Messy Mercy - The Novel

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Messy Mercy
Ojodu Ebenezer Ibrahim

Royal Dynasty Publishers

Copyright © September, 2022 by Ojodu Ebenezer
Ibrahim. All rights reserved.

Designed by Regal Designs

Edited by Leon Elroy

Published in association with the Royal Dynasty


Messy Mercy is a work of fiction. Where real people,

events, establishments, organizations, or locales
appear, they are used fictitiously. All other elements
of the novel are drawn from the author’s imagination.

Contact Royal Dynasty Publishers at or call

Names: Ibrahim, Ojodu Ebenezer, date- author.

Title: Messy Mercy / Ojodu Ebenezer Ibrahim.

Description: Nigeria: Royal Dynasty Publishers[2022]

Identifiers: RC Number: 1801658|

Subjects: Christian fiction: | Love | Life | Family | Faith


The Loving Father who is rich in mercy.


🔴 Chapter One – Rerouting

❤️ Heart Check:
🟠 Chapter Two – Lost at Sea
🧡 Heart Check:
🟡 Chapter Three – Port of Call
💛 Heart Check:
🟢 Chapter Four – Boisterous Wind
💚 Heart Check:
🔵 Chapter Five – Fresh Wind
💙 Heart Check:
🟣 Chapter Six – Sailing Northward
💜 Heart Check:



Linda held onto the table before her
tightly at the exquisite restaurant she
and Kelvin frequented so that the
agitation that usually makes her
hands shiver when she is placed
under undue pressure wouldn't be so
Her life was crashing right before her.
Kelvin was her life. At least, that's what
she thought. How could he say this to
"Are you okay?"
How could she possibly be okay when
it felt like a trailer had driven into her?
"Kelvin, I don't understand what you
mean by relapse."
Kelvin never lost his calm. If not that
she was familiar with this trait, it would
be enough reason to conclude that
he really never loved her.
"Erm, the thing is that I am not so sure
about this whole thing anymore. I've
thought about us. I've even spoken
with my dad. It's beyond my control
right now and sorry for hurting you."
Kelvin stuttered.

Hurting her? Linda wasn't sure if she
was even still alive. The finality with
which he said 'my Dad' stung her so
badly. His father had always been
'Dad' and she had easily warmed up to
it since her father passed on.
Trying to take control of her emotions,
she just wouldn't let this cry in her
heart pass even when she knew what
was at stake. "Have....Have you prayed
about it?"
Kelvin is that cool, well organized,
calculated and proactive young man
who always has an answer for every
question. He is of the school of
thought that are ardent believers of
life being a result of decisions.
He was no stranger to prayer. As a
matter of fact, his Dad was a Reverend
Minister, but this sounded strange or
like some plot at hitting the wrong
spot in his heart that would make him

Kelvin and Linda had built this bond
that never existed in all their previous
relationships. She was smart as smart
could be, curvy as 8, had such kitchen
etiquettes only a chef would possess
to the delight of Kelvin's heartthrob of
a mother, Claudia and God Fearing
enough to win the blessings of Rev
So he had a perfect plan. The spouse
of a century. The rhythm to his
Falling in love with Kelvin was such a
smooth ride on a rollercoaster for
Linda. As bumpy as it got, she made
up her mind that this was finally her
bus stop. Aha! Her emotional wrapper
had been tied around her waist like a
market woman on a fighting
expedition. This handsome, ICT whiz
kid would never slide through her
grip. This was a war for her. She kept
up with him. Endured to always call
even if he skipped days without
darkening the door of her mobile

Linda sacrificed for this to work.
Spent her blood, sweat and tears as
legal tender for the longevity of their
blissful union.
Claudia would call and the sounds of
"my dear daughter" melted her heart
and drowned everything else "Mummy"
had to say. O, her mother-in-law and
daughter relationship had been
planned out.
She kept her distance from Rev.
Badmus but it was certain that he had
accepted her whenever they had time
Everything went smoothly.
At least, so she thought until Caroline
got back from Germany.
All hell broke loose.
Kelvin said all manner of things but
what she grasped was that he only
realized he was merely passing time
with her until the real owner of his
heart came into sight again.
Linda! Passing time!! Linda, who had
suitors lined up until she had
obviously told all of them off because

she had a marriageable relationship
in construction, is now regarded as a
means of time passage... An object of
momentary affection...An item that
could serve until the real deal arrived.

"I didn't know I actually needed to pray

about this. See, I would like to be very
plain with you. At least I owe you that,
Linda. I owe you that. You are such a
nice girl. One of the nicest persons I
know. I saw traits that I liked in a
woman when I met you. A woman I
could proudly hold in my arms with
my head held high. I went for what I
could stand the commitment of
forever with..." He paused for a while.
Took his glass of wine and took a long
"The thing about Carolina is that..." He
sat up and drew himself closer to the
table, taking her hands in his. "She
sparks up a lot of experiences in me. I
thought it all died with you. I thought I
was done. Yes. That's the word. Done."

