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Com-II Sem -IV

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship Paper –II

MCQ Question Bank.

Unit Question Option -A Option-B Option-C Option- Answer

A.1 Entrepreneurship is a------ approach Psychologic Physical Social None of A
al these
2. Women Entrepreneur as an enterprise owned and 40 60 51 100 C
control by women having minimum financial interest of
------% capital.
3. Women entrepreneurs who are entered by the Forced Chance Created Benami A
circumstances are called as ------- entrepreneurs
4. Women entrepreneur act through her husband or brother Forced Benami Created Chance B
is called as --------- entrepreneur
5. Person who motivated towards entrepreneurship through Developed Chance Benami Created D
special training programmed is called as -----
6. ---- Factors are those factors which encourage the Pull Push Motivated Chance A
women to become entrepreneurs.
7. Women entrepreneurship has been recognized as an Economic Natural Social None of A
important source of ------------growth these
8. ------------Has developed and founded the concept of F.W.Taylor Muhammad C.K.Pralhad None of B
microfinance Yunus these
9. An ideal Self Help Group comprises -----------members. More than 10-15 5-10 15-20 D
10. All the members self Help Group should belong to the Cultural Socio- Political Geographi B
same -------- strata of society. economic cal

11. Shri Mahila Griha Udyog is popularly known as---- Lijjat Papad Bakery Pickles Home A
product industry appliances
12. Shri Mahila Griha Udyog is Started in the year 1959 1959 1969 1979 1989 A

13. Shri Mahila Griha Udyog is Started with a seed capital 100/- 500/- 1000/- 80/- D
of Rs. ---------,
14. Lijjat was the brain child of ------ Gujarati women from Seven Ten Twenty Fifty A
15. Integrated Rural Development Programme was 1947 1950 1978 1991 C
launched in the year -----------
16. ------- can bring decentralization and balanced regional Rural Rural Rural artist Agro A
development. Industrializa agriculture process
17. Rural Artist are playing role as --------- of skill and Training Preserving Developing Abolishin B
knowledge g
18. Rural industries mostly are in the form of ----- activities. Household Cottage Medium Large A
19. Rural industry facing problem of -----------labor Unskilled Absent Skilled sickness C
20. Small and marginal farmers looked to agriculture as a Business Livelihood Industry None of B
-------- these
21. Sugarcane, Cotton and horticulture is treated as ------- Cash Rabbi Kharif Modern A
22. Khadi and village industries commission was 1947 1991 1967 1957 D
established in ------
23. Industrial estates solve the problem of --------- facility. Financial Training Infrastructur Plot C
24. Project is an ------------- activity with well defined Financial Economic Rural Special B
objectives and having a specific beginning and end.
25. Project is an ------- print of fucture plan of action Red Dark Blue None of C
26. Near about------- per cent of the population is 50-60 65-70 70-75 45-50 B
dependent on agriculture for their livelihood.
27. Industry and mining projects are under the criterion of Sectoral Quantifiable Techno- Non - A
-------- project. economic Sectoral
28. The process of project Management divided into --- Four Five Three Six D
broad phages.
29. Breakeven point is a level of production where the Profit Loss No Profit None of C
enterprise shall make ---------- and loss these
30. Project appraisal is made for testing of financial Financial District Third party Investors A
feasibility by --------- institutions Industry

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