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Personal Excellence
Your Best
Your Life
Walk Your
The Magazine of Personal Leadership

Spiritual Path
with Practical Feet
Erin Gruwell
Freedom Writers
for Change
“Personal Excellence is the only reading you’ll need to
do for continual self-improvement both personally and

November 2007
—Sharlene Hawkes, Former Miss America,
award-winning ESPN broadcaster
Part of Your

Exercise Your Hope

Achieve when no one else believes.

Plan and by Andrew Razeghi

ago, the State of Alaska invited me to give a
keynote speech on innovation at an annual
define hope followed by a healthy dose of exer-
cising your hope muscles.
First, think about hope differently. Consider
gathering of state employees and profession- the experience of Vaclav Havel, playwright and
November 2007
Personal Excellence
als. Arriving early, I opted to take a drive into former president of the Czech Republic. While
the bush—to get back to nature and experi- in seclusion as a political dissident, Havel
ence the last frontier up close and personal. wrote to a friend who inquired about his hope,
My destination was Hope, Alaska’s first gold by saying, “Hope is definitely not the same
rush town. thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that
I embarked upon my journey with a super- something will turn out well, but the certainty
sized cup of black coffee, no that something makes sense,
map, and Mother Nature as regardless of how it turns out.
my co-pilot. About one hour’s This hope gives us strength to
drive into Alaska’s majestic live and continually to try new
wilderness, on a weather-beat- things, even in conditions that
en road to a once-celebrated seem as hopeless, as ours do
town called Hope, I encoun- here and now.” Havel and his
tered a road sign: Avalanche country were triumphant in
Area. Next 1.5 miles. Do not their fight for freedom against
stop. Amused, I got out of my communism—not simply
car and took a picture of it. because of what they believed,
“Stupid tourist,” I later but also because of why they
thought, “but what a great believed. They knew what they
photo!” Fortunately, nothing were doing was right. They
happened to me physically. However, spiritu- exercised their beliefs through writing, public
ally, that moment had a profound effect on demonstrations, and sometimes even silence—
me. On the road to Hope, Alaska, stands a an unwillingness to go along with “the way
poetically coincidental life lesson: Drive beyond things were.”
fear. Do not stop. Hope is just around the corner. Second, exercise your beliefs. To quote
Before that experience, I considered hope to Geoffrey Canada, founder of the Harlem
be synonymous with optimism—the opposite Children’s Zone, dedicated to giving America’s
of which was pessimism or hopelessness. most disenfranchised youth a shot at the
However, I then realized that the opposite of American dream: “I tell our kids that they have
hope is not hopelessness—the opposite of to exercise their hope muscles. It is in life’s
hope is fear. Hope and fear comprise a belief most challenging moments that you have the
system—one that encourages us to hang on to opportunity to believe more deeply.”
The Magazine of Life Leadership

(or give up on) our dreams. This belief system

propels us forward (hope) and holds us back Five Ways to Exercise Beliefs
(fear). Your job is to live your life “net posi- Follow these five steps to exercising your
tive”. This starts by re-thinking how you beliefs and building your hope muscles:
Love Leadership ................................3 Can You Quit Yet? ...........................8 Self-Responsibility ..........................12
Healthy Self-Esteem .........................4 Have Enough ....................................8 Celebrate Success............................13
Reclaim Your Life .............................4 Seven Sleep Myths ...........................9 Turn Pain to Joy .............................14
Unlock Your Curiosity .....................5 Travel Smart Tips ...............................10 Student of Service...........................14
12 Principles ......................................6 Your Best Life ................................10 Get a Life and Lead.........................15
Catalyst for Change..........................6 Communication ..............................11 Spiritual Paths................................16
Achieving Goals................................7 Authentic Connection ....................12 Get Glowing .....................................16
Play to your strengths. Paul Orfalea, a reckless abandon. They don’t simply break
very successful entrepreneur, is also dyslex- the rules. They study the small stuff. Know
ic. In high school, due to his “learning dis- the details. Write them down, but don’t get
ability”, Paul’s counselor suggested to his lost in them. Once you fully understand the
mother that she enroll him in some voca- situation, step back from it and ask, What does
tional training classes. His mother pulled all this mean? Then, make a decision to act.
Paul from the counselor’s office, looked Focus on the task, not on the objective.
Paul in the eyes and said, “Paul, the A stu- Between 1995 and 1997, tennis star Andre
dents work for the B students. The C stu- Agassi fell from the World’s No. 1 player to
dents run the businesses. And the D and F No. 141. Not content with his fate, he decid- Volume 12 Issue 11
Personal Excellence is published monthly by
students dedicate the buildings.” Mom was ed to turn things around, ultimately winning Executive Excellence Publishing, 1806 North
right. Over 1,200 stores now bear Paul’s col- the 2002 French Open and regaining his top 1120 West, Provo, UT 84604.
lege nickname—Kinko (for his kinky red spot. Agassi credits a specific tactic for his POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
hair). Paul never lost hope in himself, not comeback, “Each day I got up I’d write down Executive Excellence Publishing, Circulation
Dept., P.O. Box 50360, Provo, UT 84605-0360.
only because someone had hope in him but one thing that I could do that day. It didn’t
Basic Annual Rate $99 (12 issues)
also because he never tried to be something matter what I wanted over the longer-term, it $169 two years
he wasn’t. Early in his career, Paul realized was only about that day.” People lose hope $219 three years
his greatest strengths resided in two areas: when what they hope to achieve seems so far Canadian & foreign add $40 U.S.
postage per year.
the numbers and the people. And so, he away. Break it down. Focus on the task not
Volume Discount Rates (same address)
poured himself into both. He studied the the objective. What can you do in the next $69 each for 2 to 5
financial side of the retail photocopy busi- hour to work toward your goal? Make that $59 each for 6 to 25
$55 each for 26 to 99
ness and saw a way to make a profit. He call. Send that letter. Do something to make $49 each for 100 to 249
also understood people and what they hope happen. And leave your regrets at the *Ask about custom editions and foreign
wanted. One executive who door. Heed Andre’s advice: “Every volume rates.
worked for Paul said, “People time I think about things I could Back Issues $5 each
loved working for Paul when he have done differently,” Agassi said, Article Reprints: For reprints of 100 or more,
please contact the managing editor at 1-801-
owned the company. People want- “I take a lot of pleasure in the fact 375-4060.
ed to follow him because he that I’m still here doing things the Customer Service/Circulation:
believed in them.” We lose hope way I want.” phone: 1-877-250-1983
when we try to be something we When others fail to see what email:
are not. This is when we fail. Write you believe, change the story (not Internet Address:
down your strengths. Play to them. your beliefs). Joseph Strauss had a Editorial Purpose: Our mission is to promote
Outsource your weaknesses. dream: build the Golden Gate personal and professional development based on
constructive values, sound ethics, and timeless
Never hope alone. Once you’ve identified Bridge. However, to get the job done, he had principles.
your strengths, surround yourself with peo- to persuade citizens living on both sides of Editorial: All correspondence, articles, letters,
ple who believe in you. There is no greater the bridge—San Francisco and Marin and requests to reprint articles should be sent to
Editorial Department, Personal Excellence.
gift you can give someone that to let them County—that the bridge was a worthy
help you. The greatest irony of hope is that endeavor. His story for selling his dream to Marketing Offices:
Leadership Excellence
while everyone loves a dreamer, no one Marin County was simple: transportation. If 1806 North 1120 West
wants to be called one. You are such a dreamer we build it, you can get back and forth from Provo, UT 84604
Martin Luther King! You must be kidding, the city efficiently. Marin didn’t care. They 1-801-375-4060
Mother Teresa! You are going to do what, could take the ferry system to cross the bay. Executive Excellence Publishing
Mahatma Gandhi? You cannot lose hope if So, Strauss simply changed his story. He Ken Shelton, Editor-in-Chief, CEO
you are not alone. Maintain your hope by went back to the people of Marin and told Geoff Pace, Sales Manager
Nancy Low, Business Manager
surrounding yourself with people who them that a bridge would have a positive Allan Jensen, Chief Information Officer
believe in you. Pull your fans into your effect on the value of their real estate. He Sean Beck, Circulation Manager
game. Write down the six individuals who won their support. We often lose hope when Contributing Editors
help you “figure things out”. For each of we try to convince others that what we Judith Glaser, Michelle Gall, Joan Marques, Denis
Waitley, Brian Tracy, Ken Blanchard
these people, write down how this person believe is worthy of their attention.
For information on products and services call
makes you a better person. What exactly Sometimes that story doesn’t make sense to 1-877-250-1983 or email at
does he or she do? Then, make deliberate people. Rather than give up on your dreams, Copyright © 2007 Executive Excellence
appointments with these folks. Go to them. create a new story to sell your dreams. Publishing. No part of this publication may be
Create your own coaching panel for what By practicing these steps, you’ll build your reproduced or transmitted in any form without
written permission from the publisher.
you hope to achieve. hope muscles. You’ll believe more deeply in Quotations must be credited.
Know the details of the situation. those things that matter most to you. Along
Financial services innovator Charles Schwab the way, heed the advice of Simon Peter,
recalled, “When I started in this business, “Always be ready to give an explanation for
the first thing that I did was study the your hope.” As a hopeful person you will for-
industry. I studied the products—how they ever be an oddity to others. Make them won-
were priced, what benefits they provided, der why you’re still smiling. PE
what the margins were, and who benefited
the most. It began my thinking that the old Andrew Razeghi is adjunct associate professor
at the Kellogg School of Management at
ways of doing things were wrought with Northwestern University and author of Hope:
conflicts. I then had the courage—the How Triumphant Leaders Create the Future
hope—to go into the discount brokerage (Jossey-Bass).
business.” Hopeful leaders do not act with ACTION: Be a more hopeful person.

2 w w w. L e a d e r E x c e l . c o m Personal Excellence
SOCIAL• LOVE unleash the talent, energy, innovation, turesome group that adapts more easily
productivity and creativity in their peo- to change.

