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SWOT Analysis of PharmEasy

SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and strengths. So, a SWOT analysis is
a technique to assess these four important aspects of the businesses.

Companies can use SWOT Analysis to make the most of what the businesses have got, to the
organization’s best advantage. And you can reduce the chances of failure by understanding
what the business is lacking, and eliminating hazards that would otherwise catch your
Let’s first start by analyzing the strength of PharmEasy from the SWOT analysis of PharmEasy.

Strengths of PharmEasy
Increasing Internet Technology: With the expansion and increased usage of the internet by the
people its become so convenient for many to purchase things online. Especially after the
pandemic and many businesses having shifted online, it’s an advantage for businesses like
PharmEasy which was being run online since the beginning.
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Increase Use of Mobile Health Solution: With the introduction of mobile health operating
systems and apps, information can now be shared with a move of the fingertips. As mobile
health becomes more widespread, solutions are rapidly increasing.
Ease of Payment: Convenient and less time-consuming payment methods.
Less Costly: Physical store pharmacies have higher costs; because of many intermediaries
being involved in the sale of pharmaceutical medicines. Online pharmacies will cater in bulk by
selling online; thus reducing the cost of medicines.
Convenient and User-Friendly: PharmEasy allows the users to purchase the medicine just at the
touch of the fingertip, the complete process is very convenient and user-friendly.

Weaknesses of PharmEasy
Non-Trained Pharmacist: With things turning online there are also other untrustworthy people
starting up their businesses which makes people question the authenticity of authentic
providers/users. Unsafe Delivery of Medicines: It should be made sure that the ordered
medicine or product is delivered in time following all the health and safety requirements.
The Belief of Fake & Low-Quality Medicines: Since the prices are made affordable for people,
customers tend to think that discount means compromising quality.

Opportunities for PharmEasy

Increase in Market Value: High rise in the pharmaceutical market from 20 billion dollars to $35
billion. One of the major reasons for this is the pandemic.
Medical Requirements at Single Platform: Consumers are examining online pharmacy as a
single place accessing all their medical requirements from medicine purchases to lab tests and
medical consulting.
Demand for Healthcare Services: Increase in lifestyle diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular
disorders, especially among senior citizens. The expected increase in demand for healthcare
services, particularly pharmaceuticals, is due to the growth within the senior population
Internet: The number of people who use the internet is growing all over the world. This means
that PharmEasy has the opportunity to expand its online presence by interacting with its
customers more through the internet.

Threats to PharmEasy
Increasing Competition Between Online & Retail: The industry’s competition has increased,
putting downward pressure on prices. If PharmEasy does not adjust to the price changes, it may
lose market share.
Unstructured Grievance Handling System: Unpredictability of consumer purchasing behaviour.
Political Instability: Additional governmental regulations and tax policies. Political indecision in
the country can be an obstacle to business, causing performance to suffer and additional costs
to be incurred.

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