(BCA) Lift Technology

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BCA ACADE Lift Technology Lift Technology fk AAS Type of Vertical Transportation and Their Applications -Passenger Lift *" Observation Lift + Service Lift + Goods Lift + Stair Lift + Dumbwaiter Lift Technology 1.4.1 Passenger Lift = For passenger transportation Satie ena = Aesthetic interior finishes can be customised = Rated capacity —nojof person (15men), Used in commercial, retail, residential | allan wake $5 cpz garde yr SC Cf2 1198 2 Khe te bot Ue stndnd ss OP. aa peaseefn Teche BIR per petsme (sont Sitadar —T84y we -& orton Jr Lift Technology & ew senor 1814 ea peo Bere qe 1.1.2 Observation Lift =. hotrh = © Lift designed to permit exterior viewing pow i, © The lift can be installed inside or outside of the building gy a eee to different car shape _ Sa re BCA ACAD Li 1 a vb ift Technology 1.3 Service Lift —— Nove bigger PesScngon loft CMY penser) Usage for transportation of equipment and service personnel Same type of characteristic as the passenger lifts but is'designated for back of house use The interior finish is more basic and functional as for,protection to the lift Lift Technology 1 1.4 Goeds Lift Usage for unloading or loading goods Rated capacity — weight (4000kg) eee fe eer tte peace goods and slower in speer gee eee eee Lift Technology 1.2.1 Gearless Lifts ads Rh = Direct Coupling to drive shaft m Large and slow-speed de motor ® used for higher speed variable frequency drives AACADEMY Lift Technology ar Gearless Lifts >: Components in Gearless Machines =: Fa Drive motor = Drive sheave svt 4A ne Bedplate 4f < Brake 44.4 au . DC / AC drives =: oe: mo: \ BCA ACADEMY Lift Technology 1.2.4 Gearless Lifts = Disadvantages Large, slow-speed de motor Expensive and massive are necessary to maintain the required torque bee \fin Lift Technology 1.2.1 Gearless Lifts Advantages Continuous operation Smoothness ‘ase of maintenance Long-life bility” Zag h. Sones Lift Technology 1.2.2 Geared Traction Lifts ® Uses reduction gear with a high-speed motor to drive the traction sheave = High speed motor drives a worm and gear reduction unit which in turn drives the hoisting sheave. = Slow sheave speed and high torque » Lower speed application Lift Technology | 1.2.2 Geared Traction Lifts Component in Geared Machines ¥~ Drive motor vy Drive sheave Bedplate Brake Gearbox Deflector sheave (optional) Go BCA ACADEMY BCA ACADEMY BCA ACADEMY Lift Technology 1.2.2 Geared Traction Lifts Disadvantages The life would be reduced if used excessively or extended Lift Technology 1.2.2 Geared Traction Lifts Advantages Cheapercost Lift Technology 1.2.3 Hydraulic Lifts MY BCA ACADE Lift Uses reduction gear with a high-speed motor to drive the traction sheave High speed motor drives a worm and gear reduction unit which in turn drives the hoisting sheave. Slow sheave speed and high torque ‘Lower speed application Technology UA 1.2.3 \ Hydraulic Lifts ft et » Cylinder 23,2 Piston = Fluid Reservoir ®- = Rotary pump & Valve * Hydraulic BCA ACADEMY | BCA ACADEMY Lift Technology 1.2.3 Hydraulic Lifts Disadvantages -~ High maintenance cost ” Low speed High heat generated in the hydraulic system \ Good mechanical ventilation required Lift Technology 1.2.3 Hydraulic Lifts Advantages Hydraulic room can be side way High capacity Lift Technology 1.3 Lift Installation 1.3.1 General Installation Notes ® Guides or rails to keep lift travels in a vertical path * Safety device to stop and hold the elevator if over-speed = Robust structural supports to reinforce smooth operation and safety catchment Ue MIN @ te Sth =: =: ee mc: Lift Technology EMY BCA ACAD Isometric View of Lift Installation - = ae a: t: me =: te oe eo: Lift Technology 1.3.2 Noise and vibration Noise maybe noticed and objected to under quiet conditions = Structure borne noises and vibrations maybe transmitted to remote places Noise may be Isolated by installing sound and vibration isolators = Best approach is to architecturally place such room away Noise can be isolated with the secondary or deflecting sheave. Lift Technology 1.3.2 Noise and vibration Location of Lift Installation away from Bedroom BCA ACADEMY Lift Technology 1.3.3 Platform and Enclosure ts Dimension of the internal lift car’s platform is controlled by the lift capacity * SS 550— Code of Practice for Installation, operation and maintenance of electric passenger and goods lifts Supports the elevator safety device, clamps that will stop and hold the elevator on the rails ‘in case of an over speed Structure to withstand safety application and the lift operating forces saeiers ll is ja] oe “sean — anh Lift Technology 1.3.4 Elevator Door Access to the elevator from each floor is Guarded by a hoist way door Must be fire-rated by Authority Structure to withstand safety application and the lift operating forces Door mechanism must lock the door safely when the elevator is not at a floor and automatically open it when the car is levelling to the floor. fire eh dane anor AE Lift Technology BCA ACADE 1.3.5 Door Operator Open and close the doors in a safe and swift manner » Mounted on top of the car Direct and easy installation yyn door 5 Loading det cur deel Lift Technology BCA ASAD ENN ae fs) Counterweights xf a4 ®€ounterweights and their guides are located behind thercar « “lg ) Some have counterweights at the side deep lift car such as in hospitals bed lift through door lift whereby lift has doors in the front and back limited hoistway depth Lift Technology 1.3.7 Machine Room ® Traction Lifts Ww Best location is directly above the hois way May be at the side but must be adjacent to hoist way for traction lifts hae a: & Hydraulic Lifts < May be remote for hydraulic lifts ev. hydraulic piping to and from the elevator and a: pumping unit. < i a ca: Lift Technology 1.3.7 Machine Room = Houses the essential equipment of the lift. hoisting machine, elevator controller and , governor for safety application Requires supporting services c Power Lighting : Ventilation Lift Technology 1.3.7 Machine Room Ventilation to remove heat released by the elevator equipment =“ « Maintain a maximum temperature in the | =: motor room of 40°C. | a: Natural or mechanical ventilation to maintain | at: a temperature not exceeding 38°C, vw measuring 1m of the machine and other | =: associated equipment <<: ae a: Lift Technology 1.3.8 Lift Shaft Lift equipment for maintenance shall be installed in the lift well = Main supply of the lift should be installed at = the exterior a: Vent opening for the lift operation and at least <- — 0.1m? for the individual shaft . ae Ue If the distance between the consecutive < T landing doorsills exceed 11m, emergency q: door must Pe installed o Y 1% mo: r Lift Technology 1.3.8 Lift Shaft = Requirements of emergency door Door at least 760mm (w) and 2m (H) » Accessible and free of obstacles. « Either horizontal sliding or swinging ,) ® Self- closing and locking « Signage ngt less than 50mm high, “DANGER, LIFT WELL”. Door lock managed by authorised persons Electrical contact interlock with lift 24: wok Levert Pid poe Hi we [-29 2h ake 7 wy ap xo [mille ome ee Pa ee ea \ Lift Technology EMY BCA ACAD & 1.3.9 LiftPit Ye #5 a As Waterproct Mutt be hea amatiing dol © Sump pump pit to discharge slip-in water » Power points and lighting to facilitate BSgpwon maintenance = Safety stop button to disable lift in case of emergency ence = Depth and size of pit with respect to buffers, compensating sheaves and other equipment Wr pany fe cen, 4) BCA ACADEMY BCA ACADEMY BCA ACADEMY Lift Technology ‘ila Lift Operation Procedure + Open and Close Button « Intercom Communication System + Alarm Bell button + Fan/ Light Switch Operation + Voice Announcement 24 + Overload Buzzer and Indication * Emergency Feature Of Key Switch Panel + Emergency Power Lift Homing Lift Technology 1. In the event of power failure 2.In the event of Fire _ 3. In the event of power failure & Fire 4, Lift Interfacing Signals . 