Love Leadership ple. A top-down, command-and-con-

trol, or divide-and-conquer leadership
style adds layers of protective armor,
5. Share accountability and encour-
age people to own results. It is difficult
to innovate in an organization where
Make good things happen. so you learn to bury your natural self. accountability has been given up to a
You learn to layer those styles over our leader or people feel that they have a
own to protect yourself. Love Leader- gun to their heads. Leaders who stop
by Gregg Cochlan ship requires peeling away those layers viewing people as disposable are
of other, less effective styles. rewarded with elevated effort,


ership makes sense.
When Warren Buffet was
3. Love leadership is the “new nor-
mal.” Love Leadership, as a new way
to lead people, creates a “new normal”
enhanced performance, more creative
thinking, and greater flexibility and
adaptability. Knowing your boss cares
asked how he would define success, he of what we find acceptable, possible, about you as a person makes you care
said, “For me, if the people who you and desirable. When you’re driven by more about your employer. The same
hope love you, do, that’s success.” Since compassion and love for others, the holds true for members of a project or
love is the single most important ele- way you do things reflects that. At team. Team members no longer give up
ment in human life, it seems surprising times, you have to make tough deci- accountability for the success of a pro-
that the words “love” and “leadership” sions. You may have to fire someone, ject, they willingly accept a share in it,
are rarely linked. Love brings out the but you certainly do not have to and by owning it, help accomplish it.
best in people, so why not use it to lead? degrade them. Love Leadership When a team leader or boss has a prob-
I am not talking here about “hearts lem, so does everyone.
and flowers” but about caring about 6. Throw people safely out of order.
people enough to hold them account- Love Leadership stretches comfort zones
able and responsible for achieving and throws people out of their routines
higher performance, greater productivi- to create a sense of adventure and possi-
ty, and wider functionality. bility. If you throw people out of order,
Here are seven principles: but ignore their humanity and dignity,
1. Positive approaches draw people you create a defensive culture—and
to you. Love-inspired leadership never how can you expect a positive result? To
forgets the dignity of the individual. successfully challenge people’s habits,
This implies respect for human dignity attitudes, beliefs and expectations, you
in all circumstances, a belief in human need to create a safe environment where
potential, and a commitment to foster they can willingly change. A safe envi-
that potential. Attributes such as hon- ronment means it is okay to make mis-
esty, integrity, courage and abundance trumps the dehumanizing behavior we takes and even to fall short of goals. At
are part of a Love Leadership style. As see in some cultures, allowing you to the same time, when you let people
you nurture and express these attributes, protect the dignity of the individual. know that it is okay to fall down, you
you come closer to your core as a love 4. Authenticity is the key to Love also must let them know that it is not
leader. Although the focus of Love Leadership. Authenticity is the key to okay to stay down. They will live up to
Leadership is not on productivity, it nat- effective leadership, but we often cover expectations because they begin to have
urally brings out more productivity from up our authentic selves, because it those expectations of themselves.
people. When people believe you value means allowing ourselves to be open 7. Accept constructive criticism. Even
them as human beings, they respond by and vulnerable. However, when you’re though Love Leadership accepts mis-
becoming more creative, loyal, willing, dealing with someone who isn’t authen- takes, it does not let people off the hook.
productive, innovative, and adaptable to tic, you tend to be guarded. Think about In fact, you never provide an escape
change. Love Leadership still demands it. Your instinctive response to another hatch for people to be less than they
performance and accountability, but person’s “phoniness” is to be protective could be. You also never use fear as a
changes the paradigm of how it is and pretentious. In an environment rich weapon. If you care enough about your
achieved. Love Leadership takes courage in pretense, no one knows who any- team to throw them out of order and
and an authentic way of interacting as a body really is or how anybody will challenge their habits, you will ultimately
human being. react, because they may react in differ- have people challenging some of yours.
2. Injecting love into your leadership ent ways at different times based on As a love leader, you also have to be
reduces your fear of embarrassment, who’s in the room. This behavior costs open to the fact that when someone cares
failure, or rejection. Some leaders are you money. Love Leadership gives you about you, they will want to help you
afraid of the word “love.” It implies permission to be who you are, which avoid or correct your mistakes. You’ll be
commitment, emotional connection, inspires others to trust you. And, living up to your potential as well.
and a relationship. If your leadership because it is fearless, Love Leadership Love Leadership is the best way to
style makes people fearful and angry, becomes a great adventure. It prepares real success, as a business leader and as
they won’t take risks, move forward you and your team to take risks and a human being. And truly, how separate
with a positive attitude, be adventur- adapt to change. Change is constant, are these two aspects of our lives? PE
ous or welcome change. And that and resistance to change is equally con-
severely limits accomplishment. Those stant. Love Leadership positively Gregg Cochlan is CEO of thinc., an affiliate of The Pacific
Institute, and author of Love Leadership. Visit
who practice Love Leadership don’t do impacts your ability to accept, rather or email
it because they want people to like than resist, change. Through your lead-
them. They do it because they want to ership style, you create a more adven- ACTION: Practice love leadership.

Personal Excellence w w w. L e a d e r E x c e l . c o m 3
E M O T I O N A L • SELF-ESTEEM their competence and setting reasonable • Self-assertiveness: Express appropri-
rules and expectations. Yet some of these ately your thoughts, values and feelings;
children become self-doubting adults, stand up for yourself; speak and act
Healthy Self-Esteem while others who survive tough child-
hoods grow up with strong self-worth.
from your deepest convictions.
• Purposeful living: Set goals and work
You can develop the six pillars. to achieve them, rather than living at the
Six Pillars of Self-Esteem mercy of chance and outside forces.
by Nathanial Branden You can strengthen self-esteem by • Integrity: Integrate your behavior
following six self-examination practices with your ideals, convictions, standards,


complex, competitive,
that I call the Six Pillars of Self-Esteem:
• Conscious living: Attend to feedback
and what you believe is right.
You may ignore your needs and wants
and challenging, self-esteem about needs and goals; face facts that are to concentrate on living up to others’
is vital to improve performance. uncomfortable; refuse to wander through expectations. Self-esteem requires you to
Self-esteem has two basic components: life in a self-induced mental fog. listen to and respect your own sensa-
• Self-efficacy: You have confidence in • Self-acceptance: Experience whatev- tions, insights, intuition, and perspective.
your ability to cope with life challenges er you truly think, feel or do; face and Developing the six pillars of self-esteem is
and a sense of control over your life. learn from your mistakes. a life-long, worthy challenge. PE
• Self-respect: You experience yourself • Self-responsibility. Establish a sense
as deserving of happiness, achievement, of control over your life by realizing Nathanial Branden is the author of The Six Pillars of Self-
Esteem. Visit
love, and sense of community with others. you are responsible for your choices,
Self-esteem is self-reinforcing. When actions, goals, values, and happiness. ACTION: Cultivate these six pillars of self-esteem.
you have confidence in your ability to
think and act effectively, you persevere E M O T I O N A L • ADVERSITY vital part of life, enjoying your life and
when faced with difficult challenges, living a fulfilled life are equally impor-
you form nourishing relationships, you
expect more of life and of yourself, and Reclaim Your Life tant. So, momentarily slow down.
Enjoy nature, talk with others, and
you succeed more often than you fail. If Even during chaotic times. enjoy their company. When you enjoy
you lack confidence, you give up easily, what’s in front of you now, you release
fail more often, aspire to less, and hence the worry and frustration.
you get less of what you want. by Joyce Weiss Benefit 3: You open the path to new
Self-esteem is vital to well-being, but goals. The most effective way to take
its presence doesn’t make life problem-
free. People with high self-esteem may
experience anxiety, depression, or fear
WHEN YOU FACE ADVERSITY action during any challenge is to make
or see or hear a doom- changes. Sadly, change is the last thing
and-doom picture of the you want to experience during a crisis
when overwhelmed by complex issues. future, you must be positive to perse- however, change forces you to grow.
I think of self-esteem as an immune vere, regain your enthusiasm for life, Take some time to sit down and re-eval-
system. A healthy immune system can’t and focus on the tasks at hand. You uate your personal goals. The direction
guarantee you won’t become ill, but it then create a mindset that prevents you wanted to take six months ago may
reduces your susceptibility to illness and negativity and renders three benefits: not seem important any longer. Talk
improves your odds for a speedy recov- Benefit 1: You discover opportunities with your family and ask what new
ery. Likewise, strong self-esteem makes for growth. When a challenge goals or dreams they have as
you resilient in the face of difficulties. comes, you naturally want to well. Agree as a group on the
People who are arrogant or boastful focus on the negative event. objectives the family wants,
show a lack of self-esteem. Those who You’re unable to let go of the and then write down your
are comfortable with themselves and hurt, pain, or sorrow. This is personal goals. Outline what
their achievements take pleasure in precisely when you must you need to do to make those
being who they are—without boasting. refocus your thinking and get goals a reality, and then take
Becoming successful, powerful, or back on track. Are you afraid action. Develop a “have to
well liked does not automatically confer to spend money? Did you have it, can’t live without it”
high self-esteem. In fact, talented and lose a loved one? Is your job proposition, such as “The
powerful people who doubt their core in jeopardy? Now, look at the only option is success.” If
value are usually unable to find joy in scenarios from a different perspective. you want something badly enough and
their achievements—no matter how Play the “what if” game. What if you work hard for it, you can succeed. When
great their success. Self-esteem has to talked with your boss about moving to you focus on your revised plan, you’ll
do with what you think of you, not what a new department or rearranged your regain enthusiasm and zeal for life.
anyone else thinks of you. schedule to spend more time with your How well you carry on during a cri-
Affirmations are also of marginal family? The more you try to see the sis is an indicator of your emotional
value in raising self-esteem. Telling challenges in a new light, the more strength. Take steps to reclaim your life
yourself you’re capable and lovable you’ll uncover growth opportunities. so no tragedy can hinder your growth.
accomplishes little if you are operating Benefit 2: Worries about the future Facing and overcoming challenge sends
irresponsibly in key areas of your life. disappear. Rather than waste precious a message that you will survive—and
Genetic inheritance and parental up- time worrying about the future and let win—in the face of adversity. PE
bringing also play powerful roles. Parents worrying cripple your sense of well-
Joyce Weiss is a speaker and facilitator on employee
with strong self-esteem may induce that being, take time to see the good that’s performance. Visit
quality in their children. They raise them going on around you. Take some time
with love and acceptance, believing in for yourself. While making a living is a ACTION: Gain these three benefits.
4 w w w. L e a d e r E x c e l . c o m Personal Excellence
M E N TA L • C U R I O S I T Y 3. Ask stimulating questions when
you have the chance. Start asking more

Unlock Your Curiosity questions at every meeting, event, or

gathering you lead or are invited to
attend. Try to challenge yourself and
Yo u w i l l a c h i e v e g r e a t e r s u c c e s s . your friends and colleagues, in a positive
way, to question everything you are
doing with the objective of determining
by Alan Gregerman deliver compelling value for the cus- whether there might be a better way. You
tomers you serve. The more ideas you might even ask people to think about

