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IEEE 33 bus system known as IEEE 33 Distribution Network or Distribution Power system is a
distribution network of 33 busses with different impedance data. The distribution generation over the
distribution network has got very importance which is either connected to substation or distribution
feeder some of distribution generation is powered by renewable energy sources. In this question we have
been assigned to find the three-phase fault current in IEEE 33 bus system at bus number 27 also
Provided with the Base Values of 66KV and 100MVA.

Fault studies are an important part of power system analysis. Faults can be defined as the flow of a
massive current through an improper path which could cause enormous equipment damage which will
lead to interruption of power.

The analysis involved the determination of current currents during the Three phase fault. The fault
current may increase beyond the maximum capacity of circuit breakers and fuses. Thus, disturbs the
existing distribution protection system such as protection coordination, false tripping of feeders and
relay mal operation. It occurs infrequently. However, it is the most severe type of fault encountered.
Three phase faults has only a positive- sequence network.

Literature Review

The primary objective of all power systems is to maintain the continuous power supply. During normal
operating conditions, current will flow through all elements of the electrical power system within pre-
designed values which are appropriate to these elements’ ratings. However, natural events such as
lightning, weather, ice, wind, heat, failure in related equipment and many other unpredictable factors
may lead to undesirable situations, and connection between the phases conductors of a transmission lines
or the phase conductors to ground these are mainly named as the faults in power system analysis.

The severity of the fault depends on the short-circuit location, the path taken by fault current, the system
impedance and its voltage level. In order to maintain the continuation of power supply to all customers
which is the core purpose of the power system existence, all faulted parts must be isolated from the
system temporary by the 6 protection schemes. When a fault exists within the relay protection zone at
any transmission line, a signal will trip or open the circuit breaker isolating the faulted line.

Many methods and techniques are used to see the impact of 3 phase fault on the system and to minimize
and avoid 3 phase fault in IEEE 33 bus network.

The previous method used for limiting the fault current by applying the super coding fault current
limiters ,false tripping, and blinding some other methods also proposed that optimal sizing and optimal
location of generation unit help in reducing the fault current.

In this methodology we have analyzed the fault in 26 bus network . The
analyzation is performed by the MATLAB software in Simulink . According to
one line diagram we have simulate the 33 bus network on MATLAB by
keeping given impedances in transmission line .fig 1 shows the impedance
table . generator are using with rating of 100MVA .
▪ Open the Simulink library and model
▪ Take the generator , buses , and transmission line from the Simulink library
▪ Set the given impedances in transmission line .
▪ Take the fault block from Simulink library and give pulse to fault block
▪ Develop the model
▪ Analyze the model.

Following waveform shows the status of the bus system before fault, one could see the obvious results
as predicted by the non-faulty system.

Ones getting familiar with the desired waveforms, we can easily go for fault assertion and compare the
outcomes in the shape of waveforms. Of course, the faults would enable system to go mal function for
time being until the system is fully restored.



After the fault is introduced in the twenty sixth number bus, the effect
of three phase fault or instability can be seen in the waveform above.
The voltage becomes zero (0V) and calculated Fault current is
approximately 10A.

The fundamental objective of the power system is to maintain the continuous supply if fault occurs in
the power system, then it causes power outage or any unwanted events. These outages cause the delay in
power restoration and its ultimate effect falls on the customer. Since these faults are removable,
therefore, it becomes necessity for us to understand the extent of the losses during these faults. As seen
in bus 26 fault event.

In this report, simulation of the bus network, with impedance data given and the base values as chosen,
has investigated. And the result is that at bus 26, the voltage after the fault will be zero and severe
current will flow from the network, that may destroy the network.

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