5. Homing Sequence Lift Technology In the event of Power Failure 13.1.4 Emergency operation of lift in the event of power failure 13.4.1. Power supply for spocial emergency operations ‘An automatic mains failure standby generating system of suffclent capacity complying with SS 535 ‘hall be installed fo cover the special emergency operations dascrbed in to 13.1.3 and the fie lit operation in 13.2 simultaneously. ‘Therefore, the capacity of the standby generating system Shall be sutficient forthe fire lit to operate at all ime beside the emergency and rescue operation for othr is. nak required by the relevant authorly to have standby generating system, Gilat este doves (AR) shall be installed to cover the special emergency operation described The ARD shall have suficient capaciy to sustain a minimum of two consecutive emerge ‘peratione and shail bo fuly recharged wehin six hours ater tie emergency operation MOG mr a of] ra Lift Technology In the event of Power Failure { Power failure emergency operation in be event of power fallue or power interruption, the supply tothe it shall be automatically switched Bream ie cmergency power supply from the standby generating system and the We If shel bo = eperable’ Thereatter, one or more tits may resume operation depending on the capaciy of he cre ty generating system. in addon to the fro it. For buildings without emergency generating Syston a lits are instafed with ARD, these its shall be brought to the nearest ocr with cee oPenect. Neral operation of the shall be automaticaly reset on th retum of noma power suppy Pee We ot ope ~ He Fer ~ Peasaynt gle se uf BCA ACADEMY Lift Technology In the event of Fire 13.4.2. Emergency operation of lft in the event of fre In the event offre when any one ofthe fire detection devices is activated, tho lift shall be brought to the designated floor and shall park there with the door remaining open. Where required by the relevant authority, the it wil ba brought to the alternate designated floor in the event these Is fre In the designated floor, The lft shall automaticaly be rendered inoperative afer it has been brought to e designated floor or where applicable, the allemnate designated foo. or buildings which are not required to have standby generating system, fre datection at lift lobbies is required such that al lits serving the same lobbies shall be brought to the designated floor or where applicable the altomate designated floor, automaticaly under normal power. Normal operation ofthe lit shall be manually reset aftor the deactivation of the fre datectors and the resetting of the ire alarm pane! by the operation of@ key switch as described below. al Ve oth beamed oh theres BCA ACADEMY Lift Technology = 13413. Emergoncy operation of lifts) inthe event of power failure and fire Y Jn the event of power fallure and fire, the operation ofthe lift shall be in accordance with 43.4.2 with the power supply from the automatic mains falure standby generating system. | Tn the event of Power Failure & Fire | Ay es o — 2 Leech ae iy [ine 2 ww ole ot F vee reset BCA ACADEM ooo Y BCA ACADEM Y BCA ACADEM Lift Technology Lift Interfacing Signals Fire Signal Homing of lifts to designated floor under normal power supply Power Failure Signal Homing of lifts to designated floor under genset supply a. a. Lift Technology Homing Sequence Allocated genset power supply for lift Lift power rating and starting current Establish the max no of lift operating at one time Sequence the lift operation with the priority Fire lift (Code Compliance) a. b. c. d Goods lifts / Vehicle lift ete BCA ACADEMY ~ =: Lor a: < Vv < < v a Lift Technology Homing Sequence 1. Allocated genset power supply for lift Connecting Load tor Emergency Power Su que . [Without Fire condition [Fire Condition imated Maximum [Estimated Maximum Description Bemand dew Semana aw 0.00 Lift Technology Homing Sequence 1. CONDITIONS 11 The eloctriea sub-contractor wil suply and ins a pair of power fuze signal cable / lift ‘erasing inside each lift machine room, During normal Condition, the type of signal shall be ¢ lane vollgefretcontcl. Je the event of pover fe, te voltage ‘et contact shal be closed. There shall be one signal contact foreach if 12 The fresub.conmcer wl supply ard inl a ei of re ata ile ering inside cac ft machine room, Duin nora condion te ype of signal shal be nthe -apsn slag re cult nthe vet fie stn, he vege ee ‘contact shall be closed. There ghall be one: ‘Signal contact for each lift. Lift Technology Homing Sequence 2. EMER’ rv: . WHERE NORMAL POWER SUPPLY IS STILL AVAILABLE Inthe event of fre ané upon the receipt ofthe fire laren signsl [eee 1.2}, all its, using normal powe shall home to the 1" Storey independent ofeach oxher— that is, upon recep of fie “signal, all Ife shall home to the 1" Storey wallow having 16 Wall for Gach Biber. Aller coe HiT being homed to the J” Storey, it will open i door and remain inoperative with its lights and fan off > 3. EMERGENCY OPERATION OF THE LIFTS INTHE EVENT OF POWER FAILURE ‘Upon receipt of the power failure signal (see 1.1) ot lifts being powered by the Standby Generator (by Others) shall home (othe J* storey as according to the sequence as shown in == the tabie on next page. BCA ACADEMY Lift Technology Homing Sequence cig ac pn he baad Seamer ze | ae | am | Fe : alalazls i vem [om | oe | me | : . Cee es er ca . ‘The hong ofthe ts brwen te groupe shal be independent of ac ter, wheres ong > ofits within the grou hal be sequential (oe it sin) Bl iy tenet it can son ohne © Mtr he preceing thas Ben bought tI" ces, opeaie doar and emai epee. ‘Afr ech if nthe group hat been bong tothe 3° cary, i elope door ries ‘noparae wight x fas of. BCA ACADEMY ‘Afr the as it nthe group ins been homed whe 1 sey and resus oper, the ‘designated lif [wth Automate Cosneous Opens) sal conve normal opeaon wing te - lec suis fra he tally Generac (By Oe) ih. Lift Technology Homing Sequence ‘The staring nd romning capacity (RVA) forthe lis is shows inthe blow tbe GrapoaNe. [LtsinGrarng| anne [ Swine va | Romurg WA > a EVA Ba 71,813 PL, eee EVA eva si FET BVA ekva = a SLE K ‘S2KVA, Ce “Fla Nim Sang HVA en a get anne Sevens fo wa 7 peti waa Poe << { wissmiapia [pis eva “Ss eva] wa saw RVA | i “altar : sal aa eg ar a. | SS ae 2 “Total Manimum Starting KVA (per homing Sequence for i cmp lecena ais <= vu Be Lift Technology Homing Sequence 4 EMERGENCY OPERATION OF SHE LIFTS IN THE EVENT OF POWER ~~ FAILURE AND FIRE = Lt + _ Unonecic of oth pes re sig ss 13a fe am sia foe 12) he negaey 2” + Sprain af he ite iach bore tm (3) hn ttl ets ed asic peesee a ithas homed to the J darey- < a a : 5. HbeLift Operation (Activa ftSwich, =: pin ativan oii sich rift FLS 0) ie halepet a