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Pateros Technological College

College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran

Pateros, Metro Manila

“Patient Record System and Billing”


Pablo, Daryl S.J.

Llanos, Anthony L.

Aggabao, Adrian C.

A System Analysis and Design Project

Submitted Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Bachelor of Science in
Information Technology at Pateros Technological College

Engr. Reagan B. Ricafort

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila


This Capstone 1 entitled Patient Record System and BIlling Pateros

Technological College, in partial fulfillment of requirements in the Institute of Information
and Communication Technology prepared and submitted by Daryl S.J. Pablo Anthony L
Llanos. and Adrian C. Aggabao has been examined and recommended for acceptance
and approval for an oral defense.

Engr. Reagan Ricafort


Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology by the committee in Final
Examination with grade of

Prof. Cornelio Lamera Prof. Jeffrey Oberas

Member Member

Prof. Julius Codilan


Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Bachelor of

Science in Information Technology on

Engr. Reagan Ricafort

Dean, Institution of Information and Communication Technology

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila


Title Page
Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………… i
Acknowledgement………………………………………………………………………… ii
Dedication………………………………………………………………………………….. iii
Approval She.……………………………………………………………………………….iv
Table of Content…………………………………………………………………………….v

Chapter 1
Background of the Study…………………………………………………………………6
General Objectives………………………………………………………………………...7
Specific Objective………………………………………………………………………….7
Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………………...8
Scope and Limitation……………………………………………………………………...9
Significance of the Study………………………………………………………………..10

Definition of Terms
Technical Terms…………………………………………………………………………..11
Operational Terms………..……………….……………………………………………...13

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

Chapter 2

Foreign Literature………………………………………………………………………...14
Local Literature…………………….……………………………………………………..16
Foreign Study……………………………………………………………………………..19
Local Study………………………………………………………………………………...23
Existing Related System…………………………………………………………………26


Chapter 3

Descriptive Research……………………………………………………………………..28
Experimental Research…………………………………………………………………...28
Developmental Research…………………………………………………………………29
Planning and Analyzing…………………………………………………………………..29
DFD 0…………………………………………………………………………………………32
DFD 1…………………………………………………………………………………………33
System Database…………………………………………………………………………..34

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila



The Patient Records Management System is the principal repository for information

regarding patient’s healthcare. A patient's drug and medical history is recorded in their

patient record, which is a group of papers that includes a description of each instance in

which they requested medical attention regarding substance abuse. The information

contained in the confidential record is typically kept by the facility, and it is only provided

to the patient or with the patient's express written consent. It includes the initial

evaluation of the patient's health status, the patient's medical history, laboratory and

other related results, notes from nurses and doctors, notes from psychologists, court

orders and medication sheets, admission and discharge summaries, and other relevant

information. This system aims to provide the Department of Health- Las Pinas Drug

Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Center an effective record tracking, database and

billing system which would in turn result in an increased quality and efficiency in

providing absolute medical assistance.

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

Background of the Study

In this chapter, a well-conducted study was made. First is the Background of the

study which contains detailed information regarding the proposed project. Second is a

Statement of the Problem that discussed certain problems that took place regarding the

existing manual process; moreover, the Objective of the Study, discussed the purpose

of the proposed study. The third is Scope and Limitation, which discusses the system’s

strengths and weaknesses.

The Department of Health- Las Pinas Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Center is

one of the leading healthcare providers of substance abuse in the National Capital

Region. Established in the late quarter of 2019 the facility aims to provide patients with

affordable and accessible drug related healthcare. The number of patients and external

clients that have been served during the past years has dramatically increased leading

to a slow yet effective service. There is however the possibility of human error such as

incorrect encoding due to fatigue and misplaced records.

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

General Objectives

To build a Patient Record System and Billing that will provide a fast and less hassle

process in admitting and discharging the patient for the employees of the Department of


Patient Record System and billing is the knowledge, skills, and tools that allow

information to be collected, managed, used, and shared in order to support healthcare

delivery and promote health.

