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Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 175–183

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Probabilistic estimation of ground condition and construction cost

for mountain tunnels
Zhenchang Guan a,b,⇑, Tao Deng a, Yujing Jiang b,c, Cheng Zhao d, Hongwei Huang d
College of Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China
State Key Laboratory of Mine Disaster Prevention and Control, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266510, China
Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki 852-8521, Japan
College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An innovative methodology for the probabilistic estimation of ground condition and construction cost is
Received 28 November 2013 proposed in this article, which is an integration of the geology prediction approach based on Markov pro-
Received in revised form 13 January 2014 cess and the cost variance analysis based on work breakdown structure. The former one provides the
Accepted 27 February 2014
probabilistic description of ground classification along tunnel alignment according to the geology infor-
Available online 25 March 2014
mation revealed from boring holes. The latter one provides the probabilistic description of expected cost
for each interested operation according to the survey feedbacks among practitioners. Then an engineering
application to Chuanshi Tunnel is well presented to demonstrate how the ground condition and the con-
Mountain tunnel
Geology prediction approach
struction cost are estimated in a quantitative and probabilistic way. It facilitates both the owners and the
Markov process contractors to be aware of the risk they should carry before construction, and it is meaningful for both
Cost variance analysis tendering and bidding.
Work breakdown structure Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction On the other hand, variance in direct-cost is the secondary

source of uncertainty in the construction of mountain tunnels.
Geological condition is the primary source of uncertainty in the The construction cost is generally divided into direct-cost (i.e.
construction of mountain tunnels. The construction cost and peri- labor, material and machinery) and indirect-cost (e.g. overhead,
od fluctuate dramatically corresponding to the varying geological tax and so on). The indirect-cost has little variance in tunnel con-
conditions, and both the owner and the contractor are facing with struction, while the direct-cost is often influenced by the market
huge risks of cost overspending and period delaying. Therefore, fluctuation, as well as the different proficiency of working skill.
many hard methods and soft methods have been employed to mit- The construction cost can be estimated roughly from historical
igate the geology-related uncertainty during survey, design and data (Rostami et al., 2013; Paraskevopoulou and Benardos, 2013),
construction phases. Hard methods, such as subsurface boring, or on the other hand, be analyzed directly based on work break-
pilot drilling and advanced geophysical prospecting, utilize down structure (Jung and Woo, 2004; Chua and Godinot, 2006;
in situ equipments to detect the geology information in some spe- Jung and Kang, 2007; Chen, 2008). And some norms and quotas
cific locations along the tunnel alignment (Alimoradi et al., 2008; have been regulated to specify the average level of direct-cost in
Kuroda et al., 2009; Lee et al., 2010; Carrière et al., 2013). Soft tunnel construction.
methods, such as time series approach, neural network approach Based on these achievements presented above, an innovative
and random process approach, utilize mathematical models to pre- methodology, which is an integration of the geology prediction ap-
dict the geology information in a continuous and dynamic way proach based on Markov process and the cost variance analysis
along the tunnel alignment (Ioannou, 1987; Jeon et al., 2005; Ching based on work breakdown structure, is proposed in this article to
and Chen, 2007; Leu and Adi, 2011; Guan et al., 2012). These hard estimate the ground condition and construction cost in a quantita-
and soft methods are developed complementarily, and many tive and probabilistic way. The geology prediction approach, which
successful engineering applications have been well reported. is mainly referred to Ioannou (1987) and Guan et al. (2012), is
briefly presented in Section 2. The cost variance analysis, which
is mainly referred to MTPRC (2007), is briefly presented in
⇑ Corresponding author at: College of Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University,
Fuzhou 350108, China. Tel.: +86 13960757102.
Section 3. Then an engineering application to Chuangshi Tunnel
E-mail addresses:, (Z. Guan). in Songjian Expressway is well presented in Section 4.
0886-7798/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
176 Z. Guan et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 175–183