"...but you are sure that we are done.
Kelvin, let me ask you one question.
Did you ever love me?"
"Linda, you know that I love you...but I
am sorry. I love Carolina experientially.
I just hope you will understand."
What did he want her to understand?
That he just spat at her sense of
womanhood or that she had been
stripped of her esteem?
His phone beeped and their attention
was drawn to the I-Phone 11 ringing on
the table beside cold delicacies that
no one was interested in eating
anymore. The call for concern was
more about the name of the caller.
No! Was it the person he usually
bought his Soulmate hair cream from
that was calling? He used Soulmate
hair cream, right? As a matter of fact,
she was 'the only mate to his wretched
soul' like the fool would say as one of
his pickup lines.
He was already talking with the caller
and of course, it was the home

wrecker. Rather, the relationship
He couldn't even wait to perform the
burial rites of their blissful union
properly before tagging her rival as
his soul mate.
“Linda." Just her name. He never
lacked words to say to her. Kelvin
stood up and as he walked away, she
felt her heart was pulling off her body
and running after him.
Linda's face felt like tributaries as a
flood of tears had massacred her
mascara. She had cried until she
could shed no more.
"Father, why have you forsaken me?"
She finally found her voice after
about half an hour since Kelvin left.
"Child, you embarked on this journey
She jerked…

Heart Check:
The most foolish thing to do as a
mortal is to force compatibility with
someone else or even denote the
components of synergy on the
premise of human, fickle knowledge
that is limited by the present situation
of things.
If you will check in with God the Maker
of mankind, He will for sure find for
your nature, a perfect fit that He had
carefully tailor made with you in mind.
Every union that was not built by the
system called DIVINE LEADING is a
ghastly accident waiting for time.
Be sure of His voice until nothing will
be strong enough to shake your
Tall trees take roots deep down.
Skyscrapers have strong foundations.
Lasting Kings and Priests are
obedient Sons.

PRAYER: ABBA, prevail over my desires

and motives until I come in alignment

with Your purpose for my life. Let the
demand of the Kingdom take
preeminence over every choice I make.
Help me stay in sync with Your will.



"How will Sarowiwa just kill Abacha
without waiting for my orders? Yes! I
just went to the kitchen to get a bowl
of salad, before I will come back like
this I just heard kpa kpa kpa! What
happened?! What happened?!!
Somebody has died."
Linda kept ranting; every attempt at
keeping her calm felt abortive until
her mother sedated her.

Three months after Kelvin broke

things off with her, she saw the
pre-wedding pictures of Kelvin and
Carolina flying all over the media
space of their mutual friends. Even
Kelvin's Mum could not bear to be
cautious enough in how she posted in
spite of her being fully aware that
Linda was still on her contact list.
Claudia and Carolina bonded so well.
Linda watched her supposed
mother-in-law's WhatsApp status on a
daily basis. Dashing photos of the
duo ladies looking like teens having
fun kept coming in by the day.

The one that got at Linda the most

was still in her phone as she didn't

even know when she screenshot it.
Claudia took the selfie, holding
shopping bags in one hand while
Carolina wrapped her 'soon to be
mother-in-law' in a warm embrace.
Claudia tagged it "wedding shopping
of the century in Dubai".
Linda froze in shock. If eyeballs fall off
as a result of the intensity of tears
gushing out of it, she would have gone
blind already.

Dr. Veronica Anslem had always been

skeptical about the relationship of her
daughter with Rev. Badmus' son,
Kelvin. Something about him didn't
really cut it for her, not to talk about
the fact that the only thing she really
thought to be Christian about him
was that he was akin to a Reverend
Minister. She had an issue with his
flamboyance and never let any
chance slide without relaying her
obvious displeasure to her daughter.
Her late husband thought differently.

"Let the young people be, will you?

Look, the only thing to really bother

over is the family from which the
young man comes from. Rev. Badmus
and his dear wife, Claudia are
responsible people. All you see about
Kelvin that upsets you is only youthful
exuberance that finds commonplace
among young men. Huh. Leave the
young people alone please." He will
say, care freely to the delight of his
doting daughter.

Dr. Veronica wished bitterly that he

was here to see what their beloved
child had become as a result of letting
hunches go unchecked. At least, time
had proven her disapproval likely so.
Linda attempted suicide severally
which kept her frequenting the
hospital and that was all there was
about it. She was fine again in weeks.
Even her medical doctor of a mother
could not tell how her poor child was
still alive. It would only be the sure
mercies of God preserving her for the
future days to come.

Linda felt her world had come

crashing on her after the break up.

She’d been crazy in love with Kelvin
Badmus. Crazy being the operative
word here. Her Spiritual father had
warned her. She should have listened.
That day was still vividly fresh in her
mind. As she lay in bed, recovering
from the slim mental relapse she had
suffered as a result of going her own
way, the words of Uncle Abdul came
back to her like torturous arrows.
Words that never even held any water
at the moment they were spoken.

"Lyn, you know that there is no way I

will be a hurdle to your ultimate
happiness but life is not entirely
about what we know in the now, that is
why we cannot gamble with being
certain about the leading of the Holy
Spirit. If you miss out on this life
defining decision, you will be placing
your destiny and posterity on the line.
I've asked you for the umpteenth time
about your convictions regarding this
young man and you've not given me
any articulate response."