Specific Objectives

1.1 To design a user-friendly system that will record, store and retrieve the stored


1.2 To design a database and its application that will generate billing statements for

patient’s use.

1.3 To test if the functionality of the application will execute the program

successfully, the effectiveness of the program in providing an accurate and

reliable program is efficient, the usefulness of the application is easy to use, and

also the acceptability of the application. This testing is to identify if the software

application is user-friendly.

1.4 To develop a system and database that is not heavily reliant on internet

connections that would allow offices to access

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

Conceptual Framework


Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-
11500 Agile Methodology

CPU@4.60GHz 4.60GHz

Windows 10 Pro
Patient Record
64-bit operating system, System and Billing
x64 based processor for DOH (PRSB)
Windows Feature


PHP Sublime Text /

PHP Code

Figure 1. IPO Model

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila


This study primarily focuses on the process of the patient records, billing, checking of

the data of patients for the easiest way of working for the employees of the department

of health.

The patient record and billing system is to provide updates and create a patient record

in the fastest way using.

Administrative Module

Administrative module - enable the administrator to login and perform tasks involved in

the proposal system.

The administrator or admin is the only authorized person to manipulate the contents of

the system.

Billing and staff User Module

Billing and staff User module - enables the users to register and login to the system.

Once logged-in, the user can access the system on its dedicated user’s interface. The

user can easily add the personal information of the patients. It's also allowed to view the

latest update regarding patients and bill it before to discharge the patient.

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

Medical Staff Users Module

Medical Staff User module - enable to register and login to the system. Once logged-in

the Doctor user can access the system on its dedicated doctors user interface. The

doctor user can easily see the patient data record for the test that they give for the

patient. And also doctors users can also add NOTES for the patient records to see

what's the latest update of the patient in the system.

Employer / Admin module

Admin module - enable to register and login to the system. Once logged-in the admin

user can access all interfaces. The admin user can easily see the overall update of the

system and modify it if ever have any typo errors or some minor problem regarding

patient records.


● The system can be access by registered users to our system

● The employee can only have one account

Significance of the study

Many patients end up spending a lot of time when being diagnosed because the original

diagnosis and treatment notes cannot be retrieved, so with the development of the

proposed system this problem is solved since the system is able to manage the

patient’s details.

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

Another serious issue is over prescription, where patients are continued on a

prescription that is not effective and yet this can have access to the patient records. So
with the development of this system, the patient’s details will be followed by the doctor
to prescribe better or effective prescriptions.


The developed system is beneficial to the medical staff and billing personnel of the
facilities especially its external clients and the patients.

The Patients:

The system will allow to generate billing statements for external clients in a small
amount of time compared to the traditional pen and paper

Medical Staff

The system will help the medical staff in accurately recording, updating and keeping
track of all patient’s medical records such as medicines that were administered and
other laboratory services that were provided during the patients visit with the facility.

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

Technical Terms

Database - Are used to storing, maintaining and accessing any sort of data. They

collect information on people, places or things. That information is gathered in one place

so that it can be observed and analyzed. Database can be thought of as an organized

collection of information.

System - Is a group of interacting or interrelated elements that act according to a set of

rules to form a unified whole. A system, surrounded and influenced by its environment,

is described by its boundaries, structure and purpose and expressed in its functioning.

Computer - Is a machine or device that performs processes, calculations and

operations based on instructions provided by a software or hardware program. It has

the ability to accept data (input), process it, and then produce outputs.

Software - is often used to describe all the functional aspects of a computer that do not

refer to its physical components (hardware). Scripts, applications, programs and a set of

instructions are all terms often used to describe software.Everything that “runs” on a

computer, from an operating system, to a diagnostic tool, video game, or app can be

defined as software.

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

Information - is an abstract concept that refers to that which has the power to inform.