2. Geology prediction approach based on Markov process intensity matrix A. Then according to Bayes’ theorem, the posterior
interval transition probability matrix V’(tn–tq) is updated by Eq. (6),
2.1. Single geological parameter as a continuous-space discrete-state when a certain observation result k is revealed at location tn.
Markov process
V 0 ¼ ½v 0ij ; where v 0ij ¼ Pn ij jk for a certain observation
The spatial variability of a single geologic parameter can be de- j¼1 v ij ljk

scribed by the transition in or out of its states, each of which has a result k at a new location ð6Þ
certain length of persistence. Therefore, a single geologic parame- 0
Then the posterior transition intensity matrix A , which reflects
ter can be regarded as a random process X(t), whose state probabil-
the ‘‘average’’ transition probability and the ‘‘average’’ transition
ity is a function of location t. In practice, Markov process with its
intensity coefficient within the interval from location tn to location
distinguishing characteristic of one-step memory is often em-
tq, can be computed inversely by Eq. (7).
ployed to describe this random process. The continuous-space dis-
crete-state Markov process for a single geological parameter is log V 0 ðt n  t q Þ
A0 ¼ ð7Þ
completely determined by its transition intensity matrix A, as tn  tq
shown in Eq. (1).
( With the updated transition intensity matrix A0 , one can infer
ci ; i¼j the state probability at any interested location tz within the inter-
A ¼ ½aij ; where aij ¼ i; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . n ð1Þ val from location tn to location tq, just by using Eqs. (3) and (4)
ci pij ; i–j
In the above, transition probability pij is the probability that the
next state of X will be j given the present state is i; transition inten- 2.3. Ground condition as a function of 4 geological parameters
sity coefficient ci is the expected distance over which the parame-
ter X will remain in a particular state i. As presented above, the state probability for a single geological
The probabilistic behavior of a Markov process X(t) over interval parameter can be described by Markov process and updated by
is defined by the interval transition probability matrix V, as shown Bayes’ theorem. In practice, however, the ground condition is clas-
in Eq. (2). Due to the one-step memory characteristic, the interval sified into grades according to the different combination of several
transition probability matrix V satisfies the Kolmogorov differen- geological parameters. As one example, the BQ system specified by
tial equation, and thus can be linked with its transition intensity Chinese Codes for Design of Road Tunnel (2004) is presented in
matrix A by Eq. (3). Appendix A.
In accordance with the BQ system, 4 geological parameters are
V ¼ ½v ij ; where v ij ¼ P½Xðtz Þ ¼ jjXðtq Þ ¼ i ð2Þ selected and described by the Markov processes independently in
this article. Rock hardness (H) corresponds to the parameter of Rc
Vðt z  t q Þ ¼ eðtz tq ÞA ; ð3Þ (uniaxial compression strength) in BQ system. Index 1 or 2 denotes
that the revealed intact rock is relatively hard or relatively soft.
If the state probability at location tq is known and denoted as
Joint intensity (I) partially corresponds to the parameter of Kv (coef-
row vector ~ s(tq), one can infer the state probability at new location
ficient of integrity) in BQ system. Index 1, 2 or 3 denotes that the
tz by Eq. (4).
joint number accounted within unit area is relatively less, medium
sðt z Þ ¼ ~
sðt q ÞVðtz  t q Þ ð4Þ or relatively more. Joint quality (Q) partially corresponds to the
parameters of Kv and K2 (occurrence of major joint) in BQ system.
As presented above, a Markov process is totally determined by Index 1, 2 or 3 denotes that the joint quality revealed is relatively
its transition intensity matrix A. In general, the estimation of pij good, medium or relatively poor. Water content (C) corresponds
and ci can be accomplished by either subjective assessment or sta- to the parameter of K1 (inflow of underground water) in BQ system.
tistical procedure. If the geology profile along tunnel alignment Index 1 or 2 denotes that the location revealed is relatively dry or
and the geology map for a large area are available, ci can be esti- relatively humid. Notice that, the indices of geological parameters
mated by computing the inverse of average length of each state i, merely describe the relative relationships and should be defined
while pij can be estimated by computing the ratio between the case by case. The definitions of 4 geological parameters presented
number of transitions from states i to j and the total number of above provide one good example, which is employed in the engi-
transitions out of state i. neering application of Chuanshi Tunnel (see details in Section 4).
After the definition of 4 geological parameters, a geology table
2.2. Bayesian updating for transition intensity matrix should be established to specify which kinds of geological param-
eter combination belong to which grade of ground condition. As
The likelihood matrix L for a particular exploration method at a consequence, the ground condition can be regarded as a function
certain location is defined by Eq. (5), where ljk denotes the likeli- totally determined by these 4 geological parameters. Notice again
hood of observation result k given that the true parameter state that, the definition of geology table is also case by case, one good
is j. The likelihood matrix L reflects the engineers’ confidence about example is presented in the engineering application of Chuanshi
the observation results. In generally, it is assessed subjectively and Tunnel (see details in Section 4). When the probabilistic character-
varies from different exploration methods and different locations. istic of each geological parameter is determined, the state proba-
bility of ground condition can be calculated in accordance with
L ¼ ½ljk ; where ljk ¼ P½Yðt b Þ ¼ kjXðtb Þ ¼ j ð5Þ the geology table.
When new geological information is available (e.g. a new face
logging or a new boring hole is revealed), the interval transition 3. Cost variance analysis based on work breakdown structure
probability matrix V should be updated sequentially according to
this new information. Suppose that a new location tn is revealed to- 3.1. The work breakdown structure due to budgetary norms
wards the direction of a known location tq. Considering the interval
from location tn to location tq, the prior interval transition probabil- Since the indirect-cost has little variance, only the direct-cost is
ity matrix V(tn–tq) is calculated by Eq. (3), using the prior transition focused in this article and abbreviated as cost henceforth. In
Z. Guan et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 175–183 177

