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If you are truly sensitive and discerning enough,I believe you would KNOW that in this time, there is a
kind of shift in God's concentration towards the female gender!

I mean there's a kind of shift in God's dealings towards womb -men. God is so intentional about the
female gender at this time to the extent that He is raising them up in various spheres of
influences....Business,Ministry, Career, mention but a few

I began to Question

Where are the likes of Tobi Amusan before now????

Well, The answer is not farfetched. Just like there is an abundance of rain in the season of rain, so also
there must be an abundance of the female gender power in the season of females.

We are in the season of raising females So for a female that would love to live beyond the normal at this
season, there is need to align yourself with what God is doing

Don't be ignorant!

Don't be left behind!

I repeat!

We are in the season of the FEMALE alligned!.God is intentional about raising women of war

Warrior women

Female Warriors

He is opening up portals of the womb

Please,Open up for Him!

He is equipping women with what they need to take their positions again in the kingdom

God is fashioning out of wombs, mighty instruments of war...However;Only the ones that can align
themselves to this agenda will be enlisted to this process of making



And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the
fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every
creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Then, GENESIS 2:18-21

And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for

And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and
brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living
creature, that was the name thereof.

And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for
Adam there was not found an help meet for him.

And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs,
and closed up the flesh instead thereof;

Checking through those two scriptures above, we can see the whole process of THE MAKING OF THE
WOMAN in Genesis How God formed her in the garden.

If you pay close attention;you will discover that according to Genesis It seems as if the making of the
woman was done twice or am I the only one seeing this?

In Genesis 1:26-27 It was recorded that God made man MALE AND FEMALE....Isn't it????

Again in Genesis 2:18-21,We see God making the woman out of the ribs of man.

The question now is;Why did the making of woman has to be recorded twice? Was it that God made
her twice?

Hmmm....God is taking us somewhere!

We're coming back to this question.....

Actually,the female gender happens to be a very special gem to God, She happens to be a special
dimension of God far way different from the male gender.nThere happens to be a huge assignment
upon her head

A special purpose she is to fulfil in the divine mantate....which calls for more vigorous process of making!

The assignment that the woman is carrying happens to be a deep one. So she has to be taken through
a deep process of making to be incapacitated fully for this assignment.

Far more greater than the assignment of the man; there is a bigger responsibility upon the shoulder of
the woman.

Yes!God was so aware of this that He had to spell out her purpose twice:

 To take Dominion
 To be an helpmeet

The woman was originally MADE for the purpose of DOMINION; to fulfil the Dominion mandate.
But; In addition to this, there is another great purpose she was made to be an helpmeet to the

In other words;As a woman;Two giant assignments lies upon your tiny neck😍

Your first ASSIGNMENT is to take your position lies within the Dominion mandate; taking your place
as a kingdom functionary.

The second is to HELP your man to fulfil his own part of the Dominion mandate as well.

Thus;If your man fails, you actually failed!But;If you failed, we can't say that your man failed because his
purpose was never to help you....You are the one made to help him!The life of a man is like a flower in
the hand of his woman.She is made to tend it until it blossoms.

As a woman;You tend your own personal life until you are able to fulfil ABBA'S purpose for you...And,
you as well tend your man's life until he is able to fulfil God's purpose for him.Can you now see why the
gender called "Woman" is so unique in CREATION?

Can you now see why You must be made well?

Can you see why the place of THOROUGH MAKING cannot be underrated in the life of a woman?

Now, back to our Question,was it that God made the woman twice As seen in Genesis 1&2?

Well,The simple answer to this is this;

The first event that happened in Genesis 1:26-27 was THE MAKING OF THE WOMAN.


In Genesis 2:18-21, what happened was the REMAKING AND EQUIPPING OF THE WOMAN!

Eve was first made....just like Adam was.

Then, she was RE-MADE.

She was RE-BAKED.




The greater your assignment in life, the more vigorous your process of making.Remember; when Eve
was about to be REMADE;God didn't use soil again Rather, He used BONES

 Bone signifies strenght.

 It signifies power.
 It signifies courage.
 It signifies resistance.
 It signifies great endurance power......etc

Also;During her remaking;God didn't do this in the open.Rather, He took her to a very secret place....He
also had to cause a DEEP sleep to fall upon Adam while re-making her! Deep calls unto the deep! The
making of the woman was a deep process. It was a mystery hidden to even the man. God caused a deep
sleep to fall upon Adam because what He wanted to make out of his rib happens to be a deep thing!

Again;God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam because He needed His full privacy with the woman
during the process of her making.The making of the woman is a thing of the secret! There was a secret
dialogue between just her and her Maker while being made.No one was there. Just she and HIM! And
When God was done making this amazing personality in the secret place;Behold!God presented her to
the world!

Having taken her through the rigorous bearings, moulding, making are re-making in the secret
place;Then, God showed her in the open!

✓God will ensure that He takes you through a rigorous making in the secret before He shows you up in
the open!

✓Until you come to a point of "It's just YOU and Me" with God, you are yet to be thoroughly made!

✓Woman! God is so intentional about your making process that He doesn't mind locking you up, just to
bring out the best in you!

And by the time He is done with His thorough making; Behold! He presents you as a bride to the
bridegroom...This is why you shouldn't jump process. Don't rush into the bosom of your man. Stay with
God first. Let Him make you. Let Him equip you with what you need to truly be an helpmeet!.

When you STAY with the LORD, He will be the One to present you to your lord.I repeat! Stay with the
Lord in His Making place. Let The Lord present you to your lord and your world!

Rushing to present yourself without prior Making will only lead to frustration and stress afterwards.You
will wear yourself out! When God is making you at times It may require you being shut up in a place

On several occasions, He may demand you to just be alone with Him...Retreating alone with God,
Solitude alone with Him,You may need to even stay away from every distractions at times, You may
need to stay away from food, from your people, even from your phone,all of these are not to wear you
out. They are just to bring out the best in the same way God brought the beautiful Eve out of
some ugly bones!
Again;At times;God's process of making may require you to let go of some things at times....Some
relationships;Some associations...etc that may stand as distractions...God is so jealous of you as a
woman that He doesn't mind taking away everything, just to have you by Himself!

This is why at times, when it seems you've been praying for something and it's not coming forth...maybe
a husband or something...Don't feel bad.

Could it be that God purposefully allowed the delay because He wants to fully equip you...Could it be
that the reason why you're yet to get His clarity as regards your maritals is because you're yet to be

I see God sounding it so loud and clear in someone's ears this morning!



I round up on this note.... The place of making of the woman starts from the secret place.The very first
practical class that God took the woman through was THE CONCEPT OF THE SECRET PLACE! If He had to
make you in the secret place, then, you should agree with me that THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO

In conclusion;

The summary of my message to you this morning is the place of making of the woman starts from the
secret place!How much you tarry in the secret determines how equipped you will be!God is not in a
rush. He is intentional about bringing the best version of you to the world.



Beatrice Adewumi

The place of making

Female warriors Value Conference

August Edition

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