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Class :Eighth

Subject: Social Science

Chapter : 1 The Indian Constitution(Civics)

Q. 1 Fill in the blanks

(1) A -written------------------------ document in which we find laws according to which a country is

governed is called a ------constitution--------------------------.

(2) in 1934 the Indian National Congress made a demand for a ---constituent assembly------------------------

(3) Today most countries in the world have a ------constitution---------------------------------------

(4) In 2007 , Nepal adopted an interim Constitution-----------------------------------------.

(5) In --------democracy---------------------- we choose our leaders by casting our votes.

(6) The Right to equality is one of the -----Fundamental-----------------------------------------


(7) We need a Constitution to save us from ------ourselves------------------- .

(8) Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar----------------------------------------------is known as the Father of Indian


(9) At the time of partition the country was divided into------India-----------------and ---Pakistan---------------

(10) When India got independence , some -Princely States---------------------------------------------remained

undecided about their future.

Q. 2 Match the Following:

(1 UAF (a) Right to vote

(2) Constituent Assembly (b) Around 300 members

(3) Panchayati Raj © Third tier of the government

(4) Secularism (d) No state religion

(5) Federalism € More than one set of government

Q. 3 Write the Fundamental Rights Under which the following freedoms are given :

1. The Right to Practise any profession or business.

Answer. -Right to Freedom---------------------------------------------

2. Right to practise, propagate and profess any religion.

Answer. ----Right to Freedom of Religion------------------------------------------

3. Right to set up educational institutions.

Answer . ---Cultural and Educational Rights-------------------------------------------

4. Prohibition of child labour

Answer. ----Right Against Exploitation------------------------------------------

5. All persons are equal before law.

Answer. -----Right to Equality-----------------------------------------

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