practice, the cost is often analyzed by the work breakdown struc- Table 1
ture, which is a hierarchical grouping of project component, and Cost analysis for excavating & mucking of 100 m3 rock/soil mass.

each descending level represents an increasing detailed definition Detail accounts Unit Grade III Grade IV Grade V
about the project components. The work breakdown structure Labor work Manday 50.9 63.1 64.5
varies significantly from different project (e.g. bridge, tunnel, sub-
Wood m3 0.024 0.022 0.021
grade, and pavement) and different purpose (e.g. cost, schedule Sawn timber m3 0.022 0.020 0.019
and quality). According to the budgetary norms of highway project Steel drill kg 10.8 6.4 4.0
in China (MTPRC, 2007), a typical work breakdown structure con- Alloy bit (<U50 mm) Piece 5.0 3.0 2.0
sisting of 3 hierarchies is illustrated in Fig. 1. One mountain tunnel Iron nail kg 0.2 0.2 0.2
Iron wire kg 2.1 1.9 1.8
project is divided into 4 divisions, which are further subdivided Ammonium nitrate explosive kg 98.5 76.7 30.5
into 22, 3, 7 and 13 operations respectively. The cost for each oper- Non-electronic detonator Piece 113 84 53
ation is then carefully analyzed, as one example about the exca & Detonating cord m3 60 53 53
muck operation is expatiated in Table 1. Water m3 25 25 25
To excavating & mucking 100 m3 rock/soil mass of Grade V, it Other material Yuan 26.7 18.5 8.7
needs 64.5 manday labor work, 4.0 kg steel drill, 30.5 kg ammo- Air-leg driller Shift 6.79 3.56 4.65
Air compressor (<20 m3/min) Shift 1.48 1.13 1.30
nium nitrate explosive, 0.35 shift wheel loader and so on. The base
Wheel loader (<2 m3) Shift 0.45 0.35 0.35
prices for every kind of labor, material and machinery are also reg- Dump truck (<12 t) Shift 1.21 0.93 0.93
ulated by the norms, so that the base price of the exca & muck Small apparatus Yuan 108.8 57.7 74.4
operation (Grade V) is summed up to 5649 Yuan. By the similar Base price Yuan 5858 5703 5649
means, the base prices of all operations can be regulated, as some
of them are presented in Section 4.

3.2. The cost variance ordinate are scaled in this figure. They are divided and multiplied
by the base price of 5649 respectively, so that the peak of PDF al-
The base price regulated by the budgetary norms only reflects ways occurs at the abscissa of one and the integral of PDF always
the ‘‘average’’ level during a certain period and within a certain re- comes out to one. The scaling technique is important, which signif-
gion. In practice, the cost variance always occurs due to the price icantly facilitates the superposition among different PDFs. By the
fluctuation of labor, material and machinery among markets, as similar means, the PDFs of expected prices for all interested oper-
well as the different working proficiency among contractors. ations can be estimated, as some of them are presented in
Therefore, some questionnaire surveys, which contain the work Section 4.
breakdown structure and the base prices of some interested oper-
ations, are carried out to ask the practitioners for their expected 4. Engineering application
prices. From these feedbacks, one can simply estimate the cost var-
iance of each operation by triangular distribution. According to the Base on the geology prediction approach presented in Section 2
triangular distribution, the probabilistic distribution function and the cost variance analysis presented in Section 3, it is now pos-
(PDF) of expected price can be expressed by Eq. (8), where b is sible to combine these two achievements together and estimate
the base price from budgetary norms, a and c are the minimum the ground condition and construction cost in a quantitative and
and maximum expected prices among respondents. The triangular probabilistic way.
distribution is employed here for simplicity, one can establish
more proper distribution if enough information and statistical data 4.1. Outline of Chuangshi Tunnel
are available.
8 The Chuangshi Tunnel in Songjian expressway, which is located
< 2ðxaÞ
x 2 ½a; b in northern Fujian Province of China, is a separate road tunnel with
f ðxÞ ¼ ð8Þ
: 2ðxcÞ
x 2 ½b; c 4 lanes in up-line & down-line totally. The geology profile along
Chuangshi Tunnel alignment, as illustrated in Fig. 3, is obtained
Taking the exca & muck operation (Grade V) for example, the from surface geophysical prospecting and subsurface boring explo-
minimum and maximum expected prices among respondents are ration. The ground covered by eluvial soil of 2–20 m deep consists
5500 Yuan and 6000 Yuan respectively, so that the PDF of expected of tuff and phyllite in general, and there exists a fault about 40 m
price is depicted in Fig. 2. Notice that, both the abscissa and the wide beneath the valley.

