious Li’V cqf) okyk Quick to judge and understand.
312. Philomuse dyk izseh A person who loves art.
313. Postmortem ’ko ijh{k.k Medical Examination of a body
314. Pornography v’yhy ys[ku Treatment of obscene subjects in writing, painting etc….
315. Privilege fo’ks’kkf/kdkj Right or advantage available to a person.
316. Procession tqywl A number of people proceeding together in an orderly way
317. Prodigy/Marvel/Portent foy{k.k O;fä A person of remarkable talent
318. Philanderer b’dckt One who flirts with ladies
319. Prodigy peRdkj] foy{k.k A remarkable talent
320. Peer rkduk] cjkcj gksuk Equal in rank, to gaze at
321. Palatable Lokfn"B Food agrees with one’s taste
322. Parody fonzwfidk] udy Funny imitation of a poem
323. Parable uhfr& dFkk To explain a spiritual truth
324. Piggyback ihB ij lokjh Ride on someone else’s back
325. Piggybank xqYyd A child's coin bank (often shaped like a pig)
326. Quadruped pkSik;k tkuoj An animal with four feet.
327. Quest vUos’k.k Try to search for something.
328. Quotation m)j.k A passage often quoted
329. Red-tapism dk;kZyhu fu;e Too much official formalities
330. Revocation [kaMu djuk The state of being cancelled or annulled

331. Reticent xSj feyulkj Temperamentally disinclined to talk

332. Reticule efgyk dk ilZ A woman’s drawstring handbag usually made of net used
in 18th and 19th century
333. Ridicule etkd cukuk Language or behavior intended to humiliate
334. Registrar iath;u vf/kdkjh A person who keeps records or registers in a university or
town council
335. Recite lqukuk] ;kn~nk’r ls tksj ls cksyuk To say aloud from memory
336. Reciprocity ysu&nsu dh izFkk Practice of give and take.
337. Rebate NwV reduction in a tax or debt.
338. Respite vkjke Time of relief or rest.
339. Relapse iqu% iru gksuk Fall into a former state.
340. Rebel jktnzksgh A person who takes arms against the government of his own
341. Samaritan vlgk; dh enn djus okyk A person who helps a stranger or a helpless person in
342. Scandal cnukeh Talk that bring bad reputation to somebody
343. Shrewd /kwrZ A man who is quarrelsome, noisy and nagging
344. Sinecure de dke o vf/kd iSls okyh ukSdjh An office which has no work but high salary
345. Savages vf’k"V Wild people belonging to an uncivilized, undeveloped tribe
or group
346. Surveyor losZ{kd A person whose occupation is to survey lands or buildings
347. Stationers ys[ku lkexzh foØsrk A person who sells writing materials.
348. Sculptor ewfrZ dh uDdk’kh djus okyk A person who carves out figures.
349. Scaffold Qk¡lh dk r[rk ;k epku Platform on which criminals are executed.
350. Submerge ikuh esa Mqcksuk Put under the surface of water.
351. Spiritualismvk/;kReokn Relief that the only reality in the world is spirit.
352. Secularism /keZfujis{krk View that education and other matters should be divorced
from religion.
353. Shrew >xM+kyw L=h An ill-tempered woman.
354. Surreptitious pksjh ls djuk one who done stealthily
355. Sever dVdj vyx gksuk to something into two pieces
356. Severe vR;f/kd Extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality
357. Stoicism lgu’khyrk Indifferent to pleasure or pain
358. Secular /keZfujis{k A government in which all religions are honored
359. Sporadic vfu;fer Occurring at irregular intervals in time.
360. Sonnet prqnZ'k inh A poem of fourteen lines
361. Stale cklh] iqjkuk A thing or food which is not fresh
362. Somniloquist uhan esa okr djus okyk One who talks while sleep
363. Somnambulist uhan esa pyus okyk One who walks in sleep
364. Stickler vkxzgh] tksj nsus okyk A person who insists on something
365. Sterilize dhVk.kwuk’kd To free anything from germs, Make free from bacteria
366. Sterile ckWa>] catj Incapable of reproducing, Deficient in originality or
367. Scullery crZu lkQ djus dh txg A place of washing dishes adjoining kitchen
368. Stub VqdM+k] BwWaB] Short remaining end of cigarette

369. Stroll Vgyuk Short walk for pleasure or exercise

370. Shuttle b/kj ls m/kj vkuk Go back and forth
371. Sanctuary ’kj.k LFky] vH;kj.k A shelter from danger or hardship, A consecrated place
where sacred objects or animals are kept
372. Tangible ftls ns[kk o Nqvk tk lds Things that can be seen and touched
373. Trilogy ukVd=; Group of three novels
374. Telepathy nwjlaosnu] nwjkuqHkwfr Power of reading thoughts of others
375. Topiary drZu dyk Art of cutting tree and bushes into ornamental shape
376. Travelogue ;k=k dk fooj.k Detail planned of a journey
377. Tenable rdZ laxr] ekU; Logical,
378. Taxidermy peZizlk/ku The art of preserving skin of animals, birds, fish
379. Tenant fdjk,nkj A person who pays a rent for the use of a room, house or land.
380. Telescope VsyhLdksi] nwjchu Instrument for viewing objects at a distance.
381. Toxicology fo’k ’kkL= Study of poisons. ¼fo’k dk v/;;u½
382. Theist vkfLrd@bZ’ojoknh One who believes in God –
383. Teetotaler u’kk u djus okyk A person who abstains forms all kinds of alcoholic drinks.
384. Tobacconist rEckdw cspus okyk A person who sells tobacco
385. Truant ukxk djus okyk A student who is absent without permission.
386. Unanimous loZlEer A decision taken by the votes of all.
387. Unpleasant v:fpdj] vukd"kZd Disagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings
388. Turbulent fcckfnr Including much disorder
389. Versatile cgqeq[kh] izfrHkk One who possess many talent
390. Veteran vuqHkoh long experience of any occupation
391. Vindictive izfr'kks/kh One who is revengeful
392. Vulpine ykseMh ds tSlk That which looks like a fox
393. Vulnerable vk?kkr ;ksX; Open to injure or criticism
394. Verbose/superfluous t#jr ls T;knk ’kCn cksyuk@vuko’;d Using more words than needed
395. Virago cqjk O;ogkj djus okyh vkSjr An abusive woman
396. Vegetarian ’kkdkgkjh One who eats only vegetables
397. Venial {kE; One who can be excused, excusable
398. Vacillation fgpfdpkgV Change one’s mind too quickly
399. Windfall gok ls fxjk Qy] vizR;kf'kr ykHk Unexpected stroke of good luck
400. Whisper Qql&Qqlkuk Speak in a very low tone.
401. Widower fo/kqj A man whose wife is dead.
402. Widow fo/kok A lady whose husband is dead.
403. Witch Mk;u] tknwxjuh A woman supposed to have magic powers, usually to do evil
404. Wag fMaMksfy;k ;k eL[kjk A jocular person who is full of amusing anecdotes
405. Wages etnwjh payment of work done especially foe labour of mechanical
406. Withhold lkeuk djuk Stand, refuge to give up
407. Windfall gok ls fxjk Qy] vizR;kf'kr ykHk An unexpected piece of good fortune
408. Xantippe yM+kdw L=h@ddZ’kk A quarrelsome woman


Volume - II
S. N. WORD fgUnh esa vFkZ Meaning in English
409. Antiseptic jksxk.kwjks/kd A medicine prevent of decomposing
410. Affable feyulkj] Hknz Diffusing warmth and friendliness
411. Arsonist vkxtuh djus okyk A person who deliberately sets fire to a building
412. Animated og ftlesa thou gks Objects having life in them
413. Amazon L=h ;ks)k A warlike or masculine woman(female warrior)
414. Alias miuke Name by which a person is called at other times or
in A other place.(False name)
415. Ambivert mHk;eq[kh One who turns thoughts both inwards and
416. Aster rkjk] rkjd A flower which is star shaped
417. Abattoir dlkbZ[kkuk Place where animals are killed for food
418. Abbot eBkf/kdkjh@eBk/kh’k A man who is the head of a monastery
419. Abbreviation la{ksi@y?kq:i A shortened form of a word or phrase
420. Abdication vkSipkfjd :i ls R;kx nsuk To formally give up
421. Ablution /kkfeZd Luku Ritual washing of the body
422. Abstruse le>us esa eqf’dy Hard to understand
423. Abundance vkf/kD;@ izpqjrk A quantity that is more than enough
424. Accentuate tksj nsuk Give more force or importance to
425. Accomplice lg&vijk/kh Helper in a wrong deed or crime
426. Acronym izFkek{kjh uke Word formed from initial letters of a name
427. Addendum ifjf’k"V Thing to be added at the end of a book, etc
428. Advertisement foKkiu A public notice offering or asking for goods,
services, etc
429. Afforestation oujksi.k The act of forestation by painting many trees
430. Agenda ?kks"k.kk i= Items of business for consideration at a meeting
431. Aggressor vkdze.kdrkZ Someone who attacks first
432. Agnosticism tks bZ’oj ds vfLrRo ij ’kadk djs Doubtful about the existence of God
433. Alien xSj ukxfjd One who belongs to different country, race of group
434. Allegory izrhddFkk Story in which ideas are symbolized as people
435. Alliteration vuqizkl Commencement of adjacent words with the same
436. Altruist ijksidkjh One who lives and works for the welfare of others
437. Amateur xSj is’ksoj Lacking pro fissional skill or expertise
438. Amnesty {keknku A general pardon of political offenders
439. Amphitheatre v[kkM+k@jaxHkweh A designated section of seats in any part of a theater
440. Analgesia nnZ dk ,glkl u gksuk The loss of ability to feel pain while still conscious
441. Anarchist vjktd One who wishes to destroy all established
government’s law and order
442. Anarchy vjktdrk The absence of government in a country
443. Anecdote fdLlk Short amusing story about some real person or event

444. Anomaly vlk/kkj.k Deviation or departure from common rule or

standard or what is normal
445. Anonymous xqeuke A book or a work of art whose author is not known
446. Antagonist fojks/kh One that opposes other
447. Antidote tgjuk’kd A medicine to cure the effect of poison
448. Aphasia okpk?kkr Loss of ability to understand speech
449. Apostate /keZ R;kxh One who abandons his religious faith
450. Armistice ;q) fojke The cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed
451. Ascetics lU;klh One who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline
452. Astrology T;ksfr"k ’kkL= Science of the influence of the stars on human affairs
453. Avaricious ykyph One who is greedy
454. Bond vuqcU/k&i= Agreement or engagement that a person is bound to
455. Braggart nEHkh A vain, boasting fellow
456. Helligfernt ;ks)k]yM+kdk One who is engaged in fighting
457. Bier vFkhZ A stand to support a corpse or a coffin prior to burial
458. Banal f?klh&fiVh ckr djus okyk A person who is talking in hackneyed phraseology
459. Beverage is; Any type of drink except water
460. Bacon uedhu lwvj ekal Salted or smoked meat from the back or sides of a pig
461. Baby-sister ek¡&cki ds tkus ds ckn ns[kus okyk A person who looks after a child for a short
time while the parents are out
462. Baby minder okd A scene of noisy talking and confusing
463. Barbarism ccZjrk State of being uncivilized, ignorant or rude
464. Bachelorhood dqokjkiu A state of being unmarried (of a man)
465. Bay, gulf [kkM+h A part of the sea/Lake in closed by a wide curve of
the shore
466. Beach leqærV A stretch of sand/stone along the edge of the sea
467. Bellicose yM+kdw A person who is fond of fighting
468. Belligerent ;q)jr Engaged in war/Fight
469. Benefactor /keksZidkjh One who gives financial help to a school/hospital
470. Biennial f}o"khZ; That which happen once in two years
471. Bigot dV~Vj One who is filled with narrow and prejudice opinion
472. Bilingual f}Hkkf"k; One who can speak two languages
473. Blaspheme bZ’oj ds f[kykQ cksyuk Speaking irreverently about God or sacred things
474. Bliss pjelq[k Perfect happiness
475. Bookworm/Bibliophilic fdrkch dhM+k One who is interested in reading books and nothing
476. Botany ouLifr foKku The science of vegetable life
477. Brittle Hkaxqj A thing which can be easily broken
478. Cabaret dScjs u`R; A series of cabre dance/ acts at a night club
479. Cabby, Cabdriver VSDlh pkyd The driver of a taxi cab
480. Cacophony Jqfr dVqRo Harsh sound
481. Cajole, Entice [kq’kken djuk Persuade by flattery
482. Capsize
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483. Carnival euksjatu esyk Public merry making and feasting