At the most fundamental level information pertains to the interpretation of that which

may be sensed.

Account - The combination of user and password that provides an individual, group, or

service with access to a computer system or computer network.

Password - Sometimes called a passcode, is a secret data, typically a string of

characters, usually used to confirm a user’s identity.

Operational Terms

PHP Programming - an all-purpose scripting language designed with web development

in mind. Rasmus Lerdorf, a Danish-Canadian programmer, first developed it in 1994.

The PHP Group currently creates the PHP reference implementation..

MySQL - is a relational database management system that is free and open source.

MySQL, like other relational databases, stores data in tables composed of rows and

columns. Structured Query Language, or SQL, allows users to define, manipulate,

control, and query data. MySQL, the world's most popular open-source database

system, is a versatile and powerful program. It is used to store and retrieve data in a

wide range of popular applications, websites, and services.

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

Login - A person logs on to a computer system by identifying and authenticating

themselves, which is the procedure known as computer security. The login is

sometimes used to refer to the user credentials, which are normally some kind of

username and a password that matches.

Logout - is the length of the login session, which is the time frame within which a user

can carry out his or her operations.

Admin - The act or process of administering, especially of the government or a large


Users - individuals authorized to access the licensed Software to execute Software or

system transactions.

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila


Review of Related Literature and Studies

Foreign Literature

The hospital management system is designed and developed to make a good use of

digital resources in terms of health care. It is easy to use and convenient for the

hospital. Hospital management system provides the benefits to the administration that

they can maintain and manage the database. The higher authorities can monitor the

activities by one click. Patients will be more benefited by this kind of application

because they will get high-quality facilities at the same place and at the same time.

Over the years, medical care has become more complex, making complete patient

medical history not accessible in certain situations. The quest for comprehensive

medical history of patients for the purpose of continuity of care brought about the

evolution of storing patient information electronically. Previous health information plays

a critical role in the proper diagnosis and treatment of patients. Therefore, there should

be an efficient information management system in place that can provide the patients’

health information needs of health facilities providing care. Yendi Health Centre among

several health facilities is still using a paper-based system to manage patients’ records.

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

In healthcare services, patient medical records are becoming large in size and the

complexity of exchanging patient records such as prescription detail, referral data,

diagnosis status and appointment schedules between various clinic-units can be a

problem without a fully integrated system. Moreover, access to patient records requires

privacy. Quite a number of works have been conducted on healthcare services to

address issues such as medical record inconsistency, lack of immediate record storage

and retrieval and paper-based approach. Consequently, this work tries to automate and

enhance the clinical services of Sule Lamido University Clinic by developing a web-

based application. The application will allow both the clinicians and patients to have

access to electronic records easily, which will, in turn, minimize the cost, difficulties, and

ineffectiveness of working with patients’ records manually and to enhance the benefits

and profits in running the clinic services. It can be used in decision making as it provides

complete, reliable, accessible and understandable information pointing to the clinic's

progress and shortcomings. Initially, the problems of the current system were identified,

the requirements were however specified and analyzed. Model of the system was

designed and implemented using SDLC and finally, the system was tested and

validated. The results revealed that the system complies with the specified

requirements. Hence, the objectives under which the system is defined were achieved.

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

Local Literature

This bill pushes for the development of the health system in the Philippines by

institutionalizing the One Patient- One Electronic Medical Record System. One Patient-

One Electronic Medical Record System provides that each patient In the Philippines will

have only one electronic medical record containing the history of his/her medical

conditions and treatments made thereto which can be accessible at any health care

facility in the country. Through this system, patient medical records will no longer be

scattered in different health care providers, thus aiding in accuracy in patient diagnosis

and treatment through full disclosure of patient medical history to health care

professionals. It improves health care quality, reduces medical errors, reduces health

disparities, and advances the delivery of patient-centered medical care. It also reduces

health care costs resulting from inefficiency. This system can also be an effective anti-

fraud tool for Philhealth, SSS and GSIS by providing these agencies information

necessary to verify claims, thereby facilitating millions of pesos in savings from anti-

fraud verifications. For the above-mentioned benefits, immediate passage of this bill is

earnestly sought.

