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Scribble Drawing Art

Educator Information and Directions Extension Activities

This document is intended to be used as an extension to the You can continue creating by:
Scribble Drawing lesson. The painting provided serves as an
example of a famous artist who created art work in a similar style. ● Try telling a story about your scribble drawing and the items,
animals, or objects you colored.
Included in this reference guide: (Gold/$coops: 100 per story)

● 2 images of artwork from a famous artist ● Try creating a scribble drawing with a friend or family
○ Title of painting member. Then trade papers! Find as many things as you
○ Artist can on their paper and color them in.
○ Period in which it was painted (Gold/$coops: 100 per creation)

● Try looking closely at the images below with a parent. See

Suggested Gold/$coops if you can find the subject(s) hidden in the “scribbles”
Using the reward function on the first tab of your parent account, created by famous artists. See what you can find!
you may wish to award Gold/$coops for extension activities and (Gold/$coops: 100 per image)
accomplishments completed outside the website. Gold/$Scoop
amounts are listed with the suggested activities at the right. ● Try painting a background sheet in watercolor on a separate
piece of paper. Cut out and glue your items from your
scribble drawing to this background sheet.
(Gold/$coops: 100 per creation)

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Wassily Kandinsky,1925
Abstract modern
Composition VI
Wassily Kandinsky
Abstract modern

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