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Name: Viterbo, Krystel Joy G.

Year&Section: BSHM-3D

Kindly answer the questions comprehensively for 10 to 15 sentences each:

1. Why do you believe that having a positive connection with your boss contributes to a
pleasant workplace?

 I believe that having a positive connection with the boss contributes to a pleasant
workplace because if you have a good connection with your boss you can work
well. It’s easier to consult things when you have a positive connection with your
boss. Your connection with your boss will improve if you ask for whatever you
need and seem to be open to cooperate. A positive, respectful connection with
your boss can raise your confidence and productivity, as well as develop your
skills. It is important to have a positive relationship with your boss since it can
serve as a firm basis for your professional success. When you all go together, the
workplace is a better place to be, but it is necessary to make an extra effort to
have a positive relationship with your boss at the time and some other higher
officials. A positive working connection with your boss has lots of advantages.
You'll have increased job satisfaction, the encouragement of former staff, and the
possibility of being asked to participate in interesting new projects. You Will also
be in a good position to share any concerns or complaints with your boss in a
professional and respectful approach. There may be long-term advantages as
well. When it's necessary to leave on, maintaining a positive relationship with
your supervisor can help you get a better reference. It's possible that you'll apply
for a new position in the same company wherein your old boss working at some

2. What do you think are your non-negotiables when it comes to staying in a company?
Non-negotiables are the factors that you decide must exist or must not exist in order for
you to say yes to a position/stay in an organization.

 First, the company or the boss must be recognize all the efforts of their
employees, Nothing like hearing from your boss that they appreciate how hard
you have been working and how well you have accomplished. It isn't always
simple to find time to give each of your staff a compliment, but it is one of the
most important approaches to keep your employees motivated and pleased.
Second is. Maintain open lines of communication, Employees typically leave jobs
or companies because they are unsure if they have the commitment and
understanding of management. It's important that every one of your staff
understands their worth
and that you're always here to help them. The last one is Encourage and reward
staff improvement, Many staff are energized by the possibility of expanding their
roles within your company, whether that actually takes on more shifts or moving
into a completely new position. You will demonstrate that you are concerned in
their future and care about their ambitions by supporting these ambitious
individuals and providing opportunities for them to enhance their understanding
of the organization.

3. What influence do you believe having a supportive supervisor has on your job

 Supervisors have a positive impact on employee outcomes by boosting their

positive feelings. One of the most significant things a supervisor can do to build
trust with employees is to show competency. A supervisor's influence on their
employees at work is significant, regardless of how longtime they been there.
Workers are expected to demonstrate great loyalty, hard work, and dedication,
yet their supervisors do not return. Supervisor frequently fail to provide support,
guidance, or encouragement, affecting employee commitment, loyalty, and
performance. Employees' personal fulfillment and motivation increase when they
have a supportive supervisor. Workers with supportive supervisors aren't scared
to come up with new innovative ideas because they don't have to worry about
being fired. Their concepts are enhanced with the help of superiors, resulting in
increased capability and capacity. This emphasizes the significance of having a
positive supervisor.

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