mountain tunnel

Level tunnel body tunnel portal auxiliary gallery installation

Operation excavating small pipe steel rock shotcrete cast-in-place

Level mucking forepoling bracing bolt lining concrete

Fig. 1. The work breakdown structure for cost analysis in mountain tunnels.
178 Z. Guan et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 175–183

25 base price Corresponding to the definitions of 4 geological parameters,

there exists a total of 36 possible combinations (i.e. geology vec-
tor), which are further classified into three ground conditions as
20 shown in Table 4. Notice that, the definition of geology table is also
for exca & muck operation (Grade V)
base price=5649 case by case, which is partially referred to Chinese codes for Design
of Road Tunnel (2004) and partially subjected to engineers’ experi-

ence about Chuangshi Tunnel.
minimun maximun
expected price expected price
10 4.2.2. Prior transition intensity matrixes and likelihood matrixes
The prior transition intensity matrixes of 4 geological parame-
ters, as listed in Table 5, are calculated mainly referring to the geol-
ogy map in a larger area and partially referring to the design &
construction documents of other similar projects.
0 The likelihood matrixes of 4 geological parameters, as listed in
0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 Table 6, parameter are subjectively estimated from the engineers’
Expected price experience (not constrained in the engineering instance of Chuang-
shi Tunnel). The likelihood matrixes reflecting the engineers’ con-
Fig. 2. Triangular probabilistic distribution function of expected price.
fidence about the observation results are different from location
to location in general, for simplification however, they are assumed
constant throughout the whole tunnel alignment.
Analogy method is employed during design phase, and different
lining patterns and forepoling patterns are selected corresponding 4.2.3. Probabilities of ground classification at the locations of boring
to different ground conditions, as described in Table 2. As exam- holes
ples, the lining pattern Z4-0 and the forepoling pattern F3 are de- Taking the location of 2# boring hole as example, the observa-
picted in Fig. 4 (TPDIFP, 2009). tion results of 4 geological parameters come out as (1 3 3 2).
The 764 m long tunnel is constructed by the New Austrian Tun- According to the likelihood matrixes, the state probabilities of 4
neling Method. The top-heading excavation is employed consis- geological parameters are computed firstly, which are then used
tently throughout the whole tunnel, and the excavation length of to compute the probabilities of 36 geology vectors. Finally sum-
each cycle ranges from 1 m to 3 m according to different ground ming up those geology vectors belonging to the same ground con-
conditions. The construction of Chuangshi Tunnel began in January dition, the probability of ground classification at the location of
2010 and finished in July 2011, and the construction monitoring BH2 turns out as: 0.026 in Grade III, 0.215 in Grade IV and 0.759
(including tunnel convergence monitoring, face logging and ad- in Grade V. Similarly, the probabilities of ground classification at
vanced geophysical prospecting) was carried out by the authors’ other locations of boring holes can be calculated in the same
workgroup. way, as listed in Table 7.

