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MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PASE _1_ OF 6 PORT] [aN] STRUCTURES INSPECTION FIELD REPORT [azar 06 ||_awa GONE 816-223, Jsosron 'B16223-AWO-MUN-NBI | 000.000 | A:OPEN | JAN 19, 2022 Jw SEAPORT BLVD |EveLanFwoantey 1996 |” 0000 ‘0000 lwATER FORT POINT CHANNEL {usant Law [cael ii Sy toe Hi" Concrete Castin-Place Varied é¢ BLATIRO, J. MARINT 7 3 = loscx 7 oe | sunsasreverune e_|sunsravcroee = aoa se [7 || We || ero [yw Abutment [oso 7 cea contion | 7 ||| Fontes x ea nn ‘ordencrdems | 5 | MP llc penn [ures [| - | fe 6 || ue x 5 | we “ : S| SS ene u aie 5 | We |l en aries w fsbexsonw | € || M | | remnras «| 5 Wf a | beconatina Fame [6 apes i Psiveoning |W Je Per rn es am ey att Lo] Ee fo: oa cent auton ame: semen ne} ir X) was) Seem) Se) art) Moss) Sra) htt Ay Face Ctl tember: snowmen [#] rane [5 ryoncie: crm [ w anu (ove wee [_eanata0 — PROE_2_ OF 06 TORT NENT 7m STON DATE BOSTON ‘awa [e-te220 | B16229.AWa-MUN-Nal JAN 19, 2022 Toa ; TRaFICTATETT TOY RY Lah Chee i ‘CHANNEL ProreCrION a Ht me ower eo |e ow He (ems Sur @ [w= |[bvsepeen carne | WLW he ‘neninimartisioe [8 [7 |= |fwnicnr rostING ——rovapeess [x] | mero wh ose ele ee (scene [wba | or SHY sconroteg ——(WILNTLN] EN] [penee tn ‘ames |x| [recommend tastng [w][ [w/w | __|ftamecae | (afinAapiionePotcion| 7 |€ | 6 || wwrnsoux (00000000 Jesmur oa {G0D00000 || Pence fa PAganssion el an an |aender Sytem re] we | acne | iwomervoursearrout ¥_|¥ seis ale see | romeo oe |GUEARANCE POSTING. _ Ss PLANS win: | ¥ SAAN PS Ea eae vm (eataocmem | jane Eons oom De) kien) men ek thet 9 en penne [7] ere [7] A | rs sanunvmse osre:[osviiava0 | | tet! eu, Hande on See ern ena eT] ow: [ore] ei er tos sre tans ton 8” Dance = asa | ‘caTEconIES OF OERCIENEES: earner concensus urn Snr eis asa aes trees [Cie ctesl card Deny home date peter te te Re PoE 3 OF 66 [Boston Jawa [5-16-23 [p16223-AWO-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022, BRIDGE ORIENTATION ‘This bridge oriented from wost to east over the Fort Point Channol which Ista GENERAL REMARKS ‘The Evelyn F. Moakley Memorlal Bridge, B-16-223 (AWA), isa five span structure which carries Seaport Bovlevard over the Fort Paint Channel (see photos 1 through 10) “The superstructure consists of two preatroased oanoreto | boam weet proach epane (spans 1 and 2), three prestressed nd post-tensianed concrete spread box beam main spans (spans 3 through 5), end a3 span Continuous two directional deck slab across the top ofa nine chamber (8x3) east abutment vault The prestressed conerete Fbeams are numbered ftom 1 through {4 in span t and 18 thvough 28 In span 2 from forth to south. The 3-span continuous prestressed and post-tensioned concrete box beams (spans 9 through 5} are numbered from 29 through 38 from nosth fo south, with the beams named the same trough all hree spans (soe sketch 1), “The spans and ples are numbered from west fo east (see sketches 1 and 2) “The substructure consists ofa stub abutment (west abutment), two ple bonts with reinforced concrete caps and ples composed of reinforces conerete filed steel pipe with fberglass jackets (ple bents 1 end 2), two reinforeae canorate ple with masonry plewals (piers 3 and 4), and anne chamber reinforced concrete ‘aul with chambers oriented three wide by three long (east abulmert). These chambers are arranged in @ 3 x3 patter, and ate named nort, center, and south ransversoly, and west, center, anc east longitudinally to the roadway (eee sketch 3), This nomenclature sysiam folows the convention set the design plans. WORK AGCESS NOTES {The west abutment and span 1 were accessed witha 16 oot extension ladder rom the northwest coxner af tha bridge. Span 2 was accessad from a sk Spans 3, 4 and the west half of span 5 wore accessible from a pontoon wor float with scafalding. The east haf of span & and the exterior ofthe east abutment were ‘accessed from the east abutment paved slope and pedestrian walkway. “The east abutment vaults accessibe through square manholes in the north and south sidewalks, with fied laclers mounted othe chamier walls, The manhole covers weigh approximately 300 pounds each and are ‘very dificult fo open, Three large crow bars were required to pry open the north manhole caver an slide it ‘long the support frame and onto the eldawalk, taking care to Keep the cover parallel othe suppot frame. ‘The manhole was gelod of and @ manhole ttendant waa used to guide pedestrian afi while the cover was “There are numerous openings for at crouaton slong the west wall ofthe vault and two unocked hatch esis, thorefore, the vault is considered a ron-permit confined space. There was 12" of standing water inthe ‘Western three cnambers of the vault Waterproof boots or knes high waders are requved to access these chambers, Mom 58.4 - Wearing Surat ‘The franeveree grooves n he wearing surface throughout all spans are worn down approximately 3% with scatlored localized areas of 100% weer rasuling Ina smooth surface, There are localized areas of hardened ‘concrete debris bonded o the concrete wearing surface, localized transverse haifine cracks and an isolated ‘depressed patch as folows [BOSTON Awa 16-223, [216223-AWa-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022 Tn ‘Spans =" Novth bike lane: three areas of hardened concrete debris bonded tothe concreto wearing surface, 9" diameter by 1" high near pier 4, 1-4" wide by 7-0" long by 14” high just west of midspan and "wide by 8-0" long by 11/4" high east of midspan (see photo 11) [Left westbound lane atthe wast quarter paint 7-0" wide by 2-0" long by 34" high area of hardened concrete debrs bonded to the concrete wearing surface. East Abutment Vault Ful with of the roadway: up to 116" wide transverse cracks spaced at approximately 1-8" and scattered longitudinal narine crack. Center ofthe roadway atthe east end of the vault there is 8-0" wide by 5-0" long bituminous patch that is deprassad up to" and the wearing surface along the west edge ofthe patch has alligator cracking “The wearing surface has moderate whee ine rating throughout. Some ofthe traffic markings are faded and have chipped and mssing paint (see photo 8), See tem 58.13 - Deck Joints fr additonal information tom 68.2 - Deck Condition "The underaide of the deck is hidden by stay-ivplace forms with the exception ofthe deck overhangs and the exposed concrete slab within the east abulment vaul. The underside of the deck within the east abutment ‘allt has seattred haiti cracks with up to heavy efflorescence, typically longltudinal tothe roadway, particularly inthe conteravest, caner-conter and canter-east chambors (600 sketch 3 & photos 12 and 13), fd heavy cracking wit ust staining around the manhole openings (see photos 14 and 45). Mom 58.3 - Stay-in-Place Forms ‘There isa ocallzed &" wide by 4” long area of heavy rust tothe stay-in-place forms surounding the weep pipe betucen beams 29 and 30 to the wost of the beam constuction joint in span 3. item $8.4 - Curbs The concrete curb section of the R-2 trafic barier has ful height vericalheirine cracks on each face which cextene across the lp, typically spaced at 3-0" thoughout the length of the bridge, “There Isa 6" wide by 9" high by 2.0" long edge spall with exposed reinforcing onthe roadway face and a 6° \wide by 7 high by 2-0" long edge spal on the sidewalk face (gee photo 16) of the north curb on the east approach, “The curb reveals ware measured to the lop ofthe conerete section ofthe BR.2 trafic base. tem 58,6 - Sidewalks ‘The sidewalks have scattered longitudinal and transverse haitine cracks, paticularly in span ‘There are some minor delaminations, spall and wider than iypical cracks as follows ‘South Sidewalk + Span 2, near midspan: A 1-4" wide x 1.7" long delamination [Span 3, at per 4: 3°" long x 15" wide hollow area with 17" long x 8" wide x 1-12" deep spall (seo photo 17). Span 4, a lor 4:A:3-0" wide x 2-4" ong x 1-1/2" deep hollow area/spal (see photo 18) 2 Span 4, atthe east quarter point of the span: AS" vido by 8° lang by 1/2" deep spall with ust stains ata location wih a sign post cut lush with the botom of the spa PAGE _§_ OF 66 TOW TN CEPT NOSTRIN TSFECTON DATE JBOsTON jawa_[5-16-223, [a16225-aWa-MUN-NBI JAN 49, 2022 Pos = East abutment vail tthe east end: A 1-0" wie by 1-2 long area adjacent tothe curb is breaking up and heaving 2" Nodh sidewalk ‘Span 3, near midspan: a 6 wide by 6" long by 1" deep spall with ful length of span 3 longitudinal hin crack (see photo 19) ‘Span 4: longitudinal hairline crack x ful length of span (see photo 20) Cast abutment veut ‘At Ine woatern quartr point 1/16" wide transverse rack across the fll wth ofthe ‘sidewalk © Atte vault acsees manhole: small spas around the perimeter of the manhole frame and haltine eracks radiating from the comers of the manhole frame (see photo 21), Sidewalk Lookout Areas at Pies 3 and 4 (undersid There are concrete suppor brackels beneath the sidewalk lookout aress that are bolted to the fascia beams (beams 29 and 38). These support brackets have transverse hairline cracks aporoximately one third up from the base. At pler 3, the south face of beam 38 has & support brackot forthe lookout area with heavy rust to the nuts Yom 58.8 -Ralling "There are two sets of ralings on the bridge: a tafe rll (BR-2) along each side ofthe roadway and a pedestrian raling along the outldo edge ofthe sidewalks consisting of steal beam posts with tube rails, Spindle panels and a granit-faced pedestalipost every third panel. 