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

Hospitals going digital is an important component in the success of the Universal Health

Care (UHC) Law implementation since it provides quality care for more patients, a

health care expert said. In an interview on the sidelines of a health forum in

Mandaluyong City, St. Luke’s Medical Center President Arturo de la Peña told the

Philippine News Agency (PNA) that the use of electronic medical records (EMR) would

allow hospitals, both private and public, to provide faster and quality health care

services, especially now that every Filipino is entitled to them under the UHC law. The

EMR, a relatively new system being used in some hospitals in the Philippines,

integrates existing hospital systems and provides immediate access to patient records.

The system includes patient profiles and lists, hospital-wide results viewing, patient

charts viewing and management. It can also keep track of the performance of a hospital

and a physician. According to an announcement by the Ateneo de Manila University

(ATENEO), the Philippine Department of Health Region VII is integrating the SHINE

OS+ electronic medical record system of Smart Communications and Ateneo Java

Wireless Competency Center (AJWCC) with its existing reporting tool to enhance the

region's health programs. Integration of SHINE OS+ with its existing reporting tool will

help enhance the Department of Health Region VII’s health programs. Central Visayas,

or Region VII of the Philippines, is made up of four provinces, which are Bohol, Cebu,

Negros Oriental and Siquijor. Some of the health programs that the Department of

Health Regional Office VII is focusing on include the control and elimination of human

rabies and leprosy by 2020.

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

The CHITS (Community Health Information and Tracking System), the first electronic

medical record system in the Philippines that is used widely, has persevered through

time and slowly extended its geographic footprint, even without a national policy. This

study describes the process of CHITS development, its enabling factors and challenges

affecting its adoption, and its continuing use and expansion through eight years of

implementation (2004 to 2012) using the HOT-fit model. This paper used a case study

approach. CHITS was developed through collaborative and participative user-centric

strategies. Increased efficiency, improved data quality, streamlined records

management and improved morale among government health workers are benefits

attributed to CHITS. Its longevity and expansion through peer and local policy adoption

speaks of an eHealth technology built for and by the people. While computerization has

been adapted by an increasing number of local governments, the needs of end-users,

program managers and policy-makers continue to evolve. Challenges in keeping CHITS

technically robust, up-to-date and scalable are already encountered. Lack of standards

hampers meaningful data exchange and use across different information systems.

Infrastructure for electricity and connectivity especially in the countryside must be

established more urgently to meet over-all development goals specially. Policy and

operational gaps identified in this study have to be addressed using people centric

perspectives and participatory strategies with the urgency to achieve universal health

care. Further rigorous research studies need be done to evaluate CHITS' effects on

public health program management, and on clinical outcomes.

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

Electronic health records (EHR)-based studies have been utilized in new discoveries for

diseases and their traits. They have contributed to case-control studies and larger meta-

analyses and demonstrated the potential of EHRs to provide information for phenome-

wide associations in genetic conditions and other medical conditions. This is a

partnership of the Ateneo Autism Study Group with Smart Communications, Secured

Health Information Network and Exchange (SHINE) OS+ (Fig. 1), which is a web and

mobile electronic and referral system developed and maintained by the Ateneo Center

for Computing Competency and Research (ACCCRE) to address the need of rural

health units (RHUs) to have a system that will allow for digitization of health records.

The main motivation for digitization is because the Philippine Health Insurance

Corporation (PHIC / PhilHealth) now requires all LGUs to submit required reports for

electronic claims (e.g. Primary Care Benefit Package).