4.2.4. Probabilities of ground classification within the interval of two

4.2. Probabilistic description of ground classification boring holes
Regarding BH2 as ‘‘known’’ location and BH1 as ‘‘new’’ location,
4.2.1. Definitions of geological parameters and geology table the probabilities of ground classification within the interval from
According to the geology information revealed from 7 boring BH1 to BH2 can be estimated by the following procedures. (1)
holes as well as the geology profile along tunnel alignment, the For the geological parameter of rock hardness, according to the
indices of rock hardness (H), joint intensity (I), joint quality (Q) observation results at location BH2 and location BH1, the posterior
and water content (C) are defined subjectively, which have been transition intensity matrix is calculated by using Eqs. (3), (6), and
presented in Section 2. Table 3 shows the indices of 4 geological (7) sequently. Then with the updated transition intensity matrix,
parameters at the locations of 7 boring holes the state probability of rock hardness at any location within the

Fig. 3. The geology profile along Chuangshi Tunnel alignment.

Z. Guan et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 175–183 179

Table 2
The lining patterns and the forepoling patterns.

Pattern Description Usage

Lining Z5-1 First lining (shotcrete with 24 cm thick and U6 wire mesh, I18 section steel with 0.5 m spacing); radial bolt In Grade V condition with shallow
(U25 grouted hollow pipe with 3.5 m long, 1.0 m spacing and ± 120° azimuth); second lining with invert cover
(reinforcement concrete with 45 cm thick);
Z5-0 First lining (the same with Z5-1 but with sparser spacing of 0.7 m); radial bolt (the same with Z5-1); second In Grade V condition with deep
lining with invert (the same with Z5-1 but with less reinforcement ratio); cover
Z4-1 First lining (shotcrete with 20 cm thick and U6 wire mesh, grid steel with 0.7 m spacing); radial bolt (U22 In Grade IV condition with shallow
grouted rebar with 3.0 m long, 1.2 m spacing and ± 75° azimuth); second lining with invert (reinforcement cover
concrete with 40 cm thick);
Z4-0 First lining (shotcrete with 18 cm thick and U6 wire mesh, grid steel with 1.0 m spacing); radial bolt (the In Grade IV condition with deep
same with Z4-1); second lining without invert (plain concrete with 35 cm thick); cover
Z3-0 First lining (shotcrete with 10 cm thick and U6 wire mesh); radial bolt (U22 grouted rebar with 2.5 m long, in Grade III condition with deep
1.2 m spacing and ± 60° azimuth); second lining without invert (plain concrete with 30 cm thick); cover
Forepoling F1 Arch cover (plain concrete with 30 cm thick and expansion footing); grouted pipe roof (U108 steel tube with In tunnel entrance with Grade V
40 m long, 35 pieces in one section with 0.54 m spacing); condition
F2 Grouted small pipe (U50 steel pipe with 5.0 m long, 35 pieces in one section with 0.54 m spacing, inclined In Grade V condition
angle of 15°, one section every 2.8 m along tunnel axial direction);
F3 Grouted rockbolt (U22 rebar with 5.0 m long, 35 pieces in one section with 0.54 m spacing, inclined angle of In Grade IV condition that is closely
15°, one section every 3.0 m along tunnel axial direction) adjacent to Grade V

Fig. 4. Schematic representation of (a) lining pattern Z4-0 and (b) forepoling pattern F3.

Table 3
The indices of 4 geological parameters at the locations of 7 boring holes. 4.2.5. Probabilities of ground classification along tunnel alignment
The probabilities of ground classification within other intervals
No. Position (H) (I) (Q) (W)
are obtained by the same means, so that the probabilities of ground
BH1 ZK57 + 064 2 3 3 2 classification along the whole tunnel alignment are depicted in
BH2 ZK57 + 140 1 3 3 2
Fig. 5. The areas below blue-line and above red-line denote the
BH3 ZK57 + 264 1 1 1 1
BH4 ZK57 + 448 2 2 1 1 probabilities of grade V and grade III respectively, while the area
BH5 ZK57 + 536 2 2 3 2 between these two lines denotes the probability of grade IV. Dur-
BH6 ZK57 + 704 1 2 3 2 ing design phase, the ground condition is classified in a determin-
BH7 ZK57 + 828 2 3 3 2 istic way, whose result is also depicted in the top of Fig. 5 for
comparison. They agree with each other basically, but the ground
classification estimated by the probabilistic means provides a
interval can be calculated by using Eqs. (3) and (4) sequently. (2) smooth transition from one ground condition to another.
The state probabilities of other 3 parameters at any location within
the interval can also be calculated in the same way. (3) In 4.3. Quantities and expected prices of interested operations
accordance with the geology table, the probabilities of ground clas-
sification at any location within the interval can be calculated now, 4.3.1. Quantities of interested operations
just as they have been done at the locations of boring hole. The work breakdown structure specified by budgetary norms
Regarding BH1 as ‘‘known’’ location and BH2 as ‘‘new’’ location, divides the mountain tunnel project into 4 divisions and 45 oper-
the procedures presented above are repeated again. Taking the ations in maximum. However, some operations are not used in
average of them, the probabilities of ground classification within Chuangshi Tunnel and some operations have no relations to the
the interval of two boring holes are finally determined. ground condition. Therefore, only 8 operations that are closely
180 Z. Guan et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 175–183