cong Wee qersionindopendet fe ov eergenyopeaions =< vw a: Lift Technology 1.5 Lift Maintenance = Periodic maintenance Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly All machinery and equipment maintenance by the registered ed ft FROME a ae ole? Ja Periodic exanttithtion, test fide inspection \ » maintenance period shall must not exceed 12 months. Intercom Communication System No load test — yearly Full load test — 5 yearly BCA ACADEMY Lift Technology 1.6 Testing and Commissioning = T&C after completion of installation = Ensure that every section and garts are in working order Inspector to carry out safety procedure tests Inspector will then commission the lift ® Inspector endorse the Certificate of Supervision BCA ACADEMY BCA ACADEMY Lift Technology 1.6.1 Functional Checks and Tests (p1) 1. Power Supply Check Stage 2. Wiring connection check stage 3. Slow speed testing stage 4. High speed testing stage 5. Drop Test 6. Over speed Test 7. Balance Test Lift Technology 1.6.1 Functional Checks and Tests (p2) 8. Load Test 9. Safety Operation Test 10.Temperature Rise 11.Insulation Tests 12.Performance Test 13.Machine Room 14.Machine Room Equipment Lift Technology BCA ACADEMY BCA ACADEMY 1.6.1 Functional Checks and Tests (p3) 15.Hoist Ropes 16.Speed Governor 17.Brake 18.Controller Mechanism 19.Wiring 20.EBOPS 21.ARD Lift Technology 1.6.1 Functional Checks and Tests (p4) 22.Controller 23.Insulation Test 24.Safety Device Check 25.Safety Catch Operation Test 26.Door Adjustment and Setting 27.High speed Trail Operation 28.Over speed Test Lift Technology 1.6.1 Functional Checks and Tests (p5) 29.Levelling Test 30.Final Adjustment 31.Group Control Operation 32.Commissioning stage 33.Handover BCA ACADEMY Lift Technology 1.6.2 Testing of Fire Lifts 1. Upon fire, fire lift shall ignore all other calls and land on the designated storey (usually ground floor) with the door open. 2. Operation of the fire lift only responds to internal car calls only. (Fireman operation) 3. Time taken to travel first to highest storey to be within 1 minute 4.Fire lift to be connected to secondary generator power supply BCA ACADEMY ote raha fe ersngnrs, botalef one q Lift Technology 1.6.3 Testing of EBOPS 1.1 man in LMR check that the emergency battery is provided and properly affixed with PSB label. 2. Cut off the mains power supply to change- over to EBOPS for lift car lights and fan 3. Test alarm bell under EBOPS 4. Cut off the EBOPS to witness light, fan, alarm bell are turned off. 5. Resume normal power supply and check battery is charging mode ~ =. earl a <: 1B. << =: wo mo: Lift Technology 1.7. Emergency Operation of Lifts 1. Emergency signal devices 2. Emergency power supply for lighting, ventilation and alarm systems for all passenger lifts. 3. Emergency operation of lift in the event of fire BCA ACADEMY Lift Technology 1.8 Energy Conservation Measures 1. Energy Conservation a) When lift not in operation, go to sleep mode ») Sleep mode will turn off the light and fan 2. Factors Affecting Energy Consumption a) Type of drive, hydraulic and speed b) Mechanical designs and motor type selection c) Type of control - VVVF GBS Try pot 0 } a) J Lift Technology End of Slides BCA ACADEMY cA ACADEMY Lift Technology “Tne Copyat is dosument baongs BCA. No pa fis document maybe vee Sloe waste reproced, sored rao! yee or rarmited ay lo or by ay ena at placing recor or Chap 2 - Escalators Nt 2.1 Type of Escalators & Auto-walks > wh sahr Free-standing single escalator 4 sve one Anectin + Single escalator against the wall + Multi-level single escalator + Multi-level cross-over — shepy centre Multi-level parallel — shee aan Spiral escalator — Sp + Auto-walks Bie pt HR] Chap 2 - Escalators VA 1.2 Types, Functions and Characteristics of Escalators nN 27.3°, 30° and’35° incline — permitted for escalators up to(6000mm vertical rise 0.5m/s step band compact dimensions when space is restricted lowest capital cost for its vertical rise commonly used in retail application. ponte fort bet A Bie BCA ACADEMY Chap 2 - Escalators 1.2 Types, Functions and Characteristics of Escalators Escalator - 3 angles of inclination 27.3°, 30° and 35° 30° incline — Offers good compromise between comfort, safety and overall length of the escalator making it popular 27.3° incline — has the same inclination as a staircase. Provide better alignment between the escalator truss and the staircase. BCA ACADEMY BCA ACADEMY BCA ACADE Chap 2 - Escalators Ay 1.2. Types, Functions and Characteristics of Escalators Auto-walks - 4 angle of inclination - 0°, 10°, 11° and d2° 0° inclination — normally used in airports for horizontal movement to ease human traffic. It can be tilted up to 6°. Chap 2 - Escalators 2.2 Types, Functions and Characteristics of Escalators Auto-walks - 4 angle of inclination - 0°, 10°, 11° and 12°. 10, 11 or 12° inclination — Used for shopping or baggage trolleys to transport passengers between two floors. Mainly used in airports, railway stations or supermarkets. preference inclination is 10° as it enhances comfort and safety. 12° if space is restricted and preferable as it offers the most compact dimensions. Another would be its lower capital cost as for the given vertical rise. Now suas 2S BCA ACADEMY Chap 2 - Escalators Chap 2 - Escalators 4 te Qs Escalator Installation 1. Steps Clear Height Above Step Dimension of Steps 2. Combs Comb Teeth Section 3. Landing . Landing Opening and Landing Plate 2. Landing Gap BCA ACADEMY > =: al a: <: a = at: wv ca: Chap 2 - Escalators f (2.3 Escalator Installation 4 5. 6. if 8. 9. 1 Balustrades Newel 44> Handrail Truss *% Footlight Step Lights under Landings 0. Lift Support Chap 2 - Escalators 2.4 Escalator Operation Procedure PaRwons . Steps before restarting the escalator Normal Start Check at starting and during operation For Intermittent Operation Measures in case of accident resulting in injury Measures in case of fire Chap 2 - Escalators \ 2.5 Escalator Maintenance Procedure J 1. performed by trained personnel of a qualified © maintenance company 2. comply with requirements and responsibilities according to local code. 3. In case of unknown risks, the persons appointed to carry out the maintenance works are obligated to inform the manufacturer = 4...precautions shall be taken to avoid any hazards to people. * ie Both accesses way must be blocked by “OUT OF SERVICE” notices BCA ACADEMY Chap 2 - Escalators 2.5 Escalator Maintenance Procedure Maintenance intervals ® Maintenance intervals depend on the rate at which the stairs get dirty, intensity of operation, local regulations and conditions and terms of maintenance contract All machinery and equipment must be cleaned, oiled, adjusted and replaced by the registered lift contractor in an interval of one month BCA ACADEMY Chap 2 - Escalators 2.6 Testing & Commissioning . T&C after completion of installation 2. Ensure that every section and parts are in working order 3. Inspector to carry out safety procedure tests 4. Inspector will then commission the lift . Inspector endorse the Certificate of Supervision La BCA ACADEMY 2.7 Energy Conservation Measures >» 7 BE tad = (8) te Vv = =< is} ao Factors Affecting Energy Consumption a) Duration of operation ») Type of drive - VSD Vionsh Speck HAA Energy Conservation switch to automatic ON/OFF escalators ». sensors to shut off the escalators when there