I F YOU HOPE TO BE MORE unlock, the more likely you’ll make a

energized, innovative and powerful connection between new and
successful, you’ll be excited different thinking and the important
what should be done to be perfect, faster,
more responsive, or more remarkable. Or
think about what it means to create a
to know that the most essential require- needs of those you serve—although compelling performance.
ment is a talent you are born with—the you might have to put ideas together 4. Become your customer’s best stu-
gift of curiosity. So stop complaining that don’t seem to belong together in dent. Hang out with those you choose to
that you’re not creative and follow order to unlock unique value. serve and learn as much as you can
these three steps to make a difference: Da Vinci didn’t talk to humans about about their world and the challenges they
1. Find the song in you. Think about how to fly because they had no idea face. Then invite them on some of your
what really matters to you. There is a how to do it. He studied birds. Several journeys of discovery to explore and
wonderful, “song” in you that is wait- more centuries passed before the first unlock new ideas and possibilities
ing to be sung but is rarely expressed. airplane, but it wasn’t for a lack of think- together. Create a new and more com-
And with the passage of time, it often ing differently about the magic of flight. pelling conversation together that chal-
seems harder for you to bring it out. Yet There are countless examples of break- lenges both of you to anticipate your
you are far more likely to be brilliant throughs, large and small, that come evolving needs and imagine a more com-
when you believe that something is from looking at the world differently. pelling picture of your future success.
worthy of your best efforts. That means 3. Turn your curiosity into action. By 5. Make friends with unusual people.
finding the place that inspires you to doing these things, you’ll strengthen Talk to people whose work and ideas
make a compelling difference. Then your ability to deliver greater genius to fascinate you to learn how they use their
acknowledge that you can make a com- those you choose to serve in your life. curiosity and passion to deliver value for
pelling difference, and that all you need those they choose to serve. Befriend peo-
to succeed is a bit of inspiration and the Six Ways to Genius ple whom you admire. Get to know
right insight and circumstances. But If you need help getting comfortable artists who stretch your thinking and do
you’ll have to stretch a bit, with your potential to something different that matters. Get
and that means broaden- explore, think and create, involved in organizations that are mak-
ing your curiosity and here are six things you ing a difference in your community,
knowledge of yourself, the can do today: especially ones that bring together peo-
“customers” you serve in 1. Expand your reading ple from many walks of life. Tutor a
your life, and the limits of horizons. Subscribe to child who will also mentor you on how
your imagination. and read at least three they see the world. Build the best, most
2. Unlock your curiosity. magazines or journals diverse network possible with people
Look at your challenges and that interest you and who have varied interests, perspectives,
opportunities with an open focus on new ideas that and ways of thinking about things that
mind and seek a better or have nothing to do with matter to them. It’s a great way to keep
unique way to solve them. your daily work or your your thinking fresh and relevant.
Challenge yourself to be personal or volunteer life. 6. Cast an even wider net. Look to
more observant and to cast a wider net in Then start to broaden the array of nature, history, geography, and the
search of ideas and insight. Look around books and sources of information and genius of other people and other cul-
you at things you might be taking for inspiration you expose yourself to. You tures as a source of great inspiration.
granted. Then think differently about the might also want to make regular visits Seek to understand what other people
best sources of inspiration. Put yourself to your favorite bookstore or library. and other creatures know so clearly and
in places filled with new and different 2. Hit the road in search of new how it might apply to your world and
ideas and fresh ways of thinking. ideas. Take mini-excursions to unlock the world of those you choose to serve.
Read everything you can that is fresh ideas and new ways of doing Discover the song that lives inside
interesting, different, and compelling. things. Create a mix of “planned” you. The greatest skill that you possess
Attend seminars and conferences activities where you go to a specific is a sense of curiosity and possibility.
where they talk about ideas that mat- place that is likely to offer real insight And that skill is heightened when you
ters to different people. Listening, for a particular problem or opportuni- apply it to things that interest you and
observing, and exposing yourself to ty, and “unplanned” wanderings with really matter. Stop saying that you are
new ideas is the best way to get your your eyes wide open to possibilities. not curious and creative. You are born
creativity flowing. Make it part of your And pay attention to all of the nothings with these gifts. So put them to use! PE
routine to discover compelling ideas that really seem to matter and all of the
from other industries and other walks promises that are being made and kept. Alan Gregerman is the author of Surrounded by
Geniuses and Lessons from the Sandbox. Visit
of life. Set aside time each day or at Look at signs and billboards along the or
least each week to look for new ideas way, and pause to overhear other peo-
that could, with the proper tinkering, ple’s conversations. ACTION: Cultivate your curiosity and creativity.

Personal Excellence w w w. L e a d e r E x c e l . c o m 5
M E N T A L • THOUGHT your eye on the desired outcome, vision, 10. See possibilities and seize oppor-
goal, or purpose. Distractions are coun- tunities. Believe that there is always a
terproductive. Discipline your mind, way to achieve the desired results. Be a

12 Principles body, instincts, and emotions. Be orga-

nized and energized and walk your talk.
7. Plan and take effective action. De-
possibility thinker.
11. Be persistent. Persist in efforts
with unshakable faith in your ability.
Of personal leadership. velop, write, and execute detailed, defi- Leaders never quit, and quitters never
nite, practical plans that lead to desired lead. Be impervious to the fear of
by Herbert Harris outcomes. A success plan is a blueprint change, criticism, and failure, and do
for attaining the vision. whatever it takes, for as long as it takes,

P EOPLE WHO EXERCISE PER- 8. Manage time, resources, and peo-

sonal leadership achieve ple effectively. How you spend your
desired outcomes for them- time determines your success in achiev-
to achieve the desired outcomes.
12. Seek truth in all situations. See
through appearances to the truth of all
selves and their teams. To be an effec- ing desired outcomes. Every hour ask, situations. All things operate in accord
tive leader, master these 12 principles: What is the best use of my time right now, with basic laws of success and accom-
1. Be a thinker. You become what considering my vision, goals, and purpose? plishment. So master the skills of dis-
you think about most of the time. So, 9. Build strong relationships. These cernment, intuition, and initiative. PE
guard your thoughts in three areas: 1. are the heart and soul of leadership. Your
Thoughts about yourself—your self-image: ability to develop positive, empowering Herbert Harris is author of the Twelve Universal Laws of
Success (LifeSkill Institute). Visit
How you see and feel about yourself relationships largely determines your
determines what you get out of life. 2. ability to achieve desired results. ACTION: Develop these 12 mental disciplines.
Thoughts about other people—your atti-
tude: How you project yourself to oth- M E N T A L • CHANGE and murders. In response, I decided to
ers and what others perceive about you. teach my students to put down their
3. Thoughts about the world in general—
your outlook on life or frame of refer- Catalyst for Change fist, spray can or gun, and pick up a
pen instead. I realized that the students
ence. You are most effective when your What influence can you have? could be reached through their person-
thoughts project a positive self-image, a al experiences, and based most of my
caring attitude, and a can do approach. teaching on themes like tolerance.
2. Be willing to change. Making effec- by Erin Gruwell The books I shared encouraged the
tive change requires faith, choice, and students to write. One student wrote
desire. You must have faith that the
change will result in desired outcomes.
Every opportunity, situation, or chal-
following in the foot-
steps of Anne Frank and
that he felt like he “lived in an unde-
clared war,” so I used books written by
teens who had lived in wars. Reading
lenge requires you to make tough choic- others, I hoped my students would see their harrowing tales inspired my stu-
es to manifest the desired outcomes. the relevance and power of writing. dents to be more honest and forthright
You also need a burning desire—the I’ve always believed that education is in their journals. They wrote about
emotional fuel that sustains you when the great equalizer, so I wanted them personal problems involving pain,
challenges or obstacles arise. Change the to level the playing field. alienation, and racism. We realized
outcomes by changing your thinking. My students, the “Freedom Writers,” these issues were universal. Writing
3. Have vision and set goals. When were teenagers surrounded became very cathartic. My
you lack vision, you fail. So develop a by violence, racism, discrimi- students had to see the rele-
vision—a detailed mental image, utiliz- nation, and hate. Because vance of writing in their
ing your senses, of the desired outcome. they compared their circum- lives. Once they learned the
Write, share, and commit to the vision, stance to a war zone, they power of the pen, there was
and then translate it into written, specif- empathized with the violence no stopping them. We
ic, measurable, attainable goals to be Anne described. signed honor codes so that
achieved over a definite time period. One student was struck the students would not sen-
4. Say the right things and speak by a passage in Anne’s diary sationalize their stories.
with authority. What you say is what when she compares herself My students finished high
you get. Articulate the vision and goals to a “bird in a cage,” wish- school as different people.
in a way that touches and motivates the ing she could fly away. While Anne’s They entered my class afraid to sit next
team to believe in the desired outcomes. cage was the attic where she hid from to one another or talk to a person of a
5. Radiate confidence. Project an the Nazis, this Freedom Writer felt different race. They left as a family. We
image and aura of strength, conviction, caged by her environment and by the broke down stereotypes and dismantled
understanding, and compassion. People decisions she’d made up to that point. comfort zones to see past color and creed.
don’t care how much you know until Through Anne, the students saw Allow your students to teach you.
they know how much you care. Be the writing as a form of freedom, as well as Make your curriculum relevant to their
person you want to be to attract the a way to spread a message of tolerance lives. I became their student as they
people you want to meet, the experi- and hope. They were inspired to do the taught me to question everything and
ences you wish to have, and the out- same with the stories from their own to give a voice to the voiceless. PE
comes you seek. Radiate courage and experiences. Those experiences were
Erin Gruwell is an award-winning teacher at Cal
confidence through direct eye contact, a often struggles against drugs and abuse. State Long Beach and president of the Erin Gruwell
firm handshake, physical appearance, Many of my students had the “fight Education Project. Visit
tone of voice, and body movement. or flight” mentality—since their com-
ACTION: Be a catalyst for change.
6. Be focused and disciplined. Keep munity had experienced the race riots
6 w w w. L e a d e r E x c e l . c o m Personal Excellence
INANCIAL• GOALS and describe to others. Without such a
clear view of what you want in life,
you’ll be forever changing course and

Achieving Goals falling short of your potential.