88.2 Trafic Ralls “The north and south trafic rll have minor scrapes and peeling paint scatored throughout (see photo 22), “There are isolated minor dovcencies are as flows: ‘Span 1, noth trafic ral the ond ofthe all was repaired in 2011 by cutng it off and bending it downward without an attachment, Two bolts protrude trom the end ofthe adjacent curb atthe location ofthe origina eal end. East abutment vaut at the fngr joint, south trafic a: the traffic ral has a misaligned sliding expansion inset with adjoining tube als disconnected from aach other. Additionally, the tube ras fare migalgned laterally 3/4" and the insert does not lie up (see photo 23) eesti Ral “The pedestrian ralings typically have areas of chipped and heavy paint loss thoughout the ras posts, and ‘photo 24), with areas of Egnt rust forming on the rods. Isolated addtional deficiencies are as Span 4, north pedestian rang, westem two pedestrian rll posts: theres 1 of 4 anchor bolt nuts missing «Span 2, north pedestian eating, near the east end ofthe span: the capstone for the pedestafpost is spalied 7 wide by 7 long by 3 1/2" deep, ‘Thote are ilurninated glass and stoel spires onthe pedestalposts over piors 3 and 4. There are ste! spires (70 glass, not iluminated) atthe four comers othe structure. There is minor peeling paint along the spires rainage System ‘The scuppars are typical parlaly fled with debris; however, the downspouts ae clear (see photo 25). One isolated soupper agjacent to tne south cu near the west abutment in span ‘ Is completly clogged. POE _§ OF 66 [BOSTON jAwa_[p-16-225 [B16223-aWO-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022, Below the deck the drainage system has lsoleted defcioncls as follows: oan 8 tthe eastom quarter point ofthe span between beams 26 and 37 “Tha lower PVG drainpipe elbow has broken off and is missing: however, the vertical section of drainpipe sil dscharges beyond the beam bottom flanges. East Abutment Vault “The ouffow drainpipee at each end of the breastwallfor the drsinage trough berth the fngor joint have only minimal discharge during fan, indicating that the vough andlor drainlpes are partially clogged. The southern outow drainpipe i sulle with trash ‘The westom three cnambers ar flooded 12" deep (see photo 26) and the loo drain Inthe cantar north chamber is lagged and there is 1/2" of standing waler on the foo (see photo 27). Hom $8.11 - Lighting Standards ‘The top surtace of the concrete bases forthe stool ghtng standards typically have 1-4" wide x 1-4" long x 112" deep spals above the embectded base plates, as well as modarat scaling. The steel pull box covers ‘adjacent to each lighting standard typcally do rot st fush withthe concrete bases. “The west ghting standard a the east abutment vault on the north curb has boen removed. The base of this light post is roughly ct wth a small heavily rusted stub remaining (soe photo 28). In addition, there isa fracture in the adjacent uty bax cover for his abandoned ghting standard. ‘The concrete kghtng standard bases have adeitonal spaling as folows: = Span 3, north curb, sacond lighting standard west of per 3: a 8" wide x 5 high x2-0" long edge pall wth igh standard removed (see photo 29) Span 5, north cut, sacond lighting standard eas of per 4: a 6 wlde x 6" high x 2:6" long edge spall with exposed reinforclg (see photo 30). Span 5, north curb, ist ighing standard west of the east abutment finger oi @ 7" wid x ful height x 2-0" long edge spall wth exposed reinforcing (eee photo 31). East approach, north cur al abutment vaul 'ab: a 8-0" long x 2-0" wide x 8 deep spall with exposed reinforcing and baseplate (see photo 32) “The lower portions ofthe lighting standards have section loss as follows (DEF=S/A): ‘Atthe north cur ‘Span 4, midspan: holes up to" high x 1/2 perimotor width (s00 photo 33) Span 4. near pier 3: (2) holes up to 2° high. Span 3, midspar: holes up to 9° high x more than 1/2 perimeter width (see photo 34). = Span 2; midspan: 178" loss x 1/2 perimeter width (see photo 35) West approach, west abutment (1) 2" high hole. ALthe south cub: = Span 2, por 3: holes up to 5" high x 70% perimeter width (see photo 36). Span 4 pier 4: Roles with heavy section loss (see photo 37). = Span 5; rst pole east pier 4: holes and paper thin section x 50% perimeter (see photo 38) tom 68.42 -Utiitios There are numerous ules throughout the bridge wih a variety of deficiencies as folows: aOR ETN DEPT ROSCOE TSFECTON DAT [BOSTON Awa B-16-223, la16723-aWwa-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022 Interior of the East Abutment Vauit ‘The ulldy support beams have clip angles connecting the webs ofthe utlty support Beams to the vault walls wth missing bots; however, ese Uly support beams are ful seatod on conte pedestals or steel seat ‘angles (see photo 38) The uli junction boxes In the westem chambers are heavily deteriorated, come with ‘open covers, exposing wires withn (see photo 40), Inthe center-east chamber, thee is a pair of nitragen usty lines, each with a al gauge, One gauge reads & PSI sine athe ove te gauge lit of 160 POI, The tags read ths ine 's charged with 20 PO! nitrogen, do net open’ and "his line is under 20 PSI pressure, do not open, nog, respectively (see photo 41) There are shutoff valves inthe of poston ef each gauge. This condiian was reported lo MassDOT during the 2018 inspection ‘Soe sketch 3 for specif ult deficiencies within the east abutment vault Underside of Spans 1 through 5 The ullites have seattered deficiencies as follows: ‘Sant Between beams 3 and 4, near the west abuiment:@ 1-2" length of conduits broken open exposing 2 cable and standing water within the condul, = Between beams 11 and 12, near the west abutment: there are two detached empty cond span2 Betwoen beams 20 and 21, at por 1: cracked uty casing 17"ong (see photo 42). 1 Between beams 20 and 21, at per 2: a section ofthe uty condult casing Is not continuous (see photo 43). Between beams 27 and 28, at pier 2: two conduits ae disconnected atthe spice cokars and have exposed cables. ‘Soon 3 Between beams 32 and 33, approximately 25 fect east of per 2: the southern conduit casing fs epi and lovee: however, the candult remains protected by an addtional layer of easing Between beams 34 and 35, near per 2: the ullty support bracket is missing fom the connections to the beams; however, support is not necessary at thes location du fo ts proximity wth the support atthe end diaphragm, Soan4 Between beams 30 and 31, at idspan: several conduts within the cluster are disconnected a sploa collars anc have expoeed cables (see photo 44), = Between beams $4 and 35, near the east quarter point: tlt pipes are in hard contac wth a steel plate botted to the claphragm opening (see photo 45). spans = Between beams 29 ane 30, at the east abutment the junction box Is open with exposed wires and the conduit near the backwall is disconnected from the junction Box exposing the wes, = Between beams 31 and 32, a tho east abulrent: the conduit near the backwall is disconnected {ram the junction box expasing the wires. Between beams 