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An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of the
College of Business and Entrepreneurial Technology
Mandaluyong City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Office Administration


Josephine Rose M. Carino

Krisha Delos Santos
Ella A. MIngay
Jennzel B. Nicanor
 March, 2022


FACE TO FACE LEARNING IN THE MIDST OF COVID-19”, prepared and submitted by
Josephine Rose M. Carino, Krisha Delos Santos, Ella A. MIngay and Jenzel B. Nicanor, in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree, Bachelor of Science in Office
Administration, has been examined and is hereby  recommended for oral examination.

___________________             Mrs. Marilou Asturias 

Date       Adviser


 Approved by the Oral Examination Committee with a grade of _______.


______________________                                    ______________________
          Member               Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree, Bachelor of Science in
Office Administration.


         Dean, College of Business and
                          Entrepreneurial Technology

The researchers would like to convey their sincere thanks to the people who made this

study possible:

They would like to use this opportunity to express their profound thanks to Dean Leonila

Crisostomo and to the Department Head, Mrs. Marie Joy C. Jorduela, for allowing them to

conduct this research; without their permission, the study would not have been successful. 

They deeply indebted to this individual who deserves the researchers’ genuine thanks

for giving her valuable time and insights. They would like to thank their thesis adviser, Mrs

Marilou C. Asturias, who was always available to help them with their research. She regularly

let them write their own paper. Together with their validators, Prof. Marilou C. Asturias, for

validating their research paper just to proceed with the study. 

To their awesome classmates, who cheered, inspired, and motivated them to finish their

research, thank you so much. 

To their respondents, thank you for the cooperation, without you, the research will not

be completed. 

They also want to thank their parents for their unwavering support and encouragement

throughout the academic years and research preparation for the thesis. Thank you for

making this possible. Above all, they praise God for the gifts of knowledge, patience, and






The purpose of this study was to examine the perception of Office Administration

students on face to face learning in the midst of Covid-19 for Rizal Technological University

BSOA third-year students. It made use of the descriptive research method with the e-survey

questionnaire as its main instrument to gather data. The questionnaires were distributed to

50 BSOA students as the respondents. Frequency, percentage, and ranking were used as

statistical treatments for the data.

The findings drawn from the gathered data concerned the ages of the respondents such

as 20-22 years old, 23-25 years old, and 26 and above the. In terms of gender were male

and female. The factors that contributed to the effectiveness of online learning were flexible

time, stable internet connection, techy gadgets, knowledge in using e-learning materials, and

attention span. The effects of the factors that contributed to the effectiveness of online

learning were convenience and flexibility, self- discipline and accountability, improved

communication skills, increased interest in studies, and enhanced professionalism. And

lastly, the assistance needed to enhance the effectiveness of online learning was time

management, high internet connection, needed quiet space for education, wanted family

support, a soft copy of modules, self- learning, and mental health stability.




Introduction 1
Theoretical Framework 4
Conceptual Framework 5
Statement of the Problem 6
Scope and Delimitation of the Study 7
Significance of the Study 8
Definition of Terms 10

Related Literature 11
Related Studies 15
Synthesis 20


Research Method Used 22
Population Frame and Sampling Scheme 22
Description of the Respondents 23
Research Instruments 24
Data Gathering Procedure 25
Statistical Treatment of Data 26

IV. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                                                            Page

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data 27


Summary of Findings 37
Conclusions 38
Recommendations 39



Appendix A. Permission to Conduct Study 43

Appendix B. Interview Sheet 45
Appendix C. Sample of Survey Questionnaire 46
Appendix D. Computation of Sample Size 48
Appendix E. Request for Validation 49
Appendix F. Result of Cronbach Test 53
Appendix G. Results of Test of Plagiarism 54 


Table Page

1     Age of the Respondents 27

2     Gender of the Respondents 28
3     Academic Status of the Respondents 29
4     Marital Status of the Respondents 30
5     Factors Contributing to the Effectiveness of Online Learning 31
6     Effects of the Factors Contributing to the Effectiveness of Online Learning 32
7     Assistance Needed to Enhance the Effectiveness of Online 
Learning 34
8      Plan of Actions on Teaching Strategies that may be Adopted to Help Office
Administration Students Write their Thesis Well………………………. .36