What did he expect her to say? It just
felt right with him and that was all
there was to why she was with Kelvin.
What other conviction will suffice? She
had prayed and the fact that nobody
ever made her feel as she did with him
actually brought a sense of peace.
Her future seemed secure with him in
it, he treated her with special care and
never hesitated to open the door for
her before she stepped into his car.
None in the past had lavished her
with the degree of affection that he
did but she couldn't find a way to
make Uncle Abdul understand even
though he had always ensured that
they had a really close rapport to
enable her and all others under his
watch be free enough to pour out
their heart to him. He wasn't exactly so
elderly but it was proven that the
wisdom of the ancients was well at his
disposal and so a lot of the young
people that came across him easily
submitted; even those older than him.
Uncle Abdul never gave specific
instructions to individual situations
but rather made examples with his

own life and expected that the Spirit
of wisdom will teach the listener steps
best to take.

Linda took the privilege of this style of

leadership for granted, taking his
admonitions lightly. She started
ignoring communications and all
kinds of meetings with Uncle Abdul.
Kelvin who had such sweet words of
wisdom seemed to have become the
juror and judge of every decision she
made. Her life will be perfect with this
promising young man who had been
well manicured in the proper way of
the LORD by the hands of a preacher.
At least, so she thought until it
became clear that to every side there
is another side.

Linda had a dear friend, Zainab. She

spoke few words but was blunt
enough to never mince words
whenever she did. Like Uncle Abdul,
she was a Muslim convert who
radically encountered God... On the
other hand, she did not curtail herself
from pouring out opinions on this

matter like Uncle Abdul but placed
the pieces of everything on the table
for Linda.

“That boy’s going to break your heart,

She loved to call her Lyn like Uncle
Abdul did. "The guy no be your man. I
know wetin I dey talk."

"Ah! Shebi he's your man abhi?

Prophet of doom. It is you that will
even be my chief bridesmaid las las.
Kelvin and I will marry ourselves in
your very before." Linda was so
obstinate but now things were clearer
for everyone to see.

“Lyn, I had a dream and it was really

terrible. You and Kel…..”
Linda interrupted Zainab as she tried
relaying the revelation she saw about
her and Kelvin. Linda was blindfolded
and Kelvin leading the way, brought
her to the edge of a deep, dark pit
and pushed her into it.

“Mummy Prophetess, I just saw a
vision also. My revelation says that ‘O
daughter of Zion, listen not to the
fear inducing dream of Zainabu’, so
who will I rather obey you or the
revealer of secrets?”
Zainab was silenced.

Linda lay crying profusely as she

reminisced over these signals she
snubbed because of her insistence to
stick on a path whose map she had
drawn out for herself only to have
been tossed off the ship into the sea
like a coin. Now she had sunk down
and was lost somewhere midway. Or
had she hit rock bottom?

Kelvin awakened to the ringtone he

had set for Carolina.

“Baby, I had a dream.” What was this

lady saying? Was that why she woke
him up? She had a dream! Linda
wouldn’t dare this. She knew better
that he didn’t joke with his sleep.

He intensified his drowsiness so she
doesn’t notice his indifference.
“Erm. Can we talk about it over
breakfast at THE DINER tomorrow
Carolina couldn’t cook a decent meal
so he had become a frequent
attendant at different eateries with
her until they fell in love with THE
DINER and stuck with it.

“I told you that I was on a fast with my

big sister in view of our marriage,

Yes, he remembered and he was

grateful they didn’t include him in the
fast. He fasted frequently growing up
but it wasn’t a thing he was all out for
at this stage of his life. He grunted in
“So last night we asked that God will
reveal those things that we needed to
sort out before marriage now.”
Carolina continued.

Kelvin could not help but wonder in
admiration. If Carolina was this
serious about working on her cooking
and home management skills as
much as she was about appearing all
spiritual, she will really stop making
him miss Linda so badly. Linda could
cook. Linda could do laundry. O my!
Linda could do laundry! His
colleagues at work always wanted to
know the Laundry House that kept
him always glittering as though he
had been plucked out of a vogue
magazine. All of that was in the past.
Carolina could not toil with her
well-manicured fingers on his clothes.
Never! She wasn’t his slave but his
‘soul-mate’. That was what he wanted
Linda slaved for him and he felt he
didn’t want it until now. Linda was too
perfect. That was his problem with her.
Was he not confused?

“Baby!!!” He had been so lost in the

ocean of thoughts about Linda that
he wasn’t listening to Carolina.

“Sorry Babe… I got sleepy. What was
the last thing you said?”
Carolina sighed heavily. “I said I need
to see Linda. God said He needed me
to see her. I don't know why He wants
me to do that but I'm ready to risk it.
Marrying you is a big deal for me, so I
really want to obey the slightest hints
God leaves me regarding us.”

He couldn’t believe his ears. What did

Carolina know about God’s voice? He
knew her past and it was only just
recently she took a firm stand
regarding accepting JESUS for real.
How was she going to bank on a
dream as God wanting her to see his
ex? The last he heard of Linda was
that of her insanity. He had known
this lady since kindergarten. Carolina
had a mind of her own and she only
needed to conjure up ideas, then they
were as good as done.

