Benz Preparation

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 Tel lmeabouty our s elf

 As kedmewhatar emyf av our ites ubject s .Ians wer edAut omot iveEl ectronics,C
progr ammi ng, AUTOSARandDi git
al Elect ronics .
  (Tr yt ot ellthes ubject sthatare
relatedt ot hedomai nt heyar ewor kingon)
 As kedmet ot ell alltheconcept sthatI knowi nAUTOSAR.
 Differencebet weens ens or sandact uat ors .
 HowCANhashel pedt het echnol ogyofcar simpr ov e.
 Expl anationoft hepr oject s.
 As kedmet oexpl ainaboutt hef i
rstpr oj ectt hatIhaddone( i
e.,mockt ailmaking
machi ne).As kedmet odr awt heci rcuitandexpl aini tandbr i
efdes cri
pt i
onoft he
cont roll
ert hatI us ed.
 As kedi fy ouhadt oext endt hepr ojectwhatal limpr ov ement swoul dhav ebeen
donet ot heexi s tingmockt ailmachi nepr otot yped.
 Expl ainthecodewi t
hr es pectt ot heabov ement i
onedpr oject.
 As kedaboutt heot herpr oj ectt hatIhaddonei nt hi rdy ear .Itis“ VEGETATI ON
MEASUREMENT USI NG I MAGE PROCESSI NG” .I twas outoft he domai n
speci fi
edt ous .Soheas kedmet oexpl aint hebas icconceptofi magepr oces si
andt he met hodus edf ort hev eget ationmeas ur ement .
 As kedmewhet herIwascomf or t
abl einCpr ogr ammi ngandgav emet wocodes
towr i
01 .
 Givenadeci mal numberasi nputf indt hebi naryequi valentoft hegiven
nput .Thebi nar yequi valentmus tbef ur thers tor edi nanar ray.Thef i
mus tbet hedi gi t( either1or0)bas edont hepos i
tiont akenasi nputbyt he
user .
 02. Givenanar rayofnumber .As kedt of indt hel arges tnumberi nanar ray
andt hent hes econdl arges tnumber .
 As kedmet odes i
gnt heci rcui ttoaddanyt wonumber sus ingt heconcept sof
digitalelectroni cs .
 Des ignt heci rcui tf orup- count er.
 Theneedf orcommuni cat i
onpr otocol sinaut omot i
 Whyi tiscal l
edt wowi redpr ot ocol whycan’ ti
tbeas ingl ewi red..
 Differencebet weenCANandLI N. .
 Somer eal-ti
meexampl eswi thr es pectt oLI N andCAN andwhyt heybes tsui
there. .
 WhydoweneedABS. .?
 Asan el ect ri
caland el ect ronicsengi neerwhydo y ou wantt o wor ki nt he
Aut omot iveindus try..
 Different i
atet heconv entional SI/CI v ehiclesandHy br id/Elect ri
cal Vehicle..
 Whati sregener at i
v ebr aking…?
 Adv ant agesofHy br id/Elect rical vehiclesov erConv ent ional Vehi cles.
 Whati sanAut os arandi t
sus es ..
 ExplainFuel i
njectorwi thr es pectt oECU. .?
 Explaint hes i
x-s t
epi nver t
er .
 Explaint hes i
x-s t
epi nver t
er .
 Whati sbusar bitrati
on. .
 Trans istorass witch/ ampl i
fier,MOSFET ass wit
ch/ ampl i
erany one ques ti
amongf our .
 Diff
er encebet weenl atchandf l
ip- f
 Des i
gna3bi tcount er.
 Applicat ionsofy ourpr oj ecti nt heaut omobi leindus t
 Howdoy ouratey our s
el fi
ncodi ng. .
 Wr i
teaCpr ogramt of indt hes econdl arges telementi nt hear r
ay .
 Wr i
teaCpr ogramt oconv er tadeci maltohexadeci mal ..
 Yourr oleandcont ri
but iont ot hepr ojects.
 Whati st hedi fferencebet weens ens orandmi crocont rol
lerIr eplieds ens orisa
devicet hats ens est hes ur roundi ngs i
gnalsandpas sest hem t oami crocont rol
andami cr ocont r
ol l
erisadev icet hatpr oces sesanddoess omecomput ati
gnal st oobt aint hedes i
redr es ults.
 Soheagai nas kedmeaques ti
ons ay i
ngt hatwecani nt r
oducet hisintelli
microcont r
eri ns ens or sonl ywhydoweneedmi crocont roll
erIr epliedwi than
exampl e:Cons ideras ystem i nvol vi
ng1 0s ens orswhi chs ens est heanal ogs i
topr oces sitweneedt oconv ertt odi gitalusingADCands uppos ewepr ov i
sens orswi tht hisf eat urei twoul dbebi texpens i
vei ns t
eadwi llhav epl entyof
sens orsandus eones i
ngl eon- chipcomput er( Micro- contr
ollerwi thDAC,ADC)
whichdoess omecomput ationsands chedul est het ask,memor ymanagement ,

 Ar
 Doyouhav

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