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25 interesting facts about the UK

In the UK, the opposite is true, more precisely car traffic. It was in this
country that the left-hand traffic originated.

Edinburgh was the first city in the world to have its own fire service.
In 2008, the emblem of the city of Liverpool was "Superlambanas" - strange
creatures of yellow color with the head of either a llama, or a cow, and with
a tail in the shape of a giant banana. These geezer stared from the windows
and posters, amusing passers-by with their appearance.

"Misty Albion", the name of the British Isles, known many years ago.
England got it thanks to the snow-white chalk cliffs and cliffs of Dover,
located on the south coast.

Scotland boasts the shortest flight in the world. It lasts 1 minute 14 seconds
from Westra Island to Papa Westray Island.

On any stamp in Latin letters indicate the name of the country that issued it.
Only the UK is relieved of this duty, because she first began to use the

The official holiday "Birthday of the British monarch" does not coincide with
the actual date of birth of the Queen of Great Britain? Elizabeth II was born
on April 21, but her birthday is officially celebrated on the third Saturday of

British restaurants usually require visitors to pay in cash.

In Scotland, a man who refused to marry a woman who made him an offer
was obliged to pay a fine.

A distinctive feature of the British subway can be called the fact that not
only the lines on the charts, but also the cars of different lines are painted in
the appropriate colors.

The motto on the coat of arms of Great Britain is written in French: "Dieu et
mon droit" ("God and my right").
The raincoat was invented in 1824 in Scotland by a chemist, architect, artist
and designer Charles Macintosh, a native of Glasgow. In the UK, this
garment is still called "Mac."

The English and Irish parliaments are still printing their acts on vellum - calf
leather paper.

In the XVII-XVIII centuries, all those who uncorked the ocean bottles with
the letters of the Queen were executed. Indeed, in those days there was a
position of the royal opener of ocean bottles with letters.

Edinburgh was home to Gray Friar's Bobby, a sky terrier who captured the
hearts of a nation by sitting on the grave of his late owner for 14 years.

The House of Commons is the only place in Britain where the English Queen
cannot enter, since she is not a member of the House.

London is the longest shopping street in the world - Oxfor Street.

Currently, in the UK, the three most common topics of conversation are
sport, the X factor and the weather.

In England, police are called bobby. The word comes from the name of the
British Prime Minister - Robert Peel (abbr. From Robert - Bob or Bobby).

In the UK, there is no single constitution document.

The most tattooed man in the world, Lucky Diamond Rich, lives on the Isle of
Skye in Scotland. 99.9% of the surface of his skin is covered with a tattoo,
which follows the pattern of leopard skins.

The first programmer in the world was an English woman, Ada Lovelace.

In the UK there is a profession standing in line.

In Great Britain there is a very strict law, according to which it is forbidden

to hang the bed out of the window.

One of the most famous Scottish drinks, whiskey, was actually invented in

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