484. Catalogue lwphi= List of books and other articles
485. Centenary ’krkCnh Hundredth anniversary
486. Circumlocution ?kqek&fQjk ds ckr djus okyk A roundabout way of expression
487. Cloak room eky xksnke The place for luggage at a railway station
488. Coerce etcwj djuk Compel to a course of action
489. Cognate ,d gh mRiRrh ds Having the same source or origin
490. Colleagues lgdehZ Person working in the same department
491. Collusion diVla/kh Secret agreement for a fraudulent purpose
492. Conflagration Hkh"k.k+ vXuh dk.M+ Huge destructive fire
493. Congruent lokaZXle Ideal In All Respect
494. Conscription vfuok;Z lSfud lsok Compulsory enlistment for military or other services
495. Camouflage Nykoj.k The act of concealing the identity of something by
modifying its appearance
496. Contagious ladzked which spreads by physical touch or contact
497. Contiguous lehiLFk Two countries or states touching a common
498. Contrite i'pkrkih Showing deep sorrow for wrongdoing
499. Convalescence iqu% LokLFk izkfIr ds ckn The period of gradual recovery of health after illness
500. Conventicler xqIr o xSj dkuwuh /keZlHkk Secret or illegal religious meeting
501. Coquette fnyQsad efgyk A seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to
exploit men
502. Coronation jkT;kfHk"ksd Ceremony of crowning a king
503. Curfew d¶Z;w An order that certain activities/ Movement are
504. Cynosure vkdZ"k.k&fcUnq Centre of attraction
505. Compatriot ns'kHkkbZ] lens'kh A person from your own country
506. Centipede dbZ Vk¡xksa okyk dhM+k An insects with many legs
507. Carnival mRlo Public festivals occurring at a regular time in a year
508. Caricature izlgu Picture description or imitation in order to amuse or
509. Consummate mRd`"V Perfect in the practice of an art
510. Colloquialism cksypky dk iz;ksx Informal expression used in everyday conversation
511. Convivial izQqYy@feyulkj Full of shared pleasure and friendliness
512. Cynical fuUnk’khy A person who does not believe in goodness, sincerity
or nobleness of man
513. Delible feVkus ;ksX; That which can be effaced or blotted out
514. Death-trap [krjukd LFkku Place where many people have died in accident
515. Death-blow izk.k ysus okyk vk?kkr That destroys or puts an end to something
516. Death-toll e`rd lwph List of people killed in an earthquake
517. Death rattle ejus ds le; dh fgpdh A ratting in the throat of dying man
518. Decorum lqUnjrk] lqUnj] f’k"Vkpkj Dignified and socially acceptable behaviour
519. Debenture izfrKk i=] fu;e i= Certificate given by a business corporation
520. Destitution vHkkoxzLr]nfjnzrk
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521. Delirium fpRrHkze] Kku’kwU;rk Mental disturbance caused by illness

522. Delegate izfrfuf/k Persons chosen or elected by other to express their
523. Deism bZ’ojokn] vkfLrdrk Belief in the existence of god that is based more on faith
than on religious teaching
524. Delusion Hkze A false notion or idea about anything
525. Demagogue iztkuk;d] nqtZukss dk usrk A political leader who seeks support by appealing to
popular passions and prejudices
526. Depraved pfj= Hkz"V Morally bad or evil
527. Deponent vnkyr es lk{; nsus okyk O;fDr Person who makes a written statement for use in
a law court
528. Depot vR;kpkjh Ruler with unlimited power especially a cruel and
oppressive one
529. Derisory rkuk ekjus okyk Not to be considered serious
530. Dead e`r@csdkj@cstku A language that is no longer spoken
531. Demagogue tuksRrstd Political leader who delivers sentimental speeches
532. Denizen fuoklh A person, an animal or a plant that lives, grows or is
often found in a particular place
533. Deprecate fojks/k djuk Express earnest disapproval of
534. Despondency fujk’kk Loss of complete hope
535. Destitution vHkkoxzLrrk Lacking basic necessities of life
536. Detrimental gkfudj Causing harm or damage
537. Dexterous dq’ky Skillful at handling things
538. Diatribe dVq&fuUnk Bitter and violent attack in words or writing
539. Dictatorship rkuk’kkgh@fujadq’krk Government carried on by an absolute ruler
540. Diplomacy dwVuhfr The skill and policy of a country’s statesmen and
politician/skill in dealing with people
541. Discrepancy folaxfr Difference between two things that should be the
542. Dissimulate fNikuk To hide or disguise
543. Diurnal nSfud Of the daytime
544. Draper tqykgk A shopkeeper selling cloth and clothing
545. Draw vfuf.kZr The result of the match where neither party wins
546. Dwarf ckSuk A person, plant or animal who/which is below the
usual size
547. Dynasty oa’k Succession of rulers belonging to one family
548. Eavesdropper pqids ls futh okrkZyki One who witnesses secretly to private
549. Economical fdQk;rh One who is careful in the use of money/fuel etc…
550. Egalitarianism lerkokn Belief that all people are equal and have the same
rights and opportunities
551. Egoist LokFkhZ@vgadkjh A lover of one’s oneself/ Supercautious
552. Emeritus, voluntary llEeku lsokeqDr O;fDr One who is honourably discharged from service
553. Emissary xqIrpj@ tklwl A person sent on a mission (usually official)

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555. Epidemic ladzked jksx Disease affecting many people at the same place and
556. Episode dM+h@dFkka’k Part of a story (specially T.V. or Radio show)
557. Episodic dHkh&dHkh gksus okyh ?kVuk Happening only some time or irregularly
558. Epitomize lVhd mnkgj.k gksuk To be a perfect example
559. Equanimity /kS;Z Calmness of mind or temper
560. Erotica v’yhy xzUFk Books, pictures etc… intended to arouse sexual desire
561. Erudite fo}ku iq:"k A learned or scholarly person ]
562. Espionage tklwlh Practice of spying
563. Eternal vuar Exiting for ever-without any beginning or ending
564. Etymology ’kCn fuekZ.k foKku The science which deals with derivation of words
565. Euphemism vkMaCkj ’kSyh Bombastic style of writing
566. Euphonious lqjhyk Sounding pleasant
567. Euphoria vR;ar [kq’kh A strong feeling of happiness
568. Evanescent vLFkk;h Of a very short duration or period /ephemeral
569. Explicable foospukRed That which can be explained
570. Extravaganza vfr’k;h ukVd Public activity which takes place in a very elaborate,
colourful and expensive way
571. Egregious iDdk] ?kksj That surpasses all other
572. Epigram pqVdqyk Short poem or saying expressing idea in clever and
amusing way
573. Epic egkdkO; Long poem about a nation’s past history or its heroes
(A long narration poem)
574. Fastidious rqudfetkt Hard to please
575. Fanatic /keksZUeRr] gB/kehZ One who is affected by excessive enthusiasm
Especially in religious matters
576. Fallacy Hkze False or mistaken belief
577. Fanatic dV~Vj One who is filled with excessive and mistaken
578. Fauna izkf.ktkr Animals of a certain region
579. Fiasco iw.kZ vlQyrk Complete failure
580. Flagstaff /otn.M A Long pole on which a flag is flown
581. Fluke vkdfLed lQyrk Stroke of good luck
582. Forgery tkylkth Counterfeiting of documents
583. Frenzy mUekn A state of extreme excitement
584. Frostbite ’khrna’k Injury to the nose, fingers or toes caused by extreme
585. Gallery izn’kZuh LFky A room or building for showing works of art
586. Grandiloquence vyadkjh Hkk"k.k Using a pompous style of speech
587. Gamble tqvk To play games of chance, etc… for money
588. Gastronomy mRre vkgkj foKku Science and art of preparing and appreciating good
589. Geology HkwxHkZ foKku
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590. Gobble ykyph dh rjg [kkuk Fat fast, noisily and greedily
591. Gregarious feyulkj] lewg esa jgus okys Animals that live in flocks
592. Hallucinogen Hkzfer djus dh nok A drug that causes one two hallucinate
593. Hedonism lq[kokn Belief that the most important thing in the world is
594. Henchman lsod Faithful, supporter
595. Herculean vfr ijkdzeh Having enormous strength or size
596. Heterogeneous fo"ke Things which contains elements of different nature
597. Holocaust iw.kkZgwfr Large scale destruction by fire
598. Homogeneous lekax Things which contain elements of the same nature
599. Horticulture ckxokuh Art of growing vegetables, fruit etc…
600. Hospitable esgekuuokt Fond of entertaining guest
601. Hypochondria dkYifud fcekjh Imaginary ailments
602. Hypochondria fiRrksUekn Abnormal or unnecessary anxiety about one’s health
603. Hypocrite diVh] ik[kaMh One who pretends to be what he is not
604. Impeccable ikikrhr] funksZ"k Not capable of doing wrong
605. Introspect euu djuk To examine one’s own thought feelings
606. Irrefutable v[; That which cannot be refuted or answered
607. Innumerable vla[; That which cannot be counted
608. Inextinguishable u cq>kus ;ksX; That cannot be put out
609. Inexhaustible vuUr vfo/oalh]v{k; That cannot be used up
610. Impiety v/keZ] ukfLrdrk Lack of respect especially for God or religion
611. Imbecile ew[kZ Adult person with abnormally low intelligence
612. Inroad vfrdze.k Sudden attack of another’s territory
613. Inextricable u lqy>us ;ksX; So closely linked that separation is impossible
614. Informant lwpuk nsus okyk A person who gives information
615. Infidel /keZ] fuUnd] ukfLrd Person with no belief in a religion
616. Imminent vklUu Which is about to happen
617. Intemperate vla;eh That which is showing lack of self control
618. Intrigue "kM~;U= Making of secret plans to do something bad
619. Idolatry ewfrZ iwtu The worship of idols or images
620. Illicit voS/k A trade or act prohibited by law
621. Imaginary dkYifud Exiting only in the mind
622. Immigrant vizoklh A person who comes to one country from another in
order to settle there
623. Immune izfrjf{kr Free from infection
624. Impalpable vLi’kZuh; Incapable of being perceived by touch
625. Impenetrable vizos’; That which cannot be penetrated
626. Imperceptible vn`’; That which cannot be perceived by sense
627. Impertinent xqLrk[k Not showing proper response
628. Impiety lEeku dh deh Lack of respect or religious reverence
629. Imponderable vlkspuh; That which cannot be guessed or calculated
630. Imposter cgq:fi;k One who assume a character or title not his own to