is no one present ya hae «escalators to ‘intermittent-run” escalators by installing a yarlable speed drive and sensors to reduce the speed of the escalators when no oneis present. Chap 2 - Escalators End of Slides BCA ACADEMY Lift Technology Cee ‘capris of cma batrgsio ACA. Hepa i comin yb ec, arlene, paced “etna wc yb myname georges Chap 3 Safety Features and Regulations 3.1. Safety Features for Lifts + Car and counterweight safety catch + Car and counterweight buffers + Braking systems J : Emergency battery operated power supply (EBOPS) + Automatic rescue device (ARD) Chap 3 Safety Features and Regulations =e =. a mae oa vo 3.2 Safety Features for Escalators ° Lighting > Speed Control Device Braking systems + Emergency Stop, not automatically operated + Emergency Stop, automatically operated Chap 3 Safety Features and Regulations BCA ACADEMY 3.3 Regulations SS 550 : 2009 Code of Practice for Installation, operation and maintenance of electric passenger and goods lifts (Former CP2 : 2000 Code of Practice for Installation, operation and maintenance of electric passenger and goods lifts) CP15:2004 Code of Practice for Installation, operation and maintenance of escalators and Passenger conveyors. NA238-02 Escalators End of Slides BCA ACADEMY LiftTechnology Poe cae ey "ie onrtt ccna banat No pan ncn sored arebevd ste of vasa ry trary ‘stoi to ay person fe aud 10 ue Chap 4 Authority Submissions 4.1 Authority Submissions 1. Certificate of Supervision for Installation of Lift and Escalator 2. Lodgement of certificate of lift maintenance and testing 3. Certificate of Lift Maintenance and Testing BCA ACADEMY Chap 4 Authority Submissions 4.2 Certificate of Supervision for Installation of Lift and Escalator The form requires information of the followings 1. Particulars of project reference 2. Particulars of Building 3. Particulars of lift(s) 4. Declaration and endorsement of the Professional Engineer > =: we Be < oS =: <. o- co: Chap 4 Authority Submissions 4.3 Lodgement of certificate of lift maintenance and testing The form requires information of the followings 1. Particulars of Building Particulars of lift owner Particulars of lift maintenance contractor Particulars of lift(s) Confirmation of lodgement a PF SN > =: fui a = vo =<; «: Ee a BCA ACADEMY BCA ACADEMY Chap 4 Authority Submissions 44 Certificate of Lift Maintenance and Testing The form requires information of the followings ® Particulars of Building Owner @ Particulars of lift maintenance contractor and his declaration of the testing in accordance to the Code of practice -Particulars of Approved person and his endorsement of his supervision of the testing carried out by the lift contractor Chap 4 Authority Submissions End of Slides wiegutconce Be ACADEMY 1.1.4 Passenger Lift Passenger lifts are commonly used in most commercial buildings, hotels, shopping centres, residential and car park to carry people. ‘The passenger lifts are designed with enclosed car cage to carry passenger and shall not be used for goods transportation. ‘The lift capacity is rated as the number of person the lift shall carry (ie 15men Lift). Fig 1.4.1 - Front Elevation of Typical Passenger Lift ‘TikTeehnaiogy i 2 talaga tosstn Dey BCA ACADENY Learning Unit : Lift 1.1 Type! of Vertical Transportation and Their Applications Lifts are installed into buildings to satisfy the vertical transportation needs of their occupants and visitors and are necessary by virtue of a comfort and convenience, or by statutory regulation. In office and commercial buildings, lifts are installed to aid efficiency by saving occupants’ time, and hence money. These financial considerations do not apply for ‘residential property. In the residential development, statutory regulations are framed for lifts requirement for fire fighting and rescuing of people when a building is on fire. Lift application consists of commercial, hotels, hospitals, shopping centres, residential and car park. Wherever it’s installed, it is a faster way of going to the particular floor. The vertical transportation will save us time and energy. The service transportation is safer and convenient method to transport bulky items up or down a building. ‘TitTechnotoay —— Page Tore? Pig tscn Pig BCA ACADEMY 1.1.2 Observation Lift Observation Lift is the same as a passenger lift but its design to permit exterior viewing. The observation lift can be installed inside or outside of the building. The observation lift is normally installed at the edge Of the building and is facing a scenic view and passenger in the lift to have a pleasant view while travelling inside the lift. There is no lift shaft and the observation lift can be designed to different car shape. Fig 1.1.3 ~ Observation Us with Different Car Cage shape “Ui Teeknei9py rt vii attannce P-teey BCA ACADE The interior of the passenger lift is designed with various finishes such as marble, tiles, mitror and stainless steel panel. The interior finishes can be customised to the owner’s preference. Fig 1.1.2 ~ Internal Elevation of Typical Passenger Lift, oe vioq toate Pst 1.1.4 Goods Lift BCA ACADEMY Goods/Freight Lift used in buildings that deal with unloading or loading goods. The lift capacity is rated in weight (ie 4000kg) They are usually bigger in capacity to carry heavy goods and slower in speed as compared to passenger and service lifts Used mainly in shopping centres, hospitals, hotels and commercial building dealing in production. Fig 1.1.5 ~ Goods lit has larger capacity for Goods transportation “Ti eernciogy rir setter BP inay 1.1.3 Service Lift BCA ACADEMY Service lift is used to allow transportation of equipment and service personnel that is not preferred by the passenger lift. They are of the same type of characteristic as the passenger lifts but is designated for back of house use. The interior finish is more basic and functional as for protection to the lift. The lift capacity is also rated as the number of men. They are also can be double up as a firemen lift. The designated firemen lift is an added feature to be used by firemen in the fire fighting situation which allow only firemen to operate manually when activated, The firemen lift operation can be activated by the firemen switch located at the first floor landing. Fig 4.24 ~ Service Lifts with Functional fishes “Tit ecinetogy ni 8 siya Bsa BCA ACADEMY wiagactarein DD BOA ACADENY 1.1.5 Stair Lift for the Disable Stair Lift is used to transport wheel-chair bond person across a flock of stairs or floors. The stair lift is guided with tracks along the side of the wall. The stair lift is used in residential building as a private application catering for the individual. Fig 1.1.7 + Seated in a stair it, with footrest in place Fig 1.1.6 - Standard stairlift with arm rest end seat belt Figs 1.1.8 ~ Stairlift in operation ‘Ditteehnstegy errr “Ui Tecinelogy rr | de um es ey 7 siya Be y BCA ACADEMY 1.1.7 Lift for the Disable Where lifts are provided in a building pursuant to the Building Control regulations, at least one lift shall be made accessible from the entrance level for the vertical transportation The lift shall serve all the levels intended for access by people with disabilities. This shall comply with Code on Accessibility in the Built Environment 2007. When designing a passenger lift in for the Code on Accessibility in the Built