35 and 36, al he east abutment. the condult near the backwallis disconnected from the junction box exposing the wires, + Between beams 36 snd'37, a the east abulment: the conduit near the backwalls disconnected ‘rom the junction box exposing the wires. J50stON |AWQ_[B-16-223 [B16223-AWa-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022, = Between beams 37 and 38, atthe east abutment: the condult near the backwrallis disconnected from the junction box exposing the wites, Jol sion 8801 deck joints atthe west abutment and pr 1 and the strip seal deck joint a pier 2 are typical filed wih sand and debris (see photo 48). These joints have some minor deficiencies a¢ follows: Ws Ab anes ee de a “There isa spa in the abulment backwall which undermines one anchor forthe west armor angle {200 photo 47) Eestpound right lane: thre are potholesispals atthe west approach pavement that intermitenty undermines the west armar angle over a 0" langth x 3" wie x2" deep (see photo 48) = Alte southwest approach sidewalk: the west concrete head atop the backwall is epalled up to 6* long x 9:8" wide x 2" deep adjacent tothe brick pavers (see photo 49) Pier 2 Noth sidewalk the siding plate forthe joint is missing a connection serew atthe north end ofthe Joint. ‘South skiewalk: the siding plate fr the joints bent upward up to 1/2" with debris beneath the pate ‘See Item Approach Pavement Conailon for addtional information, Mom 58.14 - Shiolding Neling has been install over the harbor walkin span § between the beams and extends up to the faces of. the east abutment bearings (see photo 60), Eye hooks attach the netting tothe beams, Keeper blocks, and _abulmant conerate, There are several locations where the netting hangs down up to 1-0" below the boams ‘with nolo inthe netng (see photo 81), Eye nooks have pulled out and the neting is damaged 28 ‘olows: Betwaen beam 29 and the northeast wingwall: the neling is torn and ineflactve, [At beam 30 adjacent fo the east abuimant braaetwal: saverl eye hooks are missing and the netting fs detached fora length of 120 = letwean beams 30 and 31: several eye hooks are missing APPROACHES Approaches: ‘Approaches have widespread rackng, and localized pothola, and addtional deiclencis as folows: Typical: numerous uneven patches, racial hatine cracking al the manholes and numerous upto {18 wide longtuinal aed tranavorce cracks and potholes upto 4 wide x 5" deep x 50% perimeter most} at manholes (see photos 52 and 53) + Fullwath ofthe ro2oway x 12 Tong adjacent to the west abutment deck jon: up to 1/4" wide tranoverae cracks with localized areas of allgatar ezacking and break-up. (DEFSSIA) Eastbound right shoulder along the west abulment deck joint a 2.6" long x 3-0" wide x 6-1/2" deep pothole which partially undermines the drainage structure cover (sve photo 54). (DEFSSIA) Eastbound travel lanes along the west abutinent deck joint: potholes up to 16" wide x 40" long x 2112" deep, partially undorminos the west armor angle of the deck joint and depressed bituminous patches up to 2 long x 9! wide x 2-1/2" deep (see photo 58). PAGE _0_ OF 68 [BOSTON Jawa [516-223 l216229-AWa-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022 ‘ast Anoroach = Typlet: scattered longitudinal and transverse hane cracks throughout and radial hairtine cracking atthe manholes = Along the east end ofthe abutment vault up to 1/2" wide map cracklng across the full width ofthe roadway wth a lang by 18-0" wide by 2° deep pothole across the westbound lanes (see photo 56), ‘Along the east edge ofthe approach slab: up to a 3"langth of map cracking across the fll width of the roadway with some localized broaicup including an 8 ong by 2-0" wide by 2 dogp pothole n the right eastoound lane (808 photo 57) Near he crosswalk, inthe eastbound lanes: areas of up 1" high hardened co to the pavement te debris bonded ‘Approaches b - Appr. Roadway Settlement “The approach roadways have several areas of local sellement and depressions as folows: West Approach Right two wostoound fanes: there are a fow local depressions, typically long x 3-0" wide x 5" doop (seo photo 58). East Aporoach ast end ofthe east approach slab: the roadway fs heaved and depressed 4" along the cracking across the full width ofthe eastbound lanes (gee photo 59) ‘Approaches ¢ Appr. Sidewalk Settlement ‘Areas of approach sidewalk selement and haaving are as follows: = West approach, south sidewalk: he brickwork surtaunding the eatch basin in the sidewalk has @ 4-0" wide x 2.0" long area of 1 3/4" heaving (see photo 60). = East approach, nortn sidewalk: two, 60" long x 4-8 wide concrete sidewalk slabs are settled up to 2 1/2" wih respect othe too ofthe wingwal (see photo G1), The edges of acjacent slabs have been ground flush fo reduce the ping haze. ~ East approach, south sidewalk, along the east end ofthe approach sab: there Is a 3/4” vertical dlflerentat aera the Tul with ofthe sidewelk. A concrete ramp has been placed at this location to rnitgate the vertical dferenal and reduce the tipping hazard = East approach, south sidewalk: two, 6:0 lng x 4-8" wide concrete sidowalk slabs are setied up to 2-12 uth rospect othe top of the wingwall, The edges of adjacent slabs have been ground Tush te reduce the tioping azar. {UPERSTRUCTURE, ITEM st Hom 59.4 Gieders or Beams ‘Span | and ? prestressed concrele Lboams ‘The Fbeams in span 1 and 2 have no notable deficiencies. throuah 5 prestressed pos-ensloned box beams ‘The box beams in spans 3 through 6 typically have up to 0.019" wide horizontal cracks in the north and south {faces toughout the length ofthe beams (see photos 62 through 67); horizontal and agonal nairina ‘racks in the north and south faces inthe vit of piers 3 and 4 (see photo 68): dagonaihairine cracks, ‘some with efflorescence in the north and south faces inthe vicinity ofthe beam spices; and longitudinal and slagonal hain cracks along the underside of the box beams adjacent tothe beam constuction joints. See ‘sketch 4 for approximate locations and patter of typical box beam cracking, oT TEEN BENOIT aRCTENOT Jposton Jawa _fp-16-225, [p16223-AWO-MUN-NBI AN 19, 2022, anes ‘Additonal deficiencies found throughout the box beams are as flows! pana Beam 29, rom pier 3 tothe beam construction jolt: tha cracks on the north fae have been sealed. Beam 32, between the construaon joints and the next intermediate diaphragm to tha west: The Bottom edge ofthe beam has up to 10" ong x6" wice x 1" high edge spas due to apparent olson (see photo 69). Beam 34, between the wester two intermeslate dlaphragms: the underside ofthe beam has an exposed alirup with heavy cust due to insuicient cover (see photo 70). Beam 35, near midspan: the north bottom edge othe beam has a 4" long x3" wide x 1" high edge spall due to apparent clision Beam 38, near the baam construction jl: the south bottom edge ofthe beam has a 6" long x3" wide x "high edge spalvgouge due to apparent colision. ‘Soan4 ‘Beam 29, near midspan: transverse haine cracks with eflorescence thal extond across the Underside and up the vertical faces upto 3-0" high Boam 30: 2 Althe weet beam constuction joint the underside ofthe beam has four expased sterups with heavy rust due to ineucient cover. Near mdspan: the underside has longitudinal hline cracks ‘Beam 31, near misspan: tha underside has longitvcnal hairline cracks. ‘Beam 32, near the west beam construction Joint the bottom edges have up to 4° high x 2" wide x 20" long edge spalls due to apparent collsion (see photo 71) ‘Beam 33, at per 4: the bearing area of tho bear Is spalled 10° hgh x 3-1" wide x up to 5° deep ‘due to contact wth the north shear bloc (eee photo 72) ‘Beam 34, at per 4: the south face along the edge ofthe end diaphragm has 6" to 2-0" long x 14-0" high delamination with up to 3/4" deep spaling (see photo 73) Beam 35, at midspan: the underside has transverse nairine cracks with efflorescence and an ‘exposed sirup with heavy rst due fo insicent cover. Beam 36, near midspan: the underside has longitudinal hale cracks, Beam 38, at midspan: the underside has an exposed stirup and rebar chars with Neavy rust due to insufficient cover Beam 38, near midspan: the underside has longtudinalhaitine cracks. 