Table 4 shown in Table 1, while the others are not listed in this article.
The geology table of Chuangshi tunnel. However, the base price only reflects the ‘‘average’’ level during a
Ground condition Geology vector Geological parameter certain period and within a certain region. In practice the price al-
(GC) (GV) (H) (I) (Q) (W) ways varies dynamically due to the market fluctuation of labor,
material and machinery, as well as the different working profi-
Grade III GV01 1 1 1 1
GV02 1 1 1 2
ciency. Therefore, 10 questionnaires are distributed to the manag-
GV03 1 2 1 1 ers of engineering department or finical department, 6 on behalves
GV04 1 2 1 2 of contractors’ standpoint and 4 on behalves of owners’ standpoint,
GV05 1 3 1 1 to ask for their minimum and maximum expected prices of these 8
GV06 1 1 2 1
operations. The work breakdown structure and the detail accounts
GV07 1 1 2 2
GV08 1 2 2 1 for each operation are also presented to the respondents, and only
GV09 1 1 3 1 the direct-cost is focused in the questionnaire survey. From their
GV10 2 1 1 1 feedbacks, the minimum and maximum expected prices of these
Grade IV GV11 1 3 1 2 8 operations (18 subitems) are also listed in Table 9.
GV12 1 2 2 2
GV13 1 3 2 1
GV14 1 3 2 2
4.4. Probabilistic estimation of construction cost
GV15 1 1 3 2
GV16 1 2 3 1 4.4.1. Cost variance of single operation (subitem)
GV17 2 1 1 2 Corresponding to the minimum and maximum expected prices
GV18 2 2 1 1
listed in Table 9, the PDFs of expected cost for all operations (subi-
GV19 2 2 1 2
GV20 2 3 1 1 tems) can be established by using Eq. (8) respectively. As examples,
GV21 2 1 2 1 the PDFs of expected cost for operations (subitems) of exca & muck
GV22 2 1 2 2 in Grade IV, rebar rockbolt, steel grid and shotcrete are depicted in
GV23 2 2 2 1 Fig. 6 respectively.
GV24 2 2 2 2
GV25 2 1 3 1
Grade V GV26 1 2 3 2
4.4.2. Cost variance of single pattern
GV27 1 3 3 1 Taking lining pattern Z4-0 for example, it needs 6 operations (7
GV28 1 3 3 2 subitems): 0.819 unit of exca & muck in Grade IV, 0.112 unit of re-
GV29 2 3 1 2 bar rockbolt, 0.462 unit of steel grid, 0.421 unit of shotcrete and so
GV30 2 3 2 1
on. Referring to the base cost of each operation (or subitem), the
GV31 2 3 2 2
GV32 2 1 3 2 base cost of lining pattern Z4-0 per linear meter is summed up
GV33 2 2 3 1 by: 0.819  5703 + 0.112  8345 + 0.462  6521 + 0.421  5564 +
GV34 2 2 3 2 . . .. . . = 19,680, and the weight of each operation (subitem) taken
GV35 2 3 3 1 in this pattern can also be calculated. Then superposing these PDFs
GV36 2 3 3 2
by their weights, the PDF of expected cost for lining pattern Z4-0
per linear meter can be calculated and depicted in Fig. 7. By the

related to the ground condition are focused in this article, and the Table 7
quantities of these 8 operations per linear meter in 5 lining pattern The probabilities of ground classification at the locations of 7 boring holes.
and 3 forepoling pattern are listed in Table 8. Notice that, each
No. Position Probability of ground classification
operation includes 2 or 3 subitems in different units, and different
BH1 ZK57 + 064 0.002/0.057/0.941
lining or forepoling patterns need different quantities.
BH2 ZK57 + 140 0.026/0.215/0.759
BH3 ZK57 + 264 0.952/0.043/0.005
BH4 ZK57 + 448 0.148/0.778/0.074
4.3.2. Expected prices of interested operations
BH5 ZK57 + 536 0.005/0.212/0.783
The base prices of these 8 operations (including 18 subitems) BH6 ZK57 + 704 0.016/0.719/0.265
are listed in Table 9, which are extracted from the budgetary BH7 ZK57 + 828 0.002/0.057/0.941
norms. The detail accounts for exca & muck operation have been

Table 5
The prior transition intensity matrixes of 4 geological parameters.