Figure Page

1     Conceptual Framework 5



The COVID-19 epidemic has spread over the world and has had a significant impact on

schooling. As a result, learning methods were supplied through remote learning halfway

through the second semester of the academic year 2019/2020. (DL). The purpose of this study

was to compare the student perspective of distance learning (DL) to classroom learning (CL) in

third-year students. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in unprecedented university closures,

affecting millions of students worldwide. The abrupt conversion of teaching and learning

activities to virtual modalities was carried out in order to keep academic courses running while

minimizing crowding and the risk of infection spreading. Since March 17, the current study has

documented the student perspective of student-centered active learning given via full distance


The magnitude of information technology's impact on numerous facets of our lives today, as

well as its expanding popularity and utilization in the educational sector, cannot be denied. This

role in the academic arena has become even more important in light of the ongoing Covid-19

pandemic, which has forced all educational institutions around the world to close down, posing

numerous challenges at all stages and levels of education, particularly for students. The

burgeoning innovative technologies and learning management systems, both for teaching and
assessment, have made strides in providing a usable solution for educators and policy makers.

Institutional officials, instructors, students, and others are among the stakeholders involved.

There are numerous studies based on the importance and efficacy of e-learning

implementation. Many universities around the world are promoting it as a teaching method,

and it is widely praised by students. There are numerous reasons for its overall acceptability; a

few of them that are particularly applicable in the case of students are its ease of use, flexibility,

and better control over the environment. Despite its numerous benefits, e-learning has a

number of drawbacks, including social isolation, a lack of student-teacher connection, and

connectivity challenges, among others.

Despite of all problem we know that every students want to come in school to have a good

communication to teacher and others classmates. In the middle of this pandemic we

experience bad and good connection of the internet and we all know that every students

experiencing this kind of problem. That’s why we conduct a research about the perception of

the students on mids of pandemic. In this research we will know the effect and perception of

every students that already faces a pandemic and this kind of situation.

When the pandemic broke out, Rizal Technological University in Boni Avenue,

Mandaluyong City was one among the universities that shifted to online learning for safety

reasons. The university's recommended online learning website or Google Classroom were used

for online learning. Synchronous classes are held once a week for lectures and asynchronous

classes are held on the remaining days so that students can complete the given tasks and

assignments. When Zhang (2005) investigated the efficacy of interactive e-learning, he found

that students in a fully interactive multimedia-based e-learning environment outperformed and

were more satisfied than those in a traditional classroom or a less interactive e-learning


The main purpose of online learning is to improve efficiency and effectiveness while also

accommodating students' different learning styles and demands. The goal is to

Theoretical Framework

This research was based on the theory of Anderson (2004), The ‘Theory of Online

Learning’, where he argues that an effective learning environment affords many modalities of

interactions between the three macro components, namely, students, instructors, and

content (Anderson, 2004). Furthermore, he believes that using online instructional tools

provide unique opportunities for the instructor to engage students in various activities and

offer a new dimension for interaction – active and higher-order. It changes the way students

interact, motivating them to be more attentive and participative, and encourages the process

of learning.
Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 –  Conceptual Framework of the Study on Factors Contributing to   the

Effectiveness of Online Learning in Thesis Writing with   Statistics as
Perceived by the BSOA Third Year Students of   RTU in Boni Avenue in
Mandaluyong, Rizal

This research inquiry utilized the Input-Process-Output Model (IPO Model) to explain

the steps or chronology on how the research study will be undertaken. The research
paradigm was drawn based on the said model to give clarity as to the data to be gathered

and facility in doing the processes involved in the study—to determine the Factors

Contributing to the Effectiveness of Online Learning in Thesis Writing with Statistics as

Perceived by the BSOA Third Year Students of RTU in Boni Avenue in Mandaluyong, Rizal.

The INPUT is concerned with the profile of the third year BSOA students, the factors

contributing to the effectiveness of online learning, effects of the factors contributing to the

effectiveness of online learning, assistance needed to enhance the effectiveness of online

learning. The processes include interview, survey, data gathering, statistical analysis and

interpretation of data as contained in the PROCESS box. Expectedly, the OUTPUT will be

the teaching strategies to help write thesis well.