What did God have in stock for them?

What was the need for this absurd

Heart Check: When you let your
intuitions, your communion and your
conscience be completely connected
to Him, even when the places He leads
you to seem as though you were
running adrift; be sure that you will
arrive safe at the harbor. Subtle steps
have produced quantum leaps
throughout history. The early
disciples expected a Messiah who
would come with a reckless abandon
to overrun the Kingdom of the earth
with strength and power but He had
other plans; as He gave Himself as a
Holy sacrifice, He discomfited
darkness to the shock of the devil and
overcame the world. The plan was
bigger than the process. The result
mattered more than the route by
which it came about.We cannot box
God when it comes to undertaking His
plans because even when our will
drives us out of His radar, He always
has a way of letting Grace provide for
us an anchorage. If we will only take a
hold of it.

PRAYER: Even when I have obviously
taken my own way, reroute me to the
extremes of being lost at sea until I
find the anchorage Your Grace
provides, O ABBA! Lead me back in
the path of the Sons, whatever it will
take. Help me stay the path of the
Bride at all costs.



There is no bell that rings as loudly as
As days turned into months, Linda had
begun to heal very swiftly. She moved in
with Uncle Abdul’s family for proper
discipleship as he took out time to
address every aspect necessary to
hasten the process.

“As I prayed over this situation, I was

drawn to first Corinthians 10 verse 13. Lyn,
can you read it out to me? I need you to
come into the reality of what the word is
saying to you.”

She leafed through the beautiful

Amplified Bible Reverend Badmus had
gotten for her on one of his foreign trips.
“For no temptation (no trial regarded as
enticing to sin), [no matter how it comes
or where it leads] has overtaken you and
laid hold on you that is not common to
man [that is, no temptation or trial has
come to you that is beyond human
resistance and that is not adjusted and
adapted and belonging to human
experience, and such as man can bear].
But God is faithful [to His Word and to

His compassionate nature], and He [can
be trusted] not to let you be tempted
and tried and assayed beyond your
ability and strength of resistance and
power to endure, but with the temptation
He will [always] also provide the way out
(the means of escape to a landing place),
that you may be capable and strong and
powerful to bear up under it patiently”.

“Wow! See how explicitly Amplified raises

the volume of this message.” Uncle Abdul
smiled broadly.
“This thing that has happened didn’t
take God unawares. I want you to know
that he is aware of the extremes of your
strengths and weaknesses. Just like
SWOT analysis in economics, he
considers what your strengths can
withstand, the breaking point of your
weaknesses, the opportunities this
experience will bring your way and the
threat it will pose to your destiny before
He lets you come in the way of

Every word wove upon her heart like a

magnetic force field as she listened with

rapt attention. Uncle Abdul made her
understand the vastness of God’s Love
for His children. Even disobedient
children like she was who chose to
thread in their own path which of course,
brought her in harm’s way.

Step by step, she was learning that on

many occasions, the purposes of pain
are pure as long as God’s eternal
purpose is concerned. If we eventually
come to terms with His will, even in the
middle of our own invented pathways; He
always finds a way of rerouting us, no
matter how lost at sea we are.

“Lyn, if you must grow out of the mold

that these experiences have crafted you
into, then you MUST let go of the past.
Let the shadows stay where they belong.
When a human dies, no matter how dear
he or she was to you while they still lived,
their presence suddenly becomes a
nuisance that could make anywhere
humans live uninhabitable. So are the
experiences from your past. They are
deceased. Let go and be free of the
stench that comes with the dead.”

Linda was ready to listen to the faintest
whispers of Uncle Abdul’s instructions
now. Once bitten, twice shy. She didn’t
just want to heal; she was ready to chase
God with all her heart now more than
ever but she wasn’t expecting what was
about to hit her.

Zainab walked into the ladies room of

Uncle Abdul’s home with information
that met Linda with a rude shock. She
had a guest.

“What does she want?” Linda’s visage

went aghast.

“Uhmmm, she didn’t say.” Zainab sat

down; acting in a way Linda was familiar
with. Zainab was not a good liar. Brought
up by the strict rules of the Islamic faith,
she loathed falsehood and now that she
was in Christ, there was no way she could
tell a lie without being found out. Linda
knew she had a hand in this strange visit.

“Zainab, listen to me. This is overrated
and if it is a joke, it is not funny!” Linda
was getting visibly enraged.

Zainab tried to calm herself down. “See, I

got a call from Carolina 2 weeks ago. She
said she needed to see you and that it is
as serious as putting her wedding with
Kelvin on hold for. I tried telling you but I
was just being careful.”

“You?! When did you start being careful

with your words?” Linda wished she
hadn’t said that.

Her words had hit Zainab badly but

nothing will stop the resolve she had to
help Linda though this phase of her life.
“I’m so sorry, Lyn. I should have told you

“Is Uncle aware?”