Environment, the following shall be considered: a. Lift control buttons b. Grab bars c. Safety system 4. Lift size e. Door width 4. Control panel g-Audible and visual features h. Door with sensing device UitTecinalegy ricer vwaquacnreae dS ute BCA ACADE 1.1.6 Dumbwaiter The dumbwaiter, like the goods litt, is designed for carrying goods only. Their small dimensions and designs are such that they are unsuitable for carrying persons. Modern buildings use dumbwaiters for a variety of purposes: a, Delivery of books in libraries. b, Distribution of mail in office buildings. ¢. Delivery of food and supplies in hospitals. Their carrying capacities are generally rated limited to 500kg. Henceforth, they are usually used to transfer small items with a short vertical travelling distance. They can be seen in many restaurants which has few floors where the kitchen is at other level. Fig 1.2.9 - Front and back elevation of Dumbwaiter ‘i teennatogy a TF eg utara Busey BCA ACADEMY Electrically released, spring-applied brake is arranged to apply stopping to the drive sheave. Slow-speed de motors and ac motors, expensive and massive are necessary to maintain the necessary torque to directly drive the large-diameter sheaves. The larger-diameter sheaves conform to the bending radius of elevator steel ropes. A safety code of limitation for good practice for long rope life and is established at a minimum of 40 times the diameter of the wire rope used. The slow speed of the direct drive gearless traction machine is depending on the elevator installed. Gearless traction elevator is preferable due to the following: a) Continuous operation and increasing requirements of elevators in building. b) Smoothness of operation. c) Relatively ease of maintenance of gearless machine. 4) Long-life. e) Dependability and durability, siiquaeie Dey BCA ACADEMY 1.2 Types, Functions and Characteristics of Lift Components The few different types of elevators in buildings are: a) Electric Traction Lifts i. Gearless Lifts ii. Geared Traction Lifts b) Hydraulic Lifts 121 Gearless Lifts The gearless traction elevator consists of a large, slow-speed (50 to 200 rpm) de motor of four to eight poles directly connected to a drive shaft of about 750 to 1200mm in diameter, Fig 1.2.1 ~ Typleal Gearless Machine “Titeeineiogy er eee ics beAveat 12.2 Geared Traction Machines Fig 1.2.2 ~ Typical Geared Machine The geared traction elevator machine utilizes a reduction gear with a high-speed motor to drive the traction sheave. A high speed ac or de motor drives a worm and gear reduction unit which in turn drives the hoisting sheave. The result is having the slow sheave speed and high torque for elevator work. ‘A brake is applied by spring to stop the elevator or hold the ear at the floor level The geared traction machine is used for elevators and dumbwaiters of all capacities from 10-14000 kg of more at speeds of 0.1 to 2.5m/s. Gear machines are driven by either one or two speed ac motor or de motors. ‘Tirteemnoay irr So tatdg tnt Pewoesy BCA ACADEMY Components in Gearless Machines a) Drive motor b)Drive sheave c) Bedplate d) Brake e)DC current armature/ AC drives Gearless machines are DC type through AC motor is used for higher speed variable frequency drives. The brake of drum formed as an integral part of the driving sheave. Used only in emergency and on hold during loading. Commonly speed controls are used instead of brakes. The gearless traction machine is generally used for high speed elevators operating at 2.5 to 10m/s. Tacoma rT venetian Bute BCA ACADEMY 123 Hydraulic Lifts Most hydraulics are direct plunger driven from below, the cylinder extending into the ground as high as the elevator rises, and the operating fluid is oil moved by high speed pumps under pressure. The hole needs to be drilled in the ground to accommodate the hydraulic cylinder plunger. Though roped or indirect hydraulic elevators as well as many ‘hole-less' types, some utilizing telescoping pistons. Fig 1.2.3 ~ Isometric View of a Hydraulle Machine “Ui tesinstogy irr dies attri Br ey BCA ACADEMY Component in Geared Machines © Drive motor * Drive sheave © Bedplate * Brake * Gearbox * Deflector sheave (optional) Gear life The life would be reduced if used excessively or extended Hydraulic elevators are slightly slower than that for geared elevators. Modern hydraulic elevators cater for both passenger and freight service in buildings from two to six stories high and operating at a low speed from 0.125-1.0 mis. BCA ACADEMY Single ram capacities will range from 1000-10000 kg or more. Multiple ram are used for high capacities of 10000-50000 kg. Varied speeds and high capacities are obtained through multiple pumps. Drilling a hole for a direct plunger hydraulic elevator has always been of concer as the underground conditions are often unknown. The concern led to equipment vatiations like ‘hole-less’ hydraulic and the indirect drive hydraulic. ‘TitTesinclosy Weare wernt Dy BCA ACADENY Fig 1.2.4 - Typleal Hydraulic Machine Component in Hydraulic Machines a) Cylinder b) Piston c) Fluid Reservoir d) Rotary pump e) Valve f) Hydraulic ‘TivTecnnaiogy itguttain BD -nosy BCA ACADEMY additional intermediate supporting beams should be provided in the structure, heavier rails should be used and horizontal space to reinforce the elevator guide rails and provided, Heavier rails with a larger cross section are stiffer depending on the total load of the elevator, allow greater bracket spacing. Elevator manufacturers detailed specifications on construction requirements have to be referred. The elevator designers will have the information of the lifts reaction forces and loading which will in turn determines the support requirements. This information is also required by the Structural Engineer who designs the wall where the support is to be anchored to. The structural loading of the lift is also required for his design. “Ut een rrr vata Dy BCA ACADEMY 1.3 Lift Installation 1.3.1. General Installation Notes To make an elevator platform travel up and down smoothly and safely, certain structural requirements must be met. Each elevator must have guides or rails that keep it in a sub-statically vertical path and provide the columns from which an elevator maybe supported if not continued operation becomes unsafe. Support is accomplished by means of safety application, which consists of a device below the elevator platform to stop and hold the elevator on the rails if an over-speed occurs in the down direction. During safety application, the entire weight of the elevator is arrested and transferred to the building structure through the rails. The safety devices are designed to stop an elevator that has a structural weight of 3600 kg + a passenger load of 1800 kg or more. The operating lift may be travelling at 1 m/s or more, by clamping it on the building structure through the guide rails will require sizable rails and rail supports. In additional to the rails, rail supports or brackets must be provided. If longer spans are expected, ‘itecinciegy irr res ry —— oo ee ws att PP itot BCA ACADEMY eq ntcsrin Dsney BCA ACADEMY 1.3.2 Noise and vibration sacra waar Elevator noise maybe noticed and objected to under : bi oe quiet conditions, such as in a residential building or cwnunt 2 hospital. F Drea oS AURA CRANK The counterweight or elevator passing