Statement of the Problem

This study purported to determine the effectiveness of online learning in thesis writing.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:  

1. What is the profile of the third-year BSOA students in Rizal Technological University in
Boni Avenue in Mandaluyong, Rizal in terms of:
1. age;
2. gender;
3. marital status; and
4. academic status

1. What are the factors contributing to the effectiveness of online learning?

1. How are they affected by those factors contributing to the effectiveness of their
online learning?
1. What assistance do they need more to enhance the effectiveness of their online

1. What teaching strategies may be adopted to help them write their thesis well?

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The study focused on the effectiveness of online learning for BSOA third-year students

of Rizal Technological University. It includes the profile of the respondents in terms of age,

gender, marital status, and academic status, factors contributing to the effectiveness of

online learning, effects of online learning, and assistance needed to enhance the

effectiveness of online learning.

The respondents of the study were the third-year BSOA students in Rizal Technological


The study was conducted from November 30 – February 2022.

Significance of the Study

This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of online learning in thesis writing to the

BSOA third-year students of Rizal Technological University. The results of the study will be

beneficial to the following:

Third-year BSOA students. They will gain and develop effective strategies for flexible

learning that may result to good learning habits based on the flexy curriculum for students.

Thus, they are more adaptable and will likely be highly inclined to participate in online

learning within higher education.

Teachers. They will be competent in identifying students' strengths and weaknesses in

online learning and use this information to motivate students. As a result, they are better

equipped to have a bolder influence on learning performance and will probably be productive

in educating the students for higher success.

Rizal Technological University. The school will acquire innovative ways to use online

learning resources by enhancing the new normal for students and teachers. Thus, the school

will have a higher number of independent students and advanced professors and will likely

be obtaining the excellence of technology education.

Students and Teachers from other schools. They will assess the efficiency of online

education at the Rizal Technological University in the light of the new standard for

maintaining higher education. Thus, they will be impacted and are likely to be receptive to the

expansion of online education.

Researchers. This study will aid the researcher in looking over and taking responsibility

for our involvement in online education by helping co-students’ confidence and self-esteem.

Thus, we will be prepared to apply our expertise to online education.

Other researchers. This research would assist them in extending their body of

knowledge about student engagement and techniques for success in online learning. Thus,
this research will likely enhance online education by generating new ideas or techniques for

additional investigations.

Community. They will be able to see the value of online learning based on the distance

learning's objective of developing future-ready abilities. As a result, skills like time

management and self-reliance are likely to be improved through online education.

Economy. They will help teachers to create new methods for teaching students online

that are far more successful. Thus, they are more likely to recruit potential graduates and

generate a bigger number of online-educated students who will contribute to economic


Definition of Terms

The following words are the key terms, jargon, and vocabularies included in the study.

Cease- It is an act of ending, stopping or discontinuing the traditional school.

Effectiveness- It is the capability to produce the desired result or produce the desired

output for a high-quality educational experience.

Factors- They are facts or processes that influence the attainment of a goal or

outcome. These include intellect, motivation, feelings, interests, attitudes, beliefs, values, and

learning styles.

Online Learning- It is a method of education whereby students learn in an entirely

virtual environment.
Swerve- It is an act of changing direction, especially suddenly from traditional to online


Thesis Writing- It is a lengthy piece of writing based on original research and ideas

completed as part of a university degree, often a doctorate.



Related Literature

Siemens (2015) indicated that online learning (commonly abbreviated as e-learning) is a

distant education that relies exclusively on technology to facilitate the learning process.
Students may be required to attend regularly scheduled online lectures/presentations and

discussions, depending on the educational institution/instructor. Students often access

learning resources online through the offered platform, such as recorded

lectures/presentations, reading lists, exercises, and assignments.

Offir (2008) highlighted that distance learning/education has a similar structure to online

learning because of this similarity. It may be synchronous or asynchronous, depending on

the teacher's preference. Siemens (2015) It's essential to define remote learning as

"instruction and planned learning that requires communication via technology and unique

institutional structure" if you want to describe it. Moore (2011) Distant learning is nothing

more than making education more accessible to persons who live in different locations.