For rock hardness: AH For joint intensity: AI For joint quality: AQ For water content: AC
0.0027 0.0018 0.0009 0.0053 0.0036 0.0018
0.0090 0.0090 0.0024 0.0048 0.0024 0.0025 0.0050 0.0025 0.0080 0.0080
0.0041 0.0041 0.0026 0.0054 0.0080 0.0026 0.0054 0.0080 0.0089 0.0089

Table 6
The likelihood matrixes of 4 geological parameters.

For rock hardness: LH For joint intensity: LI For joint quality: LQ For water content: LC
0.8 0.15 0.05 0.8 0.15 0.05
0.95 0.05 0.15 0.7 0.15 0.15 0.7 0.15 0.9 0.1
0.05 0.95 0.05 0.15 0.8 0.05 0.15 0.8 0.1 0.9
Z. Guan et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 175–183 181


60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840
Probability of ground classification





60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840

BH1 BH2 BH3 Location (m) BH4 BH5 BH6 BH7

(2 3 3 2) (1 3 3 2) (1 1 1 1) (2 2 1 1) (2 2 3 2) (2 2 2 2) (2 3 3 2)

Fig. 5. The probabilities of ground classification along tunnel alignment.

Table 8
The quantities of operations (subitems) per linear meter in different patterns.

No. Operation (subitem) Unit Z5-1 Z5-0 Z4-1 Z4-0 Z3-0 F1 F2 F3

1 Exca & muck Grade III 100 m3 0.784
Grade IV 100 m3 0.944 0.819
Grade V 100 m3 0.999 0.999
2 Rockbolt Rebar bolt 1t 0.112 0.112 0.068 0.176
Hollow bolt 100 m 0.805 0.805
3 Steel bracing Section steel 1t 1.747 1.248
Steel grid 1t 0.672 0.462
4 Shotcrete lining Shotcrete 10 m3 0.856 0.856 0.477 0.421 0.185
Wire mesh 1t 0.049 0.049 0.042 0.041 0.027
5 Umbrella pipe roof Steel pipe 10 m 3.500
Concrete arch 10 m3 3.657
6 Small pipe forepoling Steel pipe 100 m 0.589
Cement mortar 10 m3 0.400
7 Cast-in-place concrete lining Wall & crown 10 m3 1.123 1.123 0.997 0.820 0.704
Invert 10 m3 0.417 0.417 0.370
Rebar 1t 1.142 0.829 0.826
8 Water proofing Plate & cloth 100 m2 0.470 0.470 0.465 0.464 0.461
Water-proof strip 10 m 2.349 2.349 2.335 2.272 2.272

Table 9
The base prices, minimum expected prices and maximum expected prices of operations (subitems).

No. Operation (subitem) Unit Base price Min price Max price
1 Exca & muck Grade III 100 m3 5858 5700 6400
Grade IV 100 m3 5703 5600 6200
Grade V 100 m3 5649 5500 6000
2 Rockbolt Rebar bolt 1t 8345 7200 9600
Hollow bolt 100 m 4564 4000 5200
3 Steel bracing Section steel 1t 5449 5000 6500
Steel grid 1t 6521 6000 7900
4 Shotcrete lining Shotcrete 10 m3 5564 5400 5800
Wire mesh 1t 4735 4500 5000
5 Umbrella pipe roof Steel pipe 10 m 2163 2000 2800
Concrete arch 10 m3 3871 3800 4000
6 Small pipe forepoling Steel pipe 100 m 3134 3000 3900
Cement mortar 10 m3 3700 3600 3900
7 Cast-in-place concrete lining Wall & crown 10 m3 7418 7200 8400
Invert 10 m3 4428 4100 4800
Rebar 1t 4395 4100 4800
8 Water proofing Plate & cloth 100 m2 3183 3100 3300
Water-proof strip 10 m 425 400 500
182 Z. Guan et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 175–183

similar means, the PDFs of expected cost for all 5 lining patterns 16
and 3 forepoling patterns can be established, as some of them for pattern Z3-0
are also depicted in Fig. 7. base cost=13973

