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Independent University Bangladesh Course Title: Marketing Management MBA Program, Summer 2011 Time: Monday, 6.30pm-10.

SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE UNIT: This course is designed to introduce the student to the basic elements of the marketing management process. The course will help the student to identify and solve many business problems by using a marketing perspective. This course will not turn the student into a marketing wizard, but it will give him/her a very broad understanding of what marketing is all about and the vital role that it plays in organizations. AIMS OF THE UNIT This course provides an introduction to all aspects of marketing, including strategic marketing planning, marketing research, product planning and development, promotion planning, distribution and pricing. It provides an understanding of the theories of the marketing mix variables, and a practical application in the context of the marketing management cycle processes of research, planning, organization, implementation and control. This course is planned to be a fundamental base for other Marketing courses, such as Strategic Marketing Planning, Marketing Research, International Marketing, and Services Marketing. Its intended as a practical tool on how to make right decisions on marketing mix strategies. This course also has a fit with such integrative courses as Strategic Management, International Business, Financial Management etc. TEACHING AND LEARNING PATTERNS: Time spent each week: 3.5 hours class contact. In order to gain the full value from the course two educational strands must combine. Firstly a thorough grasp of the relevant theory must be obtained. This requires extensive reading. A set of notes will be provided to give an introduction to the course but it is emphasized that these are insufficient in themselves. They are designed to provide an overview and entre to the main topics. The second requisite is for practice in attempting to apply the theories, models and methodologies. A number of case studies will be examined, some non-assessed for practice, and an assessed case. To allow time for the requisite study and practice Lectures will be kept to a minimum length after the introductory series. They will be used to introduce the topic and to discuss the further materials and references to deepen your study. REQUIRED TEXT Kotler et al, Marketing Management. Prentic Hall Publication. 13th edn. LECTURE OUTLINE
WEEK One Two TOPIC Developing customer relationships and value through marketing Linking marketing and corporate strategies Scanning the marketing environment

Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine

Consumer behaviour Organizational markets and buyer behaviour Turning Marketing information into action Identifying market segments and targets Identifying market segments and targets Developing new products Developing new products ,Managing Products and Brands Managing Products and Brands MIDTERM (2 hours) Managing marketing channels and wholesaling Managing marketing channels and wholesaling

Ten Retailing, Integrated marketing communications and direct marketing Eleven Advertising, sales promotion & public relations Personal selling and sales management Twelve Building the price foundation Thirteen Arriving at the final price

ASSESSMENT POLICY: (100%) Attendance 5% Presentation & class room participation 10% Quiz (three) [5* 3] 15% Group Project 20% Mid-Term exam [Two broad questions out of three] 20% Final exam [Three broad questions out of four] 30% QUIZ: Quiz exams (3) will be based on class lectures and referred chapters from the books. The exams follow multiple choice/True-False questions only. GROUP PROJECT: (REPORT + PRESENTATION) This is a group effort of 5-6 members only. You have to choose an industry to apply on of the chosen topics. Note: Minimum 3000 words. (Excluding APA reference and appendix). Based on the group project, each group is requested to deliver a 15 minutes multimedia presentation in the classroom. Requirements are; 1. Maximum 7 slides. 2. First 10 minutes for topic discussion and last 5 minutes for question and answers. 3. Try to concentrate only the key points (e.g. findings). 4. Minimum 2000 words. (Excluding reference and appendix) 5. References should be appropriate. 6. Use appropriate format. i.e. Cover page, Index, Referencing, Bibliography, URL. 7. PLAGARISM: zero tolerance! **Submission deadline: Final submission date of the individual assignment (Hard copy and softcopy) is Week 12. Delay submission in not acceptable. GRADING POLICY: As per IUB rules Group Project topic: 1. Comprehensive Marketing Plan & strategy for small-medium organization. (Choose only one topic for each group) ---------Good Luck---------

For Contact/Appointment:, Mobile: 017 20961263

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