sleeping room adjacent to the elevator hoist-way can cause remo 8x “aumager come disturbing noise and any vibration that maybe present iS tance nd can be transmitted through the walls and structure. ‘DOCR OMARION wares or rte aera The noise may be isolated by installing sound and SEE ee vibration isolators on the elevator brackets where era Doon ae they are fastened to the building structure. The best hain ei approach is to architecturally place such room away wt from the hoist ways. ais ee “scm - Aoouciss Structure borne elevator noises and vibrations maybe Bocce aiibnitela transmitted to places remote from the hoist way 0 through the building structure. The elevator machine tec ~ggrmmean should be isolated from its support, and the Root soa secondary or deflecting sheave attached to the machine rather than to the support structure. SORBENT RAL BIPFOR sonst > urren - fegeeatet Fig 1.3.1 = Isometric View of Lift Installation ‘Wittechaciogy rir Tiree Page TTA wie ein Ps QCA ACADEMY 1.3.3 Platform and Enclosure As the elevator stops at the floor of a building, beneath the car floor is the platform. This is a structural base composed either of wood and angle iron or all steel. The dimension of the internal lift car's platform is controlled by the lift capacity. The dimension can be referred to the Singapore Standard 550 — Code of Practice for Installation, operation and maintenance of electric passenger and goods lifts. The platform should be cushioned on elastomer pads, on a sound isolation sub-frame. The platform and its sound isolation frame rest on the safety plank, which also supports the elevator safety device, clamps that will stop and hold the elevator on the rails in case of an over speed downwards. The safety plank must be designed to absorb the impact from the elevator buffers located in the pit. When the elevator stopped at the lowest floor, it would travel an excess of a few cm over before striking the buffer. The buffer is designed to stop the elevator if it travels at its operating speed past the lowest floor. The buffer absorbs the kinetic energy of the elevator despite the rough landing it within safe limits. It the “i tecnnoiogy rrr sitar Bs BCA ACADEMY Fig 1.3.2 ~ Location of Lit Installation away from Bedroom Ditech ig ee sent cca Bey BCA ACADEMY 1.3.4 Elevator Door Access to the elevator from each floor is guarded by a hoist way door. This door and entrance assembly is required by local building codes to be of fire-rated Construction and must be certified. The wall must be made of either masonry, drywall or poured concrete. In addition, a mechanism must be provided to lock the door safely when the elevator is not at a floor and automatically open it when the car is levelling to the floor. ig 1.3.3 ~ Fire rated Door under test “itechnoiogy ir arr ee veut By BCA ACADEMY specific function of the car safety mechanism. The pit must include provisions for all necessary elevator equipment including lighting, an elevator stop switch, and access ladders. : The car enclosure must be completely isolated from both sound and vibration, which maybe transmitted to and from the structure that support it. Such isolation is elastomer pads but require additional rail space. The supporting structure must be constructed to withstand the force of a safety application and the lifting forces on the elevator as well as the weight of the mechanism that will operate the doors. The requirement minimum clearance between moving pieces of equipment in hoist-ways are required to comply with manufacturers’ specifications and requirements. Cars must have installed ventilation apertures in the upper and lower parts. The effective area of ventilation apertures situated in the upper part of the car should be at least 1% of the nett car platform area; the same also applies for the apertures in the lower part of the car. vito -taey BCA ACADEMY 1.3.6 Counterweights Counterweights and their guides are usually located behind the car. However, there are some elevators have counterweights at the side, Some of the reasons are as followed : a) deep lift car such as in hospitals bed litt b)through door lift whereby lift has doors in the front and back o)limited hoist way depth They are normally made of cast iron or steel. The weight of the counterweight is 1% to the load it carries. The material selected does not burn with age and atmospheric changes. Fig 1.3.5 ~ Various Counterweight position “Uittechnatogy rrr BCA ACADEMY 1.3.5 Door Operators The door operator or engine open and close the doors in a safe and swift manner. Through there are various methods but the common is the electric door operator mounted on top of the car. The advantage is direct and easy installation. It has lower cost and safe installation. However, the setback is the door operator require weight to open and close ovee:Typerhag ar Fig 1.3.4 ~ Isometric View of Lift Installation “Tit Tee Rneiog unt ey vas stonrein dn BCA ACADEMY The ventilation shall be designed to have the capability of removing the heat released by the elevator equipment to maintain. a = maximum temperature in the motor room of 40°C. itis important to maintain room temperature below 40°C as most of the electrical component will de-rate when the ambient reaches 40C and above. Thus temperature may change due to climate temperature and location. Every machine room must have natural or mechanical ventilation to maintain a temperature not exceeding 38°C, measuring 1m of the machine and other associated equipment. Natural ventilation requires an opening of 20% of the floor area as recommended achieving cross-flow. Where ambient temperature excess 32°C, mechanical ventilation is required. we TitTeamnsiony Page WTSI ue oteay uu. sagen cen dr BCA ACADEMY 1.3.7 Machine Room The best location for traction elevator machinery is directly above the elevator hoist way. For traction levator applications this location can also be below, at the side or at the rear and adjacent to the hoist way. ‘The machine must be sufficiently low in the hoist way so that the hoist rope leads from the driving machine sheave to the sheaves in the overheard does not cause excessive sidewise stray of the ropes. The machine room space for hydraulic elevators maybe remote. However, hydraulic piping carrying the oil shall bo run to and from the elevator and pumping unit. The machine room houses the essential equipment of the lift, They are the hoisting machine, elevator controller and governor for safety application. The power supply distribution board and their isolating switches and breakers. The supporting service required for the room includes power, lighting and ventilation. Tit Tecmo vary otcaini BP- tty BCA ACADEMY Any projections extending inwards from the general surface of the enclosure near the opening or landing with an angle no less than 60° to the horizontal by cement rendering or fire-resisting materials. The construction material should be non-combustible and emitting harmful gas or fumes in case of fire. The lift shaft for the designated firemen lift shall be individual and cannot be shared with other lift shaft If the lift the does not extend to the top storey, it should be enclosed with fire-resisting material. The pit shall have fire resistance rating equal to a lift well enclosure. The shaft shall provide vent opening for the