7. Failing to plan. While you under-
stand the formula of goal setting, you
Av o i d 1 0 c o m m o n t r a p s . don’t have a plan for goal attainment
that’s personalized to you and your
by Douglas Vermeeren your full effort. And if you don’t give experiences. You neglect the gifts you
it your all, you receive mediocre possess, which can help you attain the


the importance of set-
ting goals to attain a better
results. Commitment is crucial for
attaining any goal.
4. Inactivity. After setting a goal,
goal, as well as the people you know
who might help you. You bring so
many unique talents and attributes to
life, but 80 percent of people never set writing down dates, and setting check- the table, and you know many people
goals, and of the 20 percent who do set points, you need to actually take that who can help you in some way. Be
goals, roughly 70 percent fail to achieve first step to progress toward your goal. mindful of these advantages during
the goals they set. When you consider If you don’t get started, you can’t go your planning, and use the resources
that many people set small, easily anywhere. Without action, nothing you have available to you.
attainable goals, it’s a wonder that any- happens. So if you create a goal list 8. Having too many goals. You may
one accomplishes anything remarkable. and wonder why your goals aren’t set too many goals and lack focus. It’s
There are “be” goals and “do” goals: transpiring, ask yourself what action like throwing darts with three targets in
who do you want to be or what do you steps you’ve taken to achieve your mind. Focus on one goal and move for-
want to achieve? Within each category, goals. If you haven’t taken any action, ward with that goal only. You may well
there are four areas: wealth, health, now is the time to start. have more than one goal, but you need
relationships, and self-fulfillment. Most 5. Analysis paralysis. If you feel to realize that you have only so much
goals are about either wealth or rela- that you can’t start on a goal until you time and energy. So, chose the one goal
tionships. However, achievement have all the answers to every “what if” that will give you the highest return on
involves all four areas, and success effort, and focus on that one goal first.
means finding balance. To live a suc- Once you complete it, you can then
cessful life, you need both “being” and focus on secondary goals in sequence.
“doing” goals in each of the four areas. 9. Feeling unworthy of the end result.
Before you start setting goals, you You may believe that you are unworthy
need to know what traps to avoid. Here of attaining the goal. So you self-sabo-
are the top 10 reasons why people fail tage. Perhaps you suddenly walk away
to achieve their goals. from the key contact who will help you
1. Fear of success or failure. You may with your goal, or you neglect to do a
be afraid that you will fail, or worse, critical activity that will enable you to
that you may actually succeed. So, you achieve your goal. People who feel
don’t even bother trying to attain a unworthy usually lack self-confidence,
goal. You lack belief in yourself and in and confidence is key to attaining goals.
your potential. In your mind, if you scenario, you’ll let questions and 10. Lack of motivation to change. If
fail, everyone will think negatively of doubts paralyze you. No matter how you are satisfied with what you have
you; and if you succeed, people will be long and hard you prepare, you’ll and where you are in life, you won’t
envious and think negatively of you. So never have all the answers to the ques- explore what else is available or what
you see only a lose-lose situation. You tions you ask. Also, don’t make your greater things you could achieve. Two
can achieve anything you set your decisions or address your questions motivating factors cause you to change:
mind to. Believe in yourself and your based on where you are right now, but pain and pleasure. Even if you are feel-
abilities, and others will, too. rather on where you want to go or ing pain in a situation, that pain may
2. Lack of understanding about the who you want to become. Always base not be great enough, or you are receiv-
goal-setting process. You may think your decisions and answer your ques- ing ample pleasure, so you don’t strive
that goal-setting simply means putting tions with a view to the future—not a for more. Goal attainment happens
a goal on paper, setting a date for com- view to current situations. Your situa- when you’re ready to break the status
pletion, marking off checkpoints, and tion will change because of the deci- quo and want something better in life.
then starting all over again. But goal- sions you make today and will dictate You can achieve your goals. You can
setting isn’t a one-time thing that you the success of your journey. So move be who you want and do what you
scratch off a list. Setting a goal is about forward toward your goal, knowing want. By balancing your goals in the
changing yourself over time. Goals that you’ll never have all the answers. four categories and avoiding the mis-
aren’t short-term, quick-fix things; they 6. Lack of a real destination. Don’t takes that hinder results, you can
are fixed and immovable destinations start setting goals without a solid des- achieve any goal you set for yourself
that show the world who you want to tination of who you want to become or and reach new levels of success. PE
become or what you want to achieve. what you ultimately want to achieve.
3. Lack of commitment to the goal. If you don’t have a destination in Douglas Vermeeren is a speaker, author of Amazing
Success and other books on goal setting. He’s touring
Even though you state you want to mind, then you’ll never know which with “The Secret,” while producing “The Opus.” Call
achieve a certain goal, in truth, you road to take to get where you want to 403-714-5191 or visit
may not be committed to it. Hence, you go. Your destination needs to be
don’t give the act of goal attainment clear—something you can visualize ACTION: Set and achieve worthy goals.

Personal Excellence w w w. L e a d e r E x c e l . c o m 7
F I N A N C I A L • INDEPENDENCE assets fully supports your expenses. In- definition ignores a part of the equation
come from labor is earned income—it —expenses. Financial independence
requires your participation, effort, and involves earning enough passive income
Can You Quit Yet? energy. If you take time off, your earned
income ceases. Earned income is how
to support the lifestyle you desire. So,
there is no “magic” amount of passive
Gain financial independence. you may now receive money. You get income required—it depends on your
up, go to work, and put in your day. expenses. If you earn $100,000 in annual
by Robert Pagliarini Every two weeks, you get a paycheck. passive income and have expenses of
This is the earned-income cycle. $85,000 per year, you are financially

a phrase that often gets
tossed around without any
Earned income is an exchange of time
for money. Through education and expe-
rience, you can increase the value of
independent. If you have $500,000 in
annual passive income but $750,000 in
expenses per year, you are not financial-
understanding of what it means. One of your time and be compensated accord- ly independent. Expenses are an equally
my goals is to take the mystery out of ingly. Even high-powered attorneys or important part of the equation.
financial independence and to show you surgeons who make hundreds of dollars I invite you to change the way you
exactly what it is and what it provides. an hour, still exchange their time for a deal with money. PE
Financial independence should be paycheck. The minute they stop this
Robert Pagliarini is a Certified Financial Planner and
your primary financial goal. Here’s why. exchange, they stop earning income. author of The Six-Day Financial Makeover (St. Martin’s).
At the root of financial independence Financial independence is not about Visit, call 949-305-
is the freedom to choose between several being “rich.” To be rich, you only need 0500 or email
options, putting you in control of your to make or have a lot of money. This ACTION: Engage in a financial makeover.
finances and your life. It allows you to
shape your life rather than being at the FINANCIAL• ENOUGH How many toys are enough? If you’re
mercy of someone else’s vision of your not sure, you can always buy more.
future. It takes you out of the passenger
seat and puts you behind the wheel. You
can choose work that stimulates and
Have Enough Who decides what is enough? Is
there a baseline standard of living that
qualifies as enough? How come some
inspires you, without worrying about How fat is your wallet? people seem to have enough with a
how much money it will earn for you. It modest lifestyle and other wealthy peo-
also allows you to pursue your hobbies by Edward Webb ple seem driven to get more? The eco-
without regard to their cost or time com- nomics of enough is not just about
mitment. And it allows you to volunteer
your time and money to worthy causes.
Financial independence also provides
guest speaker at church.
As I settled into my seat I
reality; it’s about the place where reali-
ty and self-perception blend.
You need to ask yourself: do I have
security. How would you feel if you heard the speaker announce his topic: enough? How do you know? There’s
could live the lifestyle of your dreams “The Economics of Spirituality”. no rule that applies to everyone—you
without worrying about being down- I thought, “Just what I need at 9 a.m. have to decide for yourself.
sized, billing time, or meeting sales quo- on Sunday morning! I envisioned him I have two suggestions to help you:
tas? Your sense of security comes from mouthing platitudes. I was wrong. First, look around you. How does
having control over your life and your Instead, he launched into an your lifestyle compare to the
future. Without financial independence, practical talk about how your way you were raised? Are
your life is dictated by someone else— economic status impacts your you living the life that you
usually your employer. Your security is ability to be spiritual. thought you would 10 years
at the whim of an organization with His premise was simple: it’s ago? If there is a gap between
their best interests at heart. hard to be grateful and find a where you want to be and
firm spiritual center if you’re where you are, this can be a
What is Financial Independence? hungry. Few of us know what reflection on your personal
To some, financial independence it is like to “go hungry.” I find economics of enough.
means being able to pay the bills. For it difficult to imagine. I believe Second, how are your rela-
others, it means being able to eat out on that one of the great gifts of being a U.S. tionships? Do you have a committed
a whim. For still others, it means having citizen is to contribute to the care, feed- relationship with a significant other?
vacation homes and boats. ing, and health of those less fortunate. Do you have a healthy group of
I define financial independence as But, I’m not writing about the means or friends to provide you with validation,
being able to support the lifestyle you methods of meeting the needs of the advice, and fun? Your relationships are
desire without having to work. There are economically less fortunate but about often a window into how you are
two important pieces to this definition. the “economics of having enough”. internalizing the economics of enough.
First, differentiate the lifestyle you This refers to more than an assess- When you think about all that you
desire from your current one. Too often, ment of how well you’re meeting your have and about all those people who
you reduce your lifestyle to fit within needs. It is your attempt to quantify your have less, ask yourself whether you
your means. Financial independence is sense of well being. It’s where your fears, have enough. Seek the sense of well-
not about limiting or reducing your needs, and assets all come together. being that comes from knowing your
lifestyle, but about living the life you You likely wonder at times about worth and knowing it’s enough. PE
want and having the means to support it. whether you have enough money or
Edward Webb is lead consultant and principal of Stuart
Second, financial independence means stuff. If you’re afraid you don’t have Clay Consulting. Email edwardswebb@comcast net.
you don’t need to work to support your enough security, you may build fences
lifestyle. The income generated by your and buy toys and then security alarms. ACTION: Decide what is enough for you.

