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Su bmitted By:
LALLU TIWARI Computer Science(B.Tech) Sagar Institute of Technology and Management (Lucknow)

1)Preface 2)Acknowledgement 3)Introduction 4)Feasibility Study 5)Requirement Specification 6) 7) 8) 9) Testing Strategies Features Conclusion Bibliography

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In spite of passing the academic education of engineering there is a lack of industrial aspects to aspirant , so in order to fill the gap between theoretical and industrial knowledge, training is required: Thus keeping the above view in mind there is a provision to represent the structure functioning and relation between the different departments of industrial organization before aspirant engineers. This industrial approach will lead towards the perfection to the aspirant.

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I developed this Website for Gurukul Institution with a lot of co-operation and guidance. I am thankful to those who helped actively and inactively in developing this project. First of all I express our guidance to Miss. Pratima Tripathi for her timely guidance and co-operation. Without her support this project would not have been completed. It was great satisfying feeling and ultimate experience having worked in such an environment.

Under Supervision Submitted By:


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Miss. Paswan Tripathi LALLU TIWARI (Principal Gurukul Institutions) (CS) B.Tech

This Web project is developed as an informational website for the Institution Gurukul. It is developed in Html and uses JavaScript for the fine user interactivity. It was a live project and the basic web pages are developed during the 1.5 months training program.

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Feasibility Study
A feasibility study is a short, focused study, which aims to answer a number of questions:

Does the system contribute to the overall objectives of the organization?

Can the system be implemented using correct technology and within gives cost and schedule constraints? Can the system be integrated with system which is already in place?

Operational Feasibility

Operational feasibility measures how well the solution will work in the organization and how will end-user & management feels about the system. Proposed website is helpful for all the people who are associated with Gurukul Institution.

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On studying the operational feasibility of the project, following conclusion can be derived:

Developed website will provide all the information regarding Gurukul Institution.

Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility tries to answer the following questions to make the software feasible to develop.

The software or tools necessary for building or running the application is easily available or not? The compatibility amongst software exists or not? Are Developers aware of these technologies? What about the alternative of these chosen technologies? So, we should answer above question:

The Developer environment we are using is html.

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Execution of the code is done in managed environment so that applications are safer and reliable. So, the project is technically feasible.

Economic Feasibility
Economic Feasibility address to the following issues:

Is the organization having the suitable budget to develop the proposed system? How much profit can be earned from the system by an organization? Would it be cost-effective to develop the system or it is worthwhile to retain with current system? We would like to answer for the above questions, as given below:

As development tool are free of cost, there isnt any burden of buying them.

The organization doesnt have the website, so it is certainly required for them.

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So, here we dont need to invest extra functional to develop the system. Thus, it is economically feasible to the organization.

Time and Schedule Feasibility

Projects are initiated with specific deadline. We need to evaluate whether the deadlines are mandatory or desirable. Time is the one of the critical factor in the development of any system but this kind of feasibility is hardly perfect in any system.

We have been asked to complete the project within all the working days of the organization. In the project planning section we elaborate our ideas to develop the system within the given period.

Hence, it is feasible to develop a system in predetermined time interval.

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Requirement Specification
Requirement Specification requirements defecations. adds further information to the

User Requirement
The website is always user friendly so any user can use it without requiring much computer knowledge.

System Requirement
System requirement state as what kind of services, and facilities the system will be providing to the user. These are the following requirements we have determined our system will be providing to its user:

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The website should be easily loaded when Url is added to the browser. The user can easily view or have knowledge about the Gurukul College.

Hardware & Software Specification

Hardware and software are an important part of any system design. These selections should mainly depend on what type and what degree of work is being done. As there time is not an important factor we have simple PC with particular specification:-

Hardware: Minimum of 512 MB RAM 40 GB hard disk Processor Pentium 3 or higher version Internet connection facility.

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Software selection is a typical part to be selected. As the user are not much computer oriented thus a system be such that it is easier for the operator to work on therefore HTML has taken as front end as it provides good GUI and for Easy user interactivity JavaScript is used.


Any Compatible Web Browser like Internet Explorer etc.

Testing Strategies
There are two general strategies for testing software: 1. Code Testing 2. Specification Testing

Code Testing:

The code testing strategy examines the logic of the programming. To follow this testing method, the analyst develops test cases that result in executing every instruction in the program or module that is every path through program is tested. Path is the specific combination that is handled by the program.

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On the surface code testing seems to be ideal method for testing software. The testing does not indicate whether the code meets its neither specification nor does it determine whether all aspects are even implemented.

