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Good morning, everyone, I am Marian and I will be presenting group 3’s group activity today.

The title of our activity is favorite son and despised brother based on genesis chapter 37 verse 1 to 11. The
summary of this chapter is, Jacob (Israel) settles in the land of Canaan, where his father Isaac had lived. When
Israel’s son Joseph is 17 years old, he works alongside the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah as a shepherd. One day
Joseph brings his father a bad report of his brothers’ work. Joseph is Israel’s favorite son, and he gives him a
long robe, and when Joseph’s brothers see it, they hate him.

So, what caused the broken relationship between Joseph and his brothers? Joseph’s half-brothers were
jealous of him because Joseph was the favorite of his father Jacob. Jacob (Israel) was the father of a troubled
family. With four sons from different mothers living and working together, there was a lot of rivalry and
competition. However, Jacob had a clear favorite - Joseph, who was the son of his old age.

These are some examples of how that kind of situation could happen today

Our first example is, when a student forces his mother to buy what he wants for him is a cool item that he just
saw and discovered from his classmate earlier at class. He is jealous and envious because of what his classmate

Our second example is, when one coworker is jealous about the talents of another employee.

Our last example is, a husband and wife who has three daughters. The first and third daughters are consistent
honor students, while the middle child is an average student. The parents keep on comparing her to the other
daughters. They want her to be just like them and whenever the two daughters need something, they instantly
provide their needs, while the middle child is just being ignored. The husband and wife have favoritism
towards their daughters.

So how could the broken relationship be restored,

For the First Situation, the mother must teach and tell her child that not everything he wants will be given to
him, he must learn to wait, and if his mother won’t really buy him something that he wants, he must learn to
accept the truth, and learn not to be jealous of others. He can also make friends with his classmates or other
students because maybe in the future they will become close friends and when his friends have things that he
thinks are cool, he will also have an opportunity to try those things that's because they consider him as their

For the Second Situation, He should stop his jealousy and instead be proud of his fellow employee. He should
talk to the person he is jealous of and genuinely befriend him, in that way he might be given tips on how his
co-employee can do such things and they might also become good friends in the future.

For the Third Situation, It can be restored by being fair to their daughters, communicating with them properly
on what they feel about their unfair treatment to them/her, also having a family bonding together and being
sorry for what they did.

That is the end of our presentation, I hope you learn something from us, thank you for listening !

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