631. Impracticable vO;ogkfjd Incapable of being practiced

632. Impregnable vts;@vesÌ Too strong to be overcome or defeated
633. Impresario la;kstd A manager or director of a ballet or a concert, a
Theatre or opera company
634. Impromptu fcuk rS;kjh dk Something said or done without preparation
635. Impudent :[ks O;ogkj okyk Rude or not respectful
636. Impunity naM eqfDr Freedom from punishment
637. Inadmissible vLohdk;Z That which cannot be admitted or allowed
638. Incendiary tks vkx@xqLlk HkM+dk,s Designed to cause fire/likely to cause violence
639. Incombustible tks tys ugha That which cannot be burnt
640. Incomparable vrqyuh;@vrqY; That which cannot be compared
641. Incurable vlk/; Which can’t be cured
642. Indefatigable tks Fkds ugha Incapable of being tired
643. Indefensible vlqjf{kr Which cannot be defended
644. Indelible vfeV Which cannot be erased or forgotten
645. Indemnity eqvkotk Compensation for loss
646. Indestructible vu’oj That which cannot be destroyed
647. Indignant vU;k; ds dkj.k dzq) Angry at injustice
648. Indispensable vifjgk;Z That without which one can’t do
649. Indivisible vfoHkkT; That which cannot be divided
650. Ineligible v;ksX; Not suitable to be elected or selected under the rules
651. Inexplicable vo.kZuh; Which cannot be explained
652. Inexplicit vizdV Not definitely or clearly expressed
653. Inexpressible vo.kZuh; That which cannot be expressed in words
654. Infectious ladzked A disease which spreads through air and water
655. Inimitable tks; u gks Incapable of being imitated
656. Insurrection cxkor Rising in arms against an established government
657. Intercede flQkfj’k djuk Place to obtain a favour to save someone else
658. Intercept jksduk To check or stop on way
659. Intrigue/conspire lkft’k djuk Make or carry out secret planning
660. Introspection vkRe fufj{k.k Examination of self thought or feeling
661. Invisible vn`’; That cannot be seen
662. Invulnerable lqjf{kr Incapable of being harmed
663. Irreconcilable vlaxr Impossible to find agreement between
664. Irrecoverable okil u fey ldus ;ksX; That which cannot be recovered
665. Irrevocable vifjorZuh; That which cannot be altered
666. Itinerant ?kqeDdM+ One who travels from place to place
667. Indelible vfeV] iDdk Cannot be removed or erased
668. Journal v[kokj A newspaper or magazine that deals with a Particular
subject or professional activity
669. Juxtapose lfUu/kku djuk Placing a thing beside another
670. Lagoon leqnzrky Salt water lake separated from the sea by sand banks
671. Linguist cgqHkk"kkfon~ ¼fons’kh Hkk"kk½ One who speaks many foreign languages

673. Legislature fo/kkf;dk The point of govt. which is concerned with making
of rules
674. Maidenhood dqokjk¡iu ¼yM+dh dk½ The state of being unmarried (of a girl)
675. Manuscript gLrfyfi Matter written by hand
676. Masque Makl&Mªkek A play or a dramatic performance in verse, with
music, dance and fine costumes
677. Maxim dgkor A short statement of a general truth
678. Metamorphosis :ikarj.k Complete change in appearance
679. Meticulous fuiq.k Very particular about small details
680. Migration izokl Movement from one country to another
681. Misandrist iq:"knzksgh One who hates males
682. Misologist Kku ls uQjr djus okyk Hater of learning
683. Misoneist iqjkruoknh Hater of new thing
684. Missionary /keZ izpkjd A person sent to teach Christian religion
685. Monogamy ,d iRuh izFkk The practice of keeping only one wife
686. Mutilation ’kjhj ds vax dks dkVuk Cutting off body parts
687. Migratory Hkze.k’khy Birds moving from one place to another
688. Misnomer feF;k uke Wrong use of a name, word or description
689. Messiah elhgk A person expected to come and save the world
690. Matinee rhljs igj dk ukVd A show of film, theatre, etc. in the afternoon
691. Metallurgy /kkrw foKku the science and technology of metals
692. Metalloid v/kkrw Of or being a non-metallic element that has some
of the properties of metal
693. Nocturnal jkf= fdz;k&dyki Done or happening in the night
694. Naive lh/kk&lknk Having natural simplicity of nature
695. Narcotics u’khyh nokbZ;k¡ A medicine that induces sleep
696. Naturalism izd`frokn Adherence or attachment to what is natural
697. Neogamist uofookfgr One who is recently married
698. Nepotism HkkbZ&Hkrhtk okn Undue favour shown to one’s own relatives
699. Neurotic vR;ar laosnu’khy ;k fpafrr Excessive sensitive, anxious or obsessive
700. Newfangled ubZ vutkuh pht Newly developed and unfamiliar
701. Nonentity vfLrRoghu Person of no importance
702. Nonpareil vf}rh; Person or thing which has no equal
703. Notorious dq[;kr ;k cnuke Having an evil reputation
704. Nuance lw{e HksaV Subtle difference in colour meaning etc
705. Numismatics flDdks dh i<+kbZ The study of coins
706. Nursery ikS/k’kkyk The place where young plants are grown
707. Obscurantist KkuksUUfr fojks/kh Person who is opposed to enlightenment
708. Obsequies vafre laLdkj Funeral rites
709. Omniform lokZd`frd Having every form or shape
710. Omnigenous lc izdkj dk Comprising all kinds
711. Orator oDrk One who makes an eloquent public speech
712. Orchard Qyks dk cxhpk A garden or fruits
713. Ostracize lekt ls fudkyuk To turn out of society
714. Oviparous vaM iztd Baring eggs and not young ones
715. Ovine fcYyh ds tSlk One who looks like a cat
716. Pageant rek’kk@yhyk@uqekb’k Elaborate public spectacle
717. Piscivorous eNyh [kkus okyk Animals which feed on fish

718. Pilferage pksjh To take secretly in small quantities

719. Purist fo'kq}okn A person who is particular about correctness in the use
of words
720. Panacea jkeok.k A remedy for all kinds of diseases
721. Pandemonium ’kksjxqy A wild and noisy disorder
722. Panegyric iz’kalk i= Piece of writing full of praise
723. Pantomime ewd vfHku; Dramatic performance with dumb show
724. Paramour ftl ls ’kkjhfjd laca/k gks Sexual partner or lover
725. Parasol jaxhu Nkrk A lady’s umbrella
726. Patrimony iSr`d Inherited from father or male ancestor
727. Patriot ns’kHkDr One who loves one’s country
728. Patronymic fir` uke Name derived from that of father or ancestor
729. Pauper daxky One who has no means of livelihood
730. pawn fxjoh j[kuk Leave as a guarantee in return for money
731. pawn shop fxjoh j[kus dh nqdku A shop where loans are made with personal security
732. Peculation xcu Use of public money for one’s own benefit
733. Pedantic Kku n’kkZus okyk yss s[k A style in which a writer makes a display of his
knowledge and learning
734. Peninsula izk;f}i Area of land almost surrounded by sea
735. Perceptible bfUnz;xkspj That can be perceived by the senses
736. Peroration milagkj@urhtk Concluding part of a speech
737. Perseverance yxu Constant effort to achieve something
738. Perspicacious fr{.k cqf)okyk Quick in judging and understanding
739. Perversion fod`fr Change to something abnormal or unnatural
740. Philistine dyk ds izfr mnklhu Person who is indifferent to art and literature
741. Philology Hkk"kk dk v/;;u Science of study of language
742. Pilgrim rhFkZ;k=h One who travels to sacred place
743. Pioneer vxzlj One who leads other in any field
744. Piquant elkysnkj@fnypLi Pleasant or sharp to the test/interesting
745. Placard/poster foKkiu Written or printed notice
746. Platitude f?klh&fiVh ckr Statement that is obviously true and hence dull or not
747. Polyandry cgqikr dFkk The custom of having more than two husband at the
same time
748. Polyglot cgqHkk"kkfon~ Person having command over many languages
749. Polygon cgqHkqt A figure with many angles or sides
750. Postscript i’pys[k Anything written in a letter after it is signed
751. Predicament nqnZ’kk Difficult or dangerous situation
752. Prejudice iwokZxzgh Be biased against
753. Premonition iwokZHkkl Forewarning of an impending danger
754. Prerogative fo’ks"kkf/kdkj Absolute rights
755. Prodigy izfrHkk laiUu ckyd A child with unusual or remarkable talent
756. Prognostication Hkfo"; Act of forecasting by examining present condition
757. Promiscuous vfrdkeqd Having a lot of different sexual partners
758. Proponent izLrkod Person who proposes something
759. Propriety e;kZnk State of being correct in behavior or moral
760. Protagonist liFkZd@eq[; ik= An important supporter of an idea or political
system/chief actor or character in a story o drama
761. Prudent le>nkj Wise

762. Protectorate lajf{kr jkT; Country under the protection of a more powerful
763. Pseudonym d`fre uke Name taken by an author instead of his real name
764. Punctilious vfrf’k"Vkpkjh Very careful to behave correctly
765. Pyrotechnic vkfr’kckth fuekZ.k&dyk Art of making fireworks
766. Oath ’kiFk Solemn undertaking with God’s help to do something
767. Quintuplet ik¡p cPpks dk tUe ,d lkFk Five children born at the same time
768. Rebel nzksgks One who takes up arms against the government
769. Recapitulate la{ksi esa nksgjkuk Repeat the main points
770. Reconcile esy&feyki djuk Bring about harmony or agreement
771. Recluse ,dkaroklh One who lives alone and avoids company
772. Reconnaissance fdlh LFkku dk lSU; losZ{k.k Information gathering activity about enemy forces
773. Redundancy vuko’;drk When something is unnecessary because it is more
than what needed
774. Relegate/Demote ntkZ ?kVkuk Reduce to a lower position
775. Remission {kek Pardon or forgiveness for breaking religious laws
776. Rendezvous feyu&LFky Place fixed or meeting or assembling
777. Renegade /keZifjR;kxh Person who changes his religious belief/support
tosomeone else or some other nation
778. Repartee gkftj tokch Witty and clever answers
779. Repercussion izHkko Effect of some event, action or decision
780. Replica izfrd`fr Copy or reproduction of a work of art
781. Repository xksnke Place where things are stored for safety
782. Republic x.kra= Political system in which the supreme power lies in a
body of citizens who can elect people to represent
783. Requiem ’kakfr&;K Prayer for the dead
784. Restitution [kks;h@pksjh gqbZ oLrq dh okilhReturn of object stolen or lost
785. Retaliate cnyk ysuk Return the same sort of ill-treatment
786. Reticent/Taciturn vYi Hkklh Person who does not speak too much
787. Retrospective iqoZxkeh An effect which has a reference to the past
788. Rumors/Hearsay vQokg Unverified information
789. Sacrilege ifo=rk Hkax djuk Treating something holy without respect
790. Sarcasm rkuk Bitter and ironical remark
791. Savage taxyh Violent and uncivilized
792. Scapegoat cfy dk cdjk One who is blamed for the mistakes of others
793. Sceptic lansgh One who is doubtful
794. Screech ph[kuk Cry out in shrill voice
795. Scrimmage [khapkrkuh Confuse struggle or fight
796. Scurry NksVs dnekssa ls rsth ls pyuk Move hurriedly with short steps
797. Sedition jktlRrk ds fo:) vkanksyu Act or speech for inciting the public against the
798. Senility th.kkZoLFkk Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool
799. Siesta nksigj dk vkjke Period of rest or sleep after lunch
800. Simultaneous lkFk&lkFk Occurring at the same time
801. Sinecure tgk¡ de dke ds T;knk iSls feys An office for which high salary is paid for little or
no work or responsibility
802. Smother ne ?kksaVuk Kill by suffocation (especially by covering the face
with something)
803. Sojourn Book Download
More FkksM+h nsj ds fy, :