Zainab hesitated for a while. “He was the

one that brought her to the house from
the junction before leaving for work a
while ago. He has been aware since I got
the call from her but he didn’t want to

get directly involved in persuading you
to hear Caroline out.”

“Hear Caroline out?! What for? Haven’t I

gone through a lot already? You’ve been
first-hand witness to the mess I have
become and yet you of all people will
support this?” Linda wouldn’t see any
reason to want to hear the wrecker of her
heart out. Zainab wouldn’t budge. She
kept insisting and pressing on Linda
until she agreed to think about seeing
Caroline. Not at that moment. Not now
that she was beginning to get her life in
order again. Not now that she was being
ravished by the euphoria of God’s
forgiveness and restoration.

God’s forgiveness!
Had she forgotten the standard? The
realization shook her to her foundation.

The words of Uncle Abdul returned to

her strongly.

“Let go and be free of the stench that
comes with the dead.”
She had reached a junction in life and if
she was to effectively navigate the path
that laid ahead her, she had to deal with
the past. Linda knew for sure that she
needed to properly bury the dead if she
would not be haunted by the effect of
keeping up with its decay.
This was shore ahead of her, but she
needed to look back at the sea one last
time so that there would be no need for a
vicious cycle.

Heart Check:

Many times, we face the same battles

over and over again, simply because we
refused to properly learn the tactics of
warfare that the battle needed to teach
us. We let healing from the wounds
inflicted absorb all of our attention so
much that we do not let the broken
bones be straightened. It is easier to
tend your injuries until they healed but
when it comes to fixing broken bones, we
feel it is too painful and we rather leave it
be until it heals. What we fail to
remember is that it has been distorted
and a slight hit at that same spot causes
greater damage and keeps us in a
vicious cycle.
Place the ax to the roots whenever you
want to fall a tree, else you only
discontinued a process and started it off

PRAYER: ABBA, I face these beasts in the

basement squarely until they are far
away from my domain. I refuse to treat
things that need full attention with kid

gloves. I leave every baggage from
history at the cross and I set out into the
bliss in the days ahead of me. Bygones
are bygones. I reckon. It is the dawn of a
new day.



“Holy Spirit, lead us now
Boldly to the throne of grace
While our heads in prayer we bow,
Let Thy presence fill this place;
Holy Spirit, Heavenly Guide
Lead us to the Crucified!

This is now our time of need,

This is now the day of grace
Now our souls with manna feed
Ere we leave this sacred place
Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove
Lead us to the feast of love!

At the blessed mercy-seat

Peace and joy are freely given,
While we wait at Jesus’ feet,
Make this place the gate of heaven
Holy Spirit, Heavenly Friend
Now upon our hearts descend!

Weak and sinful though we be,

Jesus’ blood can cleanse from sin,
At the fountain full and free
Wash and make us pure within
Holy Spirit, Cleansing fire,

Burn up every base desire!
The sonorous melody that filled the
whole house as they sang this hymn held
an aura, so real, it felt heavenly. The
presence of God, so palpable, they could
almost touch it.
Linda and Caroline had spent 5 hours
together already. They bonded so
smoothly after the first hour of
disgruntled banters. Linda tried all she
could to not paint Kelvin in a negative
light as she opened up a bit on her hurt
in the past few months. Caroline, on her
own part, didn’t want to give so much
information regarding the wedding plans
so she wouldn’t hurt Linda by a reminder
of Kelvin.
As soon as they began talking about
their personal experiences with God, the
burden lifted and they got freer. Caroline
had been born to an Anglican priest. It
was he who had taught her all the hymns
she knew. Doctrine was within the
fundamental framework of her
Her life took a different turn when she
walked in on her father, who had hung
himself in his bedroom. The church had
found out he was having an affair with a
widow and he was asked to confess

before the congregation. He rather died.
Her aunty compelled and facilitated
their relocation. She couldn’t bear the
shame of them being around and
reminding the family about the atrocities
of their brother. That was when they left
Nigeria for Germany.
Linda consoled her. It seemed like she
got stronger all of a sudden, forgetting
her own hurt. Caroline needed to heal.
No better person than one who had a
recent history of hurt could bring
sufficient succour to her. Linda’s words
were few but they went deep enough to
root out the pain and bitterness Caroline
had carried all these years.
Linda hinted that she had an Uncle who
was an Anglican priest. It was said that
he died in his sleep.
“He wasn’t so close to our family but on a
few occasions, we met at family functions
and we were inseparable.”
He was the one who had taught Linda
the few hymns she knew and the one
Caroline had raised was like his favourite
so she could easily sing along.
After so many hours of bonding, Caroline
insisted on leaving that night despite
Linda’s insistence. They hugged for what
seemed like forever.

Uncle Abdul offered to drop her off but
she had asked Kelvin to come pick her
As she walked out of the house, Linda felt
heavy in her spirit. She couldn’t place
what was causing the uneasiness but she
knew better than to talk about it.
Everyone could feel she was reacting to
the knowledge that Kelvin was around. So
she did what she had spent most of her
restoration days since the breakup
“LORD, have Mercy.”