Code testing also does not check the range of data that the program wills aspect, even though, when software failures occur in actual use it is frequently because users submitted data outside of expected ranges.

Using this strategy you have tried to successfully check the logic of instruction in the project.

Specification Testing:

To perform specification testing, the analyst examines the specification stating what the program should do and how it should perform under various conditions. Then test cases are developed for various conditions or combination of conditions and submitted for processing. By examining the result, the analyst can determine whether the program performs according to its specified requirements.

This strategy treats the program as if it were a black box: the analyst does not look into the program to study the code and is

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not concerned about it whether every instruction or path through program is tested.

In the sense, specification testing is not complete testing .However assumption is that, if the program meets the specification it will not fail?

Specification testing is more efficient strategy, since it focuses on the way the software is expected to be used. It also shows once again how important the specification is developed by the analyst are throughout the entire systems development process.

The level of test and types of test data, combined with in testing libraries, are important aspects of the actual test process. The analysts must perform main two types of testing:

1) Unit testing 2) System Testing

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Unit Testing:

In unit testing, the analyst tests the program making up a system. The software unit in system is the modules and routines that are assembled and integrated to perform a specific function. In large systems, many modules at different levels are needed.

Unit testing focuses on the modules, independently of one another, to locate errors. This enables the tester to detect errors in coding and logic that contained within module alone. Those resulting from the interaction between modules are initially avoided.

The test cases needed for unit testing should exercise each condition and option. If the module receives input or generates output, test case or needed to test the range of values expected, including both valid and invalid data.

Unit testing can be performed with bottom-up approach, starting with the smallest and lowest-level modules and proceeding one at a time.

System Testing:

System test is used to test all programs which together constitute the system. It is also used to find discrepancy between the system and original objective, current specification and systems documentation. The primary concern is the compatibility of individual modules. Analysts are trying to find areas where

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modules have been designed with different specification for data length, type and data element name.

System testing must also verify that the file sizes are adequate and that indicates have built properly. There are six tests for system testing.

1) Peak Load Testing 2) Storage testing 3) Performance Time Testing 4) Recovery Testing 5) Procedure Testing 6) Human factors testing

Peak Load Testing:

This determines whether the system will handle the volume of activities that occur when the system is on the peak of the demand.

Storage testing:

This determines the capability of system to store transaction data on a disk or in other files. Capabilities are measured in terms of the number of records that a disk will handle or a file can contain.

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Storage testing often requires entering data until the capability is reached.

Performance Time Testing:

This determines the length of time used by the system to process transaction data. Performance time testing is conducted prior to implementation to determine how long it takes to receive a response to an inquiry, makes a back up copy of file or send a transmission and receive a response.

Recovery Testing:

This determines ability of user to recover data or restart system after failure. Analyst must always assume that the system will fail and data will be damaged or lost. Even though plans and procedures are written to cover these situations, they also must be tested.

Procedure Testing:

This determines the clarity of document on operation and uses of system by having users do exactly what manuals request.
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Analysts concentrate on the major and critical details of a system design and include them in the documentation. They also pay attention to the little details. These types of testing not only shows where they are needed but also where they are wrong, that is, where actions suggested in the documentation do not match those that must actually be taken to make the system run.

Human Factor Testing:

This determines how users will use the system when processing data or preparing reports. This means that the system must be user friendly. It is the responsibility of the analyst to anticipate questions that will arise in the minds of the users as the interest with the system.

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The Website for Gurukul Institution is designed to keep track of current and aged institutional informations. The system incorporates programs to:

Maintain a complete Information for the institution. Students information

Each program within the system contains a complete set of prompts and other helpful messages to allow even an inexperienced operator to make full use of the system with minimal instruction time. The Website for Gurukul is designed to provide automatically the different informations about the institution. Particular features of the Website include: Interactive, menu-driven programs Self-instructing user documentation Accessing any page from any page by the horizontal menu.

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The total span of developing the Website which we get was around 1.5 months. During this duration, we were involved in the different aspects of System development viz. System Study, System analysis, System design and development. In this limited period of time, it was impossible for us to devote as much time as we would have wanted, on each of the phases. Despite this limitation, the project gave us an opportunity to understand and learn about the various phases of the System development life Cycle. It was a good opportunity for us to learn about the various phases of System development in depth, by means of documents, System Study and interacting with System users and further clarifications of doubts with the guide. Since it was an individual activity, it helped me even more to strive harder to gain invaluable experience and knowledge to handle a software development project.

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1). Html (Black Book)

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