804. Soliloquy Lo;a ls ,dkar esa ckrsa djuk Speaking aloud while alone
805. Sonorous lqjhyk Having a deep and pleasant sound
806. Spendthrift fQtwy [kphZ One who spends one’s money recklessly
807. Sporadic fNViqV Occurring irregularly
808. Stoic rVLFk% A person who is indifferent to pleasure and pain
809. Strangulate xyk ?kksaVuk@nckuk Kill by putting pressure on the throat/to apply
810. Subdue dkcw esa djuk To bring under control
811. Subjugate v/khu djuk To bring under control
812. Supercilious ?keaM+h Thinking oneself superior to others, arrogant
813. Synagogue ;gwnh mikluk x`g Place where Jews worship
814. Scavengers esgrj The person who keeps our streets clean
815. Tantrum vkos’k Fit of bad temper or anger
816. Thermometer rkiekih An instrument for measuring temperature
817. Traitor ns’knzksgh One who betrays one’s country
818. Transgressor ikih@vijk/kh One who violets a rule or law
819. Transmigration vkRek dk ’kjhj cnyuk The passage of soul after death from one body to the
820. Transmogrification dk;kdYi Complete change in appearance or character
(especially in a magical or surprising way)
821. Truism Lor% fl) A truth which is often repeated
822. Truant dkepksj One who stays away from school/work without
823. Turncoat xn~nkj Disloyal
824. Unavoidable vifjgk;Z That which cannot be avoided
825. Unique vuks[kk The only one of its types
826. Uxorious/Henpecked tks: dk xqyke Foolishly fond of one’s wife
827. Unmailable Mkd ls u Hkstk tkus ;ksXs; That which cannot be sent by post
828. Vacuous cqf)ghu Suggesting absence or thought or intellect
829. Vendetta oa’kkuqxr@iq’krSuh >xM+k Feud in which the relatives f the dead or injured take
830. Vulpine One who looks like a fox
831. Verbatim ’kCn’k% Repetition of a writing, word for word
832. Verso okei`"B Any left hand page of an open book
833. Vespers ’kke dh izkFkZuk Evening prayer in the church
834. Vindictive/vengeful izfrjks/kh Having or showing a desire for revenge
835. Virulent tgjhyk Highly poisonous effect
836. Viviparous ltho iztd Bearing living young ones and not eggs
837. Volte-face vkdfLed ifjorZu Sudden change from one set of beliefs to other
838. Voluntary LoSfPNd Of one’s own free will
839. Voyage leqnzh ;k=k Journey by water or sea
840. Vulnerable vk?kkr ;ksX; That which can be easily damaged or hurt
841. Wreathe iq"igkj Flowers fastened in a circle
842. Zealot erkxzgh Person who shows great and uncompromising
enthusiasm for a religion, party, cause, etc.


Volume - III
S. N. WORD fgUnh esa vFkZ Meaning in English
843. Aborigines ewy fuoklh Original inhabitants of a places
844. Accountable fdlh ckr ds fy, tokcnsg Liable to being called to account answerable
845. Actuary izhfe;e Hkqxrku jkf’k r; djus okyk
One who calculate premium
846. Alienate fe= dks ’k=q cuk ysuk To turn friends in enemies
847. Ambivalent }S/ko`fRr Having opposing feelings
848. Anachronistic xSjikfjfLFkfrd That which is out of place
849. Animate ltho Having life
850. Antedate fdlh rkjh[k ls igys dk To be of an earlier date than
851. Animism /kkj.kk fd bZ’oj lHkh phtks esa gksrk gS
Belief that god is in everything and that everything is
852. Autopsy e`r ’kjhj dh tk¡p Examination of the dead bodies
853. Apostle fdlh fl)kar ij fo’okl djus okyk A strong believer
854. Accolade rkjhQ] iz’kalk An expression of praise or admiration
855. Acrimonious dVq ,oa ukjktxh Hkjk Angry and bitter (typically of speech or discussion)
856. Amazon yach pkSM+h etcwr L=h A notably tall, physically strong or strong willed woman
857. Apartheid jaxHksn dh uhfr A policy or system of segregation or discrimination on
grounds or race
858. Apoplexy ewPNkZ dh chekjh Unconsciousness or incapacity in resulting from a
cerebral hemorrhage or stroke
859. Appraisal ewY;kadu An act of assessing something or someone
860. Arena v[kkM+k] j.kHkwfe A level area surrounding by seating
861. Arsonist nwljksa dh lEifRr dk uk’k djus okyk A person who commit the criminal act of deliberately
setting fire to property
862. Assiduous esgur ,oa /;ku ls dke djus okyk Showing great care or perseverance
863. Attic vVkjh A space or room just below the roof of a building
864. Behead lj dye djuk To cut off the head
865. Bifurcate nks Hkkxksa esa dkVuk To cut something into two pieces, sever
866. Bottleneck fdlh ds fodkl dks jksdus okyk A situation that stop an activity from progressing
867. Bourgeois e/; oxZ A member of the middle class
868. Bridle ?kksMs dk yxke A part of a horse’s harness that goes on to its head
869. Bronco vk/kk vizf’kf{kr ?kksM ;k lk¡M+ A wild or half trained horse or bull
870. Buffoon ukVd esa yksxksa dks g¡lkus okyk An actor in a theatrical performance whose business is
To make people laugh though his actions or talk
871. Borough ’kgj ds Hkhrj NksVk ’kgj A small town within a town with its own governing
872. Bossy gqDe pykus okyk One who always commands people
873. Ballet u`R; ukfVdk An artistic dance form performed to music using precise
and highly formalized set steps
874. Bisque ,d izdkj dk lwi A rich, creamy soup typically made with shellfish
875. Blizzard cQZ dk rst rwQku A severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility
876. Caricature fod`rhdj.k A representation of a person that is exaggerated for

877. Chant jkx] vkyki Say a prayer in singing voice

878. Chauvinism va/k ns’kHkfDr Fanatical patriotism, Activity indicative of belief in the
superiority of men over women
879. Cascade igkM+ ds uhps fxjrk gqvk >juk A small waterfall or group of waterfalls flowing down A
rocky hill side
880. Cataclysm vpkukuk vkSj fouk’kd cnyko Sudden or violent change
881. Ceasefire ;q) fojke An agreement between two countries or groups to stop
882. Chaotic vO;ofLFkr Situation in which everything is happening in a confused
883. Circumstantial ikfjfLFkfrtU; lk{; Clues available at a scene
884. Commemorate Lej.kksRlo] Lekjd To keep a great person or event in people’s memory
885. Conceited vagdkj]?ke.M To have a very high opinion of oneself
886. Congenital tUetkr Belonging or pertaining to an individual from birth
887. Convalescence vPNk gks tkuk Gradual healing (through rest) after sickness or injury
888. Corroborate lcwr nsdj lkfcr djuk To confirm with the help of evidence
889. Cynic tks gj ckr ij ’kd djrk gks One who questions everything
890. Capsize uko ;k tgkt dk Mwcuk To sink boat or ship
891. Cathedral ppZ A very big church
892. Concurrent ,d le; esa gksus okyk Happening at the same time, coincident, concomitant
893. Consternation Mj ,oa vk’kadk Fear and anxiety
894. Constriction ladqfpr djuk]dluk Rules that prevents the free will action
895. Curmudgeon fpM+fpM+k O;fDr A bad tempered person
896. Coffer [ktkuk The place where all money is kept
897. Convoy okguksa dk ny A group of vehicles travelling together
898. Coterie LokFkhZ yksaxksa dk ny A small group of people formed to fulfill own intersect
899. Colt ?kksM+s dk cPpk Young male horse
900. Commemorate ;kn esa To keep a great person or event in people’s memory.
901. Coercion /kedh ;k M+j ls ckr euokuk Use of force or threat to make someone angry
902. Constellation rkjksa dk lewg Group of stars
903. Callous n;kghu Showing or having cruel disgrace to others
904. Calumny xyr vkjksi To making of false and defamatory statements in
order To damage someone’s reputation, slander
905. Carol bZlkbZ /keZ dk lewg xku A religious folk song or popular hymn
906. Cenotaph Lekjd A tomb like monument to someone buried elsewhere,
especially commemorating people who died in a war
907. Centennial lkSoha lkyfxjg ls lacaf/kr Of or relating to a hundredth anniversary
908. Centurion lkS lSfudksa ds ny dk lsukifr The commander of a century on the ancient Roman
909. Clique LokFkhZ ny A small, exclusive group of people; coterie
910. Cocktail fofHkUu inkFkksZa vkSj ’kjkc ls cuk feJ.k An alcoholic drink consisting of a spirit mixed with
other ingredients
911. Coffle nklksa ;k tkuojksa dk dkfQyk A line of animals or slaves fastened or driven along

912. Cortege ifjtu] ’kkafr dk tqywl The group following and attending to some important
person, A funeral procession.
913. Complacent vkRe&larq"V Showing satisfaction with one’s achievements
914. Conservatory fdlh ds ?kj esa fLFkr Greenhouse A greenhouse, esp. one attached to a house
915. Contingency vkdfLed ?kVuk A future event of circumstances that is possible but
cannot be predicted with certainly
916. Conundrum ,d tfVy leL;k A confusing and difficult problem or question
917. Cortege ’ko ;k=k A solemn procession, especially for a funeral
918. Cosmetician lkSan;Z izlk/kuksa dk fo’ks"kK A person who sells or applies cosmetics as an
919. Cosmocrat iwjh nqfu;k dk ’kkld A rural of the world
920. Credential izek.k i= A document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts
921. Creditable iz’kaluh; Deserving public acknowledgement and praise
922. Culpable fuanuh; Deserving blame
923. Cuisine Hkkstu cukus dh [kkl ’kSyh A style or method of cooking, especially as
characteristics of a particular country or region
924. Defection fdlh dk R;kx djus dh fLFkfr The abandonment of one’s country or cause
925. Deliverance thou pdz ls eqfDr Final release from rebirth
926. Depraved ifrr uSfrdrk okyk Of very bad morals; characterized by debasement or
927. Deprecate vlgefr O;Dr djuk To feel or express disapproval of sth or someone
928. Depreciate voewY;u Failing to discharge one’s duty, dereliction
929. Diatribe ’kCnks }kjk rh[kh vkykspuk djuk Bitter and violent attack in words
930. Dilettante dke dks xaHkhjrk ;k yacs le; rd ugh djus okyk One who is a dabbler in arts, science, literature
931. Directory uke vkSj irk dh fdrkc A book of names and addresses
932. Disenfranchisement erkf/kdkj Nhu ysuk To take away some one’s right to vote
933. Dodo u mM+us okyk i{kh tks vc foyqIr gks x;k gS A flightless bird now extinct
934. Dunce ew[kZ A person who is slow to learn
935. Detour yack ,oa de bLrseky gksus okyk jkLrk Usually the longer rout
936. Dominion vkf/kdkj ;k vf/kdkj&{ks= An area controlled by a ruler
937. Dirge fdlh e`r O;fDr dh ;kn esa fy[kh gqbZ dfork A poem or song for the dead
938. Dissertation fdlh [kkl fo"k; ij ys[k A writing on a particular subject
939. Delinquent NksVs &NksVs vijk/k ckj&ckj djrk gS One who commit minor crime repeatedly
940. Debauchery pfj=ghurk Excessive use of alcohol or sex
941. Deterrent ftlds Mj ls dksbZ cqjk dke ughs gksrk gS That whose fear prevents something bad from
942. Devious dqfVyrkiw.kZ] ?kqekonkj ¼jkLrk vkfn½ A roundabout way, indirect way
943. Devour tYnh& tYnh [kkuk Eat (food or pray) hungrily or quickly
944. Disciplinarian dM+s vuq’kklu esa fo’okl djrk gS A person who believes in or practices firm discipline
945. Dismayed fujk’k] grksRlkfgr Filled with depression or discouragement
946. Diurnal fnu ds oDr lfdz; (Of animals) active in the daytime
947. Diva yksdfiz; xkf;dk A famous female singer of popular music
948. Downpour ewlyk/kkj ckfj’k A heavy rainfall
949. Drizzle gYdh ckfj’k Light rain falling in very fine drops