Dr. Veronica had a bad temper but it got

worse whenever she loses a patient. This
time, it was a little girl of 8. Her appendix
was perforated. Peritonitis had taken
over her stomach. There was nothing Dr.
Veronica didn't do to save the poor child.
She stormed into her office and
slammed the door behind her.
Typical Veronica. Always desiring to save
the day.
"When will you let Me have My way?"

She jerked.
She hadn't heard God speak to her in a
long while. She wiped her tears. Certainly,
this was no longer grief over the lost
patient. She had trained herself early in
her profession, never to get emotionally
attached to any patient.
This was about the constant flashes of
an event that happened some 20 years
ago that she had begun having lately.
She could see it play out vividly.
Dr. Veronica had gotten wind of the
confession demand the church had laid
on her younger brother. Her only brother.
She loved Julius with everything she had.
She drove hurriedly to the Vicar's
apartment where he lived. His wife was at
her supermarket. Their daughters were
at school.
"Julius! I have warned you. If you go
ahead and tarnish the image of our
family the more by standing before those
nosey busybodies and shame your
generation, they will sneer at your
unborn grandchildren all their lives
because of your failure." Veronica vented.
"What do I do? I'm confused, Sister." His
priestly robe was drenched with
perspiration and tears.

"I don't know! Must you always act like a
child? Can you not control your
emotions? Laide came into your life
again and the next thing is to go after
her. You slept with Laide, Julius! Why?"
"Sister, forgive me. I never knew I still had
that sort of feeling towards her. She
came into town after her husband's
passing and as the only friend she had
left, she came to me to bear her hurt out
and eventually began attending the
church. The frequency of our
communication spelt my doom." Julius
"Man of God. What's wrong with you?
Felicia is one of the most beautiful ladies
I know. After all I did to ensure you were
married to her. All my efforts to give you
the best wife possible, this is how you
chose to repay me. By returning to your
vomit, Laide. I'm so ashamed of you,
Julius. You better fix this!" She said and
stormed out.
Julius had been in a relationship with
Laide for 6 years but his sister never
approved of it. After striving to no avail
to win her approval, Laide moved on and
got married to someone else. That was
when Julius gave in to Veronica's choice
for him.

Felicia was quiet, beautiful and
industrious. They got along quite well
and after six months, they got married.
Their marriage was peaceful until Laide
lost her husband.
That morning when a major part of her
died, she was trying to sort some
documents when her office landline
rang. It was her brother's daughter. She
had a slight fever and decided to take
permission to be excused from school.
On getting home, she saw her Daddy
hanging lifeless and alone. The only
person whose landline phone number
she knew was her Aunty's. Veronica
picked Felicia from her supermarket and
dashed down as fast as she could.
Upon the sight of her beloved brother
hanging in his bedroom, Veronica wished
that she had allowed him go ahead with
his conviction to marry Laide in the first
With the help of Felicia, she placed him
on the bed. Dr Veronica warned them to
state that he died in his sleep.
She wished she had left things as they
were. She wished she hadn't compelled
them to tell a lie. She wished she could
go back in time and correct many things.
She had so many wishes right now.

Dr. Veronica was brought back from her
voyage in memory when her phone
rang. It was a strange number. She
"Hello ma! Please, it's an emergency.
Felicia's Daughter was shot by some
armed men. I was able to get her into the
bush but they are still on the highway." A
worried male voice kept speaking.
Nay. She was smarter than average and
if not, being a Medical Doctor in Nigeria
had taught her to be street smart.
As if to respond to her worried silence.
"Ma, please, this is not a scheme or some
fraud attempts. If you can hear well, they
are gunshots from a distance. She might
not last too long. I know you are
wondering that she's supposed to be in
Germany but she came to Nigeria."
Dr. Veronica's hairs stood.
"What is her name?" She asked.

Heart Check:
When the storm comes on the believer's
sail, it is indicative of an attempt to
hinder a certain destination by the
enemy. This is not a time to fold like a
cheap tent. The go-to response to a
stormy sail is to be worried sick. That is
not the way it goes for those who have
come to realize that they've got the One
who can beat the wind and the storm.
Jesus is enough of an excuse to be calm
in the midst of a raging storm. Do you
know why you can be calm? He is aware
that there's a storm. Nothing eludes the
King. No, not one thing happens to one
strand of your hair that He knows not of.
If He lets them come, it is because He is
sure that He can keep them from
overwhelming you. Trust Him enough
that he's got a handle of things.
Usually, it might appear you are alone,
stuck in the midst of a boisterous wind
all by yourself. It happens. What that
aims to achieve is your declaration of His
Lordship over the storm.
PRAYER: ABBA, I admit that You are here
with me in the midst of this boisterous
wind. Stay my gaze on You. No matter
how bad the raging of the storm gets, my

heart will not be shaken for I know who I
have believed and every step of the way, I
will yet trust Him



Kelvin kept pacing in the vestry. All
Rev. Badmus' attempts at calming him
proved abortive. He was still in denial.
He couldn't help but look at himself all
over in search of any bullet hole.
"Daddy, I don't know how better to
explain what really happened to you.
See, my car was the first to run into
them. I thought they were police
officers so I wasn't even taking any
precaution. As soon as they flagged
me down, the one standing directly
beside the driver's seat and in front of
me began to shoot at me." He kept
demonstrating the action.
"Daddy. They were firing squad rifles
at me. Ah! Daddy, how in God's name
do these bandits get squad rifles?
What am I even saying???" He ran his
hands through his head.
"Daddy! Talk to me! Jesus! Squad rifles
were shot at me and I don't even feel a
pinch of injury! How is that possible?!"
Kelvin couldn't hold it in anymore. He
was weeping already.
"I'm a sinner. I don't know this God for
real. Caroline has been fasting and
praying for…." He breaks down.
"God! What do you want from me?"