4.4.3. Cost variance of single location

Different lining patterns and forepoling patterns are selected for pattern Z4-0
8 base cost=19680
according to different ground conditions, as presented in Table 2.
Taking location ZK57 + 540 for example, the ground condition
for pattern Z5-1
has the probabilities of 0.682/0.314/0.004 in Grade V/Grade IV/ base cost=41522 for pattern F2
Grade III, and the cover depth is relatively deep. As consequence, 4 base cost=3326
it has the probabilities of 0.682/0.314/0.004 to select lining pattern
of Z5-0/Z4-0/Z3-0, and has the probability of 0.682/0.314 to select
forepoling pattern of F2/F3. Then referring to the base cost of each 0
pattern, the base cost of location ZK57 + 540 is summed up by: 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25
0.682  41,522 + 0.314  28,690 + 0.004  13,973 + . . .. . . = 34,490, Expected cost
and the weight of each pattern taken in this location can also be
calculated. Then superposing these PDFs by their weights, the Fig. 7. Probabilistic distribution functions of expected cost for different patterns.
PDF of expected cost for location ZK57 + 540 can be calculated
and depicted in Fig. 8.
Corresponding to the probabilities of ground classification (say 20
Fig. 5) and the principle for pattern selection (say Table 2), the
for location ZK57+068
probabilities of pattern selection along the whole tunnel alignment base cost=62402
can be determined (although not presented here). Then the PDFs of
expected cost for all locations can be established by the similar
means, as some of them are also depicted in Fig. 8. 12

4.4.4. Cost variance of whole tunnel for location ZK57+540

8 for location ZK57+256
base cost=34490
The base cost of whole tunnel is summed up by the base cost of base cost=14882
each location and turns out to be 22346684, and the weight of each
location taken in whole tunnel can also be calculated. Then super- 4

posing the PDFs by their weights, the PDF of expected cost for
whole tunnel can be calculated and depicted in Fig. 9. The mini- 0
mum and maximum expected costs are 0.863 time and 1.291 time 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25
of base cost respectively, but there is a probability of more than 0.9 Expected cost
that the construction cost would fall in the interval from 0.95 time
to 1.10 time of base cost. Fig. 8. Probabilistic distribution functions of expected cost for different locations.
The cost variance is essentially due to two aspects: (1) price
fluctuation among markets and working proficiency among con-
tractors, which is subjectively estimated by questionnaire and re- 18 base cost
flected by the PDFs of expected cost for each operation. (2)
Quantity alteration in pattern selection, which is caused by geology 15
uncertainty and reflected by the probabilities of ground classifica-
tion. Notice again that only the operations that are closely related
to ground condition are taken into account, one can accommodate for Chuangshi Tunnel

base cost=22346684
6 minimun expected cost maximun expected cost
25 =0.863 base cost =1.291 base cost
for shotcrete
base cost=5564 3

15 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30
for exca & muck in Grade IV Expected cost
base cost=5703
10 Fig. 9. Probabilistic distribution functions of expected cost for whole tunnel.
for steel grid
base cost=6521
5 for rebar rockbolt more factors within the framework of proposed methodology, if
base cost=8345
enough data are available.
0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25
5. Conclusions and comments
Expected cost

Fig. 6. Probabilistic distribution functions of expected cost for different operations The innovative methodology, which is an integration of the
(subitems). geology prediction approach based on Markov process and the cost
Z. Guan et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 175–183 183

variance analysis based on work breakdown structure, is proposed Secondly, the modified quality index of rock mass is calculated
in this article. The engineering application to Chuanshi Tunnel in by the following equation.
Songjian Expressway is well presented to demonstrate how the
½BQ ¼ BQ  100ðK 1 þ K 2 þ K 3 Þ ðA4Þ
ground condition and the construction cost are estimated in a
quantitative and probabilistic way. Although in practice, only one The dimensionless correction factors K1, K2 and K3 are related to
kind of lining/forepoling pattern is used at a certain location. The the inflow of underground water, the occurrence of major joint, the
probabilistic estimation of ground condition and construction cost level of in situ stresses. In accord with three specified empirical ta-
does help the owners and the contractors to be aware of the risk bles (not listed here), these factors are estimated empirically
they should carry before construction, which is meaningful for according to the engineers’ assessment.
both tendering and bidding. Finally, the rock mass classifications of Grade I, Grade II, Grade
The innovative methodology presented above could be further III, Grade IV and Grade V, correspond to the modified quality indi-
improved. (1) The geology prediction approach could accommo- ces of >550, 550–451, 450–351, 350–251 and <250.
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