8 w w w. L e a d e r E x c e l . c o m Personal Excellence
P HYSICAL• SLEEP found in drinks and foods.
Myth 5: The older you get, the fewer
hours of sleep you need. Fact: Just like

Seven Sleep Myths most adults, people over the age of 65

need 7 to 9 hours of sleep. While sleep
patterns change as you age, the amount
Learn the facts and solutions. of sleep you need generally does not. In
fact, a poll by the National Sleep
by Narinder
Myth 3: Insomnia means difficulty Foundation shows that older adults typi-
falling asleep. Fact: Difficulty falling cally do not sleep less than younger
Duggal and
asleep is only one of four symptoms counterparts (they sleep an average of
Leslie Van associated with insomnia. Others seven hours). Poor health, not age, is a
Romer include waking up too early and not major reason why many older people
being able to fall back asleep; frequent report sleep problems. Solution: Building


look your best, and perform at your
best every day. A lack of sleep can
awakenings during the night; and wak-
ing up feeling un-refreshed. Insomnia
can be a symptom of a sleep disorder or
healthy, lifelong habits is a must to get-
ting a good night’s sleep and enjoying
life. Daily walking, deep-breathing,
result in decreased productivity, cre- other health problems. Most adults stretching exercises, spending time with
ativity, and focus, but a continued lack report at least one symptom of insom- family and friends, and jumping into a
of sleep can cause more serious health nia. Solution: Daily exercise, loading up hobby can contribute to a good night’s
issues. While the quality and quantity on lots of whole, fresh fruits and veg- sleep. Eat the right kind of foods and
of sleep take front and center stage, etables, and avoiding or eliminating avoid caffeine, refined and processed
there are other major health players stimulants from the diet, such as caf- foods, and fatty foods. Napping in the
such as: eating lots of fresh fruits and feine, chocolate, and refined sugar in early afternoon, around noon, is less like-
vegetables, making time for 60 minutes foods and drinks. When insomnia ly to interfere with sleeping at night. And,
of exercise each day, taking in fresh air, symptoms occur several times a week get down to your ideal body weight.
drinking lots of water, and having an and impact your daily life, you should Myth 6: During sleep, your brain
uplifting outlook on life. rests. Fact: The body rests during sleep.
However, the brain remains active and
Seek Solutions for Better Sleep gets “recharged.” During sleep, you drift
Sleep is important, but there is much between two sleep states, REM (rapid
confusion about how we can get this eye movement) and non-REM, in 90-
sacred time to rest, recuperate, and minute cycles. Non-REM sleep, when
reenergize. Here are the top seven our minds can still process information,
myths about sleep and the solutions: has four stages with distinct features,
Myth 1: Snoring may be annoying to ranging from stage one drowsiness,
a sleep partner, but it is never harmful. when you can be easily awakened to
Fact: Snoring may be harmless, but it “deep sleep” stages three and four, when
can also be a symptom of a life-threat- the most positive and restorative effects
ening sleep disorder called sleep apnea, discuss the symptoms with an appro- of sleep occur. REM sleep is an active
especially if it is accompanied by severe priate health care provider. sleep where dreams occur and eyes
daytime sleepiness. Sleep apnea, or Myth 4: Health problems such as move back and forth under the eyelids.
pauses in breathing while sleeping, pre- obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and Myth 7: If you wake up in the middle
vents air flow, reduces oxygen levels depression are unrelated to the quanti- of the night, it is best to lie in bed,
and strains the heart and cardiovascu- ty and quality of a person’s sleep. Fact: count sheep, or toss and turn until you
lar system, increasing the risk of cardio- Studies show a direct relationship eventually fall back asleep. Fact: If you
vascular disease. People with sleep between sleep and many health prob- wake up in the middle of the night,
apnea awaken frequently during the lems. Insufficient sleep affects growth relaxing imagery or thoughts may help
night. Obesity can also contribute to hormone secretion that is linked to obe- to induce sleep more than counting
sleep apnea. Solution: Lose weight and sity. As the hormone secretion decreas- sheep, which may be more distracting
if you suspect sleep apnea, get it es, the chance for weight gain increases. than relaxing. Solution: If you do not
checked out. It is treatable. Blood pressure usually falls during the fall back asleep within 15 to 20 minutes,
Myth 2: You can “cheat” on the sleep sleep cycle. However, interrupted sleep get out of bed, go to another room, and
you get. Fact: Most adults need seven to can affect this normal decline, leading engage in a relaxing activity—such as
nine hours of sleep each night for opti- to hypertension and cardiovascular listening to music or reading. Return to
mum performance, health and safety. problems. Insufficient sleep impairs the bed when you feel sleepy. Avoid watch-
When we don’t get adequate sleep, we body’s ability to use insulin, leading to ing the clock. The bed should be associ-
accumulate a sleep “debt” that can be the onset of diabetes. Solution: Losing ated with sleep and sex only. PE
difficult to “pay back.” The result: sleep weight and building up your health
deprivation, which is linked to obesity, with whole fruits and vegetables, Narinder Duggal, M.D., is a pharmacy specialist,
internist and director of Liberty Bay Internal Medicine.
high blood pressure, mood swings, while reducing fat-loaded foods, such Call 360-779-9911 or email Narinderduggal@liberty-
decreased productivity, and safety as meat, cheese, and hydrogenated fats Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a doctor of chiro-
practic, author, and expert in weight loss. They created
issues in the home, on the job, and on found in many processed foods can The Med-Free Solution. Call 1-888-375-3754 or visit
the road. Solution: Put your body and help. Also, get 60 minutes of daily
health first and get to bed early enough exercise and avoid stimulants, such as
for your full eight hours of rest. caffeine, chocolate and white sugar ACTION: Get more and better sleep.

Personal Excellence w w w. L e a d e r E x c e l . c o m 9
P H Y S I C A L • T R AV E L • Try to eat at the times when you Too much of either substance can affect
would normally eat to avoid throwing your ability to sleep well.
off your appetite and sleep patterns. • If you must eat out, make healthy
Travel Smart Tips • Start your day with a healthy break-
fast to keep your energy up.
choices. Even most fast-food restaurants
now offer salads. Avoid things that
Stay healthy on the go. • Worried about your weight? Monitor sound healthy but aren’t, such as veg-
the calories you consume all day com- gies loaded with butter and salt or sal-
by Nancy D. O’Reilly pared to the total you burn up. ads that come with high-fat dressings.
• For many people, traveling means Keep your diet balanced and your


ing across the globe.
Whether for work or play,
eating high-calorie “junk food,” rather
than fruit or other foods low in calo-
ries and high in nutrients. So, pack
body fit. Use these tips on your next trip
to reduce stress, while keeping your
body as healthy as possible. PE
people are finding it easier to take that some nutritious snacks (such as peanut
Nancy D. O’Reilly is a clinical psychologist, researcher,
flight or road trip. This on-the-go butter and crackers, fresh fruit, granola founder of and author of You Can’t Scare
lifestyle can leave much to be desired and water bottles). Me. Visit or call: 417-860-5834.
when it comes to health. Often, traveling • Curb the amount of alcohol and caf-
means eating greasy food when you feine you consume when you travel. ACTION: Observe these tips when you travel.
have time, picking up germs from fellow
travelers, or staying at hotels where your PHYSICAL• WEIGHT the most effective changes I made.
body hasn’t adjusted to a new location’s I’ve now replaced most of the bad
temperature, altitude, or time zone.
There are easy ways you can stay fit Your Best Life foods in my diet with good. I eat small-
er portions, and eat healthy foods as a
and healthy, even while on the road. You S t a r t l i v i n g i t n o w. way of life, not a diet to go on and off.
can’t always control the weather delays And I’m always working on getting
or flight cancellations, which add stress, by Oprah better. My diet is a work in progress.
but you can take these precautions: Winfrey and Are you ready to end the struggle
• Wear comfortable, loose-fitting cloth- Bob Green with your weight once and for all? Do
ing. You might bring a sweater or small you want to find a simple, delicious, “I
blanket in case the plane gets too cold. can do this, no problem!” approach to
• Before your flight, try to burn off any
nervous energy. Take a 30-minute walk
around the airport.
kind of life do I want—and how close
eating that you can stick with? The Best
Life program offers a three-phased
am I to living it? You can’t ever live the approach to losing weight and getting
• Quench your thirst with water or life of your dreams without in better shape that’s as
juice; avoid alcohol and caffeine. The air facing the truth. Every un- much about helping you
inside airplanes is dry, and you can easi- wanted pound creates anoth- shape healthier habits as it is
ly become dehydrated. Your blood then er layer of lies. It’s only when about “eat this, and not
thickens, putting you at risk for clots. you peel back those layers that.” That’s why it’s easy to
• During the flight, do some stretches that you will be set free to follow, and why the results
and leg lifts in your seat. Try flexing, work out, free to eat responsi- are often dramatic. This pro-
extending, and circling your ankles. bly, free to live the life you gram is a way of learning to
• If your flight is long, get out of your want and deserve to live. Tell eat better, get active, and cre-
seat and move around once every hour. the truth, and you’ll learn to ate a healthy lifestyle.
• Wash your hands frequently. If you eat to satisfy your physical hunger and The Best Life program is not about
want to, carry some hand sanitizer in stop burying your hopes and dreams being “on” or “off” a diet. Instead it’s a
your bag or bring hand wipes with you. beneath layers of fat. way of living—of eating, exercising,
When you arrive at your destination, On my show, one woman who had and viewing your life—that puts you at
use these tips to be more relaxed in a been struggling with her weight said your healthiest. Sure, one goal of the
new setting and get a good night’s sleep: she’d learned to challenge the pain and program is to lose weight. But it also
• Select (or bring) a comfortable pillow, not the peanut butter. I thought that was has a more far-reaching purpose: to
but one that is firm enough to keep your brilliant. Once you work on what’s eat- keep the weight off, and develop habits
head in alignment with your spine. ing you, you won’t want to eat so much. that dramatically reduce your risk of
• Keep your room as dark as possible The Best Life Diet plan mirrors the diabetes, heart disease, and other ills. Is
during bedtime. Use window blinds way I eat and live now. There is no secret emotional eating a problem? The Best
and shades to block out light. to losing weight. It’s simple physics: Life program also helps you tackle that
• Counter distracting noises by bring- what you put in vs. what you put out. demon. Each phase gradually leads
ing a CD with nature sounds, such as I lost weight in stages. First I became you to an increasingly healthy diet and
waves or falling rain. active, and I still work out because I encourages you to increase physical
• Try to maintain a nighttime bedroom know if I don’t exercise, I’ll end up activity (brisk walking counts—you
temperature of 65 degrees. weighing 200 pounds again. Then I don’t have to go to the gym). Soon,
• Keep a schedule to sleep at about the started working on my eating. I stopped you’ll be amazed at how wonderful
same time as you would normally, to eating past 7:30 at night. When Bob told your life has become. PE
avoid disturbing your body’s natural me it would make a big difference in my
sleep patterns. weight, I resisted. I thought it was going Oprah Winfrey is a talk show host, and Bob Greene is
fitness trainer and author of Best Life Diet. Visit
Eating “right” when you’re on the to be too hard. But I was surprised to
go can be a challenge, especially with find that it wasn’t; and even more sur-
enticing foods. Here are some tips: prised when it turned out to be one of ACTION: Start living your best life.

