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The presentation will let you inform or know about the pest management that
comprises with questions like, what?, where?, when?, how? and why? This way I
could let you understanding what should be the expectations or predictions when
managing pest in your areas. However, the presentation will only focuses in a hotel
and restaurant industry or field.

“What is Pest Management?” It is a strategic efforts in an attempt to completely
eradicate or eliminate the pest in every human activities. Human activities in the
field of agriculture, in a household and in every businesses, more especially in the
hotel and restaurant industry. The common pest that needs to eliminate are mouse,
cockroaches, ants and insect.

“Where Do Pest Infest?” Pests can be anywhere or somewhere that is dirty and
unclean or maybe not. Somewhere humans do their activities and also in foods and
waste foods. This somewhere could be usually in the kitchen or working areas,
storerooms, raw foods and waste foods and in the bins or garbage bins.

“ When Do Pest Infest ?” Pest infest when the working areas and storerooms are
uncleaned and unsanitized, storerooms are damaged, raw food is damaged and
waste food.
“When to Eradicate Pest?” It could be anytime when pest are obviously seen in the
areas stated above or from the previous slide. The management of the organization
must also implement a once or twice a month pest control to monitor and control
the invasion of pests.

“How To Eradicate Pest” A strategic ways on how to manage pest in your areas and
in to your foods. We could always apply the saying “prevention is better than cure”
in this area.
1. Be picky when buying raw foods.
2. Wash hands when handling raw foods.
3. Never store purchased food in a pest infested room.
4. Discard immediately the pest infested foods.
5. Clean and sanitize the storerooms and working areas.
6. Spraying with limited use of pesticide.
“Steps on Pest Control”. The possible effective procedures that will positively
eliminate pest in your areas.
1. Investigate the problem.
- nature of the problem
- cause and effect of the problem
2. Provide precautionary measures.
3. Spray!
1. Call professionals that eliminates pest. To make sure that it is safe and
securely eradicate the pest. It is better to call professional pest controller because
they have standards and they know what kind of pesticide to use.

“Why Should We Manage Pests?” A lot reasons why we should eliminate pest in
our areas and it includes the following:
1. Prevention of illnesses and diseases.
2. Prevent spoliation of raw foods.
3. Saves Money and Time.
4. Damages of Structures.

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