Naidu (2019) pointed out that the increased availability of information and

communication technologies, as well as the opportunities they provide for learning and

teaching, is altering the narratives surrounding open and flexible learning. Because this type

of infrastructure is available, a wider spectrum of students, from high school graduates to

those who work full-time, can benefit from educational opportunities. It also entails having

access to flexible learning opportunities as well as the ability to upskill and reorient while still

working. At any given period, fewer and fewer students are either studying or working in the

higher education sector and around the world. Instead, many people are juggling numerous

student identities, working and studying at the same time, and looking for a curriculum and

degree that will best satisfy their current and future needs and career objectives.

According to Basak, Wotto and Bélanger (2016), the flexibility of E-learning is a solution

for people's commitments to their family or work, which may increase the number of people

who enroll in this type of education. In fact, this extends beyond the learners and provides
flexibility for the instructors as well. Furthermore, educational institutions are implementing E-

learning technologies to improve communication between learners and instructors for better

knowledge exchange, as well as to strengthen the learning community to achieve personal


Ratnasari and Haryanto (2019) specified the use of gadgets in learning as a positive

learning media for student learning achievement. Gadgets are a must-have item for today's

students. When used properly, gadgets can be an effective and innovative learning medium.

This implies that mobile devices will become a more important learning tool and a commonly

increased area in the near future. Using various technologies in the teaching and learning

process to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning in the classroom. The use of

gadgets in school learning plays an important role as a source of learning and supports the

process of learning to be comfortable, resulting in the creation of an effective and efficient

learning process to improve student learning outcomes.

According to Jelfs and Richardson (2013), the advancements in information and

communication technology (ICT) are bringing new behavioral patterns to many aspects of

society, including university settings. Higher education institutions primarily use limited forms

of ICT-supported learning to deliver curriculum and student support, such as course

management systems, virtual learning environments, and web-based applications, to deliver

curriculum and student support.

Hasibuan (2016) pointed out that with the aid of educational technology, teachers and

students alike may access a broader range of content and methods of instruction. All

students have access to the system's facilities to study whenever and wherever they choose.

They have access to a broader range of resources, including text and images, music,
animation, and other media types. Through technology, students may fully participate in

online education by accessing and studying instructional materials, completing exercises,

and engaging in discussions with and exchanging information and experiences with other

student learners. It makes it possible for students to attend class from anywhere they want.

Due to technological advancements, schools may now reach a broader range of students

and no longer be obliged by geographic borders in their operations. Online lectures may also

be recorded, stored, and distributed for later use. Students may now access the course

materials at a time that's convenient for them.

Hofmann, Baumeister, Förster, & Vohs (2012) highlighted that the Individuals with a

high degree of self-discipline are far more capable of controlling their daily and regular

activities. Consequently, they often avoid issues, complete tasks, and conquer potential

obstacles. Such individuals are always on the lookout for the best solution to a problem, and

their drive to withstand adverse circumstances lasts longer than those who lack self-

discipline. Additionally (Baumeister, & Tierney, 2011), it is discovered that their self-discipline

level may better predict student progress at university than by the grades on their school


Sylvia (2000) indicated that industrialized nations are creating substantial initiatives of

internet integration in education. For developing countries to participate in the global

educational community, they must use the Internet more often. The use of the Internet in

education may help students learn and educate themselves more quickly, strengthen their

communication and writing abilities, and boost their desire to study and self-reliance, among

other benefits. Access to the Internet is essential to realizing the vision for the future. It has

the potential to enhance education in several ways. More learning opportunities are made
available inside and outside the classroom because of this newfound accessibility and ease

of use.

Mumford (2015) stated that time has a tremendous impact on human existence's

organization, sustainability, and modernity. The term "time management" refers to a set of

practices aimed at making the most of the time available while carrying out specific

predetermined tasks. The primary goal of time management is to allocate time intelligently,

spending less time on unnecessary things and more time on necessary duties. Time

management includes tools for planning, monitoring, and organizing. Students' time

management abilities influenced learning results. Forced-distance learning time management

was especially intriguing to study since students were practicing it at home without the direct

observation of the instructor. Students have to rely exclusively on their self-discipline to

complete remote learning.

Related Studies

Chan (2007) conducted "A study on the student's perspective on the effectiveness of

using e-learning" and indicated that most respondents were familiar with e-learning. One of

the reasons they favored it was because it gave them better freedom in selecting instructor-

led or self-study courses and the ability to learn at any location and time. Additionally, they

felt that one downside of e-Learning was that it eliminated the need for face-to-face

connections with their friends.

