Thematic Analysis - Group 3

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ANALYSIS OF MEANINGS: This is the final stage of analysis where the themes are expected to emerge. Compile all formulated meanings created by your group members and identify which
ones are related or similar to each other, then cluster them together under the 1 column (related/similar formulated meanings). Finally, create the theme that generally describe such a
group of formulated meanings, then write it down under the 2 column (emergent themes). Be guided with the provided example.

SOP 1:
What are the experiences of working students?

Related/Similar Emergent Themes

Formulated Meanings
1. The Working Student takes the challenging experience as an enjoyable moment. 1. Optimism in Time Management
2. The Working Student finds it easy as long as time is still manageable. 2. Hardship for financial support
3. The Working Student works mainly because of financial problems specifically, difficulties of 3. Health Issues
affording the cost of education hence, it leaves no choice but to work in order to earn extra money and
be financially independent.
4. The Working Student is incapable of compensating for the tuition.
5. The Working Student considers the financial status of their family.
6. The Working Student have no one to take liabilities in supporting towards Education aspect.
7. The Working Student obtains a perspective of maturity as each attains financial
8. The Working Student sacrifices well-being by working and studying at the same time to
continue education.
9. The Working Student is in a state of health instability.

SOP 2:
What are the challenges faced by the working students in the new normal?

Related/Similar Emergent Themes

Formulated Meanings
1. The Working Student receives school tasks such as quizzes during duty hours which gives a 1. Time Pressure
hard time on the Working Student to comply immediately 2. Fatigue Development
2. The Working Student often experiences shortage of time hence, the Working Student was 3. Heavy workloads
not able to enjoy the life of a student because of work responsibility.
3. The Working Student experiences a hectic timetable.
4. The Working Student struggles to manage time for academics and work.
5. The Working Student experiences too much exhaustion frequently.
6. The Working Student fears for safety.
7. The Working Student experiences over-exhaustion physically and mentally.
8. The Working Student struggles to manage the load of schoolworks rather than work duty.

SOP 3:

What are the coping mechanisms of the working students in the new normal?

Related/Similar Emergent Themes

Formulated Meanings
1. The Working Student utilizes Time Management. 1. Proper Time Management
2. The Working Student uses Time Management to balance the responsibilities, the Working 2. Rest and recreation
Student needs to be obliged. 3. Goal-driven mindset
3. The Working Student makes use of the free time to relax and rest or to do their other 4. Systematic and standardized planning
responsibilities in advance, also, the Working Student prepares in order to dedicate and focus on their
4. The Working Student uses a goal-setting strategy.
5. The Working Student needs to be goal-oriented, able to manage time and have faith to the
will of God.
6. The Working Student sets goals and keeps being motivated by the working students’ family.
7. The Working Student is determined to finish Education.
8. The Working Student prioritizes the matters of Mental Wellness by staying organized.
9. The Working Student applies organizational strategies.

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