Billy Zanzabilla - Kuis Pra BHS Inggris

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A: What Lebaran day is?
B: It is a day when …… celebrate the day.
a. Buddhist
b. Hinduism
c. Christianity
d. All people
e. Moslem
The sign on the left side is ..…
A. forbidden for bus to enter
B. forbidden to turn left
C. forbidden to take pictures
D. no smoking Area
E. forbidden to use hand
There are too much cars on the street. The underlined word is false. So, it can
be changed by ….
A. few
B. little
C. many
D. a bit little
E. some
A: What Christmas day is?
B: It is a day when …… celebrate the day.
A. Buddhist
B. Hinduism
C. Christianity
D. All people
E. Moslem
Street = Lane
Train =
A. garage
B. stop
C. light
D. station
E. space
There’s a big dinner, and after the food is served, the guests give speeches or ..
A. dancing
B. shake hands
C. sing songs
D. walking together
E. speech contest
Labor Day is a day when ….
A. People in many countries honor workers
B. Brazilians celebrate Carnival
C. People express their love to someone
D. People sometimes play tricks on friends
E. Many young adults choose to get married
A: Excuse me, do you know where is the post office?
B: It is near from here, you can go to the next bus ….
A. station
B. light
C. stop
D. stand
E. garage
Mexican family offer food to the dead and the have a meal in cemetery is ….
A. labor
B. Children’s
C. valentine
D. The dead
E. Chinese new year
I … have much money. So, I can’t buy many things on
the grocery store.
A. don’t
B. had
C. didn’t
D. will not
E. will
A: Is Spaghetti an American food?
B: No, it is not. It is …….. food
A. Indonesian
B. Indian
C. Italian
D. Korean
E. Japanese
A: What did you do last Saturday?
B: I just …. at home and watched TV.
A. stay
B. stayed
C. stays
D. sayings
E. staying
Breads : Baked
Rice : ……..
A. boiled
B. roasted
C. barbeque
D. baked
E. steamed
Angela: Hi, Carlo. Do you know where is the food bulgogi from?
Carlo : Yes, I know. The food is from …
A. China
B. India
C. Japan
D. Korea
E. America
Jean : Hello Bryan, did you like to eat chicken?
Bryan: Hmmm, yes, I …. to eat chicken so much.
A. like
B. disliked
C. dislike
D. unlike
E. liked
A: Was each of the place good?
B: Of course, There … a restaurant that has very good food.
A. is
B. were
C. are
D. weren’t
E. was
Waiter : …. you decided on an appetizer yet?
Kathy : Yes, I’ll have a small order of the snails, please.
A. do
B. have
C. did
D. has
E. had
Jennie: Hello Carla, what are you doing?
Carla : Hi, I am cooking some cookies.
Jennie: So, what is this …. for?
Carla :Oh, this is for baking the cookies.
A. stove
B. micro phone
C. frying pan
D. microwave
E. radio
Jane: How was your holiday, James?
James: It was great! I … to France with my family.
A. go
B. goes
C. went
D. gonna
E. gone
I want to buy a radio, so I must go to ….
A. bicycle shop
B. grocery store
C. coffee shop
D. jewelry exhibition
E. electronic shop
A: would you mind to ….. The TV, please!
B: Yes, I would.
A. turn off
B. turn round
C. turn out
D. turn over
E. turn right
You can use a cell phone to …
A. store an encyclopedia
B. make travel reservations
C. identify criminals
D. perform dangerous tasks
E. send text messages
Walkman : earphone
Computer : ……
A. remote
B. charger
C. ringing
D. keypad
E. monitor
John: Hello Martin, where did you go on your free time?
Martin: Hi John, I …. go anywhere on my free time.
A. do
B. did not
C. do not
D. will not
E. did
A: Would you mind turning the stereo down?
B: No. I ….
A. do
B. don’t
C. will
D. wouldn’t
E. would
A: Do you like to watch TV?
B: Yes, I …
A. dislike
B. have to
C. want
D. has to
E. do
I want to buy a radio, so I must go to ….
A. bicycle shop
B. grocery store
C. coffee shop
D. jewelry exhibition
E. electronic shop
A: would you mind to ….. The TV, please!
B: No, I wouldn’t.
A. turn off
B. turn round
C. turn out
D. turn over
E. turn right
Mother: Lila, clean the floor up, please!!
Lila : Alright mom, I will do … now.
A. it
B. not
C. here
D. later
E. better
A: Where did you go on last holiday?
B: I went to Taj Mahal in …. on last holiday
A. China
B. Malaysia
C. Africa
D. India
E. United Kingdom

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