Lab 7 v2

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Lab # 7


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The core objective of this lab is to familiarize students with the properties of operational
amplifiers and also to make them familiarize with the op-amp designing. In this lab particular
emphasis will be on the use and implementation of equations and concepts regarding
inverting and non-inverting amps.

Equipment and Software Packages

The equipment used for performing this experiment is as under:

Digilent Analog Discovery Studio

Digilent Oscilloscope
Digital multimeter (DMM)
741 op-amp
Pspice Simulation Software

For virtually optimal DC amplification, op amps are linear devices that have the qualities
necessary for signal conditioning, filtering, or performing mathematical operations like
adding, subtracting, integrating, and deriving.

Op-Amp is a voltage amplifying device that may be used in conjunction with external
feedback elements like resistors & capacitors among its output and input ports. Amplifiers are
known as "Operational Amplifiers" because the diversity of functions they may perform due
to their use of various feedback types, such as resistive and capacitive.

A three-terminal operational amplifier has two high resistance inputs. There is an input
referred to as the Inverting Input, denoted by the "minus" symbol (–). The non-inverting
input, represented with a "plus" symbol (+), is the other input.

The third terminal shows the output port of the operational amplifier, which may both sink
and supply either a voltage or a current. Depending on the type of the input & output signals,
operational amplifier gain may be classified into four distinct categories: amplification factor
(A), amplification factor (B), amplification factor (C), and amplification factor (D).

Since voltage amplifiers are the most common kind of operational amplifier circuit, the
lessons in this part will solely cover voltage amplifiers (Vin and Vout).

Using an operational amplifier, the difference between its two independent inputs is the
output voltage signal. In other words, since an Operational Amplifier's input stage is a
differential amplifier, its output signal is indeed the distinction between the 2 input signals. 
We would need a power source that can supply +12 volts, -12 volts, and a common ground
for this experiment. Figure 2 shows the 741 op-amp's pinout. Pin 7 (+Vcc) of the 741 op-amp
should be powered with a 12-volt supply. Pin 4 (-Vcc) of the 741 op-amp should be
connected to -12 volts.

For Inverting Amp

Use the digital multimeter to determine the values of three resistors, R1 = 5.1 k, R2 = 20 k,
and R3 = 5.1 k. The pin designated NC is not linked to any other pins or components. This
experiment also does not use the Null Offset pins, either.

Digilent WaveForms' function generator may be started by selecting Wavegen from the left-
side menu. Two waveform generators are available. We'll make use of the default waveform
generator for Channel 1, which is W1. The waveform type may be selected on the left side of
the display: sine wave, square wave, triangle wave, and so on. You may choose Sine from the
drop-down list. In addition to these parameters, you have control over the waveform's pitch,
phasing, amplitude, offset, and symmetry. In the drop-down option, choose a frequency of 10
kHz. You'll see that when you choose a frequency of 10 kHz, the period immediately adjusts
to 100 microseconds. You may choose a peak-to-peak voltage of 500 mV in the drop-down
menu. Keep the Offset at 0 V, the Symmetry at 50%, and the Phase at 0 V. Activate the
waveform creation by pressing the Run button. The Channel 1 (W1) waveform generator will
be activated as a result of this.

Click the green + symbol next to the text Welcome, then pick Scope in order to start the
oscilloscope Channel 1 (W1) waveform generator output should be connected to Channel 1
of the Scope's DC input on the Digilent breadboard. Additionally, connect W1's output to the
opamp circuit's Vs input at the position of Vs in the waveform generator. On the Digilent
breadboard, connect the circuit's output to the DC input of Channel 2 of the Scope.

The voltage gain of this op-amp arrangement may be determined by measuring the peak-to-
peak values of the input and output voltages, respectively.

To get the voltage gain of the inverting op-amp and compare it to the theoretical voltage gain.
For Non-Inverting Amp
Assemble the circuit according to the instructions in the lab file using the three resistors you

Oscilloscope the i/p of op-amp and output waveforms, using the oscilloscope Figure out the
output waveform's peak-to-peak voltage.
To determine the gain of this op-amp setup, record the Vout (output) peak-to-peak voltage.

Test your results in Step 4 against a theoretical non-inverting op-amp gain.

Pspice Simulation

Fig. Inverting Amplifier

Fig. Non-Inverting Amplifier

Tables / Graphs

Fig. Inverting Amplifier Output

Fig. Inverting Amplifier Output In-Lab Performance

Fig. Non-Inverting Amplifier Output

Fig. Non-Inverting Amplifier Output In-Lab Performance

Discussion of Results

Fig. Inverting Amplifier

For the ideal op-amp Input terminals are 1 and 2 and for the non-inverting ap-amp i/p should
be applied only at terminal 1.
So, let the input at the terminal 1 is V1 and for virtual ground terminal

V1 = V2  for ideal op-amp

So, the current flowing in the feedback resistor is given by,

Vout−V 2

As, the op-amp is ideal so it will not create loading effect, so there will be no current inside
of op-amp.

So, I in R1

 I = V2 / R1
V 2 Vout−V 2
R1 R2

[ R2
R1 ]
+ 1 =Vout
Vout R2
So, =1+
V2 R1

And, V2 = V1

Vout R2
V1 R1

Av= 1+
R1 ]
Assuming a perfect op-amp with unlimited gains, RF to Rs ratio is all that matters in
determining op-amp gain. Any load connected to the input terminals of an op amp against the
feedback resistor will thus determine the gain of this device under ideal circumstances. As the
name suggests, an operational amplifier amplifies weak electrical impulses. The input and
output pins of an operational amplifier are as follows: two for input, one for output.
Amplification and output of the voltage differential between two input pins are its primary
Text Program
vV1 1 0 dc 5 ac 0 0
+ distof1 0 0
+ distof2 0 0

xR2 0 2 R2_OPEN_3 PotentiometerR2

.subckt PotentiometerR2 1 2 3
R1 1 2 1e-3
R2 2 3 1e-3

xR1 1 2 virtual_resistanceR1
.subckt virtual_resistanceR1 1 2
R1 1 3 560/2 pwres TEMP=27
.model pwres r(TC1=0 TC2=0 TNOM=27)
R2 3 2 560/2

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