Foreign Studies

Electronic Health Record (EHR) can promote awareness or knowledge about

healthcare among patients and healthcare professionals to improve collaboration

between different governmental bodies, and enhance healthcare quality. The aim of the

study is to identify the critical factors affecting the physicians’ adoption of EHR in the

healthcare system of Bangladesh by extending the Unified Theory of Acceptance and

Use of Technology (UTAUT) to include Personal Innovativeness in Information

Technology and Resistance to Change. A cross-sectional survey questionnaire was

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

used to collect data from 300 participants in different private and public hospitals in

Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. The study used the partial least squares (PLS)

method, a statistical analysis technique based on the structural equation modeling

(SEM), to analyze the collected data. The results of the study determined that Social

Influence, A policymakers should increase the adoption of the EHR system by

developing social strategies to encourage physicians to stimulate each other to use the

EHR system and ensuring technical sufficiency, training to facilitate the use of the EHR

system. In addition, the policymakers should identify physicians who possess a

propensity to experiment with new information technologies as well as reduce existing

challenges and barriers such as computer crushes, poor infrastructure with erratic

power supply etc. Moreover, we identify future research areas that provide scholars

opportunities to push theoretical and empirical boundaries and offer further insights into

the study of the EHR system.

The digital archive of the patient’s personal health records is the electronic Health

Record (EHR) that has various advantages. For finding the best solution to resolve the

associated issues, a detailed study is required to utilize modern technologies and

standards so that these issues and errors can be minimized. There are several issues

associated with implementing the EHR, including data management, privacy, and

patient data security. AThis research aims to examine the use of the Blockchain in EHR

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

frameworks as per the national and international standards EHR to reduce the

associated issues. A blockchain-based framework can be successful in solving the

current challenges in EHR. It allows storing, sharing, managing, controlling, and

maintaining patient information between healthcare providers.

The Study illustrated the related difficulties of integrating EHR and proposed Blockchain

as a solution to help manage the records and preserve privacy, confidentiality, usability

and protection of patient-related details. This study helps to understand the current

challenges better and help in the proper implementation of Blockchain technology in


COVID-19 is currently a major global public health challenge. In the battle against the

outbreak of COVID-19, how to manage and share the COVID-19 Electronic Medical

Records (CEMRs) safely and effectively in the world, prevent malicious users from

tampering with CEMRs, and protect the privacy of patients are very worthy of attention.

In particular, the semi-trusted medical cloud platform has become the primary means of

hospital medical data management and information services. Security and privacy

issues in the medical cloud platform are more prominent and should be addressed with

priority. To address these issues, on the basis of ciphertext policy attribute-based

encryption, we propose a blockchain-empowered security and privacy protection

scheme with traceable and direct revocation for COVID-19 medical records. In this

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

scheme, we perform the blockchain for uniform identity authentication and all public

keys, revocation lists, etc are stored on a blockchain. The system manager server is

responsible for generating the system parameters and publishes the private keys for the

COVID-19 medical practitioners and users

The cloud service provider (CSP) stores the CEMRs and generates the intermediate

decryption parameters using policy matching. The user can calculate the decryption key

if the user has private keys and intermediate decrypt parameters. Only when attributes

are satisfied with the access policy and the user's identity is out of the revocation list,

the user can get the intermediate parameters by CSP. The malicious users may track

according to the tracking list and can be directly revoked. The security analysis

demonstrates that the proposed scheme is indicated to be safe under the Decision

Bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) assumption and can resist many attacks. The simulation

experiment demonstrates that the communication and storage overhead is less than

other schemes in the public-private key generation, CEMRs encryption, and decryption

stages. Besides, we also verify that the proposed scheme works well in the blockchain

in terms of both throughput and delay.

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

The adoption of EHR systems has greatly increased in recent years; hospitals that have

adopted EHR systems now exceed 84% and 94% in the US and UK, respectively . As a

result, EHR systems of a national (and/or a large) medical organization now are likely to

capture data from millions of individuals over many years. Each individual’s EHR can

link data from many sources (e.gprimary and hospital care) and hence contain

“concepts'' such as diagnoses, interventions, lab tests, clinical narratives, and more.