1om 59.9 - Bearing Devices ‘The eaastomerc bearing pads have bulging, tearing between laminations, and misalignment with the beams ‘and por aps as follows: Pier 2 Bearings, Span 3 ‘Beain 29 bearing: the elastomeric bearing pedis locally bulged oulward 1/2" in the second neoprene layer from the top. In adstion, the neoprene is horizontally om 7-1/2 lang between the $econd and third laminations from the top. The bearing has rotated So thatthe south end moved 8-172" west (see photo 74) ‘Beam 30 bearing the elastomeric bearing pad has rotated clockwise with the north half ofthe pad ‘overhanging the east age of the pedestal by 1-1/2 Beam 31 boaring: the eastomeric bearing pad has road clockwise wih the north half ofthe pad ‘overhanging the east edge of the pedestal by up to 1-12 [BOSTON Jawa fp-t6-223 [p16223-AWO-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022 TONAL Beam 32 beating: the elastomeric bearing pad has rotated counterclockwise up to 2" movement at south end beating Beam 33 bearing the elastomeric bearing pad has rotated counterclockwise Up to 3-1/2" movement at south end bearing (see photo 75), = Beam 34 baering: the elastomeric bearing pad has rotated clockwise withthe north half ofthe pad avernanging the east edge ofthe pedestal by up to 1-12" at north end. Beam 35 bearing: the entre alastomarie bearing pad has shill fo the east and overhangs the pete by 7-72" by full with (aee photo 76) resuting in 217% reduction in bearing sree (eo-buil "2-6" wido x 3-5 172" long pad). Beam 36 bearing: the elastomeric bearing pad has rotated clockwise with the north haf ofthe pad ‘vernanging the east edge of the pedestal by 1" (see photo 77). Beam 37 bearing: toro isa 118" gap over an 8" Wish wih a penetration of 6" between the beam and the elastomeric besring pad al the noth end of the bearing ieeé Bearings, Spans 4 and 5 = Beam 36 bearing: thee is a 3/8" gap between the underside ofthe beam and the southwest comer ofthe elastomer bearing pad. = Beam 36 boaring: the elastomer beating pad was deformed 2" tothe west while other bearings at this pr were a, or near vertical at 24°F net Abutment Bearings, Span 5 = Al bearings: Tore ae tin galvanized steel plates betwoen the beams andthe elastomeric bearing ads (plates not shawn on exiginal plans) which have light to heavy rust and typically overhang up to 4" beyond the west face of the elastomeric pad. The steel plate at bearing for beam 30 has a 2" long ful width holo (see photo 78). = Beam 36 bearing: the elastomeric bearing has four horizontal tears, up to 2" long, inthe second through fith neoprene layers rom the botiom on the west face. - Beam 38 bearing: the bond between the neoprene and the thi and fourth steel aminates from the top ofthe elastomer bearing has felled fre length ofS" and the neoprene is torn and bulging jutward 1" on the west fave Item 59,10 - Diaphragme/Cross Frames ‘The reinforced concrete diaphragms in spans 3 through 5 typically have scattered horizontal and vertical halnine cracks trroughout and agonal hatin cracks which typically radlate from the comers ofthe uly openings. The interior diaphragm between beams 31 and 32 atthe west beam construct wide x up lo 7" high x 3" deep spall alang the botiom (see photo 74), joint in span 4 has a 4-0 Mom 59.13 «Member Allanment ‘There is oteal mnsaignment between the beams and shear blocks a per 4 with contact between the north shear block and beam 33 on the span 4 sido which has resulted in spall n the bearing are of the beam {s0e photo 72) ‘Agsltonally, thor i lateral misalignment wih contact between the beams and shear blocks atthe east ‘nbuiment which has resulted In spaling ofthe south shear blocks for beams 29, 30 and 31 in span 5. ‘SuperStructure Collision Notes ‘There are minor callelon spall and gouges on the bettom edges of several box beams in spans $ and 4 and ‘one on a diaphragm in span 4, See lems 58.4 and 59,10 fr sdtonal comments. [BOSTON Jawa fp-t6-228 [p16223-aWa-4MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022 (TEM 60 - SUBSTRUCTURE Hom 60.4 - Abutments, ‘The east abuimentis a reinforced concrete vault structure consisting of nine chambers. These chambers are arranged in 22x 3 patter, and are designated north, center, and south transversely, and west, center, and fast longitudinal tothe roadway. “The manholes n the sidewalks ute vay eey sal very dis to open. Unauthorized access is possible through uty openings inthe west wall into the weet tae chambers, These openings are covered with fabric rating whichis easly removed. The west tive chambers adacent to these operings have a history of being flooded and had 1-0" of standing water atthe time of inspection, {AL he east abutment, there is homelase debris just adjacent to the pedestrian walkway (see photo 79}. ‘See tem 60.1.m for condition ofthe vault walls an floor. {Mom 60.1.b - Bridge Seats “There isa large amount of wet debris and homeless person belongings throushout the east abutment bridge seat (gee photo 60) and light homeless debris onthe west abutment bridge seat ftom 60.1.¢ -Backwalls ‘The east abutment backwall ypcaly has vertical haliine cracks extending fom the uty conduit openings, The utity openings inthe wast abutment backwall are partly closed off with loosely placed or patialy rmortared bricks. The brokworkin these areas is often crumbling; however, the backfl remains stable. “There is 23-0 wide by 1-2 high by up to & deep spall with exposed reinforcing which undermines one anchor for the west armor angle ofthe deck joint (see photo 47) Hom 60.1. - Slope PavingiRip-Rat ‘The east abutment slope paving has a ‘" wide crackin the mortar across the notth haf ofthe slope, located 0" from the breastwal ‘The west abutments protacted with dumped rp-rap, At the south end, some ofthe rip-ap is displaced and {aling though a deteriorated timber bulkhead. item 60.11 - Shear Blocks e shear Blacks atthe eset abulment are spelled due to contact with the beams as follows: Fast Alutment ‘Beam 29: south shear block has a 6 long x 1.6" wide x high comer spa with exposed reinforcing (600 photo 50), ‘Beam 20; south shear block has @ 8" long x 1-8 wide x7" high spall along the lop west edge. Beam 31; south shear block has two edge spals: 5" fong x 4” wide x 1-5" high and 8 long x £8" \wide x8" high with exposed reinforcing, 1 60.1.m = Vault Walls and Floor ‘There are varical and diagonal haifine cracks typically extending from the comers of access and uty openings and scattered upto fll height by up to 1/16" wide verbeal cracks, some vith efflorescence inthe lower pout ofthe reinforced concreto walls. Additonal, there are afew spalis and delaminations at the lv portion ofthe walls atthe access openings (see photo 80) JeosToN Jawa [p-16.223 l216223-AWO-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022 “The chamber floors have clogged drains, with areas of standing water (see photos 26 and 27) and some localized delaminations and spall ‘See sketch 3 for specifi deficiencies. tem 60.2 - Piers or Bente Kem 60.2 - cape ‘The caps at pers 3 and 4 have vertical hatin eracks atthe top just above the masonry blocks, typically spaced at "0" ta 520", some with eflorescence andlor rust stars (soe photo 81), tom 60.2.3 - Stoms/Webs/Piorwalls "The stems at pers 3 and 4 have heavy marine growth within the tidal zone tem 60.24 - Shear Blocks "There is contact between the north shear block and beam 33 at per 4 in span 4 which has rosulted in a spall in the bearing area ofthe beam (#ee photo 72). Nom 60,3 - Pile Bents m60.3.3- Pile Cat "The caps at ple bents 1 and 2 have vertical haiine cracks, some with efforescenes, typically spaced at 3.0" throughout the top pour section. The cap at bent t has typical vertical hane cracks at sleps between bearings athe east face up to 16" nigh. The cap at ple bent 2 has scattered horizontal harine ‘Altionally, te cap at ple bont 2has Some localized spals as flows: = North end at the bottom comer: a 120" wide by 6° high by 4° deep spall with aplastic bot [Between beam 15 tough 17: ple cap has hesizonal cracks with hollow areas atthe top comers (see photo 82). = Between beam 26 and 27: pil cap has top face hollow area 4-4" long x full bay width x 5" high with ‘extending horzontal airline cracks (see photo 83). foce = Below beam 30: a 5-6" ang x 2-6" high holow area with 10" long x 10" high x 1 112" deep spa \with exposed rebar (600 photo 84). = Belew beam 34: a 4 long x3'-4" wide x 4 high spall along the botlom edge. Below beam 38: 4” wide x 1-0" high x 1 deep spall with exposed reinforcing, [At the south end ofthe bottom comer: an 8° wide x3" high x4" deep spall. 