10 w w w. L e a d e r E x c e l . c o m Personal Excellence
PROFESSIONAL• LIKEABILITY 4. Set a level playing field. Before who leaves the printer with a paper jam.
you speak, make sure what you’re The boss who walks into the reserved
about to say doesn’t contain words or conference room during a meeting and
Communication phrases that imply your superiority to
the other person. These comments
bumps everybody out. The person who
cuts in line at the cafeteria cash register.
reveal much about your management The guy who answers his cell phone in
You can always improve. style and attitude: “I want you to meet the middle of a meeting. Even small
Jane, who works for me” versus “I courtesies kindle a fire that ignites chem-
by Dianna Booher want you to meet Jane, who works with istry and builds kinship. The courtesy of
me.” “Haven’t I told you about not saying “hello” when you come into the


go in the organization,
the more difficult it is to get
bothering me with such details?” ver-
sus “I’d prefer that you handle those
details without involving me.” Honest
office after being away. The courtesy of
letting people know when you’re going
to be away. The courtesy of honoring
honest feedback about your skills and communication—whether soliciting policies about reserving rooms, spaces,
your work and to communicate effec- new ideas, preferences, or genuinely and equipment for activities. The cour-
tively. Here are nine tips to assist you: helpful feedback about your perfor- tesy of a simple “please,” “thank you,”
1. Recognize that others want to win mance or that of your team—flows or and “you’re welcome” for small favors.
your goodwill; interpret their words dribbles according to your attention to 8. Share a sense of humor. No matter
and behavior accordingly. If you’re the these small frames, gestures, and words. whether people agree or disagree with
boss, you’ll get more attention to your 5. Increase the likeability factor to George W. Bush’s political positions,
preferences, quicker responses to your make your message matter. To be they enjoy his self-deprecating humor.
requests, and overt approval of your heard, you have to make people like At a Washington correspondents dinner,
ideas. Don’t, however, conclude that all you. You need to create chemistry— Bush brought along his “double,” come-
this happens because you’re an excel- with your staff as a manager, with your dian Steve Bridges, to make fun of his
lent communicator, that your requests frequent mispronunciations: “Nu—
have more merit, that your ideas are cle—ar proliferation.” Then Bush tried
better, or that all your customers and it, “Nu-cle—ar pro-boblieration.” The
colleagues receive such responsiveness. crowd went wild. Self-deprecating
If you want honest feedback about how humor can open hearts and minds to
your unit really functions or how well make people receptive to your ideas.
you really communicate, you’ll have to 9. Show humility. Power can be
play fly on the wall. When you’re good, seductive. And in an instant, an act of
people tell you. When you’re not so arrogance can destroy your credibility.
effective, they keep quiet because they Refusing to acknowledge people when
don’t want to hurt your feelings. they speak to you. Failure to respond to
2. If you want to get honest commu- people’s suggestions. Haughty body
nication, remove the status symbols and language. Time spent only with those of
power barriers. Be aware of the power team as a project leader, with your your “rank and ilk” at social gatherings.
you have with different groups. You boss, with your customer, with your An amused smirk in response to an
have reward power if you positively strategic partners. People believe peo- idea. A roll of the eyes to discredit a
influence what will happen to them. You ple they like. Great communicators comment. A talk packed with jargon.
have coercive power if you can negative- develop The Likeability Factor—your Insisting that things be said one way.
ly influence their future. You have posi- personality and “chemistry” you create Credible communicators show humil-
tional power if by your position you can between yourself and others. Certain ity: They let others “showcase” by deliv-
force your will upon them. You have traits seem universally to attract people ering key messages. They let others feel
expert power over someone if you have and open their minds and hearts. important by “interpreting,” “passing
knowledge they need. You have referent 6. Be vulnerable; show your humani- on,” and “applying” their goals and ini-
power over them if you can influence ty. Audiences have more in common tiatives. They get input from others—
through your personality. If you want to with those who struggle. If you worry and consider that input worthy of a
minimize this power, relate to others on about whether your teen will graduate response. They ask others for their help,
equal footing, and receive an honest from high school without getting cooperation, and buy-in. They tell stories
opinion from them—you have to involved with the wrong group, say so. about star performers and appreciate the
remove the status reminders. You may If you lose a customer, regret it rather efforts and results of other people.
want to sit beside them or introduce than excuse it. If you miss a deadline, Arrogance antagonizes people.
yourself by name (no title). You may repair the damage and catch up. If you Expertise tinged with humility goes
want to join them in the training center miss a payment, make it, with interest. down far better. Your look, language,
rather than invite them to your office. If you make a mistake, own it and cor- and likeable personality often determine
Rapport-building and honest communi- rect it. If you misjudge someone, apolo- whether people accept what you say. If
cation hinge on such small steps. gize and make amends. When you your message isn’t sinking in or you’re
3. Assess others’ knowledge and communicate with colleagues, never fear not getting the action you want, maybe
experiences exactly. If you assume your to let them see your humanity. you should take it, well, personally. PE
listeners know more than they do, they 7. Be courteous. Daily, it’s the small
Dianna Booher is author of The Voice of Authority: 10
may misunderstand your message, stop things that kill our spirit: The sales rep Communication Strategies Every Leader Needs to Know
trying to understand your explanations, who leaves a dirty sink. The manager (McGraw Hill). She is CEO of Booher Consultants.
or become frustrated or angry, thinking who uses the last drop of lotion and Visit or call 800-342-6621.
you’re “putting on airs.” doesn’t refill the container. The analyst ACTION: Boost your likeability factor.

Personal Excellence w w w. L e a d e r E x c e l . c o m 11
PROFESSIONAL• CAREER people shouldn’t give up their power to solution. You are the solution to some-
artificial barriers. All people—regardless one’s issue, problem, or challenge. You
of gender or race—are powerful and can drive value, make a difference, and
Authentic can do whatever they decide to do if
they will be accountable to themselves.”
take your team or company to the next
level. You just have to connect the dots!

Connection Then she said, “Simon, when delegat-

ing a project or task, I want the best per-
son for the job. So what if they have a
Don’t invest so much time climbing
the proverbial ladder, only to discover
that it’s leaning against the wrong wall.
Burn the ladder, connect the dots! different ethnicity or cultural beliefs! Do Instead think of ways you can build
they connect the dots between our cus- relationships with people, solve their
by Simon Bailey tomer’s challenges and our solutions?” problems, and make their lives better.
I then asked, “Rachel, why do you When you connect with others authentic-


Rachel Landrum, presi-
dent of Metavante Banking
think you’re so successful?” She said,
“Because I realize it is not about arriv-
ing. There is no end goal, no final desti-
ally—not for what you can get from them,
but for what you can give to them—it
makes for fulfilling, gratifying, and satis-
Solutions. Rachel and I met at a confer- nation. I’m understanding how to be.” fying work. So, spend less time on ascen-
ence, and we quickly discovered that Since our lunch, I’ve reflected on sion and more time on connection! PE
we both lived in Florida. I was eager to something Rachel said: do they connect
learn what made Rachel so successful. the dots? The essence of success is to con- Simon T. Bailey is author of Release Your Brilliance. Call
972-899-3411, e-mail
After getting to know one another, I nect the dots between your customers’
asked my burning question: What are problems and your product or service ACTION: Learn to make authentic connections.
five things people can do to ascend the cor-
porate ladder? Without missing a beat, PROFESSIONAL• CHOICES sync with your values or out of sync.
she said, “Simon, there is no ladder.” The way you prioritize your time is
Rachel explained that people confuse
the career ladder with their goals. They
Self-Responsibility your choice. Instead of neglecting peo-
ple and activities that are important to
set a goal to achieve a certain position Make the most of your life. you, reexamine your values or set pri-
or level and then start posturing, jump- orities that make more sense.
ing through hoops, and jockeying for by Jim Madrid Companions. You can blame and
position. This fuels a political, internally resent others when they hurt or disap-
competitive (vs. cooperative and collab-
orative) environment that erodes trust.
Instead of trying to climb the “lad-
your actions requires
that you become the cause
point you and feel sorry for yourself. Or
you can choose with whom you spend
time—and make different choices.
der,” Rachel suggested that if you aspire of the results that you want. Refuse to Actions in response to feelings and
to be successful you do the following: behave like a victim. Take responsibility: emotions. When you’re angry, you want
• Stop looking for a position and exer- Consciousness. You can be fully pre- to lash out. When you’re hurt, you feel
cise your passion to serve your clients sent when you make decisions and work like sulking. When you’re impatient,
and employees. Do the right thing now. on projects, or you can be physically pre- you may get angry. But you don’t have
The question is not if or when an oppor- sent but mentally absent. to act on these urges. You
tunity will come. The question is, will Either way, you are respon- can act more thoughtfully,
you be ready to take it when it comes? sible for the consciousness with better results.
• Always be accountable to yourself. If you bring to the occasion. Happiness. If you believe
you don’t, you will become lazy. Decisions and actions. your happiness is primari-
• Constantly evaluate your internal It’s tempting to disconnect ly in your hands, you give
compass to stay grounded and to ensure from your choices—to insist yourself great power. You
that your motives are pure. Pay atten- that someone or something don’t wait for events or
tion to your intuition—it’s your edge. is driving you to behave people to make you happy.
• Connect with people. See them as the way you do. But you You ask, “What can I do?”
human beings instead of judging them are responsible for how you Your life and well-being.
based on societal beliefs. Celebrate oth- speak and listen, how you Other people don’t exist as
ers for who they are right now and for treat others, and how you keep your means to your ends, any more than you
who they are becoming, instead of wor- promises or break them. live in service to their goals. People may
rying about their past failures. Fulfillment of desires. Stop imagin- choose to help one another voluntarily.
• Tap into your passion and pursue it ing that someone will come along to But no one is entitled to other people’s
with enthusiasm. Be willing to fail. Be rescue you—to solve your problems assets or energy.
present, yet chase the unknown for what and fulfill your wishes. No one is com- Learning self-responsibility. Ask:
you can become and do for others. ing to make life right or to fix things— What possibilities for action exist? What
Rachel then said: “Some issues that nothing will get better unless you do can I do? What will I do to get what I
women face are self-inflicted. For what- something to make it happen. want? To act more self-responsibly for rela-
ever reason, they bury their brilliance Beliefs and values. Don’t just reflect tionships and results, choices and decisions,
by creating artificial boundaries that passively what others believe and I might... Write what comes to mind. It’s
confine them to a limited way of think- value. Become aware of your beliefs your life, so make the most of it! PE
ing and believing. Some women (and and values, scrutinize them, and make
Jim Madrid is an author and CEO of Entelechy. Visit
men, too) think that if they can’t make a up your mind about them.
big splash and see their name in lights, Setting priorities. The way you
then they won’t do anything at all. But spend time and energy is either in ACTION: Practice self-responsibility.