950. Eavesdropper tks pqids ls nwljks dh ckrsa lqurk gS One who secretly listens to the tall of others
951. Effervesce xSl dk cqycqyk NksM+uk Give off bubbles of gas
952. Effluents dkj[kkus ls fudyus okyh rjy xanxh Liquid waste that flows out from a factory
953. Elucidate Li"V O;k[;k djuk To explain something mysteries or difficult
954. Embezzlement /kks[kk/kM+h ]xcu Misappropriation of mone
955. Equestrian ?kqMlokj+ Person who rides on horse-back
956. Equine ?kksM+ks ls lacaf/kr Pertaining to horses
957. Equilibrium larqyu A state of perfect balance
958. Espionage ;q) esa tklwlksa dks bLrseky djus dk fdz;kdyki Practice of employing spies in war
959. Euphemism fdlh dM+h ckr dk uezrkiw.kZ dFku A mild or indirect expression substituted for an
offensive or harsh one
960. Evacuate [krjs dh txg ls yksxks dks ckgj fudkyuk To shift people from a place of danger to a safe
961. Exonerate vkjksi ls eqDr djuk Free somebody from blame, guilt or obligation
962. Extent fo|eku Still exiting and known
963. Esoteric jgL; ftls flQZ dqN yksx tkurs gS Which is known by a few person
964. Ewe eknk HksM+ Adult female sheep
965. Encyclopedia fdrkc ftles gj izdkj dh lwpuk gksrh gS Book that gives information about every branch of
966. Equinox tc fnu ,oa jkr ,d gh vof/k ds gksrs gS The day when night and day both are equal
967. Exquisite cgqr laqnj ,oa uktqd Extremely beautiful and delicate
968. Exemplary cgqr vPNk Extremely good
969. Embellish ltkoV djuk Make (something) more attractive by the addition of
decorative details or features
970. Emblazon fdlh vkd`fr vkfn dk fdlh pht ij Li"V fp=.k Conspicuously inscribe or display (a design)
on something
971. Embroil eqf’dy ;k fookn es Qalkuk To involve (someone) deeply in an argument, conflict
or difficult situation
972. Empathy nwljks dh Hkkoukvksa dks le>us dk xq.k The ability to understand and share the feelings of
973. Entrepreneur m|eh] O;olk;h Someone who organizes a business venture and
assumes the risk for it
974. Exonerate nks"k eqDr djuk Pronounce not guilty of criminal charges
975. Epigram cqf)ekuhiw.kZ dFku A pithy saying or remark expressing an idea in a clever
and amusing way
976. Equivocal lafnX/k] vLi"V Of doubtful character or sincerity; dubious
977. Erroneous xyr Wrong; incorrect
978. Eternal ’kk’or tks dHkh lekIr u gks Lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning
979. Facsimile fdlh dk An exact copy
980. Fanatic fopkjks ls dV~Vj Marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense
devotion to a cause or idea
981. Feasible ftls dk;kZfUor fd;k tk lds Something capable of being done
982. Foregone iwoZorhZ ;k igys dk Having gone before, previous


983. Fossils /kjrh ds uhps ncs gq, ikS/ks ,os tho] thok’e Remains or prehistoric animal or plant preserved
by being buried in earth
984. Funambulist dykckt tks jLlh ij pyrk gS One who walks on ropes
985. Fidelity pkfjf=d fo’oluh;rk Faithfulness in behaviour
986. Fancy dYiuk Created from the imagination rather than from life
987. Fantasy dkYifud fopkj The faculty or activity of imagining things, especially
things that are impossible or importable
988. Fecund mitkÅ ;k moZj Producing of capable of producing an abundance
offspring or new growth; fertile
989. Fluke la;ksx] fdLer Unlikely chance occurrence, especially a surprising
piece of luck
990. Footnote fdrkc esa ist ds uhps fy[kh An ancillary piece of information printed at the bottom
of a page
991. Forerunner vxznwr]iwoZlwpd A person or thing that precedes the coming or
development of someone or something else
992. Flounder Mwcus ls cpus dk iwjk iz;kl djuk To try in water utmost not to drown
993. Fusillade yxkrkj Qkbfjax ;k xksys dk nkxk tkuk A series of shots fired or missiles thrown at the same
time or in quick succession
994. Garrison fdlh LFkku dh j{kk djus okyk ny A group of soldiers living in a town or a fort, and
defending it
995. Gesture ’kjhj ds vaxks }kjk Hkko dh vfHkO;fDr A movement of part of the body to express an idea or
996. Goose ew[kZ A silly person
997. Gust rst >ksasdk Strong rush of air, rain, smoke etc. carried by wind
998. Gladiator yM+kdk One who fights with another person or animals
999. Geek xaokj] vlH; An unfashionable or socially inept person
1000.Gillie f’kdkjh dk lkFk A man or boy who attends someone on a hunting or
fishing expedition
1001.Gimbals tgkt esa dEikl vkfn dks yVdkus okyk ;a= An appliance that allows an object (such as a
ship's compass) to remain horizontal
1002.Gimcrack fn[kus esa vkd"kZd ijarq [kjkc pht Flimsy or poorly made but deceptively attractive
1003. Glib cksyus esa dq’ky ijarq csbZekuh Hkjk Fluent and easy, often in an insincere or deceptive way
1004. Gracious f’k"V ,os vuqdwy Courteous, kind, and pleasant
1005. Hag dq:i L=h An ugly woman
1006. Harangue HkM+dkÅ Hkk"k.k A noisy and bombastic speech addressed to a large
1007. Haunt fdlh txg ij ckj&ckj tkuk Visit a place often
1008. Hedonist og tks thou esa HkkSfrdoknh gks One who believes that gaining pleasure is the most
important thing in life
1009. Herbarium lw[ks ikS/kks dk laxzg LFky A place for the collection of dry plants
1010. Homophones leku mPpkj.k okys ’kCn Two words different in spelling and meaning but
pronounced alike
1011. Honorarium osru ds vykok feyus okyk /ku An emolument over and above fixed income or salary
1012. Humanitarian ekuoh; One who feels sympathetic towards human beings

1013. Hurricane rwQku Violent storm

1014. Hyperbole vfr’k;ksfDr An exaggerated statement
1015. Hijack fdlh okgu dk vigj.k dj ysuk To forcibly take control of a vehicle
1016. Hutch NksVs tkuojks dkss j[kus dk fiatM+k A structure intended to keep small animals
1017. Heifer xk; ftlus cPps dks tUe ugha fn;k gS A cow that has not bred
1018. Hardened fdlh pht ls vizHkkfor Not affected by anything
1019. Haggard Fkdk gqvk ,oa ihfM+r Looking exhausted and unwell, especially from fatigue,
worry, or suffering
1020. Hamlet ?kjksa dk NksVk lewg A small village or group of houses
1021. Harridan dBksj ,oa yM+kdw cqf<+;k A strict, bossy, or belligerent old woman
1022. Hierarchy inks dk oxhZdj.k] vuqdze The organization of people at different ranks in an
administrative body
1023. Hireling etnwj A person employed to undertake menial work
1024. Humanist ekuorkoknh Marked by humanistic values and devotion to human
1025. Idiosyncrasy O;ogkj dk fo’ks"k izdkj ;k fl)kar A person`s peculiar habit
1026. Illicit xSjdkuwuh] voS/k A trade that is prohibited by low or prevailing social
1027. Imminent rqqjar ,oa fuf’pr :i ls gksus okyk gks That is sure to happy
1028. Immune jksxks ls lqjf{kr Free from infection
1029. Impervious laosnughu]vizHkkfor Not admitting of passage or capable of being affected
1030. Impunity ltk ugha feyus dh fLFkfr Exemption from punishment, without risk of
1031. Incognito fdlh vkSj uke ls dke djus okyk] Nn~euke dk bLrseky travelling under the name other than
One’s own
1032. Indefatigable tks dHkh Fkds ;k gkj u ekus One incapable of being tired
1033. Indefensible ftldh j{kk ugha dh tk ldas That which cannot be believed
1034. Ingenious u;s phtks ds vfo"dkj esa fuiq.k Skilful in inventing
1035. Insatiable ftls larq"V ugha fd;k tk lds That which cannot be satisfied
1036. Insomnia uhan ugha vkuk Inability to sleep
1037. Intestate tks fcuk olh;r ej tk;sa One who dies without a will
1038. Introspection vkRefparu The action of looking within or into one`s own mind
1039. Intuition fcuk lksps Rofjr izfrfdz;k Immediate response by the mind without reasoning
1040. Irrevocable ftls okil ugha fy;k tk ldsa That which cannot be called back, that which cannot be
changed or withdrawn
1041. Intermediary e/;LFkrk djus okyk One who mediates to settle disputes
1042. Incendiary cM+h ek=k esa vkx iSnk djus okyk That which causes large fire
1043. Incandescent xeZ gksus ij rst izdk’k nsus okyk That which gives bright light when heated
1044. Imperialist detksj ns’k ij vf/kdkj djus okyk One who tries to control weak countries
1045. Impressionist nwljs ds O;ogkj dh udy djds euksjatu djus okyk One who amuses by coping activities of
another person
1046. Inadmissible ftls Lohdkj@cnkZ’r u fd;k tk lds Not to be allowed or tolerated; not accepted as valid
1047. Inflorescence isM+ ij Qwyksa dk izdk’k The arrangement of the flowers on a plant
1048. Ingenuous lh/kk&lk/kk Innocent and unsuspecting

1049. Inclination fdlh dke vkfn dks djus dh izo`fr A person’s natural tendency or urge to act or feel in a
particular way
1050. Incongruous csesy Not in harmony or keeping with the surrounding or
other aspects of something
1051. Inimical ’k=qrkiw.kZ Tending to obstruct or harm
1052. Iniquitous vU;;k;iw.kZ Grossly unfair and morally unfair
1053. Inveterate dV~Vj@gBh Long established and unlikely to change
1054. Jurisdiction U;k; nsus okyk ny A fixed territory in which authority can be exercised
1055. Jettison csdkj lkeku Qsad nsuk ¼[krjs esa½ To throw unnecessary or unwanted things from ship
1056. Jibe dVq an insulting remark
1057. Jovial [kq’kuqek Cheerful and friendly
1058. Knell vafre laLdkj ds le; cuts okyk ?kaVk Sound of the funeral bell
1059. Ledger vk;&O;; dk ys[kk okyh fdrkc A book of accounts showing debits and credits
1060. Liar xqQk An underground living place for big animals
1061. Landscape Hkw&Hkkx dk fogaxe n`’; The complete view of a place
1062. Loyalty oQknkjh Firm in one’s support and friendship
1063. Lease iVVk] vuqefr A legal agreement allowing the use of something
1064. Labyrinth jkLrksa dk tfVy tky A complicated irregular network of passages or paths in
which it is difficult to find one`s way; a maze
1065. Lexicon [kkl ’kCndks’k A reference book containing an alphabetical list of
words with information about them
1066. Libertine vuSfrd ;k O;kfHkpkjh O;fDr A dissolute person; usually a man who is morally
1067. Lope yacs Mx ls nkSM+uk Run or move with a long bounding stride
1068. Manometer xSl dk nkc ekius okyk ;a= An instrument for measuring gaseous pressure
1069. Mantle <hyk <kyk oL= A loose piece of clothing without pressure
1070. Matinee nksigj ds ckn dk flusek dk ’kks A cinema show which is held in the afternoon
1071. Medieval e/;;qxhu Belonging to the Middle Ages
1072. Meditation /;kueXu Deep in thought
1073. Memories thou ds; vuqHkoksa dk laxzg Memorable recollection of the experience of one’s life
1074. Mirage e`x ejhpdk An appearance of objects often simulating the
appearance of water
1075. Momentous egRoiw.kZ volj An occasion of great importance
1076. Monopoly ,dkf/kdkj Sole right to make and sell some invention
1077. Monotheist tks ,d bZ’oj ij fo’okl djs One who believes in a single god
1078. Mores fdlh lewg dh ijEijk Customs and habits of a particular group
1079. Mummy e`r ’kjhj ij yxk;k gqvk ysi Body of a human being or animal embalmed for burial
1080. Malechauvinist iq:"kksa ds opZLo ij fo’okl djus okyk One who believes in the dominance of man over
1081. Mendicant fHk[kkjh Beggar
1082. Manoeuvre Qk;ns ds fy, /kks[kk nsuk Use of trick for personal benefits
1083. Mimicry cksypky dh udy A humorous imitation of a person’s activity
1084. Maze Hkwy HkqyS;k] my>u A complex network of paths or passages