60.3 - Piles ‘The piles for ple Bente 1 and 2 consit of 24° dlameter concrete filed steel pe oles surounded by a concrete filed 26" ameter protective fberglass jacket. Fout ofthe 2 ples at ple bent t and 22 othe 96 piles at pile bent 2 have sp and broken pila jackets, with several locations exposing spalied and ‘integrating proteciva concrte, reinforcing bars and spats, and the inner sto! pipe piles. Plo #6 from south end al Bent 2 has a spall yond spra reinforcing x 4" deep and a 13° high Spal (see sketch S and photos 85 & 86), ITEM 61 - CHANNEL AND CHANNEL PR¢ N item 61,2 - Embankment Erosion ‘The west cnennel wall neath span 1 consists of dry laid stone masonry with a sewer outflow (concrete box culvert structure). The west channel wall has several cracked stones and missing chinking stones. PROE 14 OF 66 oT TERR DT NO sTCTORENS aCTONDAT BOSTON Jawa _fp-t6-223 l516223-AWa-MUN-NBI AN 19,2022, item 64.2 - Debris ‘There is trash and deftveod accumulating around the slope protectlon atthe west abutment including a large piece of driftwood which s wedged between the dumped iprap slope and beam 13 in span 1 Item 64,6 - Rip-Rap'Slope Protection ‘The rinzap-at te west abutment i relained by @ stone channel wall and a timber bulkhead. Some focal ‘areas ofthe stone rip-rap have collapsed tough the faling timber bulkhead! tom 64.8 - Fender System tom 67.8.9 Plies ‘The concrete filed stet ples forthe fenders typioally have heavy rust Hom 64,8.c -Horlzontal Bracing ‘The fends have steel horizantal bracing sts atthe north and south ends which typicaly have hoavy ust along the bottom flange and lower portion ofthe webs, Hom 64.8.4 - Wales ‘The fenders have 9 rows of wales that are composed of horizontal stool W.shape beams with timber rub al, ‘The steel beams typealy have heavy rust below the high waterline. The Umber cub rls ere typically checked, split, and broomed. At the pia 3 fender, the 3 wale rom the top typically has spliting x the end 8 throughout (see photos 87 and 68). The wales within the tidal zone have heavy marine growth. The rub als in rows 4 through 7 fom the top have scattered areas of heavy rol. There ae thee lations where the tinber rub als have Broken off and are missing as folows: = Pier 2, east face (epan4), ral missing. Pier 4, ea3tface (span 5), below beam 28, fourth row from the top: there isa section of timber ub ce missing = Pier, south nose, east hal, sixth row fro the top: there isa section of timber rub rll missing, beam 32, seventh raw fom the top: there isa section of timber rub om 61.9 - Navigation Lights ‘The navigation ight al the westside of ple 4 (fender) was not on during this inspection ‘TRAFFIC SAFETY em 362 - Bridge Railing Ths trafic safety features for this bridge are the BR.2 taf alls along each side of the roadway which conform to current stancards, See lem 58.8 for condition comments Sketch | Phota Log Sketch 1: Framing plen Sketch 2: General elevation and cross section ‘Sketch 3: East abutment vauit conditions. ‘Skotch 4: Typical box beam conciions, spans 8 through 5. ‘Sketcn §: Pile bents 1 and 2, ple colons Photo 1: North elevation looking south, Photo 2: South elevation, looking north Photo 3: Bridge rom west approach, looking east Photo 4: West aporoach from bidge, looking weet Photo 5: East approach from bridge, looking eas. Photo 6: Bridge from east approach, looking wes BOSTON Jawa p-t6-223 jp16223-AWa-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022, Photo 7: Tidal stream from bridge, looking south Photo 8: Tidal stream from bridge, looking noth, Photo 8. Typical top of deck at span 6, looking southwest, Note moderate wheel in rutting. Photo 10: Typical unserside of deck and beams at span 4 looking east. Photo 11 Wearing surface, span 5 at north bike ane, looking west ~ hardened concrete debris bonded to the concrete wearing surface. Pholo 12: Deck Conciton, underside of deck, east abutment vault atthe centar-conter chamber, looking ast frine crack with efforescsnce Photo 13: Deck Conaition, underside of deck, east abutment vault atthe center-east chamber, looking east— naire crack with efforesconce extending tothe east abutment wall Pholo 14: Deck Condition, underside of deck, east abutment vault nesth manhole, looking south ~ heavy cracking with ust staining Pholo 15: Deck Conaiton, underside of dack, east abutment vautt south manhole, looking northoast — heavy cracking with rust staining, Photo 16: Curbs, north curb, south face at east approach, looking southwest ~spals. Note adjacent lighting standard base with heavy spalling, Photo 17: South sidewalk, span 3 at per 4, looking east ~ holow area wit spa Photo 18: South sidewalk, span 4 a per 4, loking north — hollow arsalspall. Photo 18: Nein sidewalk, span 3 near midspan, Joking east ~ spall with longtudinalhatine crack, Photo 20: North sidewalk, span 4 near ple 4, looking eas ul length of span haiine longitudinal crack. Photo 21 North sidewaik, east abutment vaut around manhole, looking southeast spall with halfine cracks, Photo 22: Sout trafic ral in span 1, looking southwest typical scrapes and peeling paint. Photo 23: South traf ral at east abulment fingor join, ooking northeast ~ tube raling misaligned and disconnected, Photo 24: South pedestrian raling a span 2, looking southeast ~ rang with heavy pat loss. Photo 25: Drainage System, scupper, northside at span 6, looking southwest ~ scupper patally Gogged with downspout oper Photo 26: Drainage System, East Abutment Vault at westorn three chambers (southwest chamber shown), looking northwest ~ standing water with scattered debs, Pholo 27: Drainage System, East Abuiment Vault at north-center chamber, looking east clogged floor drain with standing water Photo 28: Lighting Standard, north curb over east abutment vault, ooking southwest —Fghting standard removed, stub remaining. Photo 20: Lighting Standard, north our, second lighting standard west of pler 3 looking southeast ‘edge spall with exposed reinforcing wi post removed Photo 30: Lighting Standard, north curb, second ightng standard east of per 4, looking south — edge spall ith exposed reinforcing, Photo 31: Lighting Standard, north cur, span 5, frst ighting standard west of east finger ot, looking southeast — edge spall with exposed reinforcing. Photo 32: Lighting Standard, noth curb, east approach, looking south ~ spall with exposed reinforcing ‘anc base plate Photo 93: Lighting Standard, north cu, span 4 midspan, looking north ~ steel pole with holes. holo 34: Lighting Slandard, north cub, span 3 midspan, looking north ~ steel pole with Hotes. Photo 35: Lighting Standard, noch cur, span 2 midspan, looking southwest ~ steel pole with section tose holo 96: Lighting Standard, south curb, per 3, looking south ~ steel pole with holes. Photo 37: Lighting Stancard, south curb, pir 4, looking south — steel pole with holes and section loss. Photo 28: Lighting Standard, south curb, st pole eas of plor 4, looking southwest ~stee pole with holes and section toss. feoston Jawa fo-t6-223 [b16223-AW-4MUN-NBI JAN 19,2022, Photo 39: Ulties, east abutment vault, north-center chamber, looking east uty support beam with missing anchor bot Photo 40; Utittes, east abutment vaul, south-west chamber, looking west — 9pan and rusting junction box with exposed wires. Pholo 41: —Utltes, east abutment vaul, center-east chamber, looking east ~ pressure gauges wih ‘eading over the lit Photo 42: Utites, span 2, beweon beam 20 and 21, a per 1, looking west ~ cracked uty casing Phoie 3. Utlites, pon 2; Between beam 20 and 21, at per 2, looking gaat — uty collar eesing pat continuous, Photo 44: Utiies, span 4, between beam 30 and 31, at midspan, ooking north ~disconnectad conduits with exposed wire, Photo 45: Uti, span 4, beeen beam 34 and 35, .ear east quarter point, looking east — uit pipes are in hard contact witha toe! pate bolted tothe ciaphragm opening Photo.46: Compression saal deck joint atthe west abutment, looking south Photo 47: Deck]oint, west abutment backwall, between beam 2 and 8, looking west ~ spall below the deck joint header. Photo 48: Wiest abutment