12 w w w. L e a d e r E x c e l . c o m Personal Excellence
S E RV I C E • C E L E B R AT I O N that remain are there for a reason. These
are the moments, good and bad, that
have molded and transformed your life.

Celebrate Success But just because they’ve already hap-

pened doesn’t mean you can’t continue
to use these moments to affect you in
Call upon positive moments. new ways.
By thinking back to a time in our
by John W . Thompson your life. Don’t think about it too hard; lives when we experienced happiness,
simply write the first five that come to accomplishment and satisfaction, the


expression: Don’t dwell
in the past. The past is past;
mind. Go ahead and create your list.
Now pick one of the five items and
think back to that time. Close your eyes
brain allows us to relive those emotions,
thereby creating an instantaneous effect.
By recalling those fond memories and
the future is now; don’t look back. We’ve and take yourself there. Chances are events, we can easily lift ourselves up in
been trained to let go, move forward, you’ll end up with a smile on your face. the present.
and to forget. During your life, you experience Think about that for a minute... you
Hence, many of us spend most of thousands of truly happy moments. have the ability to stir up these positive
our time thinking about what’s coming These memories are the foundation emotions anytime you wish. That’s a
next—what do I have to do at work that gives you strength, contentment, very powerful tool at your disposal.
tomorrow, what am I going to make for and an inherent excitement to find out Some people might interpret this as
dinner, how am I going to relax this what comes next. Your past successes “living in the past,” and will claim that
weekend? We worry so much about shouldn’t be tucked away into the dwelling on past experiences can be
what’s next that we don’t take the time deep recesses of your mind; they detrimental if done to such an extreme
to reflect on what has happened. should be celebrated and reflected as to interfere with your continual
Late one night, I was lying in bed upon to help you with the next adven- development. But there’s a difference
thinking about what I had to do the ture heading your way. between living in the past and using
next day, when I realized that I was cre- So when you’re lying in bed past successes to help you progress in
ating tension for myself at a time that your daily life. Reflecting on what has
should have been the most relaxing of happened in your life can help you pre-
the day. So I cleared my head and tried pare for and celebrate what comes next.
to genuinely relax. A fond memory There is another powerful benefit of
jumped into my head, bringing a smile recalling past accomplishments and
to my face. I started thinking about a experiences—you learn from yourself.
particular experience that brought me You are the most influential, effective
great joy when it happened several and engaging teacher you’ll ever meet.
years ago, and soon I was feeling Sure, you may not be the best at teaching
relaxed and content. The transition was others; but over the years, you’ve taught
instantaneous. By calling upon a posi- yourself more than anyone else could
tive moment in my life, I was immedi- have. And you’re not finished. You’re
ately relaxed, rejuvenated, and ready tonight, and many things are running teaching yourself new things daily.
for what comes next. through your head, pick one item on One of the best ways to learn from
The next day I started to reflect on your list and clear everything else yourself is to catalogue your great
this change in mindset, and only then from your mind. Think back to this accomplishments. So, take another piece
realized the powerful and positive outstanding moment and smile. No of paper and write down as many of
influence it had on me, both physically sleeping pill can better relax you. your successes as you can. These are
and emotionally. In an effort to take this Great moments shouldn’t be kept in specific events that make you feel a gen-
positive experience even further, I start- the back of your mind. They should be uine sense of pride. They don’t have to
ed to record all the positive things that celebrated as a source of inspiration, be monumental; just because you
have happened to me in my life— pride, and strength. haven’t climbed Everest doesn’t mean
things I’m proud of, experiences that Every day of your life, you’re creat- you don’t have plenty of things to
bring a smile to my face, people who ing memories. Most adults can remem- include on your list. One of your suc-
have made a positive impact on my ber moments as far back as age three. cesses could be something as simple as
life. After about 20 minutes, I had creat- That means the typical 30-year-old helping your brother pass his seventh-
ed an extensive list of life experiences, adult has about 9,855 days worth of grade algebra class. List all events that
all of which made me feel great. potential memories. If you consider fill you with a sense of accomplishment.
Each of us has done things that how many memorable events happen These experiences and events pro-
make us feel proud; things that make each day, that number starts multiply- vide the necessary context and knowl-
us laugh; things that put so much ing exponentially. However, the brain edge to help you do great things going
meaning into our lives. These memo- isn’t programmed to keep that much forward. So go ahead—do a little bit of
ries and achievements are our most information in its long-term banks. dwelling. You just might discover that
prized possessions. We need to cele- That’s why out of a given week, only a you’re an amazing person. PE
brate those moments. handful of events will permanently be
John W. Thompson is the author of You Did It!
stored—only those moments that truly Celebrating Personal Successes and is the founder of
Record Best Moments have an impact on us physically, emo- GOALearn—a professional coaching organization.
Give it a try. Grab a piece of paper tionally and psychologically will be Visit
and write five of the best moments in moved to long-term memory. The ones ACTION: Celebrate your success in service.

Personal Excellence w w w. L e a d e r E x c e l . c o m 13
SERVICE• JOY 2. Being here. Focus on being in the ries. Acceptance can be an antidote.
moment. Let go of destructive thoughts When you accept reality, you weaken the
and worries. Substitute new perceptions intensity of negative sensations. Holding
Turn Pain to Joy that counteract pain and negativity.
Stress reduction begins, and creativity is
on increases pain, worry, and anger; let-
ting go lightens burdens and is freeing.
Change your thinking and serve. unleashed. No painful past, no worri- 4. Joy. A transforming experience
some future—just the immediate experi- occurs when your mind and body feel
by Howard L. Millman ence of being here. Accepting reality good, and you realize that there are no
means that events happen, whether we obstacles to diminishing pain and expe-


is unnecessary, yet you
likely experience negative
like them or not. Fighting reality hurts;
acceptance leads to tranquility.
3. Focus, flex and let go. Focus, flex,
riencing joy. Your competence leads to
joy—the feeling of pleasure, happiness,
and satisfaction. Accepting and enjoying
feelings that interfere with your produc- and let go is a way to counteract tension each moment and being creative and
tivity, morale, and well-being. You expe- and physical pain and to feel better productive become natural. PE
rience some frustration, anxiety, anger, emotionally. So, focus on specific body
and worry, often leading to physical pain, flex muscles, and let go of pain Howard L. Millman, Ph.D., is a clinical and consulting
psychologist. Email
symptoms such as back pain, headaches, and tension. Know about your pain,
stomach problems, and tension. Mind focus on the cause, and let go of wor- ACTION: Learn to turn pain into joy.
and body are inseparable. A healthier
mind and body leads to personal happi- SERVICE• CHANGE longer leading? What will our society
ness, less sickness and down time, and suffer because the leadership we need
more creativity in solving problems. is hurting? What great sickness is rag-
While overcoming problems is good,
being resilient, creative, and joyful is
Student of Service ing because the doctors and nurses are
in need of healing themselves? How
better and prevents further problems. When wounded, rise again. many great sermons won’t be preached
When you experience less pain and because an overworked and underpaid
more joy, your life, work, and service by Denis Waitley pastor is letting criticism keep him out
become more satisfying and productive. of service? Great public servants, teach-
1. Change thinking. You can change
your thinking through cognitive restruc-
turing, reframing, and rational emotive
a context of social, tech-
nological, political, econom-
ers, volunteers, entrepreneurs, and
politicians are all waiting for someone
to care enough to put their arms around
therapy. Rational means the ability to ic, and cultural change. How can you them and say, “Let’s get back into the
reason logically. Amazingly, you may avoid becoming a casualty of change? battle of life again! We need you!”
fail to apply rational thinking to your Take the offensive. Instead of “stewing,” Great leaders inspire “wounded war-
psychological pain. It’s as if you are con- start thinking and doing. Your success riors” to engage in life again and be win-
vinced that worry and anxiety are depends on how well you think. Ask ners! You can’t wear a victor’s crown
inevitable. “My pain will never go away. yourself: What can I offer that “they” without having fought a few battles! You
I won’t be able to do my favorite things. aren’t offering? How can I add can’t sing before you talk. You
How can I not be worried or depressed?” value and enhance the quality can’t run before you walk.
Does worry help any situation? The of life of others? Breakthrough You can’t have a message
rational answer is “no.” Yet, the worry ideas occur when you calmly until you’ve had a mess, and
may haunt you until the situation gets search for opportunities, not you can’t have a testimony
resolved. It is the perception that causes when you are anxious or frus- until you’ve had a test! Eagles
worry and depression, not the events. If trated.You can only do good if can’t stay in their nest if they
you are consumed by “office politics,” you feel good. want to soar. Sitting on the
you worry about perceived negative side lines you’ll never be your
comments and reactions from others. Wounded Warriors best. God won’t send thirsty
Rationally, you should be aware of oth- Recently I read the book Lefthanded people to an empty well. Heaven’s cup
ers’ reactions, interact in a friendly man- Soldiers by Gary Eby. It’s dedicated to is sweeter once you’ve tasted hell.
ner, gain competency, strengthen your all of us who have been wounded in There’s no wine until the grape has gone
job skills, and increase your value. life—physically, emotionally, spiritual- through the press.
Perception can be changed! “Worry ly, or financially, and yet, against all Change is a door that can only be
never helps. I’ll focus on being a positive odds, have overcome adversity and opened from the inside! The willing-
force for myself and others.” Reality is become champions! Yet there are men ness to change can be inspired by oth-
what it is. Anxiety doesn’t change reali- and women who, because of some ers, but change is a personal choice.
ty. “If the worst happens, I’ll do my event or series of events, have pretty Choice, not chance, determines your
best.” The key is to recognize and then much given up. Somewhere between destiny. So, get back into the battle of
change negative thoughts and attitudes, brokenness and bitterness, they have life. Decide to engage in life again and
such as jumping to conclusions, exag- laid down their proverbial swords and make a difference. All the victories you
gerating, and catastrophizing. You are surrendered. They’ve been wounded. want to experience in life will flow from
rewriting your internal script. Negative When you are wounded—when the change in your mindset. PE
thinking usually leads to negative emo- your “right arm” has been hurt—you
tions, such as anger, guilt, frustration, can still become a Lefthanded Soldier Denis Waitley is a speaker, trainer, best-selling author.
Call 877-929-0439, email,
fear, sadness, and anxiety. These emo- rather than allowing circumstances to or visit
tions often cause fatigue, irritability, condemn you to a life of “what-ifs.”
tension or pain, and lead to addictions. How many great leaders are no ACTION: Rise from your wounds to serve others.