lift operation and at least 0.1m? for the individual shaft. “Ue Feshnciegy se teaccin Pr unety BCA ACADEMY 1.3.8 Lift Shatt All the negessary equipment for maintenance shall be installed in the lift well. The main supply of the lift should be installed at the exterior of the well. It the distance between the consecutive landing doorsills exceeds 11m, emergency door must be installed. a)The emergency door must be at least 760mm wide and 2m high with a clear opening b) Accessible and free of obstacles. ¢)Either horizontal sliding or swinging single section type, irrespective of the type of door installed at the openings. ) Self- closing and locking and a sign not less than 50mm high, “DANGER, LIFT WELL”. ®)A landing door lock, which can only be unlock with a key and an authorised persons. f) The door should have an electrical contact which renders the lift inoperative. The internal surface of the lift wall should be kept flush to reduce accumulation and circulation of dust. pee eee eet eee Tit Technalooy unt oy ee ri tea Bey 1.4 Lift Operation Procedure BCA ACADEMY 4.4.1 Door Open and Close Button (Door Close) and (Door Open) buttons are provided ofiithé"ceroperating,panel,.(COP),for the intentional control for the doors opening and closing operation, Fig 4.4.4 ~ Door Open and Close buttons in COP N Orommunication between lift’ Car!and "control ro installed for supervision. \{a)Press the.Alarm button on the car operating vi panel. Alar un b)Buzzer on the intercom in the contro! room will sound. 1.4.2 Intercom Communication System 6 A. Tit Tesinclooy ear wit attain Diy BCA ACADENY 1.3.9 Lift Pit ‘The! pit mustlbe waterproof before installation of the unit. The pit should have a sump located therein. The sump cover is a non-slip type and easily displaced. The sump must not be connected to any closed Grainage system but to an open-ended drain below the sump level so to prevent flooding. The floor of the, pit should be substantially level. The depth of the pit should consider the size of the buffers, compensating sheaves and other equipment with a minimum bottom clearance and run-by. The pit should be a switch socket outlet and lighting in the pit to facilitate maintenance. Safety stop button shall also be located in the pit to disable lift operation in case of emergency. If there is a difference in level between the lift pit, a non-load bearing wall or wire mesh screen not less than 1000mm high taken from the level of the higher pit floor allowing the construction of separate pits. “Uittecinclogy ii rr a 44.7 Emergency Feature Of Key Switch Panel BCA ACADEMY ‘ON’ position in key Switch panel In this position lift would switch to normal service after the lift has homes under the emergency power operation. ‘OFF' position in key Switch Panel In this position the lift would not operate under normal operation during emergency power operation. The lift shall be ineffective during normal status of power supply. 44.8%» Emergency Power Lift Homing Operation Owen the building ee is on the lift would home to the designated floof?/Homing will start when the doors are closed. ‘iter parking at the designated tloor iyouldrelease the passengers and shut off all the light and fan D when bay Censet is me “ft wrod hart 10 the desta ler. Z wack, silt hen Ae door sre wath aa fey che dednua flan veuriit vera, the parsayer ht eA fe Hin ot PH TT Ta Tecmnoiony sity tancin BD iay BCA ACADEMY c)Press the lighted up station bution and Talk button of the lift supervisory panel in the control room ior lift motor to communicate with the passengers in the lift. d)Press OFF button to end communication, 1.4.3 Alarm Bell button Pressing the Alarm button on the car panel, the alarm in the lift shaft will sound off. This operation will in turn trigger the intercom. 1.4.4 Fan/ Light Switch Operation Fan and lights switches are provided for the cabinet, They are in the secured cabinet to prevent nuisance activation of the passenger. 1.4.5 Voice Announcement Vocal messages like floor number and direction of travel would be announced. 1.4.6" Overload Buzzer and Indication When the lift is overloaded, the door would remain open and the buzzer would activate. echnoloay eddy core Boy BCA ACADEMY 1.6 Testing and Commissioning Upon completion of installation, the contractor must check and adjusted all parts of the installation to ensure that every section and parts are in working order. After satisfactory, the contractor would meet the S.O. and the inspector of machinery for the commission of the elevator. Through the inspector of machinery would carry out safety procedure tests before commissioning. The inspector, who is a Professional Engineer, will endorse the Certificate of Supervision for Installation of Lift and Escalator Form BPD_CSC04, Certificate of Supervision is required for Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) application for new development. The load test endorsement is required for the lodgement of lift usage with the Authority. Once the Authority accepts and acknowledge the lodgement, the lift can be put to use. The lodgement has to be done yearly ensure continuous operation and usage of the lifts. TnTechnoloay Page USTED coor tect Br ety BCA ACADEMY 1.5 Lift Maintenance The trained safety officer must understand how to operate all fire fighting equipment and the layout of the building. Every escape route, fire lifts and emergency operation of lift. The safety officer must be trained by the company on the procedure in case of emergency. 1.5.1 Periodic maintenance All machinery and equipment must be cleaned, oiled, adjusted and replaced by the registered lift contractor in an interval of one month. 1.5.2 Periodic examination, test and inspection ‘Every éxamination period must not exceed an interval of 12 months. The lift must be thoroughly examined and inspected. The maintenance shall ensure that the lift is in safe working order. No load test shall be carried out.as part of the yearly inspection. For’S years, the-safety equipment must be tested with a fully load car. If the lift shows any defective during the test and inspection, it should not be operational until proper repairs. All records of notices, certification of inspection, permits, etc. connected to the lift must be kept ‘Wteinaog ——irr ‘tg Cort BDewoes BCA ACADENY 4) High speed testing stage Like the slow speed testing, the elevator is subjected to high speed and operation inspection. All safety switches should be check before high speed test. 5) Drop Test A fully loaded car would be drop to test the efficiency of the safety gear. 6) Over speed Test It cartied out to also test the efficiency of the safety gear. 7)Balance Test (For more than one elevator) Each lift would run in opposite direction under balanced load conditions and check whether the instrument readings work. ‘it Technaiogy a BCA ACADEMY 1.6.1 Functional Checks and Tests 1) Power Supply Check Stage Establishing the power supply to the respective elevator and to measure and check the power supply capacity to confirm the acceptable requirement. Volt and Amp meter/ Multi-meter would be used. 2) Wiring connection check stage At this stage, the Tester/Agjuster would double check all wiring connections in the installation work Procedure assembly according to the drawing. The test Is to ensure all wiring connection are