1085. Matrilineal ekr`oa’kh; Of or based on kinship with the mother or the female
1086. Metallurgy /kkrq foKku The branch of science concerned with the properties of
metals and their production and purification
1087. Mocktail ’kjkcjfgr is; inkFkksZ dk feJ.k A non alcoholic drink consisting of a mixture of fruit
juices or other soft drinks
1088. Namesake nwljs ds leku uke dk Somebody or something with the same name as
somebody or something else
1089. Neurotic ekufld volkn ls ihfM+r A person suffering from nervous break down
1090. Niche nhokj esa ewfrZ j[kus dh txg A hollow place in a wall for a statue
1091. Nomenclature phtks ds ukedj.k dh izfdz;k A system of naming
1092. Novice/tyro/neophyte uksflf[k;k One who is new to a profession
1093. Nuance vFkZ] jax vkfn esa cgqr lw{e varj Subtle difference in colour, meaning etc.
1094. Numb nnZ eglwl u gksuk To cause to feel no pain
1095. Nomad [kkukcnks’k Member of a tribe that wanders from place to place
1096. Nerd fdlh [kkl {ks= dk fo’ks"kd A single minded expert in a particular technical field
1097. Nifty dkS’kyiw.kZ Particularly good, skillful, effective, stylish
1098. Nimble QwfrZyk Quick and light in movement or action; agile
1099. Nocturnal jkr esa lfdz; Active at night
1100. Ode iz’kalk] xku djus okyh dfork A poem in prasie
1101. Opinionated vius fopkjks esa dV~Vj Strong and unchanging in opinion
1102. Omnibus ys[kd }kjk fy[ks ys[kks dk laxzg A volume containing several novels or other items
previously published separately
1103. Parole naMvodk’k A temporary release allowed on certain conditions
1104. Parley lfU/kokrkZ djuk] fopkj foe’kZ djuk A negotiation between enemies
1105. Parlay Stake winnings from one bet on a subsequent wager
1106. Patrimony firk ls ds fojklr esa izkIr /ku Property inherited from one`s father or ancestor
1107. Pauper xjhc One who has no money
1108. Perennial tks dHkh lekIr ugha gks That which is everlasting
1109. Periphery fdlh LFkku dh ifjf/k Boundary of an area
1110. Philistine ftls dykRed phtks dh le> u gks One who does not care for art, literature etc.
1111. Pious vfr/kkfeZd] ifo= Deeply religious
1112. Plagiarist lkfgR; pksjh djus okyk One who copies from other writers
1113. Postscript i= es uke ds ckn fy[kh xbZ lwpuk A short message added on to the end of a letter after the
1114. Potable ihus ;ksX; ikuh Water fit for drinking
1115. Predator ,d tkuoj tks nwljs tkuoj dk f’kdkj djrk gSAn animal which prays on other animals
1116. Proclaim ?kks"k.kk djuk Say publicly that something important is true
1117. Prophet Hkfo"; oDrk] iSxEcj One who foretells events correctly
1118. Prosecute fdlh ds f[kykQ dkuwuh dk;Zokgh djukTake legal action against somebody
1119. Prototype fdlh pht dk izFke ekWMy The first model of a new device
1120. Pugnacity yM+us dh eukso`fr Inclined to fight or be aggressive
1121. Pyrotechnics iVk[kk cukus dh dyk The art of making fireworks

1122. Phonetics mPpkj.k dk foKku Science of sound of speech

1123. Partisan fcuk fopkj fd, leFkZu djus okyk Someone who supports a person or something Without
any thinking
1124. Plaintiff dsl nk;j djus okyk One who causes brings case in the court, one who files
a suit.
1125. Pedagogue f’k{k.k dk;Z esa fyIr] fuiq.k One who likes teaching
1126. Psyche xgjh Hkkouk,a Innermost feeling
1127. Psychic etcwr ekufld ’kfDr okyk One who has strong mental power
1128. Pedant i<+kbZ es fu;eksa ds ikyu ij tksj nsus okyk One who emphasizes greatly on rules in study
1129. Proselyte fdlh fl)kar dks viukus ds fy, tksj nsuk One who persuades someone to accept a particular
1130. Paranoia yksxks ds izfr Hk; A mental diseases when people are afraid of others
1131. Patriarch ifjokj dk iq:"k eqf[k;k The male head of the family
1132. Prelude Hkwfedk The introduction of background at the beginning of a
1133. Per-natal tUe ls igys Before birth
1134. Pantry Hkkstu j[kus dh txg A place where food is kept
1135. Pervasive pkjksa rjQ izHkko ;k mifLFkfr okyk Having presence or effect everywhere
1136. Plaintive mnkl vkokt Sad sounding sound
1137. Protocol O;ogkj ds fu;e Rules of behaviour in a formal situation
1138. Purgative gkfudkjd inkFkZ ls ’kjhj dks eqDr djus dh nok A medicine meant to clear body of harmful
1139. Parboil fdlh pht dks vk/kk mckyuk To boil until partially cooked, often before further
1140. Parsimony datwlh Extreme unwillingness to spend money or use resources
1141. Patrilineal firzoa’kkh; Inheriting or determining descent through the male line
1142. Pensive fopkjeXu Deeply or seriously thoughtful, often with a thing of
1143. Podium Hkk"k.k nsus okyk eap A small platform on which a person may stand to be
seen by an audience, as when making a speech etc.
1144. Positivist vk’kkoknh Someone that always follows the positive view
1145. Preface fdrkc dh izLrkouk An introduction to a book
1146. Preoccupation fdlh fopkj esa eXu The state or condition of being preoccupied or
engrossed with something
1147. Propensity izo`fr ;k >qdko An inclination or natural tendency to behave in a
particular way
1148. Prophecy Hkfo"; A prediction of what will happen in the future
1149. Proscenium eap ij ijns ds vkxs dk Hkkx The part of a theatre stage in front of the curtain
1150. Psalm ifo= xhr] Hktu A sacred song or hymn
1151. Pyre fprk A heap of combustible material, especially one for
burning a corpse as part of a funeral ceremony
1152. Quarantine lhfer djuk Confinement to one place to avoid spread of infection
1153. Reconnaissance tkudkjh ,df=r djus dk dke Information gathering activity
1154. Retaliate tSlk dks rSlk Give tit for tat

1155. Recluse ,dkar esa jgus okyk A person who withdraws from the world to live in
seclusion and often in solitude
1156. Referendum tuer Asking everyone for an opinion
1157. Reformatory de mez ds vijkf/k;ksa dk lq/kkj xzg An institution for reforming young offenders
1158. Repatriate okfil Hkstuk To send back a person to his own country
1159. Resort Bgjus dh vPNh txg ¼LoLFk ds fy,½ A place for improving one’s health
1160. Reticent de cksyus okyk One who speaks less
1161. Rhetoric izHkko’kkyh oDrO; ;k ys[ku The art of elegant speech of writing
1162. Repose vkjke vkSj ’kkafr dh fLFkfr A condition of rest and feeling calm
1163. Reciprocate ikjLifjd vknku&iznku To give and receive mutually
1164. Retrace dne vkfil ysuk To take one’s step back
1165. Recant vius fl)kar dks R;kxus okyk To disown one`s belief
1166. Retinue lsodksa ;k lgk;dksa dk ny Group of attendants and servants going with a person
1167. Reveille txkus ds fy, fn;k tkus okyk flXuy A sound intended to wake up soldiers
1168. Ransom NqM+kus ds fy, fn;k tkus okyk /ku Money paid to get a person freed from captivity
1169. Repartee rqjar ,oa cqf)ekuh Hkjk tckc Quick, witty replies
1170. Refrain ckj&ckj nksgjk;s tkus okyk A comment often repeated
1171. Rationalist foosdh] rdZoknh Someone who emphasizes observable facts
1172. Rattle fHk[kkjh To make or cause to make a rapid succession of short,
sharp knocking sounds
1173. Remind fdlh dks ;kn fnykuk To cause (someone) to remember someone or something
1174. Reminisce iqjkus fnukas dks ;kn djuk To talk or write about old times, past experiences etc.
1175. Responsive rqjar lgh izfdz;k nsus okyk Reacting quickly and positively
1176. Review voyksdu A formal assessment of something
1177. Revel ekSt djuk Take great pleasure
1178. Racism uLyHksn] tkfrokn Discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of
another race
1179. Sacrilege vifo=hdj.k Violation of something holy of sacred
1180. Samaritan tks nwljksa dh lgk;rk djrk gks One who helps others
1181. Sanctum or sanctorium futh LFkku A very private place
1182. Satire iqLrd ftles fdlh dh vkykspuk gks Full of criticism and mockery
1183. Scar ?kko dk fu’kku A mark remaining on the skin from a wound
1184. Seismograph Hkwdai dh rhozrk ekius okyk ;a= An instrument for detecting earthquakes tremor
1185. Sheath ryokj j[kus dh E;ku A case in which sword is kept
1186. Sinecure de dke okyk in An office with high salary but no work
1187. Slippery ftls idM+k u tk lds That which cannot be captured
1188. Soporific uhan ykus okyh nok A drug or other substance that includes sleep
1189. Sot/Topper ftls ’kjkc dh yr gks One who is a habitual drunker
1190. Stampede HkxnM+ A sudden rush of frightened people or animals
1191. Stevedore tgkt esa lkeku p<kus&mrkjus okyk One who loads and uploads ships
1192. Stowaway eq¶r esa ;k=k ds fy, tgkt esa nQiuk One who hides away on a ship to obtain a free passage
1193. Subpoena dksVZ esa mifLFkfr dk vkns’k An order requiring a person to attend a court
1194. Subsistence xqtj&clj ds fy, i;kZIr /ku Income just sufficient to live on
1195. Swansong vafre ys[k] jpuk ;k Hkk"k.k A person’s last utterance

1196. Seer Hkfo"; crkus okyk One who tells what will happen in future
1197. Synagogue ;gwfn;ksa dk /keZ LFky A place of worship of the Jews
1198. Skeptical lansg ls Hkjk Having doubt over something
1199. Supplicant eu ls vuqjks/k djus okyk One who preys earnestly for something
1200. Soprano rat vkokt esa xkkus okyk A singer with a high –pitched voice
1201. Septuagenarian 70 lky dk O;fDr A person in his seventies
1202. Slough dsapqy The dead skin of a snake
1203. Subterfuge LokFkZ fn[kuk A trick or dishonest way to get what one wants
1204. Stratagem /kks[ks ckth Hkjh ;kstuk A dishonest plan to get things done
1205. Scrimp lk/kkj.k thou o de [kpZ djrk gks One who lives cheaply and spends little
1206. Spendthrift fQtwy[kpZ One who spends money extravagantly
1207. Superfluous t:jr ls vf/kd] vuko’;d More than what is needed
1208. Satire fdlh dk etkd mM+kus okyk ys[k A piece of writing intended to mock at something
1209. Sautés FkksM+s rsy esa ryuk To fry quickly in a little hot oil
1210. Scrupulous drZO;fu"B Diligent, through, and extremely attentive to details (of a
person or process)
1211. Sedative uhan ykus okyh nok A drug taken for its calming or sleep-inducing effect
1212. Shiver M+j ;k BaM+ ls d¡kiuk To shake slightly and uncontrollably as a result of being
cold, frightened, or excited
1213. Sibilant Å"e O;atu Making or characterized by a hissing sound
1214. Siren vkd"kZd ysfdu [krjukd L=h A woman who is considered to be alluring or fascinating
but also dangerous in some way
1215. Sobriquet miuke A person’s nickname
1216. Sprint FkksM+h nwj rd rst nkSM+uk To run at full speed over a short distance
1217. Stack phtksa dk <+sj A pile of objects, typically one that is neatly arranged
1218. Steam Hkki ls dksbZ pht idkuk To cook (food) by heating it in steam from boiling water
1219. Stimulant izsjd inkFkZ A substance that raises levels of physiological or
nervous activity in the body
1220. Stir pEep vkfn ls feykuk To move a spoon or other implement round and round in
order to mix it thoroughly
1221. Syllable ’kCn tks ,d ckj esa i<k tk;s A unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound
1222. Tariff dj ;k nj A list or table of duties payable on exports or imports
1223. Taxidermy Ropk dks lqjf{kr j[kus dk dke The act of preserving skin
1224. Tomboy yM+dh tks yMds dh rjg jgrh gks A girl who enjoys violent games
1225. Transgressor dkuwu rksM+us okyk One who breaks the law
1226. Transitory/Momentary {kf.kd That which lasts for a short time
1227. Translucent v)Zikjn’khZ That through which light can partly pass
1228. Trek yach o Fkdkus okyh ;k=k Long hard journey especially on foot
1229. Triennial rhu lky esa ,d ckj Taking place once every three years
1230. Trousseau nqYgu ds oL= A bride’s outfit
1231. Turnkeys tks tsy dh pkch j[krk gks A person who is in charge of keys of a prison
1232. Theology /keZ dk v/;;u Study of religion
1233. Theosophy varZKku ls bZ’oj dks tkuus okyk Study of god through mysticism
1234. Troupe dykdkjksa dk ny A group of artists