Butnaru (2021) studied " The Effectiveness of Online Education during Covid 19

Pandemic—A Comparative Analysis between the Perceptions of Academic Students and

High School Students from Romania" and revealed that students respond differently to online
education. Their reactions are affected by their competency with online tools, their technical

capabilities to access online courses, and the professors' instructional style.

Naidu (2019) studied “The Changing Narratives of Open, Flexible and Online Learning”

and revealed that there are several consequences for educational institutions when it comes

to online learning environment. They involve not just the need to understand today's learners

and their learning contexts, but also the design of a curriculum and its adaptability for the

complex learning environment that they will encounter in the future.

Brown (2017) studied “A Shift from Classroom to Distance Learning: Advantages and

Limitations” and revealed that the desire for creative ways of delivering education is

increasing as technology improves, which has resulted in improvements in learning and

teaching approaches. Distance education, which differs from traditional education in that

students and teachers are physically separated, consists of studying from home, whereas

classroom learning is a sort of education system in which students and teachers work

together in a single building. Distance learning programs use electronic means to keep

students in touch with teachers, allow access to communication among students, bridge the

gap, and transmit instructional material.

Kabanova and Vetrova (2019) investigated “The Use of Modern Electronic Gadgets in

the Educational Process of the University” and revealed that modern gadgets play an

important role both in the field of communication at different levels and in the process of

education at the university. To ensure the innovative development of the education sector

based on the challenges of modern society, the learning process must be built subject to new

opportunities, and it is therefore necessary to introduce the practice of using modern

electronic gadgets to students in the educational process of higher educational institutions. A

prerequisite for achieving a high-quality standard of higher education is the incorporation of

electronic gadgets into the educational process, which allow students to form competences

in accordance with set standards, modern perspectives on life in the context of universal

access to information, and understanding of information technologies as an integral part of

everyday life.

Dewi Ratnasari, Haryanto (2019) did an “Analysis of Utilization of Gadgets as Effective

Learning Media in Innovation Education to Improve Student Learning Achievement” and

revealed that Learning must be more meaningful and of higher quality to be considered

innovative in the field of education. It also aims to direct according to the rolling needs and

the beat of the times. Technological progress has become one of the primary catalysts for

educational innovations, one of which is the use of technological tools such as gadgets. An

educator who employs a variety of technologies in the course of teaching and learning

activities to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning in the classroom.

Chanboualapha and Islam's (2012) analyzed the "Internet usage for improvement of

learning" and revealed that increased internet use had a good effect on students' learning, as

does enriched grades. However, developed countries have better technology and student

learning level than poor ones. Thus, students' internet use corresponds favorably with their

learning. In developed and developing nations alike, students may use the Internet to look for

a wide range of material quickly and effectively to improve and update their learning abilities.

With the help of the Internet, students have more possibilities to engage with one another to

learn about their competencies, skills and talents, and self-managed learning.

Gorbunovs and Kapenieks's (2012) studied the "Self-discipline as a key indicator to

improve learning outcomes in e-learning environment" and revealed that Learner self-
discipline improved learning results. The Living Lab research approach was used to assess

student activities. Statistical data processing was employed to determine the data. The

findings of the system users survey also showed the value of self-discipline. Students are

involved in various instructional activities throughout the day and week, including lectures,

seminars, assessments, and laboratories. Learners merely tide over. E-learning gives

learners greater flexibility but also needs self-discipline and preparation. It indicates that self-

discipline is critical to ensuring student success and accomplishing learning objectives.

Batbaatar and Amin's (2021) studied the "Students' Time Management During Online

Class" and revealed that all independent factors substantially impacted time management. In

contrast to stress and academic procrastination, online learning and self-regulation

significantly impact undergraduate students' ability to manage their time effectively. A student

who is passionately invested in their studies and has a defined objective may make long-

term and short-term plans and avoid procrastination. To attain a high GPA, students must

study methodically or have a precise aim in mind while they learn.