properly tightened and insulated, 3) Slow speed testing stage The elevator will run on slow speed. Adjustment and clearance will be check and operation inspected. Next would be cleaning of sensitive moving parts for the high speed test, reg oars. By BCA ACADEMY 11) Insulation Tests The insulation test of the whole installation must be less than tmega Ohm between any phase conductors and earth measuring a 1000 Volt 12) Performance Test The tender must log the time taken for the car to travel from stop and deceleration to creep speed, levelling and closing and opening the car and enclosure doors. Sequence the timing of operations taken with various car loadings up to full load in both directions of travel. A check on car speeds in both directions of travel with varies load. The Contractor must provide, at his own expense, all labour, weights, apparatus and instruments properly calibrated, required for carrying out all tests. Wt eae rir Se ee vay rtceiete ney BCA ACADEMY 8) Load Test To test various conditions from no load to 10% overload that the instruments readings to establish the relation between load, current and speed. The test would last at least 2 hours with the lift carefully loaded and send down each floor, up and down as well as door fully closed and opened. Stops at the lower terminal landing should have a minute duration while the other floor duration depend on the permit of the opening and closing of the doors 9) Safety Operation Test All safety circuits, governor trip devices, door contacts, limit switches and other safety devices must be simulated to show satisfactory safe operation of the lift installations. The contractor must submit a report of the safety operation tests specified in the lift code or other further conditions to the inspector of machinery. 10) Temperature Rise Test must ensure that the temperature rises of motors magnet operation coils and bar resistances, Rey ie tcancin B-boy BCA ACADEMY 15) Hoist Ropes Record type, number and diameter of hoisting ropes 16) Speed Governor Cheek condition of the governor Check the governor rope and diameter Check tripping mechanism and governor switch or switches, 17) Brake Check the cleanliness of brake lining and drum Lubrication of brake pins Check the condition of brake electric contracts Brake must be smooth and quiet when operational. The clearance between the brake shoes drum is minimised. That should not be a temperature rise on the surface of the brake drum after operational time ‘Witteehnatogy rir sgattuonn BP soniy BCA ACADEMY 13) Machine Room Check cleanliness of machine room Check lighting and ventilation of machine room Check location and labelling of main switch or circuit breaker Check the lock of the machine room to prevent access to the masses Check the machine room floor openings protection Ensure the machine room is protected from the weather 14) Machine Room Equipment Record and check machine data plate Check foundation and anchor bolts Check oil gauge and oil level Check traction and the diameter of the sheave Check the secondary sheave Check rescue tool Wit Teemnegy ey a ag an tontrcion Brno BCA ACADEMY 23) Insulation Test To ensure the incoming supply cut off before proceeding with testing. Remove all glass fuses form fuses holder in control panel. Insulation check will be carried out by using insulation meter. 24) Safety Device Check To operate the lift and check that lift stops after any safety switch cut off. The safety switch includes Governor Switch, stop ‘switch, limit switch, final limit switch and others. 25) Safety Catch Operation Test Bring the elevator downwards and check the elevator stop after the catch is activated. “Teenager ri wig ateneie dD ney 18) Controller Mechanism BCA ACADEMY Examine ‘all relays, PCBs, switches, contractors, transformers, rectifiers, resistors, | condensers, reactors, wiring. Check that the fuse holders are fitted with proper fuses 19) Wiring Check all the machine room wiring, earthing and insulation resistance 20)/\Batterywoperatéd emergency power supply (EBOPS) The condition of the emergency power supply must be check 21)"/Automatic Rescue Device (ARD) Check ARD if necessary. The condition of the ARD must be check 22) Controller Ensure that all relays and contractors are operating normally with no excessive sparking and chattering. ‘TitTetnciooy — rT Ssssss3$—$”0°0;0 ee idguetisrcin YP BCA ACADEWY 30) Final Adjustment Overload setting Lift car level checking and adjustment not exceeding +£10mm. 31) Group Control Operation After the high speed test, the lifts would be handled to the Group Management Panel to check the Group Control Operation. These include the Hall Button, Function Check, Hall indicator Check, Key Switch Panel Operator Check, Fire Mode Operation and Standby Power Operation Check. 32) Commissioning stage The inspector would ensure that the elevator is accordance to local and overseas protocol. 33) Handover After all the inspection by the Authority and a satisfactory outcome the elevators would be handed over to the client. TiTeehnaiogy eee rr rere tga ccce DP sy BCA ACADE 26) Door Adjustment and Setting To check and adjust alignment of door. To check and adjust clearance between door edge and sill To check and adjust inclination of door in completely closed position. 27) High speed Trail Operation Generate call and confirm that the elevator is operated as acceleration, steady —_running, deceleration and landing at the called floor level. Load the cage by 50% of the test weight and check the counterweight and lift car are in balance. 28) Over speed Test The over speed test will be done to ensure the efficiency of the safety gear are applied. 29) Levelling Test The Lift car levelling device accuracy shall be tested at all floors with no load and fuel load in the car. Tit Technet ig arr $$$ fatdng attesracin BP tabs, BCA ACADEMY Fire lift operation test can be carried out as followed: 1)On switching of firemen’s switch, fire lift shall ignore all other calls and land on the designated storey {usually ground ficor) with the door open. 2)Operation of the fire lift to be such that it only responds to internal car calls only. (Fireman operation) 3)Time taken to travel first to highest storey to be within 1 minute 4)Fire lift to be connected to secondary generator power supply. ‘DitTechnelogy SSS ge BT gad ost Perey BCA ACADEMY 1.6.2 Testing of Fire Lifts When thé fire lift is activated, the lift should disconnect from its supervisory operation. The switch overrides all control switches except emergency, safety circuits. Fire lift to proceed to the designated floor without disruption. If it goes in the opposite direction rather than the designated floor. It would stop at the next landing and reverse without opening the door to the floor. It would continue without creasing, If it stops at the wrong floor, it would close its door and go to the designated floor without disruption. When it reaches the designated floor, the door would automatically and switch to Emergency Fire-fighter's Service. The firemen operation shall be activated by the firemen switch at the designated landing door high level. Only when the firemen switch is switched on, the lift can be manually operated for the firemen lift to travel to any of the above floor. Ti Tecmo

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