9° Worksheet

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September 21st – 23rd

Worksheet 9° grade

Name: _________________________________________________________________________________

1. Read Mark’s appointment and the conversation using the present progressive (future).

9:30 – 10:00 See my banker
10:30 – 12:15 Take the group to the Capitol
12:30 – 2:00 Have lunch with some travel agents
2:30 – 4:30 Watch a rehearsal at the theater
4:45 – 5:00 Give an interview at Talk Radio

Paula: Mark, I want to interview you for the TV2DAYmagazine. Do you have any time this morning?

Mark: This morning is difficult. 1__________________________________________________ at nine thirty and 2

_______________________________________________ at ten thirty.

Paula: How about twelve-thirty?

Mark: No, 3 ______________________________________________________ until two o’clock.

Paula: Are you free after lunch?

Mark: 4____________________________________________________ that’s from two until four thirty. And the I
go straight to Talk Radio, because at a quarter to five 5 ______________________________________ but I’m free
after that.

Paula: Great!

2. Look at Mark’s appointment again and write the question for these answers.
1. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ?

At nine thirty.

2. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ?

A half hour.

3. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ?

An hour and three quarters.

4. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ?

At twelve thirty.

5. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ?

Two hours.

6. ______________________________________________________________________________________?

At a quarter to five.

3. Write sentences about what people have to do or not have to do.

1. Spend a month in the camp - / stay for up to two weeks +
2. Sleep in the open air + / go to bed early –
September 21st – 23rd

3. Go shopping - / win extra food


4. Cook their meals + / set the table –


5. Wash their own clothes + / do any ironing

6. Make their beds - / do other tasks +
7. Learn survival techniques + / learn another language –
8. Give up food - / give up luxuries +

4. Write sentences using must y mustn’t, according with the image.

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