Each instance of a concept can mean a single or multiple data points. Just a single

hospitalization, for instance, can generate thousands of data points for an individual,

whereas a diagnosis can be a single data point (i.e., a disease code). This makes large-

scale EHR a uniquely rich source of insight and an unrivaled data for training data-

hungry ML models.

Local Studies

The purpose of the proposed system was to improve the current situation of the school

clinic to improve difficult tasks in a simple way. The researchers are committed to meet

the demands of the user once the problems arise. The researchers analyzed the current

situation in the school clinic to provide the appropriate solution to the problem. The

researchers discovered that Bestlink College of The Philippines clinic has problems

searching the student’s records because the school uses Microsoft Excel. The school

can search the information easily in Microsoft Excel. However, once the user searches

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

the surname of the student, similar results will appear. The method that the researchers

used was the systems development life cycle method to follow the schedule on time to

allow the school to track the given steps on how to document or finish the research on

time. The CHITS (Community Health Information and Tracking System), the first

electronic medical record system in the Philippines that is used widely, has persevered

through time and slowly extended its geographic footprint, even without a national

policy. This study describes the process of CHITS development, its enabling factors and

challenges affecting its adoption, and its continuing use and expansion through eight

years of implementation (2004 to 2012) using the HOT-fit model. This paper used a

case study approach. CHITS was developed through collaborative and participative

user-centric strategies. Increased efficiency, improved data quality, streamlined records

management and improved morale among government health workers are benefits

attributed to CHITS.

All databases contain population-based cohort data on the medical costs of reimbursed

medical conditions, identified using International Classification of Diseases, Tenth

Revision (ICD-10) codes. Linkage to other national databases, ensuring protection of

patient privacy data, would improve their usability. Duration to database access and

data extraction varies from country to country. The main limitations of all databases

include the short span of data records, and the unknown degree of internal validity. Both

JKN and PhilHealth databases capture bundled claims, inherently excluding information

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

on prescriptions and out-of-pocket expenditure. Due to the recent establishment of the

VHIS database, it may not be suitable for studies that intend to explore trends.

Recently, the education system has faced an unprecedented health crisis that has

shaken up its foundation. Given today’s uncertainties, it is vital to gain a nuanced

understanding of students’ online learning experience in times of the COVID-19

pandemic. Although many studies have investigated this area, limited information is

available regarding the challenges and the specific strategies that students employ to

overcome them. Thus, this study attempts to fill in the void. Using a mixed-methods

approach, the findings revealed that the online learning challenges of college students

varied in terms of type and extent. Their greatest challenge was linked to their learning

environment at home, while their least challenge was technological literacy and

competency. The findings further revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic had the

greatest impact on the quality of the learning experience and students’ mental health.

In terms of strategies employed by students, the most frequently used were resource

management and utilization, help-seeking, technical aptitude enhancement, time

management, and learning environment control. Implications for classroom practice,

policy-making, and future research are discussed.

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila


The growing use of the PRSB in our present health-care systems necessitates new

ways of operating. Similarly, the increased use of PRSB necessitates a new approach

to training and preparing future health care workers. It is critical to implement PRSB into

educational settings in order to improve information technology capabilities and hence

ensure patient safety. Electronically generated records are replacing traditional paper-

based paperwork, but students are not being adequately educated to use them.

Incorporating instructional PRSB into clinical simulations is an effective technique for

closing the health-care gap.Some of the characteristics of an ideal educational PRSB

include accessible graphical user interfaces that are simple to edit and patient data that

is simple to arrange to aid in realistic health facility simulations. Furthermore, enough

financial assistance and training are required for a successful educational PRSB. The

Department of Health must get basic training on how to utilize the PRSB education

system, as well as access to support people to assist solve any difficulties that may

develop. Because low user happiness is a primary cause of unsuccessful system

implementations, it is critical to measure staff and user satisfaction.