Hussain, Saeed & Syed's (2020) analyzed the "study on Effectiveness of Online

Learning System during COVID-19 in Sargodha" and showed that online learning could meet

the educational demands of students in remote areas. Generally speaking, the findings from

COVID-19 indicated that the online learning method was successful. More than half of the

respondents said that online learning was a more efficient way to learn than traditional

methods, requiring less time to deliver and grasp lessons.  There are several benefits to

online learning over conventional schooling. In the study, the students who learned online

were more creative. They become self-reliant and future-focused learners by acquiring

appropriate knowledge from various sources on the Internet to tackle their academic issues.
It assists students in cultivating healthy learning habits as a component of their overall

mental growth.


The current study has similarities with the following literature and studies that were

reviewed by the researchers: The first is the study of Brown (2017) which states that as

technology improves, there is a greater desire for creative ways of delivering education that

has resulted in the improvements of learning and teaching approaches. Siemens (2015),

Hasibuan (2016), Naidu (2019), and Offir (2008) pointed out that online learning is nothing

more than making information available to students via online learning platforms such as

Google Classroom, LMS, and other sources. Online lectures/presentations, discussions, and

meetings can be synchronous or asynchronous, depending on the teacher's or professor's

preferences. It also entails having access to flexible opportunities, as well as the ability to

upskill and reorient while still working. The highlight of Basak, Wotto, and Bélanger (2016)

was that e-learning improves communication between learners and instructors for better

knowledge exchange. According to Sylvia (2000), the use of the Internet in education may

help students learn and educate themselves more quickly, strengthen their communication

and writing abilities, and increase their desire to study and self-reliance are among the

benefits. Chanboualapha and Islam (2012) emphasized that increased internet use had a

good effect on students' learning, as does enriched grades. Additionally, (Baumeister, &

Tierney (2011) and Gorbunovs and Kapenieks (2012) highlighted that student’s self-

discipline level may better predict student progress at the university than by the grades on

their school diploma and is critical to ensuring student success and accomplishing learning

objectives. Mumford (2015) discussed that the primary goal of time management is to
allocate time intelligently, spending less time on unnecessary things and more time on

necessary duties. 

The current study differs from the previously listed literature and earlier studies in terms

of the actual issue, which is writing thesis by online learning, the study environment in the

midst of a pandemic, respondents, and the time frame in which it was completed.


This chapter presents a description of the method used by the researchers in this study.

The presentation includes the research design, sampling scheme, description of the

respondents, instrumentation, validation of instrument, data gathering procedure and

statistical treatment of data.

Research Method Used

The researchers used a quantitative design which embraces the study about the

Perception of 3rd Year Office Administration Student on Face to Face Learning in the

Midst Pandemic. Quantitative method emphasize objective measurements and the

statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through polls,

questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing statistical data using

computational techniques.

Instruments / Techniques Used

The researchers will distribute survey questionnaire to the participants in order to

gather information. The researchers created 10 different question that the participants

may answer. There are 5 scales that they can choose, the “Strongly Agree”, “Agree”,

“Neutral”, “Disagree”, and “Strongly Disagree”. The respondents will just check in

according to their experiences.

Sampling Procedure
In this study, the researchers used random sampling, a probability sampling

where each member of the population does have an equal chance of being chosen as

representative sample. The researchers used simple random sampling because it was

the basic and most popular sampling design. The total population of 3rd year BSOA-OM

students of Rizal Technological University out of eight (8) sections are four hundred

thirty-six (436). The researchers have fifty (50) 3rd year BSOA-OM students as

participants, twenty-five (25) girls and twenty-five (25) boys.


This chapter discusses the data collection process, statistical analysis, and

interpretation of the results. To facilitate discussion, the researchers presented tables

summarizing the respondents' total responses. 

Table 1 shows the age of the third-year Office Administration students.

Table 1

Age of the Respondents

Age F % Rank
20-22 40 80 1
23-25 8 16 2
26 Above 2 4 3
Total 50 100 6

Eighty percent (80%) of the third-year Office Administration students were aged 20-22

years old which ranked 1. 16% of them were aged 23-25 years old which ranked 2. 4%

respondent students were aged 26 and above which ranked 3.     