1235. Temporal le; ls lacaf/kr] lkalkfjd Concerned with time or world

1236. Temperate e/;;e okrkoj.k okyk A climate that is neither extremely hot nor cold
1237. Turnstile fdlh Hkou ds ckgj dk ;kaf=d xsV A barrier at the entry of a building
1238. Trespasser vukf/kdkj izos’k djus okyk One who enters someone’s land without permission
1239. Tempo laxhr dh xfr The speed of music
1240. Thesaurus leku vFkksZa dh fdrkc Dictionary of synonyms
1241. Tempest rwQku A violent storm
1242. Tenacious n`<+] idM+ ouk;s j[kus okyk Tending to keep a firm of hold of something
1243. Tremor dEiu An involuntary quivering movement
1244. Tribute J)katyh A statement made in acknowledgement, gratitude, or a
admiration, Homage
1245. Truss Vsd] voyac A framework supporting a roof, bridge, or other
1246. Tycoon /kuh O;olk;h A wealthy , powerful person in business or industry
1247. Utopia dYiuk ftlesa lHkh phtsa vkn’kZ gksa An imaginary ideal state
1248. Vagabond ,d txg fVd dj ugha jgus okyk A person who lives a wandering life
1249. Valetudinarian ges’kk vius dks chekj le>rk gks Somebody who is excessively concerned with his or her
own health
1250. Vandal ljdkjh laifRr dk gkfu igq¡pkus okyk One who damages public property
1251. Ventriloquist tks Å¡ps Loj esa xk lds One who can throw his throw
1252. Verbatim ,d&,d‘’kCn dh ;Fkkor iqujko`fr Corresponding word for word translation
1253. Volunteer LosPNk ls dke djus okyk One who offers one’s services
1254. Visionary Hkfo"k; dh ifjfLFkfr dks le>us okyk One who realises the future situation wisely
1255. Vagabond txg&txg ?kweus okyk Moving from place to place without a fixed home
1256. Velocity ,d fn’kk esa fdlh pht dh xfr Speed of an object in one direction
1257. Velodrome lkbfdy pykus dk jkLrk A track designed for cycling
1258. Vampire [kwu ihus okyk tho A corpse that rises nightly from its grave to drink the
blood of the living
1259. Vehement izpaM+] izcy Characterized by forcefulness of expression or Intensity
of emotion or conviction; Fervid
1260. Venal ?kwl[kksj Showing or motivated by susceptibility to bribery
1261. Virtuoso dyk esa fuiq.k A person highly skilled in music or another artistic
1262. Volley cM+h la[;k esa Qk;fjax ;k phtsa Qsaduk A number of bullets, arrows, or other projectiles
discharged at one time
1263. Waif cs?kj cPpk] xjhc A thin and homeless child
1264. Walkway iSny pyus dk Å¡pk jkLrk A passage raised above ground for people to walk
1265. Walkabout jktk ds vke turk ls feyus dh izfdz;k A walk of king etc. among common people to meet
1266. Whim euekSth iw.kZ A sudden desire or change of mind, especially one that is
unusual or unexplained
1267. Witty cwf)eku A musingly clever in perception and expression
1268. Wrath vR;f/kd ukjktxh Extreme anger
1269. Zymology fd.o foKku Study of enzymes

Volume – IV (Types of Sb/Sth)

Denoting Profession

1270. Oculist us= fpfdRld One who attends to the disease of the eye
1271. Obstetrician izlwfr jksx fo’ks"kK Physician who delivers babies
1272. Gynecologist L=hjksx fo’ks"kK One who treats female problems
1273. Optician p'es cspus okyk One who test eye sight and sells spectacles
1274. Physician fpfdRld One who attends to sick people
1275. Surgeon 'kY; fdRld One who treats disease by performing operation
1276. Dentist nar fpfRd One who attends to the teeth
1277. Psychologist euks fpfdRld One who studies the working of the human mind
1278. Audiologists dku jksx fo’ks"kK One who treats deaf or mute to learn to communicate
1279. Cardiologist ân; jksx fo’ks"kK One who treats heart diseases
1280. Dermatologists peZ jksx fo’ks"kK Studies the skin, its structure, functions, and diseases,
1281. Oncologist dSalj jksx fo’ks"kK One who treats cancer patients
1282. Ophthalmologist vkW[k jksx fo’ks"kK One who takes care of eyes and treats various eye
problems and performs different eye surgeries.
1283. Pale pathologist iqjkuh chekfj;ksa dk bykt djus okyk One who studies of ancient diseases
1284. Pediatricians cky jksx fo’ks"kK One who treats problems of infants, children, baby …
1285. Veterinarian tkuojksa dk fpfdRld One who treats animals
1286. Lapidist / lapidary ewfrZdkj One who cuts precious stone
1287. Journalist/Reporter/Correspondent laoknnkrk One who writes for the news paper
1288. Compositor la;kstd One who sets type for books
1289. Architect fuekZrk] f’kYidkj One who design of building
1290. Draughts man ekufp= One who draw plans
1291. Florist Qwy cspus okyk One who deal in flowers
1292. Fruiterur Qy cspus okyk One who deal in fruits
1293. Drover tkuoj cspus okyk One who deal in cattle
1294. Draper tqykgk One who deal in clothes
1295. Geologist HkwfoKkuh One who studies rocks and soils
1296. Anthropologist ekuo foKkuh One who the evaluation of the man-kind
1297. Archeologist iqjkru foKkuh One who studies the past through objects lest behind
1298. Cartographer ekufp= cukus okyk One who draw maps
1299. Stenographer vk’kwfyfid One who write by shorthand
1300. Astronomer T;ksfr"kh foKkuh One who studies about the star
1301. Astrologer Hkfo"; crkus okyk One who foretells (Hkfo"; things by the star
1302. Astrodome ?kqM+lokj A transparent dome on the top of an airplane where the
navigator can make celestial observation
1303. Lexicographer ’kCndks’k cukus okyk One who compiles a dictionary
1304. Pilot gokbZtgkt mMkus okyk One who flies an aero plane
1305. Juggler tknwxj One who performs trick by sleight of hand
1306. Conjuror tknwxj One who performs magic trick by sleight of hand
1307. Acrobat dykckt One who performs daring gymnastic feat (djrwr)
1308. Hawker/Peddler Qsjh yxkus okyk One who travel from place to place for selling his ware
1309. Invigilator ijh{kd One who watch over students taking an examination
1310. Librarian iqLrdky;k?;{k A person in charge of a library
1311. Tanner peMs+ dk dke djus okyk One who converts raw into leather
1312. Scavenger lQkbZ djus okyk One who cleans the street
Usurer One who lands money at exorbitance interest

1314. Usurper vukf/kdkj xzkgh One who wrongfully or illegally seizes and holds the
place of another
1315. Major eq[; The head of a town counselor or corporation
1316. Poet dfork fy[kus okyk One who write poetry
1317. Novelist miU;kldkj One who write novel
1318. Author ys[kd]jpf;rk One who write books
1319. Dotage detksjh] lfB;kik Old age when a man behaves like a fool
1320. Traitor fo’okl?kkrh One who betrays one
1321. Bumpkin nsgkrh] xkWoj One who comes from a village and considered stupid
1322. Lapidist iRFkj dh uDdk’kh One who cuts precious stones
1323. Apostate /keZR;kxh One who deserts his religion
1324. Philistine laLd`fr&foeq[k One who does not care for literature
1325. Evasive diVh] vfuf’pr] One who does not take definite stand
1326. Renegade /keZ u ekuus okyk One who forsakes religion
1327. Parvenu ukS nkSyr One who has suddenly gained new wealth
1328. Chauvinism vU/k& ns'kHkfDr One who has unreasoning enthusiasm for the
glorification of one’s country
1329. Cacographic cqjh fy[kkoV] v'kq) One who is bad in spelling
1330. Arsonist vkxtuh djus okyk One who is guilty of firing property
1331. Introvert vareqZ[kh One who is more interested in himself
1332. Extrovert cfgeqZ[kh One who is more interested in others
1333. Mediocre lkekU; One who is neither intelligent nor dull
1334. Alien fons’kh One who is not the citizen of country
1335. Meticulous lko/kku One who is very careful and particular
1336. Dandy NSyk] vkd"kZd One who pays too much attention to his clothes and
1337. Malingerer th pqjkus okyk One who pretends illness to escape duty
1338. Infiltrator ?kqliSfB;k One who sneaks into a country
1339. Polyglot tks dbZ Hkk"kk,sa cksyrk gks One who speaks many languages
1340. Loquacious okpky One who talks continuously
1341. Cynic nks"kn'khZ] ekuo}s"kh One who thinks human nature is evil
1342. Itinerant ifjHkze.k djus okyk One who travels from place to place
1343. Sadist ijihM+d One who wants to see others unhappy
1344. Disciple f'k";] vuq;k;h One who works in return for being taught the trade
1345. Honorary lEekulwpd, voSrfud One who works without getting any salary
1346. Epicurean pVksjk] Hksxoknh One whose attitude is to eat, drink and merry
1347. Rebut [k.Mu djuk] jksduk Opposing arguments
1348. Stoic la;eh] mnklhu Person different to pleasure and pain
1349. Monomaniac ,dksUekn] mUekn Person obsessed with one idea or subject
1350. Imposter /kks[ksckt] <+ksxh] Fkksiuk Person pretending to be somebody he is not
1351. Pagan ewfrZiwtd] xSj bZlkbZ Person who does not believe in any religion
1352. Bursar [ktkuph Person who holds scholarship at a university
1353. Hippy mRlkg ghu Person who is against ordinary society especially
1354. Malcontent vlUrq"V Person who is always dissatisfied
1355. Scapegoat cyh dk cdjk cuuk Person who is made to bear the blame
1356. Recluse ,dkUr oklh Person who lives alone and avoids other people
1357. Aesthete lkSUn;ksZikld Person who loves nature
1358. Charlatan, mountbank uhe&gdhe] >wBk oS| Person who pretends to have more knowledge
1359. Horticulturist ckxckuh dk fo’ks"
For More Book Download

1360. Exorcist cqjh vkRekvksa dk fo’ks"kK An experts on evil spirit

Types of mania

1361. Bibliomania fdrkcksa j[kus dk One who has acquisition and possession of books
1362. Dipsomania nk# ihus dk A mania for drinking
1363. Thenetomania ejus dk A mania for death
1364. Theomania Hkxoku cuus dk A mania that one has god
1365. Pyromania vkx yxkus dk A mania for setting thing on fire
1366. Monomania vf/kdkj crkus A mania of one idea or interest (possession)
1367. Logomania ckr djus dk A mania for talking
1368. Graphomania fy[kus dk A mania for writing
1369. Dromomania ?kweus dk A mania for travelling
1370. Kleptomania pksjh dk A mania for stealing
1371. Anthomania Qwyksa dk Flowers
1372. Cynomania dqRrksa dk Dogs
1373. Megalomania [kkl vkSj cM+k A psychological state characterized by delusion
of grandeur (Being important), controlling
other’s life
1374. Hedomania [kq’kh dk Pleasure
1375. Sitomania [kkus dk Eating
1376. Plutomania vehj gksus dk Wealth