deck jolnt, eastbound roadway, looking north ~ pothole/epalls undermining the wost armor angle. Photo 49: West abutment dack joint at south sidewalk, looking north —spalled header Photo SD: Shear block, at bean’ 29, ooking east ~ spall and exposed reinforcing, Nota netting shilé and homeless debris, Photo St : Shielding, east abutment, along face of bearings, looking east — netting hole Photo 52: West approach pavemen, looking west ~ potholes and cracking at manholes Photo 53: Wael appraach pavement, looking north ~ potholes at manholes. Photo 54; West approach, eastbound shoulder at curb near the west abutment deck Joint, looking east — pothole which undermines dramnage stucture cover. Photo 55; West aparaach pavement atthe Wost abutment deck joint, looking north ~ deprassad bituminous patches that undermine the west rma angio. Photo 56: East approach pavement, looking south ~ pothole and map cracks across the westbound Photo 67: East approach, looking north - 3" ong map cracking across th full wath holo 68: West approach setiement, Joking south - depression in the westbound lane. Photo 59: East approach setemen, looking south — heaving and depression in the eastbound lanes. Photo 60: West approach south sidewalk, looking west ~ brickwork heaving surrounding the catch basin. holo 61: East approach north sidewalk setlement, ooking noth — sidewalk slab setld with respect to the wingwall Photo 62: Beam 38, span 4, at west quater point looking northeast typical cracks inthe south face of beam Photo 63: Beams 34 and 26 south face, span 4, at por 4, looking northeast ~ horizontal e-acks with eflorascence Photo 6t: Beam 38 sauth face, span 5, at west quarer point, looking northeast — horizontal eracks with oflarescence. Photo 65: Beam 38 south face, span 5, at west quarter point, looking north ~ close-up of previous photo. Photo 68: Beam 28, span 6 at east end, looking southwest ~ horizontal racks, Photo 87: Beam 38 span § midspan, looking northeast —horizanal cracks Photo 68: Beam 38 south face, epan 3, al per 3 ooking novhwest- horizontal and diagonal ait Photo 69: Beam 32 nrth face, span 3, at east quarter point looking south ~ edge spall atthe bottom. Pholo 70: Underside of beam 34 span 3, looking south ~ beam with exposed stirrup. Photo 71; Diaphragms, between beam 31 and 32, span 4 at west constuction jin, looking west — spalling, Note bottom edge spal at bear 32, [BOSTON Jawa _fp-t6.223, lb16223-AWa-MUN-NBI ‘JAN 49, 2022 [nu Photo 72: Beam 33, span 4 at pier 4, looking east - spall inthe bearing area. Pholo 73: Beam, span 4 at per 4, looking northeast ~ delamination, cracking and spall along the south face at the end diaphragm Photo 74: Beating 29, span 3, per 2, looking southwest — bulging, rotated and tom elastomeric bearing as. Photo 75: Being 23, span 2 pler2, looking southwest — rotated elastomeric bearing pad. Pholo 76: Bearing $5, span 3, pier 2, looking northwest shifted elastomeric bearing ped with overhang uy fal lh Pholo 77: Bearing 36, span 2, pler2, looking southwest — rotated elastomeric boaring pad with overhang atthe north edge Photo 78: Bearing devices, east abutment, boating ped, looking southeast ~ steel plato between beam and bearing with heavy ust, corosion hoe and overhang, Phalo 79: East abutment, looking northeast ~homeloss debris ust adjacent to pedestrian walkiay. Photo 80 : Vault Wall, east abuiment chamber, ooking south - opening with spas and delamination. Photo 81: Pier3 cap, west face, looking east ~ vertical haiine cracks with efflorescence Photo @2: Bent 2, ple cap, wast face in bay al top comer, looking east ~ horizontal cracks with hollow Photo 83 : Bent 2, pile cap, west and top face, bay 12, ooking east hollow area with horizontal eracks. Photo 84: Bent 2 pile cap, east face, below beam 30, looking west —hollow area with spall and exposed rebar Photo 85: th pile from south end, pile bent 2, east row, looking west ~spalled beyond spiral with exposed reinforcing Photo.@6: Piles, pile bent 2, east rv, looking southwest spl along pile Jacke Photo 87: Wales, pier 3 fender system, west sto, looking northeast = spit and checked timber rural Photo 88: 3rd wale fram top, pr 3 fender system, north nose, looking south ~ bor with typical splting, leoston PAGE 19 oF 66 JAN 19, 2022 B16223-AWQ-MUN-NBI ‘SKETCHES Sketch 2: General elevation and crass section. Paci c _20 OF 6 lposton [awa |p-16-223 B16223-AWO-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022 at % Senses inset aati Bus ‘Sketch 3: East abutment vault conditions, @ snes canton coment As nso cnonge in conden G70} meee ah eaten noon rea 12pn Tsar eferescnee orand uy and poor tatty covert oan iy 122 By feoy rately neon ox iy Sucten Bor cre remaves, pein PAGE _21_ OF 06 ps a E> (psiou seusoipo esoun yo9 > ea) om) — PORE sioag x09 07 fY08 fu. vo panes e019 J0 voneee yom og qweeides jou s2op 3 “song og mo as00) oe Boo ou a v> pene) ‘Ainaidh S209 yo Aysuap PUD UOHOSUIP “YoRDD| sJoUxoddo By SAIDAISMI! YOM SIM) WSS Pubs ywouow £83 z we oa} | i | B16223-AWQ-MIUN-NBI cay soyde 02g 228, Awa (wnuyrow 010°) (44) Wo wens ee en (4) vos wowow angosou ut | 1812019 [oUDBOP AyuEYE cy IeIBOR (91) 3H19f uonanasues 39 woeg 4 apjsiepun uo Bupj2019 dou! au0H- J2oston ‘Typical box beam conditions, spans 3 through 5, ‘Sketeh 4: feosron Fawa [evte-223 | iez2s-awa-MUN-nBt oa ae 0 8 0 000 0 0 0 080 @00 @oo0000 00 0 Pie Loyout = File Beat 1 OOSCPOOSBSO8GOZ0® 0800 e008 BOOSSPO0OCO8OOO®e vce ] Pesttaans toro ste ie oe @ Ge spot satis Ge conrte ip) Sketch 5: Pl bents 1 and, ple conditions TYTN TR BR DEFT NO] STROCTURENG. SFECTON DT BOSTON wig |B-16-223, [816223-AWQ-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022 Ones North elevation, looking south, South elevation, looking north pereron TBR DEFT NTT STRUCTORENT TSSFECTION DME BOSTON wig |B-16.223 16223-AWQ-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022, Des Photo 3: Bridge from west approach, looking cast. Photo 4: West approach from bridge, looking west. PAGE _25 OF 66 TORT TSTROCTORENG. STON DATS Jsoston B16223-AWG-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022, Photo 6: Bridge from east approach, looking west. JBosTon B-16-223, 516223-AWO-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022, fo Tidal stream from bridge, looking south. Photo &: Tidal stream from bridge, looking north, PAGE _27_ OF 68 |soston JAN 19, 2022, ‘Typical top of deck at span 5, looking southwest, Note moderate whee! line rutting, Photo 10: Typical underside of deck and beams at span 4 looking east. Photo 11: PACE 28 oF 66 wig |p-16-223 16223-AWO-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022 Dons Wearing surface, span 5 at north bike lane, looking west - hardened conerete debris bonded to the concrete wearing surface. fete Deck Condition, underside of deck, east abutment vault at the conte center chamber, looking east— hairline crack with eflorescence. PAGE 29 OF 66 Jeoston AiO 16-223 516223-AWQ-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022 Photo 13: Photo 14: OOS eck Condition, underside of deck, east abutment vault a the center east chamber, looking east - hairline crack with efflorescence ‘extonding tothe east abutment wall. \ Deck Condition, underside of deck, east abutment vault north ‘manhole, looking south - heavy eracking with rust staining, PAGE 50 OF 66 TORT TX BEDE TRENT SPECTOR Jsoston ‘awa |p-16-223 516223-AWQ-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022 PHOTC Photo 15: Deck Condition, underside of deck, east abutment vault south ‘manhole, looking northeast ~ heavy cracking with rust staining. Curbs, north curb, south face at east approach, looking southwest ~ spalls. Note adjacent lighting standard base with heavy spalling Photo 16: PAGE 31 OF 68 JAN 19, 2022, Photo 17: South sidewalk, span 3 at ple 4 looking east ~ hollow area with spall. Photo 18: South sidewalk, span 4 at pler 4, looking north ~ hollow area/spell. J2oston Er STRUCTORENG, TRSPECTONDAT Awa |B-16-223 516223-AWO-MUN-NBL JAN 19, 2022, ene Photo 19: North sidewalk, span 3 near midspan, looking east — spall with Tongitudinal hairline crack. Photo 20: North sidewalk, span 4 near pier 4, looking east full length of span hairline longitudinal crack. PAGE 33 oF 68 TTYTONT DETR SOTTO — SCN JBOsTON 16-223 16223-AWO-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022, Toes Photo 21: North sidewalk, east abutment vault around manhole, looking southeast ~ spall with hairline cracks, Photo 22: South traffic ralin span 1, looking southwest ~ typical scrapes and Peeling paint. PAGE _3t OF 66 ETYTORN TIT CSRTCTORENO, SACTOND ATE Jp0ston Jp-t6-223, B16223-AWQ-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022, Photo 23: South traffic ral at east abutment finger joint, looking northeast ~ {ube ralling misaligned and disconnected. Photo 26: South pedestrian railing at span 2, looking southeast ~ railing with heavy paint oss. PAGE 35 OF 66 Boston ‘awa |p-16.223 | 16223-AWO-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022, Don Photo 26: Drainage System, East Abutment Vault at western three chambers. (couthwost chamber shown), looking northwest ~ standing wator with scattered debris, PAGE _26_ OF 06 Jeoston vig |B-16-223 516223-AWQ-MUN-NBI ‘JAN 19,2022 oes Photo 27: Drainage System, East Abutment Vault at north-center chamber, looking east ~ clogged floor drain with standing water Photo 28: Lighting Standard, north curb over east abutment vault, looking southwest lighting standard removed, stub remaining. PAGE _37_ OF 06 CDEP ‘awa |p-t6-223 16223-AWwa.