14 w w w. L e a d e r E x c e l . c o m Personal Excellence

Service Mental

Character Career


Social Financial

Get a Life and Lead

What do you really want? individual. They taught that we Enjoy guilt-free accountability.
Once you’re clear on should strive to be more today than by Linda Edgecombe
what you really want, we were yesterday, more tomorrow
you’ll do more of the
things that truly matter to you. Do
you know your core values? When
than we were today—to discover
our special and unique strengths
and to actualize our potential. So,
I sometimes look at people who create
“odd” adventures and think to myself:
you know what matters most to discover those things you’re capa- “Those people have far too much time on
you, your choices are much easier. ble of doing well, and do them their hands.” I harbor resentment for people
The clarity positions you to gain with all your heart and soul. who create a life for themselves.
more fulfillment and experience —Stephen Bertman, Eight Pillars of Greek Wisdom Ask yourself: Do I often miss my chil-
less frustration. Getting clear on dren’s special events because of my work
what you don’t want also helps Make time for a Sabbath. schedule? Do I often volunteer for stuff and
you to figure out what you want. On my climb back up then pull out because I’m overloaded and
List the things you are tolerating— from the pit of burnout, I then feel guilt? Do I feel guilty about many
things that are broken, worn out, remembered the wisdom things in my life? When was the last time I
don’t feel or look good or makes of my grandparents. “I have one slept-in? Do I have a sense of purpose for my
you feel bad. See what you need to prayer on this Shabbat,” my grand- life? Do I take time to exercise? Do I feel
eliminate or manage. Clear out father would say as he raised his comfortable in my own skin? Do my respon-
any expectations that others have glass of wine. “May the family sibilities to work, children, community and
of you. Often you get confused always stay together.” Everyone partner compete for my attention? Do I
because you think the things oth- waited for my grandmother’s rarely have fun? Have I lost touch with my
ers want for you belong to you— toast: “May we have health, love, friends? Am I missing deadlines?
they don’t. Once you’re certain money, and the time to enjoy Being accountable is not about checklists
about what you want, you can be them.” They would then clink and bosses who hover over you to make sure
more conscious about your intent. glasses and shout, “L’Chaim” (to you are on track. It is about writing down
Use an organizer for identifying, life). Even when we love our your goals and desires and setting some rea-
prioritizing, planning and accom- work, it is wise to take time to rest, sonable time lines, coupled with a weekly
plishing your dreams and goals. rejuvenate, be with friends and check-in to chat about progress with someone.
Gain the clarity you need so you family, and appreciate the bless- So, where do you want to go? And where
spend your life doing the things ings of our lives and our connec- do you start? Take an honest snapshot of
that truly matter to you. tion with God. The Sabbath is a your life. Record all that is good, and all that
—Michael E. Angier, SuccessNet. weekly, 24-hour hour period in could use improvement or tweaking.
which you rest, reflect, and con- It’s amazing how long you can see your-
The idea of personal nect more closely with the spiritual self as you want yourself to be: the capable,
excellence was invented dimensions of life. You replenish helpful, together, hip, cool, friendly, gracious,
by the Greeks over 3,000 your resources, appreciate the selfless soul who’s always up for just one
years ago. Greek warriors miraculous gift of life, and engage more favor, task, role, or duty. Meanwhile,
lived and died by an unwritten in activities that nourish your soul. you’re frazzled to the breaking point.
code—to be the bravest in battle. —Sage Bennet is the author of Wisdom Walk Ask friends and family for an honest
Over time, they extended their assessment. Then ask yourself: How would
heroic commitment to the Olympic Stop multitasking, start your friends describe you in each of your
Games. There were no “silver” or chunking. Multitasking roles? How would you describe yourself?
“bronze” medals for runners-up, wastes time, energy, and Which roles energize you? What roles would
only first prize—a simple wreath concentration. You can you like to drop? Can you re-define yourself
of wild olive leaves, treasured achieve greater focus and produc- in any of these roles? Are you more you in
because it signified a true champi- tivity by chunking—combining the some roles than in others? Why? What val-
on. The Greeks also celebrated benefits of focusing on one thing ues shine when you are more yourself?
intellectual and artistic achieve- with the need to do various tasks You can’t go forward unless you know
ments. In Athens, for example, during the day. Chunking means who’s taking the journey. You can only be
playwrights competed at drama carving out segments of time that successful when you know who and what
festivals to win prizes for the best you use to focus on one thing. you are and what you want to accomplish.
comedy or tragedy. Both the Turn off your cell phone, set your Choose a couple of your to-do’s to move you
Games and festivals were consid- office phone to take messages, and toward one of your bigger goals. Then email
ered sacred occasions. Each hon- shut down e-mail. For a time, you me (or a friend) once a week to discuss how
ored the gods by offering up to want to direct all your energies it’s going. The results are amazing. PE
them not ritual sacrifices but the and thoughts to one task, plan, or
best examples of what human project. Chunking allows you to Linda Edgecombe is the author of Guilt-Free Accountability.
Call 1-888-868-9601,, info@lin-
beings could achieve. Greek focus on what’s important. or
philosophers expanded the defini- —Lisa Haneberg, author of Focus Like a
tion of excellence to apply to each Laser Beam ACTION: Invite an honest assessment.

Personal Excellence w w w. L e a d e r E x c e l . c o m 15
SPIRITUAL• JUDGMENT stewardship with a daily discipline of We are “free” to choose, and in our
appetites and passions—take the body moral casualness we might suppose that
where it most wants to go: health and “freedom” lies in the absence of restraint.
Spiritual Paths happiness, peace and prosperity, abun-
dance and fulfillment.
Why deny what pleases and pleasures
me? Who are you to tell me to stop what
Walk with practical feet. If there be a God and higher purpose I’m doing or start down a new path?
to life than mere survival and monetary The converse of walking a spiritual
by Ken Shelton success (as I attest there is), then walking path with practical feet is to crawl a cor-
a spiritual path with practical feet is a poral or temporal or financial path with

F OR CENTURIES, THE RAP wise way to go about life and love.

against many well-mean- Consider Brittney Spears, Nicole Richey,
ing, good-hearted, artistically- Paris Hilton, and others who think their
impractical, dysfunctional feet. Extrapo-
lated to eternity, the difference in the two
paths is infinite: literally worlds apart.
inclined, relationship-centered, or self-made paths constitute a better way. We see judgments rendered here and
spiritually-minded individuals is that Ask: Where will this path ultimately lead now—as people self-select where and
they are missing “practical feet,” mean- me? Is that a place I really want to go? with whom they feel most comfortable. PE
ing they are not oriented toward busi- The voice of conscience reminds us
ness, law, banking and finance, and of right and wrong, duty and honor, Ken Shelton is editor and publisher of Personal
Excellence and Leadership Excellence magazines. Visit
hence become family and community responsibility and accountability. Yet at
welfare cases (poor marriage partners). times, we want to imagine that nothing
While this argument has merit, so matters: choices have no consequences. ACTION: Walk a spiritual path with practical feet.
does the rap against money, wealth,
power, greed, position, and status mon- S P I R I T U A L • G L O W the best action to take is none. Get
gers: that they lack emotional and spiri- your rest. Don’t compare yourself with
tual intelligence and relationship skills; others. Love others as you do yourself.
hence, they become caustic, callous,
abusive, and self-centered bosses and
Get Glowing Give others what they want most—
love. Know when to let go of others
power-brokers (poor marriage partners). Cultivate inner beauty. and when to receive the gifts of others.
The balanced solution is to walk the No matter what, know that God’s in
spiritual path with practical feet—aim- by Ann Mincey charge. Choose to let him lead you. My
ing for something higher and better; message is rooted in my faith. I grew up
having a noble vision, mission, or ambi-
tion; yes, having your dream or castle in
the air—but then building a foundation
industry that caters to
exterior beauty and pam-
a pastor’s daughter. Standards and
expectations were high. My parents
always modeled “never settle for any-
under it, lest it topple and subject you to pering, I advise you to work first on thing lower than the best and highest,”
public ridicule and financial ruin. your inner beauty. My principles are and the example was our faith in God’s
Having had three siblings commit based on a simple truth: what you abiding Love. God clearly gave me this
suicide (one with a gun and two with want is within your grasp and it’s up call through the scriptures. I believe in
bad habits that left one debilitated and to you to develop your life—to glow daily “checking in.” This ritual keeps
another amputated), I sense the pain like a star. Do you now glow like a the “still small voice” clear to my heart,
and loss that comes with imbalance: star? You will when you attain balance and I try to follow it—and this is the
with not walking the spiritual path with and inner beauty. You can be a star. most secure guidance I’ve had in my
practical feet. I see the desperation and You can shine by taking care life. I draw my inner strength
destruction that comes from distorted of your five glow points: from God, and believe that no
views—such as the scarcity mindsets of Body: take good care of the matter your beliefs or affilia-
competition and comparison. inner and outer body. tions you can find guidance,
I realize that fulfillment and meaning Mind: shepherd good peace, and strength from a
come from living in the moment, and yet thoughts and release bad higher power. You can become
projecting forward with a sense of des- thoughts that enter the mind. more than you’ve been and dis-
tiny and backward with a sense of histo- Relationships: These are cover within qualities of beauty
ry—tethered between a future of promise most important to me, since and peace.
and past of preparation. I see the com- everything I have comes through oth- My life is a journey toward inner
plete continuum of human behavior, con- ers to me. Care for your relationships beauty—finding the unique beauty
dition, and habit: failure and success, the with divine kindness. each person is and the best image that
best of the spiritual and the worst of the Resources: earn, invest, give, and will carry that beauty. Beauty isn’t skin
temporal, corporal, and mortal. spend your resources wisely. deep—there should also be substance
Indeed, we need not wait beyond Service: live in alignment with your in your lifestyle. As you Get Glowing,
death for judgment, for heaven and hell; values, and be forgiving and grateful you will contribute fully, feel fulfilled,
they exist here and now. We see people for the love that energizes you to serve and earn more so that in turn you can
moving inexorably toward their destiny, others. How you care for others is a give more. You take in the nourish-
for better or for worse, primarily as a measure of how you care for yourself. ment you need in order to enable oth-
result of their choices and mindsets, Begin to believe that you are who ers to shine as the stars they are, too. PE
skill-sets and character. you seem—live as if it already is so.
Ann Mincey is VP of Communications for Redken,
Practical feet—proactive feet that Learn to forgive, to be thankful, and to beauty supply manufacturer, division of L’Oreal USA,
walk and run, skip and dance, amble serve others. Heed the 9/11 calling: Do and author of Get Glowing! Visit
and aim toward something higher and it now. Pursue your dreams, before it’s
better in humble service and sustained too late, yet realizing that sometimes ACTION: Take care of your five glow points.

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