        The data in the preceding paragraph show that 20--22 years old students are the

number one age group of respondents with the highest percentage. This means that they are

dominantly in their early twenties. It implies that they have just started their journey to their

growing up to a matured life. This signifies that they are starting to search and make a feel of

what life is really meant. This requires full support from their professors to guide them and

find the true meaning of life for themselves, particularly for their career life.  
Table 2 exhibits the gender of the respondents.

Table 2

Gender of the Respondents

Gender F %
Male 11 22
Female 39 78
Total 50 100

Seventy-eight percent (78%) of the third-year Office Administration students were

female and 22% of the respondent students were males. 

Based on the preceding paragraph, female group is bigger than the male group. This

means that female students are mostly interested in the BSOA course which is reflected in

the enrollment statistics that 78% enrolled in BSOA course were female. This implies that the

said course is more attractive to female than to male. This signifies that the professors

handling BSOA classes need to exert more efforts to attractive more male applicants to the


Table 3 presents the academic status of the respondents.

Table 3

Academic Status of the Respondents

Academic status F %
Regular 47 94
Irregular 3 6
Total 50 100
Ninety-four percent (94%) of the respondents were regular third-year Office

Administration students at Rizal Technology University and six percent (6%) of the

respondents were irregular students.

On the basis of the table above, regular students dominated the respondents. This

means that the BSOA third year students have full time for their studies. This implies that

they are determined to finish their studies. This signifies that they can excel greater

performance with the proper guidance of their professors.

Table 4
Are you satisfied with the way of learning is structured at school right now

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Table 5

Are you confident in your ability to support education during distance learning


Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

Table 6

Do you feel satisfied with the amount of time you students spend speaking with your professors


Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

Table 7

Do you agree with the way of teaching right now


Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

Table 8

Is it going to be difficult to follow COVID-related safety protocols and measures in the Campus


Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

Table 9

Are you confident that you can provide or follow an effective instruction in the current learning


Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

Table 10

Are you comfortable in teaching /learning through gadgets


Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

Table 11

Online class is much more convenient than face to face learning


Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

Table 12

Do you think students should spend less time learning in person at school right now


Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

Table 13

Do you think you learn from face to face class than online class

Strongly Agree 18

Agree 17

Neutral 11

Disagree 3

Strongly Disagree 1

Factors Contributing to the Effectiveness of Online Learning

Strongly Agree Neutral DisAgree Strongly
Agree DisAgree
1. Are you 5 24 16 3 2
with the way
of learning is
structured at
school right
2. Are you 9 16 17 5 3
confident in
your ability
to support
3.Do you 5 18 11 12 4
feel satisfied
with the
amount of
time you
with your
4.Do you 6 19 17 5 3
agree with
the way of
right now?
5.Is it going 6 19 16 7 2
to be difficult
to follow
measures in
6.Are you 10 20 17 1 2
that you can
provide or
follow an
instruction in
the current
7.Are you 6 19 13 9 3
in teaching
8.Online 11 12 16 8 3
class is
much more
than face to
9.Do you 7 12 12 11 8
spend less
learning in
person at
school right
10.Do you 18 17 11 3 1
think you
learn from
face to face
class than

The following factors contributed to the effectiveness of online learning as expressed by

the respondents: Seventy-nine percent (79%) revealed flexible time which ranked 1.

Seventy-two percent (72%) pointed to stable internet connection which ranked 2. Seventy

perent (70%) expressed about their being gadgets techy which ranked 3. Sixty-six percent

(66%) identified knowledge in using e-learning materials which ranked 4. While twenty-eight

percent (28%) mentioned attention span which ranked 5.

Online learning have been effective as caused by a number of factors such as flexible

time, stable internet connection, being gadgets techy, use of learning materials, and attention

span. This means that online learning can be effective with the presence of those factors

mentioned. This implies that those factors contributing to the effectiveness of online learning

should be sustained and strengthened to keep online learning helpful in providing the needs

of the students in preparation for the world of work. It signifies that the school and the faculty

members should give adequate attention to those factors that contribute to effective online

learning, if they expect to produce qualified graduates. As pointed out by Chan (2007) that

online learning provides more flexibility as well as the opportunity to learn from any location

and at any time.



This chapter summarizes the findings, result of the study, drawn conclusions, and

recommendations for further analysis.