-MU! ‘JAN 19, 2022, Photo 29: Photo 30: Droog i Lighting Standard, north curb, second lighting standard west of pier 5, looking southeast ~ edge spall with exposed reinforcing with post 4, looking south ~ edge spall with exposed reinforcing. Lighting Standard, north curb, second lighting standard east of pier PROE 38 OF 66 :16223-AWO-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022, Photo 31: Lighting Standard, north curb, span 5, first lighting standard west of ‘cast finger jlnt, looking southeast - edge spall with exposed reinforcing. Photo 32: Lighting Standard, north curb, east approach, looking south ~ spall, with exposed reinforcing and base plato. PAGE _99_ OF 66 evra EFT RCT CENT feoston [awa [ote223,[rezzs-awasmunne | van 19,2022 Tos Photo 35: Lighting Standard north cur, span 4 midspan, looking noth = ste! pole with hole Photo 34: Lighting Standard, north curb, span 3 midspan, looking north ~ steel with POE 40 OF 66 ‘awa |p-16.223, 16223-AWQ-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022 Photo 38: Photo 36: On Lighting Standard, north curb, span 2 midspan, looking southwest — stool pole with section loss. Lighting Standard, south curb, pier 3, looking south ~ steel pole with holes. JBOsTON TBR DEPT RO STRICTORENO avig_ |B-16-223, (6223-AWQ-MUN-NBL Lighting Standard, south curb, pier 4, looking south ~ steel pole with holes and section loss. Lighting Standard, south curb frst pole east of pier 4, looking southwest ~ steel pole with holes and section loss. Pace 42 oF 66 Jsoston IRE DEPOT STRUCTORENG. TSFRCTON DATE awa |p-16-223, B16223-AWQ-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022, Photo 39: Photo 40: PHOTOS Utilities, east abutmont vault, north-center chamber, ooking east ~ utility support beam with missing anchor bot Utiites, east abutment vault, south-west chamber, looking west ~ ‘open and rusting junction box with exposed wires. PACE 48 OF 66 Photo 42: ervrow [ST BEF a SROCTORENT SHCTON DATE Jsoston awa |p-t6-223 1516223-AWO-MUN-NBI JAN 19,2022, os Photo 41: Utities, east abutment vault, onter-east chamber, looking east — pressure gauges with Utilities, span 2, betwoon beam 20 and 21, at pler 1, looking west ~ cracked utility easing, Oe MOF ee BOSTON awa |B-16-223 [B16223-AWO-MUN-NBI JAN 19,2022 on Photo 43: Utilities, epan 2, botween beam 20 and 21, at pler 2, looking cast — iy collar easing not continuo Photo 44: Utties, span 4, between beam 30 and 31, at midspan, looking north “disconnected conduits with exposed wires. ina Jetezzs_[erezasawawunner | san 10,2022 mons Utlites, span 4, botween beam 34 and 35, near east quarter point, looking east ~ utlty pipes are in hard contact witha steel plate bolted to the diaphragm opening. Photo 46: Compression seal deck joint at the west abutment, looking south. |sostoN awa |p-t6.223 16223 -AWQMUN-NBL JAN 19, 2022 PHOTOS Photo 47: Deck joint, wost abutment backwal, between beam 2 and 3, looking west ~ spall below the deck joint heade ee Photo 48: West abutment deck joint, eastbound roadway, looking north ~ potholesispalis undermining the west armor anglo. TON SDE NO STRUCTURE PSFECTON DATE Jposton lp-16-223 B16223-AW-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022, HOTOS Photo 49: Photo 50: Shear block, at beam 29, looking east - spall and exposed reinforcing. Note netting shiald and homoloss debris. PAGE _48_ OF 06 TIER — TERT TRICTORENO————] SECTION DATE Jsoston 16-223 16223-AWO-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022 Den Photo 51: Shiolding, e rotting hole 3 abutment, along face of bearings, looking east — Photo 52: West approach pavement, looking west - potholes and cracking at manholes. error a TSTRTCTORENO— TSFECTON DIT Jsoston AiO 16223-AWO-MUN-NBI ‘JAN 19,2022 West approach, eastbound shoulder at curb near the west abutment deck joint, looking east - pothole which undermines drainage structure cove ROE £0. OF eo TEFEN STRTCTORE 16-223, 16223-AWO-MUN-NBI ‘JAN 19, 2022 i‘ ‘West approach pavement atthe west abutment deck joint, looking north = depressed bituminous patches that undermine the west armor angle Photo 56: East approach pavement, looking south ~ pothole and map cracks across the westbound lane EATON TX DEFER TROCTORENO- SECTION DAT Jposton ‘Awa |p-16-223, 16223-AWO-MUN-NBI JAN 19,2022 Tees Photo 57: East approach, looking north - 3 long map cracking across the full wieth. Photo 58: West approach settlement, looking south ~ depression in the westbound la PAGE 82 OF 06 Jsoston [516223-AWO-MUN-NBI {JAN 19,2022 Oo Photo 58: East approach settlement, ooking eouth - heaving and depression in Photo 60: West approach south sidewalk, looking west ~ brickwork heaving ‘surrounding the catch basin. PAGE 53 OF 66 JBosToN awa |p-16-223, B16223-AW-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022, PHOTO! sa Photo 61: East approach north sidewalk sottlement, looking north ~ sidewalk Photo 62: slab settled with respect to the wingwall ‘Beam 38, span 4, at west quarter point looking northeast — typical tracks in the south face of beam, PROE St oF 66 Hr TICE TaN rosron wa [ateane_[etcamsawa-munsnes | JAN 10,2022 Does Photo 63: Beams 24 and 35 south face, span 4, at pier 4, looking northeast — horizontal cracks with efflorescence. Photo 64: Beam 38 south face, span 5, at west quarter point, looking northeast, = horizontal cracks with efflorescence. JBosron awa |p-16-223, [B16223-AWQ-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022 anes =: 2 4 - 3 ‘Beam 38 south face, span 5, at west quarter point, looking north ~ Photo 65: close-up of previous photo. Beam 28, span 6 at east end, looking southwest ~ horizontal cracks. Photo 66: Jeoston 816-223, 16223-AWQ-MUN-NBI ‘JAN 49, 2022 Boam 38, span 5 midspan, looking northeast — horizontal cracks. span 3, at pier 9 looking northwest ~ horizontal and diagonal hairline eracks. Jsoston Jawa |p-16223 516223-AWO-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022 i Photo 69: Beam 32north face, span 3, at east quarter point looking south — edge spall at the bottom. Photo 70: Underside of beam 34 span 3, looking south ~ beam with exposed stip, IVTORN TCDA STRUCTURED, TSSFECTION DT Jsoston awa |p-t6-223 [B16223-AWQ-MUN-NBI ‘JAN 19, 2022 PHOTOS Photo 71: Diaphragms, betwoon beam 31 and 32, span 4 at west construction joint, looking west ~ spalling. Note bottom edge spall at beam 22. Photo 72: Beam $3, span 4 at pier 4, looking east ~ spall in the bearing area. AW 16223-AWO-MUN-NBI JAN 19,2022 Os Photo 73: Beam 34, span 4at pier 4, looking northeast delamination, cracking ‘and spall along the south face at the end diaphragm, Photo 74: Bearing 28, span 3, pior 2, looking southwest ~ bulging, rotated and tom elastomeric bearing pad. Jeoston IRE DEFENSE [STRUCTURE SFECTON DIT 16-223 16223-AWQ-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022 Photo 75: Ten Bearing 33, span 3, pier 2, looking southwest ~ rotated elastomeric bearing pad. Photo 76: ‘Bearing 35, span 3, pier 2, looking northwest ~ shifted elastomer ‘bearing pad with overhang by full width, PAGE _61_ OF 66 Ear BIN OR