Sofia Nurul Azpia - 44221010008 - Jawaban English Module 2 Session 15

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Name : Sofia Nurul Azpia

NIM :44221010008
The Answer of Module English 2 Session 15
cm e the best sentence to complete each cenversatiozu
j.g 7. A B Sure. What can 1 do for
you? B Yes. I did.
a. I want to buy a book. •. Did m meet ariy•na int•restt f
b. can you help me* b. who did you meet?
e. Can i help you? R. I’m going to stey for two days.
d. what Can you do * d. Did anybody lRtH t you?

2, A Thanka!
8. A Tell me more!
b. Yes, there is. a. Clothing! T’m gotng Co chill OUt.

c. Yes, that’s fat.

d. Maybe a little longer.
d. Across tke streets
Are there any restaurants
9. A Wttat are you gping to do
around here?
next month?

a. Hn, eorry, there arena.

b. No, sorry, aren't,
b. Where do they 1Ive7
c. Yes, i did.
d. Sure, there oren’t.
d. Really? Wowl

B There's a bank down the street.

a. Where can I watch a movie?
b. can i change money* b. How long are you going to stay?
c. Hew did ynti take the train?
d. Down the 8treet*
d. I just bought a ouch.

fl Thanks. I was on vncatiDfl

B He’s going to go to echeol in Dailas.
a. Where did he go?

b. We went to a great restaurant. c. 'nen ig he going to got

c, were you on vacation last
d. Are there any schools around here?
12. A How \ong are you gPing to stay*

c. Pbtteo I
g we had an awesome dme.
c. hey! No claseez next week!

c. Did he go an vacatiw'
d. zt'e a greac place.
load the tmt. lmle ttte best ansoero.

Dear nrt and

Were hcdng a great vacatiorsf Rat now. I"m in en Internet cde n Palma,
the calzital c!tY Wjorca Is a beautiful is\arxl, and there's » lot to see and do.
Our h0t€l is fantcstiC) ft f@’t n the city—k's rlght next to the beath. To get
to our hotel we taoL a limoufine front th8 * •!! day
airport. Tkat was s esor«el After we arriwd at the hotel,
w set
was on thebul then w lost our zraaney m the beach. Tint'S Qtr W¥ Tl›at
relaxing, dldn't he Any
money No we changed some at the hotet, ¥r*d we aren't going to lose afg'th!fig
In Palma, we met Some yery interesting $pmish people, and yestwdag Lh }/ IQW or
four moMntcf
a b••through the mountains. •or lunch. we stopped at a great
restaurant '^ ’ ns
bacL to th hotel
Tomorrow' ure're going t• we!L you •d PBfMd. 7fIeF0’5 8
beau\lful cathedml that we want to dsil. Thm ^^ * weekend,
we’re goifig to rent a $ports Cat atid & ive around ’“
island. Did you Leos that the actor Catherine Zeta•}ories
h•s ^ house here? \ e went !• had itJ
See you not ae«k

j. Wbere is 9ozzia'9 kotel? 6 Wbet did tbey do yeste¥d8 ? *

e. They ate at a cafe an fb• beach

y what aze they gotng to do tomorto'

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