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

Existing Related System

According to Huffstetler, Alison N. (2021), it stated with the National Academies of

Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine called for “designing information technology that

better serves the patient, family, and interprofessional care teams.” The report

recommended that digital health systems should be person-centered, ensure equitable

access and use, and simplify the user experience, and called for vendors to be held

accountable for whether their systems achieve these goals. The need for person-

centered, simplified experience in digital health crosses several domains, including

delivery of preventive services. Historically, digital health platforms have implemented

strategies to improve some preventive health domains such as cancer screening but

have not comprehensively addressed preventive services of behavioral and social


To accomplish digital health goals, it is essential to adhere to several of the key

principles outlined in the report. First, digital health systems need to make it easy for

clinicians to deliver national guidelines and quality recommendations. While there is

debate on some guidelines and quality goals, for most, there is clear agreement on

what standard care should be. Digital health systems need to have these guidelines and

goals embedded as standard functionality and not require local tailoring and


Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

Second, digital health systems need to make information actionable for clinicians and

patients. This can occur through automated delivery of screening instruments to

patients before office visits, built-in scoring of screening instruments, alerts and

reminders for patients and clinicians when care is needed, and educational material to

engage and activate patients. Third, digital health systems need to be easy to use; they

should be intuitive for users, easily accessible, and not require complex workflows to

enter and retrieve data.

Electronic health records (EHRs) and their associated patient portals are the foundation

of the digital health environment. EHRs are a powerful tool for clinicians to access

patient information, document and order care, and be alerted of recommended services,

including behavioral preventive health services, such as for depression, intimate partner

violence, and unhealthy alcohol use. The EHR has become such an essential tool for

care that much of a clinician’s patient care time is spent working in the EHR, accounting

for more time than spent face to face with the patient. Fundamentally, this means that

the content in the EHR and how it is presented to clinicians can change how clinicians

care for their patients, positively or negatively. Screening for preventable conditions is

necessary for high-quality care; however, behavioral and mental health screenings are

less commonly addressed during clinical encounters and are under-resourced in the


Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila



Descriptive Research

Implementing a Patient Record System and Billing for the Department of Health that will

ensure data records and billing. Creating patient records, backup and bill and make the

process more easier than manual process.

Experimental Research

The Patient Record System and Billing for Patients will be implemented at The

Department of Health as our system was based on Experimental Research as we gave

our best to execute the ideas we tried our research and brainstormed the information

we gathered from the internet. The function of this system will be useful for Department

of Health employees who seek to have system based patient data records for the easier

tracking of records.

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

Development Method

The Patient Record System and Billing for DOH employees system will be implemented

at the Department of Health. Our system was based on Developmental Research

because we developed a system that will provide DOH employees to create and track

system based patient records. The system requires DOH employees to sign in with their

respective username and password to access the system and explore. Since this is a

new era of technology we need to update ourselves regarding technology to make our

life easier especially for our work.

Planning and Analyzing

During this phase, the proponents will study the data they will collect and build a method

for the Patient Record System and Billing.


Following planning and analysis, the proponents will build the system with some user-

required criteria.

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila


The proponents will code and create the system interfaces during this phase. The

system will be implemented using PHP Programming, according to the proponents. This

phase will also include database design. With their functions, PHP and MySQL will

compose the entire system architecture.


After process planning and design, the system is tested in the evaluation phase. If a

problem is discovered during testing, the proponents will fix it till it works properly.


The final step of the system is deployment; if the system is reliable and free of mistakes,

the proponents will go on to the next phase of the project. The procedure is repeated

until all necessary characteristics are completed.

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila


Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

DFD Level 0

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

DFD Level 1

Pateros Technological College
College St., Sto Rosario Kanluran
Pateros, Metro Manila

System Database


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