Rev. Badmus sighed and looked up. He
walked towards Kelvin who was
crouched on the floor drenched in
tears. He sat beside Kelvin and
wrapped him around the shoulder.
"Son, what makes a man eligible for a
divine intervention is mercy. Mercy is
the eligibility factor. It's about time you
embraced Him."
Kelvin bawled harder and screamed at
the top of his lungs. "Jesus, I am tired
of the mess I am. I am tired of failing
You. Have mercy on me. Have mercy
on me, LORD. Make me whole again!"
Rev. Badmus prayed in the spirit

Dr. Veronica had called every hospital

she had contact with in the nation,
none of the donors matched.
By the time the military troupe that
she summoned had found Caroline
and Kelvin, she was lifeless. Her renal
system was battered. Some emphasis
was placed around her rib cages and
as the medical team at the teaching

hospital feared, after hours of
intervention, they discovered that her
kidneys were damaged. The shock was
how her spine was still intact.
Caroline's human leukocyte antigen
was rare, so getting a tissue type that
could match hers was difficult. Not
even Felicia could match. She had
boarded the next available flight from
Germany and stayed glued to her
daughter's side since arrival.
Dr. Veronica knew what demand God
was making of her but she wouldn't
bring herself to doing it. The journey
to Moriah was not for her.

Spirit sound, rushing wind

Fire of God fall within
Holy Ghost
Breathe on us, we pray
As we repent, turn from sin
Revival embers smouldering
Breath of God
Fan us into flame
We need a fresh wind

The fragrance of Heaven
Pour Your Spirit out
Pour Your Spirit out
For hearts that burn with holy fear
Purified in faith and deed
Refiner's fire
Strengthen what remains
So we the church who bear Your light
Lamp aflame, city bright
King and kingdom come is what we pray
Yeah, we need a fresh wind
The fragrance of Heaven
Pour Your Spirit out
Pour Your Spirit out
A holy anointing
The power of Your presence
Pour Your Spirit out
Pour Your Spirit out

Zainab's playlist always had one

Hillsong or another. Linda woke up
from the most peaceful night she had
in a really long while to the song on
repeat, playing from the boombox she
had got Zainab for her last birthday.

Somehow, the lyrics bore a stronger
sense of witness today. It was as
though she had been taken into a
lush place and was enraptured in the
warmth of her Lover's aura. He had
become real to her more than ever
before. She kept basking in the
euphoria of this blissful harmony.
All Linda desired was Him. A burning
passion and reverent fear for God now
consumed her. She had lost every
desire for her ambitions and craving.
Nothing in this world mattered more
to Linda than this place she had
come. This lush place where she
communed with the sovereign
Monarchy as friend to friend.
"The joy I met when I walked into this
room in the morning seems to have
woken up with you. You were smiling in
your sleep. See you looking like a new
bride." Zainab chuckled softly.
New bride. Was she not?
"I love what God is doing with you my
dear girl" Zainab hugged her so
Linda wiped the tears already flowing
from her eyes. She had cried a river
these past few weeks but this time, it

was a dam of joy unfeigned that broke
forth from within her.
"Zainab, you don't know how grateful I
am for the gift that you are. You
literally kept watch over me through
this messy season. Thank you!" She
had given up on herself but Zainab
wouldn't let go.
Zainab held her chin up and with a
sarcastic tone replied.
"Go and do likewise, my child".
"Do likewise, my child".
She knew whose voice had thundered
the emphasis. What was the demand?
He need only ask. She was all for Him.
In that moment, Uncle Abdul called.
The news about the incidence had
reached him.
"They were attacked by bandits on
their way from the house last night."
"Jesus!" Zainab exclaimed.
Linda was calm. She didn't care if
Kelvin and Caroline had died. All she
knew was that the Life Force within
her would bring them back to life if
that was what the situation
demanded. She sat like a Lioness,
strategically positioned to make a

catch at some prey as soon as an
opportunity made itself available.
"Do likewise, my child."

Heart Check:
Fresh wind is the needed gust when a
need arises to Sail in a new direction.
Whatever there be that would
properly set the motions of your
voyage towards God and His ambition
for your life is an advantage, however
grievous it might seem in the now.
Redemption comes from a sinful
history and the warring bride comes
alive when the wind changes identity.
The navigation is set aright.
It's a good day to check again so that
you not conclude too quickly that the
myriads of affliction and troubling
experiences set against you are come
for to inhibit your motions. Learn to
accept the boisterous wind as the
intended premise of God to provide
the proper windflaw for your Sail
Northwards. Fresh winds are in no
short supply this season. Make the
most of them as you set Sail towards
God's divine ordination for your life.
PRAYER: ABBA, I recognize Your stance
regarding the rough waters upon
which I had sailed. All I saw was the
boisterous wind but now I realize that

it has become Fresh Wind for my Sail
unto the True North. So, let it begin.