DEFE NO] STRUCTORENO. NORTE |soston wig |B-16.223 16223-AWQ-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022 iin Photo 77: Beating 36, span 3, pier 2, looking southwest — rotated elastomeric beating pad with overhang atthe north edge. eae Bearing devices, east abutment, bearing pad, looking southeast — steel plate between beam and bearing with heavy rust, corrosion hole and overhang. PAGE 82 OF 66 JAN 19, 2022 Photo 79: Photo 80: PHOTOS East abutment, looking northeast -homeless debris just adjacent to pedestrian walkway. Vault Wal, east abutment chamber, looking south ~ opening with spalls and delamination. PAGE _ 63 OF 66 corron ana [peas [eitazaWowUNe! [AN ioauze Photo 82: efflorescence. Bent 2, pile cap, west face in bay 1 at top con horizontal eracks with hollow areas. looking east ~ erTTONT Jsoston 17 AW 16-223, B16223-AWA-MUN-NBI ‘JAN 19, 2022 Photo 83: Photo 88: Bont 2, pile cap, west and top face, bay 12, looking east —hollow area ks. [BOSTON [p-16-223, 516223-AWO-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022, Ten: Photo 85: 6th ple from south end, ple bent 2, east row, looking west ~ spalled infor Photo 86: Piles, pile bent 2, east row; looking southwest - split along pile jacket. JBOsTON DEPEND] CSTROCTOAEN TSFECTON DAT lp-16-223, B16223-AWQ-MUN-NBI JAN 19, 2022, OOS Photo 87: Wales, per 3 fender systom, west sido, looking northeast ~ split and Photo 88: 3rd wale from top, pier 3 fender system, north nose, looking south ~ timber with typical spitting. National Bridge Element Inspection. DEPTH BatGans Dae ovine BEN. AWQ Diese Brigg napecton Engr Jerry O'Connor em BIG2-AWO-MUNNBL Inspecting Agoney _ATANE Raglneers Span Gray “Team Lender Peter Keeping ‘Towa Boston ‘Team Diego Ade, Jonathan Marla te Member) [Be [eonnme Vous [iw] Taare feore] Smet [Set [Saws [Ses he [Re Coneaeneak vas] 2 | rson000 [Jo] 7300000 si [8c Suter wee] > | som | Jn] Soom [Naser 1M Wer Src Pee concrte su ms a =i [itowsoncrSumng [eee 2 | Som [La] cr) >aI0 [Wing Sato wae] = | secon [EJ] asione | 00m sit [onigatracratiearsep Jota] 2 | 2500 [TT] Eo 53a Poack Wowre Ss) ae] ] om TED] Tosi hoe Fr Ga x Gar Te [> | aoa [LJ] aaa | ace mm [Nas DapncantanoaS or barns nese rai [aronvaiootaliruchatane | m= 2] 0m [LJ] oon] _vo08 [ioe Sane 7S we 2 | cae | [Sar foe fre Ga ex iaer fe Ps | tom [Ee] ammo saa Page 67 National Bridge Element Inspection [DEPTH peters ute on9r002 BIN, AWQ) Diese Bridge Inspection Eng Jerry O'Comnar tem B16223-AWQ-MUNNBI Inspesing Agency _ATANE Engineers EC. Span Grcep 1 Team Lender Peter Keeping ‘Town Roto ‘Teams Dleg Ato, Jonathan Maria punt & Members) pe [ewan Vas [aw] Tog ooo] Set | Set | sas | awe Tae [ociminnoniwiracetaee | a | 3s | vom [LJ] TH = ine 80 wm Ps] om [OD 50m bo "7 Op Gr Grternam | Se | 2] Wan |EJa] 1a [fast SG mann lee = Ope Cou Giieriowm ‘| a | 3 | amano | Lx] 20m fis Jae one Awe TTS] sam [Epo] avo | asa] a Ta [baenioimntpPaciataee | ea] >] 70m [OJ Te] tae Pine [eect Sang m=] >] 20 Jo Tm [as wr sat] ® Joey) 7 5 [Rae Toor [eon =p] = (oF 7 3 [seus? carson pila wine arora dso ang fave eae oe [se Fe Con Pr Cap Te [2 | 70 [Jo] rom fae [Re Cone Pern Te Ts] sam [EJs] ao | e000 Tom = Tae [Daornaiontpatiractatame |e [S| Toon [DJ 3508] 1008 Page 68 National Bridge Element Inspection DEPTH wa6ax9 te ont9ra022 BIN. AWO Disc Bridge nsetion Egy Jerry O*Comar I B16228-AWQ-MUN-NBT lnepsingAgoney _AANE Bnghners FC. Span cep 1 ‘Team Lender Peter Keeping ‘Town Boston Team Diego Ato ona bien € Menten) a = Voie [Ew] Tale [oro] Ser [Sue [Sas [Sue fw [ip Seat p Joe er [2 | mom [pel seo [Rees nonin Pied far [Compre Jeeta we 72] saw [LD] eam ] coe [som [Res Compesn na wwe tod PT 7) [ca Decor Hor 72] om 1 O] Tam | sm fas [asc Jae Wit Sah wer [2 | ooo [Es] oon (aes! Bens aro os Do a [issomerc bearing =y?] = Joy) 7 7 Sane [itor =P] > Jo 7 i [sesomere Bearing =p] Joy = = 7 Spe [azar =p. (Oo 7 Tae [nina Stmgortone aaa] = (Oe z 3 sae [p= earns =>) Jo] T [row " [ia ge ing ea [2 | snciame [J] saan | ron Fase Quit toe to te pelo BD vale Ps [scene cong are] > | wom [CI] oy Page 69 National Bridge Element Inspection DEPTH R-t6220 Dae oxen BIN. WO Dior eigensection Eng Jerry O'Connor Nem 8 B16223-AWO-MUN-NBE leapctng Agency ATAND Raginers RC. Span Grosp 1 Team Leader Pater Keeping ‘Town Boston ‘Team Dgo Aten Jonathan Maat bites Mente) Er [aeosn Nae Vas Jee] Toad [ora] Smet [Sed] Sues] saea = ao rioCraah Ptr Coay) [ease] 2 | moo | Yo 0 [Rom Page 70 Report Det: Ju 1, 2021 treme we ‘esara io opt ce (i) ya ate [iota acco aun 120980 (ontoanee oes Oaub y5a86 Toorantp ia Pea! ae fertunerOee Aue shart take (0 era mio Chipeatatpecin- —FyComsaniney cate woe, (pn eae = 1m (rhc crn (hondwanou oo cone (ra nae at an (2}oipen- Noman cee {hema a et same {imma Ro Tate iat (she ocr Ona sae (seat aos ign femmes varpancaanvaurny com {i Porroeoon eam 2 {stat etn Vt lar if *NoADT a Masi Cont pence rac, is feet {oan ao pra Onin foie: tie Ha A ca vy fe man y {shckoai Chenin wv undRag ad Perg =a Doompios rahe ee ‘ [sopra ar) ‘ ne ; pooa as i : encltes uv feed on : rama “he “ _ natin ese poeeien come — a one cae oNer barns are See pee cho eos Sree encase SEE acme = aka eae ordre eer ee Series eee a oe WS wate Wk. ES ee econ ad weg. feponoue sym nrnanner a moore was ‘ae rere ——_—_—_ oo scan Lo arama yn . Ne nH Hin O18 es _ Pitney een ‘° Sanyo eo epee ‘ Bente ae raw cx 09 rade ° (Grout vorenrorrront cies. ed Nata * {remy came Wee SPORT BUD yt Onbermae : urn eameuratament. enum" aman « (aap coe omens chnopelpanya “ (rane ven ene {hy oe ———— coum saoea aim ase SOE ern ‘owe tum cai ace £9! wetie : Gna ore. # (Senora Ch rin ; ‘Sire A — toxitai a fosie ete Gaaaiane pemeomene, eae See nas 7 ocseane Gros tiie nimi te: Notre UDO, Noam ats : ito ance sre opengrae = Songer Goins ahmed. Ler co marae o> Ginven tare a (sine arent om pmasaron : {toneeoncortmee natin Pce coin st eso Om ‘ {to ven PS ortel in rn m Coe bax mety 2 = ve 2 tse wt se a {rhe smy : <= rarest Apt : (oltactonyeoes ewe F202 113 Sone Ce Wigs a . darencin “ip fol onc Fone pcr fvorne ria scx“ \recrccacs oat nom es euerancr sau donmetsar ‘ea lnieotapn Ye om cna (ope eno sion (mapa te © woo ome et {om mtn tot ts oy cer ‘irieonaromnm craw Hemnsouae n@ o> cea res wu com Guvepen een 1 me ona emerine uk Mgt oat omegcn tro} oer been Win cube oat ee Raa (erdexvian cuteon oon oo Tete apart me) cen Sate Conan net he seat ane tae ee (2h rete Ob toy so Seen ten ot " «remo ano eccnndoncimay eas 9 ein Nn anette ot Se | Rommosaacet "9 tusomes) oe Sy Rey eto (eo ertt garb Go earns om worwoventsowre (4 to er sans ovsan YY as iinleeelan Z + hm WN free ATANE > EXCEL.TOGETHER, sary 13,2022 Brace Sylvia, Brg Inepestion gine MassDOT Bridges Sructres To Park Pas, ue 640 Boss, MA 2116 ‘tn, sty 0'Gxunn, Dist ge spect ner Re: Inpection of Stenide Complex Setter Contes Nunber [10112, ge Ingestion 16-223 (AWO) Dear Me. Siva, Atched please find an leone copy ofthe Routine lspction Rep fr Bridge Numb B-6-223 (AWQ). This ridge amie Seaport Boulevad ve Fort Pont Chena inthe Cty of Boson tom $8 Deck it cae 7. No change ‘em 8.11 Lighting Stndards ‘> DET=SA: Telower porns f the ihing unde ave etn os fllow: ‘Attn ey 1+ Syn 4 idspn: holes up oS igh U2 pert ith 1 Spun 4 ner pier 3 (2) oes upto 2" gh Span 3 dian: ols apo” high x mor than 12 petite wit, Spun 2 idan: 18 12 perimeter ith + West approst, west abument one) 2” high st ole. Ate south cu Spun 2, pier: bole pt "high x 70% peinster wid, Span pied hoes wih ray seton os Sp Sfp cao per oles an open seton x SO% printer. tem 9 Sypentisenne i coed 5, No change tan 60 Subarus cdot S.No change Resa No. + SIA Dellaco: Ye, sce the ipction eo compete dt + Cet Defceni No + Thesppma prenatal defen DDEF=S/A: Ath eastbound right shoulder, slong te west abutment desk oi the is 26" lang x 3.0" ido x 6:12" dep patho hich partly undermine dane sre over (© Da¥e-Sia: atte cstound tae! ines, tng the wet stot dock joy, hee ae pone up 16 wide 10° long x 2-12" deep whish partly usdermie the went armor ange of the deck oi, epee bituminous patches upto 2-0" ong x 9°" wide 2-2 deep, you have any questions o comments, pls canta you Very ely yours, [ATANE Engineer, PC oD Mihmood Mohamed, P=, Eycctve Vie President SRobrd Sate 292 = enon MA OIB9 + Phone (617) 7700 + Fa (17) 28 78D + waratneconlng om

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