Types of phobia

1377. Gynophobia vkSjr dk Mj Fear of woman

1378. Henetophobia [kwu dk Mj Fear of blood
1379. Anglophobia nnZ gksus dk Mj Fear of pain
1380. Demo phobia HkhM+ dk Mj Fear of crowd
1381. Genet phobia ’kknh dk Mj Fear of marriage
1382. Thanetophobia ejus dk Mj Fear of death
1383. Ergophobia dke dk Mj Fear of work
1384. Monophobia vdsys gksus dk Mj Fear of being alone
1385. Paidophobia cPpksa dk Mj Fear of children
1386. Logophobia cksyus dk Mj Fear of words
1387. Haptophobia Nwus dk Mj Fear of touch
1388. Agro phobia [kqys LFkku dk Mj Fear of open place
1389. Acrophobia mWpkbZ dk Mj Fear of high place
1390. Pyrophobia vkx dk Mj Fear of fire
1391. Nosophobia / Pathophobia chekjh dk Mj Fear of disease
1392. Cromitophobia iSls dk /mj Fear of money
1393. Hippo phobia ?kksMs dk Mj Fear of horses
1394. Cymophobia dqRrs dk Mj Fear of dog
1395. Sitophobia [kkus dk Mj Fear of food
1396. Xenophobia fons’kh dk Mj Fear of foreigners
1397. Aristophobia fctyh pedus dk Mj Fear of lighting of thunder
1398. Hypnophobia lksus dk Mj Fear of sleep
1399. Anthrophobia ekuo tkfr dk Mj Fear of mankind


1401. Ablutophobia ugkus dk Mj Fear of bathing

1402. Aichmophobia pqHkus dk Mj Fear of Needles and other Pointed objects
1403. Anthrophobia vkneh dk Mj Fear of Men
1404. Antlophobia ck<+ dk Mj Fear of Floods
1405. Anuptaphobia vdsys gkssus dk Mj Fear of Staying single
1406. Apiphobia e/kqefD[k;ksa dk Mj Fear of Bees
1407. Atychiphobia vlQy gkssus dk Mj Fear of Failure
1408. Cholerophobia xqLls dk Mj Fear of Anger
1409. Dendrophobia isM+ksa dk Mj Fear of Trees
1410. Dystychiphobia nq?kZVuk dk Mj Fear of Accidents
1411. Entomophobia dhMksa dk Mj Fear of Insects
1412. Euphorbia vPNh [kcj dk Mj Hearing Good News
1413. Herpetophobia ljhl`iksa dk Mj Reptiles
1414. Hydrophobia ikuhs dk Mj Water
1415. Kleptophobia pksjh dk Mj Stealing
1416. Methyphobia nk: dk Mj Alcohol
1417. Musophobia pwgksa dk Mj Mice
1418. Ophidiophobia lkWiksa dk Mj Snakes
1419. Philophobia I;kj gksus dk Mj Falling In Love
1420. Phasmophobia Hkwrksa dk Mj Ghosts
1421. Theophobia ejus dk Mj Fear of God

Denoting Lovers

1422. Lover of books fdrkcksa ls Bibliophile

1423. Lover of children cPpksa ls Pedophile
1424. Lover of Animals tkuojksas ls Zoophile
1425. Lover of words Hkk"kk ’kkL= Philologists
1426. Lover of meat ekWl [kkus dk Carnivore
1427. Lover of Human Flash ujHk{kh Cannibal
1428. Lover of War ;q) izseh Warmonger
1429. Lover of Peace ’kakrh fiz; Pacifist
1430. Lover of one’s country ns’kHkDr Patriot
1431. Lover of good food pVksjk Gourmet
1432. Lover of good taste in art dyk izseh Connoisseur

Rules and forms of Government

1433. Democracy iztkra= Government of people, for the people, and by the
1434. Autocracy, Dictatorship, totalitariansm, despotism absolutism
rkuk’kkgh Government in which one person has total power
1435. Aristocracy vfHktkr oxZ@dqyhu Government by the mobility, wealthy small
1436. Bureaucracy nQrj’kkgh Government by the department of state
1437. Plutocracy vehj yksxksa Government by the weal thing
1438. Kakistocracy cqjs yksxksa Government by the worst citizen
1439. Stratocracy feyVªjh ’kklu Government by a military class
1440. Theocracy, heirocracy /keZrU= Government by the Devine guidance, clergy class

1441. Oligarchy vYira=h; Government by a few

1442. Revolution dzkafr A radical change in government
1443. Anarchy vjktdrk] vO;oLFkk A state of lawlessness and disorder
1444.Monarchy jktra= Government by a monarch who usually inherits
the authority
1445. Diarchy ftlesa nks O;fDr ;k laLFkk,sa dk;Z djrh gksaA Government of two persons /rulers
1446. Meritocracy cqf)eku vkSj xq.koku yksxksa dh ljdkj Government of meritorious people
1447. Matriarchy vkSjrksa dk ’kklu Government of women
1448. Patriarchy vknfe;ksa dk ’kklu Government of men

Types of cides

1449. Suicide, selfcide Killing oneself

1450. Patricide Killing of father
1451. Fratricide Killing of brother
1452. Matricide Killing of Mother
1453. Femicide , gynecide Killing a woman
1454. Sorocide Killing of Sister
1455. Infanticide Killing of Infant (Hkwz.k gR;k)
1456. Regicide Killing of king
1457. Populicide Killing of population
1458. Parenticide Killing one's parent(s)
1459. Mariticide , viricide Killing one's husband
1460. Filicide, prolicide Killing one's son or daughter
1461. Parricide Killing a close relative
1462. Homicide Killing a man, or any person
1463. Apicide Killing of bees
1464. Avicide Killing of birds
1465. Canicide Killing of dog
1466. Herpeticide Killing of snake
1467. Slaughter Killing animals
1468. Vaccicide Killing of cows
1469. Canicide Killing of dogs
1470. Piscicide Killing of fish
1471. Hiricide Killing of goats
1472. Raticide Killing of rats
1473. Larvicide Killing of insect larvae
1474. Arachnidcide Killing of spiders or scorpions
1475. Genocide Race of people
1476. Germicide Killing of germs
1477. Pesticide Killing of pests (dhMk)
1478. Muricide Killing of mice
1479. Senicide Killing old men
1480. Ambicide Killing a friend

Groups of somebody/something
1481. A group of Girls/ Lady Bevy
1482. A large group of bees, insects Swarm
1483. A group of nesting rooks Rookery dkSvksa dk ny
1484. A group of foxes /dogs Pack dqRrs ;k HksfM+;kssa dk ny

1485. A group of friends Circle

1486. A group of robbers Gang
1487. A group of constables Posse
1488. A group of workers Union
1489. A group of singer Choir
1490. A group of sheets of paper Quire
1491. A group of musician Band
1492. A group of Actor & Dancer Troupe
1493. A group of players Team
1494. A group of Directors Board
1495. A group of soldiers Regiment/troop
1496. A group of sailors Crew
1497. A group of beauties Galaxy
1498. A group of jurymen Panel
1499. A group of magistrates Bench
1500. A group of people Tribe
1501. A group of merchants Caravan
1502. A group of worshiper Congregation
1503. A group of ministers Council
1504. A group of coolies Strings
1505. A group of art Museum
1506. A group of cotton wool Bale
1507. A group of questions Barrage
1508. A group of illness Bout
1509. A group of smoke Column
1510. A group of thunder/ Laughter Peal
1511. A group of blood Pool
1512. A group of information Mine
1513. A group of followers Train
1514. A group of laws Code
1515. A group of books Catalogue
1516. A group of rays Beam
1517. A group of Cars/Ship Fleet
1518. A group of boats Flotilla
1519. A group of books Library
1520. A group of picture Gallery
1521. A group of arrows Quiver (rjd'k] dEiu)
1522. A group of suite Rooms
1523. A group of suit Clothes
1524. A group of clutch Eggs
1525. A group of packets Cigarette
1526. A group of gold Hoard
1527. A group of sand/stone/ruins/books Heap
1528. A group of states, powers Alliance
1529. A group of goods Stock / Consignment
1530. A group of stars Cluster/ Galaxy
1531. A group of fruit trees Orchard
1532. A group of beads Rosary
1533. A group of flowers Bunch,Garland
1534. A group of listeners Assembly
1535. A group of ruffians Horde (cnek’kksa dk)

Groups of animals

1536. A group of swans Bevy

1537. A group of termites Colony
1538. A group of swine’s Herd
1539. A group of monkey’s Troop
1540. A group of puppies, piglet Litter
1541. A group of peacock Muster
1542. A group of oxen Team
1543. A group of sheep Flock
1544. A group of camels String
1545. A group of bees Hive
1546. A group of deer/swine/cattle Herd/Drove
1547. A group of wolves/hounds Pack
1548. A group of geese/sheep/birds Flock
1549. A group of birds Flight
1550. A group of chickens/hens Brood
1551. A group of fish Shoal
1552. A group of pigeon Brace

Types of crowd

1553. Spectators In a match/people assemble to see an incident/scene

1554. Crowd (riff-raff) In a street
1555. Congregation In religion
1556. Rabble In a rowdy
1557. Viewers Watching a TV program
1558. Mourners Attending a funeral
1559. Listeners Listening to a broad program
1560. Mob In a riot (naxk)

Types of Home

1561. A convict lives in Prison

1562. A hermit lives in Hermitage
1563. A king and queen lives in Palace
1564. A knight lives in Mansion
1565. A Lunatic lives in Asylum
1566. A Monk lives in Monastery
1567. A Peasant lives in Cottage
1568. A Gypsy lives in Caravan
1569. A Noble man lives in Castle
1570. A Nun lives in Convent (Nunnery)
1571. A priest lives in Presbytery
1572. A Soldier lives in Camp (Barrack)
1573. A dog lives in Kennel
1574. A cow lives in Byre/ Pen / shed Hatch – vUM+s ls cPps fudyuk
1575. A tame rabbit lives in Hutch Hatchet – a small axe
Hatchetjob – fdlh ds eku&lEeku dks
1576. A rabbit lives in Burrow
1577. A Pig lives in Sty
1578. A fox lives in hole

1579. An eagle lives in Eerie

1580. Bees lives in Hive
1581. A lion lives in Den
1582. A horse lives in Stable
1583. A monkey lives in Tree
1584. A bird lives in Nest
1585. A spider lives in Web
1586. A hen lives in Coop
1587. A mouse lives in Hole
1588. A sheep lives in Pen
1589. Eskimo lives in Igloo
1590. Lair lives in The habitation of wild animals

Something made here

1591. Brewery Bear is made in

1592. Tannery Leather
1593. Mint Money coins
1594. Distillery Alcoholic drinks
1595. Hanger Aero plane keeps in
1596. Orchard Fruits tree are grow in
1597. Mill Paper/ flower
1598. Wardrobe Clothe are kept in
1599. Depot Goods are store in
1600. Aquarium Fish are kept in
1601. Apiary Bees are kept in
1602. Observatory Astronomical observation
1603. Granary Grains are store in
1604. Cloak room Luggage
1605. Vineyard Grapes are grown in
1606. Armory Guns are kept in
1607. Dockyard Ships are built or repaired in
1608. Scullery Plates, pots are kept in
1609. Garage Motor cars
1610. Dairy Milk product are made in
1611. Bakery Bread and cake are made in
1612. Smith Iron Implements is made in


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