"What in heaven's name are you
saying?! There's no way I'm letting you
do that." Dr. Veronica stood, facing
Linda squarely with her hands on her
"You are not fit for it."
Linda smiled. "Mummy, you know that I
am. Except you want to check again."
She was sure that being the donor for
Caroline's Kidney demand was what
God wanted her to do.
"Why are you always insisting on
having your way, Linda? I've said it
and it is final. You are not going under
the knife."
"A life has to be saved and whatever it
will take is what God wants me to do."
"How are you sure that this is God's
idea and not some fanatical desire?"
Dr. Veronica was blazing hot.
"The sacrifice knows its place is on the
altar. There's no struggle about it."
Linda was unruffled.
"See, Mummy. I know your fears. I have
mine too. I am scared as well. I am
afraid of disobeying Him. I fear to not
act accordingly, when He makes a
demand of me. You know that this is

spare life I am living on right now. You
of all people know that it is by Mercy
that I am not dead. I've vowed to live
the rest of my life for the One who has
shown me this Mercy. If He is giving
me the littlest hints that I am to do
this, then let me." She held her mother
in a warm embrace this time.
"You cannot truly own that which you
haven't let go to Him, Mummy."
"When will you let Me have My way?"
The familiar voice.
She knew what His demand was.
A nurse bolted into her office in such
a frantic hurry.
"Doctor! Doctor!! We are losing the
patient in 11."
Dr. Veronica sighed heavily.
"Prepare the patient for surgery. We
have a donor."
An eleventh hour lamb.
Linda smiled.
As Dr. Veronica prepared her
daughter to get under the knife, she
felt the pang. The pang Abraham
probably felt whilst he ascended the

mount of Moriah. She wondered if
God had felt it when it was His turn.
The Women Aflame Convention was
packed full with thousands of vibrant
ladies. Kelvin and Caroline were
upstage dressed in beautiful
matching outfits.
"To bring us God's word tonight is a
woman of God. One whose life has
impacted culture across the world. A
perfect reminder that God still has
faith in the seed of the woman. I stand
here with my wife for a reason.
Although this powerful woman of faith
whose ministry we are glad to share in
tonight would always not admit, she
has been the mother in the faith who
has sculpted my wife into this blessing
she is to us all. Can you do us the
honour of a rousing ovation as we
bring up God's voice to the Nations,
Reverend Mrs. Linda Walters all the
way from London, in the United
Kingdom." Kelvin spoke with a deep
and clear baritone voice. He had
grown more dignified over the years.
Rev. Badmus passed the baton to him
a few years before he passed on and
together with Caroline, he had built

the people stronger than ever,
continuing in the legacy of his father.
Linda walked upstage with a Queenly
majesty. Her smile still bore the peace
and joy that had found a common
place in her life since she entered the
lush place.
In another fifteen minutes, the
atmosphere had shifted and the
whole place was held under a spell
binding weight of God's Glory. Linda
taught clearly and her words pierced
deep into the heart of the women who
had gathered from every walk of life.
She preached the Kingdom and all
manner of healings followed.
These dimensions were characteristic
of her ministry all around the world,
wherever she took the Gospel of
Jesus. Linda was a Global Revivalist,
setting many hearts on fire for God
and raising them to advance the
course of the Kingdom.

As she laid beside her beloved

husband, in the cabin of the cruise
ship they were on for their usual

vacation, Linda took a journey down
memory lane in her mind, back to the
place from whence she had come.
The many bends and turns.
The toils and turmoils.
The waves and the currents.
She could now clearly see the invisible
line that God had drawn. Through the
rough waters, He had guided her this
Her only daughter was on vacation
with them.
She stood at the door of the cabin
and blew Linda a kiss.
"I love you, Mom!"
Linda smiled. The joy that poured
forth from the rivers of God within her
had been triggered by the sight of
this beautiful gift standing before her.
Who would have thought that the
wilderness would become a fruitful
Now, the fruitful field is considered a

Heart Check:
Northward is Godward. Everything
that has happened through the entire

there. The compass 🧭

voyage can be the path that leads
for your
navigation is the decision you make
right now.
It is hard for you to kick against the
pricks. Ride on the current for the
path that leads you home.
He cares not about how messy your
life has been when His Mercy finds
you. You have tried. Can you let Him
take over from here? The winds and
the sea obeys Him, for He is the Prince
of Peace.
PRAYER: LORD Jesus, I decide to let
You into every area of my life. Rule and
reign in me. I am tired of riding
against the current when it is my
destiny to use the wind to my
advantage. Get aboard and sort the
contrary wind. With you on my ship,
the cruise will be safe. Price of Peace,
be the King of my heart.


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