Summary of Findings

Based on the datae gathered, the following findings were derived:

1. Based on age, respondents aged 20-22 received a percentage of 80%, while 23-25
years old got 16% and 26 and above years old got 4% only. 

1. In terms of gender, 22% of respondents were male, while 78% were female.

1. Lastly While on academic status, 94% of students were regular students, while
6% were irregular students.

Based on the foregoing findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Female respondents outnumber male respondents, and regular students between the
ages of 20-22 are more likely to learn from online learning in thesis writing.

1. The BSOA third-year students are able to identify the factors that contribute to
the effectiveness of their online education in thesis writing. As a result, students
who are confronted with these factors are more likely to take a stand and write a
thesis that leads to an active performance.

1. The comfort and flexibility that come with a new learning style are enhanced in
the era of e-learning technology. As a result of online education, the BSOA third-
year students can hold themselves more accountable.

1. Improved and expanded online learning platforms have made students more resilient.
They can adhere to the institution's modern innovation such as the moodle which is
adopted throughout the university.

1. The new learning environment for BSOA third-year students necessitates the mastery
of time management skills, which students universally agree upon throughout the
institution. In the age of e-learning, the benefits of a high internet connection remain


Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are hereby
1. Students may employ a range of information such as online forums, articles, and
multimedia to be more engaged and motivated in writing a thesis. 

1. Students may alleviate some of the pressures they feel when writing a thesis by
organizing their notes, focusing on minor agendas, and constantly interacting with
their professors, friends, and classmates to improve their professional skills.

1. Faculty may implement a motivating reward system such as e-certificates of

gratitude, bonus points or star charts to recognize students who excel in thesis
writing and significantly influence their performance. 

1. Educators may create a project plan or devise a method for classifying what is
important and what is not important to assist students in segmenting their tasks
into more manageable portions. Each segment is required to fulfill a deadline in
order for students to feel successful.

1. The university may partner or develop linkage with an internet service provider
such as globe, smart, sky or other internet service providers to provide a
comprehensive set of premium features, including advanced security and
analytics, teaching and learning upgrades, and collaboration tools for faculty and
students. These will make it easier to manage and maintain a high standard of
knowledge with the use of technology, especially in thesis writing for higher

1. Immediate execution of the action plan.

Appendix A

Permission to Conduct Study

Appendix B

 Interview Sheet

1. What are the factors contributing to the effectiveness of your online learning?

1. How are you affected by those factors contributing to the effectiveness of your
online learning?

1. What assistance do you need more to enhance the effectiveness of your online
Appendix C

Sample of Survey Questionnaire

INSTRUCTION: Please put a check mark beside the answer of your choice for each item.

You may also add more answers that are not found in the options. 

I. Profile:

A. age: __ 20-22 years old

        __ 23-25years old

        __ 26 and above

B. gender: __ male

  __ female

D. academic status: __ regular

                            __ irregular

II.  Questions: 

A. What are the factors contributing to the effectiveness of your online learning? 

__Techy gadgets 

__ Flexible time

__ Knowledgeable in using e-learning materials

__ Stable internet connection

__ Attention span

__ other…

B. How are you affected by those factors contributing to the effectiveness of your online


__ Build self-discipline and accountability 

__ Increased interest in studies 

__ Increased convenience and flexibility 

__ Improve your communication skills

__ Enhance the level of professionalism

__ other…

C. What assistance do you need more to enhance the effectiveness of your online


    __ High internet connection 

    __ Soft copy of modules

    __ Self-learning

  __ Time management 

  __ Quiet space for learning

  __ Family support

  __ other…

Appendix D

Computation of Sample Size

Sloven’s Formula

n= 1 + Ne2


n- means sample size

N- population (total number of a group)

e- margin of errors (allowance for possible error in computation)


n= 1 + (296)(5%)


n= 1 + (296)(.05)2


n= 1 + (296)(.0025)


n= 1 + 0.74


n= 1.74

n= 170

Appendix E

Request for Validation

Appendix F
Result of Cronbach Test

Appendix G

Results of Plagiarism Test

G.1 Plagiarism result for Introduction
G.2 Plagiarism result for Related Literature
G.3 Plagiarism result for Related Studies
Appendix H

Curriculum Vitae

Appendix H.1

Appendix H.2

Appendix H.3

Appendix H.4

Appendix H.5

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