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DATE-20.1.2022 Reading time: 2.00-2.10pm
Writing time: 2.10-3.40pm
Answer Question 1 (compulsory) from Part I, and any three questions from Part II,
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].


Question 1 (7x2 =14)

1. What is economic planning? When was the planning commission set up? Who was the
first chairman of the planning commission? .
2. Write a brief note on’ Make for India’ programme introduced recently by the Indian
3. What are SEZ’s? Why are they important?
4. “Economic development is sustainable, if the stock of overall capital assets remain
constant or rises over time.” Based on the given statement, explain the importance of
i) Natural capital
ii) Human capital
5. Explain two merits of HDI.
6. What is the relation between mean , median and mode, when the frequency curve is
positively skewed? Show it with the help of a diagram.
7. Calculate the mean for the following marks obtained in Statistics by 50 students.

0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60

4 6 20 10 7 3


[Answer three questions]


Question 2

a) Briefly explain any three objectives of the economic planning in India by the Planning
Commission of India. [3]
b) Discuss the three basic indices for preparing the HDI. [3]
c) What is global warming and green house effect? Discuss any four detrimental effects of
global warming on the environment . [6]

Question 3

a) Discuss the features of Liberalization under the following sub-topics. [3]

i) Delicensing.
ii) Relaxation in controlling monopolies.
b) Explain the need for the New Economic Policy adopted in 1991.(Any three reasons) [3]
c) What is Globalization? Briefly explain any two advantages and two disadvantages of
Globalization on the Indian Economy. [6]

Question 4

a) Discuss any three limitations of the per capita income index. [3]
b) Explain briefly the features of privatization under the following topics. [3]
i) Memorandum of Understanding.
ii) Voluntary Retirement Scheme.
c) Differentiate between primary and secondary data. State two examples each, from
published sources and unpublished sources of secondary data. [3]
d) Discuss any three strategies for sustainable development. [3]

Question 5

a) Explain any three areas,where statistics plays an important role in Economics. [3]
b) Calculate the median from the following data. [3]

C.I. 5-15 15-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 55-65 65-75 75-85

f 12 8 13 11 9 6 3 10

c) Calculate the modal size from the data by the grouping method. [6]

items 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
frequency 3 8 10 12 16 14 10 8 17 5 4 1


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